Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Photoshop per il Web Designer" |
"In questo corso imparerai a realizzare il design di una homepage di un sito web professionale con Photoshop (qui replichiamo il sito del brand Zara) e una newsletter.Ogni web designer dovrebbe possedere questa skill. Infatti prima di realizzare il sito web vero e proprio necessario mostrare al cliente un'anteprima del risultato finale (senza consumare inutilmente energie nello sviluppo del sito). Solo quando, dopo le modifiche del caso, il cliente approver il design si potr procedere con lo sviluppo. Cosa imparerai in questa lezione:A realizzare un layout di homepage completoA realizzare la grafica per una newsletterA utilizzare le migliori combinazioni cromaticheA dare un'armonia visiva al tuo progettoA esportare i file correttamente"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Grafica e Tipografia - Corso Accelerato" |
"In questa interessante lezione di teoria della comunicazione visiva cercheremo di affrontare la teoria della Gestalt. Una panoramica interessante sui principi che governano la nostra percezione! Ma non tutto ...Sapevi che i caratteri tipografici hanno una personalit e uno scopo ben preciso? Impareremo a distinguerli nella migliore maniera possibile al fine di creare accostamenti armonici e piacevoli. Argomenti delle lezioni:1. Principi grafici, percezione, similitudine e anomalia2. Continuazione, chiusura, prossimit, figura e sfondo3. Altri principi di design: organizzazione degli elementi4. Tipografia, forma delle lettere, classificazione dei caratteri5. Gli stili, lettering, crenatura, interlinea e composizione6. Carattere e colore, contrasto, titoli, tipogrammi7. Tecniche di composizione, vicinanza, allineamento ripetizione ed esempi"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking - Corso Accelerato + eBook" |
"+ BONUS: eBook ""Public Speaking For Beginners"" (link nell'ultima lezione)La paura di parlare in pubblico durante una lezione, un meeting di settore o una presentazione aziendale di nuovi prodotti colpisce indistintamente manager, imprenditori, studenti e professori universitari.Nella maggior parte dei casi il timore di affrontare la platea legato allinesperienza, quindi lo stress colpisce soprattutto i neofiti che si sentono inadeguati in quella determinata circostanza.Iscriviti a questo corso e impara le basi del public speaking per aggiungere al tuo curriculum questa importante skill!Argomenti delle Lezioni1. Introduzione al Public Speaking, linguaggio del corpo, le insidie e le paure2. Postura, posizione, contatto visivo, gestualit, movimenti e look3. Costruire la presentazione, conoscere luogo e pubblico, obiettivi e contenuti4. Decollo, crociera, atterraggio, slide e esercizio5. Discorsi improvvisati, consigli per movimenti e gesti6. Consigli di postura, prossemica, mani7. Contatto visivo, look, corretto utilizzo della voce8. Esercizio Elevator Pitch, gestire le domande9. Gestione delle obiezioni e esercizio finale"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Il Marketing Pubblicitario" |
"Le basi del Marketing nella pubblicitIn questo corso impareremo i fondamenti del marketing tradizionale e della pubblicit, partendo dalla comunicazione sui media classici e passando attraverso pubblicit di marca, corporate e collettiva.Obiettivi del corsoInsegnare le basi necessarie per progettare un piano operativo pubblicitario di marketing che sia solido ed efficace anche nel Web.Argomenti delle lezioni:La comunicazione Above the Line e i media tradizionaliGli attori della comunicazione pubblicitaria: azienda, pubblico e intermediariPubblicit di marca, corporate e collettivaLe PromozioniGli EventiLa comunicazione direttaLe SponsorizzazioniIl Marketing mixDefinire il MarketingPerch un brand fa advertising?Le finalit dell'advertisingI canali pubblicitariAnalizzare il targetI 4 linguaggi della pubblicitParlare per immagini: il linguaggio iconicoLa parola in primo piano: Il linguaggio verbaleNote ed emozioni: Il linguaggio musicaleIl non verbale che comunica: Il linguaggio gestualeAnalisi spot Martini e BarillaGli Elementi di un pagina Pubblicitaria + Esempi24 loghi con simboli nascosti e loghi imbarazzanti"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Il Linguaggio Pubblicitario" |
"Argomenti del corso:1. Perch fare advertising?2. Chiarire gli obiettivi3. I canali pubblicitari4. Analizzare il target5. I 4 linguaggi della pubblicit6. Narrare per immagini: Il linguaggio iconico7. La parola in primo piano: Il linguaggio verbale8. Note ed emozioni: Il linguaggio musicale9. Gesti: il non verbale che emoziona10. Analisi spot Martini e Barilla+ BONUS: 267 eBook di Digital Marketing (link nell'ultima lezione)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Value Propositions: translate your offer into monetary terms" |
"Our research shows that only 5% of companies have financially quantified Value Propositions and developing them will differentiate your company. Even if you have little differentiation, the very act of financially quantifying the benefits will give you an advantage over your competitors.This course is for anyone interested in understanding value more deeply and especially for anyone dealing with customers in the business-to-business (B2B) sector.We are confident that by completing this course you will have the potential to earn thousands of extra dollars from customers by translating your offers into solid monetary terms that demonstrate the real contribution you make to their profitability.Also included are three bonus courses which will help you apply the ideas to your situation. The first is an organizational health check that will help you to uncover key issues within your customer. The second and third courses will help you to become more confident in dealing with the financial issues by explaining the Cost of Capital and how to make the Profit & Loss Statement exciting and relevant to the Board of Directors. Together, this complete course provides comprehensive guidance on how to diagnose and develop real value."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Learn Japanese JLPT N5 Kanji: Quizzes & Worksheets" |
"Learn Japanese JLPT N5 Kanji with quick and fun lessons made by real teachers. This is the ultimate starting point for any beginner.Are you ready to start learning and understanding Japanese Kanji in minutes? Then, this is the course for you. You unlock videos covering a 100+ N5 Kanji every beginner should know. We have also included bonus learning content to expand on what you have learned, allowing you to progress further in a shorter amount of time. This is how the course looks:This course is divided into 10 lessons. In every lesson, we will cover 10 Japanese Kaji with both Onyomi & Kunyomi readings along with sample sentences for each to help you remember the Kanji faster. Be sure to take the quiz after each lesson to review what you've learned.Episode 1 - Kaji covered (, , , , , , , , , )Episode 2 - Kaji covered (, , , , , , , , , )Episode 3 - Kaji covered (, , , , , , , , , )Episode 4 - Kaji covered (, , , , , , , , , )Episode 5 - Kaji covered (, , , , , , , , , )Episode 6 - Kaji covered (, , , , , , , , , )Episode 7 - Kaji covered (, , , , , , , , , )Episode 8 - Kaji covered (, , , , , , , , , )Episode 9 - Kaji covered (, , , , , , , , , )Episode 10 - Kaji covered (, , , , , , , , , )Each lesson is accompanied by a quiz to review what you have learned. We have also included BONUS materials and worksheets with each lesson, so be sure to check them out, to get the most out of this course."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"PMI-ACP Certification Exam Prep 21 PDU Course. FULL TRAINING" |
"Passing the PMI-ACP certification exam will demonstrate your knowledge and expertise of the agile practices. This course will cover all the topics needed to pass your PMI-ACP exam on the first try. Topics such as the agile mindset, agile processes and tools. This course is taught by Agile Instructor and PMP author Andrew Ramdayal. Andrew has over 60 certifications and has authored a few bestselling project management books. Andrew has taught thousands of students around the world both in the classroom and online.Unlike other providers, we are a PMI Registered Education provider: #3333 and this course is accredited by PMI.This course will include the following:21 PMI Approved Contacts hours/PDU Certificate needed to take your PMI-ACP exam.Update to match PMBOK Guide 6th Edition9+ Hours of expert instruction from a certified PMI-ACP Instructor and one of Amazon bestselling project management authors.120+ VideosFull length mock examNearly 200 practice questionsCourse Slides with summaries If you a current PMP, this course will get you 21 PDU's to help renew your PMP (Don't forget you need 60 PDU's to renew).Every year we help thousands to pass their certification exams and we can help you also."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Sfrdan Zirveye Javascript ve NodeJS Kursu 2020" |
"NEMLI : Kursumuz henz tamamlanmad, hem javascript hem de nodejs blmlerine yeni blmler hzla eklenecektir. Kursun oluturulma sresince blm veya ekstra ders isteklerinde bulunabilirsiniz. Gelin bu kursu udemynin en kapsaml trke javascript ve nodejs kursu yapalmKursa katlmak iin her hangi bir programlama gemiinizin olmasna gerek yok. Tm dersler sfrdan balayan biri iin hazrlanmtr. Javascript dilini detaylaryla renip, nodejs kullanarak kendi web sunucunuzu oluturabilir ve farkl platformlarda uygulamalar gelitirebilirsiniz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
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Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
"Digital Painting Masters - Desert Background" |
"MAKE 70% OF YOUR ANIMATION LOOK AMAZINGIts time to improve all your animation ideas by making each frame look awesome. How? By creating beautiful backgrounds.Most animations done by beginners are ignored. Why? One of the reasons is that if you pause the video at any time, the image looks wrong, why? Because as we know the background usually takes 70% of the screen.So, if the background is ugly, then 70% of the frame is ugly. And that will cause the animation to look bad. Animations that look bad get ignored.That is not what we want for you.Michael Schutte, your instructor, understands how it feels to have something to share, and no one who cares.Through his live academy in Canada, he has been able to help tons of students become great artists.With art, now they can express themselvesWhy did we choose to work with him? Well because:He is a really cool guyAnd he is also one of the top 10 Best Wild-Life Painters in all Europe.(Yes, being a cool guy comes first in my priority list, credentials come second)Michael Schutte will help you paint something that, if your spouse or sibling is walking by while you are training, they will stop by and look with their mouths open, not believing what they are seeing. They will say: Did you paint this?And with your chest high you will say: Yeah, I made itBeing proud of your work, feeling that finally what you do is something people care about, is a great feeling.How do you get there? Simple! All you have to do is follow plan:THE DIGITAL ARTIST DEVELOPMENT PLANSTEP 1: Take LessonsSTEP 2: PracticeSTEP 3: ImproveENROLL NOWYou can struggle getting attention to your ideas, by making your animations look bad.Or you can have people stop cold and pay attention to your work by creating animations that look really good.Great backgrounds will at least make 70% of each frame looking great.Just imagine the options you will have once you graduate as a digital painter:Paint beautiful backgrounds for your projects, making 70% of every frame looking amazing.Be hired as a digital painter by othersBe hired by us as a coach to help beginners starting as digital paintersBeing hired of course doesnt depend only on your digital painting skills, it will also depend on your work ethic, being responsible to deliver on time, have great communication with clients and being a kind person in general. (We dont hire arrogant buttheads)WHAT WILL YOU LEARN?This is what you will be painting.You will learn how to get and download cool brushes to use in Photoshop. Use the Pentool for masking and to create artistic lines.You will also learn about art appreciation, understanding how painters use composition and some of the rules.Then you will be painting the background for a Sci-Fi Space desert.You will be:- Adding some clouds- Paint the background mountains- Adding a Planet- Then continue with the background mountains- Then the right side of the mountain- The balanced rock- The Arch- Then the river- And finally ending by adding some smoke effects to the painting.The course will have a lot of fast forward moments just to not take much of your time, but just so you know, you can change the speed of the playback if you want.If the video is too fast for you, you can just go to the bottom right of this player and select the gear icon, that is the settings. Then just change the playback speed. You can play it faster or slower if you want.Excited?Good! Join us and get ready to paint with Michael Schutte.Requirements:A digital drawing tablet (iPad, or any Drawing Tablet like Wacom Intuos or Wacom Cintiq)A drawing software (We recommend Photoshop, but you can follow along with Procreate on iPad, Clip Studio Paint, Affinity, etc)Whatever software you choose, you need to already be familiar with it.How to set up a new DocumentHow to change Brush SizesHow to change Brush Types"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Principios bsicos de la mezcla musical" |
"Mezclar es un arte que requiere de un buen nmero de conocimientos tcnicos para poder hacerse de manera adecuada. Una buena mezcla nos permite combinar los elementos (instrumentos, voces) que se han grabado, de modo que cada uno de ellos se escuche con claridad, uniformidad y todo se sienta unido.Una buena mezcla es esencial para diferenciar una produccin casera con una produccin profesional. Los ingenieros de mezcla pasan aos experimentando y puliendo diferentes tcnicas para conseguir el balance adecuado, el uso de efectos, combinacin de procesadores, etc.En este curso aprenders los principios para llevar a cabo una buena mezcla de principio a fin!Partiremos de conceptos bsicos de la produccin musical, para que conozcas el papel de la mezcla en el proceso y sepas de sus alcances y limitaciones. Aprenders conceptos que te ayuden a manejar mejor la mezcla y a tener un monitoreo ms adecuado. Despus irs aprendiendo paso a paso procedimientos probados por exitosos ingenieros de mezcla (Benny Faccone, Dave Pensado, Tony Maserati, etc.) para ajustar niveles, paneos, ecualizacin, etc.A lo largo del curso aprenders temas como:El proceso de la produccin musicalCriterios de monitoreoProcedimientos para hacer la mezclaNiveles (volmenes)PaneosEcualizacin y compresin aplicadosUso de reverberacin y delaysAutomatizacinCriterios para el vaciado final (mixdown)Este curso est dirigido a productores musicales, estudiantes de ingeniera en audio, operadores de sonido, msicos, cantantes y cualquier amante de la msica que quiera aprender a mezclar de mejor manera.El curso se basa en las tcnicas para mezcla en estudio, las cuales son esenciales en la produccin de grabaciones, lbumes, sencillos, transmisiones online (streaming), radio, etc. Sin embargo, los principios bsicos aqu expuestos pueden funcionar tambin como punto de partida para la mezcla de sonido en vivo.Sers guiado por un instructor certificado en audio (Avid Pro Tools, Steinberg) con ms de 15 aos de experiencia docente en todos los niveles, desde seminarios hasta clases universitarias, por lo que la calidad acadmica est garantizada. Los temas estn organizados de modo que vayas aprendiendo paso a paso cada concepto, de una manera clara y concisa.* Puedes aprender algo nuevo en solo 15 minutos al da!nete a los ms de 5,000 alumnos que ya han tomado cursos con uno de los mejores instructores en espaol de Udemy!Si te interesa aprender a mezclar con mayor confianza y obtener mejores resultados en tu sonido, este curso es para ti!*Este curso es el complemento ideal de los cursos Tcnicas de EQ, Tcnicas de Compresin y Procesadores de Efectos del mismo autor, disponibles tambin en Udemy."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Data Science: Hands-On using R" |
"The training focuses on analyzing and testing the core concepts of data sciences, right from the elementary concepts such as statistics, data management and analytics to advanced topics like neural networks and machine learning and R programming. Data Science training aids to your credibility for the various job roles in the Data Science domain.As the demand for data scientists, individuals can grasp this excellent opportunity to get high-level knowledge in data sciences. The training aims to provide individuals with a competitive edge for superior employment opportunities."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"DIY Script Coverage" |
"Script coverage is a necessary process for checking whether a draft is industry standard. Using script coverage key terms and templates and some other bits and pieces, Kalungi will identify the benefits of script analysis, then assess the strengths and weaknesses in the character arcs, dialogue, narrative, pace and script format in one of his stage plays.DISCLAIMER: This nano course is not an alternative to seeking professional advice from a script doctor, editor or consultant. It exists to support you in fine-tuning your script before investing time and money, only to be advised to fix things you could have easily spotted yourself. It also provides an opportunity for you to self-reflect on your literary journey and will arm you with the tools to deliver peer support in your creative circles.Whether youre a writing a short film or feature-length, a sketch or, 3-act play, a piece of flash fiction, a novella or a manuscript the width of a brick, enrolling in this nano course is one of your best decisions!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Sponsorship: Get Sponsored With ZERO Subscribers" |
"Have you heard of YouTube sponsorships? If you can get your channel sponsored on YouTube you're looking at making passive income every single day for the rest of your life. However, product sponsorships on YouTube have very stringent requirements. You need to have a very big YouTube channel and you need thousands of subscribers if not millions. In this course however I'm going to show you a rather simple way of getting sponsored on YouTube by amazon and you do not need to have a huge YouTube channel and thousands of subscribers. Who is this course for? This course is for anyone and everyone who wants to generate passive income online. You could have a YouTube channel of your own or you could start one right now and use that to apply for this sponsorship program. The only potential is tremendous and this is going to keep generating money for the rest of your life.Who is this course NOT for? The sponsorship program that I am going to talk about in this tutorial is from amazon and not some specific product owner. So if you already have a huge YouTube channel and are looking for traditional YouTube product sponsorships, this course is not for you."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"React Native: Aprende React Native con ejercicios prcticos" |
"Hola a todos,Bienvenidos a React Native: Aprende React Native con ejercicios prcticos.React-Native es una librera desarrollada por el equipo de React y es ampliamente utilizada para crear aplicaciones mviles tanto para Android como para IOS. No necesitas aprender Java, Android, Swift, Objective-C ni nada de eso. React y JavaScript es todo lo que necesitas para crear increbles aplicaciones mviles que funcionen tanto en Android como en iOS.Este curso es para principiantes, para los que empezis de cero. Te llevaremos desde el nivel de principiante hasta el avanzado. Aprenders el desarrollo de React paso a paso con ejemplos prcticos. Para que puedas beneficiarte de este curso, todo lo que necesitas es una idea bsica de JavaScript, como la que vimos en el curso de HTML5.En el curso, te diremos a detalle qu dependencias necesitas instalar y cmo, para poder crear aplicaciones mviles tanto en Mac como en Windows. Vamos a utilizar herramientas y plataformas gratuitas para que no tengas que comprar ninguna herramienta o aplicacin. Vas a aprender a ejecutar un simulador de Android y iOS en tu ordenador Mac o Windows.Ms tarde en el curso, vamos a aprender los fundamentos de React, JSX, y el sistema de Props y States sern muy fciles de entender y saber aplicar para todos al final del curso.Vamos a crear componentes atractivos reutilizables en diversas aplicaciones, as que podrs tenerlos y usarlos en tus propios proyectos en el futuro.En este curso, vamos a explicar todos los temas complejos con mucho detalle, pero hacindolos ms sencillos, lo cual te van a ayudar mucho a seguir creciendo como programador. Usaremos algunos diagramas para contar algunos temas importantes y crearemos una aplicacin mvil atractiva y funcional.Al final del curso aprenders;Los fundamentos de las bibliotecas React y React-Native.Cmo enviar solicitudes HTTP desde una aplicacin mvil.Cmo usar el sistema de Flexbox.Cmo crear componentes reutilizables.Acceder a otra aplicacin del dispositivo desde nuestra aplicacin.Crear tu propia aplicacin para el mvil, ser fcil para ti.Por qu te gustara hacer este curso?Nuestra respuesta es simple: la calidad de la enseanza.Cuando te inscribas, sentirs la experiencia de los instructores de OAK Academy.Cuando te inscribas, yo mismo, Juan Gabriel Gomila, y el equipo de OAK Academy, te vamos a entregar el mejor material utilizando las mejores tcnicas de enseanza online para que aprendas todos los trucos de React Native.No se necesitan conocimientos previos para aprender React Native.Este curso comienza con lo ms bsico. Primero, aprenders algo de terminologa. Luego comenzaremos la programacin y aprenders todo con actividades prcticas. Tambin te ensearemos las mejores tcnicas y los atajos.Paso a paso, simple y fcil con los mejores ejercicios prcticos:Al final del curso, tendrs un firme entendimiento de React Native, y querrs aprender an ms.Calidad de produccin de video y audio:Todos nuestros videos son creados/producidos con video y audio de alta calidad para ofrecerte la mejor experiencia de aprendizaje.Estars:Viendo claramenteEscuchando claramenteMovindote a travs del curso sin distraccionesTambin recibirs:Acceso de por vida al cursoSoporte rpido y agradable en la seccin de preguntas y respuestasCertificado de finalizacin de Udemy listo para ser descargadoEntra ahora!Ofrecemos apoyo total, respondiendo a cualquier pregunta del curso.Nos vemos en el curso!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curs Autocad in Romana" |
"Cursul autocad n romana este fcut special pentru cei care sunt la nceput de drum. Cu acest curs vei nva comenzile de baza care acoper 80% din comenzile principale care ai nevoie pentru realizarea unui desen.Coninutul cursului:Comanda line in autocadComanda polyline in autocadComanda cerc in autocadComanda arc in autocadComanda rectangle si poligon in autocadComanda ellipse in autocadComanda hatch gradient si boundary in autocadComanda move in autocadComanda copy in autocadComanda stretch in autocadComanda rotate in autocadComanda mirror in autocadComanda fillet chamfer si blend curve in autocadComanda scale in autocadComanda trim si extend in autocadComanda array in autocadComanda erase in autocadComanda explode in autocadComanda offset in autocadComanda text in autocadComanda dimension in autocadComenzile de cotare in autocadComanda leader in autocadComanda tabele in autocadComanda layer in autocadCum sa folosim panoul de layer in autocadComanda insert in autocad din panoul BlockCum sa cream un bloc in autocadComanda matc properties in autocadComanda group in autocadComanda Measure in autocadComanda quick select in autocadcomanda id point si point style in autocadComanda block in autocad. Sau care este functia unui block in autocad"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trabalho Remoto: O Guia completo para o sucesso." |
"O trabalho remoto aquele que pode ser feito de qualquer lugar, estando voc na mesma cidade ou do outro lado do planeta.A grande diferena entre o trabalho remoto e o convencional a maneira como se organizam as cargas horrias. Metas, tarefas e atividades continuam tendo a mesma demanda e requerendo as mesmas habilidades e necessidades dos trabalhos no remotos. Mas, a comunicao e a forma de controlar essas necessidades mudam radicalmente.A economia mundial pede que o trabalho hoje em dia seja mais dinmico, incorporando as inovaes exigidas pelo mercado. Os espaos de co-working e o home office se tornaram uma tendncia mundial, sendo as formas mais comuns de realizao de trabalho remoto.E neste curso abordaremos tpicos que se tornam crticos quando nossos times esto distribudos pelo mundo, e que so:Como montar o seu escritrio virtual e quais as ferramentas bsicas recomendadas.Como aprimorar a ComunicaoComo montar um home officeComo manter a produtividade, mesmo estando sozinhoComo liderar e motivar times distncia"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"How to Avoid Capital Gains Taxes" |
"This course will show you how to save and or eliminate thousands of dollars in Capital Gains Taxes. This course is best suited for individuals, small business owners and persons wanting to fund their retirement account or who intend on selling a high income asset. Examples, tax laws, and even how the Capital Gains tax is calculated is included. Best of all, legal and comfortable tax planning techniques to eliminate and or lower Capital Gains taxes are included."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Video Marketing: Easily Create Videos For Social Media" |
"Video Marketing can be complicated but it really doesn't have to be. Do you want to focus more on your ideas and business and less on creating marketing videos? InVideo is one online tool that can help you accomplish your goal in no time. InVideo will be the focus of the course.You don't need to be a video editing or video marketing expert or be all that creative to create amazing videos. Online video editors allow you to accomplish most video editing or production tasks without having to download any software. Are you looking for a promo video maker? Struggling to make an intro video? Looking to make ads for your real estate business? No problem.One advantage of InVideo is that they have many pre-made templates that are easy to work with and can easily be changed to fit your needs..including adding your own brand colors. You can literally have a professional advertisement perfectly done within minutes.If you are looking for video editing for youtube, InVideo makes it super simple to develop your work in no time.Try the course today. It is risk-free, as Udemy offers a 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How To Paint An English Castle Scene Watercolour" |
"When I first started using Watercolour in 1980 I was inspired to copy the great artists such as Constable, Quinton and others. I couldnt get on with oil or acrylic so turned my hand at watercolour. As I had never gone to art school I just went with my instincts and had fun! Because I tried to copy the great artists, the techniques I developed were completely unique and unlike any other watercolour pictures I saw.I remained self taught, learnt as I went along and what youll see in this course is a result of years of learning through mistakes and finding what worked. Youll also see techniques never before attempted with watercolour (as far as I know). My watercolour pictures, even though theyre impressionistic, have a sense of realism about them.In this course Ill give you an outline drawing so that you can print this straight to watercolour paper or trace it using a carbon. Ill also show you the materials I use in my watercolour work. Then well get started with the paintings which are split into easy to digest parts.With this course you will learn to paint a landscape of Rochester in Kent - the ""Garden of England"" . In this course you'll learn to paint a distant castle, cathedral, river, boat, trees and more.I hope you enjoy learning my watercolour techniques, once you are finished, please do share your artwork via the Q & A section or message us using Udemy's messaging tools."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Use TikTok to Promote Your Business?" |
"The evolution of the internet has changed the way of doing things. It has made the world a small village. Virtual stores allow entrepreneurs to buy and sell products without touching them. Besides, it is now possible to order and sell products to clients in markets that are thousands of miles apart.Social media, in particular, has made things easier for marketers. TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook are the leading social media platforms that have millions of registered users. They allow you to develop and expose your brand to an infinite number of audiences.TikTok is one of the social media platforms that is growing fast and propelling brands to greater heights. It has over a billion users all over the world and is becoming the worlds most entertaining social media platform. Although most of the current subscribers are aged between 13 and 34 years, the platform is maturing and is just a matter of time before it attracts older people.So why should you choose TikTok to promote your brand?First, you have time to expose your brand to over a billion people across the globe.Second, visitors spent an average of 52 minutes on the platform. No other social media platform rivals it on this.Third, the traffic pulled on this site is enough to aid you in realizing the power of social media in marketing. It does not matter whether you sell virtual goods, physical products, or services. TikTok will allow you to get to all the corners of the globe within no time.Fourthly, TikTok maximizes on comedy to allow it to walk where other social media houses have never reached.It is quickly evolving from being an entertainment platform to becoming an entrepreneurs platform. It has attracted organizations, professionals or entrepreneurs seeking worldwide identification and recognition. Using influencers and hashtags challenges is a secret that makes videos go viral almost immediately.Note that the modern world is fast-paced, thus not taking advantage of influential powers is an excuse that cannot be forgiven if your business cannot pick. We know that there is plenty of information out there on how TikTok can help to grow your business. But we have prepared a detailed video to help you get started on TikTok and how you can leverage it to grow your business. By just paying a small fee, you will instantly get access to tricks you can use so that TikTok can work for you. You no longer need to struggle in your business.At the end of the course, we have assembled a list of resources that can help you get started quickly. Sign up now to unlock your potential."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Together Let's Learn the New Way to Self-Discovery" |
"When was the last time you took care of yourself, like really took care of yourself?Self-care is crucial for your happiness and well-being. Without it, the mind and body can quickly find themselves out of sync, leading to all kinds of problems. It can also hold you back from being the person you were born to be.So, if you struggle with self-care, below youll discover why now is the time to change that and how it can help with self-discovery.The importance of self-careSelf-care is often dismissed as a luxury, when in fact its absolutely essentialIf you arent taking care of yourself, eventually youre going to start feeling all kinds of negative effects.Failing to care for your health and happiness can lead to issues such as burnout, depression and chronic stress. It also puts you at an increased risk of developing all kinds of ailments and diseases.One thing you need to remember with self-care however, is that you need to do what you want to do. Youll find a lot of self-care tips which mention things like keeping a journal and meditating. These are definitely some of the most effective self-discovery tools you can use, but theyre not necessarily for everyone. If you dont enjoy them, dont do them. Find something you do enjoy thats the secret to benefitting from self-care for self-discovery.So, as you can see, taking time out to really look after yourself is crucial to your health and happiness."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine 4: Level Design with Landscapes" |
"In this game design course, you'll learn how to use Unreal Engine 4's Landscape and Foliage Editing tools so that YOU can build open world environments like seen in ""Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild."" Knowing how to use these tools is a critical skill for those aspiring to be Level Designers or Environment Artists!This course contains over 110 fun to follow video lessons. You'll learn how to:Download, install, and setup a project in Unreal Engine 4Create a new landscapeImport existing (real world!) landscapesStitch together multiple landscapes to create massive open worldsSculpt mountains, valleys, plateaus, and cavesPaint landscape surfaces with mud, grass, rock, or snow texturesSpawn different visual and audio effects based on the surface type a character is traveling uponPopulate a landscape with grass, flower, bush, or tree foliagePopulate a landscape with road, fence, and river splinesCreate a day / night cycleAdd fog & God raysVisually profile and debug your landscape's performanceAnd more!With the knowledge gained in these video lessons, you will have the necessary skills to start building your OWN open world environments!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crer une application web avec Django" |
"Dans cette formation pratique, je vous montre comment crer de A Z une application web pour afficher l'volution du cours de devises avec des graphiques.Django c'est une librairie qui permet de crer rapidement des applications web compltes et robustes avec Python.C'est la librairie la plus populaire pour la cration de sites web avec Python et elle est utilise par de nombreux sites et applications, Pinterest, Spotify ou encore Instagram.C'est galement avec Django qu'est cr mon site Docstring.Cette librairie elle met ta disposition de nombreux outils comme :Un ORM, qui signifie object-relational mapping pour grer les connexions avec ta base de donnes grce des modles.Un moteur de template avanc et efficace pour crer des pages web dynamiques.Une interface d'administration prte l'emploi.Ou encore la possibilit de crer et de grer des comptes d'utilisateurs.Avec Django, tu peux donc vraiment te concentrer sur le code de ton site, et laisser la librairie s'occuper des parties un peu plus longues et difficiles mettre en place.Dans cette formation, on va voir comment crer un tableau de bord pour afficher l'volution du cours de devises.On va pour cela utiliser deux librairies en plus de Django : Bootstrap et Chart.js."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Food Safety for Managers and Supervisors" |
"Are you a manager or supervisor and want to achieve a level three food safety qualification? Or perhaps you are currently working in catering and want to develop your career? Or are you looking to buy a business or enter the trade for the first time? This course will boost your food safety knowledge.This course begins with a short video highlighting the importance of food safety, the positive impact it can have on your business. The prologue video also highlights the damaging impact poor standards can have on customers.You'll be taken through all aspects of managing food safety, with a particular focus on HACCP (Hazard analysis and critical control points).The knowledge you gain will help improve standards in your place of work. It will give you confidence to engage in discussions with experts such as EHO and safety departments in your organisation.There is an accompanying workbook to the course which you can download to help aid your understanding.You'll begin HACCP with an explanation of prerequisites and a brief study of pest control, cleaning and disinfection and structure.You will then be given brief examples of Flow Diagrams.There follows the largest section of the course; the seven principles of HACCP.The course is structured in a logical sequence to further assist your understanding and the transfer of information to your long term memory.Through the study of HACCP you will also learn about related topics such a cross contamination, spore forming bacteria, and how food poisoning occurs (intoxication and invasiveness).Throughout the course you will be given tips and ideas for completing your own internal audits. I have been a food safety advisor and trainer for over 20 years and the advice is based on my own experiences throughout that time.I also have a diploma in Business Management and the course includes a short video on the key aspects of food safety management; training, motivating and monitoring standards.You'll also be given a quick lesson on food safety law, including a quick explanation of the development of these laws over the century's. The course ends with a 15 minute summary of the entire course. That way, you can refresh your memory at any time without the need to revisit the entire course. Watching the summary at intervals (e.g. after one week, then one month, and then in 6 months) will help transfer the information to your long term memory.I hope you enjoy the course, and as ever, any feedback on how it can be improved would be great."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Angular 9 e Firestore do inicio a primeira aplicao" |
"Este curso tem tudo o que voc precisa saber para iniciar a desenvolver projetos com angular e Firestore.Com vdeo aulas super rpidas e direto ao ponto voc tem tudo o que precisa saber de maneira resumida e testada.Voc vai contar com todo o meu apoio respondendo perguntas e adicionando testes e exerccios para fortalecer o seu conhecimento."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Comunicazione interpersonale - Il corso fondamentale" |
"Molti conflitti, disagi e sofferenze nelle nostre relazioni derivano proprio dagli effetti che le componenti inconsapevoli del linguaggio hanno sulle nostre interazioni quotidiane.Ho creato questo breve corso per trasmetterti gli aspetti fondamentali del processo comunicativo dei quali ho fatto tesoro nella mia esperienza personale e professionale e che mi sono serviti per cavarmela in molte situazioni difficili."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Le cours complet sur l'administration d'un serveur SQL (15h)" |
">>>Ce cours vous intresse ? Et vous souhaitez y bnficier d'une rduction ? Alors envoyez moi un email (une surprise vous attend :) <<<DBA SQL server est aujourd'hui est un job assur a plein temps, c'est un job extrmement recherch dans le monde du travailSuivez ce cours vous permettra, grandement a passer vos certifications Microsoft.Ce cours est dcompos en plusieurs chapitres qui sont :1er chapitre : Ce chapitre de 2 heures vous apprendra toutes les subtilits des BACKUP et des RESTORE sur SQL Server.2eme chapitre : Venez dcouvrir comment mettre en place la scurit sur un serveur SQL.3eme chapitre : Dcouvrez comment dtecter facilement et automatiquement la corruption,avec le minimum de perte de donnes.4eme chapitre : Dcouvrez toutes les subtilits et les piges a viter, lors de la cration et de la configuration d'une bases de donne.5eme chapitre : Nous aborderons l'utilit des BDD Systmes, ainsi que la cration et l'utilit des contraintes (PK,FK etc...)6eme chapitre : Nous verrons les diffrents modes d'isolation que l'on peut mettre en place sur une BDD.7eme chapitre : Dcouvrez les triggers, les synonymes,les tables temporaires et variables.8eme chapitre :La rplication et le log shipping y serons abords.9eme chapitre : Un gros chapitre sur les nouveauts SQL Server 2016. Comme le RLS, le DDM, et le temporal data.10eme chapitre : Parlons de performance en abordant l'indexing et sa mise en place.11eme chapitre : Abordons le TSQL un niveau un peu plus pouss, a travers les fonctions de partitionnement (ROW_NUMBER etc...)Points importants sur ce cours :Ce cours couvre toutes les versions SQL Server, mme SQL Server 2019.Cette formation en ligne c'est 14 heures de dmo et 1 heure de thorie. La thorie c'est dans les classes, pas dans ce cours :)J'ai tenu a ce que les vidos, ne soient pas trop soporifiques, et qu'elles ne dpassent pas 10 minutes.Suivre ce cours, vous aidera vous dmarquer techniquement de vos collgues, ou lors d'un entretien d'embauche.Regardez la moyenne de mes autres cours (4,4/5), et vous verrez que mes cours sont des cours de qualit :)>>>Rejoignez le groupe FaceBook de bons plans, entre-aide, tutos de mes formations<<<>>>Tapez dans FaceBook: Formation SQL by Olivier Thuillier<<<"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Clean Code: Crafting Better Names" |
"Have you ever been frustrated by names in somebody elses code?Have you ever got a feedback in a code review that your names are not good?Do you not know how to name your variables, functions and files better?If answer to any of the questions is yes, you are at the right place. In this course, I cover everything you need to know to name your entities better.Why this course is critical to your success?Job of a programmer revolves around naming. We have to name variables, methods, classes, packages, namespaces and list goes on. Yet not most of us are not good at naming things. The most common comments in most of the code reviews are related to improper naming. To become a good coder, you need to learn this art."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel de 0 Hro" |
"Comme beaucoup d'utilisateur, vous n'exploitez probablement pas excel plus de 10% de ses possibilits.Dans cette formation vous donne toutes les instructions ncessaires pour exploiter parfaitement Excel , de sa prise en main l'utilisation de ses fonctions avances.Peu importe si vous tes dbutant ou si vous avez dj utilis une version prcdente d'Excel : vous trouverez dans cette formation un ensemble de pratiques qui deviendront vite une seconde nature pour vous."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |