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"Signaling System No.7 SS7" |
"7: SS7 . (GSM) (UMTS). SS7 Sigtran ATM & SIP. SS7."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Core & Network Fundamentals in 2G GSM , 3G UMTS , 4G-LTE" |
"Mastering the core Networks in wireless communications can get you a job in telecom companies and if you already have one it will help you to move ahead in your career, increase your earning potential and add value to any organization.This course is designed to provide students with in-depth information regarding Voice Core Network architecture. The course has been designed for all levels and starts off by providing the introduction to Core Split Architecture and its advantages over legacy technologies.During the lectures, all concepts are introduced by means of intuitive diagrams and real-network examples whenever possible.Course DurationThe duration of the course is around 3.5 hrs. We have tried to be concise including only the relevant details.Why to take the courseIf you have an interest in Telecommunications, there is no reason that you should skip this course.Course Content:Lecture 1 - Network OverviewSplit Vs Legacy ArchitectureNetwork LayersHorizontal Vs Vertical Integrated NetworksLecture 2 - Mobile Network ArchitectureAccess Network NodesCore Network NodesIN Network NodesLecture 3 - IdentitiesSubscriber related identitiesEquipment related identitieslocation related identitiesNodes related identitiesLecture 4 - Network InterfacesLecture 5 - Protocols & Signaling MessagesDTAP signaling messagesBSSAP signaling messagesRANAP signaling messagesTCAP signaling messagesMAP signaling messagesINAP signaling messagesISUP signaling messagesBICC signaling messagesGCP signaling messagesIPBCP signaling messagesRTP signaling messagesLecture 6 - ScenariosAuthentication scenariosLocation update scenariosIMSI AttachIMSI DetachPeriodic location updateNormal Location updateMobile originating/Terminating scenariosTwo subscribers on same MSC and same Network scenarioTwo subscribers on different MSCs and same Network scenarioTwo Subscribers on different NetworksGCP Call Scenario partSMS ScenarioOriginating SMSTerminating SMSSMS to other NetworkLecture 7 - 4G-LTEIntroduction to the LTE Network3GPP Evolution to the 4G NetworkE-UTRAN Evolved universal terrestrial radio access networkEPC-Evolved packet core-1EPC-Evolved packet core-2CSFBa-CSFB Introductionb-Combined IMSI Attachc-Interface & Protocolsd-MSC Selectione-CSFB Scenariof-SMS CSFB ScenarioLecture 8 - FeaturesMNP-Mobile Network PortabilityMSC in Pool Identities and ScenariosMSC in Pool Pros & ConsIn Course SupportHave you ever taken a course or read a book where you have questions but cannot reach the author?Well, this course is different. We are fully committed to making this the most disruptive and powerful Core & Network Fundamentals course on the planet. With that comes a responsibility to constantly be there when you need our help. No matter how complex your query, we will be there. The bottom line is we want you to succeed. Therefore, feel free to send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Iniciando no GNS3" |
"O Graphic Network Simulator (GNS3) um software de rede que emula o Cisco Router, ASA, etc.Este software, ao contrrio de seu nome, no um simulador mas sim um emulador que se integra a mquinas virtuais e permite simular redes complexas como se voc estivesse trabalhando em uma infraestrutura de redes real.O GNS3 amplamente utilizado na prtica de laboratrios, principalmente para os alunos que esto se preparando para os exames de certificao da Cisco ou cursando faculdade de redes de computadores. Neste curso, voc aprender conceitos bsicos, tais como:Instalar o GNS3 em sistemas operacionais Mac OS, Linux e Windows, Instalar e configurar imagens reais de roteadores cisco, Integrar mquinas virtuais ao GNS3, Configurar NAT, Instalar o GNS3 VM para configurao de appliances, Docker Container ; Instalao IOU L2 (para comutao)."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Quem sou eu? Voc j fez esta pergunta? No? Ento o que est esperando? Talvez esta seja a pergunta mais importante de toda a sua vida. Pode ser que voc acredite que seja fcil respond-la, mas se tentar vai chegar concluso de que esta uma das questes mais difceis de ser respondida.Voc conhece a si mesmo? Voc conhece todos os seus potenciais? Qual o seu projeto de vida? Quais os seus planos para o futuro? Qual o legado que voc ir deixar para as pessoas?Se voc no tem resposta para uma destas perguntas ento chegado o momento de mudar esta realidade.Para facilitar o seu entendimento, eu inicio o curso contando uma parbola do fazendeiro e do trigo, cujo objetivo mostrar que nada fcil de ser conquistado, aquilo que vem fcil, tambm vai embora facilmente, mas aquilo que conquistamos com garra, permanecer para sempre.Em seguida abordado o conhea a si mesmo. No h como voc se superar e viver as suas potencialidades se voc no conhece a si mesmo. Alm de conhecer a si mesmo necessrio acreditar que voc capaz. Todos somos capazes.Depois irei trazer a lei da atrao. Com certeza em algum momento em sua vida voc j ouviu algum falando que ns temos aquilo que atramos. E voc sabia que isso verdade? Se voc pensa em coisas ruins voc ir atrair coisas ruins, mas se voc pensa em coisas boas voc ir atrair coisas boas. Quais tem sido as suas aes? Voc tem feito o bem ou o mau para as pessoas?E por fim voc ter acesso a 97 perguntas poderosas que iro desafiar voc a cada resposta. Mas a cada resposta ser um passo dado ao seu descobrimento. Lembre-se de que uma longa jornada inicia-se com um primeiro passo."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"The Entrepreneurs Roadmap" |
"Welcome to the A to Z Business Course which will give you all of the tools that you need in order to start your own business! Do you have a business idea that you want to see turn into a reality? Or you already have a business and want it to grow exponentially? Then this is the right course for you! In these lectures, I will guide you on a treacherous, but exciting and ultimately satisfying entrepreneurial journey. This course will be your roadmap to not only reach your destination but be a great success at the end as well. I am a serial entrepreneur, coach, consultant and author. I have begun several businesses from scratch and have coached many others to do the same successfully. I have a Master Degree in Business Management from the University of Netherlands Antiless and Hofstra University and am currently doing my Doctorate in Business Administration as well. Every lecture ends with practical assignments for you to do in order to put what you are learning into practice. Knowledge without action is meaningless so be sure to do the assignments as well.I guarantee that you will benefit from this course and that you will be able to start any business that you can dream off by the end of it and run it successfully. Kind Regards,Shamiro Anita"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Podstawy programowania. Jzyk C" |
"Uwaga! Ze wzgldu na zmiany zasad dotyczcych funkcjonowania bezpatnych kursw na platformie Udemy zdecydowalimy si zrezygnowa z udostpniania naszego kursu za darmo.Postaw pierwsze kroki w wiecie programowania i poznaj jzyk C - jeden z najpotniejszych i najpopularniejszych jzykw programowania.Dziki temu kursowi nauczysz si jak pisa i kompilowa wasne programy komputerowe. Zdobdziesz te wiedz o wanych pojciach zwizanych z budow i dziaaniem komputerw.Wierzysz w znaczenie treningu i dobrze ugruntowanej wiedzy? My te. Dlatego proponujemy Ci nauk programowania w jzyku C, ktry pozwala:dogbnie zrozumie dziaanie programw komputerowych, pisa programy o bardzo duej wydajnoci,oprogramowywa zarwno due maszyny o potnej mocy obliczeniowej jak i proste mikroprocesory o kilku kilobajtach pamici.Podczas tego kursu dowiesz si jak korzysta z profesjonalnych narzdzi do tworzenia i kompilacji kodw rdowych, poznasz podstawowe elementy jzyka C takie jak zmienne, operatory, instrukcje warunkowe ptle oraz funkcje. Kada lekcja zawiera wiczenia do samodzielnego wykonania, dziki ktrym utrwalisz i poszerzysz swoj wiedz. Wrd wicze nie brakuje problemw programistycznych spotykanych w prawdziwym yciu.Od pocztku chcemy wprowadza Ci w wiat profesjonalnego programowania. W naszym kursie znajdziesz dziki temu tematy, ktre bywaj czsto przemilczane w innych rdach. Dowiesz si midzy innymi jak samodzielnie zainstalowa w systemie Windows kompilator GCC oraz uruchamia go z poziomu wiersza polece, jak korzysta z moliwoci systemu operacyjnego do czenia swoich programw w potoki albo jak sposb przechowywania liczb w pamici procesora wpywa na dokadno jego oblicze.Docz do kursu i zacznij drog do zostania profesjonalnym programist."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Matematyka dla inynierw. Cz 1. Cigi i granice cigw." |
"Biege posugiwanie si matematyk jest kluczow umiejtnoci w wikszoci dziedzin inynierii. I nie chodzi tu tylko o umiejtno wykonywania oblicze arytmetycznych (w tym akurat mog nas wietnie zastpi komputery). Bez odpowiedniego przygotowania matematycznego bardzo trudno jest zrozumie zjawiska zachodzce w urzdzeniach i systemach technicznych. Wikszo zaj i ksiek o matematyce jest pisane przez matematykw. My przygotowalimy dla Ciebie seri kursw, w ktrych pokazujemy matematyk z punktu widzenia inynierw. Dobr i sposb pokazania treci wynika z tego jak wykorzystujemy j w naszej codziennej pracy.W tym kursie omawiamy podstawy cigw liczbowych. W szczeglnoci duy nacisk kadziemy na pojcie granicy cigu. Jest ono stosunkowo rzadko uywane w inynierii bezporednio, ale zagadnienia, ktre omawiamy s wanym wstpem do dziau matematyki o nazwie analiza matematyczna. Bez analizy matematycznej nie da si na poziomie inynierskim zrozumie takich zagadnie jak np. zasady sterowania robotami, dziaanie obwodw elektrycznych czy uczenia algorytmw sztucznej inteligencji.Nie pozwl, eby problemy z matematyk ograniczyy Twoje moliwoci. Zapisz si ju teraz."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Zaawansowane programowanie w jzyku C" |
"Dlaczego warto opanowa jzyk C?to jeden z najwaniejszych i najpopularniejszych jzykw programowania,jego bardzo dobra znajomo jest niezbdna w programowaniu mikrokontrolerw i systemw wbudowanych,pozwala lepiej zrozumie i dziaanie komputerw i programw komputerowych.Wiele wanych elementw jzyka C (np. wskaniki i zarzdzanie pamici) uchodz za trudne do opanowania. Elementom tym powicamy w tym kursie duo uwagi tak, aby pomc Ci opanowa istotne, lecz uwaane za skomplikowane metody programowania.Oprcz tego nasz kurs wyrnia:nauka na bazie przykadw i zada do samodzielnego wykonania,zwracanie uwagi na szczegy czsto pomijane w innych materiaach.Zrb kolejny krok w kierunku profesjonalnej inynierii! Zapisz si ju teraz!"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Python. Wprowadzenie" |
"Zapraszamy na nasz kurs podstaw programowania w Pythonie!Dlaczego warto wybra wanie nasz kurs?Bdziesz si uczy od osb wykorzystujcych Pythona w rzeczywistych projektach inynierskich.Poznasz nie tylko podstawy jzyka ale te praktyczne programistyczne ""know-how"".Uzyskasz dostp do dziesitek wicze programistycznych z natychmiastow ocen.Dlaczego Python?Python to obecnie jeden z najpopularniejszych jzykw programowania. Jego znajomo powinna by jedn z podstawowych umiejtnoci kadego programisty. Co wicej, jeeli chcesz pozna takie dziedziny jak analiza danych, przetwarzanie obrazw czy sztuczna inteligencja - Python prawdopodobnie stanie si Twoim podstawowym narzdziem pracy. Czego dokadnie bdziesz si uczy?Jak zainstalowa i korzysta z Pythona?Jak tworzy i debugowa kod w rodowisku Visual Studio Code?Jak dziaaj podstawowe elementy jzyka Python: zmienne, instrukcje warunkowe, ptle oraz funkcje?Jak uywa zoonych typw danych: list, krotek i sownikw.Jak korzysta z moduw Pythona i tworzy wasne moduy?Jak tesowa i poprawia jako swojego kodu.Do zobaczenia!"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning desde cero: Proyectos reales en Python 3" |
"Hola a todos y bienvenidos a este curso sobre los fundamentos del Machine Learning y su aplicacin en la solucin de problemas reales mediante el uso de Python 3! Mi nombre es Santiago Hernndez y voy a ser vuestro instructor a lo largo de este programa formativo, tenis ms informacin sobre m en la biografa o en el vdeo Presentacin del instructor.A lo largo de este curso sobre Machine Learning y Data Science presentar, desde un nivel muy bsico y al alcance de todo tipo de perfiles, los fundamentos tericos y matemticos que se necesitan para comprender en detalle el funcionamiento de los algoritmos de aprendizaje automtico y las tcnicas de ciencia de datos ms importantes en la actualidad. Para ello, utilizar el enfoque que mejores resultados me ha proporcionado al impartir este tipo de clases en diferentes universidades, un enfoque prctico, en el que veris como se desarrollan las diferentes funciones y ecuaciones matemticas de mi puo y letra. Representar grficamente todas las intuiciones matemticas en las que se fundamenta el Machine Learning, de manera que, cualquier persona pueda comprenderlas y avanzar con las siguientes secciones. Este no es un curso para matemticos, es un curso para todos aquellos que quieren adentrarse en el dominio del aprendizaje automtico aprendiendo unas bases slidas que le permitan solucionar problemas reales mediante la implementacin en Python 3 de las principales tcnicas existentes y comprender aquellos algoritmos que surjan en el futuro.A medida que vayamos construyendo y comprendiendo estos fundamentos tericos, iremos aplicndolos a casos de uso prcticos en los que utilizaremos conjuntos de datos reales. Yo soy un firme creyente de que aquellas cosas que se aprenden de manera terica deben saberse aplicar a casos de uso prcticos para sacarles todo el rendimiento posible, y esto es exactamente lo que haremos a lo largo del curso. En estos casos prcticos, trataremos de resolver diferentes problemas que existen en la actualidad mediante la aplicacin de Machine Learning y Data Science en dominios tan interesantes como la Ciberseguridad utilizando el lenguaje de programacin Python 3. Por supuesto, desde el primer momento dispondris de todo el cdigo fuente y de la posibilidad de utilizarlo para vuestros propios desarrollos.La inteligencia Artificial y ms concretamente el Machine Learning, ha sido percibida en muchas ocasiones como una disciplina compleja al alcance de unos pocos profesionales. Este curso ha sido creado para refutar esta creencia y demostrar que cualquier persona con suficiente inters puede convertirse en un profesional del aprendizaje automtico, inscrbete ahora y comprubalo t mismo.Temario del cursoBienvenido al curso: Machine Learning desde cero. Proyectos reales en Python 3Machine Learning: Contexto y MotivacinIntroduccin y creacin el entorno de aprendizaje para Python 3: Jupyter Notebook, Jupyter Lab, Google Colaboratory, Numpy, Pandas, MatplotlibQu es el Machine Learning?: Aprendizaje Supervisado, Aprendizaje no Supervisado, Aprendizaje Online, Aprendizaje Batch, Aprendizaje basado en Instancias, Aprendizaje basado en ModelosRegresin y Clasificacin: Regresin Lineal, regresin LogsticaCreacin de un proyecto de Machine Learning: Visualizacin del conjunto de datos, Overfitting, Underfitting, Evaluacin, Seleccin del modeloSupport Vector Machines (SVM): Hard Margin Classification, Soft Margin Classification, Modelo Lineal, Kernelsrboles de decisin y conjuntos de rboles: rbol de decisin, Gini Impurity, Ensemble Learning, Bagging, Pasting, Boosting, Stacking, Random ForestsSeleccin y Extraccin de caractersticasAlgoritmos de Clustering: Kmeans, Dbscan, Purity Score, Silhouette coefficient, Calinski & Harabasz indexAlgoritmos de Machine Learning basados en probabilidad: Teorema de Bayes, Naive Bayes, Bernoulli Naive Bayes, Gaussian Naive BayesAlgoritmos de Machine Learning para la deteccin de anomalas: Gaussian distribution, Multivariate Gaussian distribution, Random ForestRedes Neuronales Artificiales y Deep Learning: Threshold Logic Unit, Percetrn, Perceptrn Multicapa, Redes Neuronales ProfundasDespedida del curso: Machine Learning desde cero. Proyectos reales en Python 3"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
YouTube |
", . "" YouTube "" YouTube . , . . - , . , , , ."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Neck, shoulder, & upper back stretching to improve posture" |
"In this course, you will learn how to improve your posture through targeted stretching and identify any muscle imbalances. I will teach you over 20 different stretches for your neck, shoulders and upper back. Based on your specific areas of tightness, you will develop a personalized stretching program. Tightness and a loss of flexibility are like weak links in a chain. You are only as strong as your weakest link. As you gain in flexibility and improve your posture, you will strengthen your chain to allow you to do things you love! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Detailed study on auditing" |
"This is a detailed and complete Study on auditing.This course contains basic as well as advanced concepts in auditing.All Standards of Auditing are appropriately covered.The course is updated from time to time.The course starts from simple concepts and moves towards advanced concepts.Students are requested to completely study all the concepts and not miss any area."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Eer hayal edebiliyorsanz dnyann en iyi tasarm uygulamas olan Dimension CC ile gerekletirebilirsiniz. 3B almalarnz tasarlayabilir ve gelitirebilirsiniz. Fotoraflarnz, 3B nesnelerinizi ve Resimlerinizi geree en yakn ekilde benzetebilirsiniz. Dncenizi gerekletirmek iin ihtiyacnz olan her ey iin Dimension CC yeterlidir. Gnlerce rn fotoraflar ekmek iin zaman harcamaya gerek kalmadan, hayal ettiiniz sahneyi 3B olarak tasarlayabilir yksek kaliteli fotograf olarak kt alabilirsiniz. Dimension CC'yi renmeye hemen balayn."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Crer votre application Web avec Java EE" |
"Si vous souhaitez acqurir des comptences en Java EE, ce cours est pour vous.Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition) est un standard de dveloppement dapplications dentreprises multi-niveaux, bases sur des composants.La plate-forme JEE prsente une solution optimale pour dvelopper des applications robustes, scurises et volutives.On parle gnralement de plate-forme Java EE pour dsigner lensemble constitu des services (API) offerts et de linfrastructure dexcution.Je suis sr que vous souhaitez dvelopper votre application Web rapidement!Donc, vous tes au bon endroit.Si tel est le cas, ce cours vous convient parfaitement, car il contient des exemples concrets et des tactiques permettant de dvelopper diffrents types d'applications avec Java EE.Je sais comment y parvenir et je souhaite partager cette connaissance avec vous!Qu'allez-vous apprendre dans ce cours?Partie 1 - Premiers pas avec Java EE1. Qu'est-ce que Java EE ?2. Le modle MVC3. Installer un environnement de dveloppement4. Crer une premire application Java EEPartie 2 - Comprendre les Servlets et les JSPs1. Crer un Servlet2. Associer une vue une Servlet3. Prsentation des JSP4. Les inclusions de JSP5. Communiquer des donnes entre pages6. Utiliser Expression Language dans les JSP7. Manipuler des Java Beans dans les JSPPartie 3 - Des vues puissantes avec la JSTL1. Qu'est-ce que la JSTL ?2. Mettre en place la JSTL3. JSTL et variables4. JSTL et conditions5. JSTL et bouclesPartie 4 - Dvelopper une application web1. Les formulaires avec Java EE2. Envoyer des fichiers3. Grer les sessions4. Stocker les cookiesPartie 5 - Enregistrer dans une base de donnes1. Travailler avec JDBC et une base de donnes2. Lire et enregistrer des donnes en SQL3. Utiliser le modle DAO4. Grer ses erreurs avec son DAOCe cours couvrira diffrentes mthodes qui simplifieront les processus de programmation.En outre, vous aurez quelques tlchargements PDF et des exemples pour vous aider dmarrer.A la fin du cours, vous pourrez dvelopper votre application web avec Java EE."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Tiger Claw Technique: Turning the Tables" |
"Dynamic exhibition and tutorial on the powerful techniques of the famous Tiger Claw Kung Fu System by Master Paul Koh. This Udemy course will cover six individual sequences. It features detailed explanation and step-by-step demonstration of each movement. The student will then be able to watch the application in real time and study the breakdown of each individual technique. This course focuses on the concept of simultaneous attack and defense, an integral concept to the Tiger Claw System which must permeate every action that the practitioner does, embodying the essence of a fighting tiger. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Admitted! Decipher the College Admission" |
"Have you started preparing for your college application yet?Do you wanna find out your chances of getting into the most selective colleges?For many people, being admitted by the most selective universities in North America sounds like a mission impossible. Yet I've found a methodology that turns the ""mission impossible"" to something possible. This course is developed for students who are preparing for their applications but got stuck during the process. It will also be helpful for parents and teachers who want to contribute to the application process of the kids but find clueless as to where to start.Why is this course unique?1-Effective Methodology that has helped thousands of studentsThis course includes all the strategies and tools that I use to help my students to be admitted by the Most Selective Universities in North America, such as MIT, Penn, Cornell, CMU, NYU etc. I know the ins and outs of every tool and strategy and I've gone through the whole process of using the whole methodology. It has worked on all of my students, and it will surely be effective in your case.One thing many students find useful in my methodology is that it can actually help them demonstrate their uniqueness and get admitted by their dream schools, even though some of the students only have around B+ grades and average SAT results.2-Case-based TeachingThe whole course is a case-based learning process, with real student cases and sample essays.One thing I've learned when training people on the college application is to put many real cases during the training to help the learners to make sense of the knowledge and tools. 3-Absolute ValueThis course is the essence of my years of working experience and an absolutely valuable package. Once you buy it, it saves you thousands of dollars hiring a consultant. What I have shared in this course would help fully understand the insight of the college admission and find ways to improve your application profile. 4-MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEThis college admission course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. It is not just a guarantee, but my personal promise to you that this course will be very helpful and I would like to go beyond the miles to help you with your application."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Start Your Webhosting Business" |
"If you ever thought about starting a web-hosting business but don't know who to do it , as it may require a technical knowledge about network - servers ....etc which something a lot of us wouldn't be able to learn it. Now forget about it , you can actually build your online business and get into the web-hosting business from the comfort of your home without any technical knowledge ! , yes that's right without anything.All you need is to have a computer and an internet connection.As this course will walk you through step by step on how to start from scratch till you're good to go. You will learn * How to choose a domain name * How to make a market research about the competitors * How to make a logo for your company * How to make the system and control everything in it * How to promote your company in the easy way * Tips and tricks on moving forward ASAP So get ready for building up the empire !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Day Trade do Zero ao Avanado" |
"Est cansado de ver vrios cursos na internet e nenhum conseguir fazer que voc se torne consistente no mercado?Gastou muito dinheiro com cursos, que prometem voc se tornar o Grande Trader de Sucesso.Neste curso no te prometo que voc se tornar um trader que ir ganhar milhes na bolsa de valores, em opes binrias, no estou aqui para te dar uma receita mgica ou milagrosa, quero te mostrar o que realmente funciona, o que me tirou dos 20, 30% de taxa de acerto para ir para 70, 80% de acerto.Vou te ensinar o que aprendi depois de 3 anos batendo cabea com um monte de indicadores e por um tempo at que eles funcionavam, o que os indicadores mostram o que o grfico j est te mostrando, mas voc no consegue ver, ainda.... J quebrei vrias bancas, at perdi as contas de quantas vezes que desisti do mercado, Faz 4 anos que estou no mercado, j fiz vrios cursos online, li vrios livros, mas s nesse ultimo ano que consegui ver uma luz no final do tnel, e eu irei te ensinar tudo que aprendi neste curso.Obs: No final deste curso irei te dar uma dica, que ir fazer diferena na sua vida como trader, como fez pra mim, a nica diferena que eu aprendi isso sozinho, batendo cabea por ai, e com voc ser diferente, irei te dar essa dica sem nenhum custo.Neste curso voc ir aprenderA configurar e instalar os programas Meta Trader e IQ Option.Como o Mercado se movimenta, identificando micro tendencias.Aprender escolher os melhores momentos de Compra, Venda e tambm o momento de Ficar de Fora.Como controlar o Psicolgico e a AnsiedadeAnlise TcnicaPadres de VelaTempo de VelaEsta Analise serve para vrios tipos de mercados, aes, binrias, digital, forex, mini contratos entre outros.Ir aprender o que Day Trade, Swing Trade e Position Trade.Gerenciamento de RiscoConfigurar e entender os principais indicadores do mercado.Onde ver as principais noticias do mercado.Operar a favor ou no de noticias?Alm disso, voc ter 30 dias de Garantia, caso voc no goste do contedo deste curso, voc pode requisitar seu dinheiro de volta no prazo de 30 dias. Como eu assumo todo o risco de voc no gostar, voc no tem nada a perder certo?H algum requisito ou pr-requisito para o curso?No h nenhum pr-requisitos para se fazer esse curso.Para quem este curso:Quem est comeando a investir na bolsaQualquer pessoa que deseja comear a investir no mercado.NO indicado pra quem j um Expert no mercado.J dizia o Blaise Pascal: ""Ningum to sbio que no tenha algo pra aprender e nem to tolo que no tenha algo pra ensinar""""Queria ter aprendido o que vocs iro aprender neste curso no meu primeiro ano como Trader, j teria ganhado muito dinheiro no mercado, tudo no tempo certo, no mesmo?!."" Deus os abenoe!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"JMeter interview Question and Answers with Explanation" |
"DescriptionUPDATE: ***Course is fully updated in April with latest Jmeter version 5.0 revised lectures******Performance Tester is in high Demand!!!!Get Real Time exposure on Load Testing with the most popular open source Performance Testing tool JmeterThe most popular course in udemy with highest students enrollments and great feedbacks // Includes Life time instructor supportCourse is designed in such a way that the user can start the things from the very scratch with out any prior knowledge on Jmeter or Performance TestingOn course completion You will be Mastered in desigining Performance Testcases with Jmeter and can implement Successfully it in your work place or will surely land on High Paying Jobs****************************************************************************************************This Course explainsJmeter IntroductionJmeter UI ComponentsRecord and playing back with ProxyApplying Load on Testcases with Thread GroupAnalysing the Load with ListenersAdditional plugins to Listeners and ThreadgroupsAssertions in JmeterControllers in JmeterPractial usage of Controllers in desigining Jmeter ScriptsTimers usage in Jmeter Constant throughput timer importanceRegular expression extraction for dynamic responsesData driven Testing from external fileImportance of CorrelationUsage of Correlation on Dynamic values Http cookie Manager and Link Parser Beanshell Scripting Introduction Jmeter Scripting with Beanshelll Language Integration of Selenium Testcases with Jmeter REST API overview and usage Load Testing on REST API'sBeanShell Scripting"
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"IELTS Academic Reading Test" |
"In this course, youll learn about the basics of IELTS academic reading, the skills needed to ace it and the question types.Right now, most probably you just dont know how IELTS is going to test your reading skills, what kind of questions will be in the exam. Maybe you just need some guidance, need somebody to hold your hand through this preperation process. I will answer all these questions and more in this course. At the same time, while teaching you the format of the IELTS academic reading test and what to expect from it, Ill also show you some tips and strategies to ace in the exam.Together, well cover the kinds of questions that come up in the reading text and different ways to approach and solve them. I have also included an exercise for each question type and a full reading practice test.So, by the end of the course, youll know each question type that might come up in IELTS Academic Reading Test and how to approach them and this means that youll be able to get the score you need for the reading test."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
": Civil 3D Udemy For English users:The spoken language in this training is Arabic but any one can follow the video step by step and complete all the tasks (specially with the great value of this content) we are making a full highway geometric design on it and compute cut & fill & make surveying sheetsWho this course is for:Highway graduation project - Highway engineers - Civil engineers - Surveying Engineer"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creating All Natural Skincare - CPD Accredited" |
"In this CPD accredited course you will learn how to recreate Melanie Jane's BEST-SELLING perfect skincare products for the body, face and mind, understand the benefits of the ingredients and learn about basic skincare science so you can adapt the recipes to suit certain skin types. With beautifully illustrated recipe cards, guides and video tutorials with Melanie Jane, you will discover how easy it is to make fabulous all natural products without having to Google recipes ever again!PLUS upon completion of the course you can request your CPD accredited certificate from Melanie Jane! Instructions of how to get this is in the final video of how to use your products effectively."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
winoverfear |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"E-Commerce Psychology" |
"This course is part of our ""Psychology Driven Web Design"" collection.GENERAL DESCRIPTIONWhile it is relatively easy today, thanks to Shopify, BigCommerce, 3DCart, WooCommerce, and other alternatives, to create an e-commerce store, operating a successful one is far from trivial, because you have to be able to predict, how the products you present in your shop will appeal to your online customers. There is no standard procedure you can follow and, therefore, factoring in idiosyncrasies of human psychology in each case is the only sure way to thrive in this field. Indeed, for any product or service you want to sell online, you must not only decide about price, options, and presentation but also be able to combine affective descriptions, salient images and multimedia to produce the kind of impact that interactions in real life can. Psychology is certainly the tool you must use to sell.But of course, this doesnt mean you need a degree in psychology to create an e-commerce website that converts. Most concepts in psychology are simple enough so that they can be used without having to study the intricacies of the theories behind them.Right after you start this course, youll find out why human beings are irrational, forgetful, and biased, why their decisions are error-prone, instinctive, and unconsciously conditioned, and why they react to situations emotionally, intuitively and subjectively. This will then inspire you to learn to take perceptual biases of your customers, their motivations, emotional states, and unconscious desires into consideration when creating your e-commerce websites.COURSE CONTENTIn this course, we will look at the conjunction of design, marketing, and psychology for creating effective e-commerce websites. We will discuss, among many other things, the online sales cycle; using the triune brain model in e-commerce; the psychology of trust; the psychology of choice; the psychology of decision making; the price and quality perception; the psychology of scarcity and urgency; the psychology of reciprocity and rewards; the influence of design; the effects of colors on sales; effective form design; behavioral conditioning; using the inconsistency of the self; storytelling in e-commerce; writing effective product descriptions; social validation and user-generated content; designing effective testimonial pages; psychographic segmentation of customers; personalization in e-commerce; PREREQUISITESThere are no prerequisites for this course. If you have ever shopped online, you can follow all the lectures. No literacy in psychology is required as all necessary knowledge will be conveyed in laymens terms.THE LEVEL OF STUDYThis course is for those who are at a beginner to intermediate level as e-commerce psychology is concerned.You will receive a valuable certificate in E-Commerce Psychology that you can add to your CV when you finish this course.WHAT THIS COURSE IS NOT ABOUTThis course is NOT about learning web development using HTML / CSS / Scripting Languages. It is also NOT about encoding, implementing, or publishing an actual e-commerce website on some platform.This is also NOT a psychology course. While a great number of topics are covered here that are usually taught within the curriculum of a psychology course, the emphasis is always on practical design implications of these and NOT on theoretical notions of cognition or behavior.IMPORTANT NOTE: MOST PARTS OF THIS COURSE ARE ALSO CONTAINED IN OUR COURSE PSYCHOLOGY DRIVEN WEB DESIGN. IF YOU HAVE TAKEN THAT COURSE ALREADY, WE DO NOT RECOMMEND THAT YOU TAKE THIS COURSE."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Amazing Grace fingerstyle" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender uma das msicas mais famosas de todo o mundo a msica Amazing Grace,com um arranjo sensacional de violo (guitarra) onde vamos trabalhar vrias tcnicas como hammer on,pull off,vibrato, escala penta blues menor,e tudo isso ligado ao estilo fingerstyle onde vamos fazer a melodia e a harmonia ao mesmo tempo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Single Page Web application with ASP NET Core MVC and Ajax" |
"In one sentence, this course is about creating User Interface for C# developers (not designers) by a developer. My goal is not to teach you how to create an eye-catching fancy web site, but rather how to develop a very functional, flexible and intuitive user interface for business applications using the tools you are used to - primarily C# with a minimum amount of jQuery and JavaScript.The course begins with a very short overview of ASP.NET MVC structure, a difference between .NET standard and .NET Core, and a difference between two types of .NET Web applications: MVC and Razor Pages.After we discuss some pros and cons of out-of-the-box MVC project, we will spend two chapters creating a very simple database application using CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operations with Entity Framework Core and SQL Server database. The purpose of the first project is to demonstrate how easy it is to work with ASP NET MVC. However, even creating an extremely simple application, we will face a real life obstacle which cannot be overcome with ASP NET alone.The solution can be easily introduced by adding asynchronous operations to our project. We will talk about AJAX and spend the whole chapter creating SPA - Single Page Application, which will perform all operations of the first project plus additional functionality we were unable to implement before. All that will be done without leaving the main page.In the final section we will talk about several techniques to make the whole application cleaner and more maintainable.The course was done using Visual Studio Community Edition 2019 in .NET Core 3.1. However, we will discuss some difference between versions 2019 and 2017, so it can be done on VS 2017 using ASP NET Core 2.2By the end of the course, you will learn how to use asynchronous partial web page updates without leaving or reloading the main page. Following the same simple pattern, you will be able to create very flexible easy to maintain user interface for your web based business applications that will behave, look and feel similar to desktop applications.Even though this is a beginner level course, I believe that intermediate developers may find a couple of interesting thoughts about overall solution architecture, defensive programming and clean code."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"TYT Kimya 9.10 Mol, Kimyasal Hesaplamalar, Kimya Kanunlar" |
"Kursta TYT Kimya 10. snf ilk nitesi Kimyann Temel Kanunlar ve Kimyasal Hesaplamalar Soru tipleri temelinde olan ve etkili bir anlatmla sunulmaktadr.Bu nite sonraki kimya konular iin de temel olacak nitelikte olduundan kimya dersinde nemli bir yere sahiptir.Ayrca Yksek retime Gei (YKS) snav kapsamndaki TYT Kimya ieriinde olan ve AYT Kimya iin de n art niteliinde olduundan snavlara hazrlk ta vazgeilmezdir.Ders videolar nitenin 4 kazanm esas alnarak ve pratik ve kalc renmeyi kolaylatracak sre ve llerde paketler halinde dzenlenmitir.erikKimya 10.1 Kimyann Temel Kanunlar ve Kimyasal Hesaplamalar1. Kimyann Temel KanunlarKtlenin Korunumu KanunuSabit Oranlar KanunuKatl Oranlar Kanunu2. Mol KavramMol - Tanecik likisiMol Ktle likisiMol Hacim likisiOrtalama Atom Ktlesi3. Kimyasal Tepkimeler ve DenklemlerTepkime Trleri - ITepkime trleri IIDenklem Denkletirme4. Kimyasal Tepkimelerde HesaplamalarMiktar geii problemleriArtan madde problemleriMol ktlesi bulma problemleriKarm problemleriYzde verim problemleriKursa katlmakla mr boyu eriim hakk elde edeceinizden gelecekte eklenecek Soru Tiplerine, TYT Kimya 10. Snf konular na TYT Kimya 9. Snf konular na ve mfredat deiikliklerine de imdiden erime hakk elde etmi olacaksnz.Udemy mesaj hizmeti ile Erdal Hoca ile iletiime geebilir ve nite kapsamnda Soru zm Destei alabilirsiniz.Verimli ve baarl almalar dilekleriyle."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Bring dein Leben auf ein neues Level Persnliche Entwicklung" |
"Servus Erdnuss!Wir freuen uns, dass du dich fr diesen Kurs interessierst. Du bist bestimmt schon ganz hei darauf neue Dinge zu lernen. Kurz vorab mchten wir dir ein paar Infos zu diesem Kurs geben, damit du Bescheid weit, was dich erwartet. Wir, deine Trainer Marius und Jan brennen selber seit Jahren fr das Thema der Persnlichkeitsentwicklung und es erfllt uns unser Wissen darber mit anderen zu Teilen.Auf einem Weg zu einer noch besseren Version von dir selbst, erwarten dich in diesem Kurs 5 verschiedene Teilbereiche. Sobald du alles abgeschlossen hast, wirst du in allen Bereichen etliche neue Dinge erlernt haben. Damit dein Fortschritt auch messbar ist, zeigen wir dir sowohl am Anfang als auch am Ende wie du eine individuelle Strken und Schwchen Analyse durchfhrst.Als erstes beschftigen wir uns mit dem Fundament, deinem Krper. Im Alltag brauchen wir unglaublich viel Energie um Entscheidungen zu treffen und aktiv Aufgaben zu lsen. Damit du dies optimal in dein Leben einbauen kannst zeigen wir dir, wie du schon mit wenig Aufwand deine krperliche Fitness und auch die Ernhrung auf das nchste Level bringst. Auerdem lernst du was es bedeutet ein ""Gewinner Mindset"" zu besitzen und wie du damit noch schneller deine Ziele erreichst. Du erfhrst viele verschiedene Praxis-Ideen um jeden Tag automatisch effektiver zu sein. Schonmal ein Visionboard gebaut oder eine tgliche Zielorientierte Abend- und Morgenroutine durchgefhrt? Nein? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das richtige fr dich.Weil du auf deinem Weg des Erfolges niemals deine engsten Freunde und deine Familie vernachlssigen solltest, zeigen wir dir was es heit ein gutes soziales Umfeld zu besitzen und wie es dir mehr Erfolg zu haben.So richtig Farbenfroh wird das Leben durch deine Erfahrungen. Wenn du im Sterbebett liegst wirst du dich wahrscheinlich besonders an die Dinge zurck erinnern die du mit Freude erleben durftest. Aus dem Grund sollte auch in diesen Lebensbereich genug Zeit, Energie und Geld investiert werden.Zum Abschluss beschftigen wir uns quasi mit dem Schlssel zu all deinen Erlebnissen im Leben: Das Geld. Geld ist ein Thema, ber das man grundstzlich hufiger sprechen sollte. Ohne Geld wird es schwer zu Reisen, ins Fitnessstudio zu gehen oder auch Mentoren zu bezahlen. Geld ist nicht alles, aber dennoch essenziell fr ein glckliches Leben.Jetzt hast du einen kleinen berblick von unserem Kurs fr deine persnliche Entwicklung bekommen. Wenn du Lust hast mehr ber die einzelnen Themen zu erfahren freuen wir uns dich im Kurs und vielleicht auch mal persnlich zu sehen.Bis gleich :)"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Skills you need to Succeed at Your Job -Relaunch Your Career" |
"By the end of this course, you will have the core skills you need to succeed in any job. We will take you through each skill, one by one in a fun and engaging way. The sessions are fast-paced, memorable and practical. With each of the 14 lessons, this course will get you corporate ready in 14 days! This course on how to master your new job will transform how you perform, leading to better career prospects. We've consulted with some of the leaders of industry to find out what they wish they knew earlier in their careers. Whether that's influencing, networking, writing effective emails or emotional intelligence, we'll include all the vital skills that we have uncovered. We both have more than 20 years of experience each of leadership in top global organisations and of coaching and training others. Working with us will shine a light on what you need to do to succeed in your career. We believe ""showing"" is more powerful than ""telling"". During this course we will share some practical examples you can put into practice right away. Don't leave your career success to chance. Take charge, learn what it takes to succeed, put it into practice and see your career accelerated. We love creating a community with our students. If youre facing a particular challenge in any of these areas, drop us a line, ask us a question and were happy to provide some advice. And keep in touch. Let us know how this helps transform your career.Who is this course for?- anyone who is starting a new job, who wants to be promoted or is looking to move to a career with better prospects.- people who have ambition. If you are not interested in growing your career, this course is not for you.- people who learn best with fast-paced, practical and bite-sized learning modules. Who are the instructors?Jose Truchado and Neil Mitchell both have a passion for mentoring and developing people and each have more than 20 years of experience doing it. They have both held successful leadership roles in top global organisations. They love working with people who wish to accelerate their careers or who want improved relationships that lead to success, both personal and professional. Neil and Jose both work mainly out of London where they partner with ambitious and successful individuals often through some of the top-tier global companies. We believe so much in this course...That we have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, we will refund your course - no questions asked!Enroll now, and we'll work with you on the path to successful relationships. Neil and Jose"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CISSP Certification Exam Test Questions 2020 (All Domains)" |
"CISSP Certification Exam Test Questions 2020 (All Domains) CISSP Certification is one of the best information security certifications.CISSP is ideal for security practitioners, managers and executives interested in proving their knowledge across a wide array of security practices and principles.Information security domain is obtaining importance these days, owing to the widespread and raised malicious and cyber-crime rate and different virtual and cloud computing areas coming up. This Certification improves the credibility and marketability of a professional.CISSP exam evaluates your expertise across eight security domains. Think of the domains as topics you need to master based on your professional experience and education.CISSP DomainsDomain 1. Security and Risk ManagementDomain 2. Asset SecurityDomain 3. Security Architecture and EngineeringDomain 4. Communication and Network SecurityDomain 5. Identity and Access Management (IAM)Domain 6. Security Assessment and TestingDomain 7. Security OperationsDomain 8. Software Development SecurityI have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking CISSP exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with ISC in any way."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |