Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Self Empowerment Mindset for Confidence & Success" |
"Do you have a hard time speak up for yourself, be assertive, and set boundaries?Do you lack self-esteem and wish you can have more confidence to achieve your goals?To live a successful life and achieve what you want, having unwavering confidence is essential.A lot of struggles in our life are due to not having a solid core self that lacks inner strength and this can be changed.In this course, I will be sharing with you powerful ways to boost your confidence, positive habits for successful people, and effective ways to transform yourself.With self-empowerment, you can have the confidence to accomplish anything you set your mind to.From this course, you will learn:You will have a deeper understanding of the root cause of a lack of self-confidence and what you can do about it. You will learn how to set small attainable goals for yourself.You will learn how to work with your mindset to achieve your goals easier, faster, and smarter.You will build a strong foundation of confidence and self-empowerment from yourself.You will have a different outlook on life and other people.You will be less reactive to other people's opinions and judgments.You will build a stronger self core that is confident, empowering, and authentic.You get downloadable worksheets, goal planning, and journal prompts to help you rebuild your life.Click the intro video to see how the course is designed to help you with self-transformation!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Curso Bsico/Avanzado Profesional de Javascript" |
"Aprende sobre JavaScript, uno de los lenguajes de programacin ms demandados en el mercado, con este curso podrs tener un punto de partida muy solido para poder especializarte en desarrollar alguna tecnologa con JavaScript. Adems este curso contiene ejemplos y ejercicios que desarrollaremos paso a paso a medida que vayamos hablando sobre cada uno de los conceptos del lenguaje de JavaScript, a medida que avance el tiempo y la demanda del curso, se irn aadiendo temas actualizados sobre el lenguaje, as que si decides tomar este curso ahora con el tiempo podrs aprender mucho ms de lo que se ofrece por el momento."
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"Web-Seminare & Online-Kurse - In 7 Schritten zum Erfolg!" |
"Sie mchten ein Web-Seminar, einen Web-Kurs oder einen Online-Kurs erstellen, aber wissen gar nicht wo Sie anfangen sollen? Sie wollen erfolgreich e-Learning anbieten?Wir helfen Ihnen in 7 Schritten zum erfolgreichen Web-Seminar. Bei uns lernen Sie alles zur Vorbereitung, zum Marketing und zur Technik. Auerdem erfahren Sie, wie Sie sich als Moderator richtig prsentieren und wie Ihre Prsentation aufgebaut sein soll. Mit diesem Wissen knnen Sie sogar Videokonferenzen organisieren und halten.Zustzlich bekommen Sie von uns Materialien, die Sie dann fr Ihr eigenes Web-Seminar zur Vorbereitung nutzen knnen. Wir werden das Web-Seminar laufend um weitere Beispiel Videos und Material aus unserer Arbeit erweitern.Fr noch bessere Fhigkeiten vor der Kamera oder im Gesprch mit Journalisten bekommen Sie unser DIKT eBook kostenlos oben drauf."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Do CAD Para o Revit Como Editar a Planta Baixa" |
"O que aprenderei? Neste curso, voc ir aprender a editar arquivos nativos do AutoCAD ou similar para importao pelo Revit. Aprender a baixar arquivos em DXF e converter para DWG; Aprender organizar as pastas com os projetos de maneira assertiva;Requisitos Instalar o AutoCAD ou similar em verso de livre escolha; Instalar o Revit em verso de livre escolha; Instalar o WINRAR, WINZIP ou 7-zip ou similar;Descrio-Curso sob demanda, onde atualizaes sobre contedo, sempre que necessrias, sero feitas;- Acesso a informaes atualizadas com profissional certificado Autodesk;- Suporte para eventuais dvidas e aulas de atualizao, sempre que necessrio;Importante!1. Praticar os exerccios propostos com os arquivos de apoio;2. Baixar e editar arquivos para praticar a modelagem no Revit;Objetivos do curso:Capacitar o aluno a desenvolver sua autonomia para situaes futuras relacionadas ao tema do curso;Quem o pblico-alvo?Estudantes relacionados a arquitetura, Tcnico em edificaes, graduandos e graduados em Engenharia e Arquitetura, Desenhistas e Projetistas em CAD, Usurios em tecnologia BIM e demais interessados."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Intuitively Learn HTML and CSS" |
"Learn the languages for the web; HTML and CSS in various interesting and smart ways to having a strong basic insight on website development.We will learn the formatting of a webpage using Hypertext Markup Language tags and add styling to the content of a webpage using Cascading Style sheet rules "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cisco SDWAN Viptela Troubleshooting 25 SDWAN Interview Q" |
"What is SD-WAN ? Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) is an overlay architecture that overcomes the biggest drawbacks of traditional WAN. SD-WAN builds a secure, unified connectivity over any transport (MPLS, Broadband, LTE, VSAT etc.) and provides simplified operations with centralized management, policy control and application visibility across the enterprise.STEPS TO TROUBLESHOOT Step 1 When analyzing a network problem, make a clear problem statement. You should define the problem in terms of a set of symptoms and potential causes.To properly analyze the problem, identify the general symptoms and then ascertain what kinds of problems (causes) could result in these symptoms. For example, hosts might not be responding to service requests from clients (a symptom). Possible causes might include a misconfigured host, bad interface cards, or missing router configuration commands.Step 2 Gather the facts that you need to help isolate possible causes.Ask questions of affected users, network administrators, managers, and other key people. Collect information from sources such as network management systems, protocol analyzer traces, output from router diagnostic commands, or software release notes.Step 3 Consider possible problems based on the facts that you gathered. Using the facts, you can eliminate some of the potential problems from your list.Depending on the data, for example, you might be able to eliminate hardware as a problem so that you can focus on software problems. At every opportunity, try to narrow the number of potential problems so that you can create an efficient plan of action.Step 4 Create an action plan based on the remaining potential problems. Begin with the most likely problem, and devise a plan in which only one variable is manipulated.Changing only one variable at a time enables you to reproduce a given solution to a specific problem. If you alter more than one variable simultaneously, you might solve the problem, but identifying the specific change that eliminated the symptom becomes far more difficult and will not help you solve the same problem if it occurs in the future.Step 5 Implement the action plan, performing each step carefully while testing to see whether the symptom disappears.Step 6 Whenever you change a variable, be sure to gather results. Generally, you should use the same method of gathering facts that you used in Step 2 (that is, working with the key people affected, in conjunction with utilizing your diagnostic tools).Step 7 Analyze the results to determine whether the problem has been resolved. If it has, then the process is complete.Step 8 If the problem has not been resolved, you must create an action plan based on the next most likely problem in your list. Return to Step 4, change one variable at a time, and repeat the process until the problem is solved."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Top Laravel Packages Which You Can Use to Optimize App" |
"As a PHP developer, you must be familiar with how to use frameworks. Frameworks attempt to make the process of development easier by simplifying common practices used in developing major web projects such as packages, modules, plug-ins, and even components.Laravel is one of the most popular frameworks for developing web applications. It offers simple and fast development environment for developers. Laravel aims to take the tedium out of routine web projects like authentication, routing, sessions, and caching, making the development process simple and straightforward. It wont sacrifice application functionality and facilitates the developers to carry out custom defined operations. For instance, you can use different ways for accessing relational databases, can perform dependency injection and much more through these packages.There are two types of packages; some are framework independent (stand-alone) and the others are for a specific framework. This tutorial will exclusively cover best Laravel packages available in the dev market.One great advantage of using Laravel packages is that they allow access to all the features that framework offers to its host application, including routing, migrations, tests, views, and numerous other useful features. Another important advantage of a package is the Dont Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle.In this Course, I will demonstrate important best Laravel packages that you must know and regularly use in Laravel applications."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Comunicao e Oratria" |
"O curso apresenta dicas super simples e prticas para o dia a dia de qualquer profissional que queira melhorar em sua carreira.O curso abordar:1. A importncia da comunicao Parte I e IIa)Comunicao verbal e no verbalb)O processo de comunicaoc)Rudosd)A arte de escutare)Vcios de linguagem2. Postura e Falaa)Gestosb)Posicionamentoc)Tom da voz e dicod)Exerccios para a voz3. Segurana e Credibilidadea)Organizao dos temasb)Ferramentas de apoio da apresentao"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"ProtoPie: Design Interactive Prototypes from Zero to Hero" |
"Would you like to learn how to create highly interactive and complex prototypes for Mobile, Web and Desktop Applications. And Would you like to see how your static design could look like when you give it a life using motion animations? Well then, in this course you'll learn everything about Protopie, from basics to advanced stuff like creating serious prototype projects.NOTE: This course will constantly be updated. Whenever a new ProtoPie version come out, videos about all new features will be created and uploaded.If you are already using Adobe XD, Figma or Sketch for UI/UX Design, then I have a good news for you, because ProtoPie is compatible with those softwares. With just one click you can import your project design in ProtoPie and start creating prototypes immediately! Yes, It's that easy! And that's one of many reasons why ProtoPie has a word Pie in it's title. Because it's never been this easy! The philosophy behind ProtoPie is that high-fidelity prototyping should be done easily and quickly. Many designers out there still believe that advanced prototyping without coding is not possible. And with this course I'm going to prove them wrong!This is a COMPLETE course, where you will learn everything about ProtoPie. We are going to start from very basics, like introducing with Protopie and it's interface, tools, triggers and responses. Then After that we are going to cover up some more advanced topics, like variables, formulas, scenes and components. For every tool, response and trigger I'm going to show you practical examples. And at the end of this course, when you learn everything, we are going to create two prototypes from scratch. One for Mobile and the other for Web Application. These prototypes will be advanced projects, and with the knowledge you gathered throught this course, even those complex prototypes will be as easy as pie to you. And that's not the end, when we finish creating our prototype we want to share it with our friends and family, or even a client. Because we don't want that our work pass as unnoticed. We want to share our work with the rest of the world! And again that's possible with just one click away from us, because from Protopie you can upload your work to a cloud and share the URL of your prototype with everyone. And everyone would be able to interact with your prototype from a simple web browser! Isn't that amazing? I know it is.So what are you waiting for, enroll in this course today, and start learning and improving your skills!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
transcribe |
Price: 19800.00 ![]() |
"ServiceNow Reports / Relatrios no ServiceNow" |
"ServiceNow Reports,O ServiceNow Reporting possibilita voc criar e compattilhar relatrios que mostram os dados atuais de sua instncia, com diversas funcionalidades desde de tabulao de dados grficos, diversos tipos de grficos at mesmo referncias cruzadas, neste curso est disponvel as possibilidades e um passo a passo para como criar um relatrio de lista.ServiceNow Reporting enables you to create and distribute reports that show the current state of instance data.Reporting functionality is available by default for all tables, except for system tables.Reports such as how many open incidents of each priority there are, requests, changes.Performance Analytics no abordado neste curso / Performance Analytics isn't part of this course"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Totul despre Sisteme de Ecuatii Liniare" |
"Sistemele de ecuatii liniare sunt omniprezente. Sunt unul dintre cele mai simple instrumente de modelare matematica iar dificultatea nu consta in rezolvarea lor, ci in alegerea metodei optime. Cu toate acestea, multitudinea metodelor disponibile le provoaca uneori elevilor sindromul vulpii care ""alearga dupa doi iepuri"" si uneori un aer mistic invaluie rezolvarea sistemelor de ecuatii liniare. De fapt, lucrurile sunt mai simple ca niciodata: fie ca preferi metoda substitutiei, fie ca preferi metoda Gauss de reducere a numarului necunoscutelor sau doresti sa reduci cu Kronecker-Capelli orice sistem la un sistem de tip Cramer, daca nu te sperii de calcule, vei rezolva sistemul. Dupa ce vei fi parcurs acest curs vei stapani toate metodele si vei deveni mai exigent: vei dori mereu sa gasesti metoda ce iti reduce la minim efortul de calcul."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Flutter Backdrop implementation" |
"Flutter Backdrop implementationmake Fancy backdrop implementation in Flutter Backdrop implementation in flutter.This widget is in active development. Wait for the stable v1.0.0Use BackdropScaffold instead of the standard Scaffold in your app. A backLayer and a frontLayer have to be defined for the backdrop to workNavigation with backdropTo use backdrop for navigation, use the provided BackdropNavigationBackLayer as backLayer.The BackdropNavigationBackLayer contains a property items representing the list elements shown on the back layer. The front layer has to be ""manually"" set depending on the current index, which can be accessed with the onTap callback."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sales Page Secrets that Converts Traffic into Customers" |
"Have you ever been struggling to make more sales & profit online?Are you wasting all your money sending traffic into a web page that doesn't converts?Hire expensive professional copywriter but does not make any good returns in profit or sales?Looking at a blank screen with no idea where or how to start your own sales pages.....I completely understands that selling face to face with a prospects is tough, which makes selling online even tougher. Developing the sales page copy was a myth and difficult to grasp, especially when there is no experienced guidance or proven strategical formula to follow. However, if you are reading this right now.....then all of that is about to change.Hi, my name is Sontz Jon from DigitalQlicks.I am an online entrepreneur & digital marketer which also means i spend most of the time creating online sales copies, videos and social ads to convince people to buy.After spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in learning & 5 years of practises, i finally manage to develop a formula structure that anyone can follow in order to get 6 figure sales online. It works for selling software (SAAS), online courses, services, products and anything else that you can imagine. The Ultimate Step-by Step detail course that helps you sell anything to anyone online....... Even if you are not a good copywriter....... An artistic web designer/ UX professional ....... Or a talented top salesman/ or saleswomanUse your own voice without being sleazy, manipulative or compromise your integrity, while allowing your customers to appreciate and trust your products & services after reading your copy.Here is How it Works:Over this 1 week training course, i shall walk you through:The Killer Headline Title Formula that grabs your audience attention by the throat3 Power strategies to frame your content that ""hook"" your readersHow to create a flow that entice your readers to hold on to every word you say, from start to the endHollywood screen writing & story selling tactics to bring any back stories to LifeThe 3 levels structure to identify your prospects inner desires and all of their objectionsHow to handle all 3 layers of objections & remove all reasons or excuse for not buyingIncrease the perceived value to the highest without adding costCreate an irresistible offer & scarcity that makes prospects felt regret for not buyingCreative ways to generate guarantees and risk reversalA Compelling ""Call To Action"" Discover More:Step by Step worksheet to start development your sales page now!!How to write bullet copies that hypnotise your prospects to BUY.How to get testimonials and reviews to boost your credential even if your product is new, the legal & ethical way.Continuous material updates from time to time!!These materials worth more than thousands of dollars, and its now given to you with an ultimate discount.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Warning: High traffic sales conversion!! Please do not enroll in this course if you do not have a good genuine product or services.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"lgebra bsico-Intermedio." |
"Sean bienvenidos a este curso de lgebra, con este mtodo aprenders las matemticas que te permitirn entender el clculo, la fsica, el clculo vectorial y otras disciplinas que se necesitan para estudiar una ingeniera.El lgebra es una parte muy importante de la matemtica, que nos ayudara a comprender temas avanzados como el clculo, que se necesitan a lo largo de una carrera universitaria, en este curso se pretende traer un curso completo, con clases cortas, fciles de entender, adems de ejercicios que nos ayudaran a reforzar lo aprendido en cada clase.Pierde ese temor a las matemticas, no pienses que son difciles, aqu te ayudaremos a comprender cada tema y resolver cada una de tus dudas con la mejor atencin.Estoy haciendo este curso con la finalidad de compartir los conocimientos de matemticas que a tantos se nos dificulta, y de la misma manera vean las personas de cualquier edad interesadas en aprender vean que no son tan difciles como parece, siempre y cuando se les dedique le tiempo necesario, de esta manera elabore el curso de la manera mas sencilla y amena, con el fin de facilitar su comprensin.Este curso tambin incluye el uso de software matemtico y lenguajes de programacin para la resolucin de problemas algebraicos, algunos de los programas que usaremos para resolver ejercicios son Maple, Wxmaxima, Scilab, y Python aunque este ltimo no es un programa si no un lenguaje de programacin. Es muy importante como alumno aprender a manejar sofware que nos ayuden a resolver los ejercicios rpidamente, en la escuela se nos pide resolver un sistema de ecuaciones y calcular los valores de las incgnitas a mano, esto puede llevar mucho tiempo mientras que en la vida cotidiana especialmente en los trabajos vale ms la velocidad que el mtodo, por eso es indispensable para las nuevas generaciones aprender a usar las nuevas tecnologas correctamente y no solo usarlas para ver memes, tiktoks o gameplays."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Der ultimative Krisenkurs durch Selbstvorsorge (Prepper)." |
"In diesem digitalen Training zur Selbstvorsorge stellt sich jeder selber auf den Prfstand, ob er/sie einer Krise standhlt und seine Liebsten sicher versorgen kann. Der Referent selbst hat 2012 dazu den Ratgeber ""Krisensicher durch Selbstvorsorge"" erstellt und die vier Bereiche fr Krisenvorbereitung genau eingegrenzt. Arneitz, der Autor des Ratgebers ist in der Corona-Krise 2020 von vielen Seiten der gerne als Berater gesehen worden und konnte Unternehmen, EPUs, Senioren und der Politik mit Lsungen untersttzen.Das Selbstvorsorge-Training ist direkt an die Kapitel des Ratgebers angelehnt, der in der Lektion ""Wasser"" als PDF zum Download zur Verfgung steht. Die Inhalte:Einfhrung: Die Zeichen der Zeit.Kapitel Grundversorgung: Wasser.Kaufe nichts, was du nicht verwerten kannst.Trockenvorrat und Proteine.Tiefkhlkost und Vitamine.Das Ampelmodel des Gemseanbaus.Tomate, Rote Rbe, Krbis und rote Beete.Superfood Bohne.Superfood Zink und Proteine.Der Hustensaft der Natur.Konservierung und Lagerung.Alltags- & Tauschmittel.Medizinschrank Alltagswehwechen.Apothekerschrank natrliches Antibiotika.Husten-Power-Saft Ingwer.Wie kauft ein Autor direkt in der Krise 2020 ein Live-Video.Kapitel Sicherheit: Faktencheck - Wie sieht es in Europa aus?Mgliche Mittel der persnlichen Sicherheitsoptimierung.Sicherheits-Check Schutzhtte.Sicherheits-Check Bro /Zentrale.Tricks und Tipps eines Kampfexperten fr die 3-Meter-Zone.Kapitel Mobilitt: KFZ, Benzin, Mobilphone.Kleiner Notfallrucksack.Groer Notallrucksack.Schutzhtte als Ausweichort.Gemseanbau am Ausweichort.Kapitel Gemeinschaft:Kann ich ohne Gemeinschaft leben?Die 4 Phasen der Angst.Diese Bndnisse solltest du strken.Netzwerken mit Gleichgesinnten.Bonusvideos:Bonusvideo 1 ""The Colony"" Leben in einer zerstrten Welt.Bonusvideo 2 ""The Colony"" Leben in einer zerstrten Welt.Bonusvideo 3 Wohnmobil Mobiles & sicheres Reisen.Der Ratgeber ""Krisensicher durch Selbstvorsorge"" inkl vieler Checklisten fr Vorrat oder Notfallrucksack ist als PDF-Datei im Video ""Wasser"" kostenfrei zum Download beigefgt.ber den Trainer: Elmar G. Arneitz trainiert seit 20 Jahren Menschen aus Wirtschaft, Politik und im Privatbereich. Seit 3 Jahren zhlt Arneitz zu den Top-100-Trainern (Speakers Excellence). Arneitz hat sechs Bcher zum Thema Kommunikation geschrieben, die in mehreren Sprachen bersetzt wurden. Regelmig finden Seminare in Deutschland und sterreich von Arneitz statt. Weitere digitale Trainings von Arneitz:Menschen einfach lesen (Krpersprache).Lgen aufdecken (Krpersprache).Flirterfolg fr Mnner mit den 80 Flirtsignalen. (Krpersprache)7 Fakten, warum Menschen nicht ernst genommen werden. (Rhetorik).Akquise (Kybernetik) im digitalen Jahrhundert. (Verkauf)Kybernetische Verkaufstricks der Profis (Verkauf)Digitalisierte Kundengewinnung. (Marketing)Marketingcode 1: Die nackte AIDA-Formel fr mehr Umsatz. (Marketing)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-997 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect Professional" |
"Use This Coupon : LESS_THAN_10 to get discount more than 60%Use This Coupon : ONLY-BY-12 to get discount more than 52%Prepare For Oracle 1Z0-997 Exam Related with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Architect Professional Certification.We Provides 100% Valid Oracle 1Z0-997 Exam Questions and answers which can helps you to Pass Your Certification Exam in First Attempt.You have to pass 100% like real.Exam Topics:Plan and Design Solutions in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)- Plan and design solutions to meet business and technical requirements- Create architecture patterns including N-tier applications, microservices, and serverless architectures- Design scalable and elastic solutions for high availability and disaster recoveryDesign for Hybrid Cloud Architecture- Design and implement hybrid network architectures to meet high availability, bandwidth and latency requirements- Evaluate multi-cloud solution architecturesDesign, Implement and Operate Databases in OCI- Evaluate and implement databases- Operate and troubleshoot databasesMigrate On-Premises Workloads to OCI- Design strategy for migrating on-premises workloads to OCI- Implement and troubleshoot database migrationsImplement and Operate Solutions in OCI- Implement solutions to meet business and technical requirements- Operate and troubleshoot solutions on OCIDesign for Security and Compliance- Design, implement and operate solutions for security and governance- Design, implement and operate solutions to meet compliance requirements"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Platform App Builder Practice Tests SPRING '20" |
"These Salesforce Platform App Builder Practice Exams provide you with realistic test questions to help you pass the exam with confidence. You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 63% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. Every exam has the following characteristics: Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions Test Duration: 105 minutes Passing score: 63% Our exams will measure your knowledge and skills related to the following objectives:Salesforce Fundamentals: 8%Data Modeling and Management: 20%Security: 10%Business Logic and Process Automation: 27%Social: 3%User Interface: 14%Reporting: 5%Mobile: 5%App Development: 8%We are constantly updating this to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the Salesforce exam, and also providing a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of our tests for any reason!Let's dive in and get you that credential !Average Certification Salary: $97k"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PRINCE2 Foundation Certification Practice Tests 2020" |
"These PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Exams provide you with realistic test questions to help you pass the exam with confidence. You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 55% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. Every exam has the following characteristics: Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions Test Duration: 60minutes Passing score: 55% Our exams aim to measure whether a candidate would be able to act as an informed member of a project management team using the PRINCE2 method within a project environment supporting PRINCE2. To this end they need to show they understand the principles and terminology of the method, specifically, candidates must be able to:Describe the purpose and major content of all roles, the seven principles, the seven themes and the seven processes.State which management products are input to, and output from the seven processes.State the main purpose, and key contents, of the major management products.State the relationships between processes, deliverables, roles and the management dimensions of a project.We are constantly updating this to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the Salesforce exam, and also providing a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of our tests for any reason!Let's dive in and get you that credential !Average Certification Salary: $44K"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"These Practice Exams provide you with realistic test questions to help you pass each certification exam with confidence. You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 70% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. About CISSP Information Systems Security Management Professional (ISSMP)Examination Information:Length of exam : 3 hoursNumber of questions : 125Question format : Multiple choicePassing grade : 70%Examination Weights:Leadership and Business Management 22%Systems Lifecycle Management 19%Risk Management 18%Threat Intelligence and Incident Management 17%Contingency Management 10%Law, Ethics, and Security Compliance Management 14%About CISSP Information Systems Security Architecture Professional (ISSAP)Examination Information:Length of exam : 3 hoursNumber of questions : 125Question format : Multiple choicePassing grade : 70%Examination Weights:Identity and Access Management Architecture 19%Security Operations Architecture 17%Infrastructure Security 19%Architect for Governance, Compliance, and Risk Management 16%Security Architecture Modeling 14%Architect for Application Security 15%About CISSP Information Systems Security Engineering Professional (ISSEP)Examination Information:Length of exam : 3 hoursNumber of questions : 150Question format : Multiple choicePassing grade : 70%Examination Weights:Security Engineering Principles 22%Risk Management 24%Security Planning, Design, and Implementation 22%Secure Operations, Maintenance, and Disposal 21%Systems Engineering Technical Management 11%30 day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"" This is an Unofficial and not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with (ISC) in any way."""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Splunk Core Certified User SPLK-1001 Practice Tests 2020" |
"These Splunk Core Certified User Practice Exams provide you with realistic test questions to help you pass each certification exam with confidence. We will test your ability to search, use fields, create alerts, use look-ups, and create basic statistical reports and dashboards in either the Splunk Enterprise or Splunk Cloud platforms. You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 75% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. Exam Informations:Exam duration : 57 min Number of questions : 120 (60*2)Question format : Multiple choicePassing grade : 75%Exam Weights:Splunk Basics 5%Basic Searching 22%Using Fields in Searches 20% Search Language Fundamentals 15%Using Basic Transforming Commands 15%Creating Reports and Dashboards 12%Creating and Using Lookups 6%Creating Scheduled Reports and Alerts 5%30 day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Practice Tests 2020" |
"These Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 Practice Exams provide you with realistic test questions to help you pass the exam with confidence. You will get an explanation as to why the right answer is the right answer for every question !You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 70% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money. Every exam has the following characteristics: Content: 62 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions Test Duration: 85 minutes Passing score: 70% Our exams will measure your knowledge and skills related to the following objectives:Understanding cloud concepts (15-20%)Understanding core Azure services (30-35%)Understanding security, privacy, compliance, and trust (25-30%)Understanding Azure pricing and support (20-25%)Average Certification Salary: $110kWe are constantly updating this to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the Microsoft AZ-900 exam, and also providing a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the quality of our tests for any reason!Let's dive in and get you that credential !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
ohiimmune |
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Les notions de base d'Autocad (pour dbutant)" |
"Tout au long de cette formation, je vais vous prsenter Autocad ; le logiciel indispensable darchitecture; avec tous les dtails de son interface, tous les outils du dessin et de modification ainsi que les diffrentes commandes avec leurs raccourcis.Au cours de ce cours, vous allez apprendre comment bien dbuter avec autocad jusqu' arriver la fin tre capables de bien matriser les bases d'Autocad 2D.De plus, chaque section se termine par un exercice pratique li au cours et les tudiants sont encourags raliser ces exercices avant d'aller plus loin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Reflections and Annotation in Java Uncomplicated" |
"Check out some of our reviews to help you to make a decision This is one of the best courses i came across. The tutor has explained the other side of JAVA system. Good content and highly hands on Course. Cheers.....Excellent Information about Reflection and got good Understanding on Frameworks how it works-------About the Course :Being a Java Developer or Using a Framework in Java ecosystems Like Spring, Hibernate, or any other we use a lot of Annotations.As a Java Developer, we use a lot of popular IDEs like Eclipse, IntelliJ, or NetBeans.Most of the Frameworks, Intelligent tools, and APIs use reflection and annotations behind the science to make the life of a developer easy.In this course, we will understand reflection and annotation in java as a core concept. After that, we will build your own Spring-like Dependency Injection and Hibernate Like ORM tools using core java Reflections and Annotations.In this course, we will take you through two very important topics that are mostly ignored by Java programmers One is Reflection and another is Annotations.Reflection and Annotations are very powerful programming techniques in Java.And you know what - Our Famous Java IDE like Eclipse and IntelliJ uses reflections behind the scene to provide us all the intelligence.If you have heard Spring and Hibernate.This Most successful Dependency injection and ORM framework use annotation and reflections to provide so much of capabilities to the developers.By using Reflection we can we can extend the code at run time.By using annotation we can annotate the existing classes and extend their capabilities.We will understand both of these techniques in this course.We will also develop our Mini Hibernate Like ORM framework and Spring-like Dependency Injection framework.Happy LearningBasics>Strong;"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"MS-100 Microsoft 365 Identity and Services Real Exam Tests" |
"Latest available questions!!!Get a feel of the real MS-100 exam and guarantee yourself a PASS by taking these two practice tests ( 50 questions each ) which simulate the real exam accurately. (It includes Case Studies)Skills measuredThis exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below. The percentages indicate the relative weight of each major topic area on the exam. The higher the percentage, the more questions you are likely to see on that content area on the exam.Design and implement Microsoft 365 services (25-30%)Manage user identity and roles (35-40%)Manage access and authentication (20-25%)Plan Office 365 workloads and applications (10-15%)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"WordPress- curso COMPLETO, para crear PAGINAS web desde CERO" |
"Tener una pgina web ya no es cosa del otro mundo sabemos que algo que no est en internet es casi como que no existiera, adems de que nos expande las posibilidades a niveles mundiales entonces esta es una gran oportunidad para dar a conocer una marca personal, un negocio o nuestro propio trabajo entonces crear una pgina Web es algo fundamental para lograrlo, errneamente la gente se cree que una pgina web es algo que ya no funciona o (anticuado) pero nada ms lejos de la verdad ya que diariamente se registran millones de bsquedas en los servidores de google, busque das que estn esperando a que les des una respuestaWordpress uno de los lideren en el mercado de los CMS es una gran herramienta con la que tienes miles de posibilidades de crear contenido En este curso aprenders a manejar la plataforma de Wordpress, aprenders a manejar todas las herramientas de la plataforma y crear contenido desde cero en una Pagina Web Profesional, Crearas tu pgina web profesional con una de las mejores plataformas que existen en Internet Wordpress y podrs utilizarlo para lo que necesites como para uso Profesional o Personal tal para un Negocio O un Blog personal en donde podrs Promocionar o Tus productos y servicios o tus aventuras y vida personal Panel de control (Escritorio) Entradas Pginas Temas Widgets Medios (Multimedia) Google Analticas Administracin de usuarios Publicidad Proteccin de Login y mucho masEste curso est pensado para que cualquier persona con conocimientos bsicos de informtica sea capaz de entender la plataforma Wordpress y poder administrar su propia pgina web profesional con todas las caractersticas que necesita para llevar su negocio o su marca personal hasta el siguiente nivel"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Windows Privilege Escalation for Beginners" |
"This course focuses on Windows Privilege Escalation tactics and techniques designed to help you improve your privilege escalation game. Students should take this course if they are interested in:Gaining a better understanding of privilege escalation techniquesImproving Capture the Flag skillsetPreparing for certifications such as the OSCP, eCPPT, CEH, etc.What will I learn?1) How to enumerate Windows systems manually and with tools2) A multitude of privilege escalation techniques, including:Kernel ExploitsPassword HuntingImpersonation AttacksRegistry AttacksExecutable FilesSchedule TasksStartup ApplicationsDLL HijackingService PermissionsWindows Subsystem for LinuxCVE-2019-13883) Tons of hands-on experience, including:13 vulnerable machines totalCapstone challengeCustom lab with no installation requiredPLEASE NOTEDue to the cost of Windows licensing, this course is designed around Hack The Box and TryHackMe platforms, which are additional charges, but offer an incredible variety of vulnerable machines at a fraction of the cost of one Windows license. I do not receive any financial incentive from either platform for utilizing them in the course."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Robot Structural Analysis (Steel building)" |
"In this Course you will learn how to model,analyse and Design all elements of Steel BuildingFirstly we will set preferences and job preferences (Design code,,materials...)You will learn how to model all elements of building (Columns,Beams,slab,Bracings...)You will learn how to define Wind and Seismic load by Eurocode.You will learn how to design all elements (Columns,Beams,Composite beams,BracingYou will learn how to design the foundation of structureYou will learn how to design the connections (Base connection,Frame knee connection)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Project Management" |
"Project Management is about planning and organizing a sequence of activities to reach an end goal.Project Managers are fully responsible for the success of a project. Here you will learn the fundamentals of Project ManagementWe will highlight important concepts such as:Cost and Risk Management Time, Scope, Cost, QualityCritical Path, ABC MethodSign up and learn moreLet's get started...."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |