Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Home Office Produktivitt steigern Zeitmanagement meistern" |
"Immer mehr Menschen arbeiten im Home Office...Doch viele verzetteln sich bei der Organisation, dem Zeitmanagement und der Zielsetzung...Wie gelingt das perfekte Home Office Konzept & wie knnen wir mehr erreichen mit weniger Arbeit?Finde es heraus mit dem brandneuen Home Office Videokurs von mir.In diesem Home Office Videokurs lernst du:wie du dich optimal im Home Office einrichtest & organisierst.wie du deine Arbeits- & Projektziele schneller erreichen kannst.wie du dir dein optimales Zeitmanagement entwickelst.wie du gesund im Home Office arbeitest.Insgesamt enthlt dieser Kurs ber 45 spannende Strategien fr dein optimales Home Office.Dieser Kurs ist besonders fr folgende Personen geeignet:Du bist selbststndig und mchtest mehr erreichen.Du bist angestellt und willst im Home Office die vorgegebenen Ziele erreichen mit weniger Aufwand.Du bist angestellt und willst dir neben deinem Hauptjob etwas eigenes aufbauen.Worauf wartest du?Schreib dich noch heute in diesen Kurs ein und lerne ber 45 spannende Produktivittsstrategien fr das perfekte Home Office Konzept kennen.Wir sehen uns bei der ersten Lektion,dein Leon Dawi-----------------------Das sagen andere Teilnehmer ber meine Kurse:<< Leon Dawi ist einer meiner Lieblings-Dozenten, der genau den Mehrwert bietet, den ich brauche. 5 STERNE! >><< Der Dozent hat mich mit seiner lebendigen und interessanten Art berzeugt - Mittlerweile habe ich von ihm mehr als 10 Kurse belegt und bin sehr zufrieden. >><< Leon ist der vielseitigste Dozent hier auf udemy, den ich kenne. Ganz egal, ob Persnlichkeitsentwicklung, Finanzieller Freiheit, Marketing oder Karriere - Hier finde ich immer einen knackigen Kurs, der mir weiterhilft. >>-----------------------"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"NLP ile Deiim Oluturma" |
"Bilginin bir sistem olmas gerekir. Btnlk, blmlerin toplamndan ok daha byktr. Bu da sistemin anahtar tanmlarndan biridir. Bir sistemin ayn zamanda gelien zellikleri vardr. Bu zellikler blmler birletirildike ortaya kar ve bu bir btnlk salanmadan fark edilemez. Bu da bir sistemin herhangi bir yndan farkn bize gsterir. rnein, Arabanz almad zaman bir para ynndan baka bir ey deildir, sadece bir parann bozulmas btn sistemin ileyiini durdurur."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"NLP Dili ile Davran Ynetme" |
"Dil, insan olmann bir parasdr; sosyal yaamn temelidir. Birlikte yaamak, dier bireyler ile iletiim iinde olmamz anlamna gelir ve dil bunu gerekletirmemizi salar. Kendi i dnyamz, dier bireyler tarafndan grlebilir ve duyulabilir klar, somut bir hale sokar. Tecrbelerle dolu olan bir dnyada yer almamza ve soyut dnceleri iletmemize, anlamamza ve anlalmamza izin verir.Dil, belli snrlar erevesinde bize byk bir zgrlk salar. Tam anlamyla dncelerimizi snrlandrmaz fakat dncelerimizi dier bireylere ifade etme eklimizi snrlar ve bu da yanl anlamalara yol aar."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Create Passive Income" |
"How can you make money in your sleep? How can you create a new income source that will keep paying you year after year with skills that you already poses?This course is designed to help you find your way towards your next source of income. We will examine courses that allow you to utilize your creative skill sets to build income streams from a variety of sources.Sources:eBooksCoursesContent/blogAd'sWebsiteAffiliate LinksBy creating digital assets like websites and eBooks you are able to utilize your current skill set to generate additional income.Passive income takes time. It does not happen over night. It can take months to see significant results. Stay focused and keep with it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Striving through recession caused by an epidemic" |
"The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed the world into a recession. For 2020 it will be worse than the global financial crisis. The economic damage is mounting across all countries, tracking the sharp rise in new infections and containment measures put in place by governments.This course helps you strive through recession caused by an epidemic.Despite significant medical progress over the last centuries, infectious diseases such as influenza or malaria still represent a considerable threat to society.Not only does influenza impose huge infrastructure demands on health care systems, but it exacts substantial economic costs in terms of sickness-related absenteeism, disrupted work schedules, and lost productivity to society at large While some are endemic to specific geographical regions, others can spread, becoming epidemics or pandemics, as is the case with the coronavirus crisis currently developing. Amidst the human suffering caused an influenza epidemic it is all too easy to overlook the disease's wider social and economic impact."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Practical debt management methods during the recession" |
"This course helps you understand the practical debt management during the recession.Any time you take out a loan or charge something on your credit card, youre borrowing from the money you hope to earn in the future. Do you want to spend your money paying for something you've already used up and don't get much value from anymore? You never know what changes may happen in your income, so it's better not to mortgage your future.Monthly debt payments limit the amount of money you have to spend on other thingsnot just retirement, but the trip you always wanted to take or Christmas presents for your family. The more debt you accumulate, the more your monthly payments will be, and the less you have to spend on everything else.Living like this and playing around with debt is a recipe for disaster. You cant get ahead that way! Believe us, not having enough money to pay for something and then reaching for a credit card to fund it is no way to live.Debt can have many impacts on a persons life; it can negatively affect your credit rating score and stop you obtaining types of credit such as a credit card or loan, it can prevent you from buying your dream home or even just renting an apartment. Debt, however, can also significantly impact a persons mental health.Just like losing weight, losing debt takes time. But diligence can make it happen. Dont fret if you need to make adjustments along the way or if you slip up. Its not about a quick fix, its about taking control and changing your habits and behaviors so you can achieve your financial goals."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Enterprise Java : MVC, JSF & PrimeFaces" |
"Eitimde Java EE / Jakarta ya da Java Enteprise diye bilinen yapdaki ileri dzeyde uygulamalar gelitirilmesi anlatlmaktadr. Java, Web ve Java ile Web konularn temel dzeyde bilenlerin bir uygulama gelime iin gereken hemen hemen tm zellikleri renmesi amalanmtr. Kuramsal konularla ok uzun aklamalar yapmak yerine dorudan uygulamaya ynelik anlatm yaplmaktadr. Gerekli bilgiler uygulama gelitirirken, kodun zerinde aklanmaktadr. Gelitiricinin form ve tablo gibi bileenlerin ilerde dzeyde kullanm salamaktr. Yalnzca bileenler ve teknik konular deil, gereki uygulamalarda bulunan zellikler de aklanmaktadr. zellikle veri uygulamalar, e-ticaret ve portal uygulamlar, kurumsal uygulamalar alannda en gerekli yntemler gsterilmektedir."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel - Anlisis de datos con tablas dinmicas" |
"Microsoft Excel - Anlisis de da tos con tablas dinmicasLa herramienta ms poderosa de ExcelDesea ayudar a su empresa u organizacin a tomar mejores decisiones? Quieres avanzar en tu carrera porque aportas un valor real a la organizacin? Desea ahorrar cientos de horas al ao en la creacin de informes y grficos? Ests listo para causar un impacto porque entiendes los patrones y las tendencias en los datos de tu empresa? Quieres dominar las tablas dinmicas de Excel? Este curso es para usted!Domine las tablas dinmicas de Excel en este curso.Este curso completo contiene ilustraciones concisas pero una cobertura detallada del tema que beneficiar tanto a los principiantes como a los usuarios avanzados de Excel. En solo una hora y media, aprender a utilizar eficazmente las tablas dinmicas de Excel, que incluyen cmo:Crear tablas dinmicasSeleccionar, mover y borrar tablas dinmicasTablas dinmicas de diseoConfiguracin del campo de valor - Resumir valores porConfiguracin del campo de valor - Mostrar valores comoFiltrar datosAgrupar datos de forma manual y automticaCrear campos y elementos calculadosExplore otros conceptos tiles de tabla dinmica"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Basic Project Management" |
"The course Basic Project Management, introduces the participants to the Art of Project Management. It provides the participants with the necessary vocabulary, definitions and terms and terminology. The course guides the participants through a project in 10 easy to implement steps combining theory and practical applications. After completing the course, the participants will be able to apply their freshly obtained knowledge in their day-to-day jobs.Project Management has become a need for any company to survive in these fast changing times. Successful projects drive companies and determine their success over other companies.This course follows the PMI standards and terminology. It is a practical application of how project should be run to be successful. Training has been defined as a major contributor towards project success of projects. This training will provide you all you have to do in a logical and step by step approach.The Basic Project Management course starts with evaluating where projects come from and how projects are selected. This is followed by definitions of important terminology every project manager should know about and after the introduction of the project management process and life cycle, the projects is divided in 10 logical steps that will help you to make your projects a success.Projects and the Project Management environment change constantly. Project Managers have to adjust to these changes constantly. Since the industry went ""lean"", the lean revolution also influenced projects and project management. Lean principles have changed the way projects are done today. Project Management was typically done in a deterministic way, using waterfall, and that lead to problems in many projects. A deterministic approach is NOT flexible and changes are discouraged, complex and even avoided even when they would be necessary. The deterministic approach has lead to project disasters in a specific type of projects. In an adaptive approach, lean approach, projects are managed differently, there is more freedom to manage changes.Content- Introducing Project Management Definitions, Terms and Terminologies- The Project Management Process and Life cycle- Define the project- Generate Tasks- Determine Resources, Roles and Responsibilities and Develop estimates- Define Task Interdependencies and Analyze Critical Path- Develop Schedule- Perform Resource Loading and Leveling- Generate Project Budget- Uncertainty and Risks in Projects- Develop Risk Management Plan- Project Execution, Follow up and Reporting- Project Close-Out Phase and lessons learned - Case studies/Exercises- Final Test- Certificate of CompletionLearning OutcomesAt the end of the course, the participants will be able to:Define and describe what a project is and what the major steps are to define, plan, execute, monitor & control and close out a projectParaphrase the main terminology related to projects according to the PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition, 2017List the main steps in the project life cycle: define, plan, execute, monitor and control and close outDecompose a project and create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and identify tasks to completeCreate a project schedule using the Precedence Diagramming Method, calculate and interpret the critical pathAllocate resources to Activities and calculate duration and cost of individual tasksCalculate the time phased and cumulative budget and S-curveDetermine the critical path position of the projectIdentify, Qualify and Quantify Project RisksCreate a risk management planList advantages and disadvantages of projectsApply the tools and techniques on an in-class project and projects in their company"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"KPSS/ YKS Corafya Soru zm" |
"Deerli arkadalarm bu eitimde sizlere ara ara nemli grdm konu anlatm videolar ile birlikte daha ok snavda karnza kabilecek her soru tipi ile ilgili strateji ve taktikler gstermeye altm. zellikle kma ihtimali olan sorular zerinde durdum. SYM'nin 2006'dan itibaren sormu olduu sorular incelendi ve sorulmas muhtemel konular zerinde duruldu. Bu eitimi alan siz deerli arkadalarm, bu eitim bu sorularla snrl kalmayacak ve en ksa zamanda sizlere yeni soru zmleri de ekleyeceiz. Hepinize baarlar dilerim.Abdullah Eser"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Tournament of Towns Senior" |
"Goes through questions from the international Tournament of Towns for Senior Students both O and A level. The course follows a group of students who recently graduated from Junior coming 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th in Sydney. We have seen many maths olympiad techniques applied to solve the problems encountered in unexpected ways and look forward to being challenged together by the problems the tournament has to offer. Please join us on our maths journey transitioning into a tournament of towns senior!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Inteligencia Artificial con Python - Ejercicios Basicos" |
"La tecnologa de la IA est experimentando un crecimiento exponencial y est siendo ampliamente adoptada en las industrias de la salud, defensa, banca, juegos, transporte y robtica. El propsito de este curso es proporcionar a los estudiantes conocimientos prcticos de construccin, formacin, prueba y despliegue de redes neuronales artificiales y modelos de aprendizaje profundo utilizando TensorFlow 2.0.El curso proporciona a los estudiantes experiencia prctica en la formacin de Redes Neuronales Artificiales y Redes Neuronales Convolucionales utilizando un conjunto de datos del mundo real utilizando TensorFlow 2.0. Este curso cubre varias tcnicas de manera prctica, los proyectos incluyen pero no se limitan a:(1) Capacitar en Redes Neuronales (2) Desarrollar redes neuronales artificiales(3) Entrenar modelos de aprendizaje profundo para realizar tareas de clasificacin de imgenes como deteccin de rostros, clasificacin de moda(4) Desarrollar modelos de Inteligencia Artificial para realizar anlisis de sentimientos y analizar las opiniones de los clientes.(5) Realizar la visualizacin de los modelos de IA y evaluar su desempeo(6) Desplegar los modelos de IAEl curso est dirigido a los estudiantes que quieran obtener una comprensin fundamental de cmo construir y desplegar modelos en Tensorflow 2.0. Se recomiendan conocimientos bsicos de programacin. Los estudiantes que se matriculen en este curso dominarn las tcnicas de Inteligencia Artificial y de Aprendizaje Profundo y podrn aplicar directamente estos conocimientos para resolver problemas desafiantes del mundo real utilizando el nuevo TensorFlow 2.0 de Google."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) : Tests 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) : Tests 2020ISACA CISM certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who want to build their career in IT Security domain.CISM certification is for anyone who manages, creates and monitors an organizations information security systems.Earning your CISM certification encompasses a great deal of different disciplines within the realm of information security, and achieving this certification will open up new avenues for career-minded security professionals that need to showcase their skills as an information security specialist.This practice test will help you prepare for the real CISM official exam test environment. New Updated questions with ExplanationsISACA CISM exam improve the following skills questions:Information Security Governance Information Risk Management and Compliance Information Security Program Development and Management Information Security Incident Management This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with ISACA CISM in any way.Best of luck for your exam !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Flutter plugin to implement a Material Design Speed Dial" |
"Flutter plugin to implement a Material Design Speed Dialmake Fancy plugin to implement a Material Design Speed Dial in FlutterFlutter package to render a Material Design Speed Dial.Flutter plugin to implement a beautiful and dynamic Material Design Speed Dial, with labels, animated icons and hide on scrolling.UsageThe SpeedDial widget is built to be placed in the Scaffold.floatingActionButton argument, replacing the FloatingActionButton widget. It's not possible to set its position with the Scaffold.floatingActionButtonLocation argument, but it's possible to set right/bottom margin with the marginRight and marginBottom arguments (default to 16) to place the button anywhere in the screen. Using the Scaffold.bottomNavigationBar the floating button will be always placed above the bar, so the BottomAppBar.hasNotch should be always false.LabelsEvery child button can have a label, which can be customized providing a labelStyle. If the label parameter is not provided the label will be not rendered.Animated IconThe main floating action button child can set with the child parameter, however to make easier to use an AnimatedIcon there are two specific parameters:animatedIcon takes an AnimatedIconData widgetanimatedIconTheme takes its themeThe package will handle the animation by itself.Hide on ScrollAnother possibility is to make the button hide on scroll with a curve animation, with a visible parameter to set dynamically based on the scroll direction."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
codeofbusinesstransformation |
". . . . . . . . . . .- 15 - 15 - KFC Pizza Hut Hardee's Costa Coffee .- - The Secret Compass"" ""The CODE of Business Transformation""- ""Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP"" - - - Navigator - : : : :"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Create Passive Income from Etsy Digital Products" |
"Did you know that Etsy is the one of hottest growing eCommerce platforms right now? This course will teach you how to make money selling digital products on Etsy. Catch me on Instagram @yaswanthnukasani to get free exclusive insider content ??You can make money selling Digital Prints/Products on Etsy today! Unlike eBay, where you have millions of sellers competing against you, on Etsy the odds are in your favor.In this class Yaswanth will be sharing their experience, tips and secrets with selling digital products online on Etsy.How to find a digital product niche and look at what's already on Etsy.Where to get products for free or very cheap ready-to-resellHow to create digital product photos without any photoshop software.How to create custom digital productsHow to create an SEO focused Etsy digital product listing to make sure it ranks well.How to increase your chances of having your first sale with your newly launched Etsy shop.Strategies to ensure your Etsy shop is a success.Give you 40 free listings (normally priced at 20 cents/listing $8 in value) to test out your digital products in your Etsy shop today. Click Here :)The best community to join to connect with other new Etsy sellers working towards their first 100 sales on Etsy!Inside look at existing shops to breakdown what is working and what can be improved so you can make sure your Etsy shop is top notch!ExtrasWhere I Buy/Get My Digital Products to Sell on EtsyHow to Create Your Own Custom Digital ProductsHow to Optimize Your Listings to Be Found by Etsy ShoppersHow to Hire Virtual Assistant to Outsource & Post 200 Products for $20 for You, so you dont have to.Join us today to learn how to start making money selling digital products on Etsy. We won't bore you with slide shows, instead you'll get real tutorials that are filled with our expertise and secrets about the Etsy platform to ensure you have a success shop launch and get your first sale ASAP!Overview of Etsy Digital and ExamplesHow to Find or Create Digital Products to Sell on Your Etsy ShopHow to List Products on Etsy the Right WayInside Look at My ShopHow to Get People to Find and Buy from Your StoreThree Ways to Get Even More Visitors to Your ShopHow to Improve the Appearance of Your ShopThank You"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Generate B2B Leads, Prospects & Sales on Autopilot" |
"A sales lead is a potential sales contact, individual or organization that expresses an interest in your goods or services. Leads are typically obtained through a referral or through a direct response to advertising. Here is how to generate them on autopilot step-by-step!Catch me on Instagram @yaswanthnukasani to get free exclusive insider content ??OVERVIEWWhy is This So Powerful?Imagine Reaching Out to 500% More Clients Daily in a Personalized MannerWhat is Cold Emailing? What is Not Cold Emailing?Who is this right for?When can you start doing this for your business?What you need to understand to get these results?MindsetStrategyProcess to ExecuteBuilding Your Ideal Customer ProfileBUILD Your Ideal Customer Profile & ActionsBuild Your Ideal Customer ProfileBuild Your Ideal Response from CustomerBuild Your Ideal C.T.A.FIND Your ProspectsLinkedInGoogle MyBusiness > Website > Capture InformationOnline DirectoriesUse ProspectGrind to Have the Work Done for YouCRAFT Your MessageCraft Your Initial TouchpointDesigning Your Touchpoints StructureCraft Your Follow Up TouchpointsFinding CTAsGetting Help - Hire me to write your CampaignAUTOMATE Your OutreachUse YeswareGetting Help - Hire me to build your CampaignSCALE Your OutreachIdentify More NichesUse ProspectGrind to Have the Work Done for YouADVANCED: Having Your House In OrderDomain ReputationMore Advanced KeypointsPage Authority, Trust Flow, Citation Score, BacklinksSender ReputationADVANCED: Cold Email Success TIPSSend TimesSales Are Made in the Follow UpJab-Jab-Right HookHave a strong online presence - Use MerchnDigitalFinal WordYouTubePodcastSocialIn marketing, lead generation (/lid/) is the initiation of consumer interest or enquiry into products or services of a business. Leads can be created for purposes such as list building, e-newsletter list acquisition or for sales leads. The methods for generating leads typically fall under the umbrella of advertising, but may also include non-paid sources such as organic search engine results or referrals from existing customers.[1] Leads may come from various sources or activities, for example, digitally via the Internet, through personal referrals, through telephone calls either by the company or telemarketers, through advertisements, and events. A 2015 study found that 89% of respondents cited email as the most-used channel for generating leads, followed by content marketing, search engine, and finally events.[2] A study from 2014 found that direct traffic, search engines, and web referrals were the three most popular online channels for lead generation, accounting for 93% of leads.[3] Lead generation is often paired with lead management to move leads through the purchase funnel. This combination of activities is referred to as pipeline marketing. A lead is usually allotted to an individual to follow up on. Once the individual (e.g. salesperson) reviews and qualifies it to have potential business, the lead gets converted to an opportunity for a business. The opportunity then has to undergo multiple sales stages before the deal is won.A lead usually is the contact information and in some cases, demographic information of a customer who is interested in a specific product or service. There are two types of leads in the lead generation market: sales leads and marketing leads. Sales leads are generated on the basis of demographic criteria such as FICO score (United States), income, age, household income, psychographic, etc. These leads are resold to multiple advertisers. Sales leads are typically followed up through phone calls by the sales force. Sales leads are commonly found in the mortgage, insurance and finance industries. Marketing leads are brand-specific leads generated for a unique advertiser offer. In direct contrast to sales leads, marketing leads are sold only once. Because transparency is a necessary requisite for generating marketing leads, marketing lead campaigns can be optimized by mapping leads to their sources. An investor lead is a type of a sales lead. An investor lead is the identity of a person or entity potentially interested in participating in an investment, and represents the first stage of an investment sales process. Investor leads are considered to have some disposable income that they can use to participate in appropriate investment opportunities in exchange for return on investment in the form of interest, dividend, profit sharing or asset appreciation. Investor lead lists are normally generated through investment surveys, investor newsletter subscriptions or through companies raising capital and selling the database of people who expressed an interest in their opportunity. Investor Lead lists are commonly used by small businesses looking to fund their venture or simply needing expansion capital that was not readily available by banks and traditional lending sources.Source: Wikipedia.I have to apologize for the background noise, our audio engineer could not remove the background noise. I feel really bad but we spent hours trying to fix this and could not. :( I promise to get the audio fixed on the next one. Thanks for all the love and support guys :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Tap Into Your Abundant State of Mind (POWERFUL)" |
"Catch me on Instagram @yaswanthnukasani to get free exclusive insider content ??Originally, A business concept in which a person believes there are enough resources and success to share with others, when looking at optimistic people.How to Tap Into Your Abundant State of Mind (POWERFUL)Tap Into Your PhysiologyPractice Conscious Breathing- Hands Up Pull Breathing - Tony RobbinsBlue-Light BlockersFun Exercise - yoga, cross-fit, cryotherapy, float-tanksEatingTap Into Your SubconciousJournal For GratitudeWrite Your Thoughts/Feeling - Joe DispenzaPractice Voluntary HardshipsCold ShowersSleep on the floorWalk vs. DriveCap Your SpendingBREAK: Powerful Beliefs to CultivateYou get out of life exactly what you think you deserve. Before trying to change results in anything, you need to calibrate your mindsetComing to Terms With & Work on Your PastTo hit your goals, Become the person capable of achieving your goalsTap Into Your MarginTime - the space between your responsibilities and available timeParettos 80/20 - EffectivenessDelegationLawnmowing, Other Tasks which is not your specialization - Try not to do everything and anythingAutomationAutomated Credit Card PaymentsTap Into Your LanguageYour Words - I AMYour Affirmations - I WILL - I AM GOING TODeveloping Self-EfficacyTap Into Your GrowthImprove Your Inputs of InformationAsk People About ThemTheir Goals, Plans. Simply Listening. .Tap Into Something Bigger Than YouChurchLaw of AttractionWrite yourself a check to the amount which you desire and date it.Practice being conscious -Mental Spending"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pot Limit Omaha Poker for Beginners - Learn PLO quickly" |
"Do you want to EASILY WIN money when playing Pot Limit Omaha with recreational players?Are you a BEGINNER player with little or no previous experience with Omaha?If so, this course was created specifically for you.It is tailor-made for someone who has little or no experience with PLO and wants to learn the fundamentals, the most basic principles that allow you to win money when playing with casual (no strategy, just fun) players.The lessons are quick and well prepared so they will teach you those basic concepts really well and if you combine that with practice, you will become a player that can crush recreational players with ease in no time.You will learn:How Omaha is playedHow to calculate the max pot betHow to have an excellent hand selectionWhat positions there are and how positions affect the playWhat are the most common player types and how to adjust to themWhat are the most common spots in PLO and how to play themHow to play post-flopThe Short Stack strategyThe Big Stack strategyWhen and how to betHow to get better at the gameAs a bonus and in case you havent played any variant of poker before I am also including 4 bonus videos which will teach you:- The hand rankings so what beats what, how we compare hands, what are kickers, etc.- What is Expected Value (EV) and why its a super important aspect of poker, other games, and also life- What are Pot Odds, how to calculate them, and why theyre very useful to make better decisions- How to set-up Poker Tracker 4, which is a poker tracking software that helps you track your progress, analyze your hands, and see real-time stats on the other players when playing onlineIm also including a .pdf with the hand rankings and glossary of poker terms to help you understand the poker lingo.Enjoy!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Jewelry making: Bead Embroidery Feather Earrings, Handmade" |
" This course is just right for you, if you are looking for new skills.It is good for beginners and for those Jewellery designers, who wants to add complementary skills to their portfolio. You will learn embroidery basics, how to match colours and different shapes of beads together as well as how to finish back side of embroidery. With this knowledges you can design your own embroidery for earrings, head bands, dresses or jackets! It is all about your imagination.You will learn:How to:- Embroidery Basics- Design your own earrings- Embroider with crystals and seed beads- Matching colours and shapes in your project- Connecting together all parts to ready piece- Finish back side of embroidery nicely and accurate - Tips of how to finish your embroidery with no visible fabric anywhere.- Course will be regularly updated with new tutorials, to give you even more ideas!- My help and explanation if needed, I am always in contact with my students.+ ***You will get EXTRA 3 Tutorials straight away!***- How to Create Pearl Embroidered Earrings- How to Create Multicoloured Feather Earrings- How to create Evening Crystal - Feather Earrings for special occasion!Let's create your own stylish earrings!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Inventor - Curso Bsico" |
"O curso Autodesk Inventor, tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de competncias relativas elaborao de modelagem em desenhos de projetos, aprenda os conceitos fundamentais do Inventor 2018, um dos softwares CAD 3D mais usados para projeto mecnico. No curso vamos ensin-lo os recursos bsicos para criar esboos, modelos 3D, montagens e detalhamentos. O curso est criado para quem quiser comear no mundo do projeto mecnico 3D e no tem experincia com software CAD 3D.Ao final deste curso voc estar apto a modelar os principais tipos de componentes e de realizar montagens de conjuntos soldados e montados.O que o software Autodesk Inventor?Inteno de projetoA interface de usurio do Autodesk InventorBarras de ferramentasDicas rpidasrvore de projetosOpesModelagem BsicaMontagem de ConjuntosDetalhamento - 2D DrawingExercciosDicas"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
saint-maximos |
". . . ."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Ear Seeding - Auricular Therapy" |
"What Is Auriculotherapy? Auriculotherapy is the stimulation of specific points on the ear, which is believed to be a microsystem of the entire body. There are over 200 points in the ear, they can help physical and emotional conditions. The ear serves as a micro system, where the whole body is reflected in the ear. The way the body is reflected in the ear is like an upside-down foetus: The head is where the ear lobe is, the spine is the curved, protruding ridge which goes from the bottom to the top of the ear, the centre is where the inner organs are. The World Health Organization stated that the ear is perhaps the most studied microsystem of the entire body. Some texts show it has been studied as far back as 4000 years! Acupuncturists often stimulate those points with acupuncture needles. Ear Seeds are another tool used to stimulate those points. They are safe, natural and non-invasive, sitting on the surface of the ear and held in place with a patch of adhesive tape. What are Ear Seeds or Ear Pellets? Ear Seeds are tiny seeds from the vaccaria plant, which is known in Chinese Medicine to promote energy and overall health and well-being. They are held in place on the ear with a piece of adhesive, skin coloured tape, which contains latex. Ear Pellets are tiny stainless-steel metal pellets with clear, latex free adhesive tape. They contain nickel. They are also called Ear Seeds. Additionally, there are also Ear Pellets with tiny metal pellets plated in 24-karat gold with clear latex free adhesive tape. They have Swarovski Crystals on the outside, which are for aesthetic purposes. These can be referred to as - Bling Ear Seeds! What are they for? Ear seeds are placed on specific points on the ear and should be massaged every few hours. There are over 200+ conditions that they can assist in, although we cover just the main indications on the course.Offer your clients a whole new treatment or add the service onto your existing treatments to further enhance the outcome.There are no needles, treatment in non-invasive and pain free and the seeds can stay in place for 3-5 days. What is covered on the course? About Ear SeedingHistory of Ear SeedingAbout Auricular TherapyHow do Ear Seeds Work?Benefits of Ear SeedingEar TerracesEar AnatomyFinding Primary PointsWhich Points to TreatWhich Ear to TreatChart PointsEndocrine Gland PointsMaster PointsMuscoskeletal PointsOrgan PointsTreatment Protocols for;AcneAddiction SmokingAppetite ControlBack Pain Lower BackBack Pain Mid BackChronic FatigueCold Hands and FeetCold SoresCommon ColdConcentrationConstipationCoughDermatitisDysmenorrheaEczemaEdema/OedemaFibromyalgiaHeadache GeneralHeadache MigraineHeadache TensionHyperhidrosisHyperthyroidismHypothyroidismInfertilityInflammationInfluenzaInsomniaIrritable Bowel SyndromeItchingJet LagLymphatic System DisordersMenstrual DisordersNauseaPainPremenstrual SyndromeRhinitisSore ThroatStressSunburnUrinary DisordersWeight ControlContra-indicationsWhat you will needHow to perform a procedure Setting up costs: The items needed to set up Ear Seeding procedures at your clinic will not exceed more than 50. You can charge anywhere from 10-50 per session. A session will take 5-10 minutes to complete. The treatments costs around 1-5 to perform, depending on the types of seeds used. Who can train? Aesthetic practitioners wanting to offer additional services alongside their services. Beauty therapists or facialists that want to add on extra services to their clients and enhance their treatment performance. Insurance This is classed as Auricular therapy and insurance is easy to obtain via a number of insurers. You should always check with your insurer first that you can get cover before committing to a program of study. Accreditation The course is fully accredited by Centre of CPD Excellence Assessments There are no assessments needed for this course Certification Students completing the course will receive full certification."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Workshop Ao Vivo - Semana Controle Financeiro no Power Bi" |
"Devido ao grande sucesso da semana de Lives que fizemos ensinando a criar um painel completo com informaes em tempo real, decidimos ouvir os pedidos e faremos mais uma semana, que aconteceu de Segunda a Sexta nos dia 13, 14, 15, 16 e 17 de Abril. O tema escolhido foi ""Semana Controle Financeiro"", pois sabemos que pelo momento em que estamos vivendo, exige uma grande adaptao e um dos pontos que mais estamos sendo afetados, o financeiro. Decidimos criar em conjunto com o Power Bi dois projetos. O primeiro ser criado comigo nos trs primeiros dias e ser um Controle Financeiro Pessoal. O segundo, ser um desafio que vocs criaro um painel com o tema de Controle Financeiro Empresarial, onde fornecerei uma base completa e nada mais que isso. Esperamos que ao fim destas aulas, voc esteja preparado para utilizar o Power Bi e com as finanas pessoais e/ou da sua empresa sob controle."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Herbalism : Herbs For Dogs" |
"Most people don't realize that herbs can be healthy for your dogs too! There are many common herbs that you can safely incorporate into your dog's diet or apply to your dog topically. Herbs can be a natural, inexpensive way to improve your dog's health and quality of life.This course explains in great detail which herbs are safe to give your dog and how to use these herbs. I will explain how to create tinctures, teas, salves, poultices, herbal infused oils and broths. I also include a couple of herbal infused treats that I make regularly for my own dogs.This course will teach you the proper dosing and precautions to take when using herbs. I also will teach the best practices for sourcing, drying and storing your herbs. ----------------------------------------------About the Instructor:I am a Herbalist and an Energy Healing Practitioner. I have been studying nutrition and health for over 15 years and help my clients overcome health and wellness issues through nutrition, lifestyle choices, stress management and energy healing practices. I believe the body has an incredible ability to overcome health problems when our lives are simplified through natural healing practices and nutritionI would like to share with you some of the successful techniques I have used to help clients overcome multiple health and wellness issues and live more fulfilling lives."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner CAS-002 Practice Exam" |
"222 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner CAS-002 Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner CAS-002 Practice ExamTotal Questions : 222Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :125 minsPassing Score : 75 (166 of 222)"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Interview Training Career Development Get Hired" |
"This course will help in your personal and career development to win any Job. Your 10-15 mnts daily will help you to complete this course in a week or two. Above all practice of methods explain will help you to perform better in Interview. This COURSE is made for all levels, just you need to know basic English to understand. I have tried to put not only my experience but also conclusion of Few HR's of different companies. I hope you will learn a lot from it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Metaphysics of Subjectivity: confronting Descartes" |
"This course is a talk split into 11 videos and divided into 4 topics. Please do not take this course (talk) if you are not willing to think for yourself. I will not quiz you. The questions are left open and the reader/listener is invited to ask the questions and see the possibilities they offer. What does subjectivity mean?The metaphysics of subjectivity prevail in science and western culture (now globally) Where does the metaphysics of subjectivity leave the subject?1. First, I discuss what it is that we mean when we say that something is subjective. The metaphysics of subjectivity are explored fundamentally and the historical origin is briefly reviewed. The interpretation that I give is basic and therefore reveals the obscurity of the use of these terms: subjective and objective. In general, the whole of science and western culture are dominated by the metaphysics of subjectivity, and by default, objectivity. 2. Second, many scientific topics are split into subjective and objective theories or interpretations. The way in which we commonly speak also invokes the terms subjective and objective. 3. Third, my target is to show how science, including the recent developments in AI and machine learning, orient themselves through the metaphysics of subjectivity in a way that the concept of world is presupposed. I invite the reader to check websites, books, or internet databases like Wikipedia or any others, and see for themselves how theories, and more thoroughly, interpretations of theories are generally divided into subjective and objective interpretations. This is the case for example in probability and statistics. These are fundamental fields for the development of intelligence and are meant to guide human decision. You can check for example ""probability interpretations"" in the Wikipedia entry. The background and the expectation I go through some of what leading authors in the 20th century, such as Sartre and Heidegger, had to say on the topic and target to raise the question as to what it means to invoke subjectivity or objectivity as a standard. My expectation is that the reader/listener actively asks the questions."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Create A Dropshipping Website & Find Dropshipping Suppliers." |
"You will learn my step by step method on how to create an Amazon-style Dropshipping Wordpress Website with absolute simplicity. I've developed well over 200 Wordpress websites and taught thousands of people how they can put a solid foundation for their online business in the most cost-effective and fastest way possible. In this short but straight to the point FREE Dropshipping Wordpress Website course you will learn how simple it really is to develop a full-blown Amazon-style Dropshipping website without needing any past experience or knowledge in code. I tell and show you what you need in a jargon-free course designed to be ""No tech needed"" to achieve your goal of a high converting dropshipping website. I cover the absolute basics from choosing hosting plans all the way to adding your legal pages in. My mission is to get you up and running with a solid, high-converting and professional dropshipping website as fast as possible and personally speaking, I don't think you will find a better course than this one."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
YouTube |
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Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |