Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Functions in JavaScript [Exercises]" |
"This course assumes that you already have basic knowledge and basic experience in using functions in JavaScript. This course includes more than 40 coding exercises organized into the following topics: Simple Functions, Parameters Default Values, Array Consecutive Arguments, Parameters Binding to Array, Anonymous Functions, Recursive Functions, Higher-Order Functions, The Arguments Array, The Function Constructor, Lambda Expressions, Functions Hoisting, and Function's Prototype Methods.Each coding exercise includes code the student needs to complete its missing parts, and submit. Taking this course, if you feel that you would like to have more exercises of a specific level about a specific topic please don't hesitate and let us know. We will take your needs into account when working on the next version. If you encounter an exercise you fail to complete and have difficulties understanding its solution please let us know and we will prepare a video that explains that specific exercise and its solution. If a video already exists and you still need more explanations please don't hesitate and let us know so we could improve the video that already exists or prepare another one."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Professional in Human Resources - PHR & SPHR Practice Exam" |
"We Covered All Chapter in this Practice TestsProfessional in Human Resources (PHR) PHR Practice Area 1: Business Management PHR Practice Area 2: Talent Planning & Acquisition PHR Exam: Learning and Development PHR Practice Area 4: Total Rewards PHR Exam: Employee and Labor Relations Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) SPHR Exam: Leadership & Strategy SPHR Exam: Talent Planning & Acquisition SPHR Exam: Learning & Development SPHR Exam: Total Rewards SPHR Practice Area 5: Employee Relations and EngagementIncluded in this Professional in Human Resources - PHR & SPHR course- 2 FULL practice tests, 225 questions each- More practice for studying- Practice like the real Professional in Human Resources (PHR & SPHR) exam- Detailed explanation of answers- Better understanding of the content, also understand why the wrong answers are incorrectOfficial PHR Exam DetailsTotal PHR Questions: 225Total SPHR Questions: 225Type of PHR Questions: Multiple ChoiceDuration: 240 min/practice testMinimum Passing Score: 71%"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Face book fan page basics for a non-millennial" |
"This course will help the non millennial to create and maintain a fan page for business or other purposes with little support. It will help you to create authentic and original content that allows you to grow your audience with the view to becoming a monitored page ultimately. The course covers set up and running the page as well as how to create quality content for a suitable audience"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Berkenalan dengan Financial Planning" |
"Dalam perjalanan hidup, kita selalu bertemu dengan berbagai keputusan finansial. Mulai dari bagaimana mengalokasikan penghasilan, memilih produk investasi, memilih asuransi, menyiapkan dana menikah, DP rumah, & dana pendidikan anak, hingga menyiapkan dana untuk pensiun nanti.Ayo ambil kendali keputusan keuanganmu sendiri.This is your financial life journey!Mari belajar segala yang finansial di sini."
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"LEED Green Associate v4: Preparacin para examen en Espaol" |
"El curso est diseado para profesionales de la industria de la construccin que desean obtener la acreditacin LEED GAv4, brindando las bases en su preparacin para el examen.Este curso tambin es til para aquellas personas que nicamente desean conocer ms sobre la certificacin LEED y aplicar estos conocimientos en la prctica.Durante el curso vamos a revisar qu es LEED, cul es la estructura y el proceso de certificacin, trminos y conceptos comnmente utilizados, y a lo largo de los diferentes mdulos vamos a revisar los requerimientos de crditos y prerrequisitos de las diferentes categoras que integran la certificacin LEED. Los mdulos incluyen:Introduccin a la certificacin LEEDProceso IntegradoUbicacin y TransporteSitios SustentablesUso Eficiente del AguaMateriales y RecursosEnerga y AtmsferaCalidad Ambiental InteriorInnovacin / Prioridad RegionalAl final de cada mdulo se incluye un quiz con preguntas comunes de examen y te apoyar resolviendo tus dudas sobre los conceptos que aqu presentemos o sobre la implementacin en algn proyecto en especfico.Como autor de este curso, cuento con las credenciales LEED AP BD+C, LEED AP ID+C, WELL AP, EDGE Auditor y EDGE Expert. Tengo experiencia en proyectos de todo tipo, incluyendo oficinas, usos mixtos, naves industriales, comercios, retail, aeropuertos, residencial, entre otros.Empieza ya tu preparacin para el examen LEED GA v4!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"duquez votre cerveau" |
"Ce cours que nous vous proposons a t cr pour vous aider comprendre les rouages et les fonctionnements de votre cerveau, et arriver utiliser toutes ses potentialits pour reprendre le contrle sur tous les aspects de votre vie : motionnels, psychologiques, comportementaux, relationnels, Lobjectif est de vous apprendre comment rvler le meilleur de vous-mme, votre plein potentiel. Cela pourrait paraitre ambitieux, mais pas tant que cela. Tous les outils que nous allons vous prsenter, vous les utilisez dj de manire inconsciente, parfois pour votre plus grand bnfice, et malheureusement un peu trop souvent pour vous plonger dans des situations de vie un peu compliques ou mme dsagrables.Nous avons dcoup ce cours en plusieurs sections, mais toutes sont lies les unes aux autres de manire directe ou indirecte. Vous pouvez tout fait, commencer les exercices proposs dans certains chapitres, et suivre les diffrents protocoles, que ce soit de reconditionnement, de dissociation, ou autres, mais suivez lintgralit de ce cours avant de finaliser ces exercices, cela vous permettra davoir lintgralit des outils disposition pour maximiser les rsultats de chaque exercice. nous vous conseillons de suivre tous les chapitres dans lordre.Dans certains chapitres et notamment ceux qui contiennent des protocoles et des outils importants, vous trouverez un PDF dans les ressources accompagnant la vido en question o vous aurez un rsum crit de tous ces protocoles. Nous avons pens quil tait important que vous puissiez conserver une trace crite pour pouvoir travailler sur chacun de ces outils, de manire efficace.La section Exercices Psychocorporels propose par Ambre, contient un ensemble dexercices que vous pouvez utiliser nimporte quel moment pour accompagner votre dmarche bien-tre. Ce sont des exercices issus de la kinsiologie, de la mdecine chinoise, de lEFT et de la psychobiologie quantique qui peuvent vous apporter un soutient et lnergie dont vous avez peut-tre besoin dans votre quotidien. Nhsitez donc pas vous rendre directement dans cette section pour consulter ces exercices et utiliser ceux que vous jugerez utiles selon les moments et les situations.Toutes ces outils et toutes les notions et les informations contenues dans ces chapitres qui vous guideront progressivement vers une capacit de contrle conscient de votre cerveau, pour le rduquer vers un nouveau fonctionnement, un nouveau paradigme, un meilleur relationnel avec les autres et surtout avec vous-mme.Dcouvrez ltendue de votre potentiel et des possibilits qui peuvent soffrir vous."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"La finalidad comunicativa de este curso es realizar una primera presentacin en espaol. Ser capaces de presentarnos, iniciando un primer contacto, diciendo nuestro nombre, nuestra profesin, el lugar de residencia, etc. Al mismo tiempo tambien aprenderemos a formular una serie de preguntas y a hablar sobre nosotros, nuestras aficiones, profesiones, etc.Para poder alcanzar este objetivo aprenderemos a usar verbos bsicos como llamarse, ser, vivir, estar, etc. A formular preguntas. Para realizar una descripcin aprenderemos adjetivos fsicos y de personalidad. Para hablar de nuestras aficiones aprenderemos el verbo GUSTAR y mucho vocabulario de profesiones, ropa y ms."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Datm Merkezi (DM) Yer Seimi Problemi-Genetik Algoritma" |
"Genetik Algoritma le Datm Merkezi (DM) Yer Seimi Problemi zmSolving Hub Location Problem with Genetic AlgorithmBir iletmenin kurulu aamasnda zerinde en fazla durulmas gereken balca 3 konu vardr. Bunlar;1. En uygun iletme byklnn veya retim kapasitesinin seimi,2. En uygun retim teknolojisinin veya retim ynetiminin seimi,3. En uygun iletme kurulu yerinin seimidir.Genetik Algoritma le Datm Merkezi (DM) Yer Seimi Problemi zm ,Video ierii:1.Blm: Genetik Algoritmalar(GA)n-Tarihesi-Tanm-Temel Kavramlar anlatlyor.2. Blm.GENETK LEMCLER (aprazlama, Mutasyon,Yardmc lemciler,Seme,) anlatlyor.3.Blm. MATLAB GA Toolbox Kullanmadan Matlab da Bir M-file ierisinde Genetik algoritmann kodu yazlr.(kod yazarken her satrda kullanlan komutlar anlatlyor.)4.Blm. Genetik Algoritma ile Datm Merkezi (DM) Yer Seimi Problemi iin zmler sunuluyor."
Price: 369.99 ![]() |
business_english_hajimete |
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Cinturn Blanco / Universal Tang Soo Do / Artes Marciales." |
"Un da seleccionado para este encuentro de BIENVENIDA a UstedQueremos agradecer por su inters en acceder a nuestro nuevo curso oficial de Universal Tang Soo Do, artes marciales tradicionales, clsicas y contemporneas.En nombre de todo el equipo humano que dispone sus esfuerzos y voluntades, deseamos otorgar nuestras bondades, objetivos e ilusiones en el da a da que desarrollamos nuestro arte marcial.La calidad de nuestra organizacin no reside slo en los servicios que entregamos con total agrado, sino tambin las otras facetas de las relaciones pblicas, actividades y encuentros nacionales e internacionales que promocionamos en virtud de la prevencin, salud y bienestar deportivo marcial. La prestacin de las enseanzas educativas con un perfil profesional son el repunte de nuestras obras desarrolladas en el pasado que tienen mejoras sustantivas a la hora de guiar a nuestros integrantes, por ello extendemos la cordial invitacin a ser y pertenecer a Universal Tang Soo Do en todas sus dimensiones.Estaremos muy agradecidos si nos enva sus sugerencias, comentarios, problemas o aspectos relacionados con este primer acceso y conexiones que se entregan en estos servicios educativos que nos vinculan a diario. El Staff de profesores trabaja en forma disciplinada para facilitar sus aprendizajes en forma ldica y altamente participativa.Esperamos y deseamos poder cumplir con sus expectativas de calidad y satisfaccin, ya que es nuestra nica y verdadera filosofa de trabajo.Saludos, atento y dispuesto en materias de artes marciales.Carlos Garca-Huidobro Sandoval, su facilitador.Ryu Pa Nim"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Practical Tips for Leading Virtual Teams" |
"Virtual teams have a number of benefits but great leadership is necessary to the success of a virtual team.This brief but impactful course provides essential tips for leading virtual, remote, and work from home teams. You'll be able to apply these practical tips right away with measurable results.Virtual teams are becoming increasingly common across the world (even before the latest COV-19 pandemic). These teams have one or more members that work remotely on a consistent basis away from the rest of the team members. Individuals may be working from home or at a company location in a different geographic area. This is sometimes referred to as telecommuting.Virtual teams form for a number of reasons including cost reductions, hiring advantages, outsourcing, mergers, and increased employee flexibility.Whether you are a new leader or a seasoned professional, the tips in this course will ensure your success in leading your virtual team.This course leverages hands-on experience in leadership with prominent, vetted research in the field of strategic leadership."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Lightroom - Landscape Photography ULTIMATE Guide" |
"Hello and welcome, My name is Matthew Storer, an award-winning professional landscape & travel photographer from Australia. Welcome to my Lightroom Course, where I want to share everything I have learnt in the last 20+ years and travelling to over 100+ countries around the world.Do you want to get more out of your landscape images and take them to the next level? You will learn effective and professional post-production techniques through Adobe Lightroom. However, this course will give you confidence in image editing even if you're a complete beginner to post-production, there is something for everyone!Advanced editing in Adobe Photoshop, showing you how I achieve my signature style for my images! Let me show you how to enhance your images with Adobe Photoshop with advanced editing techniques, showcasing breathtaking before - after image comparisons.How I structured this course!Module 1: In the first module, we will learn the basics of Lightroom, how to import, catalogue and create subfolders inside of Lightroom. One of the most beneficial features of Lightroom is the ease of your workflow and organisation created inside the program.Module 2: Inside module number two, we will explore the develop module, starting to explore the editing features of Lightroom. Inside module two, we will discover what each slider does directly to the image. Module 3: Module number 3 we will begin to edit the landscape and travel photography images. Through ALL 15 lessons, we will uncover something new and unique to the pictures. As a result, we will look at a landscape, cityscape, blue hour, winter, milky way, waterfall, sunrise, HDR, panoramic image and much much more.Module 4: In this section, we will look at more advanced editing techniques in Lightroom. Module 5: Exporting in module number 5, how to export for social media (Instagram and Facebook), website and best results for printing images.Module 6: The last module, here we look at advanced editing techniques Bonus: Download 65 RAW images that we will use throughout this entire course, and a PDF file of Image blending and LIghtroom hotkeys.ALWAYS REMEMBER! I'm delighted to answer all your questions! Head over and join the Facebook page for further inspiration, comments and follow up feedback about future images!Course Outline Summary:Step-by-step easy to follow editing procedureAll 65 RAW files for Adobe LightroomPersonal Support for comments & questionsUnderstand the entire workflow of LightroomLearn necessary advanced techniques in Adobe PhotoshopLearn my entire workflow from start to finish.Create the images that you've always dreamt of capturing!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"New Concept Art for any Professionals in the Applied Arts" |
"The course I propose will allow professionals in the applied arts, architects, stylists, model makers, designers, landscapers, artisans, graphic designers, or all creators, to add value to their services by offering their customers creations that are perfectly personalized they will adopt very quickly because they will carry part of their DNA"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"K-2 Stratejik nsan Kaynaklar Ynetimi ve Deiim Sreleri" |
"Eitimin ilk tantm videosunda da detayl yer ald gibi kursumuz toplam 11 ana modlden olumaktadr. Bu 11 modl, aada detaylarn greceiniz ekilde 5 farkl kurs halinde verilmektedir. Bu 5 kursu da baaryla tamamladnz takdirde UFUK EDUCATION ACADEMY STRATEJK NSAN KAYNAKLARI YNETM VE DEM SRELER SERTFKASI almaya hak kazanacaksnz. Sertifikalarmzn IMS Global standartlarna uygun ve Sertifier gvencesi altnda Uluslararas Geerlilii bulunmaktadr. Sertifika rneini Kaynaklar blmnde grebilirsiniz. Ayrca sertifikada bulunan ID numaras ile tm dnyada geerlilii konusunda sorgulama yaplabilmektedir.Bu eitim drt ve beinci modllerimiz olan E ALIM SREC VE MLAKAT TEKNKLER ve ETM YNETM VE ORYANTASYON konularn kapsamaktadr. Kursu indirimli alabilmek iin OZLFYTK2 kupon kodunu kullanabilirsiniz.1. eitimimiz olan STRATEJK NSAN KAYNAKLARI YNETM, NSAN KAYNAKLARI PLANLAMASI VE NEM ve ANALZ VE TANIMLARI modllerine BONUS DERS'de bulunan linkten ulaabilirsiniz.3. eitimimiz KARYER GELTRME VE YETENEK YNETM ve PERFORMANS DEERLENDRME modllerini,4. eitimimiz SALII VE GVENL, LETM ve NSAN KAYNAKLARI YNETMNN HUKUK BOYUTLARI modllerini,5. eitimimiz BORDROLAMA VE BORDRO UYGULAMALARI modllerini iermektedir.Tm modller toplamda 7 saatlik youn, uygulamal ve videolu eitimleri kapsamaktadr. Tm modller tamamlandnda ve pratik yapma imkannz da varsa kesinlikle ok nitelikli bir nsan Kaynaklar Uzman olabilirsiniz. Eitim srecindeyken kafanza taklan herhangi bir soru olursa mail atabilirsiniz. Mutlaka 1 i gn ierisinde dn salyor olacaz.Kurs gereksinimleri veya n koullar var m? Bu kurstan en iyi ekilde yararlanmak iin herhangi bir n bilgiye ihtiyacnz yoktur. Bilmeniz gereken her ey size bu kursta retilecektir. htiyacnz olan tm ders notlarna ""Kaynaklar"" blmnden ulaabilip indirebileceksiniz. Ders notlarn aygtnza indirerek ya da ktlarn alarak mutlaka tekrar etmelisiniz. Ders sonlarnda devlerinizi yaparak daha hzl ve emin admlarla ilerleyebilirsiniz. Bu kurs program, sizi kiisel ve profesyonel olarak gelitirmek iin tasarlanmtr. Kendi evinizin rahatlnda, her yerde ve her zaman derslere ulaabilirsiniz. Derslere akll telefon / tablet veya bilgisayarnzdan ulaabilirsiniz. Bu kurstan azami olarak faydalanmak iin ilenen konular, her dersin sonunda verilen devleri yaparak, pratik snavlarna girerek ve eksik kaldnz konular tekrar ederek hayatnza katmanz tavsiye ediyoruz.Keyifli eitimler...Not: Mail adresimiz u.gun@ueacademy.redolarak gncellenmitir."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"How to make an E-commerce Application with android" |
"In this course. Unlike other course,Instead of building basic app such as making hello world app, calculator app and other app which I won't call it app. We will see how to make an real life android application. just like chatting app like messenger,blog app like Instagram and e-commerce app like amazon. I promise you after taking this course you will be able to make your own app without any other course.Note:We won't cover every feature of app as it will consume lot of time.But we will try to implement most of the feature."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"How to Unleash the Power of Business Architecture" |
"This course contains step by step guides that I have created based on techniques and tools that I have used and refined over my 30 IMIT career. I will walk you through the steps I take and show you real live examples for how to document and use business architecture artifacts. I will talk you through my thought process so that you can learn from my experiences. Within this course I have included the templates and tools that I use to engage senior executives, business leaders and subject matter experts in order to capture, document and start using business architecture to drive change."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Make your first 3D model in SketchUp" |
"This class consists of 7 chapters which will guide you through making your first ever SketchUp 3D model.This course can also help if you are at an Beginner and intermediate level on SketchUp.This class is a follow up to my previous class on SketchUp beginners GuidePrerequisite knowledge of previous class is necessary in this lesson."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Greek traditional dance ""Hasapiko""" |
"The ""Hasapiko"" meaning the butcher's dance, from turkish word kasap. It is a greek folk dance from Constantinople. The slow version of the dance is called ""heavy Hasapiko"" and the fast version of the dance is called"" fast Hasapiko"" or ""Hasaposerviko"".We will teach you the tranditional way of the ""Hasapiko"" in an easy way. Firstly, we will dance the basic step and then we will add some figures. Finally, we will practise on trhee different speeds: slow, medium and then a full speed with music. Greek dancing is a skill that can be learned. You can pick it up quickly and easily and gain confidence while doing it."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Know yourself through Myers Briggs and relationship building" |
"By the end of this course, you will have your Myers Briggs best fit type.That's four letters which describe where you get your energy from, what kind of information you prefer to use, what process do you use to make decisions, and how you deal with the world around you. This course on self-awareness and relationship building will transform how you see and improve relationships with others, whether that's at work, with family, friends or romantic relationships. We have more than 20 years of experience of coaching and training others and we combine this experience with some well recognised tools to help you figure yourself and others out. Knowing who you are seems simple, but we are often blind to our own preferences and those of others. Working with us will shine a light on who you are and what this means during interpersonal relationships.We believe ""showing"" is more powerful than ""telling"". During this course we will share some practical examples and give you some really simple tasks which will illuminate your preferences. It's simple to complete and will explain a lot about your life so far and how some interactions and relationships are more successful than others. Once you have your best fit type, we will also give a high level insight into what this means and direct you to the resources you need if you want to find out more of the detail.Who is this course for?- anyone who has had personal or professional relationshis that seem to inexplicably work or not work.- people who want to figure themselves and others out better, to be able to adapt and present their best selves.- people who know that relationships at work can make or break your career and want to do something about that.- everyone! The world would be a much better and more peaceful place if we recognised and understood differences.Who is the Instructor?Neil Mitchell has a passion for mentoring and developing people and 20 years of experience doing it. He has worked with people who wish to accelerate their careers or who want improved relationships that lead to success, both personal and professional. Neil works mainly out of London where he partners with ambitious and successful individuals often through some of the top-tier global companies. We believe so much on this course...That we have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, we will refund your course - no questions asked!Enroll now, and we'll work with you on the path to successful relationships. Neil"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Zoom Course 2020 - Beginner to Expert Fast" |
"This course is for beginners who need to use Zoom for work, to teach, to learn or just to interact with friends. The course provides easy, step-by-step training to master the Zoom video conferencing platform to look and sound professional and in control. Zoom has many fantastic tools and functions which can be used to take a scary, basic meeting into a world-class engagement. Go from Beginner to Expert fast!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"My Passive Income App 2020 with Adsense and Bing Ads" |
"Hello everyone and welcome to my Master Course of Passive Income with Google Adsense or Bing Ads or any other Ad Network of your preference. I will teach you my own unique ways though this simple application that I have implemented to earn more that a $1000 in just one month with MediaNet (Yahoo Bing ads) and Google Adsense Ads with proof. This is the best method applicable as per today's trend that will earn you steady flow of money. By only spending few valuable hours you can add value to your balance.Not only this, I will be showing you how to build your own subscriber base and implement it for promotional links and contents. If you don't know coding, don't worry. I will give you all the necessary files and contents. I will guide you A to Z with simple, slow and smart lessons.I won't give you any unnecessary information, just straight to the content! I will also teach you how to promote your application and make it viral. Yes, it is that simple and that easy. I have made the app super user friendly. Means anyone can use it.Also, at the end of this course, you will get a free gift, adding value to your application. Key highlights of this course include:A course that shows you my unique method to earn with my Passive Income App from Adsense or MediaNet (Bing Ads network) (You can use any Ad network)My app and how it generates income through ad network.Files and contents ready to use and implement it just right away.A full newbie tutorial on how to set up the App and install it in easy steps.How you can build traffic to your application and why it will be so poplular that your friends and family will share building a chain network which will earn you great revenue in turn.Easy guide on how to implement Google Ads / Bing Ads that you can use to place it.Set up a push notification and build a fan / subscriber base. Send promotional messages and text/urls to gain traffic later on.Set up Google Analytics to monitor your traffic and income.Still wondering?? I will show you my earnings proof and how I did it in just a month. The only hard part was developing the application, which I will give you for free, and you don't have to waste your valuable time. Just buy my course and get your financial freedom now through Passive Income."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Curso de orientao para criao de currculo e portflio artstico para artistas visuais em incio de carreira e pessoas interessadas em se dedicar de modo profissional ao campo das artes visuais como artistas.Sero apresentadas as definies de currculo e portflio artstico, e tambm sero fornecidos elementos para que o aluno possa desenvolver sua prpria documentao, permitindo ao mesmo autonomia para gerir as escolhas em sua carreira."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SEO Begin & Trend 2020" |
"SEO SEO 2020 SEO "
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Learning skill: Mother of all other skills and knowledge" |
"This skill has been waiting for you...Do you know which soft skill can be a basis for all your accomplishments in life? Do you know which soft skill can open access to any knowledge you want to master? Do you know which soft skill can make you the most valuable person in your society and workplace? This is a learning skill. And this skill is actually undervalued and not taught at school or university, even though, with help of this skill people could learn any subject; they could have any degree or they could master any other skills they want. This course is not about how to achieve success in personal and professional life, although, if you master a learning skill, you can achieve anything you want, because everything starts from learning. After you develop your learning skill, you can learn how to become a good or exceptional professional; you can learn how to become happy and successful; you can learn how to become a millionaire. I mean, you can become anyone and achieve anything you wish. With this skill, your only limit will be your life-time.The course is quite short regarding time but extensive regarding the aspects it cover therefore it is interesting, informative and practical. It is not only about tips and tricks on how to develop your learning skill. The thing is that actually, any accomplishment in life to 80% consists of psychology and only the rest 20% is about instruments.Therefore, we organized the course in the following sequence:- The first two parts (part 1 & 2) of the course are dedicated to prepare your inner condition or right mentally. In these parts, we will talk about some misconceptions related to the mind itself; we will talk about the reasons why you should develop your learning skill and how to get yourself motivated to do it.- Then, in part 3, we will review the importance of your health or body in the development of your learning skill. You should understand that your body is an executor of your ideas. Healthier you are, more productive your actions will be.- Finally, in parts 4 and 5, I will provide practical techniques and tips on improving your learning skill.I want to remind you beforehand that most concepts that I give in this course are not novel, but they are principles and techniques used for hundreds of years, and most probably you know about them. Therefore our task will not be creating a wheel but rather it will be learning how to learn in a systematic way.So, what are you waiting for? Come and take your 'key' to all the accomplishments in your life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Liderazgo, mejora de trabajo en equipo. Edicin 2020" |
"Un enfoque prctico y actual sobre las distintas teoras de liderazgo llevadas a la prctica, incluyendo experiencias reales y los resultados de cada una de ellas. Un resumen claro que no solo se debe incorporar para mejorar la performance en la direccin de equipos, sino para incorporar herramientas modernas y clsicas. Destinado a lderes recientes y experimentados, tambin a aquellos que deseen construirse como tales."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Habilidades Superiores de Liderazgo y Coaching Edicin 2020" |
"Para liderar en forma excepcional deben dominarse y llevarse a la prctica las teoras de liderazgo, motivacin, coaching y PNL entre otros. En este curso veremos uno a uno desde un enfoque prctico cada una de ellas. Este programa incluye 2hs de asistencia (consultora) empresarial previa coordinacin por email.Podrs convertirte en un Lider 2.0 as como en un coaching profesional."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Bubble Milk Tea Basic Business Training" |
"Learn the basics of creating different kinds of Bubble Milk Tea flavors like Classic, Wintermelon, Okinawa, Dark Chocolate, Taro & Brown Sugar + we'll share the Cream Cheese recipe. ??You'll also learn the Origin of Bubble Milk Tea, the Healthy Benefits of Tea, How to brew Black Tea & How to cook Tapioca Pearls.We'll also share the TOP Business & Marketing Strategies for 2020 on How to Start & Operate your own Bubble Milk Tea business."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Civil Engineering Practical Internship - Soil Report Study" |
"An Online Practical Internship Course On Detailed Study Of Soil / Geo-Tech Report. Discussion On Real INDIAN & USA Projects Soil Reports. The course prepared by Structural Design Engineer. Complete Geotech Report Explained With Original Content.Learn the MOST IMPORTANT aspect of any civil engineering project, ignored most of the time.Soil testing is a key feature of a project for design foundation and stability. Whether you are from structural design or construction site, this unique course will change your way of THINKING when it comes to the role of soil testing & report for a project.In this course, you'll learn what a Geotech report holds inside and how to process that information for the design and construction site.In this course, you'll -> Study Geotech Report For Indian & International Projects.> Know Important Points To Note.> Know Soil Recommendations.> Study Bore Logs.> Know About Soil Variations.> Know About Site And It's Actual Conditions.Thinking about how to get practical knowledge in Civil Engineering ? How to Get an Engineering Internship as a Student ? We are here to help you. We are The Online Internship Hub. Our only motive is ""Bridge The Gap Between Academics And Industry""."
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"How to create the best smart offers with CPA" |
"Finally, Learn How To Profit From CPA Networks Without Having to Be a Paid Traffic Pro...Starting TodayThis specific training course was designed to help you understand how to build a business around CPA Networks, even if you are a newbie.What if you could make money without selling anything?All you had to do is to get a lead to take action, whether it be filling out a form, signing up on a list, a push notification, or taking a specific action.This is what CPA is all about and CPA stands for Cost Per Action.CPA isnt new by any means and the CPA business can be tough for especially newbies. Generating profit from CPA offers isnt as simple as just pointing a traffic source towards any offer, running a Facebook ad campaign, etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Amazing campaigns with Facebook ADS" |
"Discover How to Increase Social Proof & Engagement On Your Facebook Fan Page Which Results In More Leads, Sales, & Profits!In this step-by-step video course, you will get to watch over my shoulder as I show you things that can increase your Facebook social proof, engagement, and conversions. If you are a business owner with a Facebook fan page - then you need to increase your likes, visitor engagement if you want more leads, sales, and profits. You need enough likes or fans to show prospects that you are an authority, and you have the following. You need engagement on your page to show prospects that you are active and people like you. Social proof on your Facebook fan page is a significant conversion factor as to why people will see you as an authority and ultimately buy from you, or they go to your competitor."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende hacer tu shampoo slido - Cosmtica Natural" |
"Si quieres aprender hacer tus propios productos de cuidado personal y maquillaje ESTA ES TU OPORTUNIDAD!Aprenders a preparar tu propio shampoo slido 100% natural, libre de qumicos y amigable con el medio ambiente.Como contenido extra tendrs el paso a paso para hacer tu rubor casero. Contenido terico:-Bases y secretos de la cosmtica natural-Alternativas zero waste-Uso de aceites esencialesIncluye:-Recetario digital.-Constancia de participacin. -Acceso a asesoras personalizadas.Conoce el apasionante mundo de la cosmtica natural"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |