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"La Bible de l'Entrepreneur Efficace" |
"Nouveau format, Nouveaux objectifs ! Ce programme est diffrent de mes autres programmes. Ici, vous trouverez l'ensemble de mes anciennes vidos Youtube que j'ai compiles au sein de cette formation, et traite de tous les sujets lis l'entrepreneuriat. Plus de 25 heures de pure efficacit !Puisqu'elle ne sont plus en ligne, et que j'y ai apport normment de valeur pour les crer, je trouvais dommage de les laisser au placard ...D'autant plus que vous tes nombreux m'avoir demand une sorte de bibliothque des conseils les plus pertinents que vous pourriez consulter de temps en temps pour devenir un meilleur entrepreneur. C'est dsormais le cas ! Nous parlerons marketing, communication, vente, prospection, rseaux sociaux, site web, blogging, valeur, avantage concurrentiel, design, 20/80 ... et encore beaucoup d'autres sujets ! J'insiste : ce programme n'est pas comme les autres, et il n'y a pas d'ordre logique. C'est tout l'intrt ! Mon conseil : piochez une vido sur un sujet qui vous intresse, et vous dvelopperez un tat d'esprit plus performant, jour aprs jour. Vos comptences seront plus aiguise, et vos rsultats seront exponentiels. Rapidement, vous allez vendre plus facilement, apporter de la valeur vos clients, cibler rapidement vos meilleurs prospects, diminuer vos dpenses en communication, convaincre de manire plus systmatique ... ... et surtout vendre mieux, plus vite et plus cher !Cette formation est davantage conue pour ceux me connaissent dj, ont particip l'un de mes programmes et partagent mon obsession pour l'efficacit et la mise en place de plans d'actions pertinents.Sinon, laissez-moi vous convaincre dans un premier temps sur un autre de mes programmes. Suivez les avis :)Pour les autres, je suis convaincu que ce nouveau format vous plaira.Ce programme est une mine d'or pour vous permettre de raliser davantage de ventes dans les mois venir. Profitez-en :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"LinkedIn et Sales Navigator : le guide complet de A Z" |
"Formateur LinkedIn pendant plus de 3 ans, j'ai obtenu d'incroyables rsultats et gagner des centaines de clients pendant plusieurs annes, uniquement grce LinkedIn. Dans cette formation, je vous partage ce qui a fait ma russite. Attention : pas de recette miracle ! Comme sur toutes mes formations Udemy, je vous propose de mettre en place une stratgie professionnelle percutante pour trouver vos prochains clients. Ils sont sur le rseau et je sais comment aller les chercher. Pas consquent, vous ne trouverez pas de ""hack"" miracle, car cela n'existe pas. Et encore moins sur LinkedIn.Module 1 : LinkedIn est un outil de vente remarquable. Je vous montre comment Sales Navigator vous fera gagner plusieurs heures par jour pour trouver vos prochains clients, et obtenir des rsultats exponentiels dans le temps.Module 2 : Je vous montrer comment exploiter les meilleures fonctionnalits de Sales Navigator pour mieux cibler vos prospects, les garder plus proches de vous et faire une excellente premire impression.Module 3 : Ne blmez pas vos prospects non intress. Devenez plus intressant. Je vous donne la mthode pas pas pour attirer leur attention, et convaincre davantage de prospects d'couter votre proposition de valeur. Chaque jour.Module 4 : Je vous partage les techniques avances qui vous permettront de creuser l'cart avec vos concurrents. Nous parlerons de travail horizontal de compte, gestion des profils similaires et test de personnalit pour engager efficacement la conversation. De vraies ppites s'y trouvent !Module 5 : Ces cls sont inconnus de l'immense majorit des entrepreneurs. Ces astuces simples m'ont permis littralement de multiplier par 3 le nombre de clients conquis ds les premiers jours de test. Les rsultats parlent d'eux-mme. Module 6 : Le social selling un outil de vente formidable, malheureusement trop mal compris. La cl rside dans la gestion du temps, et votre capacit gnrer de la confiance auprs de prospects potentiels. Et justement, je vais vous faire gagner plusieurs heures pas jour pour atteindre cet objectif, ce qui vous permettre de vendre plus facilement et plus vite. Profitons-en !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Programming for beginners" |
". """" . ! : . "" : "" "" "" . . "" "" . . . ... . ! ."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
sougyou_plan |
Price: 19800.00 ![]() |
"Learn to code in easy steps II" |
"Learn to code in easy steps IIHello and welcome to this introduction to coding course. This course builds on our 1st course - Learn to code in easy steps.In this course we will be covering the following Subroutines including variable scope Arrays 1 dimensional and 2 dimensional arrays Mathematical Operations arithmetic and relational operators Error exploration of methods to identify and fix logic, syntax and runtime errors Boolean logicThis will enable you to develop your knowledge and skills in easily absorbed, manageable steps. The first lesson, subroutines, will enable you to apply the theory of decomposition, an essential component of computational thinking. This lesson is related to our very 1st lesson; (1st course - Learn to code in easy steps) Introduction to computational thinking. Concepts will be reinforced by completing a worksheet.The second lesson will explore improving the efficiency of programs or algorithms by using arrays. This relates to our 2nd lesson in the previous course that discussed the efficiency of algorithms. You will be asked to complete a number of tasks to embed this learning. The remaining lessons will proceed in a similar fashion with targeted quizzes, activities and homework tasks to reinforce what is being taught.By the end of the course you will have learned the basics of how to write quality programs using subroutines, arrays and Boolean logic. You will be able to use this knowledge to tackle more advanced programming courses."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Docker pour les dveloppeurs Web" |
"Fatigu de toujours traiter les erreurs de version et de dpendance?Docker offre un meilleur moyen de crer et de distribuer vos applicationsBienvenue dans le guide complet de Docker pour les dveloppeurs Web dans ce cours on va apprendre : Comprendre ce qu'est Docker et ce qu'il n'est pasInstaller Docker sur MacOS, Windows et LinuxComprendre l'cosystme de DockerMaster Docker en dveloppementMaster Docker Compose en dveloppementComment docker vos propres applications WebPourquoi devrais-je utiliser Docker et quels problmes cela rsout-il?Quelle est la diffrence entre une machine virtuelle et un conteneur Docker?Comment fonctionne Docker sous le capot?Quelle est la diffrence entre Docker Community et Enterprise Edition?Comment puis-je installer Docker et effectuer un ""Hello World""?Qu'est-ce qu'une image Docker et un conteneur Docker?Comment fonctionne le processus de gnration Docker?Comment appliquer Docker une simple application Web?Comment puis-je crer, pousser et excuter des images Docker?Comment puis-je enregistrer et partager des donnes entre conteneurs?Comment fonctionne la mise en rseau avec Docker?Comment puis-je optimiser mes images Docker?Qu'est-ce que Docker Compose et comment l'utiliser?Comment grer une grande application Web multiservice avec Docker Compose?Comment puis-je utiliser Docker pour mes propres applications Web?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"L2 - lengua extranjera con juegos, dinmicas, audiovisuales" |
"En este curso comparto contigo no solo mi experiencia sino diferentes ideas, formatos y mtodos para hacer la clase de L2 o lengua extranjera ms animada y dinmica. De esta forma los estudiantes podrn aprender ms mientras se lo pasan mejor. Cmo utilizar canciones, vdeos, juegos, teatro, etc para ensear de otra forma y que aprendan mientras se divierten."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Corel Draw ile Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Grafikerlik" |
"Bu programda matbaa, yayn, ak hava reklamcl ve tekstil basksna ynelik vektrel izim yapabilme becerisi kazandrlr. Vektrel tabanl bir grafik tasarm program olan Corel Draw etkin bir ekilde kullanabilen kiiler yetitirmeye ynelik bir eitim programdr. Eitim sonunda olmak istediiniz kii olacaksnz.Bu Eitim ile kendiniz baskl sektr alannda herkesin altrma istedii bir Grafiker haline geleceksiniz. Toplamda 12 yllk Corel hayatmda uana kadar altm her yerde kendi masam ve kendi bilgisayarm olmutur. :)Siz Lisenin Grafik blmn bitirip ben Uzman Grafikerim diye piyasaya gezenlerden ok daha ileride olacaksnz. Corel Draw ile freelance olarak (evden alarak) bile para kazanabilirsiniz. Eitim ieriinde nasl para kazanacanz konularndan da bahsettim.KURS ERProgram KurulumuNeden Corel Draw?Corel Draw Nedir ?Kullanm Alanlar (Meslekler) ?Program Kullanm (Detayl erik)LogoBrorKatalogDavetiyeKartvizitTakvimDesenKapak TasarmKitap TasarmBanner TasarmTabela izimleriDijital Medya TasarmlarHayal Edileni Vektrele Dkme.. Ve Daha Birok Yazamadm erikler.rnek Tasarmlar (Detayl erik)CMYK Yaps (rnekler le Anlatm)RGB Yaps (rnekler le Anlatm)Matbaa da Corel Draw (Detayl erik)Baskl Materyaller ve Corel (Detayl AnlatmDijital Mecra ve Corel (Web Tasarm v.s.)Hedef Kitle;Grafiker Olmak steyen HerkesMatbaa Alannda Grafikerlik Yapmak steyen HerkesDier Sektrelerde Grafikerlik Yapmak steyen HerkesBilgisayar Kullanmay Temel Seviyede Bilen Herkes Meslek Sahibi Olmak steyen Herkes"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Dropshipping no wish" |
"Neste curso completo em video aulas vou te ensinar como criar um negocio de sucesso em at 5 dias na plataforma de e-comerce Wish! com milhes de usurios todos is dias procurando todo tipo de mercadoria,aprenda passo h passo, em 6 videos explicativos e detalhados,obtenha sua liberdade financeira em 2019 com este e-comerce que s cresce cada vez mais com o passar dos anos,faa como os lojistas que fazem milhes vendendo para mais de 80 pases do mundo todo!#Dropshipping#vendas#Ecomerce A plataforma se encarrega do marketing e venda de seus produtos pois tem um grande trafego de clientes"" loucos"" para fechar negocio com voc,Alem de ter a opo de promover seus produtos com campanha paga dentro da prpria plataforma para upar muito mais rpido sua mercadoria e conquistar milhares de clientes adquira o curso que esta top e pode muder sua vida para melhor,basta dedicar 1/2hrs por dia do seu tempo!Te encontro do outro lado...TRANSLATE In this complete course in video lessons I will teach you how to create a successful business in up to 5 days on the e-comerce platform Wish! with millions of users all days are looking for all types of merchandise, learn step by step, in 6 explanatory videos and detailed, get your financial freedom in 2019 with this e-comerce that only grows more and more over the years, do as the tenants who make millions selling to more than 80 countries around the world! The platform is in charge of the marketing and sale of its products because it has a great traffic of ""crazy"" customers to close business with you, besides having the option to promote its products with paid campaign within the own platform to upar much faster its merchandise and conquer thousands of customers get the course that this top and can change your life for the better, just dedicate 1 / 2hrs a day of your time! Meet you on the other side ..."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"In this course, you are going to learn how to edit videos with iMovie.iMovie is a free software available on Mac and really easy to learn - this is why it is so popular. If you are looking for a course to teach how to create videos for Youtube for instance, you are at the right place.You are if you want to learn to:Create an original and impressive video,Edit your project,Adjust and trim,Insert, cut, modify and delete,Cutting little videos clips,Drag into the timeline,Add music,Manage sound volume,Add titles and templates,Create transitions,Create an amazing introduction for your Youtube channel."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Electrostatics Applied Physics" |
"Electrostatics is a branch of physics that studies electric charges at rest. The phenomena arise from the forces, known as electrostatic force, that electric charges exert on each other. Such forces are described by Coulomb's law. So studying electrostatics, first of all concepts of electric charge, is introduced. It's important to know the properties of electric charge; what is meant by conservation of charge and quantization of charge? Coulombs Law describe the relationship between electrostatics force and the magnitudes of charges and the distance between the charges in question.In this course we discuss that how to find the electric force on a particle A of charge =q1 when the particle is placed near a particle B of charge =q2. A question of interest is :How does particle A know of the presence of particle 2? Since the particles do not touch, how can a particle can push or pull other particle? how can there be such an action at a distance?That charged particles set up an electric field in the space surrounding themselves can answer these questions. If we place a charged particle at any given point in that space, the particle knows of the presence of particle that because it is affected by the electric field that particle has already set up at that point.Thus, a charged particle pushes on other particle not by touching it but by means of the electric field produced by that charged particle.Our goal in this course is to define an electric field and discuss how to calculate it for various arrangements of charged particles using different examples and problems."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Natural First Aid with 20 Herbs and Essential Oils" |
"We'll go over the top ten herbs and the top ten essential oils to always keep on hand for natural healing as well as how to use them safely in different products. Several DIY recipes will be shared on how to use them and alter them to what you need."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Learn to use the Pen Tool in Affinity Designer" |
"In this course, you are going to learn to USE THE PEN TOOL FOR GOOD, with 3 different methods I prepared for you, so by the end of the course, you will be able to control it in such a way you won't be frustrated by it anymore.I prepared the course in such a way that, if one method does not feel good to you, you will still have two additional methods to find your way and finish the exercises and final project. However, I am pretty sure that, with just a bit of practice, you will master the 3 very soon, and combine them in your designs.Youll learn about segments, bezier curves, the pen tool, nodes and the node tool. You will also learn how to combine them to get the most out of their powerful possibilities, and master the most important and pivotal tools in vector drawing. For this, we will do some easy to follow exercises, to finally end up creating a more complex one, focusing in how to use the pen tool and a few more tools we will see in the course.We will use Affinity Designer, but once youve learned how to use it, youll have a much easier grasp on any other pen tool on a different software, since, even though each one has their own particularities, in essence, they are very similar.This class is for anyone wanting to learn how to draw with vectors, especially beginners, but also those who having some knowledge, still dont have a good understanding on how the pen tool works and what are the logics behind it."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Flutter ve Firebase ile Crud lemleri" |
"Gnmzde mobil programlama konusu ile ilgilenmeye balayan herkes Flutter ve Firebase kavramlarn duymaktadr. Her ikiside Google rnleri olan Flutter ve Firebase'in her yerde derli toplu bulunamayan konularn renmeniz ve zmseyebilmeniz iin bu kursu hazrladk.Flutter ve Firebase ile...Authorization ilemlerini nasl yaparm ve bu bilgileri nasl kullanrm diyorsanz... Database ilemlerini nasl yaparm diyorsanz... Firestore ilemlerini nasl yaparm ve bu bilgileri nasl kullanrm diyorsanz bu kurs tam size gre.Bu dnceyle hazrladmz bu kursun sonunda amacmz Flutter ve Firebase'i beraber kullanrken dikkat etmemiz gereken inceliklerini toplu bir ekilde renmenizi salamak. Kurs ieriini temel bilgi seviyesine sahip olanlara hitap edecek seviyesinde tuttuk. Her iki konu ile ilgili temel konular anlatan bir ok eitim, video bulunmakla beraber derli toplu amaca hizmet edecek bir Trke ierik hazrlamak istedik.Ayrca, best practice odakl yaklam ile syntax bazl programlamann yannda, Ne-Ne Zaman-Nerede-Niin sorularna cevap veriyoruz. NELERDEN BAHSEDECEZ HIZLICA BR GZ ATALIM :Flutter ile lgili Bilgilendirme ve Proje KurulumuFlutter Demo Uygulamasnn Yeniden Kodlanmas,Flutter Firebase ile Crud Proje Tantm, Sayfalarn Oluturulmas,Home Sayfasnn Oluturulmas,Projenin Github'a Yklenmesi,Firebase lemlerine Balang,Register Sayfasnn Oluturulmas,Email Validation Yaplmas ve Decoration Objesi Oluturulmas,Register Sayfas Kullanarak Firebase ile Register lemleri,Login Sayfasnn Oluturulmas ve Firebase ile Login lemleri,Kullanc Yetkilendirme Durumunun Propslar ile Kullanlmas,Kullanc Yetkilendirme Durumunun Provider, Changenotifier Provider ve Stream Provider ile Kullanlmas,Yetkilendirme Kodlarnn Toparlanmas ve User Objesinin OluturulmasBekleme Srasnda Loading Widget' GsterilmesiFirebase Database lemlerine BalangRegister lemleri Srasnda Kullanc Bilgilerinin Database'e KaydedilmesiDatabase'de Yeni Bir Post OluturmaOluturulan Postlarn Ana Sayfada GsterilmesiKullancya Ait Postlarn GsterilmesiPostlarda Dzeltme/Silme lemleriProfil Sayfas Oluturarak Firebase Storage Yardmyla Profil Resmi YklemePEK BU KURSTA NELER YOK?Giri dzeyi Dart ve Flutter derslerine yer vermedik,IDE ve SDK kurulumuna yer vermedik,Kullanc rol ve rol bazl yetkilendirme ilemleri yok,Raporlama ilemleri yok,Gvenli kod yazma sreleri yok...Bu kursta yer vermediimiz konulara ilikin olarak sizlerden gelecek geri bildirimleri esas alarak neler yapabileceimizi ilerleyen srete deerlendireceiz."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a disear papelera para eventos" |
"BienvenidosEste curso es para aquellas personas que no saben absolutamente de programas de diseo y desean ampliar sus conocimientos tiene como propsito que el alumno a prenda a crear papelera digital para fiestas temticas o eventos especficos.Este curso te sirve para decorar cajitas y wrappers, elaborar toppers, banderines, etiquetas, etc.En este curso no aprenders a a crear y disear elementos grficos si no que aprenders a usar cliparts ya elaborados.Iniciaremos conociendo las herramientas bsicas de Adobe IllustartorElaboraremos toppers, banners, etiquetas, etc., con las herramientas que ya hemos vistoPodremos decorar plantillas de cajitas, etiquetas pre elaboradas y listas para descargarPrepararemos los archivos para imprimir"
Price: 870.00 ![]() |
"Certification Google Marketing Digital [7 heures] + EXAMEN" |
"Certification Google : Fondamentaux du Marketing Numrique (version 2020)Le cours sur les outils de Google le plus complet sur Udemy : 7h de vido pour devenir certifi Google: Matrisez le marketing digital, mettez l'innovation au coeur votre entreprise! La rfrence depuis 2019 & MEILLEUR VENTE DEPUIS 2 ANS Cours jour + Accs vie + Des nouvelles vidos rgulirement : Dernire mise jour le 07/09/2020 SATISFAIT OU REMBOURS durant 30 jours !NOTE (07/09/2020): J'ai mis jours la formation avec la dernire interface de Google Marketing Tools 2020.Etre certifi est une garantie de vos comptences et de votre parfaite connaissance des produits de Google.En quelques annes, le marketing digital a non seulement boulevers nos pratiques, mais le marketing tout entier... et ce ne n'est pas termin ! Comment s'y retrouver dans la jungle des outils et des notions (SEO, SEA, display marketing, inbound marketing, data marketing, stratgie social media...) ? Comment laborer une stratgie gagnante ?Futurs marketeurs ou professionnels qui souhaitez enrichir vos connaissances, ce cours va vous permettre de dfinir une stratgie marketing ""digitale"" oprationnelle, de la mettre en uvre de faon efficace et d'en valuer les rsultats. A la fin de cours vous allez tre assister pour obtenir le certificat de Certification Google : Fondamentaux du Marketing Numrique.EXCLUSIF : SATISFAIT OU REMBOURS durant 30 jours !Alors profitez de ce cours (Mise jours le 24/04/2020) pour maitriser et tirer parti des avantages que peut apporter Google au dveloppement de votre activit.Dans ce cours vous apprendrez :Dfinir les lments d'une stratgie digitale efficace : attirer, influencer, convertir, fidliser ;Actionner et combiner les leviers marketing : rfrencement naturel, publicit, marketing de contenu, affiliation ;Matriser les ressources des diffrents canaux : rseaux sociaux, sites web, blog...Analyser et exploiter les tendances : social, local et mobile ;Analyser la multitude de donnes disponibles sur le Web ; la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et russissez l'ensemble des quizz : obtenez votre certification lectronique insrer dans votre CV et profil LinkedIn."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Certification Google SEO Le Cours Complet (3 EN 1)" |
"Le cours sur le rfrencement naturel et payant le plus complet sur Udemy : comment russir votre positionnement et votre trafique sur les moteurs de recherche avec 3 Ateliers pratiques. La rfrence depuis 2019 Cours jour + Accs vie + Des nouvelles vidos rgulirement : Dernire mise jour le 07/09/2020 SATISFAIT OU REMBOURS durant 30 jours !NOTE (07/09/2020): J'ai mis jours la formation avec la dernire interface de Google Marketing Tools 2020.Ce cours est indispensable toute personne travaillant sur WordPress et dsirant obtenir une bonne visibilit de son site sur le Web. Un ""must"" qui trouvera rapidement sa place !Comment dcupler la visibilit d'un site et amliorer son classement dans Google et les autres moteurs ? L'enjeu est de bien comprendre ce CMS pour optimiser tant la structure et les rglages, les extensions et thmes que les contenus. Grce ce cours, vous transformerez WordPress en vritable outil de rfrencement naturel et de visibilit.Auditez vos sites WordPress pour en corriger tous les dfautsRvisez et perfectionnez vos bases en rfrencement naturel : popularit, indexation, structure...Ralisez un rel audit smantique pour dfinir la structure idale de votre siteOptimisez les rglages de base, ainsi que les extensions et les thmes de WordPressStructurez vos publications en utilisant bon escient taxonomies et post types, et rdigez des contenus optimissAllez vers le multilingue, la mobilit, l'Ajax, le multisite et l'e-commerce sans perte de visibilit sur les moteursScurisez WordPress pour ne pas nuire votre rfrencement naturel, et apprenez ne pas faire confiance aux utilisateursDcryptez vos statistiques de trafic (web analytics) et soignez les temps de chargementCe cours dvoile les astuces et conseils pour amliorer son rfrencement naturel, en accompagnant les efforts des rdacteurs et rfrenceurs. EXCLUSIF : SATISFAIT OU REMBOURS durant 30 jours ! la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et russissez l'ensemble des quizz : obtenez votre certification lectronique insrer dans votre CV et profil LinkedIn."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Le travail de deuil" |
"Ce cours est conu comme un espace d'accompagnement et de prvention destin aux personnes endeuilles et leurs proches.Si vous avez perdu un proche rcemment ou que vous sentez qu'un deuil plus ancien n'a pas pu s'achever, ce cours est fait pour vous.Si vous voulez aider un proche endeuill, n'hsitez pas lui offrir cet espace d'accompagnement (clic en haut droite de votre cran).A l'issue de ce cours, vous comprendrez:Ce qui se joue au cours du deuilComment le deuil volueQuels sont les troubles du deuilQuelles mthodes utiliser pour retrouver ses represEnfin, vos souffrances seront apaises."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn & Practice Data Science Java , C++ , C# , IoT MCQ" |
"Welcome To The Programming in Java,C++,C# Practice Tests And IoT Exams as well, The Final Exam preparation From Cloud Telecom Academy:Gain Programming in JAVA,C++,C# & IoT Certification Easily!Java Topics Covered:1-Data Types 2-Conditional Statements3-Loops (while,for,do...While) 4-Library Functions5-Constructors 6-Object Oriented Programming concepts 7-String functions 8-I/O Functions9-Exception handling 10-Arrays11-Data Structure (Stack,Queue,Linked list,Tree) 12-Collections (Array list,Hash Table)13-Maths Library functions C++ Topics Covered1-Introduction 2-Flow Control3-Pointers 4-Functions5-Object oriented programming essentials 6-Inheritance7-Exceptions 8-operated & Enumerated types9-Mock Test 10-Final TestC# Topics Covered1-Implement asynchronous processing 2-Manage multithreading3-Implement program flow 4-Create and implement events and callbacks5-Implement exception handling 6-Create types 7-Consume types 8-Enforce encapsulation9-Create and implement a class hierarchy 10-Find, execute, and create types at runtime by using reflection11-Manage the object life cycle 12-Manipulate strings13-Validate application input 14-Perform symmetric and asymmetric encryption15-Manage assemblies 16-Debug an application17-Implement diagnostics in an application 18-Perform I/O operations19-Consume data 20-Query and manipulate data and objects by using LINQ21-Serialize and deserialize data 22-Store data in and retrieve data from collections IoT Topics Covered1-IoT Architecture 2-Understanding and Setting up the Base IoT Hardware3-Prototyping Embedded Devices 4-Software Programming & IoT Devices Sensors5-Internet Principles 6-Networking7-Analysing Huge Amount of Data with Cloud 8-IoT Security9-Understanding the Base IoT Hardware 10-Fog Computing"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Next Level Conversation: Improve Your Communication Skills" |
"Were going to improve your conversation skills by the end of this course. You will know exactly what to say in a conversation and have learned the skills to talk to anyone, in only 5 steps.Imagine what life would be like if you had the ability to start a conversation, and create a genuine connection with someone who becomes a friend, a new employer, or a significant other.If youre looking for methods, and actionable strategies to improve conversations and overall social skills, then this is the course for you.Mastering the skill of conversation will help you become successful in any career or social situation. Our goal is to drastically improve your conversation skills, your charisma, and overall communication. We want to take you to the next level in your social life.What You Will Get:Strategies, methods, ideas, and research to drastically improve communication.Charisma methods and research-based questions which will measure your likability.Diagrams, social hacks, a long list of conversation starters.Easy actionable steps to start and maintain a conversation.A dive into the psychology of conversations and methods to overcome anxiety.A Conversation Starter Guide.How to Build Confidence Guide.5 social hacks you can learn in 5 minutes, and much more!We kept this course concise, compact and actionable because we know you're busy. We also know you want change NOW!How This Course Will Transform Your Life:You will feel like the kind of person who can thrive in any social situation.Feel confident you can carry conversations with people youve just met.Become more likable and charismatic.Contribute to conversations at work without feeling awkward and self-conscious.Easily make new friends and contacts at social events.Learn how to small talk the right way and turn small talk into deep conversations.The ability to communicate more clearly, directly and effectively.When you're done with this course, you'll have the skills, knowledge and the ability to build genuine and authentic relationships with the confidence to take action and live the social life you've always wanted."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IBM C2040-442 Notes and Domino Fundamentals Practice Exam" |
"195 UNIQUE practice questions for IBM C2040-442 Notes and Domino Fundamentals Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : IBM C2040-442 Notes and Domino Fundamentals Practice ExamTotal Questions : 195Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :125 minsPassing Score : 75 (146 of 195)"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Festo FluidSIM Balang Eitimi" |
"Merhabalar Festo FluidSIM programn anlattmz kursumuza hepiniz hogeldiniz. Bu kursta sektrde sklkla kullanlan Festo FluidSIM program nasl kullanld anlatlmtr.Her trl neri ve ihtiyacnz iin mail adresine mail atabilirsiniz. Merhabalar Festo FluidSIM programn anlattmz kursumuza hepiniz hogeldiniz. Bu kursta sektrde sklkla kullanlan Festo FluidSIM program nasl kullanld anlatlmtr.Her trl neri ve ihtiyacnz iin mail adresine mail atabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"MySQL Database Administration - SQL Database for Beginners" |
"See why John is one of the TOP-RATED SQL/MySQL Instructors on Udemy:""I totally loved this course! Everything was easy to understand, but it moved at a fast enough pace that I never got bored. I learned SO much about MySQL and had fun doing it. In fact, at the end of the day I didn't want to stop learning -- I wanted to keep charging on to the next lesson!""- Ann S.""This is an excellent advanced course! I've taken both SQL courses from Maven Analytics and highly recommend both. The best part of this course is the detail they included by building a real world e-commerce database. It's much easier to grasp the concepts when you can see how they're literally applied to scenarios and outcomes as opposed to just theory. Great work!""- Dan S.""John's deep understanding of SQL and database analysis and ability to explain those tools is really unmatched. I've taken other SQL and MySQL courses and tried reading books, but this course is by far the most effective. Excited to see more courses from John!""- Steven M.______________________________COURSE DESCRIPTION:If youre looking to develop practical, real-world analytics and BI skills, and learn how to create and maintain databases, youve come to the right place.This course is unlike anything youve seen before, guaranteed. We'll start from the ground up, teaching you the tools to get the job done, and most importantly how to you apply your skills to real projects and learn how to truly think like a Database Administrator.Youll be playing the role of a Database Administration Consultant for Maven Consulting, a firm that helps businesses create, maintain, and optimize their databases. Throughout the course, youll be working directly with the owners of various companies to help them manage data in their new and scaling enterprises. You will use the skills you learn to complete actual projects that database administration professionals work on every day.______________________________COURSE OUTLINE:SQL Intro & MySQL SetupFor students who haven't completed one of our other SQL courses, we'll demonstrate exactly how to download and install the tools that we'll need to access MySQL, including MySQL Community Server & MySQL Workbench. We'll share download guides for both Mac & PC, and run our first piece of SQL code to generate the project database that we'll analyze throughout the course.Creating, Altering, and Deleting Schemas & Tables In this section we'll learn how to create schemas and tables using SQL code and with the Workbench UI tools. Then, we will learn how to alter tables by adding and removing columns. Finally, we will walk through dropping schemas and tables (be careful with this one).Inserting, Updating, and Deleting RecordsAfter we get up to speed creating and altering tables, we will learn how to populate those tables with records of data, and update and delete records as needed. Database DesignNow that we have covered the basic mechanics, we will learn how tables relate to one another optimally, and discuss best practices for database design. We will explore the EER Diagram Editor, and you will have some opportunities to create your own database models. ***MID-COURSE PROJECT: Normalize this database for your client! Advanced ConceptsIn this section, we will get into concepts like adding an index to a column, imposing constraints, and creating stored procedures and triggers. This is powerful stuff! Server & User ManagementIn our last section before the Final Project, we will learn how to monitor servers to make sure they are running, and how to restart them when needed. You will also get your hands on user management tools to assign roles and manage permissions, just like a real DBA. ***FINAL COURSE PROJECT: Design and build an entire database from scratch! IMPORTANT NOTE: This course does NOT cover data exploration and database analysis. Our goal here is to focus on building, altering, and maintaining SQL/MySQL databases using MySQL and MySQL Workbench (we cover data analysis in-depth in separate courses).______________________________Enroll today and get LIFETIME access to:7 hours of high-quality videoDownloadable MySQL ebook and cheat sheetsQuizzes and homework assignmentsMid-course and Final SQL projects30-day money-back guaranteeIf youre looking for a hands-on, practical guide to mastering database administration skills using SQL/MySQL, this is the course for you!Happy administering!-John (Lead SQL Instructor & MySQL Expert, Maven Analytics)______________________________Looking for the full business intelligence stack? Search for ""Maven Analytics"" to browse our full course library, including Excel, Power BI, MySQL, and Tableau courses!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"HTML5 Phaser 3:" |
"? ? , , ? ! Phaser 3, HTML5 . Phaser? , Phaser , . . . HTML5 ? HTML5 . HTML5 . HTML5 . Facebook Instant Games, HTML5 Direct Games. Instant Telegram!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Freelance ()." |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Power BI & DAX Row-Level Security" |
"If you are a DAX developer needing to secure your data so that your users only see the data they are supposed to see, row-level security is usually your only choice. This course will teach you about basic row-level security and dynamic row-level security, for more complex scenarios. We'll also teach you how to set up security for hierarchical data, how to create roles and then test those roles in Power BI Desktop and Power BI service. We'll then demonstrate how to assign users to the roles you've created in the Power BI service. We will also demonstrate how to avoid bi-directional filtering when setting up your security. After completing this course you should have a solid understanding of how row-level security can be used to secure your data in all sorts of scenarios."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"V-Ray for 3ds Max, her 3B sanats ve tasarmcsnn i akna sorunsuz bir ekilde entegre edilebilecek eksiksiz bir klandrma ve glgelendirme zmdr. Sektrde hakim konuma gelen V-Ray render alma yazlm, hz, gvenilirlik, kullanm kolayl ve render kalitesi konularnda endstri standartlarn belirlemitir. Video ieriinde V-Ray Render Teknikleri ile alakal birok noktaya deineceiz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Quarry Design 101" |
"A Quarry is a type of open-pit mine, they are both surface mining methods but there are some differences between the open pit and the quarry in terms of design . in this you will see what are these differences , and how to design a quarry from start to will also learn how to calculate the volume of the ore material that you are extracting and the waste volumes. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Secrets of Illustrator Live Transformations Create a Mandala" |
"Illustrator has plenty of tools, panels, and commands that make our work much easier. Among them, however, there are several outstanding ones that I personally consider the most important features of this program. They include brushes, the Appearance panel, Effects, and, of course, transformation.The Transform Effect in Adobe Illustrator lets you move, scale, flip, rotate and repeat the appearance of one or more selected objects, and all of this is editable in the Appearance Panel. Using transformation(s), you can create patterns with paths, brush strokes, text or even imported images, which I will explain in this class. Then you can edit the whole pattern by making adjustments to the original. Youll be surprised by the power of this indispensable tool!So, the Transform Effect: what is it? The Transform Effect is a dynamic effect whose main result is to create patterns of content that can be easily manipulated, allowing you to make adjustments to the original object or group of objects. This is incredibly powerful, especially when combined with a clipping mask. Knowing transformation is knowing a lot - it gives you power you may have never even considered. In this class, Secrets of Live Transformations - Create a Mandala, you will learn the amazing power of the Transformation Effect in Illustrator by producing a template. This template can be saved and used over and over to produce radial repeat designs, valuable in pattern design and illustration. I will show you by using a mandala as an example, so you will have a gorgeous motif by the time you are done! We will be using reflect and rotate effects, but what you learn can easily be transferred to other functions.You will not believe your eyes! Get started now and you could be done today. You won't be able to sleep tonight knowing all of the amazing things you can do with your new-found skill. I even impressed myself, lol."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C Language Questions and Answers Explanation" |
"Have you never programmed a computer before, and think or have been told that C is a good programming language to get started with. It is!Maybe you have some experience with other programming languages, but want to learn C. It's a great language to add to your resume!Or perhaps you are stuck in a low paying programming job, and want to move up to a better, more senior position. Learning C can help you!The fact is, learning how to program in C is not only an excellent programming language to get started with, but it will also make you a better programming in other computer languages!Why learn C ?C is often considered to be the mother of all languages because so many other languages have been based on it.Though C is simple it is one of the most powerful languages ever created. Considering it was created over 40 years ago, it is still used heavily and is usually in the top 5 or 10 most popular and most widely programming languages in the world.Learning C can actually make you a better programming in other languages like C++, Java, or C# by equipping you with a mental model of what the computer is actually doing when you run your programs.By learning how things really work ""under the hood"", and understand memory space, CPU architecture and so on, you can create more efficient programs, and obtain a huge advantage over other programmers in the process.If you want to become a better developer, learning C is a great way to start!Why enrolling in this course is the best decision you can make.By the end of this course, you will understand the fundamentals of the C Programming Language, and make yourself more marketable for entry level programming positions.You will understand variables and the different data types, be able to utilize functions and arrays, understand the concept of pointers, learn about control flow (decision statements and iteration).You will be in a position to apply for real-time programming positions, and truly understand the core language that most modern languages are based on!If you have previously used the C programming language, then this course will deepen your understanding of it. If you have never used it, no problem, you will see that it can help you become a more efficient C developer.The course will be constantly refined in the future based on student feedback!This course does not skip on the details. You will learn how to write high quality code and become an excellent problem solver. This course does not just present how to code in the C programming language, but, also includes all the details on ""why"" you are doing the things you are doing. At the end of this course, you will fully understand the concepts of the C Programming language.Your instructor, Jason Fedin has been teaching students for over 12 years via online classes at over 10 different online Universities. He has created many different class curriculums, ranging from mobile programming to bash scripting to Object-Oriented Design and of course the C programming language.Additionally, he has been developing software for over 16 years in the real world at various companies, specializing in Object-Oriented Development and Mobile Applications.This means you are learning from someone who has all the professional training, skills, and experience you need to teach you how to become proficient in the C programming language.If you are ready to get that first paid programming job, or to move up to a more senior programming position, then this course is for you!Your new job or consulting opportunity awaits! Why not get started today?Please Click On Enroll Button"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |