Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Spark + Scala on Databases PRACTICAL course" |
"This is a totally practical, hands-on, step by step course to make database operations, such as read and write, on databases much easier, using Scala & Spark. Is very easy to follow the course, with the idea to flatten the learning curve required to make such operations. This course seeks to reduce significantly the time spend to learn this skill."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Inversiones en tus Finanzas Personales" |
"Invertir es crucial si queremos liberarnos de un empleo, y sobretodo, asegurar un retiro exitoso.Veremos opciones a tomar en cuenta a la hora de invertir.Claro, antes de invertir hay que ahorrar, pero una vez tenemos el dinero a mano, es hora de ponerlo a producir.Este curso es parte del libro que se llama Finanzas Personales en Norteamrica, escrito por un servidor."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Magic Tricks - Powerful and mindblowing effects" |
"Would you like to be a superstar? It's your chance. This magic course includes all tools you need to become a real magician. After 1 hour you would be able to amaze! This course includes:- Magic tricks with money- Mindreading and mentalism- Card tricks- Coin MagicGet ready to become a sole of any company."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
flamencoguitarbasics |
", , ! , . , Flamenco . Flamenco , . !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Biomaterials Biocompatibility" |
"Biocompatibility means the adaptation of biomaterial to biological conditions and the absence of harmful toxic effects. Scaffold biocompatibility means the ability to regenerate tissue with the body without producing harmful systemic and local responses in the host. Interaction between body and biomaterials will have a significant effect on biomaterial Function. There is a great deal of interaction between the body and the biomaterial. There are three basic characteristics of this definition: first, that biomaterial must work, second, that the best response from the body's tissues to biomaterial is necessary, and third, that biocompatibility must always be defined for a specific application. Biomaterial biocompatibility is its ability to create optimal performance in the host with an acceptable surface of connective tissue binding without creating adverse local systemic responses. The biocompatibility of scaffolding is defined as the ability of the structure to support appropriate cellular activities to optimize tissue regeneration without creating adverse systemic and local responses in the host.This course provides an overview of:- Definition of biocompatibility and biomaterials- Study of biocompatibility from the point of view of toxicology, allergenicity, effect on genes and blood, carcinogenicity and biodegradability- Introduction of biocompatibility standards- The interaction of cells with biomaterials- Physicochemical properties of biomaterials and their biocompatibility- Compatibility blood and the factors affecting it- The process of wound healing in the presence of natural and artificial biomaterialsThis course can be useful for students of tissue engineering, polymer and medical engineering and interested in this field."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Scratch for children: from 0 to hero" |
"Scratch course for children aged 6 to 12. During this course they will learn how to use Scratch, programming basics and work methodology. In the end they will be able to create their own games and animations with Scratch and have a base to move on to learn other coding languages. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Manipulation and Retouching: For Beginners" |
"Have you ever wanted to design a movie poster or an advertisement for a product? Well, this is the course for you! In this course, you will learn different editing techniques such as blending, masking and color correction. After the course you will be able to transform a basic image into a masterpiece of art!Let's go!!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Smart Guide to Make a Website on WordPress from Scratch" |
"Are you one of the following people?You look at some amazing websites out there that your friends can make and you wondered if you could do that as well.You want to make a website for yourself but don't have the money to hire professional developers.You don't want to consume 8hours of content just to make a very simple website that requires maybe only 10% of that content.Does any of this ring a bell? If yes, then you're in the right place. If no, even then you're in the right place because in this age of digital media where everyone seeks to have a presence online, learning the skill of making websites is a huge plus that can get you 100s of 1000s of dollars in the freelance industry.In this Smart Guide, I have taken my experience of developing websites for 3 years and broken it down to small nuggets that will help you get started on learning WordPress quickly and easily. You see, WordPress is a huge framework with so many different things you can do with it but honestly, you don't need to know each and everything about WordPress to get started on making websites. In fact, in this course, I'm not going to be teaching you WordPress but rather the skill of making a good website on WordPress by putting in 20% effort to get 80% of the outcome.I also know that when you're new to making websites and just trying to learn it, you don't want to spend money on buying a domain and hosting when you can start right from your own personal computer. For this course, to make your website you don't require any CODING KNOWLEDGE, DOMAIN or A HOSTING. PLUS I'M GIVING YOU A PREMIUM THEME WORTH $60 FOR FREE TO START WITH "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Machine Learning (MLS-C01): Practice Exams" |
"Are you ready to pass the AWS Certified Machine Learning exam? Our Practice Test provide an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery of the topics and providing you with the confidence youll need to take the exam.The AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty certification is intended for individuals who perform a development or data science role. It validates a candidate's ability to design, implement, deploy, and maintain machine learning (ML) solutions for given business problems.Abilities Validated by the CertificationSelect and justify the appropriate ML approach for a given business problemIdentify appropriate AWS services to implement ML solutionsDesign and implement scalable, cost-optimized, reliable, and secure ML solutionsRecommended Knowledge and Experience1-2 years of experience developing, architecting, or running ML/deep learning workloads on the AWS CloudThe ability to express the intuition behind basic ML algorithmsExperience performing basic hyperparameter optimizationExperience with ML and deep learning frameworksThe ability to follow model-training best practicesThe ability to follow deployment and operational best practices"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Dance out your victim and embrace inner warrior" |
"WHAT IS VICTIM ARCHETYPE ABOUT?WHAT WISDOM IS HIDDEN IN ONE OF THIS UNIVERSAL SURVIVORS ARCHETYPE?Embracing a victim archetype is a journey that brings us lessons and learning aboutsetting and securing our personal boundaries.An important lesson in the victim's archetype is that negative experiences of other people does not influence us, but that we have enough self-esteem to believe in our own positive future. The victim teaches us how to defend and protect ourselves from the bully archetype. It teaches us to recognize, when a person enters our energy space with the vibration of fear. It also teaches us that instead of judging (condemnation), we use understanding as a path to greater compassion. Therefore, victim archetype takes over a role of guardian of personal boundaries in our psyche. Exceeding the victim's archetypes is the journey to the higher vibration - this is the archetype of the WARRIOR - who moves us into action and advises us to take active participation in the creation of our destiny.In this video there are 5 suggestions and demonstrations on how to embody and dance your inner journey from victim to the warrior. Sandra Anais"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Upwork ! 2020" |
" Upwork. :- .- .- . - .- ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
JavaScript |
"JavaScript , JavaScript. , : , , , . "" - - "" . , - . JavaScript PHP, . - , , JavaScript. , . , . , . ."
Price: 2299.00 ![]() |
"Creating a Healthy Lifestyle & Mastering Your Eating Habits" |
"Ready to start making changes in your life? Have you tried many diets and none seem to work? Are stress and anxiety influencing your eating habits? Are you ready to commit to this 6 week challenge and do what it takes to let go of toxic habits? Then, this is the course for you! If you've come to a point where you've run of ideas on how to end certain eating habits, or maybe you'd like to start implementing healthier changes in your life, boosting up your immune system and take care of your health then you've come to the right place. This 6-WEEK mini course is a great way to learn how to EAT better. Whether you've never studied nutrition before or whether you've been battling certain eating habits for a long time, there is no way to go wrong with this course. I created this 6-week mini course to make it quick and easy for you to start implementing changes. These tips and strategies I will share with you took me years of struggle, stress and many mistakes to figure out. BUT lucky for you, I compressed my most precious personal practices that I use on a daily basis into 6 mini lectures so that you don't have to go and figure it all out on your own. So cheer up! If you are ready to learn more about your body, enhance your eating habits and you are committed to invest in yourself and start making changes then this is the perfect course for YOU!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop para principiantes" |
"En este curso tendrn la oportunidad de aprender todas las herramientas de edicin de imgenes que Photoshop presenta. De una manera sencilla y clara, podremos aprender a ajustar el brillo, retocar imgenes, componer escenas, crear textos entre otras. Temas includos:- Navegacin de imgenes- Cambiar tamao y resolucin- Trabajo con capas- Guardar y exportar- Ajustar brillo y contraste- Balancear colores- Crear selecciones- Retoque - Creacin de ttulos"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C# Programista cze 2" |
"Programowanie obiektowe to fundamentalna cecha jzyka C #. Tematem tego kursu bdzie programowanie w jzyku C #, a dokadnie wszystko co powiniene wiedzie o programowaniu obiektowym. Po podaniu specyfikacji nowej funkcji lub nowej aplikacji zacznij od zidentyfikowania klas z wymaga lub specyfikacji. Programowanie obiektowe reprezentuje encje i koncepcje aplikacji jako zbioru klas. Nastpnym krokiem jest przeanalizowanie zidentyfikowanych klas i podzia obowizkw w zalenoci od potrzeb. Chodzi o to, e aplikacja powinna zosta rozoona na czci z minimalnym nakadaniem si funkcji. Jeli kada klasa ma jeden cel, atwiej jest pisa, testowa, a pniej znajdowa t klas, gdy trzeba j zaktualizowa lub rozszerzy. To sprawia, e kod jest atwiejszy do modyfikacji i dostosowania do nowych wymaga i przyszych wymaga. Nastpnym krokiem jest przyjrzenie si zwizkom. Relacje midzy klasami definiuj sposb, w jaki obiekty utworzone z tych klas mog wsppracowa w celu wykonywania operacji aplikacji. Ostatnim krokiem jest wykorzystanie ponownego uycia. Sia programowania obiektowego ley w obietnicy ponownego uycia. Poprzez wyodrbnienie podobiestwa midzy zestawami klas do oddzielnej klasy, masz wicej kodu wielokrotnego uytku. Rozbudowane ponowne wykorzystanie istniejcych, sprawdzonych klas nie tylko skraca czas opracowywania, ale take prowadzi do bardziej niezawodnych aplikacji. Przykadowa aplikacja zostaa ponownie wykorzystana poprzez klas bazow z wykorzystaniem dziedziczenia. Nastpnie zademonstrujemy ponowne uycie poprzez bibliotek komponentw klas oglnych. I wreszcie, zobaczymy ponowne uycie interfejsw. Interfejsy zapewniaj czysty sposb interakcji aplikacji z innymi klasami, komponentami, aplikacjami lub systemami. Kurs opisa rwnie cztery filary lub cechy programowania obiektowego. Abstrakcja, enkapsulacja, dziedziczenie i polimorfizm.Abstrakcja opisuje jednostk w prosty sposb, ignorujc nieistotne szczegy. Zmniejsza zoono, koncentrujc si tylko na tym, co jest wane dla celw konkretnego zastosowania. Enkapsulacja polega na enkapsulacji lub ukrywaniu danych implementacji w obrbie klasy. Dane s przechowywane w polach w klasie i dostpne dla reszty aplikacji tylko za pomoc metod pobierajcych i ustawiajcych waciwoci. Kod jest rwnie hermetyzowany w klasie i dostpny tylko poprzez interfejs klasy. Ukrywanie danych moe chroni dane przed nieautoryzowanym dostpem lub nieprawidowymi danymi. Ukrywanie implementacji pomaga zarzdza zoonoci i uatwia konserwacj. Implementacja moe zosta zmieniona w dowolnym momencie bez wpywu na aplikacj. Dziedziczenie pozwala klasom pochodnym lub klasom potomnym na ponowne uycie caego kodu z klasy podstawowej lub macierzystej. W demonstracji stworzylimy klas bazow encji, ktra zawieraa standardowy zestaw waciwoci i metod sprawdzania poprawnoci. Kada klasa encji odziedziczya po tej klasie bazowej, aby ponownie wykorzysta jej funkcjonalno. Ale w niektrych przypadkach nie chcemy ponownie korzysta z caej funkcjonalnoci klasy podstawowej, wic moemy przesoni jej czci tak, jak zrobilimy to za pomoc metody sprawdzania poprawnoci. Polimorfizm jest koncepcj, e pojedyncza metoda, taka jak metoda sprawdzania poprawnoci, moe zachowywa si inaczej w zalenoci od typu obiektu, ktry j wywouje. Tak wic sprawdzanie poprawnoci obiektu zamwienia moe zachowywa si inaczej ni obiektu klienta, ktry sprawdza poprawno, a obiekt klienta moe zachowywa si inaczej od sprawdzania poprawnoci obiektu produktu i tak dalej. Metoda o podanej nazwie moe mie rne ksztaty, a aplikacja okrela, jaki ksztat metody naley zastosowa w momencie wykonywania. Ide polimorfizmu opartego na dziedziczeniu jest to, e klasa bazowa moe definiowa metod, a kada klasa pochodna moe przesoni t metod, aby zapewni wasn definicj i implementacj, zasadniczo zapewniajc wasny ksztat tej metody. Ide polimorfizmu opartego na interfejsie jest to, e interfejs moe definiowa metod. Kada klasa moe nastpnie zaimplementowa ten interfejs i zdefiniowa wasn implementacj dla tej metody, zasadniczo zapewniajc wasny ksztat dla tej metody. Seria Programista C# :cz 1: C# Podstawy programowania cz 2: C# Podstawy Programowanie obiektowego w jzyku C#cz 3: C# Najlepsze Praktyki Podstawy jzykacz 4: C# Wprowadzenie do kolekcjicze 5: C# Generics...Kod rdowy dostpny na github: /mariuszjurczenko/Kaczorek"
Price: 459.99 ![]() |
"Zielgruppe und Persona verstehen und einfach erstellen." |
"Ob fr dein Business allgemein, deine Marke, deinen Content, die Produktentwicklung u.v.m. deine Zielgruppe oder Persona zu kennen und zu verstehen bringt dir enormen Mehrwert und ist ein wichtiger Schritt zum Erfolg. Gerade in der heutigen Zeit, in der Content King ist und Kunden nur noch auf Ansprachen reagieren, die ganz genau ihren individuellen Bedrfnissen entsprechen, ist es wichtig Zielgruppen und Persona unterscheiden, verstehen und einfach selbst erstellen zu knnen.Kompakt aufbereiteter Kurs, der darauf ausgelegt ist, dass du das Erlernte direkt praktisch anwenden kannst. Weniger reden, schneller starten."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How can you Make,Write and Send a Formal Email" |
"After completing the course, you will know the following:- What is an email.- Types of e-mail.- The Conditions that must be met in the e-mail to be official.- How to create an email step by step.- How to write an email and what are its parts.- Some phrases used in writing e-mail.- Favorite dates to send e-mail.: - - - - - - -"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MS Excel:" |
"MS Excel: : MS Excel, , , . . , , , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The best Macbeth course ever!" |
"Learn detailed analysis of Macbeth in a day !!in this course will be reviewing Macbeth so as to be able to answer CIE and GCSE level questions with detailed analysis and attempt exams with ease and confidenceEach video reviews one scene of each act the video length depends on the length of the act, and the analysis points that can be made while linking the current (ongoing) scene to other scenes in the play ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Android desde 0 con Kodular" |
"Sin necesidad de saber programar JAVA, vamos a ser capaces de crear una aplicacin completamente funcional la cual utilizar los mejores aspectos del Material Design junto con conexiones y autenticaciones en Firebase y Google, todo esto de forma extremadamente fcil.Durante el curso te guiare paso a paso para que desarrollemos una aplicacin en donde iremos integrando capitulo a capitulo el abanico de opciones que te ofrece Kodular de una forma didctica y fcil."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"MINDFULNESS EATING. Fai pace con il cibo" |
"Se hai difficolt con uno dei seguenti punti questo corso fa per te:Ti alimenti seguendo la spinta emotiva e in risposta ad una fame nervosaAvverti una voglia di cibo che sembra ogni volta invincibileHai fatto molte diete per cercare di perdere peso e ti senti frustrato perch non perdi peso anche se stai seguendo una dieta?Non riesci a terminare una dieta perch non hai la forza di volont.Se sei stanco di mangiare troppo e sentirti fuori controllo rispetto al cibo, se hai iniziato diete che non hanno funzionato o non sei riuscito a portare a termine, questo corso ti insegner come cambiare il modo in cui mangi e a trasformarti da mangiatore compulsivo in un mangiatore consapevole. No, non magia, lo dice la scienza che da anni si occupa di studiare gli effetti della mindfulness applicata a vari ambiti. Imparerai subito esercizi utili per iniziare ad alimentarti in modo consapevole e gradualmente acquisirai la capacit di fare scelte alimentari sane e consapevoli che ti permetteranno di rapportarti in modo nuovo al cibo. Il cibo e il tuo corpo non saranno pi nemici da temere o combattere. Imparerai a rallentare e a gustare il cibo. Imparerai ad ascoltare ci che il tuo corpo vuole veramente e come nutrirlo senza sforzo.Se ti sembra impossibile perch pensi di non aver mai mangiato in modo sano e le soluzioni provate fin qui non hanno dato grandi risultati, preparati a restare sorpreso. Il tuo corpo sa di cosa ha bisogno. Devi solo imparare ad ascoltare ci che ti sta dicendo. La consapevolezza la chiave per far emergere il tuo mangiatore sano interiore.Si tratta di un percorso che ho ideato prendendo spunto dal protocollo Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness Training (MB-EAT, Kristeller & Hallett, 1999; Kristeller & Wolver, 2011), un programma evidence-based, modificato e adattato grazie allesperienza maturata negli anni.Il Corso non sostituisce la dieta ma dimostrato che pu essere molto utile da fare prima di una dieta in quanto rende quest'ultima pi semplice da seguire e quindi pi efficace. La dieta ci dice COSA mangiare, la mindfulness ci dice COME. Se hai delle patologie come disturbi alimentari, diabete o simili, questo corso non basta a risolverli. In tal caso necessario il ricorso a un medico. E' risultato molto utile, invece, in caso di abbuffate compulsive e pu comunque aiutare chiunque ad acquisire un approccio pi sano al cibo."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"La Mthode efficace pour apprendre n'importe quelle langue" |
"Cette formation va vous apprendre comment apprendre une langue facilement, rapidement et efficacement de chez vous sans avoir besoin de prof de langue juste en utilisant internet.A la fin de cette formation vous pourrez apprendre n'importe langue en vous amusant et en restant chez vous pas besoin de voyager dans le pays en question. vous pourrez vivre en immersion dans votre chambre."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a User Stories" |
"Este curso presenta una introduccin a la creacin de User Stories, o historias, que se utilizarn para describir los requerimientos del sistema a ser desarrollado. No solo se explica como crear las historias, sino tambin cmo evaluarlas y las estrategias para identificar las historias que sern parte del sistema. Adicionalmente se presenta una breve descripcin de la metodologa Scrum."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ballet Clssico - iniciante: bsico I" |
"Aprenda ballet clssico aonde estiver!! Aula de nvel iniciante, com exerccios de barra, centro e solo. Ideal para quem est comeando a aprender ballet ou precisa de uma aula complementar para fazer nos dias que no tem aulas presenciais na escola de dana. Para alunos que praticam jazz dance, dana contempornea ou qualquer modalidade que tem a tcnica da dana clssica como base, essa aula tambm excelente e ir ajudar muito!!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"I'm A Superstar Of My Life And Communication" |
"I am a superstar of my life and Communication is a highly well thought program designed by Coach Santosh Dhage after his 10 years of extensive research in Soft Skills and Leadership Development training programs. This course focuses on different aspects of life and communication. This program is designed by keeping various aspects of soft skills in mind and will bring about surprising changes in the person who successfully attends this training. This course deals with different aspects of life and communication. In communication, it deals with NLP approach in communication whereas in proactive thinking it talks about the kind of approach you must have in life. In personality development, you learn what type of personalities are in the world and how can you can develop yourself. This course also includes effective leadership skills and how can you be a great leader. This course is an attempt to bring about effective results among students, professionals and all those who attend this training will prepare their mindset for challenges as it has got amazing secrets to be successful in life. This course is an attempt to transform a person from good to better, better to best and from best to excellent."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Product Management Foundations" |
"Product Management is a sought after career for many software professionals. Professionals from different backgrounds aspire to take up this challenging and rewarding role to further their careers. However, there is aspiration and then there is reality. A few succeed in their career pursuits but many fail as there is a lack of structured courseware that is practical enough to bridge this skill gap.Product Management Foundations is an introductory yet comprehensive course in this direction to help all aspiring and budding product managers to understand more about product management, get to know about the product management craft, and the essential skills, processes, frameworks involved in it. It is a fast track and practical course that teaches you product management as it happens on the ground, in most software product organizations.The course includes a practical case assignment to put your product management learnings into action. You can get your case solution reviewed and get the necessary guidance on the same to hone your skills further.The intended audience for this course are:Professionals who want to get into Product ManagementAccidental Product Managers, ones who landed up in product management roles with no context whatsoeverJunior Product Managers who want to get an overall perspective of Product Management and build their foundationsStartup Founders & Cofounders who want to understand and implement Product management practice in their organizationLeaders from other Organizational Practices who work with Product Managers closely and want to understand who are theyAnyone & everyone who wants to understand about Product management"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Administrao de Sistemas GNU/Linux: Fundamentos e Prtica" |
"Este curso explora os conceitos em cada tpico para entender o que vamos fazer na prtica. A sequncia dos temas foi estruturada a partir de experincias como docente nos ltimos anos, com o intuito de facilitar o processo de aprendizagem.A recomendao estudar um tpico por semana, de modo que em 90 dias seja possvel compreender e aplicar os principais comandos para a administrao de sistemas GNU/Linux.Conte comigo como apoio sempre que precisar, enviando perguntas quando houver dvidas (e se for o caso, com prints, para facilitar o processo).Grande abrao e sucesso!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda geoprocessamento com QGIS" |
"Curso utilizando o Software de geoprocessamento QGIS para realizao de processos em dados geogrficos e gerao de mapas temticos.A partir da realizao deste curso o aluno ter capacidade e entendimento de como trabalhar com dados geogrficos, organizar um projeto para gerao de mapas, possibilitando assim a gerao de mapas que possibilitem demonstrar ao demandante, informaes relevantes sobre a temtica solicitada."
Price: 339.99 ![]() |
"HOW TO PAINT - the absolute basics" |
"This foundation course will teach you the essential principles of acrylic and oil painting. Using a very simple still life you will be guided step by step through the process with explanations and videos of the key principles which you can then later apply to your own preferred style of painting. The whole process, step by step:1. Sketching2. Proportion3. Tone (light and dark)4. Earth colours5. Pure colours6. Warm and cool7. Add details8. Highlights and finishing touches"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Marketing Digital Para Mdicos" |
"Hoje venho trazer uma grande novidade!Antes de contar, gostaria que vocs entendessem um pouco mais como foi o processo de incubao e por fim concepo deste projeto.A iniciativa partiu depois de analisar profundamente essa crise pela qual estamos passando. Durante o amadurecimento desta ideia, tive dois insights muito importantes: o primeiro que no tnhamos como prever que esta pandemia causada pela COVID-19 afetaria tanto a sade quanto a economia de modo geral e a segunda e mais preocupante que a maioria das clnicas e consultrios no possui planejamento para enfrentar crises como esta.Ento vamos novidade!Para ajudar a desenvolver os principais pilares do planejamento de qualquer negcio, criei um WORKSHOP com 6 miniaulas que abordaro desde o Mindset do Empreendedor, Planejamento Ps-Crise, at conceitos bsicos de Marketing, Atendimento e Telemedicina.Aproveite essa quarentena para se preparar!"
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Mobile CPA Marketing 2020 Course Certified" |
"Have you ever considered getting involved with CPA Marketing?I put together this simple beginner course to discuss some of the best resources out there for learning about CPA Marketing.This course will help you decide if this is an industry you wish to pursue further.I discuss the following topics in this course:How to go about joining affiliate networksA walk through of several top affiliate networksSome popular traffic methods used with CPA marketingA walk through of a popular CPA forum where you can learn from others"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |