Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Sanfte Yin Yoga Reihe" |
"Die sanfte Yin Yoga Reihe ist perfekt fr dich, wenn du Ruhe, Entspannung und eine sanfte Bewegung suchst. Yin Yoga fhlt sich an wie Meditation in Bewegung. Es passt perfekt zu dir, wenn ... ... dein Alltag sich eher stressig anfhlt und du einen ganz ruhigen Ausgleich suchst. ... du einen ganz sanften Einstieg ins Yoga suchst. ... du Auftanken mchtest. Es gibt einfach immer wieder Phasen im Leben, da ist noch mehr Power nicht der Weg, sondern Entschleunigung. Mit diesem Kurs bekommst du bungseinheiten, die du jederzeit und vllig ohne Vorkenntnisse ben kannst."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Cloud+ Advanced" |
"CompTIA Cloud+ Advanced builds on the concepts taught in CompTIA Cloud+ Intermediate and CompTIA Cloud+ Basic courses. The course explores the concepts in more detail and prepares the candidates to appear in the CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-002 exam. The candidates are taught in depth concepts of analyzing, selecting, monitoring, and protecting cloud resources.This CompTIA Cloud+ Advanced training course is part of the three course series offered to completely address the curriculum of CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-002 Exam. The candidates successfully completing the three course series can appear for the said exam with confidence as they would have acquired the essential knowledge and experience to clear the exam."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Cloud+ Intermediate" |
"About this course:CompTIA Cloud+ Intermediate builds on the concepts taught in CompTIA Cloud+ Basic. The course explores the concepts in more detail and prepares the candidates to appear in the CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-002 exam. This course is the next step in this three course preparatory series is the CompTIA Cloud+ Advanced course. The candidates are taught in depth concepts of analyzing, selecting, monitoring, and protecting cloud resources."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Cloud+ Basic" |
"About this course:CompTIA Cloud+ Basic is an entry level course to introduce the basic knowledge and skills needed to analyze, select, monitor, and protect cloud resources. The concepts taught in this course include identifying vulnerabilities, investigating network issues, connecting and monitoring networks and cloud environment. This course is one of three courses (CompTIA Cloud+ Intermediate, & CompTIA Cloud + Advanced) that helps the students to prepare for the CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-002 certification exam.This CompTIA Cloud+ Basic training course addresses the essential knowledge for installation, deployment, management and maintenance of cloud infrastructure with an enhanced focus on its security. The course is based on the cloud concepts and models, virtualization, and infrastructure in the cloud."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction and Best Practices of AWS Security" |
"This course covers best practices of AWS Security that every AWS Cloud administrator should know. These AWS Best Practices will enable you to help prevent exploits and also secure your AWS resources should minimize the impact of any potential breaches that do occur as well. Understanding the AWS shared service model is critical because it defines who is responsible for securing what in the world of AWS. To help conceptualize the model, AWS has come up with detailed documentation to describe what they are responsible for and what the customer is responsible for."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Role of AWS in DevOps" |
"AWS provides services that help you practice DevOps at your company and that are built first for use with AWS. These tools automate manual tasks, help teams manage complex environments at scale, and keep engineers in control of the high velocity that is enabled by DevOps.Software and the Internet have transformed the world and its industries, from shopping to entertainment to banking. Software no longer merely supports a business; rather it becomes an integral component of every part of a business. Companies interact with their customers through software delivered as online services or applications and on all sorts of devices. They also use software to increase operational efficiencies by transforming every part of the value chain, such as logistics, communications, and operations. In a similar way that physical goods companies transformed how they design, build, and deliver products using industrial automation throughout the 20th century, companies in todays world must transform how they build and deliver software."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"AWS Solutions Architect Certification" |
"AWS provides cloud computing solutions that enable a business to build software that is scalable and sophisticated. This course will prepare your for the SAA-C01 Exam. The AWS Certification serves as a validation of your skills and capabilities, and is a badge that may even be used to land yourself on the lists of preferred candidates for a job. Additionally, it makes a huge impact when mentioned on business cards and other marketing collateral.Through this certification, you will gain the knowledge, skill, and expertise in designing as well as implementing various projects on the AWS platform.It gets you recognition as well as visibility for your skillsIt gains you credibility with peers as well as employers.AWS offers training and information regarding cloud computing services which allow businesses to develop scalable and sophisticated applications. Hence, knowledge about these services and understanding how these can be used on the cloud is critical for those professionals as well as businesses who already do or will be required to work on the cloud."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Configuration Management with Chef" |
"Configuration is often the most difficult part of designing an infrastructure, making it harder for developers to dictate how your infrastructure should look, function and finally deploying it across multiple networks, well with Chef, kiss your troubles away.Chef is a collection of tools that are known as configuration management tools, which help you code exactly how your infrastructure should look, behave and evolve. With Chef, you will get to design your infrastructure to exactly how you want it. A blueprint, known as a cookbook, will define the exact instructions that you want all your machines to follow.Our Configuration Management with Chef is not just another course that will simply show you the ropes of Chef with a few examples, but rather our course has been designed from scratch to take you on the journey of learning Chef and mastering this amazing set of tools. By the end of this course, you will know exactly how to write your first Chef recipe."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Selenium: Deep dive in IDE" |
"Selenium is a powerful framework for testing web applications in the user interface (UI). This training course helps the students to learn about test automation and apply the learnt concepts to real-world scenarios. The course will cover Selenium and will dive into IDE, and teach you how to use it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Docker" |
"For much longer than anyone cares to admit, it was easier to ship a physical container of coffee beans halfway around the world than it was to get all of the necessary bits and pieces needed for a software program from one machine to another. Then came Docker, and the problem was finally solved. This very interesting platform is fun and easy to learn, and gives an entirely new perspective on the world of programming. Plus, its another pretty bow to add to your CV."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Set Up Your Own Cloud Server from Scratch" |
"Have you ever wanted to have your own cloud server? Have you ever thought about starting a cloud storage business? Well, the first step is to get that server set up, and this course will teach you how!About the CourseThis course walks you through setting up your own cloud storage service using Digital Ocean. You will be shown how to install, set up and administer everything you need to get your cloud server up and running. While learning server technologies on your own can be difficult and time consuming, this simple, step by step course will have you up and running in about 30 minutes. This course is what you're looking for!What Can You Use Cloud Storage For?Lots of things! If you currently use a service like Google Drive or Dropbox, your own cloud server is an inexpensive and fun replacement, saving you money.If you're a web developer, mobile app developer or game developer, you can use your cloud server to archive files as well as test and run your applications and games.If you're an entrepreneur looking to break into the tech sector, you can use your server as a business. You can sell space to people who don't know how to set up their own server (99.9% of us), and create a monthly income stream for years to come."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Die ultimative Dropshipping Masterclass 2.0 - KnowledgePower" |
"Hey ich bins der Markus, und ich bin Dozent und Grnder der KnowledgePower Akademie. Und als Experte fr passive Business-Modelle ist Dropshipping natrlich nicht an mir vorbei gegangen. Ich war Betreiber mehrerer erfolgreicher Onlinestores, betreibe das Amazon Kindle Business und bin Coach & Dozent fr verschiedene Online Coaching Plattformen unter anderem fr das Herzstck, die KnowledgePower Akademie in der ich mein Wissen teile. Das war aber selbstverstndlich nicht immer so. Wenn ich fnf Jahre zurck denke, dann htte ich an all das hier niemals gedacht. Denn ich war so tief unten, weiter runter gings nicht mehr. Ich war gerade mir der Ausbildung fertig, bin jedoch nicht bernommen worden weil die Firma kurz vor der Pleite war. Da stand ich nun, als Frisch gebackener Medientechnologe Druck der vier Jahre zuvor brigens noch Obdachlos war. Ohne Job und ohne Geld. Denn ich musste Miete fr mein WG Zimmer bezahlen, hatte schulden und von einem Ausbildungsgehalt kann man sich eben nicht sonderlich viel zurck legen. Ich habe aber auch whrend meiner Ausbildung gemerkt, das ich mehr der Typ fr was eigenes bin. Also ich arbeite lieber fr mich, als fr jemand anderen. Ich war nun in einer Situation in der ich Handeln musste. Ich hatte noch ca 500 und ich brauchte nen Plan. Und jeder kennt sicherlich das Gefhl wenn man wei das Geld wird knapp. Vom Arbeitsamt hab ich ja auch nicht sonderlich viel bekommen. Das war weniger als mein Ausbildungsgehalt aber der Kosten sind gleich geblieben. So ich wusste, frher oder spter werde ich ein Problem bekommen. So und jeder Mensch hat etwas was er tut, damit schnell Ideen einfallen. Manche hren Musik, andere gehen spazieren und ich, ich geh duschen! Und als da so das Wasser auf mich herabrieselte und ich mir Gedanken machte, wie es in der Zukunft weiter gehen soll, kam mir die Idee. Ich knne doch Produkte von jemand anderem teurer Verkaufen als ich Sie einkaufen wrde. Online selbstverstndlich. Ich meine in einem lokalen Geschft ist das ja das Grundprinzip. Die kaufen von einem Hersteller und verkaufen es mit Gewinn an die Leute die in den Laden kommen. Das muss Online genauso funktionieren dachte ich. Dropshipping kannte ich bis dahin nicht. Ich kannte nur meine Idee. Und die war nicht schlecht im Nachhinein. Nur ab da gingen die Probleme los. Meine Umsetzung war nmlich scheie. Ich hab versucht das ganze so Kostenlos wie Mglich umzusetzen. Und hatte keinerlei Wissen wie das berhaupt funktioniert. ich hatte kein Plan von Marketing ich hatte keine Ahnung von nichts. So und dann hab ich mir auf ein paar Wochen irgendwie einen Onlineshop mit irgend einem Shopsystem zusammengewurschtelt. Und dann hab ich gewartet auf Kundschaft. Andere Shops machen das ja auch so dachte ich. Nur Kunden kamen keine. Dann hab ich meinen Shop in Facebook Gruppen gepostet - und dann hab ich meinen ersten Facebook Ban bekommen wegen Spam. Und dann wusste ich. irgendwas mache ich falsch!. Und dann habe ich meine letzten 500 erspartes Geld genommen, das wei ich noch ganz genau, und ich hab das ohne zu zgern gemacht, denn ich bin ein Mensch der es hasst aufzugeben. Und von dieses Geld habe ich in Wissen investiert. In Dropshipping Wissen von Leuten die mehr Ahnung hatten als ich von dem ganzen. Und siehe da. Zu allererst hab ich mir einmal mit der flachen Hand auf die Stirn geklopft und hab mir gesagt, Junge du hast alles falsch gemacht was man nur falsch machen kann. Und pltzlich fing das Ding an zu laufen. Den ich wusste nun was ich tun musste. Mit der Zeit kam noch die Erfahrung hinzu. Aber ich habe auch gelernt das von nicht, nicht kommt. Man muss Einsatz zeigen, und in sich investieren. Und als ich mein Problem gelst hatte, da fing das Business an zu laufen. Ich habe das Shopsystem gewechselt, ich wusste wie nun wie man Werbung schaltet und vor allen Dingen wusste ich wie man dieses Business richtig betreibt. Natrlich habe ich eigene Erfahrungen gesammelt im laufe der Zeit und konnte so alles optimieren. Aber ohne diese Investition htte ich das alles nie geschafft. In meinem Kurs zeige ich dir wie auch du dir ein eigenes erfolgreiches Dropshipping Business aufbauen kannst. Du lernst in diesem Kurs alles was du fr ein eigenes Dropshipping Business brauchst. Von der Einfhrung bis zum fertigen Verkaufsprozess. Von der Produktsuche bis zum Marketing. Nach diesem Kurs bist du zu 100% in der Lage dir ein eigenes erfolgreiches Dropshipping Business aufzubauen. Und selbst wenn du bereits meinen ersten Dropshipping Kurs kennst, in diesem Kurs lernst du nochmal eine Schippe mehr. Trage dich jetzt ein, ich bin bereit dir alles zu zeigen. Und ich wrde sagen, wir sehen uns in meinem Kurs. Bis gleich!."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Level 4 Diploma - Supplier Relationships (L4M6)" |
"Study for CIPS Level 4 Diploma in Procurement and Supply is not an easy task. If you fail, retaking the exams will be very costly. Don't be confused any more, we have done the hard work and bring to you a set of questions that may help you to pass Supplier Relationship exam at the very first intake.Until this moment, CIPS has not released any past papers of OR exams. The questions in this practice test are not identically the same as real CBE questions, but we have made them with the most earnest attitude based on CIPS sample questions and Exam guide. We believe that it will be a good complementary to your study.Why you should buy our practice tests?We have been trusted by CIPS students around the world. Even self-study students can pass the exams with flying colour by practising with our mock testsWe are invited to Udemy for Business programme (note: only 3% of all Udemy Instructors are selected to join this programme)All the tests are provided with external resources, careful explanation and free summarised notes. These supports not only help you pass the exams, but also help you apply the knowledge in real world scenario."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Skeletal Animation and Inverse Kinematic (IK) in Unity 2020" |
"Welcome to the Skeletal Animation and Inverse Kinematic in Unity 2020!In this course you will learn:skeleton animation conceptshow to import a character into a projecthow to create boneswhat is IK (inverse kinematics) and how to work with ithow to use bones and ik to create animationsas well as the principle of the built-in Unity animatorThe course is 100% practical. Together, we will animate the character: from importing the image file and working with bones to the final animation. No useless information - only useful tools and techniques that are necessary to create skeletal animation in Unity.If you like to create games in Unity and want to learn how to create animations of characters and environments using all the power of a modern engine and new technologies - join the course!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"6 Easy Steps to Reduce Pain and Stress" |
"Reducing and managing stress is a daily habit you create using small effective tools. Rather than waiting until you are in a perpetual state of anxiety and unable to make clear decisions about what to do with your life, forming simple daily habits in 6 areas of your life will provide you the best tools to manage your stress and keep your life in balance. A side benefit of reducing stress is you will find that you have less pain and issues in the different areas of your body. When you have a response to a stressor, your muscles tighten, your blood pressure rises and the different systems of your body may be impaired. So, managing stress provides you with the opportunity to put a halt to additional issues such as neck and back, pain, headaches and many other health conditions. I invite you make managing your stress your top priority! Just as you brush your teeth and comb your hair every morning, forming regular self-care practices that allow your mind and body to function optimally are key. Seemingly small changes to your routine can take you out of Fight of Flight Mode and keep you from getting on a roller coaster ride that you cant get off. You put maximum effort into your career, your family and relationships. In order to keep stress from being a large force in your daily life, you must put into place a plan of action that is just as powerful, yet intentional and easy to maintain so that it becomes a consistent part of your daily life.Join me on this journey of self-care and starting reducing your stress today!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Ableton Live 10 Advanced" |
"Hey, ich bin Anton und produziere schon 3 Jahre mit Ableton Musik. Schon als kleines Kind habe ich mich fr Musik begeistert und die Leidenschaft und Liebe zur Musik von meinem Vater geerbt. Mit 7-8 Jahren fing ich an kleine Liedchen zu schreiben. Mein Vater begleitete mich auf dem Klavier. So entsprung mein groes Hobby. Heute bin ich 15 und mache jeeeeden Tag Musik am PC. Von Mainstream-Pop, ber House, Techno und EDM, sogar Filmscore, bis zum alternativen Trap mache ich alles, bin aber auch fr jede neue Erfahrung im Bereich Genre zu begeistern. In diesem Kurs erfhrst du die genauen Einzelheiten fr Effekte: Equalizer, Compressor, Reverb, Delay. Danach machen wir uns an den Synthesizer ran. Hier zeige ich dir einen guten, kostenlosen. Auerdem gucken wir uns generell viele Plugins an und reden ber Vocalaufnahme + Abmische. Es geht auerdem um Launchpads und weitere MIDI-Controller."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction l'analyse pour les non-data analystes" |
"Vous aimeriez tre plus analytique dans votre travail, pour mieux valuer votre impact et vous aider dans vos dcisions ?Ce cours est fait pour vous et vous permettra de gagner en autonomie, de maximiser limpact de vos actions et de bien percevoir la valeur de votre travail pour lentreprise.Dans ce cours nous allons nous intresser un certain nombre de questions auxquelles vous pouvez tre confronts dans votre travail, concernant votre performance, votre impact et vos rsultats :Comment savoir si je fais du bon travail ?Comment savoir si laction que jai mise en place est un succs ?Comment concevoir une nouvelle action ?Comment comprendre pourquoi mes rsultats baissent ?A la fin de ce cours vous saurez donc quelles sont les tapes suivre pour construire petit petit une rponse ces questions, laide de grands principes, dide de sous-questions poser, et doutils Excel. Vous saurez galement tenir un raisonnement analytique, et lappliquer de nombreuses autres questions.Nous verrons aussi un grand nombre dexemples et d'exercices, pour relier les notions abordes au monde rel, et tre le plus pertinent possible pour vous.Ce cours est l pour vous montrer quil nest pas ncessaire dtre un gnie en maths pour faire de lanalyse, mais quau contraire cest un outil puissant pour toutes les personnes de lentreprise et tous les types dactivits. Aucun prrequis nest ncessaire, vous tes parfaitement quips ds maintenant."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"9 Most Useful Dutch Sentence Structures" |
"Traveling or living in a Dutch speaking country? You may want to check out these 9 Dutch sentence structures. These sentence structures will help you to communicate effectively and more easily with locals, especially with those who can only speak Dutch.Each Dutch sentence structure comes with multiple useful example sentences. You will find at least 5 example sentences for each structure.ExercisesThere are two exercises available for each sentence structure. Click Resources (see first lesson Mag ik ...?) to download the document Exercises. My advice is to do the exercises after learning each Dutch sentence structure. ReferencesOf course, like in all of my courses, I will explain everything in detail so you can understand it better and remember it better. And while I give an explanation I will often refer to my beginners course Simply Dutch: Dutch for Beginners. In this course you will find more information if you want to learn more about the Dutch language. Go to my profile below to check out this course if you haven't already. There you will also find a link to my website where I offer private lessons. If you're interested in taking private lessons, go to my website and send me a message. And finally, feel free to pause or rewind the video when things are going too quick. Do the lessons at your own pace.I hope you will enjoy this class. I wish you good luck!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Essentials of Digital Marketing and Ecommerce" |
"If you want to learn or know the most important elements in digital marketing and ecommerce in a return on investment issue and great time management means, then this course is for you as it will give you a potential launch to explore more...You will learn about active websites and blogs, E-mail marketing, affiliate marketing, search engine optimization/marketing, electronic commerce, social medial as Facebook, how to make money as an individual and more....this is a course to start with specially if you are new to this material and also serves other levels, so jump in !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Planet-Centered Design: Public-Planet Partnerships" |
"Traditional Public-Private Partnerships are viewed as critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, yet we have overlooked our greatest social and economic partner: Planet Earth itself. We protect nature. We restore nature. We learn from nature. But we are not always actively partnering and collaborating with nature.The Public-Planet Partnership (PPP) framework was developed to facilitate mutually beneficial partnerships and collaborations between humans and the rest of the natural world.What if you forged collaborations with other species? What if you leveraged natures open source innovations? What if you formed fair trade deals with microbial communities? What if you formed consortiums with forests, and coalitions with oceans?Through practical planet-centered design tools and methodologies, Public-Planet Partnerships is a nature-based solutions approach to the more traditional frameworks of Public-Private Partnerships, and human-centered design.This course has been specifically developed for those without a scientific background, who are keen to understand and develop a practice of collaborating with the natural world.The purchase of this video includes a Public-Planet Partnerships design methodology toolkit (19 tools + 2 bonus tools) in both English and French, a digital deck of Partnership Model Cards, 24 one-page Public-Planet Partnerships short case studies, and 4 in-depth case studies."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"CBAP Certification Course. Full Course." |
"HiIf you are looking at passing your CBAP examination in one sitting, then this is the Course for you.With over 95% success rate, we can guarantee you success in your CBAP Exams.The CBAP course empowers you to gain knowledge and develop skills to be proficient in business analysis and enables you to clear to your IIBACBAP exam in the first attempt.IIBA CBAP is the worlds most popular business analysis course. This certification will help you build expertise in the 6 knowledge areas defined in BABOK-3 namely: business analysis planning and monitoring, elicitation and Collaboration, requirements lifecycle management, enterprise analysis, requirements analysis, and design definition, along with solution evaluation."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Anxiety Management in COVID-19 Corona Virus Pandemic" |
"Do you get worried about the COVID-19 Pandemic? Even if you are safe and Locked Down? Even when none of your affiliates are a victim? Do you feel the feeling of when all this will get normal? Do you feel bouts of Headaches, Body Pains, Back and Neck Pains, Acidity, Gastric upset, Nausea and vomiting, Diarrhea and Vomiting? Mood swings, Anger outbursts, any small thing just pissing you off and triggering your SOMETHING inside that head?If YES, THIS ONE HOUR COURSE IS A GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU FOR YOUR BRIGHTER AND HEALTHIER AND HAPPIER FUTURE.Let's DREAM it, PREPARE for it, MAKE it and Stay WELL-PLANNED & Well-PREPARED for the so-called uncertain FUTURE.Anxiety is a routine reaction to any untoward incident taking place in our life. A small incident of not getting the desired supply of milk packet at home on time can also trigger anxiety and chain of thoughts about the consequences.COVID-19, i.e. Corona Virus Pandemic is a much bigger a threat to make us ANX.... The uncertainty associated with the disease, Hopelessness, Fear of Loss, Fear of the Future and much more.This course hence guides you through the two phases, The present Lockdown Phase, where ever around the world its applicable, What can be done to Cope with this fears during the Lockdown Phase and the Post-Lockdown Phase, what and how are we going to deal with the New World post-lockdown Phase. Scientists, Psychologists, Researchers, Historians, have already started predicting that the world will no longer be the same even after this Pandemic has passed its Peak Period, it will be prevalent for a long time and the society has to adapt the new rules in the new world.Join me and learn not only to Cope with this COVID-19 CORONA Virus Anxiety but also prepare yourselves for the future., just in 1 hour.Wishing you all a VERY HAPPY, HEALTHY, BRIGHT and PROMISING FUTURE Dr. Ashish Nagar PTNLP Wellness & Life CoachINDIAP.S.: Do not forget to follow the NLP Visualization Schedule to be loaded soon to help you Change the way you look at the world."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"International Trade Theory/Economics for University,Business" |
"This is the course of International trade theory/economics for universities and businesses. in this course, we will learn about gains from trade, trade patterns, trade surplus and losses. also. the balance of payments, exchange rate determination, economies of scale, imperfect competition, international trade, and factor movement. Each topic will cover in detail."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Machine Learning Desde Cero con Python" |
"Todo el mundo habla sobre Machine Learning pero Entendemos realmente lo que es? Cual son las bases? Como podemos crear nuestros propios algoritmos? Por que es importante conocerlo? En este curso te vamos a explicar los conceptos ms importante que debemos conocer sobre el Machine Learning de una forma prctica y divertida. Iremos avanzando poco a poco desde conceptos sencillos a aspectos ms complejos, para que seas capas de aprender de una forma fcil e intuitiva.El curso est pensando para que puedas aprender desde cero, sin necesidad de tener conocimientos previos sobre este mundo.El curso est estructurado de la siguiente forma:Programacin Bsica en Python, donde veremos los aspectos bsicos que debes manejar en Python para realizar el cursoManejo de Pandas, que nos ayudar a todo el proecesamiento de datos previo que necesitamos para entrenar a nuestros modelos de Machine LearningAprenders Numpy, Una librera muy empleada a la hora de trabajar con vectores y matrices en PythonIntroduccin al Machine Learning. En esta seccin de Introduccin comprenders por que es importante conocer esta tecnologa que este revolucionando el mundo y veremos ejemplos de aplicacinComo se construye un modelo de Machine Learning? Vers paso a paso lo que se necesita para que puedas crear tus Algoritmos de Machine LearningAprendizaje Supervisado, estudiaremos que es, como podemos usarlo e implementaremos un ejemplo desde cero usando PythonAprendizaje No Supervisado Veremos algunos de los mtodos mas empleados e implementaremos algunos ejemplos haciendo uso de libreras populares como Scikit LearnRedes Neuronales. En este modulo explicaremos que son las redes neuronales y como podemos implementarlas haciendo uso de librera populares como : TensorFlow ,Keras y Scikit Learn. Veremos adems un ejemplo real de como solucionar un problema de clasificacin en el sector de la moda, aplicando redes neuronales con TensorFlow.Aprendizaje Reforzado, Introduciremos los conceptos bsicos y veremos un ejemplo sencillo usando Grafos.Deep Learning, Veremos una introduccin bsica a que es Deep Learning e implementaremos nuestro primer ejemplo usando haciendo uso de redes neuronales convolucionales."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Xamarin Quest: Build Maintainable Apps with Xamarin and MVVM" |
"Hey,does this sentence sound familiar to you: I know that putting all the code in one place in Xamarin Forms is bad, but I'm not really sure how to develop apps using the MVVM pattern?If it does, you are not alone.That was exactly going through my mind in 2012, during my internship, while I was trying to implement MVVM pattern in one of the apps I had to develop. A colleague gave me a ""simple"" explanation of what MVVM is: ""you have a view, you have a model, and you have a view model. And data binding is data binding. Simple.""Yeah, I wish it were simple for me at that time.I knew that the code behind is bad, and just trying to put all the code in the same place will result in a big pile of mess. And that's exactly what's happened.Over the years, however, I have learned all there is to know about MVVM. I have built MVVM apps in WPF, Xamarin Forms, and iOS.That's why I created this course. To teach you what I know, so you don't have to spend years and years learning how to use MVVM in Xamarin Forms.This course will show you how to everything you need to know to start building Xamarin Forms MVVM apps.Throughout this course, you will see how to:Build applications with Xamarin Forms for both iOS and Android at the same timeAvoid complicated code with MVVM pattern by splitting UI from business logicSpend less time fixing bugs by learning how to unit test your appsGet real-life experience by building 3 real applicationsMake future changes easier and avoid tight coupling by using dependency injectionLearn the correct way to perform navigation in MVVMMaintain responsiveness of your app while performing network requestsPass data between view modelsTrigger animations from the view modelWith this course you get:Video lecturesGuideline how to build real-world Xamarin Forms apps using MVVMSource code of the completed appsBook with 81 Xamarin Interview QuestionsAfter you finish the ""Practical Guide for Building Business Apps in Xamarin Forms"" course, you will know how to build beautiful cross-platform apps.""Practical Guide for Building Business Apps in Xamarin Forms"" course comes with a 30 days money-back guarantee. If you don't like this course, just request a refund. No hard feelings. My goal is to make you a happy developer who will understand the MVVM, so you can actually use it and make the app development an easier process.With all that being said, click the enroll button and Ill see you inside!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"This practical course is designed for theatre directors and actors. This course describes algorithms for creating a postmodern theater performance. This course mainly explains theatre directing and acting. It is a practical course based on my own experience. I can state that by using this course one can quickly and efficiently overcome different development stages of the performance, and most importantly -not to miss some of them. So lets start and make a performance."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Nowadays, there is a wide of schools in modern society. People appreciate technological innovations as well as are interested in the educational ones. Thus, people expect some changes in the educational system. Heads of schools, teachers, and administrative personnel want to know what the modern education system should look like. Your competitors never sleep they are thinking how to improve their services and are trying to attract customers away from you; it is a natural process. How to be a leader? How to make right management decisions? This course explains it."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Kontrapunkt und Akkorde" |
"ENTDECKE den SCHLSSEL zum Verstndnis der mehrstimmigen Musik und zur Musiktheorie und berwinde deine Vorbehalte gegenber Kontrapunkt und Akkordlehre. DIESER KURS HILFT dir mit einer EFFEKTIVEN METHODE, einen umfassenden, tiefen Einblick in die Mehrstimmigkeit den Kontrapunkt und in die Akkorde zu gewinnen.Ein auergewhnlicher Kurs, der dich endlich die Regeln der mehrstimmigen Musik einfach und verstndlich entdecken lsst.Dieser Kurs ist anders als die blichen Musiktheorie-Kurse. Hier wird alles kompakt und wesentlich formuliert, es gibt keine Plauderei oder Leerlauf, alles ist logisch und systematisch aufgebaut, alles dient der Verstndlichkeit und Nachvollziehbarkeit. Du wirst hier die mehrstimmige Musik tief und grndlich und vor allem ganzheitlich verstehen, indem du ihre Krfte und ihre Spielregeln kennenlernst. All das wird sehr Praxis orientiert erklrt. Zahlreiche Infografiken, Animationen und Hrbeispiele zeigen einfach und verstndlich, wie alles aufgebaut ist und was du tun musst, um weiterzukommen. Die konkreten Regeln werden gleich in die Praxis Schritt-fr-Schritt umgesetzt, d. h., es wird gleich aktiv musiziert einfache Aufgabenstellungen machen dies mglichDas schafft eine Brcke zu den Regeln. In diesem Kurs sind alle Fhigkeiten und Informationen enthalten, die du zum erfolgreichen Erlernen des Kontrapunktes bentigst. Der Kontrapunkt ist eine einfache, praktische Methode wie du mehre Stimmen erstellen und fhren kannst. Ich mchte einfach, dass du so bald wie mglich selber mehrere Stimmen erstellen und fhren kannst und die Akkorde kreativ einsetzen kannst. Das ist nmlich das Ziel dieses Kurses: dass du aktiv mehrstimmige Musik machen kannst.Du wirst kaum eine andere Gelegenheit bekommen, den Kontrapunkt, Akkorde und den Tonsatz so einfach und umfassend zu erlernen. Die ausgezeichneten Erkenntnisse des sterreichischen Komponisten und Musiktheoretikers Johann Fux bilden die Grundlage dieser Methode, ""Kontrapunktlehre"" , wie sie in diesem Kurs vorgestellt wird. Dieses wertvolle Wissen ber mehrstimmige Musik wird dir mit diesem Kurs zugnglich gemacht. Am einfachsten und sichersten ist es die mehrstimmige Musik zu begreifen, indem du verstehst, warum sich die Stimmen auf bestimmte Weise verhalten welche Regeln und Krfte sie gestalten.Sobald du diese Konzepte verstanden hast, kannst du nachvollziehen, warum mehrere Stimmen und Akkorde auf ihre Art und Weise aufgebaut sind. Wenn du das weit, dann kannst du sogar deine eigenen Stimmen, sprich deine eigene mehrstimmige Musik erfinden! Egal, ob du schon einmal ber Akkordlehre gelernt hast oder gerade erst anfngst, dieser Kurs ist genau das Richtige fr dich.Dieser Kurs beinhaltet die wahrscheinlich einfachste und gleichzeitig effektivste Lernmethode ber den Kontrapunkt, die es auf dem Markt gibt.Dein musikalischer Erfolg liegt in deiner Hand. Starte jetzt mit dem Kurs!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Power BI Desktop & DAX - Zero To Hero - Intermediate Level" |
"Do you want to get up and running with Power BI and DAX in the shortest possible time? In this course you will learn how to build a dashboard off sample data. We will cover importing the data, formatting the data. Defining the relationships in the data model. We will create DAX measures to analyze every part of the business. We will then use these DAX measures in visuals to create a dashboard to analyze the performance of the company. In this course we cover what is used daily in real life, so we can get you up and running in the shortest possible time."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"3D Chess : Learn & Play Chess today" |
"Millions of people worldwide are playing chess game and millions are still dreaming of playing chess. This course will help people learning and playing chess game. In this course everything from basic , starting from chessboard, introduction of all the pieces, rules and moves of chess game are shared and explained in the form of video lectures. Then after completing it all some advanced version of lectures were added to completely understand what has been taught previously. Definitely anyone after taking this course can play the chess game. If the students focus on mouse cursor they even don't need audio/voice instruction to understand what is going on the screen. This course is designed in such a way that anyone who is taking this course can understand the game and start playing chess game as an expert just after completing this course."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
dowsing_foundation_jpn |
Price: 29.99 ![]() |