Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Change your anxiety in 30 days challenges" |
"Any day can be full of emotions. One can feel enthusiastic, happy, sad, anxious, angry and life can often feel like an emotional roller coaster. Especially when your life becomes too busy and your resources are drained, whether we speak about time, energy, money or ideas, you can feel anxious and experience really intense emotions. So, what can you do about them?We invite you to join us for a set of challenges which will help you better understand and manage your emotions related to your life. These challenges include many relaxation techniques which are known to be helpful with many intense emotions such as (e.g. anxiety, anger, guilt). Some of them might feel right for you, while others not. Feel free to find the ones that work for you and do not be discouraged."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Bundle Oracle 12c Certified Professional (1Z0-062 + 1Z0-063)" |
"Hi there,This is Rod here.The Oracle Database 12c Administration Certification exams 1Z0-062 and 1z0-063 are not easy.Oracle Certification exams are getting more difficult to pass year after year. You should use these practice tests to get really prepared for the exam and clear it.If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me.Best of luck.Rod."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"9A0-040 Adobe Premiere Pro Certified Practice Exam" |
"116 UNIQUE practice questions for 9A0-040 Adobe Premiere Pro Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 9A0-040 Adobe Premiere Pro Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 116Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :70 minsPassing Score : 75 (87 of 116)"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"GIAC Information Security Professional - Mock Test" |
"GIAC Information Security Professional (GISP)The GIAC Information Security Professional (GISP) certification validates a practitioner's knowledge of the 8 domains of cybersecurity knowledge as determined by (ISC)2 that form a critical part of CISSP exam. GISP certification holders will be able to demonstrate knowledge of asset security, communications and network security, identity and access management, security and risk management, security assessment and testing, security engineering, security operation, and software development security.Areas Covered:Asset SecurityThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of asset management and classification, including access controls, handling and retention requirements.Communications and Network SecurityThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of network security, including secure architecture, network protocols, security controls and devices, and common network attacks.Identity and Access ManagementThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of identity management concepts and controls including AAA, passwords, tokens, biometrics, federation, and common threats.Security and Risk ManagementThe candidate will demonstrate and understanding of security risk management and business continuity practices, including legal and regulatory compliance, security policies, and governance principles.Security Assessment and TestingThe candidate will demonstrate the ability to design, perform, and analyze security testsSecurity EngineeringThe candidate will demonstrate an understanding of secure engineering architecture and implementation for systems in networked, web based, and mobile environments and mitigating common vulnerabilities.Security OperationThe candidate will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the managerial, administrative, operational aspects of information security.Software Development SecurityThe candidate will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the key security principles related to secure application development.To ensure success in GIAC GISP certification exam, we recommend authorized training course, practice test and hands-on experience to prepare for Information Security Professional (GISP) exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Make Professional Motion Graphic Shots" |
"What is different about this course?Well, In this course I am gonna teach you how to make awesome motion shots with lots of tricksthis course has three stagesthe first stage is gonna be the ""like , love, angry, wow emoji's""and this stage is the easiest stageThen you will have an assignment Practice (1)The second Stage will be the cupAnd then you will have an assignment Practice (2)The last stage but not the least is the body builder stage. This one is more advanced than the other stages.Enroll now and start your animation career."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel Quick & Easy Dashboard Tutorial" |
"If you're looking to enhance your Excel skills or add some new tools to your toolkit in less than an hour, this course is for you. I don't spend too much time going deep on the fundamentals, but you'll be able to apply these skills right away. You'll learn Pivot Tables, data manipulation formulas and Pivot Table Charts."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Yoga-Woche 7 Tage Yoga abwechslungsreich" |
"Die Yoga-Woche ist fr alle, die gerne ein gefhrtes Programm fr eine Woche mitmachen mchten.Wir ben verschiedene Stile und ganz vielseitig und abwechslungsreich.Dabei steht jede Yoga-Stunde unter einem anderen Motto.So hilft dir die Yoga-Woche dabei:deinen Krper zu krftigenund ihn beweglicher zu machenfokussierter und klarer zu werdendeinen Krper besser zu sprenund achtsamer mit dir umzugehenmehr Freude in deinen Tag zu bringenund neue Ideen und Inspirationen mitzunehmenDu solltest dir pro Tag zwischen 15 - 25 Minuten einplanen.Ich freue mich sehr, dass du mitmachst :)Deine RebekkaPS: Zu jeder Einheit gehrt ein kleiner Text, der das Tagesthema nochmal erklrt und dich auch gedanklich positiv stimmt sowie einstimmt."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Yoga & Journaling 1 Woche Body & Mind" |
"Die Zeit vergeht, wir funktionieren jeden Tag und werden allem und jedem irgendwie gerecht. Dabei gibt es diese Momente, in denen wir uns denken: Soll das jetzt fr immer so sein? Aber wir blenden diese Stimme einfach wieder aus und machen weiter.Natrlich wissen wir, dass ein wenig Zeit fr uns selbst wichtig ist, doch meist, kommen wir einfach mde nach Hause. Vielleicht schaffen wir es sogar noch uns ein bisschen zu bewegen, aber nochmal Nachdenken ber sich selbst, um etwas zu verndern... Nein, dafr sind irgendwie weder Zeit noch Nerven da.Und doch wre genau das das so wichtig - neue Energie bekommen wir eben oft dadurch, dass wir uns inspirieren lassen und die Dinge einmal anders machen als bisher.Dafr mchte ich dir mit einem neuen 1-wchigen-Programm die Hand reichen.Es ist nicht aufwndig oder kompliziert, aber effektiv, um dir neuen Schwung zu geben und aus dir selbst Kraft zu tanken.Jeden Tag nehmen wir uns etwa 30 Minuten Zeit - zuerst machen wir etwas Yoga und anschlieend gibt es von mir ein PDF mit Fragen zum Reflektieren. Jeder Tag steht dabei unter einem anderen Thema, sodass du nicht viel Zeit bentigst, aber strukturiert immer neue Aspekte angehst.Fr deinen Krper, deine Seele und dein glckliches Leben!Ich freue mich, dass du hier bist. Deine Rebekkavon FIT&BALANCED"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Twitter Ads - Corso Completo Operativo (2020)" |
"Twitter Ads - Corso Completo Operativo - Questo corso prevede l'utilizzo di Twitter Ads per realizzare, in autonomia, delle campagne da integrare nella propria strategia di marketing.ARGOMENTI DEL CORSO:IntroduzioneProgramma del corsoTwitter Flight SchoolCome funziona Twitter AdsAccount TwitterCreazione Account Twitter Creazione Account PubblicitarioPanoramica Account Introduzione alle campagneTwitter Promote ModeObiettivi Campagne + OfferteCampagneCoperturaVisualizzazioni VideoVisualizzazioni Video In-Stream Installazione AppClic verso il sito web o conversioniInterazioniFollowerRicoinvolgimenti AppModificare una campagna + Metriche StrumentiIntroduzione a Google Tag Manager (GTM)Collegare Google Tag Manager (GTM) al proprio sitoCollegare Twitter a Google Tag Manager (GTM)ConversioniLe conversioni e i modelli di attribuzioneRetargeting: cos' e come funzionaGruppo di Retargeting (Tailored Audience) + Pubblico FlessibileTwitter PremiumIntroduzioneFirst ViewIn-Stream Video AdsPromoted TrendsPromote Trend Spotlight Twitter EmojiConversational Video AdsTargeting AggiuntivoTwitter ArthouseBudgetCome determinare il budget di una campagna Come determinare il budget di una campagna (Parte 2)Contenuti ExtraPanoramica Google Data StudioCreazione account e panoramica di CanvaUtilizziamo CanvaRingraziamentiConclusioni*corso in continuo aggiornamento Puoi eventualmente richiedere il RIMBORSO COMPLETO entro 30 giorni dall'acquisto."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"SAP Business One Basic to Advance Training in HindiUrdu 9.1" |
"SAP Business One Basic to Advance Training in Hindi Urdu Equally Suitable for all versions 9.0 , 9.1 , 9.2 , 9.3 SQLThis course Cover Complete SAP Business One Training , Including All modules , this course is a practical course with all real time examples, For this purpose we have specially designed the assignments based on industries , the course will cover two major Industries that covers 90% of the Corporate Industry , The course will cover a trading company assignment at user level and then Manufacturing company at implementation / Consultant level .The Modules Covered in This Course areFinancialsAccounts ReceivableAccounts PayableHRAdminBankingFinance"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Gagner des followers Instagram cibls : mthode entrepreneur" |
"Pas besoin de 3 heures de vidos quand l'information essentielle savoir est : un systme automatis !Ici je vous propose de dcouvrir un systme totalement approuv par Facebook (car nous allons utiliser sa plateforme) pour automatiser la croissance (nombre de followers et engagement) de votre compte Instagram.Vous n'allez pas gagner 1000 abonns en 1 semaine, je suis dsol les mthodes miracles finissent toujours par faire jouer contre votre compte Instagram...Commenons par le dbut, que vous ayez envie pour votre business ou pour dvelopper une audience autour de votre passion. Instagram est parfait pour mettre en avant votre projet car il s'agit du rseau social avec le plus d'engagement.Mais pas d'audience, pas de projet pour vous.Alors un moyen dacclrer votre croissance sur Instagram est d'automatiser votre croissance afin de vous concentrer sur les choses importantes de votre projet/business.Cette mthodes cible exclusivement des gens hyper intresss par votre contenu et plus le systme volue dans le temps plus votre audience sera qualifi et donc engage !On se retrouve sur la formation pour que vous puissiez mettre vous aussi en place ce systme !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Increase your bookings" |
"You will learn how to use tools, like automated messages and all other tools to increase your bookings to your properties , You will be live on 37 channels of sales And receive more booking to your property. You will learn how to set up your propertyYou will learn how to use tools in guesty and learn how to make a website by guesty systemYou will learn how to set up your own WordPress web site, and how to find clients on FacebookYou will learn how to use Airbnb and booking comI am in rental business more than 7 years , and I have find the simplest way to share what I have learned"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Marketing - Cmo generar ms ventas con Instagram" |
"Instagram es una poderosa herramienta para tu negocio. En este curso aprenders:El secreto para convertir las visitas a tu perfil en seguidores, para que puedas crecer rpidamente.La importancia de tener un perfil optimizado, para que las personas que lleguen a tu perfil sepan inmediatamente cmo puedes ayudarles. Estrategias para optimizar tu perfil, para tener ms visibilidad. Estrategias para atraer a tu cliente ideal, para tener seguidores de calidad. Cmo seleccionar un nicho de mercado que te diferencie de la competencia. La importancia de conocer a tu cliente ideal, para generar contenido que realmente le aporte valor. Cmo conseguir tus primeros seguidores fcil y orgnicamente, para que puedas incrementar tu presencia digital inmediatamente. La importancia de tener una personalidad de marca, para diferenciarte de todas las otras cuentas. Tour estratgico por las funcionalidades de Instagram, para que puedas sacar el mximo provecho a tu cuenta. Las mtricas ms importantes que necesitas dominar en tu cuenta, para que puedas mejorar cda publicacin que hagas. Frmula P.E.V.I.C. poderosa que te ayudar a exponenciar tu visibilidad y alcance orgnico. La estrategia de Hashtags ganadora para incrementar visualizaciones. Tipos de Feed que puedes utilizar. Cmo generar ventas desde IGTV.BONO ESPECIAL!!Instagram Ads. Domina los anuncios de InstagramAnuncios para incrementar de seguidores rpidamente.Anuncios para generar clientes potenciales.Anuncios para generar trfico.Y mucho ms."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Calidad industrial: control de procesos y aceptacin" |
"Se trata de un curso de Calidad Industrial: control de procesos y aceptacin que combina teora y resolucin de casos prcticos reales. Ms de 100 estudiantes lo avalan!Por un lado, el control de procesos consiste en aplicar la calidad al proceso de fabricacin de un producto. Para ello se utilizan tcnicas como el control estadstico de procesos aplicadas sobre muestras tomadas del producto.Por otro lado, el control de aceptacin es el que se aplica al recibir materias primas o productos elaborados, que sern introducidos en un proceso de fabricacin, para comprobar si cumplen unas especificaciones de calidad.En el curso aprenderemos a manejar, entender y llevar a cabo ambos tipos de controles de una manera didctica y prctica.MUY IMPORTANTE! Se te ofrece el curso por un precio ms bajo que el que te ofrece Udemy (sea cual sea la promocin que te muestra Udemy), de forma garantizada. Para obtener este precio ms bajo, accede a la pgina web vinculada a la cuenta del instructor: desliza esta pgina hasta abajo, donde aparece el instructor. Haz clic en el nombre ""David Jimnez Ruiz"" y selecciona sitio web (icono de un planeta).Se pide tambin no comprar el curso a travs de Android o IOS, ya que se quedan con un 30% del importe. Puedes usar el cupn ""DESCUENTO5"" para obtener el precio ms bajo que me permite Udemy ofrecerte.Por qu elegir este curso?36 lecciones tericas.Cinco horas de clases por vdeo.Incluye todos los archivos utilizados durante el curso; formulario, normativa, tablas...Solucin de todos los ejercicios propuestos.12 ejercicios prcticos (para aprender de verdad!)Certificado de finalizacin del curso.Regalo al finalizar el curso con aprovechamiento.Precio especial en otros cursos del instructor; ver pgina web vinculada al perfil del instructor.Participacin en un sorteo mensual que tiene como premio la inscripcin gratuita en otro de los cursos del instructor.Resolucin de dudas.Si te quedan dudas, puedes previsualizar dos clases del curso, para que veas la dinmica de las clases y de trabajo.Si quieres aprender y aplicar el concepto de calidad de verdad, no lo dudes, este es tu curso!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Pyramid of Refactoring (Java) - Clean Code into Chain" |
"This is the second module of series called ""Pyramid of Refactoring"" dedicated to achieving Clean Code.The goal of the course is to disentangle the codebase from a set of deeply nested conditional if/else statements. It is a very common case - and if it is left for a long time - then it leads to a very complex legacy code after subsequent code extensions.We use refactoring techniques and perform all the changes live. The partititants download the source code and performs all the changes together with the trainer - step by step. In this sample we make use of Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern as goal of our refactoring journey. The course ends up with Homework, where the participants can experience the difference between implementing additional requirements within Clean Code and within Legacy Code. This is the difference between skipping and applying Preparatory Refactoring.The journey into Chain of Responsibility allows the attendees to practice code transformations like :- Merge If Statements- Merge Nested-If Statements- Extract Methods- Replace Temp with Query- Move Methods- Inline Methods- Extract Class / Extract Delegate- Extract Interface- Rename Methods & Variables"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Uygulamal Etik Hacker ve Siber Gvenlik Eitimi" |
"Eitim ierii sfrdan kali linux terminal eitimi ile balamaktadr. Ardndan hacking iin kullanlacak toollar hedef makineler zerinden gsterilmekte ve saldr metodolojisi rencilere uygulamal olarak gsterilmektedir. Eitim ieriinde 100'lerce zafiyet ve bu zafiyetleri nasl smrdmz odak noktamz olacaktr. Eitim ieriinin %90'n uygulamal olarak gsterilmektedir. Bu eitimde web arlkl ve network alanndaki zafiyetleri tespit etmek ve bunlar exploit etmek hedef alnmaktadr. Ardndan mevcut yetkilerimizi en st seviyeye yani root seviyesine karma ilemlerini greceiz. Web alanndaki baz bypass tekniklerini renecek, bunlar kolay bir ekilde uygulayabileceksiniz. Eitimi alan her birey gerek hayata ynelik senaryolar ile karlaacak ve bu eitimden rendikleri ile gerek i hayatna gerekse CTF yarmalarna iyi bir n hazrlk yapacaktr."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"MS-Excel Mastery: Data Analysis & Dashboard Reporting" |
"A Very Unique and Powerful Online Course for Who wants growth in their career?...Join me for My Easy to Understand Online Course to Get-Command Over Your Gold Mine for Decision Making! Thats Your Data.""This Unique 30 Days Data Analysis & Dashboard Reporting course will turn you in an MS-Excel Pro even if you know nothing about MS-Excel.""Avoid the Hassles of Learning in Bit and Pieces and leverage my Rich Experience to Get Your Hands On Practice to Learn #1 Business Skills If You want to Grow Your Business or Career with Lightening Speed in the Year 2020. Once You make Systems It will lead to More Revenue and Accelerated Growth.SAVE TIME & IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITYCut through the Hassles of learning in Bit & PiecesCopy Paste the Spreadsheet Templates for Hands-on PracticeSimplified Course Considering Even If You are not Tech SavvyGet Your Data Clean, Sorted and AutomatedJumpstart by Leveraging my Rich ExperienceYour Key to True EntrepreneurshipReduce Your EffortsAccelerated Business Decision Making, resulting in More RevenueLets Dig Deep and Check what you are going to learn with thisWhy you SHOULD be USING Custom Formatting?SMART Ways to use Conditional Formatting!Relative & Absolute Cell ReferencingDashboard Formula ToolboxDashboard Formulas Toolbox: AdvanceCustom Data Validation for Dashboards (Use formulas to check for text, numbers & length)Excel Charts & Graphs: Learn the Basics for a Quick StartForm Controls for Interactive Excel DashboardsInteractive Dashboard with Pivot Table & Slicer"
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Ending Racism With Imagery" |
"This Short Course Teaches How Modern Producers Are Using Visual Media To Change Our Minds About Ethnic Divisions. Imagery Is Used To Make Us More Comfortable With Interracial Sex, Families And Children. I Use Some Of The Most Popular Television Shows And Films In This Course. This Course Also Provides A Vision For A Peaceful Multi-Ethnic Society. This Is The Last Short Course That I Will Give."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD Shortcuts & Facts" |
"""AutoCAD Shortcuts & Facts""*** NOTE - As you will move forward in this course difficulty level of question will increase. *** This course will help you revising your concepts and commands which you have learn in various AutoCAD courses and make you learn some new things that is completely different from other courses. This is an expert level test series on AutoCAD. In this course on AutoCAD I have prepared a Practice Test series in which Multiple Choice Questions are asked to you based on the AutoCAD Software working.The first 4 test are of Intermediate Level in which questions are asked on the basic AutoCAD Tools and commands such as shortcut keys for all the commands and some amazing facts, or explanations about tools and commands, which you were using while drafting drawings on AutoCAD. If you know all the shortcut keys then you are already an Intermediate AutoCAD Drafter and if you don't know the shortcuts for all the commands don't worry you will learn this while taking the practice test.The Fifth and last test contains the questions based on the working of all the 12 function keys in an addition to the 50 questions of expert level which helps you to revise the use and learn the application of all the 12 Function keys of Keyboard. This is Expert level practice test of AutoCAD.All this practice test are of intermediate and expert level which will test your knowledge of this software and make you learn and revise more amazing and important facts and concepts about advance features and tool set of AutoCAD Tools and commands. To qualify this test you should have a good knowledge of all the command and tools used in AutoCAD Software and if you have working experience of more than one year then this tests will help you a lot and work as a mind refreshment for you and make you relax while working and learning new things.This course will going to help you in memorizing the commands which you have learn when you take course on this software but forgotten because of not using that command. These course will help in building concepts and if you are preparing for interviews it can help you a lot.If you think you are the expert AutoCAD Drafter and have a good working experience than I challenge you to score more than 75% in the expert level tests in the FIRST ATTEMPT. "
Price: 12800.00 ![]() |
"Sata Giden Yolda Mteriye 101 Soru Eitimi" |
"Geleceinizi grmek istiyorsanz, gemiinize bakmanz yeterlidir. nsanlar hayatnda olduu kadar iinde de ayn dorular yapmaya devam ettii kadar, ayn yanllar da yapmaya devam eder. Zaman deiir, teknoloji deiir, konfor ve i yap eklimiz deiir. Ancak insan yaratl ayndr, ayn kalr. Gemiiniz bu nedenle geleceinizdir. Sadece %3 orannda bir grup insan geleceini deitirecek ""KSEL DEVRM""ine cesaretle ve ak yreklilikle yol alrken, kalan %97 deiimi ve baary yakalayanlardan olabilmek iin ayn hatalar daha inatla, daha sklkla tekrarlamaya ve ayn duvara tekrar tekrar midini kaybetmeden kafasn vurmaya devam eder.Kiisel Devriminize hazr msnz? Hayatnz ve iinizi daha iyi yapmak iin attnz her adm Kiisel Devriminize atlm bir admdr.Soru sormak, zellikle doru sorular sormak zeka ve pratik iidir. Satta en nemli konulardan birisidir mteriyi tanmak, ihtiyac tam belirlemek. Bu amala doru sorular sormak mteri profilinin ve ihtiya haritasnn ortaya konulmas da en nemli sretir.Sat grmeleri srasnda mterinize soracanz sorulara almadysanz yeterince veri alamaz, veri alamadnz durumda da doru hizmet, rn ve zmler ile yeterince cevap veremezsiniz. Dolays ile sat bir kk detay sebebi ile karabilirsiniz. Elinizdeki kardnz ilerin belki yzde 90' sadece bir kk soru ile nemli bir detay yakalayamam olmanz, bu nedenle hizmet ve rnnze ekil verirken hata yapmanz sebebi iledir, biliyor muydunuz? Bir kk detay, bir kk hata... Ve kaan satlar, kaan kazanlar...Bu eitimde sat grmeleri srasnda mterinize en fazla detay alabilmeniz iin gereken sorabileceiniz 101 soruyu hazrladm. Mterinizin profiline gre sat grmesi ncesi uygun sorulardan bir soru listesi oluturup, kendinize gre gerekirse sorular zelletirip mteri grmesine hazrlk yapabilirsiniz.Satnzda baarlar dilerim."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Oracle 1Z0-208 Review Billing Revenue Management Server Exam" |
"Sample questionsQ) Which of the following describes error object level architecture Portal?a) This level also can call the Data Managerb) A level of object can be used with multiple levels of datac) This group is used to translate data from the portal in formats that can be processed by the data leveld) This level treats all applications from business process levele) This level can also be called Translation ManagerQ) All Portal opcodes defined in ___________________ file. A code corresponding to a ___________________ operation. To write code to implement the new opcode, you can use the file as a template ___________________.a) ops.h, function, fm_generic_ops.cb) pcm_ops.h, function, ops.h, function, pcm_ops.h, programs, fm_generic_ops.ce) ops.h, programs, fm_generic_ops.cQ) Which of the following best describes the function dm_if_process_op CORRECT ()?a) This is an operation code base CMb) The function includes custom implementation of basic operation codesc) The functionality of this feature is specific to the external systemd) A and Ce) A, B, and CQ) Which of the following is an example of an event in the Portal?a) Making a phone callb) Buying a productc) Rolling unused free minutesd) A and Be) A, B, and C"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"PMI-002 Certify Associate Project Management Internship Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Monte Carlo analysis is a form of the type of analysis?a) Critical path methodb) compression schemec) What if scenario analysisd) Resource levelinge) NoneQ) What process involves accepting the formal and final product of a project?a) running processesb) planning processesc) process controld) closing processese) NoneQ) Planning components, tools or techniques Define Activities process. Which of the following planning components?a) running processesb) planning processesc) process controld) closing processese) NoneQ) Bar charts show in general:a) Status of progress.b) The critical line.c) boats ratio budget.d) logical relationships.e) None"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Python 3 for BEGINNERS ." |
"Hello everyone,You can make your first steps into the programming in 150 minutes :)Do you want to do your first steps into the programming?If yes, this course is your place where we will introduce you to the programming with real practise exercise which we will solve together during the course :)See you later.Good luck."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hydration for enhanced sports performance." |
"Are you looking to maximize your sports performance for training session,long sport events or competitions ?Do you want to learn about hydration impact onto your performance ?Ever wonder how to hydrate before, during and after exercise?In this course, I will address those issues and more to help you understand how to properly hydrate your way through training all the way up to and post exercise.This course will teach you how to maintain your hydration and energy level and maximize performance, while becoming more educated about your health and well being.Created for beginner to intermediate sports practitioners, also beneficial for active life style and fitness enthusiasts.You will learn how to hydrate and apply it your daily and sports life.This course will cover everything you need to know including:Explanation of hydrationBody electrolyte balance Identifying your sweat rate and hydration levelHydration timingDifferentiate sports drinks .Be able to recognize type of sport drinks and their use.Hydrating for training session ,for long activities or for competition..and much, much more!By the end of this course, you will master hydration knowledge and be well on your way to improving your performance. You will know how to hydrate for low, medium and high intense training sessions as well as apply your knowledge to get prepared for sport events and competitions. You will become more aware and knowledgeable by enrolling today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corso di Sviluppatore di Videogiochi (base)" |
"In questo corso, andremo a definire:Cosa significa sviluppatore;Chi sono gli sviluppatori;(Breve) Storia del videogioco;L'importanza dei videogiochi oggi;Principali differenze tra lavorare indie e in un'azienda;Il cambio di punti di vista da giocatore a sviluppatore;Perch iniziare questo viaggio proprio con Unity.Concluderemo, poi, questo primo corso base con lo sviluppo di un primo videogioco pi semplice possibile con Unity."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"La Chitarra: corso completo per principianti" |
"Le lezioni esporranno i primi fondamenti per utilizzare correttamente la mano sinistra, la mano destra (fingerpicking) e il plettro.Verranno affrontate melodie, scale, arpeggi, accordi, in modo semplice e chiaro.Gli esercizi forniscono un approccio elastico, in modo che ogni allievo possa potenzialmente costruire un proprio metodo per perfezionarsi nei primi passi dell'apprendimento dello strumento.Alla fine di questo percorso ci sar una lezione speciale, con una missione personalizzata!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Change stressful conversations quickly and sustainably" |
"In pressure situations, especially in conversations when there are different opinions, it often becomes heated and not very joyful. Results hardly ever occur, but frustration and anger do. As a rule, we have not learned how to really approach each other in such situations. Rhetorical tricks and persuasion fail as well as increasing pressure or giving in."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ruby Programming for Beginners [2020]" |
"The only up to date course you will find on Ruby Programming in 2020.Ruby is an object oriented language that is a great option for anyone wanting to learn to write code.Ruby was created for developer satisfaction, with the language being very easy to learn and lightweight in comparison to many other verbose languages and frameworks.Ruby on Rails is trusted by huge companies such as Airbnb, Twitter, Shopify and Github. In this course we will focus on learning how to use the underlying language (Ruby) that was used to build these great web platforms.One of the most attractive benefits you will discover with Ruby is the ability to create working products FAST! Forget writing verbose boilerplate code to do simple tasks. Ruby has been hugely popular with many startups and a highly sought after skillset in tech hubs like Silicon Valley due to the flexibility Ruby and Ruby on Rails provides to development teams.Throughout this course we will discuss each step that we are taking and and towards the end of the course we will build 2 projects using Ruby. Source code will be provided (github) at the end of each project."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
Waldhygiene |
"Hlst Du Dich viel im Wald oder in der Natur auf? Wie entsorgst Du Deinen Mll? Wo und wie verrichtest Du Dein Geschft, wenn baulich nichts vorhanden ist? Welche Mittel benutzt Du bei Deinen Aufenthalten in der Natur? Kennst Du die Regeln im Wald? Dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle Personen, gro oder klein, egal welchen Alters, die sich gerne in der Natur aufhalten und mit beitragen wollen, unsere Landschaft und unsere Umwelt zu schtzen und die sie gleich sauber, wie sie sie vorgefunden haben, wieder verlassen wollen. Viel Spa beim Waldschtzen!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"N10-007 - CompTIA Network+ - Latest Practice Tests" |
"CompTIA Network+ is an industry-recognized certification and is the next step in career after CompTIA A+. CompTIA Network+ helps develop a career in IT infrastructure covering troubleshooting, configuring, and managing networks. Regularly re-invented by IT experts to ensure that it validates the core networking skills and abilities demanded in the workplaceThe CompTIA Network+ covering the following new content:Design and implement functional networksConfigure, manage, and maintain essential network devicesUse devices such as switches and routers to segment network traffic and create resilient networksIdentify the benefits and drawbacks of existing network configurationsImplement network security, standards, and protocolsTroubleshoot network problemsSupport the creation of virtualized networksTo validate with CompTIA Network+, the exam will test your skills and knowledge of the following key areas :Networking Concepts > Explain the purpose of a variety of networking concepts and implement them appropriatelyNetwork Security > Summarize physical security & common attacks while securing the wired and wireless networkInfrastructure> Determine & explain the appropriate cabling, device and storage technologiesNetwork Troubleshooting & Tools> Explain the network troubleshooting methodology & appropriate tools to support connectivity & performanceNetwork Operations> Use best practices to manage the network, determine policies & ensure business continuityN10-007 exam info :No. of Questions: Maximum of 90 questions per exam Type of Questions: Multiple choice questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-based Length of Test: 90 Minutes per exam Passing score: 720 (on a scale of 100-900)Validity: 3 yearsThe practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers, and will get a pass in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource. Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
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"Linux Administration et Shell, Commandes de Bases Bash 1" |
"Bienvenue toi Jeune Administrateur Linux.Dans cette formation, tu vas apprendre les commandes de base pour utiliser et personnaliser le systme d'exploitation Linux, aprs une brve explication sur le systme, tu vas commenc apprendre les commandes basiques pour administrer tout systme Linux confondus; Sans casse de tte cette formation ne requiert aucune installation de ta part, cette formation est progressive aucune base n'est demande en informatique ou en systme Linux. Cette formation va te prparer la programmation en Bash, cette formation et hand zone, peu de thorie ... de la pratique 100%, tout est explique, l'anglais basique est recommand.Nous passerons en revue entre 30/60 commandes de bases avec des exemples et exercices et quizz."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |