Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"DAY trader MINI dolar TAPE reading SCALPING reativo" |
"Um curso imediatista onde vc que presisa sim , entender , aprender e aplicar na pratica o Day trader no Mini Dolar, sem palvras dificeis ou enrolao de assuntos repetitivos simultaniamente.Preparando o Inicio do dia no Day TraderPlanilha de controle do seu dia no Day TraderConhecendo Minha Tela no Tryd Pro Muitas operaes na pratica"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft MD-100 Windows 10 Exam Simulator" |
"Welcome to the Microsoft MD-100: Windows 10 Simulator : Practice TestsThis exam is valid for the Exam MD-100: Windows 10The course contains 3 practice tests, with 100 questions in total, timed to 150 minutes and passing score adjusted at 90% Questions are very similar to the real exam.You have the chance to mark questions for review, saved and skip questions. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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"FB()FBfacebook?FB?FB? FBFB1020? FBFB? !:(): 1: FB2: FB():3: FBYoutube4: ():5: 6: ()7: FB8: FB9: FB():10: FB"
Price: 1800.00 ![]() |
"Create Color IDs in Maya for use in Substance Painter" |
"Creating Color IDs - Maya Tutorial[31 minutes] Project Files IncludedThis quick 30 tutorial will walk you through how to create Color IDs for Substance Painter. Learn how to use Maya to assign vertex colors to your model to easily create Color IDs. By the end of the lesson you will be able to assign vertex color IDs to objects, as well as parts of object to have full control of where you would like your materials placed. Learn how to quickly and accurately assign existing color IDs to additional objects you may have forgotten about. You will also learn how to import your Color IDs into Substance Painter.Software Needed: Substance Painter 2019.3.3 or newerMaya 2020 or newer"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Read Substation Single Line Diagram" |
"Understanding Single Line Diagram is first step to understand substation protection systems. So I highly encourage to enroll in this course.You will not find single online course on this topic and with this much details.In this course I have covered 132/11kV Single Line Diagrams, Relay & Metering Diagrams, ACDB SLDs, DCDB SLDs. I have further explained two busbar schemes SINGLE BUS SINGLE BREAKER SCHEME, DOUBLE BUS DOUBLE BREAKER SCHEMES.I have covered advance topics like change over feeder from on bus to another bus on load, describing BUS SECTIONS & BUS COUPLERS. Explained different components of SubstationsIsolatorCircuit BreakerEarth SwitchSurge ArrestorCurrent TransformerVoltage Transformer Busbar Busbar & line isolatorsPower transformers Cable sealing endline traps CCVTsSF6 to Air BushingNeutral Ground ResistorsBus Coupler Bus SectionalizerProtection Relays Metering EquipmentMCB,MCCBsAmmeters , Voltmeters, Energy MetersI have also provided these drawings in download, after completing this training you will start understanding and working at your own.I am always open to any question or suggestions. Best Regards Muhammad Kashif"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Initiation aux Macros et VBA Excel" |
"Cette Formation d'Initiation aux Macros et VBA Excel, pratique vous apprendra d'automatiser des tches rptitives avec Excel. Vous saurez utiliser lenregistreur de macros, les excuter et crer des boutons pour les lancer automatiquement. Vous dcouvrirez lditeur de VBA et ainsi, comment personnaliser vos macro-commandes.Matriser les bases de la programmation en VBA, savoir crer et programmer des macros, raliser des tches automatises et rptitives sur des feuilles de calculs diffrentes ou des lots de fichiers Excel.OBJECTIFS DE LA FORMATIONAcqurir les bases pour construire des macros fiables et efficaces dans Excel.Dvelopper des applications personnalises dans Microsoft Excel en utilisant le langage de programmation Visual Basic Application (VBA).Personnaliser linterface dExcelConcevoir des procdures et fonctions VBA dans ExcelRaliser des applications manipulant les diffrents objets Excel"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Emotional Mastery and Resilience to Conquer Life Struggles" |
"This course is about gaining control over your emotions and raising your resilience level to handle life struggles in a more powerful way. Covers techniques and habits that will help you get out of a negative situation you are at now. Whatever the difficulty you are going through: break up, depression, loneliness, job loss, family problems, and more, these habits will help you master your emotions through it and come out of it better.Learn:To handle difficult situations betterTo release and to overcome negative emotions, feelings, and thoughtsTo be more positiveTo detach your self from suffering and painTo make better decisions in your strugglesTo raise your energy to take on hardshipsTo clear your to mind to make better decisionsAmong the different power techniques I share here with you to overcome your hardships, mediation been one of them. A 20 min meditation link is in the meditation lecture so you can make use of it through the course and on your daily life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Strategy Planning For Social Media & Facebook Advertising" |
"The Simplest And the Most Efficient Way To Achieve Your Business Goals Or To Start Your own Business and Start Your Career as A Strategist and Being Expert in Facebook Ads .. Start Learning now For The Most promising Career in the World , Simple Strategy planning And Facebook Advertising With Information Released After 7 Years Experience in this Field ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"0'dan 100'e Uygulamal Konteyner Temelleri ve Docker" |
"Bu eitimde, sfrdan balayarak detayl anlatmlarla ele aldmz konteyner temellerini, ardndan da Docker' sizler iin hazrladmz lab ortamnda kendiniz deneyimleyeceksiniz.Eitimde katlmclarn Konteyner'lar hakknda hi bilgiye sahip olmad varsaylmaktadr. Docker'a giri yapmadan nce teker teker aadaki konteyner bileenlerini inceliyeceiz;ChrootNetwork namespacePID namespaceMount namespaceUTS namespaceUser namespaceCGroup namespaceDetayl olarak anlatlan bu bileenlerin her biri iin size lab ortam sunulmakta. Sunulan bu lab ortamnda bir rehber eliinde adm adm kendiniz deneyimleyerek reneceksiniz.Bu bileenlerin anlatm ardndan sizin iin hazrlanan lab ortamnda basit bir container runtime' oluturacaksnz. Bu ekilde, kullandnz Docker v.b. konteyner alma zaman uygulamalarnn arkaplanda neler yaptnz daha rahat anlayacaksnz.Docker ncesi aktif kullanlan Linux Containers (LXC ve LXD) hakknda bilgi edinerek yine lab ortamnda kullanacaksnz. Bu dersler ardndan Docker'a giri yaparak lab ortamnda kendiniz deneyimleyeceksiniz;Docker MimarisiDocker NesneleriDocker HubDocker CLI ile komut satr kullanmnDocker imaj ekme, listeleme, balatma, durdurma v.b. sk kullanlan ilemlerBu eitimle Konteyner teknolojisi ve Docker' temelden, adm adm ve deneyerek reneceksiniz."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Yoga COMPLETO para un equilibrio fsico y emocional" |
"Vivenciando este curso, aprendendemos posturas del Yoga: de equilibrio, invertidas, abertura plvica de pie y sentadas, fortalecimiento de piernas, brazos y espalda, abdominales, prctica de tcnicas de respiracin yguica.Este curso nos lleva a situarnos en el presente. Nos brinda la posibilidad de conectarnos con nuestro Ser. De conectarnos con la energa de la Tierra y el Cielo. Nos lleva a purificar el cuerpo fisico y energetico."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yoga para nios y nias en espaol" |
"Este curso fue creado para que nios y nias tengan la posibilidad de una conexin interna, reconozcan las partes de su cuerpo fsico, descubran la importancia de la respiracin para que atravs de las posturas y tcnicas de respiracin yguicas los nios/as aumentes la concentracin, la atencin y mejoren la memoria.Ayuda a que logren un EQUILIBRIO fsico, mental y emocional, tanto para aquellos que se muestran tmidos y vergonzosos, como para los extrovertidos, inquietos o demasiado activos. Colaborando as para una mejor interrelacin con sus pares y su entorno, sintindose seguros de s mismos con mayor autoconfianza, mejorando la autoestima.Es positivo que los padres disfruten de este curso junto con sus hijos vivenciando los beneficios que nos aporta el Yoga."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"become youtube thumbnail master with pixellab application" |
"this course is about how to make youTube thumbnails without using computer just by using android phone with the right appis pixellab and you will make creative and professional you Tube Thumbnails and you will build your pixellab skills and use some practice work to you can improve your youtube channel by making great and modern thumbnails just with your android phone and the work is powerful for small application but big work so this course will help you for :download the right appsget fontsand get resources that you needget new idea about thumbnails work on your skills to make batter thumbnails build your design skills for batter so you can do your own thumbnails"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Project Management Mastery Course" |
"This course will teach you the number one tool to manage and lead projects! Each section provides a detailed overview on how to fill out the project plan on a page. This course will improve your leadership & project management skill sets by showing you: How to properly conduct After Action Reviews (+ free template!) How to improve your Risk Management assessment How to incorporate Continuous Improvement into your Projects and Organization How to identify the Root Causes of problems and develop countermeasuresThis course is especially for you if you...Are fed up using an over-engineered or under-engineered software system (Franklin Covey/Smartsheet)Are sick and tired of updating timelines in powerpointAre frustrated with communication gaps in projectsFeel there is lack of accountability with cross-functional teamsIf you have been looking for a better, simpler, tool to manage and lead projects, look no further! The project plan on a page is the easiest way for you to ensure your project's success! "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CATIA Part Design" |
"This course focuses various options available within Sketch based features, which allows user to create part from scratch using sketches.this course focuses on all options that are available withing single command to have proper control on creation of 3D object.this will you to build more complex parts with ease.this course allows us to understand industry requirement and how to approach when we are handling complex parts such as Gears,Pistons & so on."
Price: 2560.00 ![]() |
"MS Excel Para Trabalho: De Iniciante a Avanado" |
"Aprenda Excel do nvel bsico ao avanado com uma planilha especialmente formulada para lhe ajudar a reter o conhecimento e a consolidar as informaes em um s local!Torne-se um mestre em MS Excel e aprenda diversas funcionalidades que iro dar um impulso na sua carreira!Este curso tem um com escopo abrangente e ao mesmo tempo apresenta funcionalidades especficas que iro impulsionar a sua produtividade, independente no que voc faz! Mesmo que voc tenha pouca experincia com Excel, ou j domine algumas das funcionalidades mais elementares da ferramenta, esse curso para voc!Com mais de 90 aulas e vrias horas de vdeo, esse curso abrange os tpicos mais variados do MS Excel. Este curso tambm inclui uma planilha especialmente projetada para facilitar seu aprendizado, contendo todos os tpicos do curso com navegao intuitiva e exerccios prticos.Este curso ir lhe ensinar diversas funcionalidades do Excel de uma forma prtica, onde voc ir poder pratic-las e aplic-las na sua carreira ou em diversas outras atividades!No incio do curso ir ser apresentado como navegar na planilha e tambm como a interface do sistema funciona. Este curso foi estruturado no Excel verso Windows, contudo, grande parte das funcionalidades so aplicadas tambm para a verso MacOS!Seguem abaixo os principais tpicos do curso: Atalhos Tabelas Funes (+40) Grficos Remover Duplicatas Texto Para Colunas Color Especial Barra de Status Guia de Acesso Rpido Impresso Formatao Condicional Validao de Dados Proteger Planilha Filtro Avanado Tabela Dinmica Hyperlinks Esconder Dados Definir Nomes Dashboard Consulta (Query) Solver! Atingir Meta Macros VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) Finanas Estatstica Machine Learning (Regresso Linear Simples) E muito mais!Voc ir ter acesso ilimitado as 90 aulas e a planilha do curso!Este curso vem acompanhado com 30 dias de garantia e caso voc no estiver satisfeito com o contedo apresentado, seu dinheiro ir ser devolvido!O que voc est esperando? Aprenda a dominar essa ferramenta incrvel utilizada por mais de 1 bilho de usurios e impulsione a sua carreira!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Linux UBUNTU 18.4 - Informtica Simples e Descomplicada" |
"Ubuntu 18.4 um sistema operacional estvel em cdigo aberto, construdo a partir do ncleo Linux, baseado no Debian e utiliza GNOME como ambiente de desktop de sua mais recente verso com suporte de longo prazo. desenvolvido pela Canonical Ltd. A distribuio Linux UBUNTU produzida pela empresa africana Canonical. E pode ser instalado em computadores PC e Mac. Baixando e Criando ISO Ubuntu 18-4 64bits em Windows 7 ou 10.Instalao Ubuntu 18-4 64bits em Maquina com Windows 10 - 64bitsSeo 6:O B-A-B do Ubuntu 18.4.04 LTSCriando, Excluindo e Renomeando PASTASConfiguraes Bsicas do UBUNTUAdministrando Criando UsuriosAplicativos NativosModificando a aparncia do Ubuntu - Atravs dos complementosCALC - Planilha EletrnicaWRITER - PROCESSADOR DE TEXTO"
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Motivasyon Nedir?" |
"Bu eitimde motivasyonu ele alyoruz ve ezber bozuyoruz.Bilinmilerin dnda bir eitime hazr msnz? Hatta buna eitim demek bile garip, daha dorusu ilham alp harekete gemeye hazr msnz?ok mu iddial oldu derseniz, evet iddial oldu. nk amacmz iddiamzla fark yaratmak. Hayata dair iddiamz var nk.Eer siz de hayata bizim gibi bakyorsanz, bu eitime kaydolun diyoruz.Neler alacanza dair bir vaadimiz yok bu eitimden, eer dnme ak ve gnll iseniz alacanz ey sizi harekete geirecektir, bildiimiz ey sadece bu.zetlemek gerekirse bu eitimde motivasyon ve motivasyon faktrlerini ele aldk. Bakn bunu yazmamz pekte fark yaratmad, fark yaratacak sizsiniz nk.imdiden iyi seyirler."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Mindful Wedding Planning Foundations Course" |
"Welcome to the Mindful Planning Foundations Course. Wedding planning doesn't have to be stressful. Let me show you the way.Here's a special invitation to brides-to-be ready to learn how to plan your dream wedding in a way that facilitates a new way of viewing the world and your approach to planning a wedding. If there was a way to plan a wedding that was free of drama, free of stressful situations, full of calm, meaningful decisions, and could create a sense of confidence in everything you do, would you be all in for learning that?In this course you will:Reduce any initial overwhelm and anxiety as you follow this course and know that you can plan a wedding. Get off to a structured start that will simply guide you to success. Gain confidence in finding reliable suppliers.Understand the importance of budgeting.Be armed with ways to handle potentially stressful situations. No more confusion and conflicting advice.Be able to handle suppliers and family with a calm, mindful approach to getting what you want without resorting to 'Bridezilla'.Get access to a wedding coach via the FB group so you can get advice when you need it on an ongoing basis.This course is for you if you would like the tools and advice to get started planning your wedding in a calm, stress-free and mindful way. It covers the basics you need to get started with planning your day your way.This course will empower you with the tools and mindset to make the right choices and to feel confident that everything you plan will work out exactly as you want. No drama.If you've just got engaged and you're overwhelmed about everything you need to do then this course is for you.If you're a bride-to-be who wants to plan their wedding in a calm, confident and mindful way, without the drama, then this course is for you.If you're planning an alternative wedding and don't want to deal with drama from well-meaning relatives, this course is for you as you learn how to deal with family members in a calm mindful way.This is a new type of wedding planning course - different from the wedding-by-numbers courses. If you want to go your own way with your wedding dreams, then this is for you. ""I would highly recommend this course if you are planning your wedding or want a more mindful approach to your wedding planning!"" ""You're like the Yogi of wedding planners!"""
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Orthodontics. Patient Examination." |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topics: Definitions and divisions of orthodontics, classifications of malocclusions, growth and development in the craniofacial region and detailed steps for orthodontic patient examination.Here are the main headlines that this course covers:Introduction to orthodontics. Definitions and divisions1. Andrews six keys of normal occlusion. Positions of the mandible. Equilibrium theory2. Classification of malocclusion3. Prevalence of malocclusion. Aetiology of malocclusion5.Benefits and risks of orthodontic treatmentGrowth and development of the craniofacial region1. Levels of growth of the body. Development of the mandible2. Development of the maxilla. Development of the cranial vault. Mandibular growth rotations. Adult craniofacial growth.Development of the dentition1. Postnatal development of the dentition.Development of the jaws. Deciduous dentition2. Mixed dentiton. Crowding of mandibular incisors3. Occlusal changes in the permanent dentitionThe orthodontic patient examination1. Patient examination. Medical and Dental history2. Extraoral examination. Smile analysis3. Dental photography4. Radiographs used in orthodontics5. Cephalometric analysis. Hard tissue landmarks6. Anatomic planes. Cephalometric angles7. Simple cephalometric analysis8. Steiners analysis. Wits appraisal. Tweeds analysis9. Facial analysis. Malocclusions. Errors in cephalometric analysis10. Dental cast analysis11. Moyers analysis. Boltons analysis. Ponts index. Linderhearths analysis. Carey`s analysis12. Evaluation of the skeletal and dental relationships in the three planes of space."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Payroll in a SAP Environment for Business Users" |
"This course is primarily for Payroll Analyst who are moving into a SAP environment or have recently joined a company that is run on SAP . This course gives you a brief insight , a very high level view of how payroll is ran in SAP and what are some of the basic transactions used to accomplish a payroll run for the business user."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Spanish From Zero!" |
"Welcome to Learn Spanish From Zero! This course will ease you gently into learning the beautiful language of Spanish! In this course you will learn basic but essential vocabulary and acquire the confidence to hold basic conversations with Spaniards and Spanish speaking individuals. Take your first Spanish language steps alongside an experienced teacher who was born and raised in the capital of Spain, Madrid, but who spent over a decade in the UK living, working and studying! Enjoy :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Write the Perfect Discussion Post" |
"Benefit from my years of experience as a Licensed English Teacher. I have tested methods with my students and now I would like to offer them to you. This course will teach you how to execute an effective online discussion post. All of the specific parts that help you to convey your thoughts and ideas effectively are demonstrated for you here."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Epidemiology of Coronavirus - Evolution of the Pandemic" |
"Hello and welcome to this online course on the evolution of the novel coronavirus pandemic, which is currently sweeping through the world. The situation is ever progressing and this course aims to give you key specialist knowledge on the important epidemiological factors which have contributed to the expansion of the outbreak, which began in Wuhan, China in December 2019. In this course you will learn:-what the virus is and where the virus comes from-how it spreads and how it has spread throughout the world-how epidemiologists measure severity of infectiousness-what control measures countries have taken and how successful these have been-what the direction for future research isThis course in intended for anyone who has an interest in epidemiology and the current pandemic and wants to gain specialist knowledge and information on the subject. This course will equip you with the terminology and information to better interpret the current outbreak for yourself."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Support and Resistance: Theory and Application" |
"This course shows you how to apply support and resistance to the financial markets, step-by-step and in a systematic way.We shall be discussing three sets of strategies with their defined set of rules that you can apply for you to get used to trading with support and resistance it is great for beginners looking for some guidance when venturing into price action trading. It is very simple yet very efficient!Technical analysts use support and resistance levels to identify price points on a chart where the probabilities favor a pause or reversal of a prevailing trend. Market psychology plays a major role as traders and investors remember the past and react to changing conditions to anticipate future market movement."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Data Visualization in Python Masterclass: Beginners to Pro" |
"Are you ready to start your path to becoming a Data Scientist!KGP Talkie brings you all in one course. Learn all kinds of Data Visualization with practical datasets. This comprehensive course will be your guide to learning how to use the power of Python to analyze data, create beautiful visualizations! This is a very unique course where you will learn EDA on Kaggle's Boston Housing, Titanic and Latest Covid-19 Datasets, Text Dataset, IPL Cricket Matches of all seasons, and FIFA world cup matches with real and practical examples.Data Scientist has been ranked the number one job on Glassdoor and the average salary of a data scientist is over $110,000 in the United States and all over the World according to Indeed! Data Science is a rewarding career that allows you to solve some of the world's most interesting problems!This course is designed for both beginners with some programming experience or experienced developers looking to make the jump to Data Science!This comprehensive course is comparable to other Data Science bootcamps that usually cost thousands of dollars, but now you can learn all that information at a fraction of the cost! With over 200+ Full HD video lectures and detailed code notebooks for every lecture this is one of the most comprehensive courses on Complete Data Visualization in Python.We'll teach you how to program with Python, how to analyze and create amazing data visualizations with Python! You can use this course as your ready-to-go reference for your own project.Here just a few of the topics we will be learning:Programming with PythonNumPy with PythonUsing Pandas Data Frames to solve complex tasksUse Pandas to FilesUse matplotlib and Seaborn for data visualizationsUse Plotly and Cufflinks for interactive visualizationsExploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of Boston Housing DatasetExploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of Titanic DatasetExploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of Latest Covid-19 Datasetand much, much more!By the end of this course you will:Have an understanding of how to program in Python.Know how to create and manipulate arrays using numpy and Python.Know how to use pandas to create and analyze data sets.Know how to use matplotlib and seaborn libraries to create beautiful data visualization.Have an amazing portfolio of python data analysis skills!Have experience of creating a visualization of real-life projectsEnroll in the course and become a data scientist today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Houses of Multiple Occupancy Masterclass Live Recording" |
"Welcome to the HMO Masterclass that was filmed live in November 2019.HMO Course ContentIntroduction to the Power-TeamWhat is a HMO and what can it mean to you?Definition and Different Types of a HMOHMO LegislationHMO RegulationsHMO Legal -The Housing ActEnforcement OptionsHMO FinanceHMO LicencingHMO AreasChoosing the right PropertyThe build and adding valueDressing a HMODeal ExamplesType of TenantsFinding TenantsDay2Day managementHMO SourcingDeal ExamplesQuestions AnsweredThis course will give you a better understanding of Houses of Multiple Occupancy and give you the knowledge to purchase your first HMO"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"It carries 100 Exam style MCQs from CHAPTER 4 CONDUCTING & RESPONDING TO INVESTIGATIONS from CAMS Text book Edition 6 in 2 volumes. This exam will not only test your theoretical knowledge that you have taken from the text book but it will also prepare you how to respond to the case studies / case scenarios style questions in the exam. Completing this test will give you a boost in confidence that you have a good grip on the topic. All answers are supported with Textbook page references so that you can easily refer back to text book."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Advance C-programming with Pointers" |
"Course OutlineBasic of pointers (*)L-value of variable and R-value of variable(&) Address of operator and (*) dereference operatorDifferent pointer data typesCasting of pointerSize of pointer variableMultiple indirectionPointer (*) ArithmeticArithmetic Operation with pointersAddition of constant with pointer variableIncrement and decrement operator with pointer variableBase address demonstration using casting of pointerDifference between two addressVoid pointersFunctions and Pointer (*)Local and global variableCall by value and Call by referenceFunction returning pointersArray and Pointer (*)Basic of 1-D arrayPassing 1-D array as parameter1-D Array pointer2-D Array3-D ArrayPassing 2-D array as parameterArray of pointersReturning arrayString and Pointer (*)Introduction to StringStandard library functionsArray of stringsStructure and Pointer (*)Structure DeclarationStructure pointerStructure PointerComplex structure pointerPadding and alignmentFunction Pointer (*)Function pointerPassing function as argumentFunction returning function pointerIncrement the function pointerArray of function pointerDynamic allocation of MemoryMallocCallocReallocFreeDereferencing a NULL pointerMemory leakData StructureStackQueueLinked ListTree"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure Hybrid Cloud Eitimi" |
"Cloud konsepti 3'e ayrlr. Public Cloud, Private Cloud ve Hybrid Cloud. Gnmzde hybrid cloud irketler ve kurumlar tarafndan en ok kullanlan cloud konseptidir.Datalarnzn veya servislerinizin bir ksmn public cloud zerinde tutarken hangi datalarnzn kendi Datacenternzda ve on-prem yapnzda kalacana tamamen siz karar verirsiniz. Ayn zamanda en cost effective yani en uygun fiyatla cloud hizmetlerinden yararlanrsnz.Bu eitimi aldktan sonra Microsoft Azure servislerlerinden irketinizi nasl konsolide edeceinizi reneceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Lideranca 2.0 - Como liderar equipes de sucesso" |
"O curso Liderana 2.0: Como liderar equipes de sucesso fornecer um passo a passo de como obter grandes avanos atravs do desenvolvimento das competncias: Liderana, Inteligncia Emocional, Comunicao, Planejamento, e Coaching.Para entender melhor, veja abaixo algumas das mudanas que so proporcionadas pelo curso:Entender melhor o comportamento humanoMotivar seus colaboradores e equipes a melhorar sua performanceAdministrar seu tempo mais efetivamentePlanejar objetivos e metasDar feedbacks que promovam resultadosDesenvolver e aprimorar sua lideranaAcessar e controlar estados emocionais poderososIdentificar e superar problemas, obstculos e bloqueios pessoais e profissionaisMelhorar relacionamentos e a comunicaoAumentar a percepo, a criatividade e a intuioUma pesquisa recente, realizada por The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) sobre criao de vantagem competitiva por meio de pessoas, apontou que empresas ainda tm dificuldade na hora de desenvolver seus lderes. Em entrevista ao BCG, 53% das empresas afirmaram no ter talentos para ocupar cargos crticos de liderana.Diante dessa realidade, as empresas encontram dificuldades em encontrar colaboradores que alm de possuir aptides tcnicas, tambm tenha a habilidade de liderar equipes em grandes projetos.Com estes ensinamentos, voc com certeza mudar a forma de enxergar sua liderana e tambm tomar melhores decises para gerenciar a sua equipe e seus projetos.Todos os resultados acima dependem da aplicao da metodologia por parte do aluno. Sendo assim, no podemos garantir que todos atinjam os mesmos resultados."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Gesto Financeira para Micro e Pequenas Empresas" |
"Aprenda tudo de que voc precisa para fazer uma Gesto Financeira eficiente e de resultado! Com linguagem solta, descontrada, objetiva e sem enrolao, voc entender neste curso a importncia de se controlar financeiramente a empresa, para facilitar e agilizar a tomada de decises; compreender como organizar as informaes financeiras para uma melhor gesto do capital da empresa; e conhecer quais so as ferramentas, os instrumentos e os processos que possibilitam a organizao e o controle financeiro da empresa."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |