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"Taller de cosmtica natural - Haz tus propios productos" |
"Si quieres aprender hacer tus propios productos de cuidado personal y maquillaje ESTA ES TU OPORTUNIDAD!Aprenders a preparar tus propios productos 100% naturales, libres de qumicos y amigables con el medio ambienteProductos del taller:-Shampoo slido-Desodorante en barra-Labial-Blsamo labial-RuborContenido terico:-Bases y secretos de la cosmtica natural-Alternativas zero waste-Uso de aceites esencialesIncluye:-Recetario digital.-Constancia de participacin. -Acceso a asesoras personalizadas.Conoce el apasionante mundo de la cosmtica natural"
Price: 420.00 ![]() |
"Aprende hacer tu propio labial - Cosmtica Natural" |
"Si quieres aprender hacer tus propios productos de cuidado personal y maquillaje ESTA ES TU OPORTUNIDAD!Aprenders a preparar tu propio labial 100% natural, libre de qumicos y amigable con el medio ambiente.Tendrs contenido extra para que tambin aprendas a realizar tu blsamo labial con ingredientes naturales. Contenido terico:-Bases y secretos de la cosmtica natural-Alternativas zero waste-Uso de aceites esencialesIncluye:-Recetario digital.-Constancia de participacin. -Acceso a asesoras personalizadas.Conoce el apasionante mundo de la cosmtica natural"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Aprende hacer desde cero tu desodorante natural en barra" |
"Si quieres aprender hacer tus propios productos de cuidado personal y maquillaje ESTA ES TU OPORTUNIDAD!Aprenders a preparar tu propio desodorante 100% natural, libre de qumicos y amigable con el medio ambiente.Tambin aprenders hacer desde cero tu blsamo labial.Contenido terico:-Bases y secretos de la cosmtica natural-Alternativas zero waste-Uso de aceites esencialesIncluye:-Recetario digital.-Constancia de participacin. -Acceso a asesoras personalizadas.Revisa al final del curso te dejo la preparacin de un producto extra.Conoce el apasionante mundo de la cosmtica natural"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Coronavirus: Coping with Anxiety and Lifestyle Changes" |
"Are you:Living with an anxious knot in your stomach, or weight on your chest?Struggling with how uncertain everything continues to feel?Feeling worried about how the pandemic will affect your future, work, finances, or health?Missing spending time with your family, friends, and colleagues?Finding that almost all the conversations you have are about the current situation?Feeling frustrated and wishing you had proven ways to maintain your mood and motivation during this time?This course has been specifically designed to help you to cope better with the ways Coronavirus and social distancing regulations are affecting your life, work, and ability to feel connected to others. You'll learn evidence-based Positive Psychology techniques to relieve anxiety, feel more accepting of the current situation, and maintain mental health resilience during this time. My priority is not just to equip you with new emotional intelligence skills, but for you to be able to take what you've learned and put it into practice in your daily life - so I've also included a lecture on how to turn these insights into habits, an example of how I use habit planning to stay consistent with my personal resilience practices, and a worksheet to help you apply this knowledge within your day.This course also comes with the ability to ask me any questions if you get stuck (I look forward to meeting you!), and Udemy's 30-day money-back guarantee.If this sounds right for you, I hope youll join us in the course so you can start feeling better, right away."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make Money Online With Youtube Affiliate Marketing!" |
"If you have always dreamed of working from home and making money online with affiliate marketing but you don't know where to start, I will show you step-by-step how I became successful with this business model and how you can do it from home too! I've made this course as intuitive as possible to help you start seeing success as soon as you get started with the lessons and how to turn this into a 100% passive income stream for you using what I teach inside this course."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"How to UPGRADE your health & make your body more RESILIENT?" |
"Hi, I am Stefan, and I am the founder of The BetaBrain Method.Now I am guessing for a lot of your this is probably not your first course? The first thing I want to mention is that if you've failed at losing weight, keeping in shape, eating well or maintaining your health in the past, it's not your fault. There is a lot of information out there, and it can be confusing. Many times, is the information overload that keeps you from success, it's ok! I want to put those fear to rest. You can do this, you just need the right person to explain it to you. The difference with me is that I truly want you to reach your optimum health whilst working towards your dream. Lets be honest, dieting and staying healthy isnt always the most fun. It's also not an easy task. And not to mention is complicated, confusing AND it can consume hours and hours of your time. But what if I told you that if you stick around until the end I will show you how to use our simple health hacks to give you the ENERGY, the FOCUS, and BODY RESILIENCE needed to live a healthy AND happy life?!Sounds good right, so let's get started! "
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Worry Free In Me, Could It Be?" |
"Dear, Worry, Stomach Aches, and Stress. .. It's Over!It's Over. We Are Breaking Up With You!Its Time For My Child to Be Anxiety Free!Do you fell hopeless when you see your child::Panic Before TestsWorry About New Experiences or SituationsWorry What Others Think Of ThemWorry About ""Failing""Feel Overwhelmed With The School WorkloadDo you wonder:How you can help them manage their anxietyWhere you can find some resources that you can implement right awayWhat are resources that are not overpriced,but still valuable in their supportHow you can support the therapy they may be receiving at a private practiceHow you can support their anxiety if therapy is not a good fit for our familyCourse DescriptionIdentifying AnxietyHow to Use The CourseAn Understanding Of The Brain's Impact On AnxietyQuiz To Identify Causes of AnxietyQuiz To Identify The Body's Reaction To Anxiety30 Day Journal To Reflect On Resources and Their Impact4 Week Calendar For Snapshots of Interventions and OutcomeIntroduction to Limiting BeliefsIdentifying Limiting Beliefs And How They Impact AnxietyIntroduction To Positive AffirmationsHow To Use Positive Affirmations To Calm Anxiety Daily and Curve Anxious MomentsIntroduction to Grounding StrategiesHow to Use Grounding Strategies To Calm Anxiety During Stressful EventsIntroduction To Breathe BagsUnderstanding How To Use Breathe Bags And What To Put In Them To Help Manage AnxietyHow To Use The Resources Long Term"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Autocad 2020 en 2D desde 0. Planos de forma sencilla" |
"En ste curso de Autocad 2D, en primer lugar veremos cmo descargar Autocad 2020 de forma legal y con licencia. Una vez tenemos el programa, comenzaremos aprendiendo a utilizar las herramientas bsicas y principales de Autocad. Dichas herramientas, las iremos conociendo y aprendiendo a utilizarlas mientras las aplicamos haciendo pequeos ejercicios para afianzar los conocimientos. Posteriormente, comenzaremos a usar las herramientas realizando algunos planos de una vivienda desde 0 mientras vamos conociendo ms herramientas y utilidades del programa. Crearemos algunos planos profesionales de la vivienda que dibujaremos en Autocad, con toda la informacin que necesita un plano para su correcta interpretacin (cajetines, textos, cuadros, etc) y aprenderemos a escalarlos correctamente.Tambin aprenders a exportar los planos realizados en Autocad para poder imprimirlos de forma correcta."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Linux Debian 10, de principiante a experto" |
"Curso de Debian 10, totalmente prctico para incrementar tus conocimientos sobre sistemas Linux.Te doy la bienvenida al curso de linux, basado en la distribucin de Debian 10 - Buster.No quiero que este curso sea uno ms de la gran cantidad que hay, si no que me interesa que tenga un enfoque totalmente prctico, donde aprenders el uso de la terminal y comandos, mientras vamos explicando a detalle cada herramienta.En este curso vas a aprender a utilizar la terminal de linux principalmente, comandos importantes, estructura de Debian, temas de seguridad y conceptos bsicos de redes. Como crear un servidor web e instalar un sistema de gestin como Wordpress y sobre todo monitorear el consumo de recursos.El contenido se ir actualizando por lo que siempre va a haber contenido complementario y nuevo para aprender."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fotografia Digital Descomplicada 2020 - Fotografe Melhor!" |
"A fotografia tem o poder de nos inspirar a conhecer o novo, o belo, o inexplorado, sendo uma jornada muito gratificante de aprendizado e descobertas. Desvende este fascinante universo da fotografia e veja o mundo com novos olhos, novas cores e um renovado interesse. D este importante passo e inscreva-se hoje mesmo neste curso.O que voc aprender? As principais diferenas entre os tipos de cmeras e lentes fotogrficasFotografar no modo manual trazendo sua fotografia para um novo nvelA composio fotogrfica e o que faz uma fotografia ser mais atraente visualmenteA tratar sua foto com Adobe Lightroom na prticaDicas para tirar melhor proveito da cmera do seu smartphoneDicas de equipamentos e acessriosCuidados bsicos e dicas de limpeza para preservar seu equipamentoSer uma satisfao enorme t-lo como aluno!!Nos vemos nas aulas!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Trigonometry for Design" |
"This course is to learn preliminary concepts of trigonometry. After finishing this course you will have a basic understanding of the concepts of trigonometry that can be applied to come up with precise design. Quizzes are created to test the basic understanding of the concepts. In order for one to get to intermediate level of trigonometry a level II course will be offered."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Marketing per la Musica: Introduzione al Music Business" |
"Con questo corso imparerai a districarti nel complicato mondo del Music Business. Insieme definiremo di cosa si tratta, analizzando i vari player della Music Industry e andando a vedere nel dettaglio il loro ruolo rispetto all'artista e al mercato. Dopo questa piccola introduzione sarai sicuramente in grado di destreggiarti da solo all'interno della filiera musicale e sfruttare queste competenze per eccellere come addetto ai lavori oppure per concretizzare la tua carriera musicale."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to SelfCAD - a complete course for beginners" |
"This course is aimed at beginners up to seasoned modelers alike. No prior knowledge in 3D modeling is required for this course but this course expects you to have some knowledge in using an internet browser since SelfCAD is a cloud-based software that runs on your internet browser. You will also need to have a SelfCAD account. You can get more information for creating a free or subscription-based account through SelfCAD's website.Beginners who have little or no prior knowledge in 3D modeling will learn 3D modeling very quickly and efficiently in this course. We will learn how to use the software and 3D modeling in general as we create our 3D objects. I will introduce the tools and techniques that are required for each object so you don't get overwhelmed with a lot of technical jargon and retain as much information as possible.This course is also beneficial for experienced modelers who want to learn the Software itself."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Your Higher-Self Connection" |
"This easy-to-follow video course was created to help you improve your awareness of the Higher-Self, your perfect inner guidance system.You will become significantly more conscious of the many signs and different ways of how your Higher-Self is communicating with you every day and night.As you start practicing and following the simple exercises in this course, your extra-sensory awareness will grow stronger and you will become more confident in working with your intuition.With the overwhelming amount of information you are exposed to on a daily basis, it is necessary to clearly understand how your inner GPS works so that you can start completely trusting the Divine Guidance of your Soul."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mamografa (Anatoma, realizacin y conceptos tcnicos)" |
"En ste curso aprenders todo lo relacionado con el rea tcnica para realizacin de Mamografas. Anatoma de la mama, fisiologa, el aparato y sus accesorios, correcta realizacin de las proyeccines de rutina y compresin focal y un poco de historia de los orgenes de la tecnologa, as como tambin del desarroyo de la tcnca y su importancia clnica para la deteccin del cancer de mama.Todo desde la perspectiva de quien realiza el estudio."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Preschool Pre-Ballet" |
"Welcome to Pre-Ballet! Children across the world love to dance. Parents and caregivers should take advantage of this enjoyment as dance is also a great way to help a growing child.Preschool children particularly learn through physical and sensory experiences and dance helps them develop a wider understanding and skill of physical, emotional and social development.In these classes we focus on movement for 2 year old tots and ""mommy"" and our Tots: 3-5 year old girls and boys. The intention of these classes are to introduce the basics of ballet in many fun exercises that will take them on imaginative journeys with castles, butterflies, dragons, sea creatures and more.This course will help children:gain a sense of discipline through learning new positionswill learn to follow instructionslearn co-ordination, balance, flexibility, how to control their bodies in motion and the development of your child's gross and fine motor skillsgain strength, stamina, muscle-tone and cardiovascular healthbe active and get exerciselearn about themselves - their own strengths, their creativity, their uniquenessOnce a child begins ballet at an early age, they are not only learning a valued art form but also getting training for life that is ahead of them."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Query Tuning (Performance Tuning) with SQL Server" |
"This SQL Server Performance Tuning from SQL School includes In-depth Query Tuning and Troubleshooting concepts in SQL Server 2019, 2017, 2016 including Histograms, XEL Files, In-Memory Tables, Temporal Tables, IO Costs, CPU Costs, Opertor Costs, Execution Plan Analysis and DOP Settings with Resource Groups & Workload Groups. Memory Optimization Techniques, CPU Utilization and IO Monitoring Processes, Query Audits with Dynamic Management Views (DMVs), Dynamic Management Functions (DMFs), Procedure Cache are included in this course. This SQL Server Performance Tuning also includes a Real-time CaseStudy that helps you to understand master Query Analytical skills with Workload Analysis, Peak - Hour metrics, Understanding various levels of Query Statistics, Index Management TechniquesThis course includes total of NINE Technical, Practical Video Lectures.VIDEO 1 : DEMO [INTRODUCTION]Course Outline, Pre-Requisites, Software Installations, Database Configurations]VIDEO 2 : INDEXESIndexes: Architecture and Types Of Indexes Clustered Indexes and Non Clustered Indexes Included Index, ColumnStore Index, Filtered Indexes COVERING Indexes and UNIQUE Column Indexes LIVE Online Indexes in Real-time - Practical Use B Tree Structures and Index Access Management (IAM) Branch Level Pages and Leaf Level Pages in Indexes Tuning Join Queries and Query Level Conditions Index Selectivity and Tuning Options in SQL QueriesVIDEO 3 : QUERY AUDITS Audit Long Running Queries using DMVs and DMFs Activity Monitor Tool and Query Statistics Reports Logical I/O, Physical I/O and Database I/O, Wait Time Recent Expensive Queries & Active Expensive Queries Plan Handle and Execution Time - Query Usage Audits Factors Impacting the Query Executions, Performance Resumable Indexes, Usage in SQL Server 2017, Higher ONLINE, RESUME, PAUSE, MAX_DURATION Options Query Store - Settings and Advantages. OptionsVIDEO 4 : PARTITIONS PARTITIONS Mechanism : Advantages, Performance Database Filegroups Usage with Partition Ranges Partition Functions and Partition Schemes - Usage Partitioning Un-partitioned Tables using Indexes Aligned / Indexed Partitions - Query Importance Partition SPLIT and Partition MERGE, NextUsed Partition Compression Techniques : ROW, PAGE Data Archival & SWITCH Partitions. Partitioned Views Query Store - Settings and Advantages. OptionsVIDEO 5 : STATISTICS, MEMORY & TEMPORAL TABLES In-Memory Tables and Memory Optimizations Memory Snapshots at Database Level Memory Settings for Tables with Primary Key MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_ELEVATE_TO_SNAPSHOT Temporal Tables and SYSTEM VERSIONING Temporal Tables For DML History Audits Statistics : Purpose, Auto / Manual Creation, Usage Index Statistics, Column Statistics for Tables, ReUseVIDEO 6 : INDEX MANAGEMENT Internal Fragmentation and External Fragmentation Fragmentation Audits : DMFs and Threshold Values Index Reorganization and Index Rebuild Options Database Maintenance Plans (DMP) For Index Reorg Compress Large Objects, Fragmentation Condition Index Page Count Condition, Index Usage Condition Fast, Sampled and Detailed Scan Types for Indexes Statistics Updates : Full Scan Options, DMP JobsVIDEO 7 : TUNING TOOLS Tuning Tools : Creating Workload Files and Trace Files SQL Profiler Tool - Tuning Template and TSQL / SP Events DTA Tool - Profiler Trace Files: Tuning Recommendations DTA with Query Cache (Procedure Cache), .SQL File Inputs Execution Plans - Internals. Actual, LIVE Execution Plans Plan Types : Index Scan, Index Seek, Tables Scan, Spooling Query Costs : IO, CPU Cost, SubTree Cost, Operator Cost NUMA Nodes, Boost SQL Priority, Thread Count, IO AffinityVIDEO 8 : LOCKS, ISOLATION LEVELS LOCKS Mechanism, Types, Concurrency Control Lock Types: X, S, IS, IX, U, MD, Sch-M and Sch-S Lock Audits : SP_WHO2, SP_LOCK, sysprocesses Deadlock Simulation, Deadlock Prevention Scenarios Deadlock Audits and Lock Events in Profiler Tool Isolation Levels - ReadCommitted, Read Uncommitted Serializable, Snapshot, Repeatable Read Isolations Read Committed Snapshot Isolation Level in Real-timeVIDEO 9 : FULL TEXT SEARCH Full Text Search (FTS) Architecture - Tuning Stop Words, Stemmer and Thesaurus For Queries Indexer Program and Query Processor Usage Database Catalogs (FTC) and FDHost.exe Full Text (FT) Indexes for Query Tuning Change Tracking, Automated Population CONTAINS() and FREETEXT() Functions Filter Daemon Host Exe and Tokenization ConceptsVIDEO 10 : PERFMON TOOLS & REAL-TIME ISSUES, SOLUTIONS Perfmon Counters and Real-time Tracking Of Resources Processor, Disk, Memory, Transactions, Database Counters Using Perfmon for Big Query Audits. Free & Total Memory Longest Running Transactions & Transactions Per Second Database Log Space - Issues, Solutions. Log Rebuilds TempDB Space Issues - Reasons, Cautions and Solutions Memory Issues - Hit Ratio, Buffer Cache, Parameter Sniffing Performance Tuning - Final Checklist and PrecautionsAll Training sessions are completely practical, Real-time.Study Material and Practice Databases, Notes included for each video lecture."
Price: 5120.00 ![]() |
""""" (with ENG SUBS!)" |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gestire lo Smart Working tra privacy e sicurezza dei dati" |
"Il 2020 l'anno dello Smart working!Il corso fornisce nozioni essenziali su:cultura aziendale (differenze tra Telelavoro e Smart working e principi cardine dello Smart working come nuovo approccio e filosofia manageriale);diritto del lavoro (focus su controlli a distanza dei dipendenti);privacy (obblighi del datore di lavoro, responsabilit e formazione dei dipendenti, soggetti coinvolti nella filiera dello smartworking, modalit e requisiti delle informative);sicurezza dei dati (buone prassi aggiornate all'ultimo report del NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology e alle raccomandazioni AGID; policy BYOD)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Formation BigQuery (Google Big Query) niveau 1 (en franais)" |
"Dans cette formation, je vous propose de dcouvrir l'outil BigQuery (de Google Cloud Platform).Sur Big Query, je vous apprendrai : utiliser l'outil (dcouvrir l'interface, tlcharger un set de donnes test, ...) mais surtout je vous apprendrai les bases du langage SQL au sein de l'outil.Cette formation est le premier volet d'une srie de 3 formations sur BigQuery (niveau dbutant).Aucun pr-requis n'est ncessaire pour souscrire cette formation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ExO Masterclass: Innovacin y Organizaciones Exponenciales" |
"Si eres una persona innovadora, este curso va a cambiar tu manera de ver el mundo.Accede a las ltimas metodologas de innovacin y disrupcin para crear Organizaciones Exponenciales o simplemente para aplicar sus principios a empresas, productos y servicios existentes.En esta masterclass aprenders de una manera prctica los conceptos, herramientas y procesos del modelo ExO, basado en el fenmeno de las Organizaciones Exponenciales (ExO). Este tipo de compaas exitosas escalan de manera exponencial, al igual que lo hace la tecnologa y/o son capaces de adaptarse de manera cotinua al entorno cambiante.Durante el curso, veremos las siguientes herramientas y procesos:El ExO Canvas, que nos permitir disear nuevas Organizaciones Exponenciales en tan solo unos minutos o, simplemente, aplicar los atributos de crecimiento exponencial a organizaciones existentes, productos o servicios.El ExO Sprint, que nos permitir transformar una organizacin tradicional en una Organizacin Exponencial, as como evolucionar la cultura de la empresa. Recuerda que la nica manera de evolucionar una organizacin es transformando a sus personas.El ExO Launchpad, que nos permitir transformar una idea o startup en fase incial, en una Organizacin Exponencial.El MTP Canvas, que nos permitir descubrir nuestro propsito vital y/o el de nuestra propia compaa.El curso tambin incluye recursos descargables (como las metodologas y las herramientas anteriormente descritas) y ejercicios prcticos, que podrs realizar con tu propia empresa o proyecto. De esta forma, no solo vas a ganar nuevos conocimientos sino que tambin podrs evolucionar tus proyectos a lo largo del curso.Adems, acceders a la comunidad ExO Alliance cuyo propsito es potenciar personas extraoridinaras para crear el futuro. Y tambin podrs obtener un certificado oficial ExO."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn Full-Stack Vue, .NET Core, PostgreSQL Web Development" |
"In this course, we'll build a feature-complete web application for a coffee roaster called Solar Coffee. We'll build a management dashboard consisting of a PDF invoice generator, dynamic graphs, and an order fulfillment feature.As part of this course, you'll learn fundamental full-stack development skills, including:REST API development with .NET CoreFront-End development with Vue.js with TypeScriptUsing SQL with a PostgreSQL databaseTesting API endpoints with PostmanUnit testing with Jest, xUnitEnd-to-end testing with CypressFinding and fixing bugsWeb application architecture"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
aniyillakanam |
". . . , ., .-"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
learnblogger |
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Impactos da Lei Geral de Proteo de Dados no seu Negcio" |
"Ol, sou Kelsen Lima e quero te convidar para participar deste curso sobre Impactos da Lei Geral de Proteo de Dados + Simulado para certificao DPO Data Protection Officer. A nova Lei Brasileira, pode ser um grande desafio para muitos, contudo se soubermos seus fundamentos e boas prticas, ficar muito mais fcil a 'adaptao' as conformidades e exigncias da LGPD.O que voc ir aprender?Fundamentos da Lei Geral de Proteo de DadosFormas de Tratamento de DadosCiclo de Vida dos DadosDireito do Titular de DadosIntegrantes do Processo de Tratamento de DadosAutoridade Nacional de Proteo de DadosAssessment do AmbienteImpactos da Lei Geral de Proteo de DadosDesvendando MitosSimuladoMaterial DPIA#paporeto sem enrolao, venha conferir."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Conquering Anxiety and Stress" |
"Developing a performance mindset is a course I designed to help Driving Instructors overcome the anxiety and stress they suffer before and during their qualification exams and continuing Standards check evaluations.The course should work equally well for anyone suffering from stress or anxiety. the course is designed to to help you to develop strategies for minimising the effects of stress and anxiety, by identifying techniques that can quickly reduce the feelings associated with being stressed or anxious.We start by identifying how stress manifests itself in you individually. We will also look at how to develop techniques to combat anxiety and stress.In subsequent lectures you will experiment with a variety of methods to help reduce stress and anxiety. Once you have identified methods that work you are then able to conduct more personal research into those methods and develop your abilities to cope even further.or at least for reducing them sufficiently for you to be able to perform at your normal levels when not stressed."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Pintura em Tela" |
"Voc iniciante na pintura ou simplesmente quer aprender um pouco mais sobre pintura em tela? Ento esse curso para voc!Informaes prticas, dicas teis e tcnicas bsicas; so recursos que podero ser utilizados por artistas de todos os nveis de habilidade!aqui voc aprender sobre sobre fundamentos da pintura a leo, materiais, tintas, solventes.. de forma prtica e envolvente.O curso esta dividido em 18 aulas prticas, onde explico de maneira clara e bastante detalhada desde como misturar a tinta na paleta at a finalizao e utilizao de tcnica de luminosidade e reas especficas a serem destacadas para tornar sua pintura mais bonita e chamativa.Cada aula desenvolvida no mtodo passo-a-passo, uma pintura inda e super envolvente, desperte o seu esprito artstico pintando essa paisagem linda!Seja bem vindo ao nosso curso, meu e seu!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Home Office: Como se Organizar e Trabalhar de Casa" |
"Eventualmente (mais do que o desejado) nos encontramos ""assombrados"" por nossas tarefas, por tudo o que precisamos fazer. Todas estas tarefas sobrevoando nossa mente, nos deixam angustiados e sem saber por onde comear. Definir prioridades parece algo quase impossvel e conseguir tempo para tudo o que precisa ser feito, algo sobrenatural. Fazer um treinamento extenso para poder resolver estes problemas parece apenas ser mais uma tarefa impossvel em uma lista sem fim. Facilmente voc olha para trs e v que dias, semanas se passaram sem que voc conseguisse terminar o que comeou e com muitas coisas que, se quer, comeou.Por isto criei este curso!De forma objetiva, sem enrolao, ele trabalha diretamente sua mente e suas aes de forma prtica.Em pouco mais de 2h voc vai transformar a forma como trabalha de casa!Se voc sempre quis ser o dono do seu tempo, mas no consegue, na prtica, se organizar para definir o que fazer com ele acabar sempre dependendo que algum lhe diga o que fazer ou permitir que isso acontea. Voc pode, com as tcnicas certas, aprender como organizar seu tempo e, efetivamente, cumprir com o que voc mesmo define para a sua vida. Passo a passo, vou ajudar voc a organizar seu Home Office de forma que voc consiga trabalhar de forma organizada e ter muito mais produtividade.Tenho experincia com Home Office desde 1995 e, utilizando esta mesma metodologia, atualmente estou escrevendo dois livros, atendendo meus clientes individuais e em grupo, criando este curso, mantendo minhas postagens em redes sociais, fazendo exerccios fsicos 4 a 5 vezes por semana e tendo tempo para minhas coisas, minha famlia e minha f. Posso dizer que funciona!Qual o segredo?Metodologia! Definir e organizar as tarefas utilizando uma forma estruturada, comprovada e utilizada diariamente por inmeras pessoas que tm sucesso nisso.De forma rpida e objetiva, voc vai:Reduzir a ansiedadeOrganizar ideias e tarefasManter o focoDefinir prioridadesLidar com distraesComo gerenciar seu tempo e trabalho quando voc tem outras pessoas que vivem com voc (incluindo animais de estimao).Gerenciar diversas tarefas, projetos e objetivos simultaneamente.Definir o organizar da melhor forma seu local de trabalho.Organizao de horrios.Planejamento e organizao do tempo.Como produzir mais e se cansar menos.Ferramentas digitais para o Home Office.Espero voc dentro do nosso curso!Leandro Passos"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Suplementao Esportiva" |
"O curso bem completo, dividido em trs partes, sendo a parte 1) sobre bases nutricionais; a parte 2) sobre nutrio; e a parte 3) um bnus para voc ter um melhor entendimento sobre como funciona o nosso metabolismo para gerar energia, e como o processo de hipertrofia muscular. Seguem abaixo os temas abordados no curso:BASE NUTRICIONALNutrio e Atividade FsicaMetabolismoTipos de ExercciosAlimentao para AtletasSUPLEMENTAOHidrataoLquidosBebidas EsportivasVitaminasComplexo BAntioxidantesMineraisZMAHipercalricosProtenasFunes das ProtenasWhey ProteinCasenaProtena da CarneAlbuminaProtenas VegetaisSojaArrozErvilhaCarboidratosFunes dos carboidratosDextroseMaltodextrinaWaxy MaizePalatinoseLipdeosFunes dos lipdeosMCT/TCMmega 3AminocidosGlutaminaBCAA's HMBCreatinaTermognicosCarnitinaCafenaBNUSBases EnergticasMetabolismo EnergticoProtein Timing"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Aula de Hindi em Portugus" |
"Voc aprender o idioma hindi no nvel iniciante em 10 aulas em vdeo de 20 a 30 minutos e 16 Aulas de Frases e 1 aula de expresso Total : 27 Aulas Voc pode reconhecer alfabetos e vogais em hindi, algum vocabulrio bsico, como fazer frases simples e alguns dilogos entre dois povos. Voc capaz de ler, escrever e falar na lngua hindi do nvel bsico aps a concluso do curso."
Price: 504.99 ![]() |
"Salsa and Bachata Lady Styling Essentials - Beautiful Arms" |
"This course will help you learn and practice the most essential moves of the arms that are used in Salsa and Bachata dance. It contains 14 videos with total length of almost 2 hours, each one targeting a specific topic.In the first 3 videos I show fundamentals - how to move and style our arms during our basic steps, finger positions that we use in our dancing, specific warm-up and stretches for arms and fingers. In the next 6 videos I show specific types of arm moves - the technique of execution and also how to include them in your basic steps (first on count and then on music)In the last 4 videos I show dance combinations (2 Salsa and 2 Bachata) in which I have incorporated the moves I have already explained with footwork and with other moves of the arms, so that there is an upgrade of the information from the previous videos. The last video is a bonus video in which I show some additional technique and tips that will help you improve your moves."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |