Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn Java8 Streams By Coding it with Hands on Example" |
"This Course basically designed for the people who have knowledge in prior knowledge about java.We will cover the Followings in this course,1. Sequential Streams2. Parallel StreamsHere the Sub Topics we are going to cover in this tutorial,Introduction to Functional InterfacesStreams IntroductionStreams Introduction 1Streams Example Part 1Streams Example Part 2Streams Example Part 3Streams Map Example Part 1Streams Map Example Part 2Streams FlatMap Example Part 1Streams FlatMap Example Part 2Streams FlatMap Example Part 3Streams FlatMap Example Part 4Streams Filter ExampleStreams Reduce Example Part 1Streams Reduce Example Part 2Streams Filter Map Reduce ExampleStreams MinBy, MaxBy ExampleStreams Limit Skip ExampleStreams AllMatch, AnyMatchExampleStreams FindAny , FindFirst ExampleStreams Factory Method ExampleNumeric Stream ExampleNumeric Stream Factory Method ExampleNumeric Stream Factory Aggregation Method ExampleStream Boxing and UnBoxing ExampleNumeric Stream Map ExampleStream Joining ExampleStream Mapping and Counting ExampleStream Summing and Averaging ExampleStream Grouping By Example Part 1Stream Grouping By Example Part 2Stream Partitioning By ExampleSequential vs Parallel Stream Example Part 1Sequential vs Parallel Stream Example Part 2Sequential vs Parallel Stream Use CaseParallel Stream When Not to Use Case Part 1Parallel Stream When Not to Use Case Part 2Happy Learning !!!"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"React and Redux Shopping Cart" |
"n this course you are going to learn how to create a Shopping Cart for an E commerce Website using React and Redux.By taking this course you will learn the following skills:LEARNING OUTCOMESCreating a Shopping Cart using React and ReduxLearn how to manage global state with ReduxHow to navigate between Pages using React RouterAnd much more......And dont worry, I will cover everything at a very slow pace, and explain each step of the process, if you have any questions, post them down and we will be happy to help you :)"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Quick Italian for Travelers and Beginners" |
"This course is for those who have not had any or very little exposure to Italian. This class is structured to explain and simplify the Italian grammar and shares some culture notes that will be beneficial for travelers. With only an hour class, students will understand the basic foundation of the Italian language rather than memorizing phrases."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Excel |
Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
"Raliser et diter vos panoramas avec Lightroom Classic CC" |
"Dans ce nouveau tutoriel de plus d'1h30, vous allez apprendre faire de magnifiques photos panoramiques. Vous allez dcouvrir les techniques de prises de vues de terrain, dcouvrir le type de matriel utiliser, et apprendre l'assemblage et le dveloppement de vos panoramas au sein d'Adobe Lightroom Classic CC, afin de faire de vos photos des oeuvres uniques."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Secrets dun Courtier de Assurance (Masterclass)" |
"Je m'appelle Juan Carlos Fernndez Alemn, j'ai 22 ans dans le courtage d'assurance, j'ai plus de 20000 polices vendues sur le march local et international, je viens de 3 gnrations en courtage d'assurance et aujourd'hui je veux vous parler du march de l'assurance.Nous avons conu ce cours pour que vous puissiez russir sur le march de l'assurance, un march super comptitif et spectaculaire, car il vous permet de voyager et de ctoyer des personnes importantes partout dans le monde.Ici, nous allons vous donner toutes les cls de votre russite, afin que votre carrire soit beaucoup plus facile et que vous puissiez atteindre vos objectifs avec un solide portefeuille d'assurance renouvel chaque anne de 90%.Dans ce cours, nous allons vous donner tous les outils, de la prsentation personnelle aux mdias sociaux, comment crer votre marque, comment russir, quelles sont les cls du succs, ce que vous devez savoir sur l'assurance et la rassurance. Nous clarifierons tous les doutes dans ce cours et nous vous dirons comment rseauter, comment tablir des rapports, comment atteindre des clients, comment fermer plus de clients et comment les renouveler.Inscrivez-vous maintenant ce cours!C'est le meilleur cours pour les vendeurs d'assurance."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Fusion Business Intelligence Publisher" |
"Use Coupon : LESS_THAN_15 to get 80% discountOracle Fusion Business Intelligence Publisher Course is first course in Arabic .Join the most comprehensive and popular Oracle Fusion Business Intelligence Publisher on Udemy, because now is the time to get started!Oracle BI Publisher is the reporting solution to author, manage, and deliver all your reports and documents easier and faster than traditional reporting tools. Use your web browser or familiar desktop tools to create everything from pixel-perfect customer facing documents to interactive management reports against practically any data source. View reports online or schedule them and deliver tens of thousands of documents per hour with minimal impact to transnational systems.Lesson 01 Introduction to BIP ReportsLesson 02 User Creation with Base TablesLesson 03 Creating Business Intelligence Publisher ReportLesson 04 Running Business Intelligence Publisher ReportLesson 05 Style Sheet TemplateLesson 06 Master Detail ReportsLesson 07 Aggregate Function in BIP ReportsLesson 08 Arithmetic Operation and Expressions on ColumnsLesson 09 Bind ParameterLesson 10 Sub templateLesson 11 Multi-language ReportLesson 12 Bursting - Delivery Channel - EMAIL and FTP and SFTP and FILE"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Business Intelligence 12c Installation" |
"Use Coupon : LESS_THAN_15 to get 80% discountOracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) 12c Course is first course in Arabic Join the most comprehensive and popular Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) 12c Course on Udemy, because now is the time to get started!From basic concepts about Business Intelligence, Architecture, Virtual Machine Creation, Oracle Installation , 12c Database Installation, JDK Installation, FMW Components Installation: Weblogic Server, OBIEE, OBIEE Domain, BI Publisher, Visual Analyzer , Creating BISAMPLE schema and Deploying RPD.This course covers it all you need to know to become a successful OBIEE Consultant.But that's not all! Along with covering all the steps of OBIEE Installation functions .And if you do get stuck, you benefit from an extremely fast and friendly support - both via direct messaging or discussion. You have my word!With more than two decades of IT experience, I have designed this course for students and professionals who wish to master how to deploy and support industry standard business intelligence and data analysis development.This course will be kept up-to-date to ensure you don't miss out on any changes once OBIEE 12c is required in your project!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-1072 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect Associate" |
"Use This Coupon : LESS_THAN_10 to get discount more than 60%Use This Coupon : ONLY-BY-12 to get discount more than 52%Prepare For Oracle 1Z0-1072 Exam Related with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Architect Associate Certification.We Provides 100% Valid Oracle 1Z0-1072 Exam Questions and answers which can helps you to Pass Your Certification Exam in First Attempt.You have to pass 80% like real.Dumps are 100% verified and passed using this.( Make sure take up all the 3 test sections or parts )You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button.Exam Topics:Identity and Access ManagementApply core Identity and Access Management componentsExplain resource locationsDesign federation with various identity providersApply IAM, governance, and security best practicesNetworkingApply design concepts related to VCN componentsDescribe Public and Private IP addresses and virtual NICsApply VCN connectivity optionsUnderstand remote network connectivityApply OCI Load Balancer conceptsUnderstand OCI Edge servicesApply OCI networking best practicesAdvanced Networking ConceptsManage your cloud network components, such as Virtual Private Network (VPN), Fast Connect, Multiple VNICs, and IP addressesInstantiating a Load BalancerDiscuss Load Balancer terminology and conceptsSet up a Load BalancerComputeUnderstand compute and sizingTroubleshoot options using console connections and boot volumeArchitect High Availability and Disaster Recovery solutionsDescribe image optionsStorageUnderstand OCI Storage optionsDesign storage solutions for applications and databaseLaunching Bare Metal and Virtual Compute InstancesDescribe the components of Compute service, including shapes, images, and custom imagesCreate and manage a Compute Virtual Machine (VM) instanceDatabaseDescribe OCI Database optionsExplain OCI Database OperationsArchitect HA and DR solutionsManaging Autonomous DatabaseAdvanced DatabaseUse advanced database features, such as Data Guard, BYOL, Data Encryption, RAC, and ExadataArchitecting Best PracticesArchitect High Availability (HA) using OCIDesign for Security using OCITo successfully prepare for the 1Z0-1072 - Oracle Cloud Solutions Infrastructure 2019 Associate Architect certification, it is recommended that you become familiar with the content,Take OCI foundation training at oracleReview existing technical white papers available at oracleReview OCI Documentation at oracleReview OCI blog posts at oracle"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Sala de Aula (Classroom)" |
"O Google Sala de Aula (Classroom) uma ferramenta muito poderosa disponibilizada de maneira gratuita pela Google, onde possvel gerenciar suas turmas online ou simplesmente complementar o ensino presencial se utilizando de metodologias ativas como por exemplo a Sala de Aula Invertida.Esse um curso prtico e direto ao ponto, com tudo que voc precisa saber para operar o Classroom com maestria."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SAP Plant Maintenance Complete Training - SAP PM" |
"This Course is about SAP software Plant Maintenance module which primarily handles all sorts of Maintenace planning and execution in industries. The course contains video lectures with detailed step by step business process, configuration and Master data requirement for SAP Plant Maintenance Module. All sessions contain an introductory theoretical overview and a real-time industry-specific scenario.You will learn all necessary master data e.g. Equipment Master, fucn location, work center, and other technical objects configuration, creation and application. you shall also learn about different approaches of maintenance like Preventive, Breakdown, Shutdown, Predictive, Condition monitoring and Calibration.SAP Package is divided into three parts Master data, transaction data and reporting so this course also covers necessary reporting requirements of Plant Maintenace like Equipment break down the history , the reason for failure, Mean time to Repair (MTTR) and Meantime between Failure (MTBF) and Cost of maintenance.Prerequisites to learn this course - SAP software, the Basic operating skill of SAP like SAP GUI navigations that's it.This Course is designed and beneficial for the following Persons.SAP Core Team MembersERP Functional or technical consultantMaintenance Engineers and Planners.SAP End usersSAP Consultants"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Electrical Power Engineering Chapter 1: Fundamentals" |
"Fundamentals section of electrical power engineering courses which you will learn basic concepts like current, voltage, power, energy, impedance concepts with complex numbers math and also difference between single phase and three system. In addition with basic concepts, you will get information about electrical components that we use in electrical power sector like transformers, circuit breakers, fuses, cables etc. Lastly, you will have a general idea about how electricity comes to our homes from power plants and what are some fundamental principles in generation, transmission and distribution system of electrical power."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Udemy ile Bilginizi Paraya evirin (unofficial)" |
"Bilgili veya zerinde uzman olduunuz bir alanda Udemy ile online kurslar oluturup, kurslarnz pazarlayarak gelir elde edin..Ben ok Satan Udemy Eitmeni Ahmet Akif Tre; u anda Udemy' de 18.000' den fazla rencim var. Ve 1 yl ierisinde 40.000' den fazla kurs kayd aldm. Bata retkenlik olmak zere eitli alanlarda ok satan kurslar oluturdum ve dnyann farkl yerlerinde bulunan binlerce rencinin yeni beceriler edinmesine veya olan becerilerini gelitirmelerine yardmc oldum..Bu kursta ise nasl bunlar baardm, online kurslar oluturarak bilgimi nasl paraya evirdiimi ve bundan ok daha fazlasn adm adm en batan reneceksiniz.."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Hola Hangul School - El sistema de escritura coreano" |
"En 1441, el rey que gobernaba en aquel entonces ""corea"" mand a crear un sistema de escritura especialmente para el idioma que se hablaba en la region ""coreano"". En este aprenderas en cuestion de 1 semana, este gran sistema de escritura que fue creado hace mas de 500 aos en Asia de una manera facil y sencilla."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Using Essential Oils to Balance The Chakras" |
"The Using Essential Oils to Balance The Chakras course is a general overview of chakras and how to spot imbalances in them, essential oils and how to use them, and which essential oils help to unblock which chakra. Students will learn about using oils both topically and in a diffuser for general chakra usage.Bonus Mini Reiki Section."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Introduo ao SCRUM" |
"Neste curso, desenvolvido pelo Agile Coach Renato Ucha, voc ser apresentado ao Scrum.Este curso ideal para gestores e membros de equipes que desejam tomar conhecimento do que verdadeiramente o Scrum e obter um paralelo entre a teoria e o que ocorre na prtica. Ser uma tima oportunidade para ampliar os conhecimentos e ajudar sua organizao a efetivamente ter uma mentalidade gil.De forma bastante rpida, todos os eventos e artefatos do SCRUM sero apresentados, assim como um overview de todas as funes existentes neste framework.Ao concluir este curso voc saber exatamente o que o SCRUM e poder, com bastante firmeza, ajudar a sua organizao a praticar o pensamento gil."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Flutter REST API Crash Course: Build a Coronavirus App" |
"Welcome to this crash course, where you will learn how to use REST APIs with Dart and Flutter.I created this course because REST APIs are used everywhere in today's web. And if you master the basics of the Dart http library, you can write Flutter apps that can tap into thousands of web APIs.In this crash course you will build a simple but completely functional Coronavirus tracker application in Flutter.Included in this course- Short introduction to REST: what it is and how it works.- Overview of the nCoV 2019 health API. This is used to fetch global data about the Coronavirus outbreak.- Api keys & access tokens: what they are and how to use them.- REST Client: a VSCode extension that you can use to send HTTP requests and view the response directly in VS Code.- Design a REST API service using the Dart http package.- Make requests and parse the JSON response data into strongly-typed model classes.- Build a dashboard UI with nice-looking cards that show the data from the API.- Combine multiple API requests into a single response by using futures.- Use a RefreshIndicator to get updated data from the API.- Error handling, and how to show alert dialogs to the user.- Data caching with Shared Preferences, so that the data is saved on device for offline use.Most importantly, you will learn about good app architecture as a way to structure our code and keep it modular.This course is all about mastering the basics. It covers many important topics, with attention to detail, and emphasis on how to write a production-ready app.By the end of this course, you will be able to build Flutter apps that connect with any other REST API that you want to use.Course organizationThe course follows a linear structure, and shows how to build a fully functional application from scratch.The content is divided into multiple sections, each covering a specific topic in detail.Full source code is provided for each lesson, and the entire project is available on GitHub.Premium SupportBeyond all the video content, premium support is included, so that you can ask questions if you get stuck. I'll do my best to answer all questions within 24 hours - but please keep them relevant to the course material.PrerequisitesThis course is NOT for absolute beginners.- You should already be familiar with the Dart Language. If you are not, you can follow my introduction to Dart, which is available for free on my YouTube channel.- You should already have Flutter installed on your system, and Visual Studio Code or Android Studio configured for Flutter development.- You should already have some knowledge of the most common Flutter widgets, and understand the difference between stateful and stateless widgets.Teaching styleThis is a fast-paced crash course. We will build a full application from scratch, but I will not explain every single step in detail. Instead, I will focus on the most important concepts, and always explain what we're going to build and why, and then how to do it.Enroll TodayIf you want to learn how to build maintainable Flutter apps using REST APIs, and become a better software engineer, then this course is for you.I'm very excited to share this course with you, so enroll now to get started."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Acrylmalerei. Faszinierendes Prag" |
"Liebe Freunde! Wir malen Licht!Mein neuer Kurs ""Expressives Prag"" ist einmal ganz anders.Diesmal malen wir ein Triptik, eine Kombination von drei Bildern, die Farblich, Kompositionell und Strukturell zusammen passen und ein Ganzes ergeben.Ich zeige dir den Weg vom Foto - Skizze - Malerei.Du wirst sehen, wie ein ""Impressionistisches Acrylbild"" entsteht. Licht und Schatten Farbfelder werden aufgefangen und danach mit Details ""verfeinert"" - Wir malen Licht!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Organizza il lavoro e la vita con Trello" |
"Trello uno strumento completo e utile per organizzare ogni aspetto della vita professionale e privata. In questo percorso imparerai a usare il tool partendo dalle basi fino ad arrivare ad un uso avanzato, con trucchi utili ed esempi pratici.Il corso studiato in modo tale da affrontare un micro argomento per ogni video con il fine di riuscire a seguire sia un percorso di apprendimento lineare, lezione dopo lezione, sia una fruizione dei temi specifici."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Modeling the Stone Forearm and Hand of Hellboy in Zbrush" |
"This is a chapter of the whole character making tutorial, get the full version on my Gumroad page: Evolving_CGThe full version of the Hellboy making series tutorials contains 3 parts which are Modeling, Posing(include modeling process of needed parts that supports the posing), and Texturing&Rendering.1st part will show you the modeling process of every part that achieve this Hellboy character. English CommentarySoftware used in full version tutorial: Zbrush Modo Marvelous Designer Rizom UV"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Master Your Time, Achieve Bigger Goals Faster, Excel at Your Career, Take Charge of Your Day and Create Your Ideal LifePeople work under intense conditions unique to our role that traditional time management strategies fail to address. Consequently, many people believe it's impossible to develop an effective routine for themselves that brings more success, balance, meaning and fulfillment in their lives, when their time is consumed with phone calls, emails, meetings, challenges, competing priorities, building a company, developing a team, selling and serving customers; as well as personal responsibilities. As a result, your personal life suffers, and your personal priorities along with the quality of life become secondary.However, the self-management strategies in Own Your Day, combined with a new way to think about time management, will have an immediate, positive impact on your daily productivity so that you can design your life the way you want and live with intention. You will also learn how to coach people to thrive and help them improve their daily productivity, performance, and personal accountability, while creating a balanced, fulfilling life!""If You Want a Great Life, Then Schedule One."""
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
Personalentwicklung |
"AllgemeinEin Vorgesetzter sagt zum Personalleiter: ""Was passiert, wenn wir in die Weiterbildung investieren und sie uns dann verlassen?""Personalleiter: ""Was passiert, wenn wir es nicht tun und die Mitarbeiter dann hier bleiben?""Dies sind Gesprche, die sehr hufig in Unternehmen vorkommen. Nicht selten passiert es, dass Projekte in der Personalentwicklung scheitern, oder Seminare nicht angeboten werden, weil es an Budget fehlt.In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter auch ohne Budget weiterentwickeln und binden knnen.InhaltBeurteilung von MitarbeiternCoaching Matrix3er Modell zur MitarbeiterbindungUmsetzung von Seminaren in nur 1 StundeLeadership Skills, die ein Vorgesetzter mitbringen sollte"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The AP LPCET exam is an objective type exam. The exam will consist of multiple choice question. The examination will be conducted in the offline mode. Candidate will have to answer 100 questions. One mark will be awarded for every correct response. The duration of the examination is 2 Hour for students ."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Exmenes tipo test. Estrategias de estudio eficaz." |
"Curso en vdeo en el que vas a aprender estrategias de estudio activo y efectivo, centradas en la preparacin de este tipo de exmenes.Organizacin de ideas, contenidos y secuencia de estudio.Mtodo y estrategias de estudio efectivas para los tipo test.Memorizacin activa y eficaz para reconocer e identificar la alternativa correcta en cada pregunta.Con ejemplos prcticos y sencillas actividades para que aprendas de forma fcil y rpida.Incluye algunos recursos para descargar y consejos adicionales sobre el estudio.Estudias, estudias y por ms que estudias...No consigues la nota que te mereces!Sientes rabia, impotencia y decepcin porque has dedicado muchas horas para prepararlo.Te sientes perdido/a porque te has esforzado mucho y no sabes qu ha pasado.Qu est pasando? Yo s lo que est pasando y te ayudo a PONER REMEDIO.Si hasta ahora los exmenes tipo test, no se te han dado bien, no te preocupes, que tiene solucin.La clave est en aplicar tcnicas especficas que te ayuden a memorizar y recordar la informacin para tener clara cul es la respuesta correcta que debes sealar en el examen.Es la hora de comenzar a darle un giro a tu estudio y pensar en superar con xito los prximos exmenes!CURSO creado por OrientaNova, especialistas en orientacin y xito acadmico."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Zoom 2020, Desde Cero Hasta Experto!" |
"QUIERES REALIZAR VIDEOCONFERENCIAS E IMPARTIR WEBINARS GRATIS CON ZOOM?nase a nuestro curso completo para mostrarle cmo realizar videoconferencias, dictar clases e impartir webinars con Zoom. Independientemente del propsito de sus videoconferencias, este curso le mostrar todo lo que necesita saber para realizar videoconferencias, dictar clases, hacer chats e impartir webinars gratis en Zoom. He estado usando Zoom durante ms de 2 aos para mis negocios en lnea, lo que me convierte en el ms calificado para ensearte sobre Zoom.Curso de Zoom 2020, Desde Cero Hasta Experto!, es el curso ms completo que encontrar en Internet, curso que le mostrar todo lo que necesita saber para realizar videoconferencias, dictar clases, hacer chats e impartir webinars paso a paso con Zoom, de forma rpida y sencilla.EN ESTE CURSO, APRENDERS:Cmo usar Zoom para dar clases virtuales a un grupo determinado de personas.Cmo realizar videoconferencias con un grupo determinado de personas.Cmo impartir Webinars con un grupo determinado de personas.Cmo programar reuniones, clases, videoconferencias y webinars con la herramienta Zoom.Cmo invitar a otras personas a tus reuniones, clases, videoconferencias y webinars a realizar en Zoom.Cmo realizar chats en tiempo real con un grupo determinado de personas.Cmo compartir la pantalla de tu computadora o laptop con otros participantes de tus reuniones, clases, videoconferencias y webinars.Cmo compartir una pizarra virtual en tus reuniones, clases, videoconferencias y webinars.Cmo compartir audios y videos en tus reuniones, clases, videoconferencias y webinars.Cmo grabar automticamente tus reuniones, clases, videoconferencias y webinars de Zoom como anfitrin y participante.Cmo transmitir tus reuniones, clases, videoconferencias y webinars de Zoom en vivo por redes sociales.Cmo compartir con otras personas los videos de las reuniones, videoconferencias y webinars que realices en Zoom.Cmo usar Zoom desde tu celular para realizar reuniones, clases, videoconferencias y webinars.Si desea realizar videoconferencias, dictar clases e impartir webinars utilizando la plataforma Zoom, este es el curso que necesita. Haremos todo lo que necesita saber cuando se trata de usar Zoom y cubriremos los conceptos bsicos hasta las cosas ms avanzadas. No puedo esperar para mostrarte todo lo que s sobre la realizacin de videoconferencias, dictados de clases y webinars en Zoom.QU ME CALIFICA PARA ENSEARTE?Mi nombre es Renato y soy el creador de uno de los canales de Youtube ms populares del mundo en el tema de tutoriales y marketing digital: Programacin Fcil, SEO y Marketing, con ms de 100,000 estudiantes (Botn de Plata de YouTube), ms de 50 MILLONES de reproducciones y miles de comentarios en mis tutoriales, tales como estos:Hola te felicito por los tutoriales, muy bien explicados y sobretodo de mucha utilidad. Gracias y saludos. - RIGO TovarMuy buena las explicaciones en sus tutoriales, lo felicito. - Carlos CabarcasExcelente caballero muchas gracias por tan buen aporte. - Alexander GraysonMuchas gracias, bien explicado y efectivamente muy TIL. - Dulce RodrguezGracias por tu video fue muy sencillo el procedimiento y muy til. - Vernica TrujilloMI PROMESA PARA TI!Soy un instructor en lnea a tiempo completo. Estar aqu para usted en cada paso del camino. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el contenido del curso o algo relacionado con este tema, siempre puede publicar una pregunta en el curso o enviarme un mensaje directo.Quiero que este sea el mejor CURSO DE ZOOM que se encuentre en Internet. Entonces, si hay alguna manera de mejorar este curso, solo dgame y lo har realidad.Adelante, haz clic en el botn de COMPRAR AHORA y te ver en la leccin 1!Saludos,Renato Jess Yacolca Neyra"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Business Russian" |
"Business courses are for people who don`t waste their time. Foreign Service Institute ranks Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean are considered more difficult than Russian. Yes, Russian grammar simply presents too much information to hold in ones mind at the same time. But people made the Russian alphabet within a couple of days. We can`t learn languages for years. How long it takes to become fluent in Russian? If a person has no choice but to use the Russian language, then a good level could be reached quickly, depends on the quality of the environment. A lot of Russian native speakers are not able to use their native language in a proper way ( We have this problem in all countries. The USA, the GB and etc.) So, learning a foreign language a student needs to remember a Russian proverb: If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas, i.e. you will learn the language from the company you are keeping.You will be able to:- Deal with most situations when you travel in an area where people speak Russian -Take part fluently and effortlessly in any conversation and have a good familiarity with idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms. People with Western thinking often won`t understand the logic of Russian communication. This course is designed to give you the Russian skills you need to work effectively in todays Russia. Sections:1. Welcome2. Getting to know each other.3. Business People read Russian4. Five seconds to Success.5. Where Tomorrow Begins.6. Connects7. Negotiation & Mediation8. Russian Slang. And key skills. With films9. SummaryUsage Practice Questions"" Student`s Helper. USAGE PRACTICE QUESTIONS Answer in- Video Question CATCH PHRASES Check Yourself Practice Russia Today.Russian skills and vocabulary are developed through case studies, role-plays. You will also gain skill in and practice speaking, listening, and communicating nonverbally in a business environment. What Level Of Russian Is Necessary For This Course? Even without knowing a single word in the Russian language, you will be able to understand the Business Russian Course. Although more advanced students will certainly find it useful as well. Films, songs, games, and questions. This is not General Russian Course.From Zero to Native.Ready to start your journey?**Russian for English Speakers."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Healing Through Face - Facial Multireflex Dien Chan Course" |
"The face is the window of the soul;It is the most prominent part of the body that everyone will first notice.When one feels tired, energetic, sick, stress, in pain, happy, angry, aging, etc..All those emotions ,pain & internal body conditions are reflected to the face firstly & mostly.In Dien Chan Facial Multireflex, we focus on a healthy body by stimulating various points and correspondences on the face.Dien Chan or Facial Multireflex is a healing method which focuses on the face that originated from Vietnam.If you are interested - passionate in natural healing, energy healing and concern about your body & skin health & wellness - this course is for you.A basic introduction to you about facial multireflexology or healing through face with simple and straight forward visual explanations that make you easy to understand and easy to apply on your practice. What will you learn in this course:- The background of Dien Chan or Facial Multireflex- Their famous facial massage for health to improve overall health condition, boost energy, eyes health, digestion, reproductive symptoms, smoothen & brighten the skin, circulation on the facial skin, slower the aging process.- The facial lymphatic massage to boost and maintain your immune system to fight diseases or mental health- Protocols and tips of natural solutions for common health issues- Learn to know some of the tools of facial multireflex and techniques to apply them.Grab this course and find out the secrets of wellness & health through the face."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Story Instagram : Crer des stories Instagram comme un PRO !" |
"Si vous recherchez des outils pour vos stories Instagram de niveau professionnel, vous tes au bon endroit. Avec plus de 300 millions dutilisateurs actifs, les stories Instagram sont lun des leviers marketing grands publics les plus intressants pour rentrer en contact avec son audience. Au vu de leur importance, vous vous devez de les inclure dans votre stratgie sur les rseaux sociaux. Mais quen est-il des outils qui vous aideront crer de meilleures stories Instagram ? Nous avons slectionn des superbes outils qui vous aideront faire voluer vos stories Instagram dans le bon sens.EXCLUSIF : SATISFAIT OU REMBOURS durant 30 jours ! la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et russissez l'ensemble des quizz : Obtenez votre certification lectronique insrer dans votre CV et profil LinkedIn.(Dernire Mises Jours de la formation le 26/04/2020)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
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"Curso de CSS: Crea Paginas Web con HTML y CSS +E-Book" |
"CURSO MUY BIEN VALORADO INSTRUCTOR CONFIABLE CURSO ACTUALIZADO Bienvenido al curso profesional de CSS. Te ensear todas las herramientas necesarias para crear paginas web con HTML5 y CSS3. Este es el curso que me hubiese gustado ver antes de iniciar en el desarrollo web. Aprenders las bases fundamentales de como funciona CSS y conceptos esenciales que necesitas para trabajar en proyectos profesionales. Aprenderas a crear por ti mismo una pagina web desde cero, el curso de CSS te dara la libertad de darle los estilos que desees a tus paginas web.Aprenderas de los siguientes temas:Conocimiento avanzado de CSS3Crear una pagina web desde ceroComo maquetar una pagina web correctamenteCrear Interfaces Magnificas para tus paginas webMucho, mucho mas!En este gran curso de CSS3 profesional, podrs encontrar un camino bien definido para emprenderte en la programacin web de la forma correcta. He preparado una serie de clases y ejercicios que te permitirn entender y aplicar los conceptos bsicos y avanzados de CSS. El curso empieza en un nivel de complejidad bastante bsico para aquellos que estn empezando en el mundo de la programacin y termina con ejercicios avanzados para todos los programadores que desean saber mas.Al finalizar el curso te sentirs totalmente preparado y animado para aplicar estos conceptos en tus proyectos personales y profesionales. El contenido del curso esta totalmente actualizado con la ltima versin de los programas que vas a utilizar.Puedes observar el temario del curso y darte cuenta cun detallado son las lecciones, adems de que contars con un instructor totalmente dispuesto a ayudarte en este nuevo camino que emprenderemos el dia de hoy.Que esperas? Iniciemos nuestra primera clase!."
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