Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Cisco CCNA exam 200-301" |
"Welcome to the Cisco CCNA exam 200-301: Practice TestsThis exam is valid for the Cisco CCNA exam 200-301The course contains 2 practice tests, timed to 150 minutes and passing score adjusted at 90% Questions are very similar to the real exam.You have the chance to mark questions for review, saved and skip questions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Abiturkurs Mathematik" |
"Befindest du dich kurz vor dem Mathematik Abitur? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das richtige fr dich. Es werden alle wichtigen Themen des Mathematik Abiturs (Analysis, analytische Geometrie und Stochastik) wiederholt. Zahlreiche Beispiel- und bungsaufgaben stellen sicher, dass du den Stoff verstehst und Abituraufgaben lsen kannst.Neben den Videos wird auch ein Skript bereitgestellt, das den gesamten Stoff des Kurses enthlt. In diesem Skript kannst du spter beim ben von Abituraufgaben nachschauen, wie bestimmte Aufgabentypen gelst werden."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ONLINE KMYA - Asit - Baz Dengesi Detayl Konu Anlatm" |
"Bu kursta Asit ve Bazlarda Denge konusu zel ders formatnda anlatlmtr. retmen konuyu mfredat dahilinde ayrntl bir ekilde anlatrken, nemli soru tiplerini seerek belirli renme hedeflerini gerekletirmitir. Konuda en temel soru tiplerinden en zorlayc soru tiplerine kadar rnekler zlmtr. Bu kursta yzeysel bir konu anlatm deil konuyu btn detaylar ile retmek amalanmtr. Bu nemli ierie ulaarak Asit ve Bazlarda Denge konusunu her yn ile renmi olacaksnz."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Raciocnio Logico Matemtico" |
"Neste Curso, trabalho a parte inicial de noes de lgica. A lgica proposicional ou lgebra das proposies muito cobrada em questes de concurso, dentro de raciocnio lgico.Se voc vai prestar concurso para rea fiscal, espero poder te ajudar. Veja exemplos concursos que cobram esse contedo: TCU TCM-RJ REA FISCAL AUDITOR FISCAL TJ - RJ TJ TJ-SP"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-997 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Architect Prof" |
"The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 2019 Architect Professional exam (1Z0-997) exam is designed for individuals who possess strong enterprise knowledge in architecting using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services. This certification validates advanced concepts of OCI services to control infrastructure, such as but not limited to: High Availability and Disaster Recovery, Data Migration, Network Connectivity, Monitoring, Data Retention, Storage and Databases. This certification is available to all professionals that were previously passed the OCI Architect Associate Exam."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SAA-C02 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2020" |
"Updated 09th August 2020 - Added latest Practice Exam based on recent student feedback and resultSAA-C02 - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam Fully update with latest certification exam question and answers and include all latest topic of SAA-C02 exam including Amazon FSx, High Performance Computing, Amazon Aurora, AWS Global Accelerator, AWS Organizations, AWS Resource Access Manager, AWS Database Migration Service and AWS DataSync.If you are new to AWS and preparing for SAA-C02 exam or have given exam recently and failed because of practicing some other old practice test please try our fully updated and verified practice test and we ensure you that this practice test will help you to to pass your real exam with good score.We will be reviewing and updating practice test regular by adding more updates if available.Also for any reason if you are not happy with product or our practice test don't help you to pass exam we offer 30 days Money back Guarantee.Most of the question have added reference link and explanation for better understanding on correct answers.Latest and verified 6 Practice Test containing total 367 Questions and Answers CLOSET to real exam."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"COBIT 5 Foundation Certification 2020 - Practice exam" |
"Obtaining the Foundation level demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of the COBIT 5 guidance, principles and models. Candidates will be able to:Gain a holistic understanding of the governance and management of an organizations internal information systems and technologyProvide top management with an overview of current IT enterprise findings, identifying key problem areas of improvementRecommend improvements, by implementation aspects of COBIT 5Keep in mind the following:Time is the essenceThe devil is in the details"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Solidity Smart Contract Fundamental-Etheryum&BlockChain" |
"Kursumuzda1. Solidity Programlama Dilinin Temel Ve leri Kavramlar2. Trufle Framework ve Ganache Nasl Kullanlr3. Remix'i evrimii IDE Olarak Kullanma4. Blockchain'in Temelleri5. Metamask' Ethereum Czdannz Olarak Kullanma6. Kendi Tokenmz Oluturma ve Datma Etheryum blok zincirinin temellerini reneceiz. Akll szlemelerimizin yaratlmasnda ana Metamask'a hakim olmann yan sra kendi kiisel czdanlarmz nasl oluturulacan greceiz. Solidity dilinin temel ve ileri kavramlarn inceleyeceiz. Kendi akll szlemelerimizi nasl oluturabileceinizi ve bunlar Remix'te annda test edebileceinizi derinlemesine reniyoruz. Metamask' Ethereum czdannz olarak nasl kullanacanz reneceiz. Ayrca, sanal blok zinciriniz olan SolidWorks ve Truffle Framework + Ganache ile kendi DApp'inizi nasl gelitirebileceimizi ve gelitirme ortamnz oluturmann doru yolunu ele alacaz. Sadece dinleyen deil, gerek uygulama ile materyali daha iyi anlamanza yardmc olacak devleriniz olacaktr. Bu kursu bitirdikten sonra Solidity, Ethereum ekosistemi ve akll szlemeler oluturmaya can atacaz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Comment choisir le meilleur nom de domaine et un hbergement" |
"Le but de cette formation est de vous enseigner les secrets des extensions de noms de domaine, de vous aider trouver l'inspiration pour choisir le nom de domaine qui ira parfaitement avec votre projet, mais aussi les piges viter lorsque vous rserverez votre nom de domaine.Je vous aiderais aussi choisir le serveur qu'il vous faut pour hberger votre site : Quelle configuration matrielle choisir, comment reconnaitre un hbergeur fiable, comment grer votre serveur...etc.Pour qui est cette formation :Cette formation s'adresse aux personnes qui souhaitent raliser un projet sur Internet et qui ne savent pas quel hbergement choisir ni comment faire pour rserver un nom de domaine.Avertissement :Cette formation ne vous apprendra pas configurer votre serveur pour y mettre votre site, ni le scuriser. Ceci fera l'objet d'autres formations"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Conversational Italian 1: Master Spoken Italian (Beginners)" |
"Would you like to finally be able to speak Italian? Have you taken normal Italian courses and been bombarded with Italian grammar?This conversational Italian class focuses on learning the language and speaking the language, rather than learning the grammar. After all, the goal of learning a language is to be able to speak right? That's why, this course will have you speaking Italian from the very first lesson. As a college language professor, I love languages. I want to share this beautiful language with the world and help people all around the globe learn Italian. This course is designed for people who want to learn to speak Italian and who like a conversational approach to language learning.WHY IS THIS COURSE UNIQUE?Each lesson is designed like a conversation between me and you, simulating a real-life interaction.Each unit has a vocabulary summary with all of the key words from that unit.All the vocabulary is words you will actually use while in Italy, no useless phrases and sentences, like you may encounter in other courses.This carefully-constructed course slowly teaches you key phrases by building on small sentences. At the beginning of the course, you will learn how to say hello, introduce yourself, and ask questions about personal details. By the end of the course, you will be able to purchase tickets at museum, purchase clothing in Italian, and event check in/check out at a hotel.As with all my courses, you can purchase this course risk free with my 30-day money back guarantee.Go ahead and click ""Register"". You have nothing to lose and so much to learn from this course.I look forward to getting to know you and working with you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn clear English conversation for fun, work, and travel!" |
"This course is for English speakers who want to improve their conversation,clarity,accent, communication skills,pronunciation and phrasing when speaking English.THIS IS NOT A 'LEARN ENGLISH' COURSE.NO, IT IS A TALKING, LISTENING AND COPYING COURSE.You will listen to me, copy me and talk with me trying to make similar sounds to me.This way you will understand how English sounds when spoken by a native with a neutral or 'non-geographic' accent.The learning takes place as you listen and speak. It's a gentle process - a conversation,not a strict educational series of lessons.One student said 'thanks for your effort but i dont benefit from the live confersation because it is boring and repeating the same sentence.' PLEASEnote that this course IS about repeating the same phrase so don't take the course if you don't like repeating phrases.Please don't enrol if you are looking for language lessons, this is a conversation.PLEASE NOTE YOU CAN CHANGE THE SPEED OF PLAYBACK ON UDEMY SO IF IT'S TOO FAST OR TOO SLOW FOR YOU PLEASE ALTER THE SPEED TO SUIT YOU BEST.I'll show you things that are not in the normal books!But first let me tell you there is a 30-day money back guarantee so there's no risk. If you don't like the course I'll refund every penny without question.This is backed up by Udemy.Why take thiscourse? Communicatingbetter will surely...get you a better jobhelp you do betterin businesshelp in social setting especiallywhen you travelhelp you be understood betterallow you to get closer to local people through languagehow to speak fluent 'everyday English'But I'm NOT teaching you English language as suchbecause you can already speak English.I'll show you which part of the word to emphasise, when to go up or down in pitch, how to pronounce words better, and many other communication tricks to help you engage your listener and get them to trust what you say.What's in it for you?Hopefully they will offer you that well-paid job or contract you are seekingYour business will work better with improved communicationYou will have more fun travelling with better EnglishYou will be understood betterYou will get to know people better with higher skillsThis course is probably NOT for native speakers of English who have lived for generations in the US, UK, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa or any other naturally English speaking country - unless you feel you wish to change/reduce your accent!ButI guess if you wanted to change the way you speak for any reason you would have already done it.This communication and pronunciation course is for people who can speak English already. If you don't yet speak English please go and learn first then return here for the finishing touches.It is for people who want a job or to do business that needs good spoken English to help you progress.For example, if you wanted to work for Google Analytics and you live in New Delhi this course is perfect for you. I recently had to speak to two guys on a certain helpline; the first had such a strong accent I could not understand what he was telling me so I had to ring off and try again with someone different who had a much clearer accent and I could work with him.I didnt report this but some people would have and the guy with the heavy accent might have had a tough time, I dont know.If you speak English as a second languageand need to communicate well with a buyer in the US or the UK, the deciding factor could be your accent as you speak English- a potential client may be put off if they find it hard to understand what you are saying.I have a French friend who always apologises for his accent when he speaks English. He is embarrassed about his accent and many people cant understand him except on email!Another example - I buy harmonicas from Shanghai and the two factories I buy from each have a contact I speak to. They both speak good English but one has a very strong Chineseaccent and the other doesn't.I buy twice as many harmonicas from the guy with not much accent because I feel I can work with him and get what I need better.When the order comes in it is what I ordered - but the order from the other guy usually is not what I think I ordered. That is why you might do better if your accent is improved.Or if you want to become a member of air crew on Virgin Atlantic/Jetstar Airlines or whatever you would stand a better chance of landing the job if you had very clear English I believe.So come and join me and see if it works for you.BenUdemy reviews:Great way to learn how to actually speak in a way that is is understandable to English native speakers . The very clear emphasis on pronunciation and the actual mouth movements is very helpfulthe course is good for anyone do not know anything about language .. i hope there will be extra courses in high levelsI thought it was very helpful, showing so many different ways of saying things. it was very clear and easy to follow.Very interesting approach to pronouncing good english for people who know grammar and vocabulary etc but who may not yet have a facility with sounds ( as their own language sounds so very different )Fabulous course, very helpful for everyone wanting to hear the sound of each word more clearly and to be able to say each word, in a way that is easily understood. Ben makes it fun, he uses a slow delivery so that it is easy to follow and encourages you to keep repeating the words. He uses phases that are used in everyday life, in the Uk. He helps you to understand the different meanings of the same word, depending on how you say it.Enjoyed the course very much and would definitely recommend it - the teacher was engaging and personable and very clearIt was useful and interesting.I like it.Great course. Very clear and nice demonstrations on how the words sound. The pace is good and easy to follow. Very useful.The video isn't a lesson.not usefulPlease note:Comedy sketch about learning English - courtesy of BBC and youtube, just for fun - not commercial.If you are the copyright holder and would like this removed please contact or call 07073 284366"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Business Writing: Proposals, Copywriting, Editing + More" |
"Welcome to the brand new business writing course from Eazl and bestselling online instructor, Davis Jones! Version 1.1 is Fresh as of April 2020!Be able to communicate your ideas, impress your clients, and persuade your colleagues!""After taking this course you'll be able to deliver information unambiguously, foster better working relationships, and achieve many professional goals at a faster pace."" -Carlos P.""The messages come alive with the animations"" -Enoch A.Whether you are writing an email to a colleague or a proposal for a client, you need to be able to communicate clearly. Employers need employees with strong written communication skills and, in a world where a majority of interactions happen online, your writing skills are often your main points of contact with other professionals. The skills you will learn in this course are both scarce and in-demand.Do you want to make sure that your ideas are not lost because of poor writing quality? Do you need to speak on behalf of an organization and make sure you keep your readers trust? Do you need to convert potential clients into paying clients? Are you hoping to be a manager one day? If so, you need do you know how to organize your ideas and write about them effectively.In this course, youll learn how to write:ProposalsData ReportsSales or Marketing CopyProduct and Service DescriptionsStrategic RecommendationsEvent DescriptionsAnnouncementsPress ReleasesResearch PapersEssays and Academic PapersPromotional Video ScriptsWhite PapersArguments and Position Papers...and more.Write Like a ProYou need to know how to communicate effectively and efficiently. After taking this course and applying what youve learned, youll be able to reduce the amount of time that it takes you to write high-quality, impactful content by 50 to 90%.Something that used to take you a week to write will now take you two hours.Something that used to take you two hours to write will now take you 20 minutes.Next time someone important asks you to send them something in writing, you wont have to worry about it--youll know how to get it done quickly and skillfully.Award-Winning Production Quality & Tons of ResourcesI love the efficient presentation method. Dario D.I like how Eazl fits very important discussions into small chunks of video I believe that this helps me absorb the information and stay more alert than a traditional, long tutorial video might. Robert B.In this course, you will learn how to:write impactful sentencesorganize your ideasback your ideas up with researchturn ideas into outlineswrite first drafts of your piecesformat your documents so they look great and send clear messagesproofread your writingYoull also learn business writing skills while using Google Docs, the cloud-based production software used by more than 4 million organizations around the world.Not only that, you will meet a group of experts--each of them with a unique professional background that involves writing--who will give you their tips and viewpoints on issues that you will face when you write for business purposes.Justin, an Eazl student, said he thought the interviews were awesome in his five star review of Eazls courseware.The whole learning experience in Business Writing: One Pattern, Infinite Applications is engineered for you to be able to successfully communicate at work and in the real world. This course will help you make progress on your career goals.Become an Eazl Scholar and Prove Your Skills to Employers and Clients (Optional)Completion certificates are losing their power in the marketplace as more and more online educators offer them but dont require any demonstration of learning in exchange. In order for your continuing education efforts to be meaningful, you need to begin focusing more on exercising and proving your skills.If you choose to pursue scholarship through Eazl, you can optionally earn verifiable Skills Badges, which will enable you to prove your skills to employers and/or clients. You can learn more about this opportunity through links in the course.Smart Professional, Employers, and Non-Native English Speakers will Love this CourseLinkedIn recently used their massive amount of data to find the most in-demand soft skills in the world, and they found that persuasion and collaboration are 2 of the top 3 most in-demand skills. Youll develop those skills and many other communication-related skills in this course.If youre a student or someone whos self-employed, youll love this course. For example, Maran B. said that, As a student and stay-at-home mom looking to get back into the workforce after a few years, this course really helped me.If youre an employer, having one of your employees take this class is a great way to affordably skill up your team--Tesla, Apple, and the World Bank are just a few of the employers that already use Eazl Courseware.If youre a non-native English speaker, youll love this course. For example, Sirin T. told said that, as a German college student, I really suffer from not having enough hands on information to know about how companies actually work. in his five star review of Eazl courseware.----------------------------------------------------------------------We always work to keep this course's content fresh for you. Here are a list of upgrades:Version 1.1 (Published on May 11, 2020)Added a new lecture centered around Google Docs formatting features. Thanks for helping us out with this, Saket!"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"NIEUW! Leer ALLES van.... ZOOM!" |
"In een tijd waarin organisaties en personen steeds meer overgaan om digitaal met elkaar in contact te treden is er n aanbieder die er uitspringt: ZOOM!Door de concurrenten verguisd, maar ZOOM bied meer! Meer gebruiksgemak, meer veiligheid, meer oor voor de klantenwensen. En meer veiligheid!ZOOM is zeer snel te gebruiken op een simpele manier. Maar daarin schuilt ook een keerzijde. Door het verspreiden van een simpele link wordt de deur wagenwijd opengezet voor ongenode gasten, met alle gevolgen van dien...Zoom heeft echter tal van mogelijkheden standaard ingebouwd om deze ongenode gasten buiten de deur te houden. Wij nemen graag de taak op ons om u te leren hoe je op een effectieve n veilige manier een Zoom-Meeting kan houden.Zoomen is ook erg leuk n duurzaam. Voor zowel korte als lange meetings blijkt ZOOM een uitkomst. Maar, onwetendheid en onkunde maken dat niet iedere meeting even veilig en effectief wordt gehouden.Na het volgen van deze cursus zal iedere meeting precies afgestemd zijn op de bedoeling ervan. Duurzaam, effectief n veilig!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Inventor Nastran" |
"Autodesk Inventor Nastran es un potente y slido programa para la simulacin numrica de problemas de ingeniera. Nastran es un motor de solucin para el mtodo de los elementos finitos, muy reconocido en mecnica estructural. Y no hay ni que mencionar la gran potencia que nos brinda Inventor para el diseo mecnico. Inventor Nastran une lo mejor de estos dos software dndonos la potencia para resolver complejos problemas de simulacin dentro de cmodo ambiente de Inventor.Durante este curso aprenders el flujo de trabajo tpico para el diseo y simulacin de piezas mecnicas. Daremos siempre una introduccin simple y compresible a los aspectos tericos de la simulacin. As podrs desarrollar criterio y entender el porqu de los parmetros que encontrars en el programa. Iremos de los ms sencillo a lo ms complejo, comenzando con anlisis elsticos y lineales de piezas mecnicas. Luego de superar los conceptos bsicos, nos adentraremos en el mundo de los anlisis no lineales, donde muchos problemas prcticos deben ser resueltos. A continuacin, pasaremos al anlisis dinmico, donde hablaremos de diversos tipos de estudios utilizados en la prctica, lo que incluye anlisis de fatiga. Y por ltimo, veremos estudios acoplados de transferencia de calor.Es un curso muy completo que sentar las bases y nos permitir construir sobre ellas."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Emotional Intelligence 2 - Confidence and Career Mastery" |
"Deal with tough situations easierThis course deals with Managing Yourself and Emotional IntelligenceEmotional Intelligence: A set of emotional, social and relational skills that guides the way we perceive, understand and express ourselves; connect with others; manage interpersonal exchange; cope with challenges; and apply emotional information in an effective, meaningful way.Research indicates that emotional intelligence can be learned and be measurable differences directly associated with professional and personal success. Furthermore, it may be responsible for up to 80% of the success we experience in life.The basic areas of emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-management; empathy/social awareness and relationship management.EIQ Self-AwarenessSelf-awareness reflects understanding, personal acceptance & an overall understanding of personal psychology. Self-awareness is foundational to social awareness & self-management.Factors Include:Personality elementsLearning stylesMental attitudes & statesComfort & discomfortStrengths &weaknessesSelf-acceptanceSelf esteemEmotional Well-beingConfidenceSelf-perceptionMindfulnessSelf-Awareness/Understanding: a conscious, deliberate reflection on personal identity, image, feelings, motives, desires & how these are associated with perceptions of self in the context of various situations. Empathy & understanding of self. Knowing why emotions occur. Being authentic.Self-Appreciation, Acceptance & Confidence: development of self-esteem; personal worth & value; & coming to grips with personal attributes. Recognizing personal strengths, weaknesses, & limitations. Operating with realistic self-assurance.Enroll today and start working on your self-confidence as you improve your value in your company."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SEO Online Course" |
"SEO Online CourseSearch Engine Optimization For More Traffic And SalesCourse Description:In this SEO online course you will learn how to generate more traffic and sales through organic traffic. You dont need to have any website programming skills, you just have to follow this step by step approach so that you create search engine optimize your different webpages and get them rank on the first page of Google for specific keywords. At the same time you will also learn what to avoid so that you dont get penalized by Google. You will also learn legitimate strategies for building backlinks, how to perform competitors keywords analysis, On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO and what tools to use that will help you apply SEO in your website. At the end you will have an optional project to create an SEO article.By the end of this course you will be able to: Understand the definition of SEO and why it is important Know the different search engines Understand how the search engines works Know the approved and the non-approved SEO techniques Create an SEO strategy for maximizing traffic to your website Find keywords with high search volume from your potential customers Apply the On-Page SEO methods that it will get rank on the first page of Google Use the Yoast plugin for better SEO analysis Apply Off-Page SEO methods Build backlinks for better page rank Create a friendly SEO website Avoid methods that will get you penalized by Google Use tools for better SEO analysis Search Engine Dominate your sector Perform an SEO analysis for your competitors so that you get an edge over them Create a great blog that will attract readers. Write an SEO article that will rank on the first page of Google"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Create a Website with SitePad Website Builder" |
"Welcome to the Most Definitive Internet course on SitePad! SitePad is a great website builder that allows you to create a website within minutes. It has over 394 modern-looking web templates and an array of advanced web design elements. In this Udemy course, I go straight-to-the-point and show you all of SitePad's features. By example, we start creating and editing a restaurant-based website and further explore the over 40+ web design ""widgets"" that SitePad has to offer. Get started with this course and learn SitePad today!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"hello everybody and welcome to my course ' creating a complete social website with wordpress and joomla '.In this course I will show you how to create a fully functional nice looking social media website just like Facebook and twitter; but don't run away now and don't worry, because no coding in this course at all.we will be using two of the most popular and widely used content management systems in the world, the first is wordpress and the second is joomla.The website will have all the necessary features to run a social community like posting, commenting, media sharing and more.although wordpress and joomla are free to download and use without any restrictions, i will use some paid plugins and themes in this course but you definitely can use free alternatives, and believe me you have a great choice in the free market.for wordpress I will be using the free plugin buddypress along with a paid theme called sweet date.for joomla I will be using a paid extension called jomsocial along with a paid template called socialize.but as I said, no need to buy anything since there are plenty of free alternatives, and you still can follow along with me because I'll teach you the knowledge required to use any alternative you would don't waste your time and enroll in the course"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Easily Design Professional Kindle Book Covers -Simple Method" |
"By the end of this course, you will be able to design and create a professional Kindle book cover that sellsBonus: Includes extra one hour course.Hi. My name is Ian Stables, author of more than fifty Kindle books on Amazon. Many became best-sellers.People do judge a book by its cover. Poor quality cover must mean a poor quality book.So you need a professional cover to be successsful. The way I see it, you have three options:Pay a designer to create one for you. The problem is that it is expensive to get a professional result.Create your own cover. Unless you're a designer, chances are high you'll end up with an amateurish result.Find a way of creating one without being a designer.Which one is your easiest option?I bet you're a bit like me. You like simple ways to do things.This course will show you the simple way to design a professional cover... without being a designer. If you follow this simple process, you will get a professional result every single time.The process is based on this simple fact: If you want to be successful, model someone successful.The process follows these steps:Find out the right look for your book subjectFind out the right colour and texture for the backgroundFind out the right picture for your coverFind out the right fonts, sizes, direction, colours, and position for your textThen create your cover to match your choicesYou also get these two extra bonuses:--- Step-by-step quick guideAlong with this course, you also get a downloadable quick guide to remind you of the main steps.--- The popular one hour course called, Create Entire Nonfiction Book Outlines in Minutes - Use NowThis course will show you how you can very quickly create an outline for an entire non-fiction book.So in all, you get:This professional book cover design courseThe step-by-step quick guideAnd the extra one hour courseSo learn this simple process and design professional book covers from now on.Go ahead, click on the button to enroll now"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"AWS Serverless Design for IoT" |
"This course is a hands-on introduction to device to cloud communication using Amazons AWS serverless design flow. This course is meant as a basic, non-production level, introduction to both device to cloud communications, and how to the manipulate IoT data on AWS using the serverless model. In the course we focuses on a serverless design flow utilizing simple IoT data generated data by either the ESP8266 12-E or ESP32 embedded development boards using WiFi. The course will cover how to program the devices, send the IoT data wirelessly to AWS through the AWS IoT Core MQTT broker, and then demonstrate how to store and visualize the IoT data utilizing various serverless services and design flows on AWS. We will be using the AWS website to navigate services, and not the ""Serverless"" framework. Some of the important AWS services covered in in the course for IoT Data are: Lambda, API Gateway, S3, and DynamoDB. In addition, the course will cover other important AWS services such as AWS IoT Analytics, QuickSight, SageMaker, Kinesis, Cognito, and AWS IoT Core. We will also be using JavaScript and Node.js for our static web host and Lambda respectively.We will start off the course by learning how to program the ESP device to connect to the AWS IoT Core MQTT broker. From there we will cover AWS IoT Analytic s which is a managed services which tacitly utilizes additional underlying AWS services. We will then move on to storing sensor information from our device using Lambda to form a data lake in S3 which we will use a repository for our IoT data. We will then access our IoT data, generated from our ESP device, with a statically hosted website in S3 demonstrating various visualizations methods such as Google Charts, Chart.js, and Highcharts as JavaScript visualization libraries. From this point we can now move on to slightly more complex examples using the AWS-JS-SDK in the browser to invoke AWS services directly on our S3 web host. At this point we can move on to a more advanced serverless flow by having our static web host request IoT data held in a data lake repository on S3, or stored in DynamoDB, by making a request to an endpoint generated by API Gateway connecting a Lambda function that's programmed to fetch our data from our IoT data repository.The purchase of a $5 ESP8266 12-E, or $10 ESP32, is recommended for the course, but is not absolutely necessary as we can fake incoming IoT JSON data from AWS IoT Core on the MQTT broker.Remember! 30 days money-back guarantee with no questions asked. I want you to be happy with the value I believe this course provides"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Le Dirette Fotografiche Formative del Maui" |
"Sono felice di potere finalmente condividere con te in alta qualit alcune delle mie dirette di maggiore successo!Veri e propri corsi svolti dal vivo che contengono molte informazioni pratiche e spendibili per diversi tipi di argomenti.In questo Corso-Raccolta troverai ben Tre Dirette a Tema Fotografico!Lezione Live Camera RAW Luci e Ritrattistica AmbientataIn questo Corso ti guider passo passo alla Post Produzione di una foto di Ritrattistica Ambientata in un sottobosco lagunare con la bella Federica. Utilizzeremo diverse tecniche tra le quali il filtro gradiente ed il pennello, sfrutteremo al massimo il modulo di sviluppo del negativo digitale in Camera RAW e finalizzeremo l'immagine in Photoshop per piccoli ritocchi ai dettagliLezione Live di Lavorazione di un Paesaggio al Tramonto con Photoshop e Camera RAWIn questo Corso seguirai passo passo una mia post produzione incentrata su come ottenere il massimo dai toni colori, luci e dettagli in ambiente Camera RAW & Photoshop di una foto landscape al tramonto. Utilizzeremo maschere di livello ed imparerai a lavorare in modo selettivo per avere il controllo totale sull'immagine, per finire con un magico effetto che dona tridimensionalit alla scena tramite gli strumenti scherma e brucia.Lezione Gestione Modella & DintorniPer la prima volta in una mia diretta svelo parti dei trucchi che fino ad oggi ho insegnato solo agli studenti dei One-To-One dal vivo! L'approccio fotografo-modella, il primo contatto, la gestione psicologia, quello che concorre ad uno sviluppo emozionale dell'immagine. Il Corso rappresenta ""solo"" un'infarinatura ma ha ricevuto un grande riscontro del pubblico per la generosit dei contenuti che il docente, con esperienza decennale in fotografia e comunicazione, ha trattato. Mai messo in vendita fino ad ora, lo trovi completo ed in alta qualit in questa interessante diretta.BONUSLa gestione delle luci in studio, con analisi dei ""big bank"" e foto relative ai risultati, un prodotto nato come supporto propedeutico ai corsi dal vivo in Studio d'El Maui ed ora diventato diretta per svelarti i trucchi usati in studio ed i risultati ottenuti con i bank."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads MASTERY Blueprint - Beginner to Expert in 2020" |
"Keep reading to learn exactly WHY THIS IS DIFFERENT than any other Facebook Ads course you've ever seen...If you have a product or service that you'd like to get in front of more of the right people...Then you're about to learn how to flood your business with hundreds of high-quality leads and sales almost overnight and enjoy a more predictable business This is an in-depth video training series designed to show you everything you need to know about creating profitable Facebook ads from scratch even if you're a complete beginner. One of the main reasons why people fail with Facebook ads is that they haven't done the proper ""behind the scenes""research that is necessary to have a successful campaign. In this course, we're going to lay the foundation of everything you need to set up before even setting up your first ad inside of Facebook."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"High Speed Data Analysis for the REAL WORLD" |
"THIS IS THE ULTIMATE GET STARTED FAST COURSE. Make no mistake data is the new gold. The amount of data being generated is exploding, those that can mine and analyze it for actionable decisions ARE WINNING. That is what you will learn in this course. We deploy a ""Use Case"" approach to not only give you a real world situation but show you step by step how to apply various Natural Language Processing methods or tools to extract the data you need for a fast accurate solution. NO SUBSCRIPTIONS, NO software to buy, just the tools provided to you in this course!Why Data Analysis:""Over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every single day, and its only going to grow from there. Today, its estimated that 1.7MB of data will be created every second for every person on earth.""TOP 10 Reasons YOU should learn Data Analysis:1. Take this course to unlock opportunities you never knew about.2. You already use Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications without even knowing it (Spell Checkers, Chatbots, Siri, Alexa, Resume sites, News aggregators)3. The Banking industry uses NLP data analysis for various loan application processing.4. Investors use NLP data analysis for financial statement insights.5. Marketers use NLP data analysis for advertising/content optimization.6. Healthcare insurers use NLP data analysis for faster claims processing.7. Higher Education schools and institutes use NLP data analysis for plagiarism checking.8. Brand managers use NLP to monitor customer feedback and mood towards certain brands.9. Law Firms use NLP data analysis for contract auditing.10. The Luxury industry uses NLP data analysis to provide better purchase recommendations.**** Can you afford NOT TO cash in on the future?* Add a new dimension to your Search Engine Optimization (With better keywords)*Get higher conversions from your sales scripts. (By understanding why ones perform and others do not)*Increase the accuracy of your opponent profile. (Isolate words and phrases used most)All of this falls under the Domain of Natural Language Processing. Natural Language Processing, or NLP for short, is broadly defined as the automatic manipulation of natural language, like speech and text, by software. But that doesn't even come close to what you can do with NLP and a variety of Data. You will become familiar with some basics in the Python programming language and in the end, you will have a portable (virtual machine) personal arsenal of tools to leverage across any number of text data sources. Giving you and or your organization the edge now and moving forward.*Get the upper hand in Content Generation. (Optimized Content based on Analysis)As an organizational leader, If you wanted to generate insights for text data, this course is for you. If you are involved in Market research this course is for you. If you conduct any form of competitive analysis this course is for you. Political campaign strategists needing a deeper understanding of the opponent, you guessed it. THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!*Level-Up in your Career with NOW SKILLS! (Instantly ADD MORE VALUE)What you will learn are HIGHLY transferable skills applicable across a wide range of industries beyond I.T. (Healthcare, Legal, Insurance, Politics and Business). Whether you are changing careers, a student, an MBA or in a leadership position; your analysis skills will improve tremendously!Are there other uses for what you learn? ABSOLUTELY. One example that was sent to me, was from a songwriter. Yes, you read that correctly, a songwriter using data analysis! This individual compiled a collection of the lyrics of the top selling songs in his genre for the past 10 years. Using the Token frequency and TF-IDF scripts to isolate most used and highest weighted words across all lyrics in an effort to write songs with an increased probability for success. OF_NOTE: He did acknowledge that were more factors that play into this, but he was determined to capture every advantage possible.""To be able to do data analysis like this by myself, gives me a broader range of thought and creativity as to what is possible for my music""C.H.As a BONUS you will be provided a product or service recommendation script!**** Unlike any other course I am aware of, YOU get a data analysis Virtual Machine ready to run out of the box! ****"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Color Grading & Creating LUTs In Premiere Pro For Beginners" |
"Welcome to this beginners course on How To Color Grade Your Footage & Create Custom Video LUTs in Premiere Pro CC!Almost every big budget feature film has been color graded to look a certain way, and in recent years, it's become increasingly easy to color grade your own footage using popular video editing software!In this course for beginners you will learn:What color correcting is and how to color correct a clip that's provided in the courseWhat color grading is and how it can be used to make your footage look even betterHow to color grade your footage using Premiere Pro CCHow to use the secondary color correction tab to change certain parts of your footageHow to work with footage shot in a flat LOG profile and color grade itThe fundamentals of color grading scopes inside Premiere Pro and how they can be leveraged when color grading, or correcting your footageWhat LUTs are and how to apply a corrective LUT to log footageHow to create and export custom LUTsWhere to place your custom created LUTs and how to name them so they show up conveniently inside Premiere Pro CCand more!In the first few lessons, you'll find the same footage files we used in the course so that you can download them and follow along! (We encourage you to do so because it will help you retain the information required to color grade footage.)Your instructor for this course is Will Bartlett; he has created 17 online courses and has been a professional Cinematographer and Editor for 10+ years, as well as a content creator for 15+ years. Will runs an established video production company based out of Toronto and an online business that's trained over a 150,000 students worldwide.If you don't have Premiere Pro CC, you can get a free 30 day trial from Adobe's website!Enroll today to learn how to color grade your footage and create custom video LUTs!"
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Business Success and Branding For Beginners: Grow Your Brand" |
"Welcome to our Course: Business Success and Branding For Beginners: Grow Your BrandStarting a business can be intimidating and challenging, and then growing a successful business can seem impossible! There's a lot of competition no matter which industry you're in, and it can seem like your competitors always have an advantage over you. The reality is they probably feel the same about you, and with a slight change in mindset, you can start, grow and establish your brand to be successful in the long run! In this course, we'll discuss many factors to building a brand, and how to think more effectively as a business owner.In this Business Success & Branding course, you will learn:Business Success Tips and StrategiesWhat Branding isWhy Branding is so importantHow to think as a leader and not just a bossGoal-setting strategiesHow to work with your employeesHow to establish and grow a BrandWays to maintain a healthy mindset as a business ownerNecessary steps to structure and build a successful Brandand more!Most people who start businesses end up failing because they don't learn how to establish a brand to last; they don't think about their finances and how to better serve their customer or audience; there's a lot of factors, but learning from people who have already done it will prove to be a key factor in your success as a business owner.Branding is so much more than just a logo and is vital to the success of a business!Your Instructor for the course is Will Bartlett; An Entrepreneur who runs several businesses including an online business that's trained over 200,000 people in a wide range of educational content, a YouTube brand and blog that has ongoing partnerships with several large businesses, and an established Toronto video production company. Over the years through building 3 successful brands, and working with several hundred clients, Will has gained the experience to understand what it takes to start, grow and establish a business brand that's built for success.If you're new to business, thinking of starting a company, or looking to grow your brand, this course will provide business success and branding tips and strategies to help you navigate the tough business world, to make better brand decisions, to set and reach your goals, and to understand how to effectively set yourself out for long term success as an Entrepreneur.Enroll today to this Business Success and Branding for beginners course!"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Motivation ohne tschakka! 10 beste Tools, sich zu motivieren" |
"Motivation ist das, was Dich zum Laufen bringt, Gewohnheiten sind das, was Dich am Laufen hlt. In diesem Motivationskurs gibt es deswegen kein Rumspringen und kein ""tschakka du schaffst es""! Sondern 10 Schritte, wie Du Dich TGLICH selbst motivieren kannst. Damit Du mehr erreichst, mehr Energie dabei sprst und das Leben sowie die Arbeit mit Spa und Vergngen angehst. In Abschnitt 1 des Kurses geht es um Folgendes: Was ist Motivation? Welche Arten von Motivation gibt es? Welche Persnlichkeitstypen sind fr welche Art von Motivation empfnglich?In Abschnitt 2 verrate ich Dir die 10 motivierenden Gewohnheiten fr jeden TagDie Tipps sind anwendbar, wenn Du Arbeitnehmer(in), Selbststndige(r), Unternehmer(in) oder Studierende bistDenn alle Menschen sind fr die 10 motivierenden Gewohnheiten empfnglich!Zu den motivierenden Gewohnheiten gibt es praktische Worksheets, mit denen Du die Tipps aus dem Kurs gleich umsetzen kannst!Du bist neugierig, was die 10 motovierenden Gewohnheiten sind? Dann schau JETZT rein in den ausfhrlichen Kursplan!ber den Trainer Wlad:Wlad (Wladislaw Jachtchenko) ist mehrfach ausgezeichneter Experte, TOP10-Speaker in Europa und gefragter Business Coach. Auf Udemy hat er bereits knapp 30 Kurse mit ber 30.000 zufriedenen Online-Studenten. In der Offline-Welt hlt er Vortrge, trainiert und coacht seit 2007 Politiker, Fhrungskrfte und Mitarbeiter namhafter Unternehmen wie Allianz, BMW, Pro7, Westwing, 3M und viele andere. Er vermittelt seinen Kunden nicht nur Tools professioneller Rhetorik, sondern auch effektive berzeugungstechniken, Methoden fr erfolgreiches Verhandeln, professionelles Konfliktmanagement und natrlich Techniken fr effektive Selbst-Motivation. Melde Dich gleich an - und lerne, wie Du Dich effektiv und langfristig selbst motivieren kannst!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Recession Basics and How To Prepare for 2020! Be prepared!" |
"This class explains what a recession is and the indicators of one. You will learn how to organize your money to prepare for one. This class gives 4 steps to how to prepare for a recession. With COVID-19 among us we are witnessing a massive drop in the markets and employment. I am very passionate about this subject because I personally experienced this when I graduated during the recession of 2008 and want to share the knowledge."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a tocar violo em poucas aulas Iniciantes" |
"O curso Aprenda a tocar violo em poucas aulas Manual para iniciantes , vai te proporcionar uma experincia muito gostosa e prazerosa na arte de aprender um instrumento. Sempre de forma bem clara e objetiva apresentado pelo professor de msica graduado na California College of Music, Gabriel Felix.Aprenda seus primeiros acordes, domine seus primeiros ritmos e toque diversas msicas com seus amigos e familiares. Algumas das aulas que voc ir encontrar no curso: -Como escolher o violo certo para o seu tipo de som-Achando as notas no brao do violo-Cromatismo-Acordes maiores-Acordes Menores-Exerccios rtmicos (parte 1)-Pearl Jam - Last Kiss-Ganhando velocidade nos acordes (A-E-D-E)-Acessrios para violo-Ganhando velocidade nos acordes (C-Am-F-G)-Bob Dylan - Knocking on Heavens Door-Como usar o Capotraste-Legio Urbana - Que pas esse-Zeca Baleiro - Proibida pra mim-Nando Reis - All Star Azul-Red hot chili peppers Californication-The plain white t's - Hey there delilahe muito mais...Conhea seu professor Gabriel Felix.Graduado na escola internacional ''California College of Music - EUA''.+ 3989 alunos na plataforma Udemy.+ de 243 Alunos presenciais sua escola Meio Musical localizada na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.+ de 576 cursos vendidos nas plataformas Hotmart e Eduzz.+ de 13 anos de msica."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Malware Analysis Expert - Analyzing Malwares from the core" |
"You're here because you're an ethical hacker, penetration tester, digital forensics expert, system administrators, ITadmins or any random person who loves computers and likes to interact with them and learn more by exploring malware. This course is for you because this is a beginners to pro i.e. zero to hero course. A complete course with basics from what are malware to how to de-compile them and analyse files if they are malware and find the source of the file. A bundle course with free malware samples and all the tools required are free.I'm here because I'm the answer to all your questions. I would love to share my secrets and knowledge with you and help you guys to setup an environment for your need and teach you everything you need !Welcome to OneLit Malware Analysis ExpertMalware Analysis Expert !I will also provide proper guidance to start from zero. Most people have problems with starting and don't know where and what to study.The course is for beginners and advance and is divided into parts which will first explain all the theoretical parts and then start with practical video screen recordings while analyzing malware.Certification! OneLit Certifications are recognized world wide and once you have completed the course, you will be given a certification called 'OLMAE' i.e. OneLit Certified Malware Analysis Expert. Weve left no stone unturned. I guarantee, this is THEmost thorough, laser-focused and up-to-date course available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back. There are zero courses available on the internet on how to analyze malwares with this lazer-focused teaching and step by step instructions.Every malware is different! We all know that we have different malware and types of infections. In this course will explore most of them and every malware sample different. Samples are provided with the course.Why Malware Analysis ?Organizations are facing problems and the cause is unknown and many of them don't even know the source of infection or anti-viruses are used to detect problems. The main problem with them is they don't canalize files i.e. they cannot detect viruses, backdoors, rootkits which are custom crafted. Anti-Viruses or Anti-Malware software have database and signature which are used to scan for viruses but a newly developed virus is not detected and thus it is required to manually analyze viruses and malwares"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Crash Course to pass the M365 MS-500 Security Admin Course" |
"This course is specially built to prepare you for taking the Microsoft 365 Certified Security Admin MS-500 Exam. What's different with a Crash Course? Most courses just cover the curriculum while students are still left wondering what questions might be on the exam. Here each section and lecture is looked at from an exam perspective and what questions might be asked which not only helps in understanding the key concepts but also key differences between related concepts and services which most likely will be part of each exam question.Also as much as possible the core of the course is done in the Microsoft 365 Portal which further increases your understanding of the Microsoft 365 Platform. This is aligned with the new performance based testing approach from Microsoft. This exam from Microsoft focuses on all the aspects of the Office 365 Platform. In this course we will cover the following: 1 - Implement and manage identity and access 2- Implement and manage threat protection 3- Implement and manage information protection 4- Manage governance and compliance features in Microsoft 365 See Curriculum for list of lectures within each of the above course sections."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel - Learn MS EXCEL For DATA Analysis" |
"Whether you are interested in learning- Different ways of how to properly use microsoft Excel- Learn the basics of Data Analysis- Learn how to create different Excel Apps- Just grow your Knowledge about this amazing microsoft AppOr any other reason, this course is definetly for you. The way this class have been designed was to offer to the student an easy way to learn microsoft Excel and the basics of Data analysis at the same time. Indeed, not only this course is teaching you all the basic concepts and functions of Microsoft Excel but at the same time you will have all the required knowledge to create basic Apps that can be used to analyse Data.The structure of the courseThe way the course is structured is help you learn by practice. In other words, there is way more practice than theory. The main reason of why I structure my courses this way is that for me the best way to learn something is by practicing it enough. This means that if you want to learn how to properly use microsoft Excel for Data analysis it will be throught practice and not simply by learning the theory.The course is diveded in big projects. This way, each time that you learn a new concept you will create a project around it. This will help you not only have a better understanding of the concept but also be able to see in what real life situation a certain concept can be useful.For who is this course designedMy goal when I was creating this course was to help the maximum of people not only learn Data analysis but also Microsoft Excel. This means that if you wanted to learn how data is analysed and at the same time learn the basics of Microsoft Excel then you will enjoy this course. It has been created for everyone who has interest in learning more about Excel, different ways to analyse Data or simply learn a new skill that can be very usefull not only in the business world but also in your everyday life.Why should I take this courseThere is a lot of microsoft Excel courses that exist, but this course is very unique. Not only it offers you the possibility to learn how to properly use this App, but you will also learn the basics of Data amalysis. Also, all the concepts are presented with clear examples and you will be able to learn them by creating your own projects around thoses concepts. This means that you will have a strong knowledge of microsoft Excel but also will know and understand how to properly use this app to perform different simple but also more complicated tasks. The best part, is that the APPS that you will create in this course can be used in your business or in your every day life.There is no risk involved in taking this courseThis course comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, this means that if your are not happy with what you have learned, you have 30 days to get a complete refund with no questions asked. Also, if there is any concepte that you find complicated or you are just not able to understand, you can directly contact me and it will be my pleasure to support you in your learning.This means that you can either learn amazing skills that can be very usefull in your professional or everyday life or you can simply try the course and if you don't like it for any reason ask for a refund.You can't lose with this type of offer !!This is why more than 75 000 students have already took the course !! Don't wait anymoreENROL NOW and start learning today :)"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |