Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Practise set of Computers Competetive Exams" |
"This is Computer Practise set that shares many common concepts and ideas with other fields of Computer Basics . Computer Requirees the ability to plan the practices of Computer to check your computer ability . The computer Competetive Exams This selected questions These questionsare selected for all competetive prepartion or / interview on Computer CoursesPlease note :- These Questions are for practise and understanding level of knowledegonly . It is not neccesary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and / or interview questions ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduo a Hipnose Clnica" |
"Conhea um pouco da Hipnose Clnica. Sua base histrica, mitos e realidades e algumas tcnicas rpidas de induo. Neste curso voc ir ter acesso a informaes relevantes sobre a Hipnose Clnica, voltada para a sade e tcnicas rpidas. Faa sua inscrio gratuitamente agora! Duas horas de videoaulas e material de apoio em PDF."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduo a Auto-Hipnose" |
"Esse curso ir lhe ensinar todos os conceitos da auto- hipnose tambm a montar o seu prprio udio para usar todo os dias. Alm de videoaulas e pdfs voc ir receber vrios udios de auto-hipnose para ouvir. Aps baixar voc deve ouvir com fones de ouvidos sempre deitado ou sentado com os olhos fechados."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduo a Hipnose Clnica Neurossensorial" |
"O que a Hipnose Clnica Neurossensorial?Uma nova modalidade de Hipnose Clnica est surgindo no Brasil e colhendo bons resultados em diversos tipos de utilizao.Trata-se da Hipnose Clnica Neurossensorial desenvolvida pelos psiclogos e Doutores em Sade Pblica Prof. Joo Oliveira e a Prof. Beatriz Acampora que nos ltimos 20 anos vem aplicando tcnicas inovadoras diariamente em sua clnica na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.Antes de mais nada necessrio entender o que a Hipnose Clnica de uma maneira geral.Como o prprio nome sugere e a hipnose voltada para o ambiente da sade onde podemos encontr-la sendo utilizada por: cirurgies-dentistas, mdicos, psiclogos, terapeutas, fisioterapeutas, enfermeiros, ou seja, o grande espectro que abrange o toque dos profissionais de sade.Algumas profisses tm sua prpria regulamentao quanto ao uso das tcnicas da hipnose, mas, no necessrio em nosso pas uma graduao especfica para se tornar um terapeuta em hipnose. A esse profissional d-se o nome de Hipnoterapeuta bastando, para isso, uma formao adequada e a regularizao para a atuao profissional.A Hipnose Neurossensorial um perfil de hipnose clnica onde os canais sensoriais so estimulados atravs de equipamentos que agem de duas formas: potencializando o estado alterado e provendo biofeedback ao profissional de sade Hipnlogo Clnico.Para ampliar o estado alterado de conscincia so utilizados:- Instrumentos de emisso de luzes e cores,- Cheiros como perfumes e essncias para ancoragens de estados emocionais,- Poltronas e esteiras vibratrias com ou sem aquecimento,- Possibilidade de aumento ou diminuio da temperatura ambiente e- Efeitos sonoros onde esto inclusos uso de frequncias especiais.J como biofeedback, para a perfeita monitorao do estado de aprofundamento do paciente/cliente, so utilizados aparelhos que aferem:- Resistncia galvnica,- Percentual de oxigenao no sangue,- Batimentos cardacos e- Aferio da temperatura em alguns pontos da pele.So vrios os perfis de como a Hipnose Neurossensorial pode atuar. Temos cinco principais modelos: Comportamental Voltado para a alterao no perfil comportamental da pessoa. Administrao emocional, potencializao de qualidades, respostas assertivas e espontneas as demandas dos ambientes profissional e/ou social/familiar e etc. Tratamento de fobias Aqui se incluem praticamente todos os tipos de fobias existentes, tendo tcnicas diversas dependendo da intensidade e modelo fbico apresentado. A Dessensibilizao Sistemtica Progressiva, por exemplo, uma dessas tcnicas que quando bem aplicada pode conduzir o paciente/cliente a obter resultados rpidos quando aplicada durante o estado alterado de conscincia. Emagrecimento Muito em moda ultimamente com vrios profissionais qualificados conquistando feitos notveis com seus pacientes/clientes. A Hipnose Neurossensorial utiliza o mtodo RESEM desenvolvido na UENF-RJ na ocasio da pesquisa de Mestrado em Cognio e Linguagem do Prof. Dr. Joo Oliveira. Subtrao de sintomas Esse perfil exige um cuidado maior, pois, todo sintoma est a servio de alguma manifestao de descontrole interno que pode ser de mbito emocional ou no. Nesses casos, quando os sintomas so mais severos, o aconselhvel que uma equipe multidisciplinar acompanhe o tratamento. O profissional psiclogo e o profissional mdico so indispensveis em casos graves. Reabilitao fantstico perfil da Hipnose Neurossensorial onde, mesmo sem movimentos fsicos reais (somente na imaginao em estado alterado de conscincia), o paciente/cliente auxiliado a desenvolver de novo suas habilidades motoras perdidas por algum trauma fsico ou AVC. A Hipnose Neurossensorial tem conseguido excelentes resultados nesse tipo de tratamento aliado ao trabalho de fisioterapeutas e mdicos especializados.Como identificar um bom sujeito para o tratamento com hipnose?Poderamos citar inmeros outros tipos de abordagens, porm, acreditamos que esses sejam suficientes para demonstrar a grandiosidade dessa fabulosa ferramenta chamada Hipnose Clnica Neurossensorial.O ideal que, pelo menos, dois quesitos sejam aferidos para ter certeza que existe uma possibilidade de recuperao.No caso da abordagem est voltada para o tratamento onde seja necessria mudana fsica/orgnica/metablica diante de um sintoma qualquer.1- Que o paciente/cliente apresente a capacidade de manter foco de concentrao durante alguns minutos, pelo menos, em uma nica estrutura de pensamento.2- Que exista alteraes percebveis conforme este paciente/cliente estimulado psicologicamente em seu sistema nervoso parassimptico e simptico.Essas duas condies nos revelam que o paciente/cliente possui facilidade de respostas internas.Isso extremamente til para o tratamento alcanar xito de forma rpida e segura.Em todos os casos o acompanhamento mdico essencial nos casos de sintomas fsicos persistentes. Jamais se deve substituir a teraputica medicamentosa pela hipnose pura e simples.A hipnose clnica (contra sintomas) como uma ferramenta poderosa na potencializao de qualquer tratamento. J no perfil comportamental ou mesmo na reprogramao mental, outros cuidados devem estar presentes como, por exemplo, uma boa construo das sugestes, para que no ocorram conflitos ticos na personalidade do paciente/cliente."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
kaizenleader |
Price: 21000.00 ![]() |
"Learn Microsoft Dynamics NAV for Business with Examples!" |
"You will not only learn Microsoft Dynamics Nav but also gain a huge knowledge of managing a business from Manufacturing to Shipment and after all how to be a successful business manager.We will specialize together with below topics;Company Master Data: (Entering/ Set up Microsoft Nav depending on your company role /size.Quality Management: (Adding test measures)Sales: (Creating Customer orders/ customer quotes)Work PreparationPurchasing: (Buying/Ordering materials from Vendors)Production: (Production Planning,Calculate consumption by production Post output, Dispatch final product)Accounting: (Invoicing, posting incoming payments)Controlling: Show delivery note Show invoicePost incoming payments"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Balangtan leri Seviyeye Uygulamal Kriptoloji Eitimi" |
"""Siber gvenlik konusunda uzman bir eitmen tarafndan, ak ve sade bir dille anlatm, kriptoloji konusunda benzersiz bir eitim. Siber Gvenlik ve Kriptoloji alanlarna ilgi duyan, bu konularda kendini gelitirmek be pratik bilgi edinmek isteyenlere tavsiye ediyorum."" RENC YORUMU""ok baarl bir eitim. network ,network security ,ifreleme yntemleri vb tm gvenlik sistemlerinde kullandmz protocollerin tm mantn ve detaylar bu videolarda anlatlm. ahsen network alannda ynetici pozisyonunda almama ramen ok faydalandm bir eitim oldu. ncelikle bar hocama ok teekkr ederim ve eitimlerinin devamn bekliyorum."" RENC YORUMU""Kriptoloji alannda Trke kaynak bulmak neredeyse imkansz. Bu alana ilgisi olanlar iin bulunmaz bir frsat."" RENC YORUMU""Siber Gvenlik Uzman olmak iin bence en nemli eitimlerden bir tanesi. Harika bir eitim. Ellerinize salk!!! "" RENC YORUMU""Teknik terimlerden syrlarak Kriptolojiyi anlamak isteyenler ile Kriptoloji bilimine ve ifrelemelerin temel mantna uygulamal bakmak isteyenler iin harika bir eitim olmu. Emeinize salk..."" RENC YORUMU""Konuyla alakal Trke kaynak ve eitim miktar zaten kstl. Gerekten byk bir ihtiyaca cevap olmu bu eitim. Eitmenin akademik gemii ve uzmanl kendini belli ediyor. Kriptolojiye ilgi duyanlar karmasn."" RENC YORUMU""Gayet kapsaml ve konular temelden alarak aklayan bir kurs olmu. in matematiksel temellerinden yola karak anlatlmas ve uygulamalar yaplmas gzel olmu. Kurs ile Kriptoloji dnyasnda gzel bir yolculuk oldu. Teekkrler..."" RENC YORUMU""lkemizde kriptoloji iin yeterli Trke kaynan olmad bir dnemde ilgilenen herkese ila gibi gelecek bir kurs program..."" RENC YORUMU""Bu alanda uzman olmak isteyenler iin karlmamas gereken bir eitim. Her konu grsellerle anlatlarak kuvvetli bir sunum hazrlanm. Emeinize salk"" RENC YORUMU""Teekkrler, gerekten ok baarl ve anlalr bir kurs. Trke dilinde byle bir kaynak yarattnz iin sizi tebrik ederim."" RENC YORUMUEitim ile ilgili her trl konuda (indirim kuponu ihtiyac dahil) benimle e-posta ya da Linkedin zerinden irtibat kurabilirsiniz...Merhaba Arkadalar,Eitimimi baaryla tamamlayanlar aadaki konularda bilgi, beceri ve yetkinlik kazanacaktr.1) Saylar ve Olaslk teorisi (Blnebilme, Asal Say Teoremi, En Byk Ortak Blen, rtme, in Kalan Teoremi, Blme, Grup Teorisi, Modler s Alma, Fermat ve Euler Teoremleri, Order Kavram, Sonlu Alan vs.),2) Klasik Kriptografi Sistemleri ve Kripto Analiz Teknikleri (Sezar, Affine, Vigenere, Yerine Koyma, Hill, Vernam, LFSR vs.),3) Simetrik (Gizli Anahtar) ifreleme Algoritmalar (Ak ifreleme, A5/1, Blok ifreleme, DES, AES vs.), 4) Asimetrik (Ak Anahtarl) ifreleme Algoritmalar (arpanlarna Ayrma, Asallk Testi, Kesikli Logaritma, Diffie-Helman Anahtar Deiimi, RSA, ElGamal vs.),5) zet (Hash) Fonksiyonlar (Gvenli zet Fonksiyonu, Doum Gn kilemi, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3, Mesaj Dorulama Kodu),6) Saysal (Elektronik) mza (RSA, ElGamal, Mesaj zeti ile mza, Dijital mza Algoritmas-DSA),7) Protokol ve Uygulamalar (Ak Anahtar Altyaps, PGP, SSL/TLS, Giz Paylam Algoritmas (Secret Sharing Algorithm), Gizli Bilgi ekilmesi (Private Information Retrieval - PIR))"
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"Introduction To Pet Acupressure Therapy" |
"Our Introduction to Acupressure Therapy course offers you the opportunity to become certified in Basic Acupressure for the Pet Body through the Holistic Veterinary Institute. Acupressure sessions are a great option for all pet owners to naturally treat their pet AT HOME. Acupressure therapy can be utilized to treat: - arthritis- cancer-seizures- allergies- gastro-intestinal disorders- anxiety,- and so much more!Acupressure therapy is very similar to acupuncture therapy for animals but uses a much softer approach. Acupressure therapy can be incorporated into daily massage therapy for pet professionals as well. "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin al Yoga y Mindfulness infantil." |
"Aprenders a transmitirles a tus nios ejercicios, mtodos y experiencias de Yoga y Mindfulness. Los ayudaras a estar ms tranquilos y centradosNuestro curso est pensado para profesores, educadores, entrenadores y padres. Comienza tu camino en la prctica del yoga y la meditacin con nios. Saca el mximo de provecho al Yoga y el Mindfulness de manera cotidiana, utilizar recursos de Yoga en el aula, en cualquier asignatura, para mejorar el rendimiento acadmico y el ambiente del aula. Imparte clases de yoga infantil. No dejes pasar esta oportunidad de enriquecer tus conocimientos y ayudar a tus nios."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
improvingvoice |
" 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9-"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn the violin" |
"In this course you will learn to play the violin, starting from the beginning and learning everything you need to know. The aim of this course is to take you through your first year year, leading up to a level of ABRSM grade one or equivalent; violin technique, reading, notation and repertoire."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Chemistry - Chemical Reactions & Equations" |
"This Chemistry Course on Chemical Reaction & Equations is an intermediary class course designed from the perspective of school education & learning. This course covers the general syllabus related to the topic Chemical Reactions & Equations. This course provides general knowledge & conceptual understanding in basic fundamentals & concepts of chemical reactions & equations. This also makes us learn about chemical reactions & their impact in our daily life.Further it provide concept in balancing of equations & details for different types of chemical reactions.It also helps in understanding the major cause of Corrosion & Rancidity.It also includes Quiz and Practical Lab Projects & Experiments on different sections of this course.This course can be enrolled for:Science StudentsCrash course & concept revision in the topicSecondary & high school levelBeginner & Intermediate Learning StudentsSchool board exam preparationCompetitive exam (like NEET, IIT)National & International OlympiadsPreparing international students for levels AQA, OCR, GCSC (I & II)Any student interested in learning (no prerequisite knowledge required)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cursuri de Salsa pentru incepatori" |
"n acest curs de Salsa pentru incepatori veti invata postura specific dansului Salsa, cum se folosete corect corpul pe schimbri de direcie, pasii de baza cu accente muzicale i cateva secrete ale dansului. Pasii pe care o sa-i invatati ii puteti dansa atat singuri cat si impreuna cu un partener sau partenera in confortul casei sau oriunde aveti ocazia sa dansati, pentru ca dansul aduce foarte multe beneficii, de la tonifierea musculaturii intregului corp pana la imbunatatirea memoriei prin starea de bine pe care o creaza, pentru ca dansul schimba vieti si aduce fericire. Va urez succes i spor la dans!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Social Brand of You" |
"The Social Brand of You course, an online course that teaches you how to authentically connect with new people, humbly influence and vigorously thrive in social and professional interactions. In short, it teaches you how to Move Freely into and in every social situation you find yourself in.Hey you! Yes, you with the face. Welcome to your first achievement, finding your way onto this page!Have you ever heard the saying, Successful people spend time doing things that unsuccessful people dont like doing?. Well you can consider yourself on the yellow brick road to becoming one of those successful people with the Social Brand of You course.So youre probably thinking....Why should I take THIS course?And...What makes it different to the 10 million other online courses out there?Well, clean those ears out and give yourself permission to sit still for 5 minutes while I answer these questions for you.Heres 20 Things I wish I had been taught earlier in life:How to actively and practically build my self esteem so that big challenges become easily achievableGreater self belief in my capability especially in those moments when I doubt myself, my abilities and whether I even have the skills to successfully achieve that taskHow to strike up a great conversation with anyone, anytime and create a cool impressionHow to befriend new people in a couple of minutesHow to feel more confident when socialising with strangers at social parties, business events, the bevvy of moms in the school parking lot (LOL)How to be the star of the show when the time and place calls for itHow to be the most magnetic and attractive person in the room. (This has nothing to do with your looks (thank goodness!) and everything to do with how you mingle - Hall pass!)How to make a jaw dropping entrance into a room kinda like J-Lo in Maid in Manhattan or Bond, as in James Bond. (one of my students won the first red rose on The Bachelor for her first impression - it works! It really really works!)How to be charming so that people simply like me and want to be around meHow to keep a conversation going with people you dont know very wellHow to combat your social anxiety and instead become the sparkle pony at eventsHow to make other people feel special when they are around youHow to make friends easily even in my adult yearsHow to join groups of people standing around at events instead of being an, albeit pretty, wall flowerHow to stand and sit at events that attract people towards youBody language that feels natural and not socially awkwardSocially unattractive body language to avoid (these are surprisingly popular positions that we have all been doing forever!)How to flit around the room like a seasoned social butterflyBecome a master socialiser at events - social or businessHow to spot people that actually want to talk to you at eventsYou will learn all these skills and a couple more bonus points that will blow your thinking of the past out the water!In one life changing online course you will get:Proven practical skills you can implement immediatelyMake that CV and resume sparkleImmediate confidence and social swayBottom Line:This course is about YOU, your personal brand, the brand that YOU present to the world, the brand that people buy into, like, support and rally around."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
5-splvpq |
": "
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"The Change Maker 7 Day Challenge for Personal Change" |
"In this challenge you'll learn how to uncover what gives you purpose and meaning, create a vision of what success looks like to you, and develop plan a of action for sustainable results. Section One - Discovering Your WhyToday, I Take a Step Toward My DreamsThe Benefits of Discovering and Living Your Life Purpose7 Ways to Discover Your Life's PurposeMind-MappingMake Your Dreams Come True WorkbookSection Two - The Vision Quest Take Responsibility What Does Success Mean to YouMy Mindset Controls My Reality Create a Vision Board and Reach Your GoalsDare to Dream WorkbookSection Three - Breaking GroundHow to Motivate Yourself to Do Great ThingsFive Ways to Set and Achieve Your GoalsGoal-Setting Traps to Avoid This YearEasy Life Adjustments that Keep You on the Path to Your DreamsThe Systematic Approach to Goals Workbook"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ganar dinero en internet desde tu casa SIN inversin" |
"Descubre en este curso 5 maneras para generar dinero en lnea desde tu casa de una manera fcil y con cero inversin! Aprenders con cada estrategia tips muy fciles para que puedas aumentar tus ingresos en muy poco tiempo adems de recomendaciones necesarias para tu xito seguro en tus ganacias."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Guide - Parenting Teens: Communicate with your teen" |
"This course dedicated to parents and future parents of teenagers will guide you through a transformative journey to improve the way we relate to our children. Through Active Listening, you will be able to engage your children and get them to participate in meaningful dialogues. Active Listening connects people, builds trust, makes you approachable, and improves your ability to understand and resolve problems."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Bird Identification for Beginners" |
"This course will take you through the step by step process to identify a bird. It does not matter where in the world you are these techniques will work. It doesn't matter if you have never identified a bird before, you will know how to after this course. Bird watchers wanting to improve their bird identification skills will also benefit from this course and improve their bird identification skills. It goes through all the basics that you need to know and beaks it down into easy and understandable sections. Your journey to bird identification starts here."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SMART Voice ""voce e canto"" Artistic/Professional Certificate" |
"Il presente percorso formativo mira ad integrare al meglio i risultati delle migliori tecniche, ricerche e studi dedicati alla voce, dalla fisiologia alla neuroanatomia, dagli esercizi pratici a quelli di percezione e controllo corporale, al fine di fornire al corsista tutti gli strumenti fondamentali per un utilizzo corretto e sicuro della propria voce in ambito professionale e artistico. Il presente corso, essendo integrato a livello multidisciplinare, mira anche a dei risultati di beneficio indiretto delluso consapevole della voce nella psicologia dei soggetti. Nel corso, impareremo a gestire e conoscere meglio il nostro strumento poich, ricorda, un corretto utilizzo della nostra voce si traduce in un importante miglioramento soggettivo in diversi aspetti della nostra vita: migliore sicurezza all'azione, una postura controllata, il respiro pi fluido, la voce intonata, sostenuta, forte e chiara, l'aumento della consapevolezza di noi stessi e l'aumento dell'auto-efficacia percepita per una formulazione precisa dei nostri pensieri. Ecco l'algoritmo che ti cambier per sempre! All'interno del corso troverai molti video esplicativi, slide, e-book (scaricabile) e quiz per verificare il tuo apprendimento, insomma, un corso completo ed efficace che migliorer il tuo strumento vocale e la tua vita! Alla fine della formazione, riceverai l'attestato ufficiale del corso ""Artistic/Professional Certificate"", che attester le tue competenze nell'utilizzo della voce a fini professionali o artistici.Ti aspetto! Il tuo Vocal coach, Mirko."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Gut mit Worten ausdrcken" |
"Gut mit Worten ausdrcken: Der Kurs fr Selbstndige, die STARK mit WORTEN werden wollen.Lerne in diesem Online-Kurs, wie du dich verstndlich, auf den Punkt und mit starken Worten auf deiner Webseite, in Angeboten oder bei Vortrgen ausdrckst.Finde die passenden Worte.Erstelle wirkungsvolle Texte.Begeistere mit deinen Worten - kurz, knackig und auf den Punkt.Manchmal fehlen uns einfach die zndenden Worte fr Webseiten, Postings, Videos, Vortrge oder Produktbeschreibungen. Oder unsere Worte wirken einfach nicht richtig. Manche Formulierungen passen nicht. Oder unsere Stze sind unklar und lang.DochMit unseren Worten verkaufen wir auch unsere Dienstleistungen und Produkte. Deswegen brauchen wir berall Worte, die begeistern und wirken. Wir brauchen Worte, die verstndlich und auf den Punkt sind fr Angebote, Postings, Webseitentexte, Blogartikel, Videos, Prsentationen, Workshopbeschreibungen, ohne Ende. Gefhlt formulieren wir dauernd etwas.NurTexten ist eigentlich nicht unser Business. Jedoch ein wichtiger (und tglicher) Teil, um erfolgreich selbstndig zu sein. Es frisst Zeit und Nerven, die richtigen Worte zu finden und gut zu formulieren. Und manchmal wundern wir uns, weil wir mit unseren Worten nicht richtig verstanden werden.LERNE IM KURS, WIE DU DICH VERSTNDLICH, AUF DEN PUNKT UND MIT STARKEN WORTEN AUF DEINER WEBSEITE, IN ANGEBOTEN ODER BEI VORTRGEN AUSDRCKST.Wie und wieso Worte wirken.Was sprachliche Souvernittskiller sind und wie du sie vermeidest.Wie du besser verstanden wirst, mit Worten begeisterst und klar fr deine Webseiten, Postings, Videos, Vortrge oder Produktbeschreibungen formulierst.Wie du auf den Punkt kommst und einen roten Faden zwischen all den Worten spinnst.Wie du die passenden Worte findest fr alle Worte, die du tglich formulierst.WIE WRE ES,...WENN DU GENAU WEISST, WELCHE WORTE DEINE ZIELGRUPPE UND KUNDEN BEGEISTERNWENN ANDERE DICH BESSER VERSTEHEN UND WISSEN, WAS GENAU DEIN ANGEBOT IST?WENN DU ZEIT UND NERVEN BEIM TGLICHEN FORMULIEREN SPARST?Und, wer bin ich berhaupt?Hey, ich bin Bianca und ich zeige Selbstndigen, wie sie mit starken Worten begeistern und berzeugen - ob in Textform, bei einem Vortrag oder in Videos.Ich liebe Worte, Sprache und Reden. Von mir hrst du sehr selten nur 3-Wort-Stze. Ich mag Adjektive, Wortschpfungen und Humor. Was ich nicht mag, ist Geschwurbel, man msste mal und unklare Stze. Nebenbei finde ich es schade, wenn sich Menschen mit Worten klein machen - obwohl sie richtig was auf dem Kasten haben. Andersrum brigens genauso.In diesem Workshop bekommst du mein ganzes Wissen aus meinem Studium, Aus- und Weiterbildungen. Viel Kommunikations-Praxis i.S.v. Handwerkszeug aus 20 Jahren Beratungen, Vortrgen und eigenen Texten kommt obendrauf und ist mehr als das Sahnehubchen.DIE MODULE IM BERBLICKModul 1Was sind eigentlich starke Worte?Warum Worte immer eine Bedeutung bekommen - die Frage ist welcheVon Zauberwrtern und Reizwrtern.Modul 2Konjunktive und anderen sprachlichen Souvernittskiller - Lass sie weg.Wie du sprachliche Fallen umgehst.Von Pausen. Warum sie gut tun.Modul 3Wie du endlich besser verstanden wirst.Das EKSAKT-Modell (ohne Rechtschreibfehler).Wie du damit klar kommunizierst.Modul 4Wieso du deine Zielgruppe unbedingt kennen solltest.Sprich die Sprache deiner Zielgruppe.Wie du relevante Inhalte prsentierst und wo du diese Relevanz findest.Modul 5So kommst du auf den Punkt.Warum und was du weglassen kannst.Du brauchst nicht 1000 Argumente, sondern nur 3.Modul 6von Struktur und deinem roten Faden.Wie dir Argumentationsstrukturen helfen.3 Strukturen, mit denen du durch das (Business)Leben kommst.Modul 7damit du nie wieder sprachlos bist.Wo du passende Worte findest.bungen, damit dir nie wieder die Worte fehlen.ON Top3 Lektionen aus dem Mini-Training ""Gut mit Worten ausdrcken""das STARK mit WORTEN E-Book: Wie du verstndlich, begeisternd & souvern prsentierst. (Wert 17 EUR netto).Special-Konditionen fr weitere KurseUnd das ist fr DICH...7 Module plus Bonusmodulinsgesamt 13 Videos (etwa 2 Stunden Videomaterial)Input auch als Texte6 Worksheets mit Checklisten und bungendas STARK mit WORTEN E-Book: Reden. Auftreten. Prsentieren.3 zustzliche Lektionen aus dem Mini-Trainingfreie Zeiteinteilung"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Tiktok Marketing - De 0 a 1 milln de seguidores!" |
"""Tiktok is one of the greatest opportunities of this decade and it can change your life."" - Gary VaynerchukTiktok es una plataforma digital que puede cambiar tu vida si sabes utilizarla correctamente, tanto si quieres convertirte en un influencer o si quieres crecer tu marca y llevarla al siguiente nivel, pero para lograr esto tienes que tener ciertos conocimientos para poder tener xito en Tiktok y poder aprovechar esta gran oportunidad.Tiktok es la plataforma digital con el mayor alcance orgnico y con la que puedes tener el crecimiento mas rpido.Tiktok es la plataforma digital con los mayores retornos de inversin para marketing digital, por lo cual si tienes un negocio o una empresa debes empezar a mover tu publicidad a esta plataforma.Tiktok est disponible en ms de 150 pases y ya cuenta con 1 billn de usuarios, por lo cual en un par de meses estar compitiendo por convertirse en la red social mas utilizada e incluso podra convertirse en la plataforma digital mas importante del mundo.No hay limite en la cantidad de oportunidades que tiene tiktok para empresas y negocios de cualquier tamao o nicho, los beneficios que puedes obtener en tiktok son cada vez mas grandes, por lo cual la adquisicin de nuevos clientes y la promocin de tus productos o servicios puede incrementar tus ventas e ingresos.Lo mejor de todo es que no tienes que preocuparte por todas las complejidades involucradas con aprender las tcnicas y secretos, ya que en este curso te explico de una manera muy sencilla todas las estrategias que necesitas utilizar para tener xito en esta aplicacin tan innovadora. IntroduccinDe 0 a 1 milln de seguidores y Tiktok para negocios.Este es un curso paso a paso que te enseara como crecer tu cuenta de tiktok desde cero hasta ms de 1 milln de seguidores y tambin a como utilizar el marketing en tiktok para crear campaas publicitarias efectivas y que puedan generar nuevas ventas y utilidades.Lo MAS IMPORTANTE, descubrirs estrategias y mtodos para obtener resultados exponenciales en tiktok.Quiero decirte que este curso ya ha sido probado y testeado, antes de crear este curso yo me dedicaba a dar mentoras personalizadas, y despus de ver los increbles resultados que obtenan mis clientes me decid por crear un curso para poder llegar a muchas mas personas y ayudarlos a cambiar sus vidas aprovechando esta gran oportunidad.Lo nico que te pido si decides tomar mi curso es seguir todos los pasos al pie de la letra y vers como empiezan a llegar los resultados. Las estrategias y tcnicas que aprenders en este curso han sido por influencers, top creators y empresarios para crecer sus seguidores, incrementar ventas e ingresos.As que, Qu estas esperando?"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"2020 Discounted Cash Flow(DCF)Valuation Financial Modeling" |
"Hey, welcome to Company Valuation and Financial Modelling online course.We are glad to see you visit this course. Please make sure that you are using ""Head Phones"" during this course for better voice quality.What is this course about?In this course, I will explain you the all-inclusive skills to carry out the valuation of any business.I will demonstrate the following comprehensive content topics in detail in this course:1) Understanding the business model2) Concocting the financial statements - income statement, balance sheet and cash flows statement3) Projecting the financial statements4) Discounted Cash Flows based valuation techniques5) Sensitivities of valuation estimationsIt is a very thorough course that will educate you the entire skills to execute the valuation analysis of any business.How is this course useful for YOUR purpose?Hey, did you watch the promo video? If not, please do.This course will benefit you to stand in good stead for a possible Analyst profile in the following sectors: Investment banking Equity Research Private Equity Asset Management Consulting / AdvisoryPlease understand the Analyst profile is quite demanding in all of the above jobs. So, your company will need you to be on ready to work on a real project on Day 1! This course does precisely that I will make you job ready for your qualified work.The course offers all the workable education to assume the role of an analyst in the above divisions. You can crack your forthcoming interviews effortlessly with the education from this course.You have lifetime access to the course once you enroll. So even if you don't plan to start now, you can still enroll & come back anytime soon after.What makes this course different than others?This course content is exceptional! You will learn precisely what you are required to do in your everyday job.You get access to everyday real-life illustrations of all key skills to be an Analyst with Financial service industries firms. It is a totally hands-on course. You need to carry out the illustrations in the course along with me. I will provide you the same set up as the myself. All illustration spreadsheets can be downloaded at your end. You will feel as if someone is steering you step by step in all illustrations.It is a very helpful on the job preparation for you. You are going to love my coaching style.What next?If there are any questions, don't be reluctant to reach out to us. Start Off now. See you inside the course.What youll learn Develop a comprehensive valuation model of any firm. Analyse the Annual Report of any business Construct historical financial statements of any business Projected future financial statements of any firm Complete valuation analytics on any firm Accept sensitivity analysis of a valuation estimateAre there any course requirements or prerequisites? None. We will teach everything from scratch.Who this course is for: Financial analysts Business analysts Venture capitalists Private Equity professionals Start-up entrepreneurs Equity Analysts Finance Managers Investment Bankers"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"From Zero to Hero on Linkedin" |
"Have you considered the fact that LinkedIn is more than just an online Resume?Do you want to pursue the opportunities LinkedIn offers and get the job you wanted, obtain a promotion faster or spread your influence within your company?Or maybe you want to solidify your reputation as an entrepreneur or professional in the online world.A great job is the key to living a happy life. The problem is, you know how competitive the job market is but you werent taught how to job hunt in school.The good news is, by simply mastering these leading-edge job hunting and professional presentation skills, you can get yourself into the running for positions that were previously out of your reach. Plus, you can present yourself articulately, with confidence, and with purpose. Identify the right opportunities so you dont waste your valuable time and get hired for more money than you previously thought possible.And it can all happen within the space of a few weeks. Thousands of job seekers all over the world have already benefited--and you can too.What youll learnHow to improve siklls in LinkedinMastering LinkedinIncrease connections on LinkedinSEO on LinkedinExternal tools on LinkedinAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Who this course is for:InfluencersCEOManagerBusiness DevelopersRecruiters"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lead Generation Certification Crash Certification Course" |
"[EXCLUSIVE] Double certification, badge, and community. Upon completion of this course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion by Udemy.After getting Udemy's certificate, you can take our Lead Generation Certification assessment to get a digital badge of achievement that you can display on your CV, LinkedIn profile, and any other online profile.The exam is free to take for graduates of this class and should take under an hour to complete.In addition, badge holders get access to additional tools and can apply to be submitted to our directory of lead generation consultants, where potential clients can find your profile when looking for lead generation services.This Lead Generation Certification program has been designed to provide you with the in-depth knowledge and skills you need to become a lead generation consultant and start taking paid clients right away.As a lead generation consultant, you will be helping companies and individuals originate sale opportunities with organizations and business buyers. It is an amazing field with tons of opportunities across different sectors and industries.In this certification program taught by Sun Wu, a renowned strategist and author of the bestselling hits Strategy for Executives and AI-Powered Lead Generation, you will learn the ins and outs of lead generation, and how to apply your learnings into your consulting practice.__________[PERKS] Course enrollment includes both of Sun Wu's books for free (over $100 value) as well as activities, handouts, quizzes, direct support from Sun Wu, and Innovatar's staff, free course updates and a 100% money-back guarantee!What will you learn?Everything you need to know about lead generationThe fundamentals and key concepts of B2B and B2C lead generationTools and techniques used by lead generation consultantsHow to work with business clients and help them get off the groundHow to work with lead generation agencies to outsource the technical work to them so that you can focus on getting clientsHow to kickstart your career as a LeadGen consultant__________Here is what you will receive with your enrollment:High-quality video lectures that explain the different terms and concepts with real-world examples and applicationsDownloadable handouts which you can use as a reference, study guide, cheat sheet, and go-to resources on the jobQuizzes and activities that help you validate what you learn and put it into practice to increase your information retention1-on-1 expert instructor support to answer your questions or clear up any confusion you might haveLifetime access with no expiration so you can complete the course at your own pace, anywhere, on any device, and come back for a refresher at any timeFree course updates so you can continue to benefit from enhancements made to this courseAccess to an additional certification and badge as a lead generation consultant by Innovatar__________Why take this course?You can become a certified lead generation consultant and share your badge with clients and your LinkedIn profile.It was created by the director of Business Development of two Fortune 500 companies, with experience across different industries, countries, and projectsIt's been designed from the ground up with a focus on quality, not quantityThe course includes free templates, free tools, and other freebiesYou have nothing to lose. You're backed by a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked!It can lead to a fulfilling career with high, RECURRENT incomeBusiness opportunities for lead generation specialists aboundLead generation is an exciting field where no two days are alike. It's always exciting :)If you already made up your mind about taking this course just click on the ""Buy Now"" button at the top, right-hand side. If not, keep reading about this Lead Generation Certification course here on Udemy.__________Why take this course and not another one?It's a crash course. So no BS or fluff, only the good stuff :)It was created by a Business Development expert, who has done more than $2 BB worth of deals around the globe and has also managed and coached dozens of other business developersIt was developed by the team at Innovatar, a lead generation specialist firm which has been doing business for more than a decadeIt is taught by the author of AI-Powered Lead Generation and Strategy for Executives, both available from all major retailersOur value proposition is unique (see below for our ""Pledge to All Students"")It includes free tools, free downloadable templates, real-world examples, mind maps, tips, and other freebiesYou will learn from a real Business Development expert who has been doing lead generation for more than 20 years and who applies these concepts on a daily basisThis course gets updated on a regular basis, and you get all updates free for life!Innovatar's staff also answers ALL of the questions that are posted, so you can rest assured that any doubt you may have after the class will be cleared by usWe also listen to suggestions from participants and create new videos to help clarify concepts if requested__________What are people saying about us?""Innovatar's team is very business-oriented. They're always looking for new opportunities to make things productive. They have a strong sales background, that's for sure. -Thomas H.""""Innovatar's expertise was top notch. They know sales in and out and combine it with new tech I didn't even know existed. Great job guys!. -Daniel C.""""I learned a good deal of sales hacks and tools from these guys. Our processes and results improved significantly after working with them. -Tim E.""""They quickly exhibited a deep knowledge of our business development process and helped us close several deals in a matter of weeks. -David V.""__________How will this course help you?You will learn everything you need to know about lead generation and how to kickstart your consulting businessYou can add your Lead Generation Certification to your CV (requires taking a free assessment)You can start looking for lead generation clients right after this courseWe will train you, guide you and provide you qualified support to help you get up to speed quicklyAs a consultant, you will be able to speak about lead generation confidentlyYou will be able to work on projects as a lead generation specialist__________Who is behind this course?Sun Wu is a Fortune 500 executive with more than 15 years of real-life strategy experience in the high-tech space, leading the creation of multiple business units around the world and the development of innovative products.He led the design and development of the first generation of advanced lithium-ion battery solutions almost a decade before Tesla and others entered the space, and led the venture capital arm of a large corporation seeking to disrupt the agrifood tech industry through vertical farms.Sun Wu has specializations in Business Strategy from the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia and Strategy and Innovation from MITs Sloan School of Management, and holds certifications in Artificial Intelligence (MIT), Digital Transformation (BCG-Darden) and FinTechs (Wharton).Sun Wu is a co-founder of Innovatar, and spends most of his time on the road giving speeches on Strategy and Innovation to corporations.__________This course is specifically for:Aspiring lead generation consultantsThose looking to start a career in lead generationThose looking for a career change or for RECURRENT incomePeople looking for a Lead Generation CertificationPeople looking for a crash course in lead generationLead generation workers who are new to the positionThose interested in learning about the role of a lead generation consultant and how they can become oneIf you think this course is for you, then go ahead and click Buy Now"" and we'll be in touch soon.__________The FactsYou will learn advanced lead generation! If you don't like the class, ask for a refund within 30 days.As a lead generation consultant, you can net somewhere between $600 to $1,200 a month, PER CLIENT!...Sometimes even more!Lead generation is a career with thousands and thousands of business opportunities all over the world across all industries.__________What are the advantages of lead generation?It's core to any business. Every single business needs new leads all the time to growIt allows you to identify business opportunities for clients and deliver innovative and value-driven solutionsIt touches on pretty much on every industry you can think of in any country in the worldIt's an exciting and engaging fieldYou get the opportunity to interact with interesting people and business leaders on a daily basis__________Frequently Asked QuestionsDoes this course include a Lead Generation Certification?Upon completion of this course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion from Udemy. Once you get that certificate, you can take our free online assessment to obtain a certificate/badge as a lead generation consultant issued by Innovatar. Both can be downloaded as PDFs or added to your LinkedIn profile or website.Can I add this Lead Generation Certification to my CV?Yes, of course! You can add your certification badge to your CV/Resume and to your LinkedIn profile. We recommend you add it under ""Professional Development."" We will provide you a video of how to do it as part of the class.Does a Udemy Lead Generation Certification have any value in the real world?Of course, it does! Udemy is a fantastic online education platform, with over 40 million users. So it definitely carries weight and is increasingly becoming recognized worldwide.In addition, Innovatar is a reputable company with more than ten years doing business, so rest assured that adding either certification to your CV increases your probability of landing clients for your lead generation practice.__________What's New (Latest Course Updates) General improvements and enhancements Added new tools Added a new lead generation ROI calculator Added new templates and mindmaps__________Pledge to All Students (both current & future students)Students First. We will never compromise your experience to make money. Never, ever. Yes, this is also a business, but to us at Innovatar, teaching goes way beyond making money. We want to empower people to leverage our experience acquired over time to help them become consultants and generate recurrent revenue, but our students, consultants, and partners are always our priority, even above clients.24x7x365 Support. You can contact Sun Wu or the staff at Innovatar at 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year-round, even on holidays, Christmas and New Year's Eve; we will get back to you quickly (in a few hours tops) and deliver our well-known outstanding support. Promise.Humbleness, kindness, and social responsibility. We believe in giving back to the world. So think of Innovatar as your own real-life ""Siri."" So if you need any kind of advice or support, just ask our staff. If they don't have the answers for you, they will get them.Quality over Quantity. We will strive to make courses concise, to the point, and relevant. Time is one of our most valuable assets, and we need to invest it carefully. So we won't make a course longer than it needs to be.Are you a non-profit or charity helping change the world?Awesome! The world needs more people like you guys. Keep up the good work and let us know how I can help. To start with, get in touch with us to unlock free access to this certification class. Just contact our team at, and someone will get back to you asap.Who this course is for:People looking for a Lead Generation CertificationPeople looking for a crash course in lead generationPeople who want to start a career in lead generationPeople looking to switch from their current role to owning a lead generation practice and earn RECURRENT revenues from clientsAspiring lead generation specialistsLead generation consultants who are new to the industry"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"My 3 Secret Forex Trading Strategies: Super Easy Win" |
"Top 3 profitable Forex trading strategiesAre you a beginner and want to make huge profit daily ?Are you looking for a professional trading strategy which you can use in your daily tradings ?Are you losing money continuously and looking?I am going to reveal my 3 secret Forex trading strategies which I use in my daily trading. These strategies are based on pure unique price action, but not conventional price action. I have made these strategies by using my 10+years experience in live market. This course is specially designed for all types of Forex Traders no matter you are absolute beginner or advance trader. You can enroll in this course. I have explained from basics to advance very clearly and briefly. Step by Step approach: First section is for absolute beginners. I have explained what is candlestick chart, and how to read it. In second section i have explained my own way to draw trend lines and most important what are and how to draw Power levels. Then course will continue towards the secret strategies. You will learn entry, exit rules and how to find exact Take profit and Stop loss levels, to maximize your profits. One of these strategies is based on Power Levels which discovered by me. You will learn complete procedure how to draw power levels and how to use them in your daily trading to generate profitable and risk-free signals. Only Udemy students can join my private Facebook group, where i share my trading setups, signals and learning materials. Moreover you can share your charts and I will help you to master these 3 Forex trading strategies to maximize your profits. I hope you will like this course and it will help you to gain huge profit from Forex. If you have any question you can contact me via details provided in course. UPDATE JUNE 2020! Strategy 1 Performance update, till June 2020, Don't miss this profitable opportunity, See you in"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
chessrus |
"? ? ? ? , , ? ? , , . , , . 15- ! . , , , , , . , , . , , . , , , , , (2-4?) . . 15 , , , , 15 , , . . , , ... - , . , . ?, , . , . , - , 30- . ! !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gesto da Inteligncia Emocional" |
"Considerando a atual poca em que vivemos, o famoso mercado 4.0, suas maravilhas tecnolgicas, como estamos lidando com todo este cenrio instvel e super complexo?Ser que nos damos conta de que somos de carne e osso, e identificamos nossas emoes e sentimentos?Como agimos (ou reagimos) no dia a dia, enquanto lderes (nas empresas ou de ns mesmos)? um grande desafio, pois o stress j considerado o mal do sculo...E as emoes descontroladas podem comprometer no s a sade, mas ainda nossas decises, relacionamentos e inclusive, a nossa performance...Diante disso, se faz necessrio o aprendizado de ferramentas para a Gesto Emocional, expandindo a conscincia a fim de adotar hbitos mais saudveis e, com eles, a famosa Inteligncia Emocional..."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Instalaciones de alarmas domiciliarias para principiantes." |
"Con este curso aprender desde cero y paso a paso la instalacin de un sistema de alarma domiciliario. Conocer cmo se disea, cmo se monta y como se programa un sistema de alarma. Aprender cul es el lugar adecuado para cada componente y los distintos modos del cableado dependiendo del lugar a instalar.Clases diseadas y organizadas para un crecimiento progresivo en el conocimiento del oficio, utilizando la didctica y la experiencia de 15 aos de en el rubro del creador de este curso."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dominando SSIS - Master en Integration Services +C# Parte I" |
"SSIS es una herramienta de desarrollo de extraccin, transformacin y carga (ETL) de datos a nivel empresarial. Es una de las mas usadas del mercado, y luego de este curso podrs generar tus propias migraciones.SSIS es una de las aplicaciones ms poderosas para mover datos dentro y fuera de varias bases de datos y archivos.Este curso proporciona a los estudiantes un conocimiento conceptual profundo en el desarrollo de paquetes SSIS con SQL Server 2017 pero incluso es posible utilizar dicho conocimiento en versiones posteriores (2019 y ms).En este curso aprender los conceptos esenciales que necesita saber para construir paquetes SSIS desde cero hasta realizar migraciones avanzadas. Formando una serie de cursos con lo cual llegar a altos niveles de desarrollo. Mi experiencia profesional y acadmica hacen que pueda ensearte de forma practica y efectiva: en el curso veras tanto parte terica fundamental como practicas en vdeo. Tambin te proporciono recursos para que practiques y los tengas siempre a mano.Ademas proporciono tutoriales paso a paso y demostraciones que se recomienda que practiques para mejorar el proceso de aprendizaje."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dr. David's World of Music Part One" |
"The objective of the course is to stimulate students to become cultural explorers in the own communities. To discover music traditions outside of the normal day-to-day music heard on mass media. In the event that their community is small with a minimum of diversity then they are encourage to explore their own cultural family background and heritage.In this Course we will delve into:African Music and RhythmOverview of the course and Basic Fieldwork conceptsBasic concepts of RhythmAfrican Music Traditions"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |