Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Chase PAW PATROL. Fursuit head. Foam rubber Cosplay." |
"Video-tutorials allow you to display your imagination. You acquire knowledge and skills that you can put into practice both as a hobby and on a commercial footing. You will unlock your creative potential. Course in Russian with English subtitles.You will bring joy to your children! Do not waste time, put it to good use!Necessary materials and tools- Foam with a thickness of 3 cm (1 inch) - 10 cm x 50 cm- Foam with a thickness of 2 cm (1 inch) - 1.5 mx 1 m- Foam with a thickness of 1cm (1/2 inch) - 30 cm x 40 cm- Sintepon - 50 cm x 50 cm- Safety pins - 30 pcs.- Universal glue - 1 tube (100 ml)- Light brown fleece fabric (face) - 50 cm x 60 cm- Dark brown fleece fabric (sides, back, ears and fasteners) - 50 cm x 145 cm- Pink fleece fabric (ears) - 20 cm x 40 cm- Black or dark grey knitwear fabric (inner lining of the cap) - 50 cm x 70 cm- Dark blue knitwear fabric (cap) - 30 cm x 80 cm- Black artificial leather fabric (nose and visor) - 40 cm x 30 cm- White varnish fabric (eyes) - 10 cm x 20 cm (can be made from white felt)- Black felt (eyes, eyebrows) - 10 cm x 20 cm- White felt (eyes, emblem) - 10 cm x 10 cm- Brown felt (eyes) or brown fleece - 10 cm x 15 cm- Grey felt (Emblem) - 10 cm x 10 cm- Black touch fastener Velcro strip - 8 cm- Yellow strip or lace (Cap) - length 35 cm, width 1 cm- Plastic with a thickness of 1 mm (visor) - 20 cm x 30 cm- Paints for fabric (black, brown, white) - you need just a little bit, to make a few dots and lines. Alternatively, you can use markers.- Threads- Needle- Scissors- A sewing machine is preferable, but not necessary. I do some processes using a sewing machine, but you can do them manually as well."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Write and Self Publish Your Book" |
"Have you been wanting to write a book? Do you have this burning desire to share your story? Do you have a unique story to tell that the world needs to hear?But theres one problem: you have no clue where to begin. You dont know how to put your words on paper. Youve never written a book before. Well, I have great news for you! What if I told you that you can indeed craft your story and get it into the hands of readers who will be better persons because of you sharing your story.Writing our stories and sharing them is one of the most powerful ways to grow and make that journey from the head to the heart. You are the only person who can tell your story, and it is only by writing, sharing and releasing it that you can begin to rewrite your future.This quick guide will teach you the process to completing your manuscript. Whether you want to publish your story or write it to keep for yourself, this guide will help you learn the most effective ways to convey your life experiences onto the page."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Find your primary animal spirit guide" |
"Come and experience a new magical world with new animal spirit guides.Learn from nature and from the characteristics of each guide. Find you primary animal spirit guide to start a wonderful and great spiritual journeyto be guided, to become more of yourself and change your life for the better.Build a life lasting non judgmental relationship with your guides to get guidance beyond your imagination.Also get introduced to the spirit world and what shamanic healing is all about toreceive all the gifts that mother earth has to offer you with ease."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Yaamnda Proje Ynetimi" |
"Dnya genelinde yaplan aratrmalar proje baarlarnn dk olduunu gsteriyor. lkemizde de durum farkl deil. Bu resime iyi tarafndan bakp, bunun nemli bir geliim frsat yarattn syleyebiliriz.Hzla gelien teknoloji, globalleen Dnya, artan beklentiler i yaamn zorlatryor. irketler bu koullara adapte olurken projeleri ara olarak kullanyorlar. Hem irket ynetimleri hem de proje yneticileri karmaklaan projelerle ba etmekte zorlanyorlar. Projeler artk daha nitelikli yneticilerini gerektiriyor.lkemizde, proje yneticileri yetkinliklerini arlkl olarak, gerek yaam ierisinde yaadklar deneyimlerle kazanmaya alyor. Ancak bu kymetli deneyimlerin bir sonraki projede deer yaratabilmesi iin yaanan sorunlarn kk nedenlerinin fark edilmesi, ders kartlmas, yine bir abay gerektiriyor. lkemizdeki i yap kltr, i yaamnn hzl temposu ise, projelerdeki deneyimlerden ders kartmaya ounlukla frsat vermiyor. Odak bir an evvel rnn ya da hizmetin ortaya kartlmasna odakl oluyor. Tamamlanan her proje sonrasnda da mutlaka srada bekleyen bir baka proje hatta projeler oluyor. Bu ksr dng lkemizde yrtlen projelerde benzer sorunlarn tekrar tekrar yaanmasna neden oluyor, projelerin performanslarn olumsuz etkiliyor.PMP sertifikasna ynelik abalar da i yaamnda deer yaratan farkndalklar kazandrsa da almalar ounlukla PMP snavnda baar kazanmaya odakl oluyor. Bu eitim, proje ynetimiyle i dnyasnda, deer yaratmaya odakl. lkemizin dinamik koullarnda, bir ekilde projelerle yolu kesienlere, sunulan kstl kaynaklarla baarya ulamann yollarn, yntemlerini sunmay amalyor. Proje ynetimi alanndaki frsatlar deerlendirebilmek iin projelere, portfye yukardan baktryor, byk resmi gsteriyor. Bu eitim projelerde baary yakalamann yollarn gsteriyor, sizi de bu konuda bir yolculua kartmaya alyor."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"YKS GEOMETR ( Doruda A & gende A )" |
"Konular fazla uzatmadan bol soru cozumuyle sorulara nasl yaklasmamiz gerektiini detayl ekilde anlatlm olup bu iki konuyla alakal skntlar olan rencilere faydal olacak olup gnl rahatlyla alabileceiniz bir eitim setidir.Yeni nesil sorular zmede ilk olarak grebileceiniz bir eitim olup sonrasnda yeni nesil videolarina bakarak bu eksikliginizi de giderebilirsiniz.Tm rencilere baarlar dileriz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Youtuber'dan Youtube zlenme Arttrmak Aranmak in 8 Taktik" |
"Takldnz her soruyu sorabilirsiniz her ayrntsna kadar yardm etmeye alacamBu kursu Youtube'da gelimek daha fazla izlenmeye ulamak daha fazla aboneler kazanp kitle elde etmek iin hazrladm.Bana bu kursa eksik olduunu dndnz eyleri yazabilirsiniz.Bu kursun temel amac Youtube'da gerekten yer edinip tannmak byk kitlelere ulamaktr.Eer ki sizde Youtube zerine geliip buradan bir gelir elde etmek istiyorsanz sizlere en iyi ekilde yardm olacam."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Genera Clientes con Facebook 2020 Marketing en Facebook 2020" |
"Quieres lograr publicaciones en Facebook ms efectivas y poder incrementar tus ventas?. Si es as, en este curso totalmente prctico aprenderas lo bsico necesario para lograrlo al igual de medir el rendimiento de tus publicaciones.Tendrs el poder de realizar las publicaciones por ti mismo de manera correcta y obtendrs los ingresos que necesitas en esta nueva tendencia de vender por internet."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WhatsApp Business para tu Negocio" |
"En este taller online de WhatsApp Business podrs aprender a usar todas las herramientas que nos proporciona WhatsApp Business para un mejor seguimiento de clientes y organizacin de nuestro negocio. Entre las herramientas que aprenderemos a usar en este taller online son: etiquetas, mensaje de bienvenida, respuestas rpidas, creacin y envo de catlogo, listas de difusin y ms."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Introduction l' entomologie - Dbutants & intermdiaires" |
"Bienvenue dans mon cours d'introduction l'entomologie ! Mon cours s'adresse aux dbutants passionns de nature et par les insectes ainsi qu'aux personnes ayant des connaissances modres en entomologie. Celui-ci ne vous permettra pas de valider un examen mais vous permettra de comprendre comment les insectes fonctionnent au niveau biologique, comment on peut les reconnatre et les classer, quel est leur rle dans la nature et comment nous pouvons contribuer leur sauvegarde, notre chelle.Ce cours est une introduction l'entomologie. Voici quelques notions que vous apprendrez :Comment reconnatre un insecteComment identifier les principaux ordres et espces d'insectesComment les insectes sont constitus, comment les insectes respirent, se dplacent,...Les insectes ont-ils un cerveau ? Ressentent ils la douleur ?Quel est le rle des insectes dans la nature ? Serons nous amens nous nourrir d'insectes dans un futur proche ?Comment dbuter une collection scientifique d'insectes et redonner une belle posture des insectes ramasss ?...En revanche, ce cours n'est pas une encyclopdie des insectes et voici par exemple ce que nous n'aborderons pas :Comment fonctionne d'un point de vue chimique l'estomac d'un insecte ?Quelle est la diffrence entre un Chalcosoma atlas, un caucasus, un mollenkampi et un engganensis ?A quelle temprature maintenir des oeufs de Lucanus cervus pour maximiser le taux d'closion ?...Alors si vous voulez dcouvrir ce merveilleux monde qu'est celui de l'entomologie, et tre capables d'observer le monde qui nous entoure d'un il nouveau ; si vous dsirez enrichir vos connaissances et tre capables de passionner autour de vous, mon cours est fait pour vous !"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
botanicalartschool |
". , , , , , . . , , . ."
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"The Complete Guide to Clarity and Getting Unstuck" |
"In this course you will learn:Learn effective tools on how to raise your vibrationConnect deeply to your inner guidance system or higher selfGain clarity and calm your mindDevelop your core values and use them as a road map for your lifeHow to develop body intelligenceTools to rebalance your nervous system and find calm and easeExperience freedom from emotional turmoil, anxiety and depressionWe live in a society that is driven by the thinking mind. Our minds are a powerful tool, but it is easy to spend too muchtime in them and develop an addiction to thinking. This commonly shows up as stress and anxiety- when there is toomuch energy being held in the mind rather than being equally distributed throughout the body.When we live our lives like this our internal guidance system (also know as our intuition) often takes a backseat to thelogical mind. This results in a feeling of disconnection or something ""missing"". It also tends to keep the body inconstant reaction mode, known as fight or flight response. This fight or flight mode triggers the sympatheticnervous system to respond as if it's under a perceived threat.When we connect back into our body we bring our central nervous system back into a balanced state. This results in afeeling of calm and ease known as the parasympathetic nervous system. This is the state the body must be in forgrowth, regeneration and healing to occur.You know when you have a strong gut feeling about something? That's body intelligence. This course will teachyou how to strengthen this awareness system by redistributing your energy back down into your body andreconnecting to your body's innate intelligence system. In this course you will learn how to connect to this intelligence and use it to align with your highest self. You'llbe given a toolkit of embodiment practices that you can refer back to at any point. And best of all, if you use the practices consistently, you will change your physiology to a more grounded, stress free state which is the foundation for clarity."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Data Science Career Insights for College Students" |
"The data science field is...complicated to say the least. Especially as a college student, it can be tough to demystify the landscape and plan your career. This short course gives you some insights into the industry, tips for preparation, and how to plan your journey to maximize impact and fulfillment. This course was produced by iXperience, a global career accelerator for college students."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"berzeugen im Vorstellungsgesprch" |
"Sie sind gerade auf der Suche nach einem neuen Job? Sie haben schon erste Einladungen zu Vorstellungsgesprchen erhalten, konnten aber noch nicht berzeugen? Sie haben sich schon lange nicht mehr beworben und wissen nicht, worauf es heute im Vorstellungsgesprch ankommt?Dann ist dies genau der richtige Kurs fr Sie. Sie lernen hier von A - Z worauf Sie in der Vorbereitung auf das Vorstellungsgesprch achten mssen. Sie entwickeln zunchst Ihr Bewerberprofil, damit Sie Ihre Persnlichkeit, Leistungsmotivation und Ihre Kompetenz ins richtige Licht bringen. Auch knnen Sie sich Gedanken ber Ihr USP - Ihr Alleinstellungsmerkmal -machen und berlegen, was Sie von Mitbewerbern unterscheidet. Sie setzen sich mit Ihren Strken und Schwchen auseinander und lernen, diese auch berzeugend zu kommunizieren. Anschlieend formulieren Sie Ihr neues berufliches Ziel nach der SMART-Formel, damit Sie auch dort ankommen, wo Sie hinmchten. Zur gezielten Vorbereitung auf das Vorstellungsgesprch gilt es, sich mit dem Zielunternehmen, der eigenen Person und der Organisation auseinanderzusetzen. Auch hier leite ich Sie an und untersttze Sie bei der optimalen Vorbereitung. Um im Vorstellungsgesprch zu berzeugen, ist es wichtig zu wissen, was genau dort auf Sie zukommt. Erfahren Sie alles ber den Ablauf eines Vorstellungsgesprches. So wissen Sie genau, was Sie erwartet und knnen im richtigen Gesprch gelassen agieren. Ebenso ist es relevant, auf der nonverbalen Ebene einen souvernen Eindruck zu machen. Lernen Sie, welche krpersprachlichen Signale Sie vermeiden und welche Sie zeigen sollten. Auch kann fr den letzten guten Eindruck eine professionelle Nachbereitung helfen. Auch hier erhalten Sie Tipps, um sich bis zur letzten Minute gut in Szene zu setzen."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"3 Boyutlu Giysi Tasarm CLO 3D/Marvelous Designer" |
"Teknoloji tekstil dnyasnda da hzla ilerliyor. Clo 3d ile kendinize yatrm yapp bir ok byk markann kulland clo 3d ile dijitalleen dnyada yerinizi aln.Bu program ile balangtan ileri seviyeye kadar srekli gncellenen tm ayrntlar bulabileceksiniz. Bylece kumalarn ustas clo 3d artrlm gereklik teknoloji program ile istediiniz giysi simlasyonunu hazrlayabilirsiniz ve dijital dnmn bir paras olabilirsiniz.Sfrdan hi bilginiz olmadan baladnz kursun sonunda tasarm, dikim ve animasyon tekniklerini program kullanarak kaliteli bir ekilde ksa srede reneceksinizBu kurs egzersiz, pratik video dosyalarn ierir, bylece bir taraftan videolar izlerken dier taraftan pratik yapabilirsiniz.Ayrca kurs iine yeni videolar eklenecektir. Eitimi bir defa satn almanz yeterli. Eklenen yeni videolar iin ekstra para demek zorunda deilsiniz.30 Gn inde Para ade Garantisi veriyoruz! Bylece eitimi satn alp deneyebilirsiniz. Memnun kalmazsanz koulsuz iade edebilirsiniz."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Fashion- :" |
"Fashion Buyer : , . , Fashion- (, ). , , Fashion- . ."
Price: 2299.00 ![]() |
"Meditation zur Aktivierung Deiner Selbstliebe" |
"Willkommen Du wundervolles DU, mein Name ist Anja Mack und ich bin SexCoach. Tagtglich befasse ich mich mit dem Thema Selbstwert und Selbstliebe.Sicher kennst Du folgende Momente: Du fhlst Dich leer, ausgebrannt und hast immer das Gefhl DU, bist nicht genug Bist mde, lustlos und ohne Energie Dein Gedankenkarussell dreht sich ununterbrochen und Du kannst gar nicht mehr richtig abschalten, weil Du Dich stndig mit anderen vergleichst, anpasst oder gar denkst, mit Dir stimmt etwas nicht Stehst oft unter Druck aufgrund von Terminen, im Job, Gesundheit oder gar finanziellen Problemen und versprst dieses innere Gleichgewicht gar nicht mehr zu Dir Vielleicht suchst Du auch einfach nur Inspiration, um Dich einfach mal wieder richtig spren zu knnen oder gar zu entspannen Oder Du bist einfach offen, neugierig und willst wissen, ja, wie aktiviere ich denn meine innere Selbstliebe??Dafr braucht es nur eine Entscheidung: Bist Du bereit fr Deine innere Reise? Bist Du bereit, etwas zu lernen, was Du in keinem Fleck dieser Erde findest, nur in DIR?Achtung , dieser Kurs sorgt garantiert fr Transformation, doch bedenke, Dein Gehirn und auch Mediation sind wie ein Muskel , der regelmig trainiert werden will.Was erwartet Dich in diesem Kurs?In Lektion I lernst DU: Wie funktioniert Dein Unterbewusstsein und wie implementierst Du neue Gewohnheiten, wie entstehen diese und was hat die Eisberg-Theorie damit zu tun. Du erhltst die Zauberformel fr Vernderungen in 5-Schritten erklrt und als Download zum Ausdrucken, Dein Fahrplan, um wirklich dauerhaft neue Gewohnheiten zu entwickeln.In Lektion II zeige ich Dir, was Meditation ist, wie Du meditierst und was Bewusstseinszustnde mit Entspannung zu tun haben und welcher der idealste und effektivste Zustand ist, den wir bei einer Meditation anstreben.Zum Einstieg erhltst Du eine Kurzmeditation von wenigen Minuten, welche auch zustzlich als Download zur Verfgung steht.Sowie Die Hauptmeditation Zur Aktivierung der Selbstliebe (Dauer: ca. 30 Minuten)Bonus: Zu jedem Video gibt es auch das dazugehrige Audio, damit Du es Dir wirklich auf jedem Gert und von berall unterwegs anhren kannst. Handout zum Ausdrucken: Zauberformel fr Vernderung und Die Eisberg-MetapherMeditation: Zur Herzffnung / Einreissen Deiner HerzmauernZiel des Kurses ist: durch regelmiges Anhren der Hauptmeditation, Deine Selbstliebe zu aktivieren, so dass aus: Zerrissenheit eine Einheit wird aus dem Sturm, der in Dir tobt, eine tiefe Verbindung entstehtaus einem harten Kern Hingabe fliet aus Ungleichgewicht ein Gleichgewicht entsteht aus dem Ego bedingungslose Liebe zu Dir entsteht aus fallen lassen wird ganz ankommen aus Scham zur Sexualitt wird authentische Sexualittaus Ablehnung wird Annahme aus Zweifel wird UrvertrauenNamaste und viel Spa ()Deine AnJa"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Nail Art - La tecnica dell'acquerello di Elena Mufazzalova" |
"Finalmente il corso tanto atteso. La nuova tecnica dell'acquerello pi popolare e diffusa in questa stagione. Una tecnica che affascina per merito della delicatezza delle sue decorazioni. Ognuno pu imparare a creare disegni unici e pittoreschi. Il corso ha una parte di teoria e una di pratica. Potrai imparare quali materiali usare e la loro preparazione, la tecnica del disegno e i probabili errori. Imparerai anche i principali dettagli da curare per garantirti un buon risultato. Insieme realizzeremo 10 tra le pi diffuse decorazioni. Dopo potrai fare da sola tanti altri disegni.Il corso sar sempre disponibile dopo il pagamento. Puoi guardarlo da qualsiasi parte del mondo. In qualunque momento avrai la possibilit di mettere in pausa o di ricominciareAlla fine del corso potrai mandarmi i tuoi lavori per ricevere i miei commenti e sar lieta di inviarti un attestato di master."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam 2020 Practice Test" |
"I believe that we learn by practice. Practice reduces the imperfection. Practice Practice and more practice ! Make sure you are ready to pass your AWS certified Solution Architect Associate Exam 2020 !Do it again.Play it again. Sing it again. Read it again. Write it again. Sketch it again. Rehearse it again. Run it again. Try it again.Because again is practice, and practice is improvement, and improvement only leads to perfectionAWS Certified Solutions Architect SyllabusKindly refer the below mentioned syllabus for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Exam and also check the updates on official AWS Website regarding examCheckmark the topics after completion of testTOPICS1. Cloud Computing2. Cloud deployment and service models3. AWS Global Infrastructure and its benefits4. AWS Services5. Ways to access AWS Services6. User management through Identity Access Management (IAM)7. Various access policies across AWS Services8. API keys service access9. Best practices for IAM10. Key Management Service11. Access billing and create alerts on billing12. S3 bucket - Creation, Version Control, Security, Replication, Transfer Acceleration13. Storage classes in S314. Life cycle policy in S315. Cost optimization for S316. CloudFront Create and configure with S317. Snowball18. Storage Gateway and its types19. Start, stop and terminate an EC2 Instance20. Security Group21. AMI22. VPC, ENI, Public and Private IP23. Storage services24. EBS and its types25. EFS26. Cost optimization27. Elastic Load Balancer and its types28. Comparison of Classic, Network and Application Load Balancer29. Auto-Scaling30. Components of Auto-Scaling31. Lifecycle of Auto-Scaling32. Auto-Scaling policy33. Working of Route 5334. Various Routing Policies35. Amazon RDS and its benefits36. Amazon Aurora37. Amazon DynamoDB38. ElastiCache39. Amazon RedShift40. AWS Kinesis41. VPC Benefits and Components42. CIDR Notations43. Network Access Control List v/s Security Groups44. NAT Network Address Translation45. VPC peering46. AWS CloudWatch47. AWS CloudTrail48. Trusted Advisor49. AWS Simple Email Service (SES)50. AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS)51. AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS)52. AWS Simple Work Flow (SWF)53. AWS Lambda54. AWS CloudFormation55. AWS OpsWorks - OpsWorks for Chef Automate, OpsWorks for Stack, OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprises56. AWS Elastic Beanstalk57. Differentiate between CloudFormation, OpsWorks, and Beanstalk"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Uygulamalarla Kodlama Scratch 3.0" |
"Kodlama programlarnn ilk adm haline gelen Scratch ile kendi uygulamalarnz, animasyonlarnz ve oyunlarnz oluturmak istemez misiniz? rnek uygulamalar zerinden kodlamaya hakim olabilmek iin harika bir balang. Bu eitim sayesinde oyunlar oluturabilecek ve elenceli dakikalar geirebileceksiniz. Sizin veya ocuunuzun kendi ieriklerini retmesi ve paylamas ne kadar gzel. Kendi ocuunuza bilgisayar oyunlar veya eitli animasyonlar oluturabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ONLNE KMYA - Kimyasal Denge Detayl Konu Anlatm +Sorular" |
"Bu kursta Kimyasal Denge konusu zel ders formatnda anlatlmtr. retmen konuyu mfredat dahilinde ayrntl bir ekilde anlatrken, nemli soru tiplerini seerek belirli renme hedeflerini gerekletirmitir. Konuda en temel soru tiplerinden en zorlayc soru tiplerine kadar rnekler zlmtr. Bu kursta yzeysel bir konu anlatm deil konuyu btn detaylar ile retmek amalanmtr. Bu nemli ierie ulaarak Kimyasal Denge konusunu her yn ile renmi olacaksnz."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Regime forfettario: fai la tua dichiarazione dei redditi" |
"Il corso ha l'obiettivo di mettere in grado lo studente a realizzare la propria dichiarazione dei redditi in maniera autonoma. E' ideato esclusimanete per le partita iva in regime forfettario. Calcolerai le imposte, i versameti e tutto ci che la legge richiede. Uno strumento molto utile sia chi vuole cimentarsi a realizzare tutto da se sia per chi, preferendosi affidarsi ad un commercialista per l'elaborazione della dichiarazione, vuole comprendere a pieno il meccanismo della tassazione per organizzare al meglio la propria attivit"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Yenidogan Fotografcilari icin Photoshop ve Lightroom kursu" |
"Photoshop programini kullanmayi hic bilmeyenler dahi bu kursun sonunda bircok konuyu ogrenip bebek fotografi duzenleyebilecek.Fotografi Photoshop programinda acmakla baslayip, cok kisa suren bir yontemle iki fotografi birlestirmeyi, birlestirirken fotografta gorunen elleri silmeyi, o ellerin neden, nereden ve nasil tutmasi gerektigini, ciltteki kizariklarilari, deformasyonlari ve kirisikliklari temizlemeyi, fondaki bosluklari doldurmayi ve daha bircok konuyu sadece 35 dakikada ogreneceksiniz."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Ohne Geld Reisen - Hotels, Flge und mehr buchen!" |
"Hi, ich bin Tim vom YouTube Kanal TimVentures und ich mchte dir in diesem Kurs zeigen wie du umsonst um die Welt reisen kannst. Kein Schei, das ist wirklich mglich. Und dafr musst du auch nicht erst unzhlige Meilen kaufen oder hnliches. Nein, ich zeige dir genau wie du Reisen kannst ohne Geld fr Flge, Mietwagen und Hotels auszugeben. Alles mit Praxisbeispielen, welche ich meist selber schon ausprobiert habe. Also worauf wartest du noch, los gehts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Airbnb/ / /" |
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Geometri Snava Hazrlk Konular (TYT-LYS-ALES-KPSS)" |
"Tyt-Lys dzeyindeki konu anlatmlar ve soru zmleriyle Geometriyi daha anlalabilir hale getirmeyi ama edinen videolarla bu platformda olacam..Konu anlatm videolarnn iinde formller(aslnda pratik yollar) ve rneklendirmeler bala bal olarak sre deikenlii etapta zorlayc konular ele aldm daha sonrasnda gncellemeyle yeni konular da eklenecektir.imdilik noktann analitii,dorunun analitii,prizmalar,silindir,koni,piramitler,kre vs.. konu anlatm ve soru zm videolar mevcuttur."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Impara a pronunciare il fonema S (""esse"")" |
"Il corso Sigmatismo ha lobiettivo di aiutarti a migliorare la tua capacit comunicativa attraverso la correzione del fonema S (""esse""). Quante volte ti sei sentito in difficolt nellesprimere il tuo pensiero, mortificato da offese e prese in giro per la tua ""esse"" zeppola, inibito da questa imperfezione o costretto a ripetere perch non chiaro nella pronuncia?Con il corso Sigmatismo porrai fine a tutto ci ed acquisirai, attraverso spiegazioni, esercizi, prove ed autovalutazioni lautomatismo corretto del suono S.Nel mondo del lavoro e nella sfera privata, farsi comprendere bene permette di: rendere lascolto piacevole e migliorare la tua capacit verbale di agire sugli altri ampliare la propria capacit comunicativa che ti far apprezzare e rispettare maggiormente dagli altri prevenire situazioni di imbarazzo e mortificazione aumentare lautostima"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SAP C_TSCM52_67 Practice Test" |
"Improve your score with hours of practice tests is the right way to test your knowledge with lifetime access to study anywhere.Understanding the exam topics is one of the advantages of preparing for the official exam.Find out more about the exam: C_TSCM52_67 - SAP Certified Application Associate - Acquisition with SAP ERP 6.0 EhP7The SAP C_TSCM52_67 certification exam verifies that the candidate has adequate knowledge in the Purchasing area to meet the requirements of the consultant profile. This exam will prove that the candidate can implement this knowledge in a practical way in projects.Knowledge required for the examFor this exam, the SAP Application Associate can contribute to the success of the planning and implementation phases of the project as a mentor, with a maximum of three years of experience in the solutions area.What is the C_TSCM52_67 exam?The SAP C_TSCM52_67 certification exam verifies that the candidate has adequate knowledge in the Purchasing area to meet the requirements of the consultant profile. This exam will prove that the candidate can implement this knowledge in a practical way in projects.Exam topics:See below the list of topics that may be covered by this certification and the courses that cover them. Its accuracy is not a legitimate claim; SAP reserves the right to update the exam content (topics, items, weighting) at any time.Define procurement processes> 12%Define organization levels and master data 8% - 12%Set account evaluation and determination 8% - 12%Describe the configuration using Procurement 8% - 12%Set inventory management 8% - 12%Set Purchase Optimization 8% - 12%Describe the configuration using levels of organization and master data 8% - 12%Describe the configuration using Inventory Management <8%Define Material Requirements Planning <8%Set logistics invoice verification <8%Set physical inventory <8%Official exam details:Exam Name: SAP Certified Application Associate - Acquisition with SAP ERP 6.0 EhP7Exam code: C_TSCM52_67Exam level: AssociateDuration: 180 minutesNumber of questions: 80Pass score: 60%Important:SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned here, as well as their respective logos, are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. All other product and service names mentioned are trademarks of their respective companies.* Unofficial Practice Test FOR People who want to test their knowledge, only this practice test does not guarantee their approval in the official exam. All certification marks used in this course are owned by the respective brand owners. We do not claim or claim any ownership over any of the brands."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"C_THR12_67 Practice Test: SAP HCM with ERP 6.0 EHP7" |
"Being a SAP consultant is the dream of many, but only those who seek knowledge and prepare for this dream to come true, that is depends on each person if you do not give up I know that everything will be real in your life.Welcome to the practice tests: SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HCM with ERP 6.0 EHP7.We are providing updated questions and answers for you to know if you are really ready for the official exam.You will have lifetime access to practice tests and future updates, without worrying about new fees.LEARN MORE:The certification exam ""SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HCM with ERP 6.0 EHP7"" verifies that the candidate has basic knowledge in the area of SAP Human Capital Management. This certificate proves that the candidate has the necessary knowledge within this HCM consultant profile, and can implement this knowledge in a practical way in projects under the guidance of an experienced consultant. It is recommended as an entry-level qualification to allow consultants to familiarize themselves with the fundamentals of SAP HCM.Topics:Organizational Management Configuration> 12%Personnel Administration Configuration> 12%Time and presence management setting> 12%SAP HCM Business Processes8% - 12%Personnel administration8% - 12%Time and attendance management8% - 12%Organization management8% - 12%Reports and analysis <8%Payroll Business Processes <8%Attention:* Unofficial practical test, for those who want to test their knowledge, only this practical test does not guarantee your passing the official exam. All certification marks used in this course are the property of the respective brand owners. We do not claim or claim any ownership in any of the marks."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"VMware 5V0-62.19 Practice Tests" |
"Allow enough time to study VMware VMware Workspace ONE Advanced design and integration specialist 2019 5V0-62.19.Our goal is to offer quality material where you can test your knowledge with reference to the topics of the official exam.One of the great advantages is that you have lifelong access to our practice test and can improve your performance by taking the official exam.Know more:The VMware Workspace ONE Advanced Design and Integration Specialist 2019 badge holder is a technical expert who understands how to design, deploy and support the ongoing management of a Workspace ONE application catalog. Obtaining this badge validates a deep understanding of how to integrate and configure an identity provider, define the correct application access rights with the help of accesspolicies and how to achieve multi-factor and single sign-on authentication.Important:* VMware Practice Test 5V0-62.19 unofficial FOR people who want to test their knowledge only this practice test does not guarantee their approval on the official exam. All certification marks used in this course are owned by the respective brand owners. We do not claim or claim any ownership over any of the brands."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-1085-20 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2020" |
"You can get your certification with 100% Pass Guarantee here! That's right! Get your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2020 as soon as possible with these questions. Our method is like a simulator. The real test contains 60 questions.You need to get at least 68% percent. You have 105 minutes.The format is Multiple choice.Review Exams Topics:Understanding of basic cloud concepts and its principles of economics;Describe the key features and components of OCI;Describe Core Solutions on OCI;Discuss core OCI services;Discuss Cloud Native services;Explain the OCI Security model;Describe the OCI compliance structure;Explain the OCI Pricing model;Explain the OCI operational and support model."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Il Tuo Blog ""da Zero a Online"" Gratis Con WordPress" |
"+ BONUS: 267 eBook di Digital Marketing (link nell'ultima lezione)In questo corso imparerai a sfruttare la piattaforma di blogging pi famosa del mondo: WordPress. Potrai creare il tuo blog con facilit, scegliere tra moltissimi temi e conoscere alla perfezione il funzionamento di questo strumento gratuito.Di cosa vuoi parlare online? Un blog di Musica? Oppure di ricette? Iscriviti a questo corso e impara tutti i segreti di WordPress. Diventa un esperto e inizia subito a pubblicare!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |