Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn the Basics of Strategic Planning" |
"Welcome to this online learning course on Strategic Planning Basics.The Essential Method of Developing a Strategic Plan for the Busy Entrepreneur. In 90 minutes you'll learn how to write a comprehensive Strategic Plan. Ideal for people who want to start QUICKLY.This Course is designed for students and business professionals seeking practical advice on how to design and create a strategic plan that can be implemented effectively. By the end of the Course, you will understand the strategic planning method, you will know how to create a strategic plan that suits your organization's capabilities, and you will be able to define the initiatives which will be the best way of implementing strategy. The Course starts by looking at what you need to consider to set a direction, analyze your industry, evaluate opportunities and assess strategies. You will also understand how to define and prioritize the initiatives that are the elements needed for successful implementation of the plan. We will also outline the key things to do, and pitfalls to avoid, when you start implementing. Content32 lectures1 hour 32 minutes of video instructionKey concepts coveredWhat Is A Strategic Plan and Why It Is ImportantSetting A Strategic Direction via the Mission, Vision and Guiding PrinciplesDefining the Strategic Environment - External Analysis, Internal Analysis and Bringing Both Together via a SWOT AnalysisChoosing Opportunities By Understanding Your Key CompetenciesEvaluating Opportunities Using Strategic CriteriaComparing and Prioritizing Initiatives Using Strategic GridsOrganizing For Success"
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"Oracle 1Z1-574 IT Architecture Essentials Practice Exam" |
"167 UNIQUE practice questions for Oracle 1Z1-574 IT Architecture Essentials Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Oracle 1Z1-574 IT Architecture Essentials Practice ExamTotal Questions : 167Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (125 of 167)"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Learn Resume/CV Writing" |
"This Course not only enables you to write and effective Resume/CV but also helps you to recognize whom to choose on the basis of CV. So this course is really helpful to people belonging to any field whether they are hiring or tend to apply.Get a Certification on the completion of this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Home Office do ZERO" |
"Imagina se voc trabalhasse de casa em sistema de Home Office e conseguisse ganhar o seu salrio e at mais...muito mais! Voc pode sentir o poder que isso lhe traria?Ao apresentar seus produtos ou servios, voc percebe um aumento significativo em suas vendas.No importa o motivo, seja para um lanamento de produto ou servio, um treinamento, uma aula ou um Workshop. Com esse curso eu irei caminhar junto com voc nessa jornada para se tornar um excelente Empreendedor trabalhando em Home Office.Quanto vale o tesouro de um navio pirata no fundo do mar? Nada, no mesmo? E quanto vale anos de aprendizado, dezenas de cursos, centenas de livros lidos se no forem colocados em prtica? como uma biblioteca abandonada, com as traas corroendo todos os livros.De nada vale nosso conhecimento se no utilizarmos para tornar o mundo um lugar melhor.As informaes contidas neste curso, so nicas e exclusivas e no esto disponveis em nenhum outro lugar.Talvez voc pense que no tem tempo suficiente para fazer esse curso, mas posso lhe garantir que voc ter total liberdade para assistir no mnimo tempo possvel em que voc tiver, pois o curso fica disponvel 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana. No mximo em 2 horas voc j ter completado o curso.O valor investido ser muito bem aproveitado lhe abrindo portas para seu trabalho em Home Office, e tambm na sua vida pessoal com esposa, marido ou filhos, pois voc conseguir construir uma renda baseado no seu trabalho em casa, obtendo assim muito mais resultados.Algumas pessoas acreditam que no possvel ter uma renda trabalhando em casa, em Home Office, mas se enganam, pois as tcnicas so poderosas e permitiram a voc ter mais resultados como empreendedor.Neste curso, no quero que acredite no que vou ensinar, pois isso seria F. O que eu quero que voc veja que as tcnicas funcionam colocando em prtica na sua vida e conferindo os resultados.Se voc ainda no se inscreveu no curso se inscreva agora e faa parte da minha comunidade exclusiva dos meus alunos aqui da Udemy no Facebook.---------------------------------------------------------------------O que os alunos esto dizendo sobre meus cursos: ""O curso aborda muito mais do que eu esperava! com certeza um timo investimento."" - Vitoria Karolini Paula Dos Santos - Fluxo de Caixa ""timo curso Explica muito bem Fcil de acompanhar."" - Eduardo Augusto Novaes Lima - Fluxo de Caixa ""O curso incrvel atendeu TODAS as minhas expectativas ! Parabns professor estava precisando do seu curso nesse exato momento. Muito obrigadaaaa mesmo. - Claudia Rodrigues da Silva - Fluxo de Caixa ""Excelente!!!!!!"" Fabiano Pdua Laranja - Influncia, Persuaso e Liderana ""Esclarecimento claro e objetivo. fcil entendimento e didtico."" - Ana Karoline Dos Santos Noronha - Influncia, Persuaso e Liderana ""Curso excelente, consegui aprender vrias tcnicas."" - Felipe Huber dos Santos - Influncia, Persuaso e Liderana ""O curso um guia prtico para ter uma melhor compreenso sobre liderana."" - Bruno Souza Almeida - Influncia, Persuaso e Liderana---------------------------------------------------------------------Uma dica, voc no deveria comprar esse curso agora, sem considerar todos os seus benefcios.""No importa o que ou o quanto voc sabe, se no souber passar a sua ideia para as pessoas voc nunca ser considerado uma pessoa de valor."" Paulo Mattos""Voc s conseguir influenciar as pessoas quando conseguir que seu pblico coloque em prtica o que aprendeu com voc."" Paulo Mattos.""O homem tem o tamanho daquilo que se atreve a fazer."" Jorge Angel Livraga""Voc vai realizar todos os seus sonhos, se ajudar muitas pessoas a realizarem os sonhos delas."" Zig Ziglar.PS.: Voc no tem que tomar uma deciso de compra agora, pelo menos at ter certeza de que esse curso ir mudar a sua vida."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"#1 Professional Email Signature Creation: Photoshop to HTML" |
"When I was 18/19 years I was earning 500+ per month developing a photoshop to fully responsive HTML email signature. The beauty of this was I did not need any coding knowledge... Photoshop did 80% of the work for me. I want to show you my secret and hassle-free method of creating a professional full responsive email signature you can apply to your emails without needing to know code. I also take this course one step further by showing you how I started a pretty passive side business which generated over 500 per month when I was only 18/19 years old and how I automated it. I take you through the whole journey in a NO JARGON, realistic teaching structure you will understand!I give you all the tools and templates you need to not only create professional and high converting email signatures but ALSO to start a side business and 90% auto-pilot selling email signatures. In this course I will walk you through, step by step on how to create an email signature using photoshop and then making that email signature live and clickable. Once you have the foundations in place, I will then show you how to setup your own email signature business and where you can find leads and automate the process. This is an indepth and straight to the point course unlike anything else on the email signature market. I've been providing email signatures since I was 18-19 years old. I have a wealth of experience in email signatures and online activities. If you've been looking for a course to finally setup a email signature for you with zero tech, enroll today. If you purchase my course you will also get:- My Email Signature course (Valued @ 299)- Training on how to build a sales funnel (Valued @ 97)- Training on how to build a full-blown dropshipping site in 30 minutes (Valued @ 297)- Training on how to find viral content (Valued @ 67)- Discounts on Hosting and Domain Purchases- Extra training on other easy to use website/sales funnel builders (Valued @ 97)- Video training on ""5 Things Costing Your Small Business Leads"" (Valued @ 97)- Introduction to my favourite social media automation tool (Valued @ 17)- 1 Hour training video on how you can easily almost replicate any website using a drag and drop website builder (Valued @ 147)- Training on what a sales funnel is and how it can be used (Valued @ 67)- Exclusive lifetime access to my facebook group where you can ask me anything related to email signature (Valued @ 997)This means you will be getting 2182 worth of content for just a small price of this email signature course!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Project Management" |
"The Project Management achieves the ultimate benefits for the projects. Without implementing the Project Management, the chances of project failure is quite high with huge negative consequences in return.This course helps the enterprises, organizations & individuals that interact with project businesses to have a well understanding and better perception of the Project Management in order to enabling them to implement the Project Management successfully for their projects."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Tales of the Accidental Manager" |
"Are you someone who is technically quite competent in your skills and as a result found yourself stuck into a management role, without really knowing what to do or how to do it? Then maybe you have become an 'accidental manager'!If you are finding yourself having to make a disparate group of individuals work well as a team. Manage difficult people and situations. Deal with discipline and conflict issues, or manage performance or behaviour problems, then this course is for you.Learn the secrets from someone who has been there and got the t-shirt and turn yourself from an accidental manager into an exceptional manager! "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Indicadores KPIs en la Estrategia del rea y de la Empresa" |
"El curso esta dividido en 5 secciones, empezaremos por lo bsico, con las definiciones y clculos simples, mostraremos como los KPIs se relacionan a la estrategia empresarial y a la estrategia del rea. Brindaremos ejemplos de KPIs, que son, como como encontrar lo que pueda medir en tu empresa, la recopilacin de datos y una introduccin a Internet de la cosas y finalmente un ejemplo completo de aplicacin"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Create Student Management System using PHP and PDO" |
"This course include all the topics that you need in order to use PHP with PDO to select, insert, delete and update data from database.what you will learn:- PHP Basics including (Introduction, Operators, Conditional Statement, Switch)- PHP Intermediate (Array, Loops, uploading files, ...)- PHP Database (Read, Insert, Delete, Update) data from database- Complete CRUD ProjectThe course content will update every week"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Yap Bilgi Modelleme (BIM) ierisinde oluturulan disiplinler aras tasarm verilerini tek bir entegre 3B proje modeli halinde birletirmek Navisworks ile mmkndr. Navisworks tasarm ve ina edilebilirliini analiz etmenize, simlasyonunu yapmanza ve ilgili taraflara anlatmanza yardmc olan kapsaml bir proje inceleme yazlmdr. Pek ok farkl yazlm desteklemesi, ayn ara yzde veri kayb olmakszn proje bilgilerini gsterebilmesi yazlmn en byk avantajlarndan birisidir. Video ieriinde Navisworks temel ara setlerinden bahsedeceiz."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"A Crash Course In Soft Skills" |
"HoiAnd welcome to the full Version of the WIND Model. Use the codeGIMMETHATCOURSEat checkout and the next ten people get it for free.This course is about soft skills. Not just talking, this is about speaking that you are heard, listening actively, crafting questions, knowing what to tell to whom, what it means to prepare your mind and knowledge and ultimately also how to say it.In other words, this is an introduction to communication.It gives you a broad foundation of practical tools and tips to become a better speaker and listener.You will not learn how to warm up your voice with tztz and pkpkpk sounds -I rather point out that warming up will become important once you have longer or more important public speeches.I do not tell you how to manipulate someone towards a certain intent - I rather show you how to craft questions and speak in a way so that the other person reaches the conclusion themselves.Thus, the WIND Model is a visualisation of how your mindset, the knowledge that you have, what you say and what questions you ask are at the core of communication and that this can get you to the point where you will be able to talk with everyone about everything. Not because you know about it, but because you know how to ask, associate, build knowledge and show genuine interest so that people are sure you are interested and will gladly tell you enough so that you get to know more about them.WIND stands forWonder (Open Mindset)Interrogate (Crafting questions)Natural Talk (Speaking skills)Deep Dive (Knowledge)My aim is that you get a solid foundation with this course, that you reflect on your weaknesses and strengts, and that you are inspired to practice and deepen your knowledge in the aftermath.See you at the end of the courseGodspeedAndreas(The test-version in german that was online between 07.2019 -05.2020 is no longer available)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
3-kwuhav |
"PythonPythonOpen dataPythoncsv/jsonPython"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
4.AI |
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
Pygame |
" 1. 2. Screen 3. Input 4. Sprite 5. Double Buffering 6. Sound 7. Collision Detection 8. Super Mario 9. Sprite 10."
Price: 800.00 ![]() |
sromygft |
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"Vocal course ""My Sound"": 10 Simple steps to Sing like a Pro." |
"With an individual approach and unique techniques, you will understand that everyone can develop the ability to sing, regardless of age. You will forget about the fear of the stage and open up a lot of facets of your voice.Through this course, I will help you find your own vocal style, develop your musical ear, open up new facets of your voice, overcome stage fright and public appearances, stop being afraid of your voice and sing freely."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Personal Finance Budgeting And Saving Kakeibo Method" |
"In this course we will cover personal budgeting using the Kakeibo Method. We will identify practical saving tips, debt recovery strategies, and a brief introduction to compound interest for your savings. The goal of this course is to empower you to take ownership of your finances by being more mindful, understanding your spending weaknesses, and develop consistent saving habits."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Etkin Kuafr/Gzellik Salonu Ynetimi & Analizleri" |
"Kuafr salonu atnz veya amay dnyorsunuz ve kendinize sormanz gereken doru sorular m aryorsunuz? Kendinizi ve planlarnz sistematik bir ekilde sorgulatacak bu kurs sayesinde hayallerinizdeki salona bir adm daha yaknzsnz. Bu kursa kayt olarak benimle birlikte adm adm bir salonu oluturan btn deikenleri ve analizleri inceleyebilir ve tartabilirsiniz.Bu kurs sayesinde 30 farkl balk altnda kendinizi, hayallerinizi ve salonunuzu veya hayallerinizdeki salonu sorgulayacaksnz. Aada sralanan balklar ve ok daha fazlas hakknda bilgi sahip olmak iin kursa hemen kayt olun!Ama & HedeflerMarkalamann nemiDurum & Hedef TespitiEkip Ynetiminin Altn KurallarSalon i DeneyimLokasyon AnaliziMarka AnaliziMteri AnaliziPazar AnaliziS.W.O.T AnaliziMarka Ynetimi ve ok daha fazlas!Profesyonel sa kesim sanat & kuafrlk varlacak bir sondan te, bir yolculuktur. Bu tutkulu yolculukta bana her zaman Udemy zerinden veya Instagram sayfalarm @sinanergun ve @sinanergunhaireducation araclyla ulaabilirsiniz.Sinan Ergn Kimdir?Sa, ancak sanatnn yeteneiyle gzellii ortaya kan, kiiye zel bir sanat eseri olarak gren Sinan Ergn, kadn ve erkek kesimlerinde hayal gcnn snrlarn kefediyor. 20 seneyi akn sredir profesyonel olarak kuafrlk yapan Ergn, Toni&Guy, London, Emre Ayaksz Hair Palace gibi stanbulun en sekin kuafrlerinde hizmet vermitir. Aktif kuafrlk hizmetinin yan sra 2012 ylndan itibaren Uluslararas Pivot Point firmasnn Trkiye Genel Koordinatr ve Sa Kesim Teknikleri Eitmenlii grevinde bulunarak 2000den fazla renciye eitim vermitir. Birebir ve snfl eitimlerinde kadn sa kesim, erkek sa ve sakal kesim teknikleri eitimleri bulunmaktadr.Trkiye Yln Kuafr dl ile birlikte moda dergileri iin kapak fotoraf salar, yarma koluu, yarmalarda jri yelikleri, niversitelerde kariyer sohbetleri, saysz workshop ve sahne ovlar ile tutkulu olduu kuafrle ve kuafrlk sektrne katklarda bulunmutur."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Power BI DAX transition from SQL" |
"During my more than 10 years of experience in the area of Data Analysis & Business Intelligence, I see people feel not comfortable when they move from SQL track to Power BI DAX. Anyone can take this course who want to learn Power BI DAX in a practical way. People who have experience with SSRS reporting services and if they want to learn what will be the equivalent of SQL in DAX, this course will help you understand Power BI DAX in a very easy step by step approach.This course is purely based on DAX studio and SQL. First, we write SQL query and then we try to achieve the same results in DAX studio. I updated all of the courses available on Udemy regularly with the latest updates from Microsoft.This is one of the unique courses available on Udemy that takes SQL and DAX Power BI together.This course includes the following topics.- How to import data into SQL from Excel?-Data Validation-Use of Select & Evaluate to fetch the Data-Selectcolumns function in DAX and SQL-How to sort results in DAX and SQL-How to create calculated column in DAX and SQL-Distinct records in DAX and SQL-How to fetch unique records using Summarize function-Power BI Coalesce function in DAX and SQL-Custom column using Summarize and Selectcolumns function-Filtering record set in DAX and SQL-Multiple logical conditions with Filter and Selectcolumn-Countrows with Summarize for grouping-Use of Addcolumns to achieve aggregation-Addcolumn with Selectcolumn-Addcolumns with Summarize function-Calculatetable to filter recordset-Calculatetable vs Filter function-When to use calculatetable and filter function-Naturalinnerjoin and Inner join in DAX and SQL-Naturalinnerjoin and no physical relationship-Alternatives of Natural Inner join in DAX-Having clause in DAX and SQL-Left outer join in dax and sql-Cross join in dax and SQL-Summarizecolumns in DAX and SQL-Summarizecolumns with measure-IN operator in DAX and SQL-Search string in DAX and SQL-Search string from left or right in DAX and SQL-TopN results in DAX and SQL-Generate with TopN in DAX and SQLAbout meI am your instructor Muhammad Asif Microsoft certified solutions expert in data management & Analytics. I have more than 10 years of experience in Microsoft BI stack with world-leading financial Firm. You will learn what exactly is used in the industry."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Avanzando hacia PowerBuilder 2019 (Parte 1)" |
"El curso completo es Moving to PowerBuilder 2019 R1 y R2.Los temas que se vern (parte 1) son: El consolidado de nuevas funcionalidades hasta PowerBuilder 2019 R2. Los nuevos controles RibbonBar Control y Web Browser Control. El trabajo para mejorar la interfaz de usuario a travs de los UI Themes.Funcionalidades Cloud Consumer a travs de RESTClient, Datawindow, JSONPackage.La integracin nativa para invocar Assemblies .NET Framework o .NET Core utilizando los nuevos objetos (DotNetObject y DotNetAssembly) y la nueva herramienta "".NET DLL Importer""."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Moving to PowerBuilder 2019 (Part 1)" |
"The complete course is ""Moving to PowerBuilder 2019 R1 and R2"".The topics to be seen (Part 1) are: Consolidation of new functionalities up to PowerBuilder 2019 R2. The new RibbonBar Control and Web Browser Control. New features of the tool to improve UI / UX through ""UI Themes"". Cloud Consumer functionalities through RESTClient, Datawindow, JSONPackage. Native integration to call ""Assemblies .NET Framework"" or ""Assemblies .NET Core"" using the new objects (DotNetObject and DotNetAssembly) and the new: "".NET DLL Importer"" tool."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"CAPM PMI Associate Project Management Internship Exam" |
"293 UNIQUE practice questions for CAPM PMI Associate Project Management Internship ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CAPM PMI Associate Project Management Internship ExamTotal Questions : 293Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (219 of 293)"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"User Research Micromastery 01 - Usability Intuition" |
"Usability intuition is the skill of noticing usability issues in your daily life and in the digital products you work on.As Jakob Nielsen pointed out 90% of UX skills come from on-the-job learning, only 10% you can learn in classrooms. Usability intuition is one of the on-the-job type of skills. Fortunately, there is a way to practice it outside the job, using the exercises in this course.As a UX Research Lead in a 16 UXer strong team, I see usability intuition as a key skill to speed up design work, because this skill can prevent many usability problems from happening right in the 1st iteration. As a bonus, those of us, who are versed in usability intuition, can see product opportunities that others cant.Please note, this is a hands-on course. We wont cover any theory on usability or related fields."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Effectively Implement Security Management in DevOps" |
"DevOps security refers to the discipline and practice of safeguarding the entire DevOps environment through strategies, policies, processes, and technology. Security should be built into every part of the DevOps life cycle, including inception, design, build, test, release, support, maintenance, and beyond.DevSecOps will support the DevOps approach in adding automation to core security tasks by embedding security controls and processes to the its workflow.In this course you will learn How to Integrate Culture, Code, Infrastructure, Protection and Monitoring in a DevOps security environment."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Selenium Fundamentals" |
"Selenium is a powerful framework for testing web applications in the user interface (UI). This training course helps the students to learn about test automation and apply the learnt concepts to real-world scenarios. The course covers the fundamentals of Selenium and enables the students to use it both personally and professionally.This fundamental training course on Selenium is an essential course for web application developers and quality assurance engineers to learn the basics of Selenium. This course helps the candidates to interact with the Selenium IDE and use it to test the web applications in the UI. Selenium is a light weight IDE available as an add-on to most of the commonly used web browsers such as Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer which makes it ideal for candidates who want to use it both professionally and personally."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure 2017" |
"This advanced level course is intended for cloud administrators who will be responsible for designing, installing and configuring a cloud infrastructure. First lets have a brief look that what is private cloud. Well for starters, the private cloud is defined as computing services offered either over the Internet or a private internal network and only to select users instead of the general public. This course describes the principles of configuration and implementation of private cloud technologies using Microsoft System Center 2012 R2, also includes the method of cloud environment management and administration, describes how you can monitor the infrastructure and applications that are in the cloud.The actual purpose for this course is to prepare our students for the ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Auto-Hipnose Cientfica: Modelo Sociocognitivo" |
"A Auto-Hipnose uma tcnica que pode ser desenvolvida por qualquer pessoa e capaz de gerar profundas transformaes. Os benefcios vo desde a quebra de crenas limitantes, at modificaes em questes como ansiedade, procrastinao, vcios, compulso alimentar etc. Neste curso completo com o Psicanalista, Hipnoterapeuta e Neurocientista Pedro Ivo, Professor do Instituto PI Hipnose e Ps-Graduado em Neuropsicologia, Psicanlise, Transtorno do Espectro Autista e Transtornos Globais do Desenvolvimento, voc poder dominar esta ferramenta aliando teoria e prtica. No se trata de um curso ""raso"" ou que objetiva apenas passar as tcnicas. Queremos que voc compreenda a Auto-Hipnose de verdade e, para potencializar ao mximo os efeitos, adotaremos o modelo cientfico sociocognitivo."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"TRADING Simplified: The 5 Ws (when, what, where, who, why)" |
"Have you ever been Trading and wondered why the Market behaved in a totally unexpected manner?Have you ever been Trading and felt that common sense failed to explain some specific Market reaction?Like everything else in life, in Trading we could find ourselves in front of situations that are not fully understood while the answer may be simpler than expectedThis Trading course is a discovery tour that will open your eyes to certain Markets internals that will change the way on how you understand Trading"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Meditation Minutes" |
"Welcome to Meditation Minutes with me Dr. Ashleigh Stewart. I have been teaching meditation for about 20 years and practicing it way longer! I have experience teaching all kinds of meditation from meditation to martial arts students, mindfulness meditation, yogic meditation, meditation for healing your mind and emotions, as well as being a trained spiritual medium and clairvoyant. I have taught meditation to students as part of their psychic and spiritual development, and to help them connect with their spiritual guides.I have created this simple meditation course as a basis upon which beginners can build their meditation and wellness practice upon. As well, seasoned yogis and meditators can get find sanctuary here as they get back to basics, anchoring even more deeply into their practice during this challenging time of great uncertainty, upheaval, fear and frustration amidst with the pandemic we are experiencing.My intention in sharing these meditation exercises is to help you to attune to the powers you have within yourself to help you to self sooth, and anchor into deep feelings of trust in your own inner being. Here you will discover a well of peace, unconditionally loving energy, wellbeing and guidance there within yourself.The meditations and breath exercises here all yoga based, and are simple enough that they do not require any fancy props, equipment gear or even music! This is why I love yoga! These exercises may be simple, however, they are powerful enough that you will feel a shift even after your first experience meditating.There are no prerequisites for this course, all you need to bring to this meditation program is yourself, a willingness to let go of resistance for a while and the desire to let go of your worries. You will soon be able to naturally focus into the present moment as you grow in centered awareness of your breath, relaxing all the while as you do.The meditation techniques presented to you here are suitable for beginners as they are simple. They only require approximately 10 to 15 a day as a start, with focused attention upon your breath, and in the present moment so that a natural turning inward begins and the natural practice of meditation will effortlessly occur as a result.Meditations we will cover here are:1. The Sufi Mothers Breath Meditation2. The Complete Breath Meditation3. The Inner Spirit Meditation4. The Firefly Meditation5. The Yogis Meditation6. The Body, Mind & Spirit Meditation of Intent7. The I Am Resting MeditationMy intention with creating this little meditation course is to offer you a tool that you can turn to at any time when you need to find a little bit of relief from stress, anxiety and fear, or when you are simply looking for some guidance from within.You have so much power and potential that you can tap into when you begin the practice of meditation. Whether it is just to help you calm your mind, or to seek some guidance from your inner spirit, meditation can ignite your true non-physical abilities, and to give light to your innate creative power. Meditation can heighten your awareness and help you begin molding your life the way you want it to be as you grow into your power. You can live a life of ease, joy, fun, happiness and inner peace and it all begins here, with a turning inward. You can begin learning to do that here in this short course. I sincerely hope that it impacts you in a positive way.With love,Om NamasteDr. Ashleigh Stewart"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Argumentao Persuasiva Para Vendas" |
"Pare de discutir com o seu cliente, para de perder vendas, para de se humilhar para tentar vender, com a argumentao certa voc pode aumentar e muito as suas vendas.Sabe porque aprender argumentao persuasiva mais importante do que aprender marketing digital?Porque no adianta voc fazer marketing se voc no sabe como atrair clientes, ou at mesmo atrair muitos clientes, mas no conseguir fechar vendas.Saber argumentar de forma persuasiva no s a habilidade mais importante para que voc nunca passe fome, mas tambm importante para voc crescer em qualquer ramo que voc esteja, sem vendas, nosso negcio no sobrevive!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Oracle PL/SQL Developer Certification Practice Exam(1Z0-001)" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for Oracle PL/SQL Developer Certified Practice Exam(1Z0-001)Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Oracle PL/SQL Developer Certified Practice Exam(1Z0-001)Exam Code : 1Z0-001Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 90 minsNumber of Questions : 45-55Passing Score : 65%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 200"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |