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"PPLIAPI2020-04-PSAK 72 Pendapatan dari Kontrak dgn Pelanggan" |
"Berakhirnya periode pelaporan tahunan, para Akuntan dan Auditor pasti menghadapi banyaknya isu yang muncul terkait dengan akuntansi pendapatan. IFRS 15: Revenye from contracts with customers telah disahkan oleh IASB pada bulan Mei 2014 dan efektif diberlakukan pada tanggal 01 Januari 2018. Dewan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (DSAK)-IAI dalam tahun 2017 juga telah menetapkan PSAK 72: Pendapatan dari Kontrak dengan Pelanggan sebagai konvergensi dari IFRS 15, yang akan mulai berlaku efektif pada tanggal 01 Januari 2020. PSAK 72 ini akan menggantikan seluruh standar yang terkait dengan pengakuan pendapatan yang ada saat ini yaitu PSAK 23: Pendapatan, PSAK 34: Kontrak Konstruksi, ISAK 10: Program Loyalitas Pelanggan, ISAK 21: Perjanjian Konstruksi Real Estate, ISAK 27: Pengalihan Aset dari Pelanggan, dan PSAK 44: Akuntansi Aktivitas Pengembangan Real Estate."
Price: 980000.00 ![]() |
"German conversations 2: Frequently asked questions-answers" |
"The Part II. focuses on the Lifestyle within which we touch 5 more important topics:1. Daily routine2. Eating3. Health4. Sport5. TraditionsI will present Frequently asked questions related to the topic to which I will provide several possible answers and which also function as a dialogue.By the end of the topics you will also find 3 situational tasks for language practice which aimed at vocabulary development and recording what has been learned so far.At the end of each topic I will provide you with a Glossary to help you see through the words related to the topic, expand your vocabulary and complete tasks in the variety of ways.This is why the biggest advantage of the course is that you can customize the examples in the lecture with your own information as well!Translation language: English"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"8 Steps to start your business" |
"8 steps to start your business. This course gives you 8 steps to start your business. Many people don't know how to start, but after you take my course you will know the necessary steps to begin. Building a business takes time, and its a process to build your business. You have to start small, everything great starts small.1) Idea (Product or Services) 2) Research your business Idea 3) Write a business plan 4) Obtain Funding 5) Register your business 6) Open Bank account 7) Obtain Business Insurance 8) Market your business"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Corso Base di SQL per Oracle" |
"In questo corso imparerete le basi di SQL per qualsiasi DB Relazionale con una particolare attenzione alla versione Oracle. Il corso basato su lezioni brevi e specifiche che vi permetteranno di comprendere chiaramente ogni argomento, testarlo e nel caso ricercarlo con facilit anche dopo aver concluso il corso. Ho cercato di non far durare molto le lezioni, perch credo che riempire di informazioni un corso base avrebbe reso solo il tutto pi noioso e fuorviante. VI insegnero un metodo infallibile per impostare una select e accontentare ogni richiesta che vi verr chiesta."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS IaaS Solutions Architect - Associate 2020" |
"This course teaches IT Professionals to understand basic architectural principles of building Datacenter on the AWS Cloud, understanding of the AWS global infrastructure, Ability to identify which AWS services meet a given technical requirement, Hands-on experience using computer, networking, storage, and High Availability on AWS services, Hands-on experience with AWS deployment and management of services"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Design Thinking & Innovazione" |
"Scopri l'approccio al Design Thinking e al Systemic Thinking con questo corso per innovare in ogni contesto. Le lezioni partono dalle basi e guidano nello sviluppo di un nuovo modo di pensare, basato sull'approccio Human-centered e People-centered per l'individuazione di nuovi valori e comportamenti. Durante il corso verranno forniti gli strumenti pratici e concettuali per rispondere con successo alle sfide contemporanee e formulare idee e progetti innovativi."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Start Your Own E-Commerce Business In Under 30 Days" |
"Rich People Don't Work For MoneyThey Make Money Work For ThemToday is the end. Today you have a new chance to put a stop to this insanity. Today is the day you learn Rich people don't work for money, they make money work for themThink about it. If you work for money, no matter how much you save every week, youll never save $1 million, $5 million or $10 million. Youll never be independently wealthy. But if you make your money work for you, then you can multiply your money compounding around the clock.Lets face it. None of us learned anything about finances in school. Thats why I dropped out of university when I heard all of this, and worked years on this process. You can do it too, once you learn how to make your money work for you.Let me show you the ""EXACT PROCESS"" that I did, in order to quit my job in a warehouse, and live the life of my dreams. What you'll be learning is the very simple 4 STEP PROCESS that I have used to run multiple succesful businesses! Now you can learn how to do it too!Trust me, I've had more failures then wins! But this is exactly why I know what it takes to run a succesful business now, because I know what works, and more importantly, what doesn't! Find out my 4 step process to building your own succesful business today!Nothing is better then actually seeing progression! I've already achieved majority of what I've wanted to achieve. Now I feel it's time for me to share the same knowledge to the world, and help as much people as I can fulfil their life goals and dreams!What you will learn:What products to find (and how to sell them) so that you dominate sales from the beginning of your ventureKiller online marketing strategies to drive traffic to your high converting online websiteStep-by-step answers and solutions to questions such as, How do I scale my store? and What are the best ways to create a reputable brand?Weekly action guidelines and modules that give you a set plan for putting it all into practiceAnd more..."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Creative HTML5 & CSS3 Course - Build Awesome Websites" |
"The creative HTML5 and CSS3 Course was created for everybody who is interested in learning web development.Real World ProjectsIf you are a complete beginner we will cover all the basics to get you up and going to create your first website. If you have some web development skills already, do not worry! We will create 3 amazing projects with awesome design and animations!A short list of things we are going to learn!HTML5CSS3Responsive DesignAnimationsWorking with Images and SVG'sFlexboxCSS GridSASSOptimizationAccessibilityDeployment"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"En este curso aprenders como resolver los reactivos muestra de pensamiento matemtico de la gua interactiva EXANI II, estos reactivos son muy parecidos a los de tu examen de admisin, al realizar esta capacitacin aumentars tus probabilidades de ingresar a las mejores universidades de Mxico.En dicho examen, dispondrs de 50 minutos para el rea de pensamiento matemtico, con este curso T podrs resolver esta rea en menos de 40 minutos, lo que te permitir tener ms tiempo para otros rubros de tu examen."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Contracts & Organizations: Concepts, Doctrines & Case Laws" |
"The course Contract & Organizations: Concepts, Doctrines & Case Laws is a very interesting and must-learn course for law students and those, who are interested in learning the basic business law.In the course, important legal concepts, the evolution of legal doctrines and famous case laws have been added to let students of the course have an in-depth understanding of the theories.The beauty of the course is that it is brief in content, yet covers the complete area. Slides have been prepared, which include all relevant aspects of the concept. The course has been designed in a way that neither the students could get bored of it due to technical language nor they would have any fear of learning the subject.However, it is expected that having completed the course, one can easily get through the exam of business law, because it contains all frequently asked questions, doctrines, and famous case laws. In the enclosures, one can also find important downloads on the slides and the lecture notes."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD Electrical 2020 for Electrical & Automation Eng" |
"This course will help electrical & automation engineers to understand all features of AutoCAD Electrical 2020 and can use as a guide while creating control panel schematic & layout. The schematic design (Practical) in this tutorial is very very helpful for a control panel design engineer. Since the tutor worked with Allen Bradley for so many years this course highlight designing of VFD, PLC and MCC."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Improve your vocabulary and grammar - B2" |
"This course is designed to make it easy for you to learn some essential vocabulary and grammar that is required in B2 level English Exams like the Cambridge First Certificate and The Oxford English Test. You will learn phrasal verbs, compound adjectives, English proverbs, the third conditional and much more! If you want to learn as much as possible in as short a time as possible then this is a good courses for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
thai_massage |
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Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Psicoterapia Gestalt para nios de padres separados" |
"Las separaciones y rupturas en los padres suelen generar emociones de tristeza, enojo y confusin en los nios. Muchas veces, estos sentimientos no son expresados de forma libre, por lo que permanecen ocultos en el organismo, llevando a interrumpir el ciclo de la experiencia y a manifestarse mediante conductas que preocupan a los padres o cuidadores.Es imprescindible que el psicoterapeuta pueda llevar un tratamiento ajustado a las necesidades de los pacientes que acuden cuando se presentan estas dificultades. Para ello, requiere conocer a profundidad los proceso implicados en la autorregulacin organsmica durante la separacin de los padres, as como las habilidades teraputicas que posibiliten el manejo de tcnicas especficas para que los pacientes recuperen las partes fragmentadas de s mismos."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Zadbaj o bezpieczestwo swoich danych/plikw VeraCrypt" |
"Koniecznie przeczytaj :)Kady ma dane ktre chce zabezpieczy. Dane towarzysz nam codziennie mona wyrni takie jak :Dane tekstowe - (Word) - np. praca naukowaArkusze kalkulacyjne - (Excel) - np. lista kontaktw, dane firmyPrezentacje - (PowerPoint) - np. prezentacje : do szkoy, na wykady Bazy danych - (Acces) - np. dane klientwZdjcia - np. wspomnienia rodzinne rodzinne, sentymentalneFilmy - np. wspomnienia rodzinneZaszyfruj swoje dane i chro je przed inymi.W tym kusie dowiesz si co i jak, przeprowadz ci od samejinstalacji, a do szyfrowania ktrego nie powstydzi by si aden informatykCiekawostka:--> Mwi si, e aby odszyfrowa ten plik przy dzisiejszej technologii,zajo by to policji okoo 25 lat.--> Z tego programu korzystaj, potne firmy.O MNIEJestem uczniem technikum informatyczngo. Lubi dba o swoje bezpeczestwo w sieci, jak i plikw lokalnych. Przez dugi czas szukaem idealnych rozwiza, VeraCrypt okaza si najlepszym, do zabezpieczenia plikw. W tym kursi przedstawi Ci wszystko krok po kroku, a dodatkowo znajdziesz tutaj zadania i quiz-y ktre z pewnoci pomog Ci przyswoi zdobyt wiedzBD BEZPIECZNY JU DZISIAJ"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Microbiology for beginners ( coronavirus_ biofilm)" |
"This is a beginner-level introductory microbiology course taught at a pace for learning and understanding. It is a great way to learn basic bacteriology,Mycology and virology to aid you as you are taking a college microbiology course.This course covers bacteria, fungi, viruses, and disinfectants, structure, classification and function. In the end, you will be able to determine the suitable disinfectant according to their mode of action and structure of microorganism."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"STYLE YOUR SHAPE Create Your Most Flattering Silhouette" |
"Hi there Lovely and welcome to the transformational styling program, STYLE YOUR SHAPEDo any of these sound familiar? Childbirth, menopause, medication or illness has left you with a body you no longer recognise... and youre lost at sea knowing how to dress itYou know it makes sense to be body positive and love the body youre in... but you still feel self-conscious and critical of the way you look (despite all the inspirational quotes youve screenshot)Youre guilty of putting your life on hold thinking, As soon as I lose these last few kilos, thats when Ill feel confident""You hate shopping because you feel have no idea what suits...and you're sick of feeling defeated when standing in front of that changing room mirror.You know you're smart...but you feel clueless about fashion because no one has ever taught you the foundations... If you answered YES to any of these points, dont worry gorgeous. Youre not alone. In fact, I want to let you in on a little secretOf all the 1000s of women Ive styled over the years, virtually every single one of them feels exactly the same way...In fact, research has shown that:84% of women want to lose weight and89% of woman are unhappy with their body shapeThat's crazy, right?BUT:What ifyou knew the foolproof, step-by-step styling strategies for looking effortlessly chic and style-savvy.whatever your shape, style, budget... or whats in season...What if...You started embracing the shape you are RIGHT NOW and loved the reflection staring back you in your bedroom mirror...What if...You're confidence skyrocketed and you started getting compliments from your hubby, besties, colleagues or that cute barista at your local coffee shop (wink!)What if...You could look ""slimmer by dinner"" or visually drop a dress size in an instant without boring diets, excessive exercise or expensive surgeryIf that sounds like something you'd be interested in, then let me take you by the hand and show you how to get there...In STYLE YOUR SHAPE youll learnModule 1: DYNAMICS OF DISGUISE: The Science of Fashion: The foundational guidelines and 6 key principles for creating your most flattering silhouette... Learn how to effectively enhance - or minimise your individual attributes Learn what dresses, tops, pants, jackets and skirts are the most flattering for each attributeLearn what to avoid so you no longer waste money on clothes that don't suit. What items to pair together to balance your proportionsModule 2: YOUR BODY SHAPE BLUEPRINT: Putting the pieces of the puzzle together to dress your overall body shapeMaster how to identify and dress both your horizontal AND vertical body shapeHow to rebalance your proportions to create a balanced silhouetteLearn not only the ""what"" and ""how"" of the most flattering garments and accessories for your shape, but most importantly the ""Why"".How to channel your ""inner goddess"" so you feel confident rocking the body you're inModule 3: THE FIT & FLATTER FORMULA: Learn the most flattering design elements of each clothing category, so you can adapt them to Fit and Flatter your unique shape, age, lifestyle and budgetLearn how to transition these garments from desk to to night...and work to weekend - so you bring down the cost per wear and get the biggest bang for your fashion buck. Learn how to make less flattering pieces work better for your shape, so you can make the most of the clothes you already own.As part of the STYLE YOUR SHAPE program youll receive: Lifetime Access30+ Entertaining & Educational VideosComprehensive Module HandoutsLesson Worksheets with actionable activitiesPinterest Style Boards for inspiration & guidanceThis program is for you if:You have a closet full of clothes that are unworn...unflattering...& unsuitable (some still with the price tag attached)You're sick of wasting time trawling through all the conflicting advice on fashion blogs & YouTube about how to dress for your shapeYou're sick of wasting money buying clothes that don't suit You want to finally understand why some clothes look great on your BFF or the in-store mannequin, yet make you look and feel ""blah"". Conversely, you also want to know the reasons why some clothes make you look and feel fabulous and garner compliments each time you wear themYou want advice from a celebrity stylist to help you to dress stylishly each morning...(without paying the celebrity price tag!)This program isn't for you if: You're not willing to put in the ""sweat equity"" required to achieve transformational results You're offended by terms of endearment such as ""boobs"", ""bum"" and ""muffin tops""You're a this program is designed specifically for women :)So now is the time to stop...Feeling invisibleorHiding under baggy clothesorTurning the lights out in the bedroomorAvoiding shoppingToday is the start of an exciting new journey! So if you're ready to radiate confidence...look effortlessly chic and confidently rock the body youre inthen click on the green BUY NOW button to get startedI look forward to seeing you inside. And remember...Life is too short not to look and feel fabulous every single day...because you're worth it!!!Lucy x** You're taking this course at no risk. Udemy backs your purchase with a 30 day, no questions asked money-back guarantee."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Cambia tu mente, cambia tu vida Cambia tu chip!" |
"Con este pequeo entrenamiento mental, aprenders a construir la mejor versin de tu persona y llevar tu vida a un nivel superior. Esto lo logrars a travs del conocimiento sobre cmo funciona una pequea parte de nuestro cerebro y de algunas tcnicas mentales muy efectivas para resetear y reprogramar tu mente como quieras.Lo ms importante de este training no es solo adquirir el conocimiento, sino ponerlo en prctica da a da hasta conseguir programarlo en nuestra mente y hacerlo de forma automtica.Si realmente quieres hacer cambios efectivos en tu vida, y lograr ser esa persona que siempre has querido ser y que sabes que est dentro de ti, pero por circunstancias no logras sacarla a la luz, no dejes de poner en prctica este contenido."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Quer aprender as tcnicas de atuao no Tribunal do Jri e se tornar um Tribuno reconhecido?Muitos Advogados se sentem inseguros quanto a atuar junto Tribunal do Jri; mas no precisa ser assim. O sucesso treinvel e esse curso ir te ajudar a chegar onde voc tanto almeja. O Tribunal do Jri extremamente apaixonante, razo pela qual, diversos profissionais tem interesse em atuar na sua seara. Contudo, envolve estudo multidisciplinar que no se limita ao Direito, mas tambm outras reas do conhecimento, tais como: Psicologia, Medicina legal, Balstica forense, Oratria.Objetivo Geral: Proporcionar aos alunos, Advogados e operadores do Direito as ferramentas necessrias para a atuao perante o Tribunal do Jri com segurana, combatividade e eficincia. Objetivos Especficos: Capacitar o aluno, apresentando contedo terico e prtico nas questes multidisciplinares atinentes ao Direito Penal, Direito Processual Penal e Prtica Penal inerentes ao Tribunal do Jri.Alm das aulas de Direito Processual Penal e de Direito Penal voltados ao Tribunal do Jri, voc ter acesso a materiais para leitura, alm de MODELOS DE PEAS, testados e aprovados na prtica, como pedidos de revogao de priso preventiva, Liberdade Provisria e Habeas Corpus.ALGUMAS RAZES PARA VOC INVESTIR SEU TEMPO E DINHEIRO NESTE CURSO:Atuar ""performando"" no Tribunal do Jri via colocar sua carreira e advogacia num outra patamar: O Tribunal do Jri uma vitrine que vai abrir as portas do seu escritrio para melhores e maiores clientes cada vez mais, de forma exponencial.Curso com 100% dos vdeos editados para garantir a objetividade do aprendizado. Muitos cursos jurdicos no mercado so com aulas gravadas ao vivo, chatas e repetitivas. Este curso foi produzido e editado com aulas curtas, prticas pensando no seu mximo aproveitamento terico e prtico. Professor de uma das maiores faculdades de Direito do pas e com ampla experincia prtica. O curso totalmente ministrado pelo Prof. Henrique Perez Esteves (Mestre em Direito) e Professor da Universidade Paulista de Santos/SP. Alm do seu amplo reconhecimento acadmico, possui grande experincia prtica como Advogado Criminalista tendo atuado em mais de 200 Sesses do Tribunal do Jri."
Price: 399.99 ![]() |
"Agiles Projektmanagement gestalten mit Scrum & Kanban" |
"Der beliebte Projektmanagement Kurs Scrum & Kanban fr alle Projektmanager, angehende Scrum Master und Fhrungskrfte sowie fr jede Person mit Interesse am Einstieg in die agile Methodik.Kennen Sie folgende Probleme? Jedes Projekt geniet den Status Prioritt 1 Keine Ressourcen verfgbar, zu hohe Auslastung Das Projekt wurde wieder nicht pnktlich fertiggestellt Das Management ist erneut unzufrieden ber das Projektergebnis und dessen Verlauf Die Projektmanager sind ebenfalls unzufrieden wegen des Managements (Teufelskreis) Projekte sind unflexibel, Anpassungen und nderungen sind nicht erwnscht Agiles Projektmanagement schon mal gehrt, jedoch keine Zeit sich damit nher zu befassenDer Wettbewerb bleibt umkmpfter denn je. Wer nicht in der Lage ist flexibel und effizient zu liefern in Form von Projekten und/oder Produkten wird auf der Strecke bleiben.Was ist agiles Projektmanagement? In diesem Workshop erlernen die Teilnehmer die Erfolgsrezepte, die wichtigen Mindsets sowie die Werkzeuge der agilen Projektmanagement-Methoden KANBAN & SCRUM. Sie lernen mit einem Kanban Board zu arbeiten und knnen eine Scrum Master Zertifizierung im Anschluss erwerben.Nutzen Die Teilnehmer kennen die Philosophien und wichtigsten Werkzeuge der agilen Projektmanagement-Methoden Kanban & Scrum. Die Teilnehmer sind in der Lage die Kanban und Scrum Methode in ihren Unternehmen einzufhren und kennen bereits die Antworten auf die klassischen zu erwartenden Problemen & Hindernisse. Die Teilnehmer lernen wie sie mit wenig Einsatzmitteln bereits hohe Vernderungen in den Unternehmen und Teams erzielen knnen (sehr hohe Akzeptanz) Die Teilnehmer erhalten das agile Wissen um anschlieend optional die Professional Scrum Master Zertifizierung (PSM I) abschlieen zu knnen. Die Prfung ist optional und somit separat zu erwerben. Dieser Kurs bereitet Dich bestmglich auf die Prfung vor. Er stellt jedoch keine Garantie oder Gewhr fr das Bestehen der Online-Prfung aus."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Digital Camera Confidence Mini-Course: Consistency is Key" |
"Why are some photographers able to get a new camera and within a short time take wonderful photographs while other people struggle to understand why every photograph differs from the previous one? Is this happening to you?Getting a new camera can be overwhelming, but you need to start somewhere, and this course will help you to quickly become confident with your camera and get the results you want.Also, after a while, we seem to neglect the basic functions of our cameras. We always want to only use MANUAL mode as this is the ONLY way to do it. And by doing so, we forget about the basics that can give us guidance.Even though you might know the location and name of each button or control item on the camera, it does not ensure that you get consistent results. This course will help you to know which settings to configure on your camera to make your life easier. You know what you want, all you need to do now is reduce the number of variables so that you can identify the remaining factors that require your attention to getting that great image that you want and everybody raves about.OK, this course is not teaching you photographic techniques, but without this course, you will keep on struggling to get to the result you want. By applying what you have learnt in this course, you will progress to the next level of your photography skills. You will, therefore, be able to attend to the things that matter to get to the wow-image instead of wondering what went wrong in your images."
Price: 300.00 ![]() |
"Find Your Voice & Sharpen Your Speaking Skills on Camera" |
"In this program, you will learn and discover techniques to gain the confidence to be yourself with clarity on camera.Discover the keys to engaging your audience when you learn to speak with clarity, ease and authenticity.Gain clarity on your unique gifts, values and the results you can help your audience with sharing your story every timeDiscover your voice, message that authentically connects you with your audience every time.Develop inner confidence, resilience and clarity to speak on cameraCreate your pitch/story for on cameraCreate content for camera and stageHow to connect on camera with your audienceMindset for change and future resultsTransformation in yourself and your business/work"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator CC Ilustracin y Representacin Grfica" |
"Te doy una cordial bienvenida,Este curso esta dirigido para estudiantes de arquitectura, arquitectos, ingenieros, diseadores, ilustradores, o cualquier persona interesada y quiera aprender sobre la ilustracin en este software. Finalizando el curso tu podrs realizar cualquier tipo de ilustracin, ambientar tus plantas, cortes, fachadas, escalas humanas y juntos disear una lmina de presentacin. Mi objetivo es que tu logres utilizar este programas de la manera ms eficiente y profesional, voy a ensearte a usar este programa paso a paso, tanto su interfaz, cada una de sus herramientas, y haremos juntos ejemplos aplicados con ilustracin de personas, objetos y elementos arquitectnicos, ya sea con imgenes de referencia o con tus ideas propias.El mercado laboral de este programa es muy amplio., nosotros te daremos las bases para que mejores en la entrega de tus proyectos, mejores tu negocio, o bien imprimas tus propias creaciones al tamao que desees, as como ilustrar y dar ese regalo digital a tus personas favoritas.Mantente actualizado de nuestro trabajo para seguir mejorando."
Price: 1770.00 ![]() |
"API Management WSO2 y Microservicios" |
"En 4 videos enfocados en la practica, Aprenders sobre esta interesante herramienta para monetizar tus APIs y crear tu propia MarketPlace. Adems obtendrs acceso a una serie de tutoriales de micro-servicios y podrs descargar el cdigo fuente.Este curso esta preparado desde el punto de vista empresarial, loc que aprenders aqu, ser lo que te encuentres en el mundo real."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Insight into Business Turnaround in South Africa" |
"Within the South African market there is the need for an informed and formalised engagement process between SME, Creditor and Turnaround Practitioner and that is of critical and strategic importance now. Achieved by understanding the workings and structures of Business Turnaround (the address and removal of business distress).To achieve these ends my eLearning course has been designed in conjunction with Subject Matter Experts in the Business Turnaround and Business Rescue space, offering the SME owner and stakeholder an alternative to Business Rescue and Liquidation. Coupled with an Informed Checklist that will show SMEs what they need before they engage with a Turnaround Practitioner or a Creditor. The target market of this course is the decision maker/s within SMEs so that they have knowledge, guidance and insight as well as a robust financial tool to work with to ensure the survival of their businesses.Now is a time for decisive action and clear thought during an unprecedented time"
Price: 2100.00 ![]() |
"Stop Negative Thinking Using Strategic Affirmations" |
"In this course, you'll learn how to change limiting beliefs that hurt you. Watch Psychotherapist, Jodi Aman, show you exactly why using ""strategic"" affirmations can change your life. Even if they haven't worked in the past, Jodi will show you how to do them so that they work this time. As humans, whenever something happens to us, we try to make sense of it. Sometimes we make a meaning that hurts us just as much as what happened. Sometimes these meanings hurt us EVEN MORE than what happened. let's change that!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Event Success: The 'Get Inviting' Course" |
"When you finish this course, you will come away with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to execute your next event with efficiency, accuracy, and poise.MODULE 1: Where to start: generate momentum and set yourself and your team up for successMODULE 2: The Checklist: the rundown of who, what, where, when, and why that will cover all your bases and give you the framework for an impactful event.MODULE 3: The Important Things: a way of thinking that will keep your decisions aligned with your end gameMODULE 4: The REALLY Important ThingsMODULE 5: Hosting 101: how to maximize your guest experience using the most basic element of your eventMODULE 6: Overall Impact: maximize the impact of your event even after the last guest leaves"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Java Primitive Variables Data Types and Operators In-Depth" |
"This course creates a strong foundation for Java beginners. Often people make a good grip on high-level concepts of Java but do not pay much attention to basic concepts. This ignorance of the people towards the basic concepts later becomes the reason for their struggle. Therefore, whether you are an experienced programmer of Java or have just started studying in Java, I request that you must see the syllabus of this course once."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Which ASP.NET Core" |
"With five major ASP.NET Core project types (Razor Pages, MVC, API, Blazor Server, and Blazor Web Assembly/Client), which one is right for your situation? Once you make a choice, how do you get started? This course will answer those questions and more by giving a hands-on, real-world demonstration of each project type, comparing and contrasting the project types, and by creating five start to finish project examples (one for each type) of full CRUD operations with SQL Server."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Castel Sant'Angelo" |
"Il corso si articola in 12 lezioni che seguono la storia dell'edificio dalla sua fondazione ( 138 d.C.) ai giorni nostri, con un excursus relativo alle strutture esistenti in epoca romana. Un'altra serie di lezioni dedicata all'interno del Castello: gli appartamenti papali, le altre sale e le prigioni storiche. Anche questa parte completata da un excursus con cenni alle vite dei pontefici che utilizzarono il Castello dal 1277 al 1670 circa."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PDF - POSSO DUNQUE FACCIO - Corso di Scrittura Creativa" |
"Corso pratico e interattivo di Scrittura Creativa. Siamo tutti scrittori, o meglio, scriventi, e lo siamo in quanto pensanti, tutti raccontiamo storie al bar, al telefono, in chat, quelli sono i nostri piccolo romanzi quotidiani. Proviamo a lasciar traccia della nostra scrittura, dei nostri racconti, partendo dalla scoperta delle fasi primarie della scrittura, dalla trama, alla posizione narrativa, lo sviluppo, il trattamento del proprio soggetto e dei personaggi, la stesura vera e propria, scelta di incipit e finale, revisione, coerenza testuale, scelte stilistiche."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |