Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Carto Interativo rpido" |
"O Carto de Visita Digital e Interativo a nova tendncia do mercado, disponibilizar as suas informaes de forma fcil, eficiente e ecolgica. Totalmente digital em formato PDF, por meio do seu aparelho mvel. Por ser digital, possibilita inserir links de redirecionamento para o seu site, redes sociais, telefone e muito mais.Se voc acha uma boa ideia, mas no sabia como fazer. Agora basta ter computador e power point e poder fazer seu carto, vou ensinar passo a passo e ainda disponibilizar um modelo. Explico de maneira fcil como ter seu prprio carto utilizando do power point, de forma simples e rpida.E voc j pode enviar a todos os contatos e clientes."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Duelo_ Cmo aceptar la prdida de un ser querido" |
"Transitar un duelo no es tarea fcil, algunos necesitan elaborar proceso con la cabeza y la razn, otros optan por dar tiempo al tiempo y vivir un poco solos la montaa de emociones y sentimientos que genera la prdida de un ser querido y otros que quieren hacer este trayecto acompaados. Para ellos esta gua.Este curso online de duelo est planteado en 12 paradas, 12 estaciones en las que podrs bajarte a recargar tu gasolina interna, explorar el terreno, alimentar tu alma, tu corazn, tu cuerpo fsico.Ejercicios de afrontamiento ue lo ayudan a procesar sus sentimientos al final de trayecto y desarrollar habilidades para lidiar con el dolor a medida que surgeCada una de ellas est pensanda para poder elaborar las llamadas tareas del duelo. As, transitaremos caminos que te ayuden a empezar a aceptar la realidad de la prdida, elaborar el dolor tu duelo, llegaremos a rincones que te permitan verte y recocerte en un mundo sin tu ser querido, para finalizar en un nuevo lugar en el que puedas reubicarte para continuar con tu vida reconstruida.No hay una ""manera correcta"" de llorar, y no hay una manera correcta de usar este libro. Ya sea que lo siga pgina por pgina, o seleccione lo que le parezca ms relevante en este momento, la forma en que usa este libro es menos importante que por qu lo est usando. Ests usando este libro porque has elegido honrar tu experiencia, crear un hogar para tu dolor y encontrar una nueva forma de vivir en el puente entre la prdida y la vida.Esta gua no sustituye un proceso teraputico, pero si trabaja como complemento al acompaamiento en duelo.Recuerda, no hay una ""manera correcta"" de hacer este viaje y tampoco una nica forma de hacerlo. Ya sea que lo siga trayecto a trayecto, o seleccione lo que te parezca ms relevante en este momento, la forma en que lo hagas es lo de menos; lo importante es que aquello que escojas tenga sentido en para qu lo est usando.Bienvenido a este viaje para o honrar tu experiencia, dar espacio a tu dolor y encontrar una nueva forma de vivir en el puente entre la prdida y la vida."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"All about Adobe XD (Experience Design) Best for beginner" |
"Learn basic & advanced skills you need to create any type of User Interface Prototyping using adobe XD. In this Tutorial I have corver almost all sections , tools available in adobe XD and I create a real Banking application prototype step by step in this tutorial. With this you will not only learn the tools , you will also learn how to apply these tools to create industry standard UI interface prototyping when you will complete the course you will be able to execute your own designs in a professional way without retaining a designer services as the software allows you to create the designs you need in a faster easier and uncomplicated way.You will learn Basics of Adobe XD interfaceWe will learn how to use Tools from basics. You don't need prior design knowledge We will learn UX designing no need prior prototyping knowledge We will learn UI designing no need prior prototyping knowledge We will also learn to enhance the Artwork with Recoloring & Strokes"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Robtica para Educadores com Arduno" |
"Neste curso voc aprender os fundamentos da robtica atravs da plataforma arduno. Voc ter aulas sobre as possibilidades da robtica na formao das pessoas e conhecer a plataforma arduno juntamente com vrios componentes eletrnicos que so utilizados na robtica. Tambm ter aulas de vrios projetos de robtica com a utilizao do arduno com explicaes detalhadas que podem ser replicadas em sala de aula e no seu dia a dia. Os projetos sero desenvolvidos atravs de simulador gratuito e tambm sero apresentados atravs do kit Arduno. Todas as aulas dos projetos incluindo sua programao estaro disponveis para download para facilitar seu aprendizado."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
pregnancyfromatoz |
"17 . . . . 450 : resources. ."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Clases de Salsa Cubana para Principiantes: Salsaficionados 1" |
"En este Curso en Lnea aprenders lo esencial para Bailar Salsa Cubana o mejor conocido como Baile de Casino. Te ensearemos paso a paso diferentes herramientas para identificar el Ritmo en la Msica, desarrollar tu Coordinacin, trabajar Pasos Bsicos y desarrollar tu Comunicacin en Pareja. Adems tendrs un repertorio de 15 Figuras en Pareja base para bailar con mayor confianza en las Fiestas."
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
"NS0-504 NetApp Implementation Engineer Practice Exam" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for NS0-504 NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer Practice Exam Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : NS0-504 NetApp Certified Implementation EngineerExam Code : NS0-504 Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 90 minsNumber of Questions : 60Passing Score : 65%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 400"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Implantao e Reestruturao de Telemarketing e Call Center" |
"Quer implantar ou reestruturar um telemarketing focado no resultado?Reuni TUDO que voc precisa saber para MONTAR UM TELEMARKETING, CALL CENTER E TELEVENDASDescubra as maneiras e estratgias de ganhar dinheiro com o seu telefone: este curso capacitar voc a implantar e reestruturar uma central de telemarketing. Dvidas, tais como os custos envolvidos, como contratar profissionais, qual a remunerao, o que pode vender por telefone e como utilizar outras aes por meio do telemarketing sero respondidas neste curso.O curso abordar:O grande segredo que voc deve aprender e aplicar a fim de obter grande sucesso nas suas vendas por telefone Qual o resultado que o seu televendas deve ter..Quais so os 7 focos fundamentais para conseguir vender mais pelo telefone 10 maneiras incrveis de obter o melhor mailing para o seu telemarketing Qual a estrutura ideal para obter sucesso nas vendas por telefone Qual o melhor ambiente e layout para montar um telemarketing...Quais so os custos envolvidos no televendas Como contratar uma equipe ninja para o televendas Tpicos de treinamentos para turbinar sua equipeCampanhas de incentivos e cenourinhas para motivar sua equipe de telemarketing Etapas vencedoras para vender qualquer coisa pelo telefone Como mensurar os resultados do seu televendas para investir de forma inteligente, otimizar seus lucros Cronograma do passo a passo da implantao do telemarketing e televendasVeja as aulas abaixo, inclusive deixei a algumas aulas liberadas para voc sentir mais confiana no contedo:"
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Posicionamento nas Mdias Sociais" |
"Para quem quer deixar sua marca nas redes sociaisNeste curso online, voc encontrar as tcnicas, tticas, estratgias e ferramentas que utilizei (e utilizo) para criar a presena digital de diversos clientes, assim como a minha.De A a Z, passo a passo, tudo que voc precisa saber, sem rodeios, explicado diretamente por mim mesmo que junto com minha equipe gerencio as mdias sociais de mais de 20 clientes. Agora voc pode aprender como tudo isso feito.O curso no tem frmulas secretas (elas no existem, me desculpe!) Mas rene toda minha experincia nos ltimos 6 anos como o proprietrio e social media media a frente de minha agncia de marketing digital e mdias sociais.Um caminho feito de estudos, erros, testes, experimentos e atualizaes contnuas para manter meus clientes em constante crescimento nas redes sociais."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Como Criar Contedo Para Mdias Sociais" |
"Para quem quer deixar sua marca nas redes sociais.Neste curso online, voc encontrar as tcnicas, tticas, estratgias e ferramentas que utilizei (e utilizo) para criar a presena digital de diversos clientes, assim como a minha.De A a Z, passo a passo, tudo que voc precisa saber, sem rodeios, explicado diretamente por mim mesmo que junto com minha equipe gerencio as mdias sociais de mais de 20 clientes. Agora voc pode aprender como tudo isso feito.O curso no tem frmulas secretas (elas no existem, me desculpe!) Mas rene toda minha experincia nos ltimos 6 anos como o proprietrio e social media media a frente de minha agncia de marketing digital e mdias sociais.Um caminho feito de estudos, erros, testes, experimentos e atualizaes contnuas para manter meus clientes em constante crescimento nas redes sociais."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Anncios e Anlise de Resultados nas Mdias Sociais" |
"Neste curso online, voc encontrar as tcnicas, tticas, estratgias e ferramentas que utilizei (e utilizo) para criar a presena digital de diversos clientes, assim como a minha.De A a Z, passo a passo, tudo que voc precisa saber, sem rodeios, explicado diretamente por mim mesmo que junto com minha equipe gerencio as mdias sociais de mais de 20 clientes. Agora voc pode aprender como tudo isso feito.O curso no tem frmulas secretas (elas no existem, me desculpe!) Mas rene toda minha experincia nos ltimos 6 anos como o proprietrio e social media media a frente de minha agncia de marketing digital e mdias sociais.Um caminho feito de estudos, erros, testes, experimentos e atualizaes contnuas para manter meus clientes em constante crescimento nas redes sociais."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
Rolfing |
"Ida Rolf was the inventor of this wonderful therapy of rolfing and it is in this course that you will learn all you need to know to not just get started but to learn how to have a better posture and overcome pain in your body. Then you can begin to see if this therapy and even career in roofing is for you!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Cryptocurrency Trading Course For Beginners From A to Z" |
"Cryptocurrency Investing:Buy and Trade Bitcoin and AltcoinsWe already seen the market crashing for the third time. Dont you think now is time to catch that wave? If so I defiantly recommend you to go for itCryptocurrency Trading Course.Learn how to:Read Chart CorrectlyTrade cryptocurrency correctlyProfit from scalping and swing trading bitcoin and other altcoinsYou will learn how to correctly read charts using candlestick analysis, technical analysis to time your entry and exit strategies precisely.The information contained in this course is geared toward cryptocurrencies, but it can be utilized for day trading and swing trading any type of equity: stocks, options, commodities, ETFs, Forex, Currencies."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Be an Email wizard: Sell services fast. FORGET ad-investment" |
"""SUPER-FAST & TOP-SECRET, EFFECTIVE LIST BUILDING TECHNIQUES THAT I USE TO GET 10,000+ leads EACH AND EVERY MONTH! - THIS WORKS NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE IN THE WORLD!""You can get thousands of HUNGRY BUYERS waiting for YOUR OFFERS within a FEW DAYS!I am going to reveal to you the exact strategies I have been using to build my lists and collect thousands of subscribers in no time! No stones left untouched, you will be covered with information from A to Z! All you have to do is copy-pasting what I do.Also, you will learn how to extract email id's from random database sources and building your own huge B2B database repository.This course is highly recommended for:Start-up's looking to sell their products, services fast and with ZERO investment.Sales & Marketing professionals looking to run successful email campaigns at a much lower cost.Student's dreaming of landing into the right place, right company without any job consultancy fee.Freelancers.A guided course of High-Quality, High-Definition videos that take you step-by-step through the process of how to build a list, craft offers and effectively send emails.Section 1: IntroductionLecture 1: IntroductionSection 2: Main course lecturesLecture 2: How to use an email extracting toolLecture 3: How to use an email verification toolLecture 4: Email building secret lecture - part 1Lecture 5: Email building secret lecture - part 2Section 3: How to build and grow your own B2B database repository & email listLecture 6: B2B database building - part 1Lecture 7: B2B database building - part 2Section 4: Email sending - tools & best practicesLecture 8: Blasting & focussed emailsLecture 9: Mail mergeEmail List Building can be easy and profitable - let's get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matriser Techniques De L'pigntique Et Pnl Pour Russir" |
"Dans ce programme,vous apprendrez des stratgies et secrets qui vous aideront atteindre n'importe quel objectif et pour tre heureux!Je remercie les personnes qui m'ont fait confiance pour acheter mes produits sur internet et hors internet-Aprs ce programme vous serez en mesure d'acclrer la ralisation de vos rves! de mme vous serez en mesure de dvelopper votre bien-tre,votre mental fort,votre bonheur..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Impara a difenderti col corso completo di difesa personale." |
"Corso completo di difesa personale con l'Hapkido, che fornisce gli elementi utili a ciascuno per impostare la propria difesa personale pi idonea al praticante. L'hapkido nasce nel 1951 dagli studi ed esperienze sul campo, di Yong Shul Choi, maestro e studioso di arti marziali. Questa arte marziale doveva rispondere alle esigenze dell'individuo..Il fondatore si chiese fin da subito:""Come posso difendermi efficacemente nell'eventualit di aggressioni multiple""...scappando dico se non possibile?Hap Ki Do l'arte marziale della coordinazione e delle energie."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft 98-366 Networking Fundamentals" |
"If you are one of those who is looking to build a career in IT Industry, if you want to become IT Professional, if your goal is to get certified from Microsoft, then congratulations you are at correct address. This course is designed for you, Welcome to this course on Microsoft 98-366 MTA Exam. This course will provide you practice questions and help you in preparing for the MTA 98-366 Certification Examination by Microsoft for Networking Fundamentals. This course will provide you 5 practice test which contains 200 questions to test your knowledge and skills and let you know your weak points and strong points and let you decide where you need to improve to master the Networking. Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) is a recommended entry point into IT certification. It provides a solid foundation to take the very first step towards a carrer in IT. I have prepared this practice test course for the candidates all around the world who are interested in taking the MTA 98-366 Exam and passionate about Networking fundamentals. This course is just a practice test, it contains relevant question regarding the examination, but it does not mean that it is enough to qualify and get certificate from Microsoft, it can just provide you the idea, that are you ready to take examination or you need some improvement before taking examination. So, just take this course as a learning material which can help you in achieving your goals, but you really really need a lot of hard work and efforts to get it."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Secrets of High-Profile Reputation Management" |
"Want to build a skill set that will position you as the most valuable person to any team, client or organization?Use the same tools and techniques I use to help celebrities, politicians and high-profile clients repair and protect their online reputations.Featured on the front page of The Washington Post ""Calling in the Pros to Refine Your Google Image"" and in numerous publications including Wired ""You Are What Google Says You Are,"" Newsweek ""Google Yourself and Enjoy it,"" and many more. I'll show you how to master the same skills I used to become a highly paid and sought-after Reputation Manager so you can set yourself miles apart from the competition. Does this sound like you?You would like to discover how to offer a valuable service to current or potential clientsYou would like to master an extremely valuable skill set that will add enormous value to any team or organization you work withYou want to protect friends, family and loved ones from the potentially disastrous and life-altering effects of slander, defamation or bad press coverageYou belong to a community, nonprofit or related cause and you want to ensure their publicity stays positiveIf so, you need to know this:Its never been so important - and so valuable - for a client or organization to protect their brand and reputation.Why?Because in today all it takes is one false accusation or misleading press piece to permanently ruin a brand, image or reputation.The question is:If (or When) it happens to the people or companies you work for, will they be left helpless as the victim of catastrophic reputation damage?Or will you be the guardian angel who steps in, reverses the damage, and protects the single most important asset they have - their reputation?And if you think this type of thing doesnt happen - then think again.Because with todays cancel culture movements and online witch-hunting, more and more brands are falling victim to fatal slander, hit pieces, and major misunderstandings.You dont need to look further than the latest twitter scandal or controversy to see an example of this.Its no longer enough to have a traditional PR team. Thats because of how the online and social media landscape has become a reputational minefield.The problem has never been this prevalent. And the risk is multiplied the more visible a person or business is.But when everything - like social media history and personal details - can be found online very quickly...and all it takes is a single slip-up for serious damage to occur......the lives, brands or businesses of those you know can be smashed by a reputational wrecking ball - and topple over in an instant.And the only thing that can save them from this fate is a skilled Reputation Manager. One with the same knowledge thats been used to shield politicians, celebrities and high-profile figures (ones you very well may recognize).The problem is that very little people have this knowledge. Few brands, businesses and professionals know how Google works to make or break reputations.Not only that, most people today have almost no control over what Google presents about them to the world.This leaves them extremely vulnerable to everything from unflattering or misleading a nasty surprise or malicious attack that permanently smears their brand.The end result? It becomes very easy for reputations to rapidly get worse and worse - especially when we don't realize whats happened.The truth is that all it takes is a single misleading result at the top of Google to:Permanently damage a brand beyond repairSour the name of organizations that only seek to make a positive impactRuin future business relationships or severely impact current onesDerail entire careers, businesses and futuresThats why taking the steps to become a Reputation Manager can pay off immeasurably - whether its for the people you work with, the people you know and love, or just for yourself.Take the course if you: Want to build, improve, or repair your own reputation Want to help your employer present a better or bolder presence Want to help a non-profit build, improve, or repair its reputation Are an upper-level manager and you want to understand your staffs work Are just curious about reputation management.Now You Master An Extremely Valuable Skill Set That Gets More Important Every DayIts no longer enough for companies, CEOs, and other important figures to leave their reputations to chance. Not when their careers, brands or businesses depend on it.Ignoring this crucial area leaves then completely defenseless to vicious cycles of misinformation, reputational attacks and nasty surprises that can put their futures and livelihoods in serious danger.And if you (or anyone you know) have ever been victim to defamation, slander or a story that paints a bad picture of you, then you know just how scary it can be to risk having your entire image shattered.Id like to show you how to remove what would normally be a permanent reputational a temporary blemish that quickly fades away.And perhaps more importantly, how to react quickly and correct the damage so you can become the savior to any company, client or organization that relies on their brand.Introducing Secrets to Reputation Management:The Definitive Course On Becoming A Reputation Manager And Protecting The Image, Brand and Reputation Of Those Around YouThis course is unlike anything youve ever seen before.Thats because Ive distilled my two decades of expertise into a practical, step-by-step and action-focused program you can use to protect, repair and control any online reputation.Inside youll find the exact same strategies and tactics I use with my personal clients - one that Ive never revealed publicly (until now).Youll learn how to protect clients and organizations from:Negative news coverage or misleading press reports that tell the wrong story at the wrong timeBad buzz about a past issue thats no longer relevant (but people mistakenly think it is)Bloggers or political opponents attempting to slander, smear or cancelMisinformation, rumors and controversy that ruin the first impressions both important people and complete strangers haveAnd if someone you know is currently experiencing one of these issues, youll get the tools you need to quickly reverse the damage, recover their reputation, and restore their image - and start seeing results in as little as one week.COURSE FEATURESThis course includes 21 chapters of video instruction on topics such as: How to remove negative content from the web, how to boost positive search results, how to launch a personal domain website, how to use AI to write articles and create content, how to publish content on professional industry sites and much more...You will learn a proven process for influencing search resultsWatch step-by-step strategies to guide you each dayYou'll see your first online results within one week!What Will Happen After You Take This CourseYoull gain a skill set that is invaluable in todays day and age (and is only becoming more important with everything going on)Youll go from a powerless bystander to someone who has full control over the brand and image of your clients or organization - so that theyre never at risk of being blindsided by a nasty surprise or unexpected event.Youll have the tools to protect the groups, communities, nonprofits or organizations youre a part of from misleading information or malicious attacks from people who wish to do them harm.Youll know exactly how to remove or drown out the negative search results that appear on Google and replace them with positive ones (so that search engines become your best friend and not your worst enemy).READY TO UNLOCK THE SECRETS TO REPUTATION MANAGEMENT?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Vastu Foundation Course 1 (MAHAVASTU Consultant- NEHA PARIK)" |
"Helps you learn step-by-step MAHAVASTU methodology for diagnosis of any problem and then applying MAHAVASTU techniques for balancing. You will be taught application of popular MAHAVASTU remedies as well as using household objects as remedies for achieving desired results.Vastu with logical reasoning & 100 % result oriented.Vastu remedies without demolition and major changes.This course full of practice sessions to enrich you with hands on experience of MAHAVASTU fundamentals, methodology and simple remedies for solving problematic Vastu Doshas."
Price: 6080.00 ![]() |
"E10-110 Enterprise Content Management Certify Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) With Content Server is created as a result of copying?a) Relational object of the original document to be copiedb) Relational object original document to be copied with reference to the initial contentc) The new document object and a copy of the original contentd) The new document object and a link to the original contente) NoneQ) Which statement is true when the operation is performed Checkin Content Server?a) Castle Lords properties must conform to the user to perform an operation to property Lock Owner cleaned.b) Lock owners set the user performing the operation.c) Homeowner set by the user who performs the operation.d) Last access date the property is set to the current date and time.e) NoneQ) What is needed to make it possible to edit a document in the archive?a) The document to be retrieved.b) The document must use the appropriate set of licenses with (write) permits editing.c) The document must be owned by the user to edit.d) The user can not edit other documents.e) NoneQ) Which statement is true of the document object with the performance?a) Issuance generated for each version of the document.b) Issuing only generated new versions of the document.c) Issuing only generated from the original content.d) Extradition may not have images embeddede) None"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Shopify 2020 Lern: Erstellung einer Website mit Shopify" |
"Was ist Shopify?Shopify ist einfach einer der beliebsten Online Software, mit deren Hilfe man selbst ohne Programmierkenntnisse eigenen Online Shop einrichten kann.Warum Shopify?Einfache Handhabung per Drag and Drop - auch ohne Programmierkenntnissebersichtliche Produktorganisation nach Kategorie, Typ, Jahreszeit oder AbverkaufUnbegrenzte Anzahl an Produkten im Inventarber 100 fertige Designs - von erfahrenen Designern erstellt mit automatischer optimaler Darstellung auf MobilgertenJederzeit voller Zugriff auf HTML und CSS Files deines ShopsHohe Skalierbarkeit durch eine leistungsfhige CloudplattformKeine manuellen Aktualisierungen oder Backups erforderlich - alles geschieht automatischAusfallsicher und leistungsstark, auch bei hohem TrafficEingebaute SEO-Funktionen, automatisiertes Marketing, kostenloses Lernmaterial und Produktbewertungen fr optimalen Erfolg des ShopsKomplette Blog-Plattform und ausgestattetes Content-Management-System fr Kataloge, Blogs oder WebseitenUmfassendes Dashboard mit berblick ber alle Geschftsprozesse und KundeninformationenDirekt verfgbare und downloadbare Berichte und StatistikenErstellung neuer Vertriebskanle wie Facebook oder Instagram durch vorhandene Schnittstellen in SekundenschnelleUntersttzung gngiger ZahlungsmethodenFlexible Versandarten durch den Shop-Betreiberber 2.000 Apps und Tools fr maximale Flexibilitt und individuelle ErweiterbarkeitKostenfreier Support durch das Shopify Support TeamWas wird in diesem Kurs gemacht?In diesem Kurs kannst du lernen, wie man vom Null eine E-commerce Website aufbaut. Das beinhaltet :- bei Shopify fr 14 Tage gratis melden- die Produkte hinzufgen- kostenlose Theme anpassen- Versand und Zahlung von Kunden annehmen- die Kunden verstehen und in Gruppen hinstellen - Rabatte erstellen - SEO - Kollektion machen - Shopify Apps und noch vieles. Warum ist dieser Kurs richtig fr dich? Dieser Kurs is so gestaltet, dass jeder einfach Schritt zu Schritt die Anleitungen folgen kann und alles verstehen kann.Die Leute, die mit solchen Dinge keine Erfahrung gemacht haben, werden auch kein Problem haben. Falls du einen Fehler begehst , herzlich Gratulation, hast du eine Gelegenheit ergreift, daraus zu lernen und ich werde immer da sein, um deine Fragen zu beantworten. Verliere jetzt keine Zeit, schreib dich jetzt einIch freue mich darauf, dich im Kurs zu sehen."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"E-mail marketing pro gratuito.Do zero a primeira venda" |
"Este curso focado em umas das melhores estratgias de marketing do mercado, o e-mail marketing, e aqui voc vai aprender a mexer em uma ferramenta gratuita de e-mail, fazer pagina de captura, uma isca digital e aprender estratgia com copy de e-mail que convertem e geram vendas todos os dias, tudo isso em um curso mais que completo, do bsico ao avanado."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Chicken Wing Master Class" |
"Its CHICKEN WING time!Want to make GREAT Chicken Wings?Want crunchy skin and savory chicken meat?Want something more than the average BBQ Chicken Wing?Come with us and well show you EXACTLY how to make 6 delicious Chicken Wings! Thesewings have a wonderful array of flavor, perfect for any elite game-day gathering of friends.Share with your friends our delicious Chicken Wing Recipes, or make the whole plate of themfor yourself.We wanted THE Chicken Wings that would make Chicken Wing lovers go CRAZY!!! If yourenot a Chicken Wing lover, then this class isnt for you.But if you are a CWL (Chicken Wing Lover)... grab your knife, BBQ sauce, and your smokechips because these wings are CRAZY delicious, perfectly crunchy, and can be cooked quickly,without much fuss.This class is short and fast! We wont chat weather, and we wont waste your time.Watch the preview, click the enroll button...And lets make some Chicken Wings!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build an E-Commerce Store with WordPress and WooCommerce" |
"If you're trying to sell your product online, or you would like to earn recurring incomes, setting up your very own membership site is crucial to your success.That said, one of the biggest problems is that many people don't know where to start. What membership script should you use?By using WordPress, you can make your site beautiful, but most of the plugins that integrate into it arelet's be honest, not great looking, or user friendly.While there are a variety of different platforms that you can use to set up your e-commerce site, WooCommerce is the number one option if you are utilizing WordPress.If you've wanted to sell your products online for a long time, but you just haven't been able to do so because of the technical learning curve, then this is your solution.By the end of this video course, you'll have the necessary knowledge to set up your e-commerce site from scratch on the WordPress platform."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Discovering the Power of Discipline And Success Habits" |
"Dear friend,Thank you and congratulations for joining the group of Highly Successful Individuals!You've just made one of the best investments to your own life and your future will thank you for that.Also, I want to salute you for willing to commit and take massive action for your future, especially when it comes to making transformational changes to upgrade your life.I'm certain that you're going to love what you discover in this course.But your order is not quite complete yet though... so don't leave this page yet!Or you will lose out your ONE-TIME opportunity to achieve your goals and massive success.So before you go, here's my one-time offer...What I'm about to show you will increase your likelihood of following through with the method AND achieving so much more than you ever thought possible!It is an amazing offer that will compliment your new blueprint."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chi Kung - Tai Chi Shibashi" |
"Curso com introduo ao Chi Kung e Tai Chi Shibashi. Sero apresentados os conceitos bsicos e a forma base do estilo. O praticante passar por feedback do instrutor atravs de envio de vdeo. O objetivo deste curso propagar a cultura do Tai Chi de forma acessvel para os brasileiros, com o curso totalmente em portugus."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"VDEOS RPIDOS COM CELULAR foi criado para pessoas que tem dificuldades de usar um computador ou preferem seu celular como aparelho de uso. Por ser um equipamento muito comum e indispensvel para a maioria das pessoas, decidi criar este curso.Veja o que voc aprender:Edio de uma apresentaoExportar o vdeo editadoEditar FotografiasFazer FotomontagensEditar um vdeo com imagens em HDEditar um comercial com Vdeos HD gratuitas, incluindo narrao, trilha sonora, insero de caracteres e logomarca Como retirar a marca d'gua legalmenteCurso Introdutrio de Oratria com Anderson Veloso"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Quantum Crystal Healing (1) - Ignite Your Healing Potential" |
"Why this crystal course is different:Most crystal courses delve straight into the practicalities of using the stones on the body, on the chakras and in your home environment. This course is different because I want you to ignite your innate intuition, so you can truly learn how to heal YOURSELF first. Take ownership of YOUR health and YOUR life!I'd like to explain how this course is different to most crystal courses in its pace covering crystal specific material. The bulk of this first course in the collection of 'Quantum Crystal Healing' (3 in courses total) is about energy, energy management and how it can be harnessed to heal using crystals as an example of a healing tool or modality. Crystals will be the consistent healing tool used to demonstrate energy work throughout the 3 courses in the collection and interspersed with other energy theory. (Read more detail for course 1 further below)Expansive Learning: Crystals form a focal point in all 3 courses - but there is more:Specific crystal knowledge, about their application as a healing tool, is drip fed throughout this first course and the 2nd and 3rd courses. Around that knowledge there is some very valuable life management information and techniques which I hope will enrich your life going forward. Essentially, you are getting more for your money - crystal healing within a wider context of energy work in general, also linking to the quantum field and heart coherence, taking this course to a deeper and wider level of learning.How to gain full benefit:Please note, if you wish to gain complete knowledge of how to use crystals for your own healing in life, you will need to work through all 3 separate courses in the collection 'Quantum Crystal Healing':(1) Ignite Your Healing Potential(2) Develop Your Intuitive Healing (3) Apply Deep Healing For LifeYou are of course, able to select any of the 3 courses as stand alone learning, however you may find there are gaps in your knowledge in order to fully benefit from all the topics I talk about.What I will cover in Course 1 ~ Ignite Your Healing PotentialOnly once we connect with our intuition can we choose the right healing method, tool or path for ourselves. This is because we are all unique. Yes we are all made up of energy, but the configuration of that energy is subtly different in each and every one of us. Edward Bach said 'Know Thyself' and that this unveiling knowledge is the key to health. Only YOU truly know what you need and I will teach you how to 'read' and 'trust' your inner guidance system during this first course. It sounds simple, but if you truly want to learn how to become a powerful healer for your own life, then you need to take this important step first. Then you can go forward in the knowledge that you have unlocked the key to your unique healing blueprint.I will cover theories and practices in this first course that will open your mind to another world of energy and quantum science. You will learn how to truly manifest what you want in your life (maybe even why the law of attraction hasn't worked for you until now) and how you can start to engage your intuition to guide you in the selection of the most powerful crystal stones that will help to heal YOU in your life going forward.For those of you who have a questioning mind, I will explain why crystals heal and how they relate to personality and people archetypes. You will start to recognise patterns in yourself, in your nature and how those patterns and behaviours affect your life. With this knowledge you can start to attract what you want and not what you don't want. When you are clear in that, you will be best placed to attract the right crystals for healing that will form an essential part of your tool kit for life. Then we can build on that foundation of knowledge and experience during courses 2 and 3.I look forward to sharing the valuable knowledge with you.Best Wishes,Sonya :-)P.S. Apologies if the captions on this course are not accurate, Udemy can't always translate 100% perfectly!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Acrylic lesson - Realistic Lily - Flower Painting" |
"We paint the Realistic Lily flower step-by-step! Here you will learn how to paint beautiful Lily flower with photo-style background! Painting is 18 x 24 cm canvas, for single flower its perfect size! As soon as you will learn how to paint this single flower, after you will be able to create bouquet of Lily flowers in realistic style! Techniques in this tutorial: dry brush, layering, flat brush, gradient, work with shaped sponges, glazing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Skincare: Limpeza de Pele" |
"Curso Terico de Skincare voltado para a Limpeza de pele, ministrado por Biomdica Esteta, visando esclarecer itens sobre pele, estrutura de pele, biotipo e fototipo alm do passo a passo, do procedimento de limpeza de pele. Relatando a importncia do procedimento bem como, associaes e tratamento ps limpeza de pele de forma bsica e clara."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Big data" |
", . Big Data. , Big Data , :1. .2. .3. Big Data."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |