Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Italian for Travelers" |
"You are planning your trip to Italy and want to be able to pick up some Italian. You want to enjoy your vacation without worrying too much about being able to communicate your needs and your wants!Youve been told that Italian is difficult, and youll need hours of lessons.You have no clue where to get started.But you see the possibilities that come from being able to speak Italian during your dream vacation.You try using Duolingo.You try watching videos on Youtube.You fail miserably.None of these methods are result-oriented. None of these are quick and easy. None of these answer your questions.So you try some more you take courses at your community centre, committing for months, back and forth once a week to the class, just to learn a couple of things that might help you during your vacation like memorizing all the pronouns but not how to ask wheres the washroom please.Then you shift to one-o-one tutoring, that costs you almost as much as a one week all-included at the Aman Hotel in Venice.You fail at all of these you dont have time for endless lessons. You cant commit to a 6 months private tutoring.And you sit there, wondering: how can I save my time? How can I get what I need easily and quickly?You dont need to do this anymore. I have developed a system that takes away the need to study for hours and hours, the problem of learning a complicate grammar, the struggle with finding the right sentence to say.It literally takes you from subzero knowledge off Italian to conquer Italy in 6 easy steps.Introducing: Italian for Travelers, how to learn Italian and Thrive in Italy in 6 steps.My name is Lucilla and Im an Italian naturalized Canadian. I have learned two foreign languages and Im now learning a third one.Im a designer, a teacher, a mom, and someone with a passion for helping people learning.In more than 20 years, Ive helped hundreds of people to learn about a wide range of topics, from computer skills to languages.I know what you are thinking. It wont work for me because Im always been bad at languages, and if it was that simple, everyone would speak Italian. How is it different from learning on Duolingo or with Rosettas stone?Let me show you why this is unlike anything you have seen before.My program focus on learning the essential language skills for vacationing in Italy.Its been specifically designed to teach you useful sentences without over-complicating the topics.Its delivered in a live-style online class, with tasks to do and the teachers support.Other programs are not focused on travelling topics. They are not designed to deliver quick results and dont offer live support.This is whats included in this life-changing system:A 6-step framework:Step 1: Learning the Italian alphabet and letters sounds, so that you are able to pronounce words correctlyStep 2: Greetings and meeting people, so that you can introduce yourselfStep 3: Dining out, so that you can ask for a table, order your food and pay the billStep 4: Checking-in into a hotel or B&BStep 5: Travelling around Italy, so that you can buy bus and train tickets and pick up your rental carStep 6: Shopping, so that you can ask for prices, ask to try on clothingVideo lessonsCheat sheetsVocabularyActionsA private Facebook group that works as a virtual class.This group is a safe place to ask questions and practice your pronunciation. You'll be given weekly easy and fun tasks that are aimed to improve your listening and pronunciation skills.Once a week, I'll be online to answer your questions and help with your pronunciation."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Reiki Usui Ryoho - Nvel III & Mestrado" |
"Aprofunde sua compreenso da energia de cura, preparando-se para dominar seu prprio corao Divino. Voc receber a frequncia mais alta para a cura, passando da energia do aluno para a possibilidade de se tornar um Mestre / Professor de Reiki. Neste nvel, sero apresentados o smbolo do Mestre e a seus usos (alm de smbolos no tradicionais). Voc ter acesso aos protocolos das cerimnias de iniciao, aprender a preparar os alunos para a iniciao, assim como a si mesmo/a. Ter acesso a todo o material de apoio aqui e em nosso site, e aprender as tcnicas mais avanadas de Reiki.Por que fazer este curso?Todas as partes deste curso atendem aos mais altos nveis de integridade.Este currculo aprovado e reflete as melhores prticas.Curso Mestre Reiki completo e sem ressalvas.Voc recebe seus certificados assim que se finalizar o curso.Voc ter acesso a todo o material de apoio e apostilas de todos os nveis preparados por ns.Video-aulas concisas, mas cheias de informao e que so complementadas pela apostila.Vdeos demonstrativos do processo de iniciao para acompanhar o passo a passo descrito na apostila.Disponibilidade via mensagem/email/direct message para tirar suas dvidas.Este curso abrangente e detalhado. Com 3 horas de palestras em vdeo, uma apostila completa e vrios materiais extras para download. Voc ter as ferramentas necessrias para comear a usar o Reiki em si e na sua vida, bem como com outras pessoas no nvel pessoal e profissional.Ao contrrio dos cursos presenciais, voc pode dedicar o tempo necessrio para trabalhar com o material enquanto tem acesso contnuo para fazer suas perguntas. Voc tambm tem acesso vitalcio aos materiais do curso e a quaisquer atualizaes feitas.Ao contrrio de cursos on-line de Reiki que fornecem sintonizaes automticas para todos os alunos em um horrio definido, neste curso voc definir uma hora e uma data especficas para as iniciaes distncia que o seu instrutor executar especificamente com e para voc."
Price: 264.99 ![]() |
"Home Office - Evden Kurma ve Verimli alma Eitimi" |
"Geleceinizi grmek istiyorsanz, gemiinize bakmanz yeterlidir. nsanlar hayatnda olduu kadar iinde de ayn dorular yapmaya devam ettii kadar, ayn yanllar da yapmaya devam eder. Zaman deiir, teknoloji deiir, konfor ve i yap eklimiz deiir. Ancak insan yaratl ayndr, ayn kalr. Gemiiniz bu nedenle geleceinizdir. Sadece %3 orannda bir grup insan geleceini deitirecek ""KSEL DEVRM""ine cesaretle ve ak yreklilikle yol alrken, kalan %97 deiimi ve baary yakalayanlardan olabilmek iin ayn hatalar daha inatla, daha sklkla tekrarlamaya ve ayn duvara tekrar tekrar midini kaybetmeden kafasn vurmaya devam eder.Kiisel Devriminize hazr msnz? Hayatnz ve iinizi daha iyi yapmak iin attnz her adm Kiisel Devriminize atlm bir admdr.Teknolojinin, zamann gereklilikleri yzylmzda ok hzl deiirken, alglarmz, deerlerimiz, i yap ekillerimiz, yaantmz her ey beklentimizin zerinde bir hzla deiiyor.Daha yirmi sene nce ilk interneti niversitelerde duyarken artk evimizdeki tm cihazlar akllanmaya, internet her anmzda bilgi ve iletiim arac olmaya balad. Haberleme teknolojilerimiz, alveri eklimiz, deme, yeme ime, aile ilikilerimiz dahi bundan etkilenmeye balad.Daha nce sokak kesinde taksi bekleyip geen taksiye slk alarken artk cep telefonumuzdan tm dnyada taksi veyai uber arabiliyor, dilini bilmediimiz insanlarla, telefon uygulamalarmz sayesinde karlkl konuabiliyoruz.Gzel bir sz vardr. ""Deimeyen tek ey deiimin kendisidir."" diyor M. 535-475 yllar arasnda Efes'de yaam olan filozof Herakleitos. Ve deiime ayak uyduranlar ayakta kalr, daha gl deiimlerden karken, eskiler, eski alkanlklar deiimin tozlu sayfalarnda birer an olmaktan teye gidemez.alma ekillerimiz de youn trafik, pahal ofis maliyetleri, uzaktan yaplabilir i trleri, u an yaadmz salgn hastalklar gibi sebeplerle farkllamakta, halihazrda yeni baz meslek dallarnda kullanlan Home Office- Ev Ofis uygulamas daha da sektrler tarafndan tercih edilir hale gelmektedir. Kendimin de son dokuz ylda ev ofis eklinde almam, nelerin nemli olduu, neye dikkat edilmesi gerektii konularnda beni ciddi anlamda eitti. Bu sorunlar yaayarak renmi biri olarak tecrbelerimi ayn zorluklarla sizin karlamamanz iin paylamak istedim.Bu eitimimizde, size bir ev ofisin ne olduu, nasl kurulduu, biraz iin esprisini de dahil ederek avantaj ve dezavantajlar ile, yasal konularnda olabildiince bilgi vermeye alacam.Bu eitim sonunda alma eklinizi ev ofise dntrme gibi bir dnceniz varsa, aklnza taklan ana sorular cevaplam, size bir yol haritas izmi olma niyetindeyim.yi dersler dilerim."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Programa de Emagrecimento Funcional Em Casa Quarentena" |
"Programa de Emagrecimento Funcional Em Casa Na QuarentenaNesse programa de 4 semanas voc poder ter acesso ao treinamento das celebridades aplicado pelo personal trainer Enrico Massoni, onde buscaremos emagrecer e ganhar massa muscular por meio de exerccios simples e sem necessidade de equipamentos, com treinos curtos e eficientes para voc fazer em qualquer lugar.Para quem este curso:sobre pesoemagrecertreinar em casaperder peso"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
internshipinusa |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following network configuration options for a direct connection between two hosts?a) busb) Callc) stard) Fully connected (mesh)e) NoneQ) Which of the following types of data validation, editing controls are used to determine if the field contains data, not zeros or spaces?a) check digitb) the existence checkc) fullnessd) credibilitye) NoneQ) Which of the following tests, an auditor performs in various programs selected to determine if the original version and the same object?a) Substantial control of validation library programsb) A test library software compliance testc) A compiler checks the test programd) A significant test program compiler checkse) NoneQ) Data Manager is responsible for:a) maintain the system database software.b) definition of the data elements, data names and their relationship.c) development of physical structures of the database.d) Development of data dictionary software system.e) None"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA JK0-022 E2C Security + Compliance & Operational Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) In order to prevent and detect fraud, which are then implemented?multiple-choicea) rotationb) risk analysisc) CERTd) evaluation Officere) NoneQ) Which of the following risk mitigation strategies allow Anne, a security analyst, to enforce the principle of least privilege?a) Reviews user rightsb) CERTc) Risk-based managementd) Annual expected losse) NoneQ) Which of the following defines the business purpose of the system and acceptable data loss?a) MTTRb) Mean time between failuresc) RPOd) warm placee) NoneQ) The company decided to move large amounts of data to the cloud provider to limit the costs of new infrastructure. Some of the information is sensitive and the CIO will ensure both parties have a clear understanding of the controls needed to protect data. Which of the following types of contractual interaction of it?a) IS ANb) MOUc) SLAd) BPAe) None"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Essential Coding Interview Questions Java Edition" |
"Ready for your next big step? This course contains the essential information needed to prepare you for successfully passing coding interviews!Firstly, you will be introduced to the fundamental concepts which are becoming increasingly popular in the interviews conducted by software development companies, including giants such as Facebook and Google. By going through our training on pseudo-code, time and space notation, and many more topics you will enhance your knowledge on how algorithms work, how we compare them with each other and on what is expected from you in the interview itself. By testing your newly obtained knowledge with our carefully fine-tuned practical exercises, you will be able to gain a deep understanding of how to approach coding challenges and to outperform the expectations of your interviewer.Each of the practical exercises is accompanied by automatic tests for your submission, and explanatory video on how to approach the challenge. To fully benefit from the course content, we recommend completing all the challenges from the easy, medium to the hard ones. We look forward to you being able to tackle our most challenging problems!To increase your chances of getting your new dream job, we also included a bonus material. This material will give you tips on how to optimally approach the task of getting an interview, talking to recruiters and presenting yourself in the best light possible.We believe that with this comprehensive guide you will be able to revolutionize your career. Go forth and conquer!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ASO 2020 Posicionamiento de aplicaciones, los 12 pilares" |
"Los algoritmos de posicionamiento usados por las tiendas de aplicaciones son un secreto guardado bajo 7 llaves por lo que es imposible saber cul o cuales son los puntos prioritarios a la hora de posicionarnos. Lo que s sabemos es que cada vez son ms exigentes y que las suspensiones por Metadatos son una realidad. Por lo mismo he creado esta obra, que atiende todos los puntos que intervienen en el ASO, para optimizarlos y asegurar estar en los primeros lugares, de manera segura."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Advance Sales Analytics for Decision Making with Power BI" |
"According to Mckinsey in their report on Unlocking the Power of Data in Sales, they have identified that over 53 % of the High Performing sales organizations are those who are effectively using their data analytical skills to boost sales. They have used techniques like cross-selling opportunities or new customer analytics during the process. And we will do exactly the same in this course.The digital universe is expanding with the passage of every day and organizations or persons who have the ability to utilize data analytics skills will have a competitive advantage by responding to the business challenges more quickly, more rigorously, and more successfully than their competitors.This course is a perfect one-stop-shop for those of you who like to peruse a career in data analytics, business analytics, or Financial analysis. You will acquire practical skills that will turn you into a highly skillful talent which will be invaluable for your future career. Get excited as you have come to the right place at the right time.This is one of the few courses on this topic that will equip you for detailed insights into sales analytics where we will start from very basics like how to install Power BI getting data into Power BI, develop a relationship among tables. We look forward to having you on our course as we learn and explore the incredible power of Microsoft Power BI for:Specialized Sales Analytics InsightsProduct Insights, Customers Insights and Salespersons InsightsPrepare Sales BudgetsArtificial Intelligence of Power BI to extract insightsSpecialized scenarios related to sales and their respective solutions in Power BI.Discover real-life situations like cross-selling opportunities and new customer analyticsBasic to Advanced DAX calculationsMeasure BranchingWhat if Parameter in ReportsGrouping TechniquesThe virtual relationship among tablesUse of variables in DAXHarness the real analytical power behind Power BIDevelop high-quality reporting solutionsProduce comprehensive insights that really create valueUsing Custom visualizations and themesThe course material includes:45 video lectures of more than 4 hours10 PBIX (Power BI) files7 PDF lectures1 PDF file of all DAX functions2 specialized txt codes1 Dataset in excel1 JSON filesWho this course is for:Business, finance and sales professionals who want to extract insights from sales dataStudents who want to pressure career as data analytics, business or financial analystExcel users who want to learn how to create professional reports in Power BI related to sales."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to FortiManager - Central Management Suite" |
"Welcome to Introduction to FortiManager course. Join me in this course to learn the best practices for deploying and managing multiple Fortigate firewalls using FortiManager central management suite,In this course we will learn how to deploy FortiManager virtual machine in the cloud using AWS EC2Then we will master each section of the FortiManager configuration such as device management where we can add firewalls to our management and configure them remotelyCreating and managing Administrative domains, which is useful for large organizations looking to segregate multi tenancy devicesCreating and managing firewall policies for multiple fortigates from one console. Leverage shared object database and remote installations for all your security infrastructure.Manage firmware level on your Fortigates and automate upgrades and downgrades,Using global policies to create common used firewall rules or company-standard policies to be applied to all our Fortigate, also can be helpful for regulatory or compliance rules that need be applied to multiple devices at once.Configuring local update server for our fortigates with the ability to roll back and automate security updatesAnd finally Converting FortiManager to FortiAnalyzer for log aggregation and security incidents management join me in this course If you want to master FortiManager skills and best security practices."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Executive Coaching." |
"Have you always wanted to make a difference through your experience and insights? Have you always wanted to help others' succeed in their personal and professional lives through Coaching and didn't know where to start? If you answered yes to these questions, then this course is for you. Through this course you will learn what coaching is and what it is not. You will know and distinguish between different types of Coaching. You will also understand about Coaching's accreditation.You will get started on formulating your own leadership coaching program. You will learn the know how's of coaching and learn how to communicate better. If you are a manager, you will be able to learn the techniques of coaching your employee better. If you are a leader, you will know and understand the importance of motivating and coaching other leaders and wannabe leaders. Coaching is a multi-billion dollar industry. Even successful leaders and successful companies World-over employ Coaching as a tool to grow their revenue. In this course, you will learn how to serve your clients and customers better. Moreover, as a business leader of the twenty-first century, you will understand the importance of cross-cultural collaboration, communication and Interdependence. You will understand that there is a huge ROI (return on investment) on your investment in coaching. How? The positive impact of Coaching will help foster engaged and motivated employees. Which will lead to higher revenues. As an Individual, you will learn why Coaching is essentially Self-Coaching. You will also learn how to inspire others through your leadership. In essence, you will get spurred on a journey to teach, motivate and inspire others.Course Highlights:1) Downloadable videos with soulful music!2) Exercise Files,3) In most cases, word-per-word transcripts of lectures,4) and videos that recapitulate salient features of our course! "
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"My SQL for ABSOLUTE beginners! [April 2020 Edition]" |
"MySQL is one of the most used and go to database for pretty much all the web developer who pick PHP, PEARL or Python without a second thought..MySQL is the most popular open source database in the world - write queries, create reports at will, build web applications, incorporate MySQL as the database layer - make your development dreams a reality by taking this course and putting a check mark next to your growing development skill set.The MySQL development project has made its source code accessible under the terms of the GNU General Public License, as well as under a diversity of proprietary agreements. MySQL was owned and sponsored by a solitary for-profit firm, the Swedish corporation MySQL AB, now owned by Oracle Corporation.Why Are You Choose MySQL :Because of its exclusive storage engine architecture MySQL performance is very high.Supports large amount of embedded applications which makes MySql very supple.I hope that this training will be valuable to you, to put into practice the knowledge gained in this course, to your dream project."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Flowery shoes gouache painting" |
"Welcome to class! Bienvenue!I love painting flowery shoes, these are my most popular posts on Instagram, and due to popular demand, here is the class to paint yours! The class is accessible to all levels, I will detail step by step instructions.First we will sketch the drawing, you can draw directly or trace, as shown in class. Ive taken some reference photos for you, they are in the resource section.Then we will paint the background, and I will give you different examples of background you can make. Then we will paint the legs, and finally the flowers!I hope youll have fun painting this with me!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Arrays in PHP [Exercises]" |
"This course assumes that you already have basic knowledge and basic experience in using arrays in PHP. This course includes more than 40 coding exercises organized into separate topics, including the following: Simple Arrays, Associative Arrays, Multidimensional Arrays, Arrays Sorting, The list Construct, and Arrays Standard Functions. Each coding exercise includes code the student needs to complete its missing parts, and submit. Taking this course, if you feel that you would like to have more exercises at a specific level about a specific topic please don't hesitate and let us know. We will take your needs into account when working on the next version. If you encounter an exercise you fail to complete and have difficulties understanding its solution please let us know and we will prepare a video that explains that specific exercise and its solution. If a video already exists and you still need more explanations please don't hesitate and let us know so we could improve the video that already exists or prepare another one. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
hakalauhealing |
Price: 7200.00 ![]() |
"User Story Mapping Workshop - Scrum Product Owner" |
"About this classDid you realize how difficult is to visualize the product as a whole when working with a typical Flat Product Backlog?A solution is User Story Mapping. A user story map is a simple idea, is about arranging user stories into a helpful shape. User Story mapping are used by top companies of any industries to visualize goals with activities and agree fast on how to achieve them with minimum versions of the product.This workshop will guide you step by step with a realistic example that you can also follow with your own project.If you have no knowledge about User stories, don't worry, we will start by writing user stories, apply formats for acceptance criteria, understand the different sizes of user stories and split the stories to the right size using proven techniques and approaches. You will see many examples of how to apply these techniques. ""Excellent course! As the co-founder of StoriesOnBoard, I'm so excited to see our product in your class."" by Sndor Szab. Head of product & co-founder at StoriesOnBoardWhat you will learn?PersonaProduct VisionElevator PitchUser Stories:Why the Product backlog is perishableWhat are User Stories?Different Sizes of User StoriesWhat is the Acceptance criteria?Formats to write the Acceptance CriteriaSplit User Stories with Divide and conquer techniqueCreate good User Stories based on INVEST.Guidelines to Split storiesSplit User Stories with SPIDR approachDefinition of ReadyUser Story Mapping:Flat Product Backlog vs. User Story MappingUser Story Mapping, goals, activities, cardsAdding Personas to User Story MappingPrioritize with Story MappingDefine MVP and ReleasesWhat you will you create?In this workshop you will create a complete User Story Mapping for a realistic example, for your own project or both.A PersonaThe Product VisionThe Product elevator pitchWrite User stories, split them and write acceptance criteriaCreate the definition of Ready for your team using a templateA Product BacklogA complete refined User Story Mapping with goals, activities, users and cards.Define the MVP for your product and releasesThis course is specifically for:People familiar with Agile, Scrum and User Stories who want to improve and learn new techniquesPeople that have problems orgranizing the Product Backlog and planning releases and roadmapsPeople that like a activities and workshop styleBusiness people, managers that want to lean how Agile would help themProduct Owners, Product Managers, Leaders, Designers, UX, Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches.Developers, Project Managers, Business Analysts, Solution Architects, Enterprise Architects, Data Base Administrators and basically anyone interested in learning more of Agile.This course is not suitable for:People with no knowledge of Scrum, Agile. Please start with my course: Agile & Scrum in Depth: Guide, Simulation and Best Practices People who want a method to write detailed requirements and comprehensive documentation. This technique is more about talking than writing.People that want to take certifications.Why taking the class? What you will gain?Skills for creating, spliting and managing great user stories.Become more effective in planning your sprints, roadmaps and interact with stakeholders and developers.Skills to create User Story mappingTips to facilitate a User Story Mapping SessionA Story Mapping for your own Products.Interaction and exposure for using one of the best toolsThis class can always be improved, so if you have any topic that you would like to know more, please let me know so I can see to include it in this class or in future courses.What are you waiting? Start this course now :)About meHi my name is Ignacio.I led, coached, led and managed Agile projects and scrum teams since 2005 for customers all over the world.During my career of intensive learning I got many scrum certifications including Certified Scrum Professional Scrum Master, Professional Product Owner and Certified Agile Leadership which are very difficult to achieve.I worked 15 years as a Professor for Agile Methodologies and Systems design.I love to teach Agile and Scrum and I designed a lot of hours of training that I am bringing online. I prefer to teach with games and activities that can simulate the real world.I trained hundreds of students in Agile that became top professionals in the industry. Teaching what I learned in my 20 years of experience allows the students to gain realistic learning that they can apply at work.----Customer Testimonials: ""It was exactly what I was looking for. The instructor is very good at teaching."" ""The course is really nice. Specially the material, i can instantly try out what is being taught in the courses."" ""Very simple & have given the best understanding in less than 30 mints. Keep adding more courses. You are simply awesome !"" ""Yes, Simple and eye opening."" ""Course contents were very systemic and easy to understand. I will say that course is suitable between beginner and intermediate level people."" ""Definitely taught from someone who knows the topic well."" ""Shows with great skill the concepts and how to create user stories correctly and also makes use of a very interesting application to work with this methodology."" ""Enjoyed the well designed crisp course. Instructor explained the user story mapping process amazingly using practical example. Thank you to the course providers. Thank you Udemy."""
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Piano Readiness for the young beginner. (4-8 years old)" |
"Parents are often hesitant to invest in long term tuition and expensive instruments before knowing if their child has the aptitude for music or will enjoy lessons. This assessment course takes the child and parent through the beginning stages of what is required in order to learn how to play the piano. If your child can successfully manage this course and enjoys it, then this will give you the positive encouragement to keep going. You will be able to determine, after working through each section, whether your child has grasped each new concept and is ready to learn the language of music."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn & Master in Photoshop in HINDI with Dharmendra" |
"Vfx Multimedia School practical, innovative courses will give you the skills youneed to master your craft.With tailored programmes ranging from 2 days to 2years, well teach you how to blaze a trail in todays rapidly changing world ofdigital design. Dont lock yourself into a lengthy degree - our hands-on, targetedcourses will get you where you want to go in half the time.Taught by designers, for designers, using the latest industry standard equipment,Vfx Multimedia School will even help you get a great job.Build technical skills and watch your ideas come to life at Vfx Multimedia school ."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"COACHING THE SCRUM IN RUGBY UNION - Welcome to this Udemy course, created to provide practical tips and strategies for all levels of rugby coaches. Use these skills and ideas to give your training sessions more purpose, intent and increased levels of detail. The main reason for creating this courses is to share resources, plans, ideas and literature around coaching science and theory in rugby union. The course aims to stimulate debate, present alternative methods of coaching over the traditional methods and to share my ideas.Join 600+ students from the TASTER COURSE who have already used the strategies to influence their coaching philosophy. Take a look at the some of the 5 feedback from these coaches... - Sam P. - Ian R. - Nick S.InstructorSteven Neville is the instructor. He is a professional scrum coach applying his trade in the English Championship.The Full Course The course is separated into three main sections or modules. The What, The When and The How. Each module is designed to give an insight on how I have interpreted the latest in training process, coaching science and program design. In no way am I claiming to know all the answers, but I am happy to share my experiences and knowledge on this specialised subject area. Some of the sections within the course include: 1. Tactical Periodisation 2. Scrum Principles 3. Methodology 4. Scrum Basics 5. Preseason/Inseason Planning 6. Weekly Planning 7. Session Planning 8. Exercise Design 9. Questioning 10. Feedback All the strategies, coaching tools and coaching tips are applicable for coaches of all levels. If you have any questions or want to ask about any of the content presented on the courses, please send me a message at any time. Don't forget to also follow my Twitter and connect on Linkedin for further content & information."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Research Methodology" |
"The course will help individual to carry out Research work from basic concept of research to complete step by step process of Research Development . It is consisting of Concept & Type of Research, Problem framing & formulation , Hypothesis , Various research methods, Sampling , Data Source - Primary & Secondary methods explanation , Observation in detail , Data processing & its tool, Data Analyzing methods, Data Interpretation and Research writing that includes Proposal development and in detail research Report writing and contents."
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Managing Remote Teams" |
"Managers often find themselves leading teams digitally, but are not often given the tools for how to lead remotely. This course covers practical and affective tools and processes for remote team leadership and management, taught by a Professor of Strategic Management with more than 20 years of experience on remote working teams. "
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Become a Top Agile Agent" |
"This is an Agile introduction class especially for recruitment consultants to help you become the best, most knowledgeable agents in the industry. The course covers the following areas:ENHANCE YOUR PROFILE: Establish greater kudos in bringing the right Agile candidates and clients together.TALK THE TALK: Gain knowledge of the different aspects of Agile in context including; terminology, background and purpose.TECHNIQUE OVERVIEW: What is Scrum? What is Kanban? What is SAFe? What are the different roles in Agile?BECOME AN AUTHORITY: Truly understand the needs of the client, building confidence and empowerment to challenge back on misunderstandings.Ultimately get more deals!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Creatividad para no creativos" |
"Un curso bsico de creatividad para quienes no se sienten creativos, pero quieren serlo (o necesitan serlo) y para quienes estn comenzando estudios en alguna carrera profesional vinculada a la creacin. El objetivo de este curso es demostrar que todos las personas son creativas y que al creatividad es algo de nuestro diario vivir."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"What to Do Before, During & After Your Online Course Begins" |
"I have created this online course to assist educators at all levels on ""How to Really be Successful with Online Teaching: What to Do Before, During & After Your Online Course Begins"". It is quite possible in fact to capture and focus students attention on whats important - namely learning the content you present before them. In short ""Teach Smarter Not Harder""! You will Learn how to Teach Smarter Not Harder! Teaching todays student at the college level requires effort that includes forethought and planning on the part of the instructor. You will Learn how to Teach Smarter Not Harder!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Wattie Karate - Yellow Belt Course" |
"This course contains introductory technique and basic information on Karate, that the average student is able to learn (reasonably well) in their first 2-3 months of classes in the dojo. This program helps you learn the basics of Karate, in technique, kata, terms and some basic foundational items. Doing your very best every time you practice, while going a reasonable (slow) speed is the way to success!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Sing Perfect by Ed Sheeran" |
"In this course, you will learn how to sing ""Perfect"" which is a Pop song by English singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran from his third studio album, (2017). It was recorded in 2016 and released on 26 September 2017. The song topped the US Billboard Hot 100 Chart in December 2017 and has approximately 2.3 Billion Views on Youtube. Customised vocal exercises have been specially tailored to help you sing this song successfully, which allows you to be a master at it! Have fun learning!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SOACP : Service Technology Concepts Practice Exams(S90.02B)" |
"Service Technology ConceptsThis exam focuses on modern service technologies, models, and concepts that have established de facto implementation mediums for building contemporary services-based solutions. Also covered are fundamental terms, concepts, and models pertaining to cloud computing and cloud-based services.The following primary topics are covered: Comparing Service Implementation Mediums Service Roles and Service Agents Message Exchange Patterns and Service Activities Basic XML, XML Schema, JSON and JSON Schema Concepts HTTP Methods, Response Codes, and Headers Basic REST Service Concepts, including Properties and Constraints REST Services, Contracts, Resources, and Messaging Hypermedia and Late Binding Basic WSDL and SOAP Concepts WS-* Technologies Web Service Contracts, Messaging, and Registries Cloud Computing Concepts Vertical and Horizontal Scaling Multitenancy, Elasticity, and Resiliency On-Demand Usage, Ubiquitous Access, and Measured Usage Public, Private and Hybrid Clouds IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft PowerPoint - Magic PowerPoint" |
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Price: 3799.00 ![]() |
"The Introvert Leader's Challenge" |
"Calling all leaders or managers who struggle with self-confidence! This is a course for introvert leaders, by an introvert leader, on how to overcome the insecurity and fear that is holding you back from leading with confidence. It is not a course on how to lead. Rather it is a course for introverts who are in leadership roles or considering a leadership role. This course will help you discover and craft your leadership identity and then implement a strategy for using it to grow in leadership confidence."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Kids Anxiety Toolkit" |
"With anxiety and stress on the increase it is likely your child will need some support getting through a challenging time in their life. Maybe they worry excessively, have low self confidence, struggle to manage their big emotions, or they find lifes challenges just too much. As parents we can often feel overwhelmed and at a loss as to how we can best support our children. This is where I can help.My holistic approach focuses not only on giving your child practical strategies and tools, which they can use anywhere they find themselves feeling challenged. I also work with you, as their parent, to integrate these tools into their everyday, making family life easier for everyone. My bespoke approach integrates a variety of techniques from behavioural strategies to mindfulness and mindset shifting."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |