Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Asp.Net Core API + OData" |
"OData nedir ?OData Metadata nedir ?OData ktphanesi aspnet core api projesine nasl implement edilir ?OData Query Options Select nasl kullanlr ?OData Query Options Expand nasl kullanlr ?OData Query Options OrderBy nasl kullanlr ?OData Query Options Top nasl kullanlr ?OData Query Options Skip nasl kullanlr ?OData Query Options Count nasl kullanlr ?OData Query Option($filter) - Logical Operators nasl kullanlr ?OData Query Option($filter)- Arithmetic Operators nasl kullanlr ?OData Query Option($filter)- Function nasl kullanlr ?[ODataRoute] Attribute nasl kullanlr ?[ODataRoutePrefix] Attribute nasl kullanlr ?Custom Route nasl yazlr ?OData ile sayfalama nasl yaplr ?OData Navigation Property nedir ?OData CRUD ilemleri nasl yaplr ?OData Action nedir ? OData Function nedir ?OData Connected Service Extension nedir ? projede nasl kullanlr ?"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Gann & Dnglerle Teknik Analiz Kursu" |
"Finansal piyasalar iin nemli iki unsur vardrPsikoloji ve Finans ikisi bir araya geldiinde piyasa hareketlerini dourur.Bunlardan en nemlisi insan psikolojisidir.Gne, gezegenler ve Ayn insan davranlar ve psikolojileri zerinde etkileri astrologlar ve astroloji ile ilgilenenler tarafndan gzlemlenmitir.Bu etkiler kendisini dngler olarak hissettirmektedir.Teknik analizlerimde sklkla mevsimsel dngler ve Ayn evrelerini kullandm bilirsiniz.Bu derslerimizde de yine dngleri ileyeceiz. rnek grafikler zerinde dnglerin nasl altn ve finansal piyasalar nasl etkilediini ele alacaz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Chess Opening Series - King's Gambit - Bishop's Gambit" |
"Hi, Welcome to my new course on King's Gambit - Bishop's Gambit. With the little-explored third move Bc4, white players can pose different challenges for the black players to solve. Since in this line(3.Bc4), very few games are played by Grandmasters and other players around the world, most of the games in this series are played either against computers with human input (or) myself playing someone in online chess server. In recent times, Computer evaluation came under heavy pressure after the crushing defeat of Stockfish at the hands of Alpha zero(NeuralNetwork based Engine). After Alpha zero, with the arrival of its replica Leela zero(NeuralNetwork based Engine), soon traditional computer-based evaluation will be challenged. However, it should be noted every AI engine resembles closely to humans. So it is vital to reevaluate chess positions and Bishop's King's gambit is one of the perfect candidates."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"How To Sell Your Jewelry" |
"How To Sell Your Jewelry is an in-depth guide on how to sell your pre-owned jewelry. This unique course aims to provide you with a transparent and neutral outlook to help you sell your jewelry confidently, wisely and strategically.This step-by-step course is a culmination of over a decade of experience working in the opaque diamond and jewelry industry, and I am confident you will extract invaluable knowledge from my expertise, allowing you to optimize your time and get the most money out of your jewelry.Expert Advice: Expert strategies from a gemologist, jewelry expert, and luxury consultant.Peace of Mind: Learn how to sell your jewelry confidently, wisely and strategically.Immediate ROI: Avoid mistakes, optimize your time, and earn thousands of dollars more.Learn How ToStructure and optimize your selling strategyUnderstand the opaque jewelry/diamond marketplaceIdentify trustworthy companiesManage your expectationsUnderstand the pre-owned industryInterpret certificates VS appraisalsChoose between auction, consignment, or direct paymentIn-depth look at the various commission structuresNegotiate confidentlyAvoid costly mistakesEffectively apply your knowledgeWhy Me?Neutral, transparent, independent diamond consultantExperience in wholesale, retail, Ecommerce, auction, pre-ownedNo incentives, not sponsored by any companiesOver a decade of experience in the jewelry/diamond industryStrategic thinker with in-depth knowledge of current trendsPersonalized touch to your individual needsThis one-time investment will help you save thousands of dollars by avoiding mistakes, strategizing your jewelry resell, and optimizing your time and money. Designed with a holistic approach, this unique 360 course is the most effective shortcut to a stress-free and pressure-free jewelry selling adventure."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"C2010-571 IBM Tivoli Automation Engine Implementation Exam" |
"286 UNIQUE practice questions for C2010-571 IBM Tivoli Automation Engine Implementation ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C2010-571 IBM Tivoli Automation Engine Implementation ExamTotal Questions : 286Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :160 minsPassing Score : 75 (214 of 286)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Ansys Statik Analiz Blm 2" |
"Kursumun erii;Statik ki Boyutlu Kuvvet SistemleriStatik Boyutlu Kuvvet SistemleriStatik Dzlemde DengeStatik Dzlem Kafes SistemlerStatik Kirilerde Kesme Momenti HesabStatik ki Boyutlu Kuvvet SistemleriStatik Boyutlu Kuvvet SistemleriStatik Dzlemde DengeStatik Dzlem Kafes SistemlerStatik Kirilerde Kesme Momenti HesabStatik ki Boyutlu Kuvvet SistemleriStatik Boyutlu Kuvvet SistemleriStatik Dzlemde DengeStatik Dzlem Kafes SistemlerStatik Kirilerde Kesme Momenti Hesab"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Blender 2.82 Karakter Modelleme ve Animasyon Eitimi" |
"Not: Temel Blender bilgisi gerekmektedir.Nedir Bu Blender ?Asl soru ""Ne Deil ki?"" desem, pek haksz olmam sanrsam.Blender le;ModellemelerAnimasyonlar,Video MontajlarVfx Projeleri ve daha bir ok ey yaplabiliyor.Hem de bu kadar ilevine ramen rakiplerine gre boyutu kyaslanmayacak derecede kktr.Bu arada, Blender tamam ile ""cretsiz"" ve ak kaynak kodlu bir yazlmdr.Blender getiimiz 1 sene iinde ok popler bir konuma gelmitir. Bunun en byk nedeni 2.80 srmnn yepyeni zellikler ile piyasaya srlmesinin yaratt etkidir.Biz ise eitimimizi 2.82 srm ile gerekletireceiz. Yani uan iin programn en gl ve en gncel srm.Ne yapacaz? Karakter modelleme. Sculpt (organik modelleme ve brushlar) Uv Editing Rigging (iskelet sistemi oluturma) Kaplama ve Materyal oluturma. Animasyon render' alma.Blender dier programlara gre kullan ve renmesi ok daha kolay bir programdr.Bu nedenden dolay ok fazla zorlanmadan hayalinizdeki karakteri ve animasyonu yapmay reneceinizden pheniz olmasn.Bir sorun karsa eer en ge 24 saat iinde sorularnz yantlyorum.Soru sormaktan ekinmeyin.Hayalinizdeki projeleri hayata geirmeniz dilei ile..."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Francs - Mtodo Extraordinrio Rumo FLUNCIA" |
"Todas as vdeo-aulas tm facilidades para assistir e realizar os exerccios. Solicito que tenham em mos material escrevente para, no final, verificar o seu aprendizado.Este curso possui:a) Introduob) Curso Bsico A1c) Phontique A1-A2d) Grammaire Progressive du Franais_Niveau Dbutante) Curso Bsico A2f) Grammaire Progressive du Franais_Niveau Intermediareg) udios variados com textos em Francs-PortugusEu desejo todo o SUCESSO nesta nova caminhada."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Bateri dersi" |
"Daha nce hi bateri almam veya biraz alabilen rencilerin ritim alma, nota okuma, el ve ayak teknikleri gibi konularda kendilerini gelitirebilecekleri son derece basit ve faydal bilgiler ieren bir kurs. En basit dzeyden balayarak zaman iersin de iyi dzeyde davul almann basit ve eylenceli yolunu sizlerle paylatm. Dersler ierisinde bir mzisyen iin ok nemli olan ritmik solfej almalar ve koordinasyon almalar da mevcut. Bu kursta gnlk rutin alma planlarnz oluturup kendinizi srekli gelitire bileceiniz devler bulacaksnz."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Hzlandrlm 5 Saatlik Pandas ve Python ile Veri Analizi" |
"En Kapsaml Online Pandas Kursuna Hogeldiniz!Neden Pandas?Veriler her geen gn daha anlaml hale geliyor. Verileri analiz edebilmek ve anlam karabilmek bu gnlerde en ok aranan zelliklerden birisi. Eskiden veri madencilii ilemlerini Excel gibi programlarla yapabiliyorduk. Artk Python ve Pandas kullanarak ok daha fazla veriyle ve ok daha hzl bir ekilde alabiliyoruz. ster veri bilimcisi(Data Scientist), ister makine renme mhendisi(machine learning engineer), ister istatiki olun, Python ve Pandas size verilerle yapabileceiniz btn ilemleri (import, clean, join/merge/concatenate, manipulate, process) ok daha hzl ve verimli bir ekilde yapma imkan sunacak.Pandas renmek iin nce Python uzman olmam gerekiyor mu?Hayr. Temel seviyede veri tiplerini ve deikenleri bilmek yeterli. Bu kurstaki ""Hzlandrlm Temel Python"" adndaki blmde Pandas kullanabilmek iin bilmeniz gereken tm Python konular anlatlmtr.Neden Bu Kurs?Simple Academy ekibi olarak kurslarmz en kapsaml ekilde hazrlyor ve gncel tutabilmek iin elimizden geleni yapyoruz. Ayn zamanda sorularnza annda cevap bulabileceksiniz.Sadelii ve kaliteyi misyonumuz olarak konumlandrdmz iin, kurslarmzda bilgi kirliliine rastlamayacak ve gerek animasyonlu anlatmlarmz gerek ise elenceli altrmalarmzla renmek istediiniz konuyu en etkili ekilde renceksiniz.Her kursumuzda 30 gn iinde para iadesi sunuyoruz. Memnun kalmadnz anda hi soru sormadan iade edebilirsiniz."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"E2C JK0-022 CompTIA Security+Compliance Operational Exam" |
"252 UNIQUE practice questions for PMI-002 Certify Associate Project Management Internship ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PMI-002 Certify Associate Project Management Internship ExamTotal Questions : 252Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (189 of 252)"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Les bases de Laravel 7" |
"Dans cette formation sur Laravel 7, vous allez apprendre les notions fondamentales du framework, ainsi que la cration d'un site web complet .A la fin de cette formation, vous serez capable de construire et scuriser votre propre site web, via un systme d'authentification.Vous apprendrez les notions essentielles de Laravel, telles que le routing, l'utilisation du modle MVC, la cration de Model, l'utilisation d'un moteur de template, la communication avec une base de donnes etc..Nous aborderons aussi comment grer les relations entre models, la communication avec une application extrieure, la gestion des fichiers, l'enregistrements de message flash, la ralisation de paiements, , l'authentification, l'upload d'images etc..Bon apprentissage !"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"MS Azure Fundamentals - Mock Test" |
"Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900)This exam is designed for candidates looking to demonstrate foundational-level knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Microsoft Azure. The exam is intended for candidates with non-technical backgrounds, such as those involved in selling or purchasing cloud based solutions and services, or who have some involvement with cloud based solutions and services, as well as those with a technical background who have a need to validate their foundational-level knowledge around cloud services. Technical IT experience is not required, however, some general IT knowledge or experience would be beneficial.This exam can be taken as an optional first step in learning about cloud services and how those concepts are exemplified by Microsoft Azure. It can be taken as a precursor to Microsoft Azure or Microsoft cloud services exams. While it would be a beneficial first step, validating foundational-level knowledge, taking this exam is not a prerequisite before taking any other Azure-based certifications.Exam AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals - Skills measuredUnderstand cloud concepts (15-20%)Describe the benefits and considerations of using cloud servicesDescribe the differences between Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)Describe the differences between public, private and hybrid cloud modelsUnderstand core Azure services (30-35%)Understand the core Azure architectural componentsDescribe some of the core products available in AzureDescribe some of the solutions available on AzureUnderstand Azure management toolsUnderstand security, privacy, compliance, and trust (25-30%)Understand securing network connectivity in AzureDescribe core Azure Identity servicesDescribe security tools and features of AzureDescribe Azure governance methodologiesUnderstand monitoring and reporting options in AzureUnderstand privacy, compliance and data protection standards in AzureUnderstand Azure pricing and support (20-25%)Understand Azure subscriptionsUnderstand planning and management of costsUnderstand the support options available with AzureDescribe Azure Service Level Agreements (SLAs)Understand service lifecycle in AzureTo ensure success in Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) certification exam, we recommend authorized training course, practice test and hands-on experience to prepare for Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SUBLIMAO E FILMES DE RECORTE - Do Bsico ao Avanado." |
"Fizemos um curso bem completo, unindo as principais TCNICAS para estampar produtos de pequenos formatos: SUBLIMAO, FILMES DE RECORTE usando a Scanncut e Silhouette, alm do TRANSFER. E voc ainda vai aprender noes bsicas de Corel e Photoshop, para dar seus primeiros passos na criao de artes.Voc vai aprender a estampar produtos como: caneca de loua, squeezes, canecas de alumnio, camisas (inclusive de algodo e de cores escuras), chinelo, mousepad, almofadas, copos long drink, taas, canetas, rguas, tulipas e uma infinidade de outros itens.A didtica do nosso curso fazer voc entender o processo de estamparia, e no a decorar tabelas de tempo e temperatura. Unimos aulas tericas, com todos os conceitos necessrios para voc saber em que e como investir, com aulas prticas, para voc aprender a estampar os produtos. Tudo de forma muito direta e prtica, sempre orientando para o entendimento de cada processo.E voc ainda vai aprender conceitos de negcio e empreendedorismo, com aulas de formao de preos, noes de marketing, mercado, e muito mais.Se voc est em dvida sobre qual curso escolher, no deixe de comparar a nossa carga horria, alm da quantidade de aulas, alm das avaliaes. :)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Animao Whiteboard com tutorial Sony Vegas e Toonly" |
"Neste curso, voc vai descobrir como trabalhar com o Videoscribe numa abordagem detalhada sobre todas as suas ferramentas.Preparei um Tutorial bsico de como trabalhar com udio no Sony Vegas para inserir gravao de voz, trilha sonora de fundo e sonoplastia. Isso far uma enorme diferena no resultado final do seu projeto!Alm disso, o curso ainda contm:Tutorial de como utilizar o Toonly, software usado para criar cenas animadas, com personagens, objetos e cenrios animados!Pack com +1GB de efeitos sonoros(Sonoplastia) e msicas livres de direitos autorais para voc usar nas suas animaes. s baixar!Lista de exerccios para praticar!Depois da parte tcnica de edio, vou te dar dicas para deixar o seu vdeo mais atraente e vou compartilhar experincias dos meus trabalhos para voc pegar a manha de como lidar com os clientes.Gostou? No deixe passar a oportunidade!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Comunicao e Cultura em Negcios Internacionais" |
"Com a acelerao da era da informao, fica cada vez mais comum ter relaes empresariais internacionais. Voc pode ter clientes em outros pases, ou talvez esteja terceirizando partes de seu trabalho ou comprando suprimentos e matrias primas de empresas no exterior.Com a evoluo da tecnologia, existem cada vez menos barreiras para importao e exportao. Menos barreiras significa que sua entrada no mercado internacional de mais fcil acesso para sua empresa. Mas tambm significa que outras empresas tambm tm acesso facilitado, e aumenta a competio.Por isso, importante desenvolvermos algumas habilidades especficas para que possamos nos destacar, criar relacionamentos, e trabalhar de forma profissional e respeitosa com empresas no exterior.O entendimento das diferenas culturais de seu cliente ou fornecedor so importantssimos para que eles se sintam vontade e confiem em voc o suficiente para criar ou manter um relacionamento de negcios.Neste curso, ns vamos falar sobre como se comunicar com empresas no exterior, levando em conta os desafios que a comunicao no presencial pode acarretar, barreiras de lngua e de cultura. Vamos trabalhar com vrios exemplos, para que fique clara a aplicabilidade dessas diferenas culturais na hora de se comunicar, tanto a distncia ou presencialmente com algum de outro pas.Vamos explorar a comunicao em ingls, que o idioma internacional dos negcios independente do pas com o qual voc est trabalhando. Este no um curso de ingls, mas vou passar algumas dicas sobre como se comunicar por e-mail de forma profissional e sobre comunicao falada tambm.Vamos falar sobre algumas culturas como Americana, Europeia, Indiana e Chinesa, que so regies que muito comum fazermos negcios tanto contratando trabalho, quanto vendendo nossos produtos e servios.Alm disso, tambm vamos explorar alguns princpios de comrcio internacional, falando sobre formas de pagamento, termos de pagamento, e um pouco sobre desenvolvimento de uma estratgia de internacionalizao."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"C ++ Programming Course In Nepali - By Bishworaj Poudel" |
"Bishworaj Poudel Online/Offline Programming C++ Programming Online Course :-> ,-> , -> , -> Offline Course Teacher Online Course Self Dependent"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"NLP Practitioner Etimi" |
"NLP (Neuro Linguistik Programlama) yaam anlamlandrma sanatdr. Kendi yaamn sanata dntr ve edindiin tekniklerle bakalarnn yaamlarn deitirmelerine liderlik et. Zihinsel srecinde yaadn aksaklklar gidererek i ve zel yaamnda daha huzurlu ve keyifli ol. Kavramsal yeteneklerini gelitir ve olaylara olan bak anda fark yarat.NLP Uygulayc Eitimi Sana Ne Fayda Salar?Bilinaltnn farkna varacak ve sahip olduun zenginlikler sayesinde hayata olan bak an deiecek,radenin farkna varacak ve yapamam dediklerinin aslnda ok basit olduunu greceksin.nsanlarla olan ilikilerindeki baskn taraflarn ortaya karabileceksin.Olaylar karsnda daha fazla analitik dnebileceksin.renilmi aresizlik durumundan kp sen olduunu hissedeceksin.Her ortamda sz syleme zgrlne sahip olacaksn.Dilin zelliklerini daha iyi kullanacak ve karndakini etkileyebileceksin.Kendinde var olan z kaynaklarn da farkndal ve NLPnin gc ile buradaym diyebileceksin.NLP Uygulayc Eitim erii (Nro Linguistik Programing)Tamam alr 200e yakn teknikten olumaktadr. NLP uygulayc eitimi olduka zengin ierikli dolu dolu bir programdr. Ruh, kalp, zihin ve beden kombinasyonunu kullanr.Eitimin tamam uygulama + ierik olarak iler.Eitimde duygu kontrolnden, alkanlklara, dilin kullanmdan beynin nasl kullanldna kadar zengin bir ierik bulunmaktadr. Eitimde kullanlan teknikler, uluslararas bilinen ve uygulanan tekniklerdir.Eitim esnasnda ve sonrasnda katlmclara eitim ile ilgili dokmanlar verilecek ve eitim sonrasnda da mentrlk hizmeti salanacaktr."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"NLP ile sat" |
"21. Yzyln mucizesi ve hereyin bilimi olarak tanmlanan NLP ile tann.Mterilerle hzl bir uyum yakalayarak, zihinlerine girmenin yollarn kefedin.Sat motivasyonunuzu arttracak teknikleri renin.Meta programlarla insanlarn davran kalplarn analiz etmenin yollarn deneyimleyin.NLPnin mucizevi hipnotik dil elerini kullanmay renin.Satta fark yaratmak iin srekli kendimizi gelitirmemiz ok nemli. Uzman satclarn bilmesi gereken NLP tekniklerini bu eitimde en yaln anlatm ve rnekleriyle bulabilirsiniz.Bu eitim sat hedeflerinize ulamak ve rakiplerinize fark atmak iin kendine yapacanz harika bir yatrm olacak. stelik sadece i iin deil sosyal hayatnz iin de ok sayda faydal neriye ulaabilirsiniz."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"FOREX Carry Trade - Straight To The Point" |
"This FOREX course will lead you into the world of interest rate differentials between currencies. You will discover a smart application when trading FOREX or CFDs, where the traders position themselves in a way where their key objective is to collect swaps on leverage. This is known as a Carry Trade.Curriculum:Understanding FOREX Interest Rates and SwapsProper time-frames for a proper Carry TradePlanning and Executing a Carry Trade"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Aplicacin, calificacin e interpretacin de MMPI 2-R" |
"Mediante el presente curso el participante obtendr los conocimientos necesarios para aplicar, calificar e interpretar el Inventario multifsico de la Personalidad de Minnessota (MMPI 2R) en la evaluacin de personalidad y psicopatologas. Al finalizar, el estudiante aplicar dichos conocimientos en la realizacin de un ejercicio a base de un caso clnico."
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"Learn Corporate Linux Scratch to Advanced Level" |
"Mastery in Corporate Linux with Real-time troubleshooting - A Complete Step-by-Step Training Course to become Linux Expert Gateway to IT IndustryWelcome to the most complete ,Interactive,Real Time scenario Based and scratch to advanced level course for learning and Using Managing Partition,LVM,User & Group Administration,SELINUX,RPM,YUM,Booting,Processes,Services,FTP,NFS,DNS,SAMBA,APACHE TOMCAT Server.. end-to-end,from Administration to Troubleshooting and server deployments to production. All topic tought in depth.As an Linux System Administrator,DevOps Enginnner,AWS Administrator,Virtualization Administrator and Cloud Expertise and based on my Interview Experienced which i faced during my struggling days to till date.I have conclude or share all my 8 years of IT Experience in this course by use of different technologies.Why should you learn from me and Why to trust me to teach you Linux?I am having 8 Years of Experience in IT Industry as DevOps Engineer with Expertise in Linux ,Virtulization ,Shell Scripting and AWS Administration.I am an B.E Graduate in Computer Science Engineer.""I have worked with different Roles and Responsibility during this period of time such as Linux Administrator , AWS Administrator and Currently Working as DevOPs Engineer.""I have worked with many companies Such as Onmobile,HPE,Cognizant,Indecomm,Oracle and with Different Technologies like Linux(RHEL,CentOS,Ubuntu,Fedora),UNIX,Application Server,Web Server,FTP,DNS,NFS,SMABA,LDAP,BONDING,Cluster ,VMWare,AWS,Shell Scripting,DevOps Tools -Git,Github,Jenkins,Maven,Docker,Kubernetes,Ansible,Nagios,Cloudwatch...etcI Have already a course in Udemy : ""Devops culture with devops tools Scratch to advanced level"",""Mastery in Ansible and Automation with Playbook"",""Docker+Docker-swarm+kubernetes-Hands on course in depth with Review 4.7 BONUS 1 : 100 + SCENARIO BASED INTERVIEW QUESTIONS & ANSWER FOR LINUXBONUS 2 : LINUX INTERVIEW QUESTIONS & ANSWER - MORE THAN 100+ REAL-TIME SCENARIO Q&A ASKED DURING INTERVIEWSBONUS 3 : PLEASE WRITE Q&A AND WILL ANSWERING IT WITHIN 24 HRS."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"DevOps Culture with DevOps Tools - Scratch to Advanced Level" |
"DevOps Culture From Scratch to Advanced level - A Complete Step-by-Step Training Most Comprehensive Course to Become DevOps EngineerWelcome to the most Comprehensive or Complete ,Interactive,Real Time scenario Based and scratch to advanced level course for learning and Using Git and Github - A version Control Tool,Ansible - Configuration Management Tool,Jenkins - Integration tool end-to-end, Maven - Build Tool for War file,Docker,Docker Volume,Docker network,Docker Compose,Docker File containers end-to-end, from development and testing, to server deployments and production.Docker swarm with Master-Worker Configuration - Orchestration tool for Cluster,Kubernetes - Controlling Containers in depth taught by An DevOps Engineer,Linux System Administrator,AWS Administrator and based on Interview Experienced which i faced during my struggling days to till date.I have conclude or share all my 9 years of IT Experience in this course by use of all these technologies.Starting out with Version Control Tool Git and Git. This course starts out assuming you're new to DevOps Tool.""I've another course on (Udemy).But this course is more in depth.when it comes to all the git,github,jenins,docker,docker-swarm,kubernetes,Ansible, this is the course to become real Devops Engineer"" Why should you learn from me and Why to trust me to teach you DevOps?I am having 9 Years of Experience in IT Industry as DevOps Engineer with Expertise in Linux and AWS Administration.I am an B.E Graduate in Computer Science Engineer.I have worked with different Roles and Responsibility during this period of time such as Linux Administrator , AWS Administrator and Currently Working as DevOPs Engineer.I have worked with many companies Such as Onmobile,HPE,Cognizant,Indecomm,Oracle,etc and with Different Technologies like Linux(RHEL,CentOS,Ubuntu,Fedora),UNIX,Application Server,Web Server,FTP,DNS,NFS,SMABA,LDAP,BONDING,Cluster ,VMWare,AWS,Shell Scripting,DevOps Tools -Git,Github,Jenkins,Maven,Docker,Kubernetes,Ansible,Nagios,Cloudwatch...etc I Have many courses in Udemy : Like ""Mastery in Corporate Linux with real-time troubleshooting,Docker+ Docker-Swarm + Kubernetes Hands on Course in Depth & Linux basics + Ansible + Automation with Ansible Playbook which is running in 22 countries.BONUS: Please write Q&A and will answering it within 24 hrs."
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Linux basics + Ansible + Automation with Ansible Playbook" |
"Learn Linux Basics + Ansible and Automation with Playbook from Scratch to Advanced level - Complete Step-by-Step TrainingThis Training Course Content and Practical implementation of all the topics (Like Ansible introduction,Ansible Installation and configuration,Ansible Architecture in depth, Ansible Ad hoc command,Ansible Playbook,Ansible Roles,Installation of FTP, VSFTPD,APACHE TOMCAT Server.. etc by using Playbook) is completely designed as per My IT Industry Experience in Production Environment as a DevOps Enginnner ,Linux System Administrator, AWS Administrator and Automation Experience based on Interview Experienced which i faced during my struggling days to till date.I have conclude or share all my 8 years of Experience in this course by use of all these technologies.As an DevOps Enginnner,Linux System Administrator,AWS Administrator,Virtualization Administrator and Cloud Expertise and based on my Interview Experienced which i faced during my struggling days to till date.I have conclude or share all my 8 years of IT Experience in this course by use of different technologies.Why should you learn from me and Why to trust me to teach you Linux?I am having 8 Years of Experience in IT Industry as DevOps Engineer with Expertise in Linux ,Virtulization ,Shell Scripting and AWS Administration.I am an B.E Graduate in Computer Science Engineer.""I have worked with different Roles and Responsibility during this period of time such as Linux Administrator , AWS Administrator and Currently Working as DevOPs Engineer.""I have worked with many companies Such as Onmobile,HPE,Cognizant,Indecomm,Oracle and with Different Technologies like Linux(RHEL,CentOS,Ubuntu,Fedora),UNIX,Application Server,Web Server,FTP,DNS,NFS,SMABA,LDAP,BONDING,Cluster ,VMWare,AWS,Shell Scripting,DevOps Tools -Git,Github,Jenkins,Maven,Docker,Kubernetes,Ansible,Nagios,Cloudwatch...etcI Have already a course in Udemy : ""Devops culture with devops tools Scratch to advanced level"",""Devops culture with devops tool : scratch to advanced level"",""Docker+Docker-swarm+kubernetes-Hands on course in depth with Review 4.7"
Price: 8000.00 ![]() |
"Muhasebe ile ilgili olarak temel dzey bilgi sahibi olmak kursun daha kolay anlalmasn salar.Temel Mali Tablolardan Bilano ve Gelir tablosunun yapsn renmek,Bilano ve Gelir Tablosundaki bilgileri okumak, Analiz ve yorum srelerini grmek,Analiz tekniklerinin (Karlatrmal tablolar analiz teknii, oran analiz teknii, dikey analiz teknii, trend analizi) bilano ve gelir tablosuna nasl uygulanacan renmek,Ek Mali Tablolar tanmak,Lisans rencisiyseniz Finansal Tablolar analizi dersini renmek,SMMM yeterlilik snavnda kmas muhtemel szel ksmlar renmek istiyorsanz bu eitim sizin iin... + Daha fazla gster"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Osteopathy Mastery" |
"If you have an injury or spinal problem and are wondering about how you can be healed then this is your course. If you are thinking about a new career into becoming a healer then again, this is your course. If you`ve stumbled upon this course you may wish to begin with the more basic course of 'Osteopathy' in Udemy that Dr. Conor Hogan Ph.D. has before doing this course. However, you may also complete this course as a complete beginner also. Either way, this course will teach you all you need to know about this successful science that is growing rapidly all around the world."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
Techable |
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"English Speaking For Beginners" |
"In this course we will cover all the topics of related to Tenses Simple Present Tense ( )Present Continuous tense ( )Present Perfect Tense ( )Present Perfect Continuous Tense ( )Simple Past Tense ( )Past Continuous Tense ( )Past Perfect Tense ( )Past Perfect Continuous Tens ( )Simple Future Tense ( )Future Continuous Tense ( )Future Perfect Tense ( )Future Perfect Continuous Tense ( )"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Hitfilm Express 2020 fr Anfnger (kostenlose-Software)" |
"Ich werde dir die Grundlagen des Videoschnitts in Hitfilm Express vermitteln und zeige dir die verschiedensten Sachen, die in Hitfilm mglich sind. Zustzlich gehe ich auf Kundenwnsche ein und wir bearbeiten gemeinsam die gewnschten Videos.Zuletzt berate ich Sie auch noch gerne im Thema Videoschnitt und versuche Ihnen weitere Videobearbeitungsprogramme zu empfehlen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"YDS iin E Anlaml Soru zmleri" |
"Snavlardaki testlerde verilen sorular doru anlamaSorulan sorular anlama ve istenileni muhakeme edebilmeSoruyu doru yorumlayp soru cmlesinde geen modallar, noun clauselar, adjective clauselar, relatives balalar ve anahtar kelimelerin e anlamllarn grp ayn zellikteki cevap klarn bulabilmekBu kurstan sonra kursumda benim verdiim direktiflere uyarsanz girdiiniz herhangi bir snavda bu konudaki sorulardan baarl olacanza eminim"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Estructuras - Anclajes metlicos para su uso en hormign" |
"Clculo manual, con Hilti Profis Anchor, Fischer y Idea de anclajes metlicos con resina qumica para su uso en hormign.En este curso veremos:1. Normativa de aplicacin para el clculo de hormigon2. Clculo manual mediante la norma ETAG 01 Anejo C3. Justificacin de pernos y hormign a traccin.4. Justificacin de pernos y hormign a cortante.5. Justificacin de anclajes mediante el software Hilti Profis Anchor6. Justificacin de anclajes mediante el software de Fischer7. Comparacin de resultados con software de elementos finitos IDEA Statica"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |