Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
cashflow-management |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Curso de Adobe Premiere Pro para PRINCIPIANTES" |
"BIENVENIDO AL CURSO DE CMO APRENDER A EDITAR CON PREMIERE PRO PARA PRINCIPIANTES!En este curso te ensear de la manera ms rpida y simple cmo empezar a editar en Premiere Pro, para que en poco tiempo sepas manejarte por el programa con soltura y crear tus propios vdeos profesionales. Cabe destacar que este curso adems de estar destinado para PRINCIPIANTES, est destinado para creadores de contenido que buscan un curso donde aprendan rpido a crear contenido para sus redes y en general para todo aquel que quiera comenzar en el mundo de la edicin con la herramienta ms rpida que nos proporciona el mercadoEN ESTE CURSO VEREMOS LAS SIGUIENTES SECCIONES:Cmo obtener Adobe Premiere Pro en nuestros ordenadores?Edicin BsicaVdeoAudioVdeo AvanzadoExportacinADEMS DE ESTE CURSO ENCONTRARS LOS SIGUIENTES EXTRAS:Clases Extras Cada SemanaRecopilacin De Recursos Para Tus CreacionesPara mi la edicin de vdeos es un aprendizaje constante y creo que nunca te puedes acostar sin aprender algo nuevo, yo llevo aos editando vdeos y sigo aprendiendo cosas, quiero que este curso continue indefinidamente, subiendo contenido cada semana, para que aprendis cosas concretas que os servirn para aplicarlos en vuestras piezas visualesSinceramente he visto muchos cursos de edicin, he comprobado que la mayora de cursos con una cierta calidad son infinitamente largos, entretenindose demasiado en apartados que a la hora de la prctica no les vamos a dar uso, por eso al principio me propuse crear un curso enseando lo ms importante del programa pero lo ms escueto posible, centrndome ms tarde en extras (clases) que me pidieran los estudiantes, dejarme vuestras preguntas o valoraciones abajo en los comentariosEspero que os guste!Atentamente:Jess Rodrigo"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
enjoyaustralianenglish |
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
fmfwjxvs |
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Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Test Your Computer Skills/Knowledge" |
"A computer is a machine that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically via computer programming. Modern computers have the ability to follow generalized sets of operations, called programs. These programs enable computers to perform an extremely wide range of tasks. A ""complete"" computer including the hardware, the operating system (main software), and peripheral equipment required and used for ""full"" operation can be referred to as a computer system.Charles Babbage, an English mechanical engineer and polymath, originated the concept of a programmable computer. Considered the ""father of the computer"", he conceptualized and invented the first mechanical computer in the early 19th century. After working on his revolutionary difference engine, designed to aid in navigational calculations, in 1833 he realized that much more general design, an Analytical Engine, was possible. The input of programs and data was to be provided to the machine via punched cards, a method being used at the time to direct mechanical looms such as the Jacquard loom. For output, the machine would have a printer, a curve plotter, and a bell. The machine would also be able to punch numbers onto cards to be read in later. The Engine incorporated an arithmetic logic unit, control flow in the form of conditional branching and loops, and integrated memory, making it the first design for a general-purpose computer that could be described in modern terms as Turing-complete.About this test:This test includes: Computer Basics Hardware abbreviations Windows OS(Operating System) Programming NetworkAfter completion of these tests, your information about computer will improve.And, This test will help you for interviews and exams preparation also. Best of luck!Course Instructor: Ramish Masood Computer & Software Engineer"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft PowerApps: Learn PowerApps & Be A Pro At PowerApps" |
"Build Business Apps Without Code! That's right - no programming skills required.In the world of the information worker, you will handle information that is probably stored across different software suites, like SharePoint, Salesforce, Excel file, Access database, ... Typically, you would like your end-users to be able to browse and/or modify this data in a general user-friendly, and preferably mobile, way. Microsoft PowerApps allows people, without any development skills, to build applications that are mobile-friendly on top of their data. Allowing other people to use the built application to browse the data and maybe even modify it.PowerApps is an initiative by Microsoft that allows developers and non-technical users to build mobile applications from selectable templates. Microsoft touts an intuitive visual design for PowerApps, with drag-and-drop functionality and a familiar look and feel taken from applications like PowerPoint.This course is specially designed to leverage your PowerApps skills to a new level. Instructor Saurabh Singh explores how to leverage PowerApps to turn an Excel workbook into a simple business app that can be used on a mobile device or in a browser. This course also includes how to edit layouts and apply themes and how to share an app and work with releases of apps. And last but not least is how to create an app from a Built-in template provided by PowerApps.Do you use apps? Have you ever thought about creating apps yourself? You would like to create your own apps but you don't know how to start? Do you have no programming experience? And in addition to that - you don't have much time?Perfect! Then you are at the right place at the right time!Join me and explore Microsoft PowerApps. Let me empower you to create your own business apps in no time without coding!Invest a few hours of your life and learn the fundamentals of Microsoft PowerApps. This tool allows you to learn business app-development in no time. You can get started for free without additional costs!After finishing this course you will be able to create your first own customized apps within minutes. You will also learn how to integrate PowerApps into Microsoft Power BI (a business analytics tool that delivers visual data insights ).You will master the fundamentals (bread and butter) and you will be eager to start creating your own customized apps for yourself as well as your organization. Equipped with your new knowledge you can also use available app templates and adjust them further to your own needs.Creating Apps doesn't have to be difficult. Let me show you a different way that does not require Android or iOS knowledge to get started.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experienceWhy take this course?If youre currently involved in content management, app development, or as a power user this course will enable you to build on that experience, and master the most cutting edge tools and practices in developing business apps raising productivity levels within your organization. For students who might be new to the field, this is an excellent course and provides a quick learning curve to get you up to speed with building apps!So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now and get your skills to the next level."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Tedarik Zinciri YnetimiGenetik Algoritmaile Optimizasyonu" |
"A Genetic Algorithm for Optimization Of Supply Chain Management Tedarik Zinciri Ynetimi Genetik Algoritma ile OptimizasyonuBir Tedarik Zinciri (Supply Chain Management, SCM), rnlerin, tedarikiler, reticiler, toptanclar, datmclar, perakendeciler ve nihai olarak da tketiciler arasndaki hareketini salayan ilikiler ve balantlar btndr. Tedarik Zinciri Ynetimi mteriye, doru rnn, doru zamanda, doru yerde, doru fiyata yani tm srelerinin entegrasyonunu salayarak en dk maliyetle ulamasn salayan ynetimidir.Tedarik Zinciri Ynetimi Genetik Algoritma ile Optimizasyon ,Video ierii:1.Blm: Genetik Algoritmalar(GA)n-Tarihesi-Tanm-Temel Kavramlar anlatlyor.2. Blm.GENETK LEMCLER (aprazlama, Mutasyon,Yardmc lemciler,Seme,) anlatlyor.3.Blm. MATLAB GA Toolbox Kullanmadan Matlab da Bir M-file ierisinde Genetik algoritmann kodu yazlr.(kod yazarken her satrda kullanlan komutlar anlatlyor.)4.Blm. Genetik Algoritma ile Tedarik Zinciri Ynetimi iin zmler sunuluyor."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"GMDH (Group Method Of Data Handling)Sinir Alar Uygulamas" |
"Group Method Of Data Handling(GMDH) MATLAB CodeGMDH (Group Method Of Data Handling)Sinir Alar UygulamasGrup Metoduyla Bilgi leme(GMDH) Ivakhnenko tarafndan 1968 ylnda ortaya atlmtr.Bu metod daha sonra onun1971'deki ""Karmak Sistemlerin Polinom Teorisi""adndaki makalesiyle yaygn bir hale gelmitir.GMDH alan ileri beslemeli,kendini organize edebilen alardr.GMDH algoritmas kark sistemlerin yksek dereceli regresyon tipi modellerini oluturur. GMDH sistemlerin tanmlanmasnda, tahmininde, optimizasyonunda kullanlmaktadr."
Price: 389.99 ![]() |
"Electrical Substation Earthing / Grounding Complete Guide" |
"Hi Students, I have developed this course to provide in depth understanding for Earthing / Grounding of Electrical equipment.You will not find any online training about this topic like this one with examples.First time you will find a comprehensive online course that covers all aspect of substation earthing system. I have included theory and practical design of 380kV Substation as example. Following topics are covered in this training.Introduction about CourseDefining Earthing , Grounding Defining Purpose of Earthing Earthing of HV equipmentWhat is Bonding, What is difference between earthing and bondingWhat is Arcing Ground What is step & touch potentialWhat is Voltage GradientTransfer VoltagesMajor components of earthing systemPermissible limits of Step & Touch Potential as per IEEE standardWhat is soil Resistivity, Measurement & Calculation of Earth Resistivity & Resistance, Calculations Formulae of Step & Touch PotentialWhat is Surface Resistance & How surface factor is calculatedWhy Gravel is layed in substation and why it is so importantTopics of Grounding & CorrosionApplicable standards and codesGoing Through Actual Design of SubstationSo please enroll today to increase you knowledge. I am always open to question online.Best RegardsMK"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Qigong Meditation: Embryonic Breathing Meditation w Dr. Yang" |
"1 hour 40 minutesRenowned Qigong expert and author Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming teaches the theory and practice of embryonic breathing. Also known as back to childhood breathing, this qigong meditation technique can revitalize your mind and body, and help you feel like you're aging in reverse. It is also the crucial foundation of internal cultivation of abundant energy and advanced spiritual practice. When your energy becomes abundant in the central energy system of the body, your spirit and morale is higher, and your health and immune response is optimal.This inspiring program builds on the fundamental qigong theory taught by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. Dr. Yang's systematic approach to teaching offers deep insight into the ancient art of Qigong with modern scientific data to support his theory from both an Eastern and Western perspective.Drawing on his years of training in Qigong and his Western scientific background as a Physics professor and Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Yang presents a clear and fascinating explanation of his detailed Qigong theory in a home seminar you won't want to miss. This program is a must for Qigong practitioners, acupuncturists, meditators, and anyone interested in understanding exactly how and why Qigong works. Learn to conserve and store your Qi to abundant levels. Develop excellent health and vitality and enjoy deep relaxation. Understand the physiological basis of your ""third eye"". Establish the root of spiritual enlightenment training. 9 Video Lessons / 100 minutes.Many more streaming videos available from the YMAA website.Titles in this series:Understanding Qigong 1: What is Qigong? / Understanding the Qi Circulatory System Understanding Qigong 2: Keypoints of Qigong / Qigong Breathing TheoryUnderstanding Qigong 3: Qigong Meditation - Embryonic BreathingUnderstanding Qigong 4: Immune Boost Qigong - Four Seasons QigongUnderstanding Qigong 5: Qigong Meditation - Small CirculationUnderstanding Qigong 6: Martial Arts Qigong BreathingThese stand-alone programs can be used sequentially, or individually, based on your qigong practice goals."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Franquicias: investiga antes de invertir (conferencia)" |
"Aprenders a identificar una franquicia real de la que no lo es. Conocer la regla de oro de Tres de 3, para evaluar una franquicia. Aprender a hacer la preguntas correctas y los aspectos fundamentales para adquirir la franquicia idonea, desde aspectos operativos, financieros, de mercado, financieros y legales. Disminuir significativamente el riesgo al invertir en una franquicia."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"PMO Certified Practitioner : Best way to get it !" |
"The main purpose of this course is to prepare the PMO Certified Practitioner based of PMO value ring methodology and related to PMO Global Alliance. This methodology is especially for Mr. Americo who is the owner of this organization.the contents of the methodology as follows :1- define PMO functions2- define PMO mix of functions3- define PMO processes4- define PMO performance indicators5- define PMO team in terms of competences6- define the maturity of PMO (how maturity will evolve)7- define the PMO ROI (align or not)8- define 4 perspective we will monitor (the value that is being generated by PMO)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to set up a company in the US (for foreign dropshippers)" |
"Simple fact? MOST of online business gurus are Americans & NONE of them knows how to get started selling online if you live outside of the United States. This course explains exactly that. I cover everything from the small but annoying tasks such as verifying your US PayPal over to the heavy stuff, which is how to open up a US bank account from abroad. Video-by-video you'll learn how to: - get an address in the United States for processing returns- get a US phone number to verify your US PayPal- set up your company in the United States - open up your American bank account from abroadI'll also touch on accounting & taxes and give you my best advice to tackle both. I promise this course will save you a TON of time and a TON of money, as I have personally spent multiples of this course price tag on consultations with tax attorneys and accountants.This course is best suited for anyone and everyone who bought a dropshipping course that doesn't explain the above (and I don't know of any course that does)."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Fundamental SOA & Microservices Practice Exams(S90.01B)" |
"This exam focuses, Business and Technology Drivers for SOA, Services and Microservices Strategic Goals and Benefits of Service-Oriented Computing Plain English Introduction to Services and Microservices Fundamental Characteristics of a Service-Oriented Architecture Understanding Service-Orientation as a Design Paradigm, including the Four Pillars of Service-Orientation Introduction to Service Layers, Service Models and Service Compositions Service Inventories, Service Layers and Service API Governance and Management Introduction to Common Service Technologies, including API Gateways, Virtualization, Containerization Introduction to Cloud Computing and Cloud Services Adoption Impacts, including considerations for Governance, Infrastructure, Performance, and Standardization"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Improve Your American Accent - The K Method Accent Reduction" |
"My name is Andy Krieger and I am an American living in Vancouver, Canada. I was fortunate to attend and graduate from Stanford University. At Stanford, I heard a great speech by President Kennedy's brother-in-law. It was such a powerful presentation that I signed up immediately after, to teach in Africa for 2 years, all based on the way this great man talked.Ever since then, I have tried to speak like Sargent Shriver. I am always complimented on the way I speak and I can get my students to talk in this elegant, articulate, thoughtful way. It is TOTALLY related to, what you want to learn, Accent Reduction!I was a grade 7 and 10 teacher in Vancouver, for 7 year, after my teaching in Africa with the US Peace Corps. Then I spent 14 years in Hollywood, hiring movie and TV extras (the people behind the actors who don't speak) for thousands of shows. Every day I was on a movie set, and started to LOVE the way actors talked. An important part of my job today is teaching actors how to speak in a certain way that will get them the part. I used this method to also teach Accent Reduction.24 years ago, I 'discovered' a way to teach foreign accent reduction. I have taught successfully over 24,000 wonderful students, from Jackie Chan, to Liu Yifei (the star of the Disney movie, ""Mulan,"" to the very, very famous Chinese actress, Li Bing Bing, to regular people, like YOU, who are looking for accent reduction on Udemy.No one has ever learned in school how to teach accent reduction, the way I teach it. Not one course on Udemy gets immediately to the basics of my course:speak more slowlythen you have time to put your TONGUE and LIPS into certain, exact positions, which I figured out, because I speak this way, using my tongue and lips when I speak. It is totally unique.Then the student brings in and then pushes out an amount of air.The secret, is making every word have a LONG VOWELto sound thoughtful and intelligent by speaking with pausesI am dynamic instructor and I do not waste 1 minute of your time. Not one other course on Udemy teaches what I do. Within even the first 15 minutes of the course, you will copy me and be speaking without your accents!!! I have thousands of testimonials from my students from famous actors and regular people, just like YOU. I have had success in teaching students from EVERY major language: Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, French, Hindi, Arabic, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Russian, etc.There are so many reasons why thousands of Udemy subscribers would wantto take my course: you are tired of people saying, ""what did you say"" or ""sorry, I don't understand"" or ""can you please repeat that"" you need to have an interview for a job, or trying to get another, better job you want to feel more confident to speak EnglishThe power points I have made are professional and perfect for learning my Method. I speak directly to you, the student and have you speaking, by copying me. Copy how I tell you to say the word(s). Right away you can hear the correct way to speak without your foreign accent.Please message me with any and all questions, I am happy to help!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"crire une Dissertation: le cours complet (2020)" |
"Dans ce cours, vous vous entranerez crire chaque partie de la dissertation: l'introduction, le dveloppement et la conclusion.Chaque leon est dtaille et pratique (des exemples prcis sont donns) et suivie d'un exercice et d'un quizz pour fixer vos connaissances. Vous apprendrez toutes les techniques pour crire chaque partie de la dissertation : analyser le sujet, trouver la problmatique, btir le plan, argumenter efficacement en veillant soigner son criture et sa culture gnrale. Pour finir, vous serez invit travailler sur la conclusion, ce qui me donnera l'occasion de vous donner quelques derniers conseils en particulier sur la gestion du temps.A l'issue du cours, je vous donnerai rendez-vous sur un groupe Facebook afin d'crire une nouvelle dissertation! Je vous retrouve l-bas ds que vous le souhaitez. Je vous dis bientt!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PhysioPilates - A Starter Guide" |
"Pilates seems too good to be true - no pumping, no pounding, no burn, a wonder workout that transforms your body. Stunning celebrities like Amanda Seyfried, Kate Winslet and Jennifer Aniston all swear by pilates. So do many professional sport stars soccer players like David Beckham, Gareth Bale and Mo Salah, who all incorporate pilates into their training programmes. It is also widely used by tennis players, golfers, dancers and athletes. But why?As a physiotherapist, a former nationally-ranked athlete, and a fitness trainer, I see Pilates growing in popularity - because it gets results, improving posture, strength, flexibility and balance while toning, firming and shaping the body. Yet all you need is space, a little time, a mat, some comfortable clothes and a good instructor and you have all the basics.Ten minutes a day is enough to achieve the considerable benefits. And pilates is suitable for anyone young or old, fit or unfit.In my 30 years as a physiotherapist, working first in a major hospital, and now in private practice, I see a huge range of injuries and conditions. I believe that pilates can help ease, control and prevent back, neck, stomach, leg and postural problems - throughout ALL of your life. Pilates works by targeting the key postural muscles, building strength from within, by stabilising the torso and building strong, flexible muscles. So it is also an excellent all-round exercise, which helps us deal with the stresses and strains of everyday life. Pilates exercises give you a longer, leaner shape, a flatter, firmer stomach, better posture, a strong back and more mobility. Yet, unlike other exercise techniques, Pilates will not produce over-developed muscles. So, the bottom line - you look great!In this course, Ill show you the most important basic exercises, modified over many years, and reveal just how YOU can incorporate pilates into your daily life. For those who complete the starter programme, this course also includes a full online class.Enjoy!Colette O'Flynn, B.Physio, MISCP, Lic. Ac, Pilates InstructorChief Physiotherapist, PhysioNowStay SafeIf youre new to exercise, please consult your doctor before starting any new activity.Stop immediately if you feel any discomfort or pain.Please complete the basic fitness questionnaire and declaration before starting the course.If youre new to Pilates, please complete ALL the Basic lessons in this course before attempting the class.We recommend that you practice the starter exercises 2-4 times per week for 2-4 weeks before progressing to the full class.DisclaimerIt is your responsibility to undertake these exercises safely. Cease performing these exercises if you experience pain or you feel unwell. The authors and advisors, who have created this course, accept no liability for injury caused as a result of participation in these exercises. All information provided by PhysioNow/Colette O'Flynn is of a general nature and is furnished for information/educational/entertainment purposes only. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice. Use of this course does not form a professional relationship. By using this course, you agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold PhysioNow harmless from all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting. Contact PhysioNow for further information or consultation.TagsPilates, exercises, physiotherapist, body conditioning, gym, fitness, home workout, physiopilates, home exercise, tips, beginners, basic, at home, without equipment, learn, get fit, flexibility, core, core stability, training, how to, Colette O'Flynn, PhysioNow, physiotherapy, course, strength, workout, health, physio pilates, pilates for low back pain, easy exercises, pilates for older adults, pilates exercises at home, strong"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MATLAB for Engineering students" |
"Learn Matrix creation and manipulation using MATLAB/Octave for engineering problems using functions, plotting, and animating using user-defined functions. Perform interesting animation using plots to visualize engineering problems.Perform matrix manipulation for exploiting integers, characters, variables, and algebraic equations in a matrix array using pre-defined MATLAB functions and create new user-defined functions to perform unique operations for code reusability.Code in MATLAB to generate animations by exploiting matrices and plots."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Chaussures de Randonne" |
"Comment bien choisir ses chaussures de randonne pour ne pas se blesser, ni rveiller de blessures ?C'est que nous ferons ensemble dans cette formation en 6 points essentiels :) - Les 3 types de chaussures + ton besoin rel- Les caractristiques techniques- Connatre son pied- Bien choisir sa paire de chaussures avant de l'acheter- Mes 7 astuces- 3 Bonus gratuits"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Matriel de Randonne" |
"Comment bien choisir son matriel de randonne pour ne pas se blesser, ni rveiller de blessures ?C'est que nous ferons ensemble dans cette formation en 7 points essentiels :) - Sac Dos : le choisir, le remplir et le rgler- Vtements- Couchage : tente, duvet, matelas...- Equipements- Hygine et Pharmacie- Mes 5 astuces- 3 Bonus gratuits"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Prparation Physique au Trek" |
"Comment bien se prparer physiquement avant de partir pour ne pas se blesser, ni rveiller de blessures ?C'est que nous ferons ensemble dans cette formation en 6 points essentiels :) - Endurance : distance, dnivel, poids- Renforcement Musculaire des muscles essentiels- Cardio pour renforcer son coeur et son souffle- Programme personnalis de prparation physique- Bonus : l'escalade- Encore 3 Bonus gratuits"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"0 Blessure en Randonne" |
"Comment ne plus jamais se blesser en randonne, ni rveiller de blessures ?C'est que nous ferons ensemble dans cette formation en 7 points essentiels :) - Journe type en trek- Anticiper avant de partir- S'organiser pour moins ressentir la fatigue- Eviter et grer les Ampoules- Eviter et grer le Mal de dos- Eviter et grer les douleurs aux genoux et aux articulations...- 3 Bonus gratuits"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Etiqueta Empresarial e Marketing Pessoal" |
"Neste curso os participantes iro aprender:Como aplicar corretamente a Etiqueta Empresarial e o Marketing PessoalSobre a importncia da Etiqueta Empresarial, a qual suportada pela tica e pelos comportamentos positivos no ambiente de trabalhoComo o Marketing Pessoal eficaz para a construo de uma carreira slida, o qual possibilita a ampliao dos horizontes profissionaisSobre os detalhes que faro do participante um integrante positivo e vencedor no ambiente empresarial em que estiver inserido"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SAT/ACT Snavna Hazrlk: Grammar ve Dilbilgisi Konular" |
"Bu kurs Trkiye'de SAT ve ACT snavlarna hazrlanan renciler iin alannda nemli bir boluu dolduracak ekilde ve srad bir emein rn olarak hazrlanmtr.Bu kurs SAT ve ACT snavlarna girecek olan rencilerin Writing and Language blm ile ilgili konu anlatm ve materyal ihtiyacn giderecek ekilde belirli bir mfredat dahilinde sistematize edilerek tasarlanmtr.Bu kurs ayn zamanda SAT ve ACT snavna hazrlanan renciler iin bir alma takvimi ve yol haritas da izmektedir.Kursun ne kan ynleri u ekildedir:Kursun hazrlanmasnda detaya girilmeden SAT ve ACT mfredatna ynelik konu anlatm yaplmtr.Writing ve Language testi iin rencilerin bilmesi gereken konular en temelden balayarak sralanmtr.Bu kurs, SAT ve ACT snavlarn vermek isteyen rencilerin materyal ihtiyacna da cevap vermektedir. rencilere her konunun ardndan minimum bir, toplamda 27 adet yaprak test ve yaklak 500 soruya eriim imkan salamaktadr. Kursun sonunda renciler drder testten oluan 5 tane deneme snavna eriebilecektir.Snava hazrlk aamasnda nereden balayacan bilemeyen renciler iin sistematik bir mfredat sunmaktadr.Snava daha nce hazrlanm renciler iin de snav ncesi kapsaml bir genel tekrar ilevi grmektedir."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Hair Styling" |
"Il corso viene strutturato in:1. La Diagnosi del Capello La lunghezza dei capelli, lo spessore, la qualit, la quantit, il taglio, il colore.2. SezioniDivisioni, angolazioni, proiezioni, volumi.3. ApplicazioniElementi, tecniche, metodi, geometrie.4. AttrezzatureQuali attrezzature e come usarle.5. FilmatiVideo della sezione, la postura, la manualit delle mani, descrizione del lavoro in corso."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Realistic pencil sketch of a human hand" |
"After completion of this course, you will be able to draw a realistic human hand sketch with one HB pencil only. Your knowledge of shading in a pencil sketching will increase. This course is for the art students beginners, intermediates and anyone who is interested in art. After completion of this course, you will be able to draw a realistic human hand sketch with one HB pencil only. "
Price: 1920.00 ![]() |
"Linux UBUNTU 20 e LibreOffice - Informtica Descomplicada" |
"Ubuntu 20.04 : Ubuntu um sistema operacional ou sistema operativo de cdigo aberto, construdo a partir do ncleo Linux, baseado no Debian e utiliza GNOME como ambiente de desktop de sua mais recente verso com suporte de longo prazo.O LibreOffice 6.4 : Calc - Planilha Writer - Editor de Texto Impress - Editor de apresentao Draw - Editor de Desenho Base - Banco de DadosSeo 1: IntroduoAula 01: IntroduoSeo 2: Baixando e Criando ISO Ubuntu 20.04 64bitsAula 02: Baixando o UBUNTU 20.04 BETAAula 03: CDBurnerXP.SE - Transformando o ISO em DVD INSTALVELAula 04: RUFUS.IE - Transformando o ISO em Pendrive INSTALVELSeo 3: Instalao Ubuntu 20.04 LTSAula 05: Instalao Ubuntu 20.04LTS em maquina com windows 10 64bitsAula 06: Instalao Ubuntu 20.04LTS Parte 2Aula 07: Instalao Ubuntu - Portugus BrasilAula 08: Particionamento Lado a Lado - 1 Instalao (Prvia habilitada)Aula 09: Para quem j tem Qualquer Ubuntu Instalado - Particionamento AvanadoAula 10: Configuraes teclado, localizao Mapa, Login e Senha.Aula 11: Desempacotando os arquivos e Baixando primeiros pacotes.Aula 12: Finalizando a Instalao (Prvia habilitada)Aula 13: Seja Bem Vindo ao UBUNTU - Instalando atualizaesAula 14: Atualizando PacotesAula 15: Reiniciando a mquina - DUAL BOOTSeo 4: ERROS na INSTALAO.Aula 16: ERRO - RAM - 2GB PAE/NX - desabilitado Somente 1 Ncleo habilitadoAula 17: Soluo - RAM - 3GB PAE/NX - habilitado 2 Ncleos Ativos ( maquina virtual)Aula 18: Continuao sobre as mudanas.Seo 5: O B-A-B do Ubuntu 20.04 LTSAula 19: Conhecendo a rea de trabalhoAula 20: Alterando Plano de FundoAula 21: Reconhecendo Resoluo de TelaAula 22: Mudando Boto Primrio do Mouse - Destro ou Canhoto e TecladoAula 23: Habilitando udioAula 24: Data / HoraAula 25: Reconhecendo seu sistemaSeo 6: Diretrios / PastasAula 26: Criar Diretrios e Sub-DiretriosAula 27: Criar Diretrios e Sub-Diretrios - Montando a Arvore do CursoAula 28: Copiando DiretriosAula 29: Movendo DiretriosAula 30:Renomeando DiretriosAula 31: Apagando Diretrios + LixeiraSeo 7:Manipulao com ArquivosAula 32: Gravando ArquivosAula 33: Copiando Arquivos / Movendo ArquivoAula 34: Renomeando ArquivosAula 35: Excluindo ArquivosSeo 8:Acesso Universal - AcessibilidadesAula 36: VisoAula 37: Teclado VirtualSeo 9: IMPRESSORASAula 38: Adicionado ImpressoraAula 39: Opes de ImpressoAula 40: Limpando Cabea de ImpressoAula 41: Removendo ImpressoraSeo 10:Aplicativos NativosAula 42: CalculadoraAula 43: Calendrio (Prvia habilitada)Aula 44: CheeseAula 45: Editor de TextoAula 46: RhythboxAula 47: ShotWellAula 48: VdeoAula 49: Klondike (Jogo Pacincia)Aula 50: ThunderbirdSeo 11:UtilitriosAula 51: Analisador de DiscoAula 52: BackupAula 53: CalculadoraAula 54: Captura de TelaAula 55: CaracteresAula 56: DiscosAula 57: FontesAula 58: Monitor de Sistema (Prvia habilitada)Seo 12: Criando USURIOSAula 59: Administrador da Rede - Criando usurios. (Prvia habilitada)Aula 60: Criando usurios Administrador e usurio PadroAula 61: Primeiro Login como usurio PadroAula 62: Usurio Padro Teste ESQUECEU sua senha! E Agora??Aula 63: Administrador Criando Nova Senha Para usurio Teste.Aula 64: Como usurio PADRO vira ADMINISTRADOR.Aula 65: Excluindo usuriosSeo 13: Atualizador de ProgramasAula 66: Atualizando e Desempacotando Pacotes e ProgramasAula 67: Atualizando O DECODIFICADOR para os Vdeos Funcionarem.Aula 68: Atualizao de Repositrio via TERMINAL (Prvia habilitada)Seo 14: Instalando e Removendo Aplicativos pelo UBUNTU SOFTWAREAula 69: Apresentao Baixando AplicativosAula 70: Instalando Aplicativos pelo UBUNTU SoftWareAula 71: Removendo Aplicativo pelo UBUNTU SoftWareSeo 15: Instalando e Removendo Aplicativos pelo TERMINAL via comando.Aula 72: Instalando Aplicativo pelo TERMINAL via comando. sudo apt-get installAula 73: Removendo Aplicativo pelo TERMINAL via comando. sudo ap-get removeSeo 16: Instalando Impressora EPSON Not Plug-and-PlayAula 74: Instalando Impressora EPSON - Parte 01Aula 75: Instalando Impressora EPSON - Parte 02Seo 17: Atualizando o LIBREOFFICEAula 76: Conhecento os aplicativos LibreOffice j instalados.Aula 77: Atualizando o LibreOffice + Instalando BASEAula 78: Substituindo os iconis na BARRA DE ATIVIDADES para verso mais nova.------------------------- LIBRE OFFICE -------------------------------Seo 18: CALC - Planilha EletrnicaAula 79: Seja Bem Vindo ao CALC (Prvia habilitada)Aula 80: Conhecendo a Are de TrabalhoAula 81: PLANILHA DE COMPRASAula 82: Formula Valor a Pagar + Tarefa 1Aula 83: PLANILHA DE COMPRAS - Resposta da Tarefa 1Aula 84: Barra de FormatoAula 85: MENU, Arquivo, Salvar Como... + DownloadAula 86: PLANILHA ESCOLARAula 87: PLANILHA ESCOLA Continuao (Prvia habilitada)Aula 88: MENU, Formatar, Clulas...Aula 89: MENU, Arquivo, Salvar Como + DownloadAula 90: PLANILHA FOLHA DE PAGAMENTOAula 91: FOLHA DE PAGAMENTO - PARTE 1Aula 92: FOLHA DE PAGAMENTO - PARTE 2Aula 93: FOLHAD E PAGAMENTO - MENU, Formatar, Clulas...Aula 94: MENU, Inserir, Grfico... + DOWNLOADAula 95: PLANILHAS EXTRAS - PARTE 1Aula 96: PLANILHAS EXTRAS PARTE 2Aula 97: PLANILHAS EXTRAS + DOWNLOADSeo 19: WRITER - Processador de TextoAula 98: Seja Bem Vindo ao Writer (Prvia habilitada)Aula 99: Conhecendo a Are de Trabalho (Prvia habilitada)Aula 100: Digitando o Curriculum - Parte 1Aula 101: Curriculum - Parte 2Aula 102: FormatandoAula 103: Gravando o Curriculum na Pasta - WriterAula 104: Texto Baixado na Internet - Forma CorretaAula 105: Formatando O DocumentoAula 106: Gravando Arquivo (Prvia habilitada)Aula 107: Salvando padro WordAula 108: Menu, TabelaSeo 20: IMPRESSS - Apresentaes Mult Mdia (slide)Aula 109: Seja Bem Vindo ao Impress (Prvia habilitada)Aula 110: rea de Trabalho do Impress (Prvia habilitada)Aula 111: Slide - Curriculum VitaeAula 112: ImagensAula 113: Efeitos e Animao : Transio de ImagemAula 114: Salvando o Slide + Download (Prvia habilitada)Aula 115: Resumo, MENU Arquivo, Formatar Caractere e ParagrafoSeo 21: DRAW - Desenhos Vetorial ( Arte-Final)Aula 116: Seja Bem Vindo ao DRAW (Prvia habilitada)Aula 117: Are de Trabalho do DRAW (Prvia habilitada)Aula 118: Primeira Arte (Prvia habilitada)Aula 119: CamadasAula 120: Vetor x BitmaperAula 121: Objeto Converter em Curva + Efeito Pr do SolAula 122: Criando Arte-Final Simples - Claro e VisaAula 123: Criando um Cartaz - Pizza a R$ 12,00Aula 124: Gravando Arquivo Formato JPG + DownloadAula 125: Cartes de VisitaAula 126: PanfletoAula 127: Consideraes Finais do DRAWSeo 22: BASE - Banco de Dados - O B-A-BAula 128: Seja Bem Vindo ao BASE (Prvia habilitada)Aula 129: Resolvendo Errp JRE (Java Runtime Environment)Aula 130: Estrutura de Banco de DadosAula 131: Estrutura de Banco de Dados - Parte 2Aula 132: Gravando a Estrutura (Prvia habilitada)Aula 133: TABELA: O B-a-B de entender e criar a sua primeira TabelaAula 134: FORMULRIO: O B-a-B de entender e criar o seu primeiro FormulrioAula 135: CONSULTA: O B-a-B de entender e criar a sua primeira ConsultaAula 136: CONSULTA PARAMETRIZA: O B-a-B de entender e criar a sua Consulta ParametrizadaAula 137: RELATRIO: O B-a-B de entender e criar O seu primeiro RelatrioSeo 23: BASE: Banco de Dados IIAula 138: Criando a TABELA PRODUTOSAula 139: Criando Consulta SQLAula 140: Consulta SQL - Solicitao de Dados Via TerminalAula 141: Consulta SQL - Data Validade Solicitada via TerminalAula 142: Consulta SQL - Pulo do Gato. miauuuAula 143: DDOWNLOAD - Banco de DadosAula 144: Formulrio CadastroAula 145: Formulrio Masterizado com Pouquinho de OOP (Programao Orientada a Objeto)Aula 146: Formulrio Masterizado - Parte IIAula 147: Relatrio 1Aula 148: Impresso Relatrio 1Aula 149: Relatrio 2Aula 150: Impresso Relatrio 2Aula 151: 163 - DOWNLOAD - BANCO DE DADOS COMPLETO"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Anti-Skid Braking System (ABS)" |
"The anti-skid braking course entitles the function, construction and operation of ABS.It includes the operation and function of each and every component in ABS system. It descries how ABS-ECU manipulates the actuators and based on which measurements and from which sensors, ow the latter sensors operates and how they measure data, what are the calculations done by ECU and based on which equations.In addition, it figures how all the components sensors, ECU and actuators operate together and their results on the driving ability and the vehicle. Moreover, the course shows the exact electrical and fluid circuit flow and their consequences."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Percusin y Cultura de Medio Oriente - 1 Parte" |
"En este curso, abordamos de forma introductoria a travs de los instrumentos de percusin (Derbake, riq, bong y Katem), los ritmos tpicos, estilos musicales, regiones culturales, artistas, repertorios y Cultura general de Medio Oriente, en 6 captulos. Incluye adems, material complementario para descargar, y el acceso a un foro para el intercambio de informacin y conocimiento."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Slide 2018 desde cero con un proyecto real" |
"El curso est enfocado en la modelacin geotcnica de un proyecto real de estabilidad de taludes, a travs, del software de Rocscience Slide 2018 (se pueden usar versiones anteriores), al final del curso el estudiante estar en la capacidad de modelar proyectos geotcnicos, generar resultados, analizar los mismos y dar soluciones de estabilidad usando slo mtodos que no requieran de sostenimiento (anclajes, geotextiles, estos sern parte de un curso avanzado).El curso se pens para estudiantes que den sus primeros pasos en el uso del software o aquellos que pretender aprender de su uso en proyectos reales."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Curso rpido de inversin en bolsa de valores: gua prctica" |
"OFERTA LIMITADA!!: si utilizas el cdigo HAPPYSEPTEMBER obtendrs el curso por tan solo 12,99.Este es un curso introductorio de inversin. En poco tiempo manejars los conceptos ms importantes sobre la inversin en bolsa, y sabrs cmo emplear estrategias simples de gestin pasiva que te ayudarn a batir a ms del 80% de los gestores profesionales. Qu hace nico a este curso?Aprenders en poco tiempo la informacin ms relevante que he comprimido de cientos de libros sobre inversin, tutoriales y clases en varias universidades del mundo (Colombia, Brasil, Alemania, Taiwan).Las estrategias aqu expuestas tienen su fundamento en los consejos de los inversores ms famosos del mundo como Warren Buffett, Ray Dalio o John Bogle.Gestin pasiva e inversin con fondos ndice (ETFs)""Los intermediarios son los nicos que ganan (...) En el casino, la casa siempre gana. En las carreras de caballos, el hipdromo siempre gana (...) La inversin no es diferente. Tras deducir los costes de invertir, batir al mercado es un juego de perdedores (...) No permitas que un juego de ganadores se convierta en un juego de perdedores""- John BogleEst demostrado que una estrategia pasiva de inversin logra mejores rentabilidades que la gran mayora de inversores profesionales. Por eso los inversores ms famosos del mundo recomiendan que el inversor particular promedio (nosotros!) invierta en la economa global con fondos de bajo coste, y evite perder su tiempo y su dinero seleccionado acciones y/o gestores. Aprende cmo disear tu propia cartera de inversin empleando fondos indexados (ETFs)!En este curso aprenders lo fundamental (sin rodeos innecesarios): Los conceptos ms importantes relacionados a la inversin en el mercado de valores. Crear una cartera que invierta en el mercado global. Cmo, cundo y con qu instrumentos invertir Todo con ejemplos prcticos desde cero.Descargo de responsabilidad: los instructores de este curso no son asesores financieros o de inversin, corredores o distribuidores. Slo comparten sus experiencias y opiniones personales; por lo tanto, todas las estrategias, consejos, sugerencias y recomendaciones compartidas slo tienen una finalidad acadmica y pedaggica. Existen riesgos financieros asociados con la inversin. No se recomienda actuar basndose nicamente en la informacin transmitida en los videos, pginas web, y/o hipervnculos externos. El instructor / los instructores no se hacen responsable por el uso que se le de a la informacin transmitida ya sea por uso u omisin."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |