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Price: 194.99

"Shopify fr Einsteiger: Eigener Online Shop in 7 Tagen"
"In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie du mit Shopify deinen eigenen professionellen Online Shop erstellen kannst. Dabei lernst du alle Grundlagen mit Shopify und ich zeige dir unter anderem, wie du deinen Shop anpassen kannst, Produkte erstellst und die gngigsten Zahlungsmethoden einbindest.Keine versteckten Kosten: In meinem Kurs habe ich darauf geachtet, dass keine kostenpflichtige Plugins verwendet werden.Ist ein Shopify Shop das richtige fr mich?Du bist dir noch unsicher, ob Shopify wirklich das richtige fr dich ist? Natrlich gibt es neben Shopify noch zahlreiche andere Shop-Systeme. Hier findest du aber meine TOP Grnde, die fr Shopify sprechen:Sehr Benutzerfreundlich Guter KundenserviceIntegriertes Webhosting - auch fr Internationale Shops geeignetSchnelle Ladezeiten ohne zustzliche Optimierung"
Price: 79.99

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Price: 19.99

"Communication Skills and Body Language for Professionals"
"The objective of this course is to give you the necessary tools and knowledge that will allow you to develop your non-verbal communication skills through your physical image.In the first part we will analyze different concepts and definitions of the image, in order to understand its formation process and be able to observe and understand the image that others perceive of us through the different stimuli that we send. In the second part, we will talk about Essence and Style. Essence to discover and understand our inner self, and style to study the seven different styles in which human beings can be classified; You will be able to know what your style is and get the most benefits out of it and, thus, project greater coherence and assertiveness through your image.Then, we will study the color and symbolism that it has in society. We will learn the components of color: temperature, intensity and brightness, as well as its application in our personal appearance to classify ourselves in any of the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter, according to the Seasonal Theory of Color. Knowing which season you are will give you a theoretical basis that will help you to know which colors are the most useful to achieve your communication objectives.We will also study face and body measurements and proportions, helping you identify your face and body type, and so you can make adjustments and visual tricks that will improve the perception that others have about you.Finally, we will study other ways of non-verbal communication that are important in your social and professional development: handshake, eye contact, body language, tactile behavior, the use of space and digital image through social media.At the end of this course you will be a totally different person and you will have greater security in the actions you carry out and project when interacting with others."
Price: 159.99

"Introduccin a la Contabilidad"
"El presente curso est enfocado en aquellas personas que quieren realizar sus primeros pasos en contabilidad o quieren refrescar los conceptos de este contenido. Aquellos estudiantes universitarios con las primeras materias de contabilidad tambin lo agradecern.Adems, podrn acceder a las clases por streaming que haremos una vez que el curso se afiance."
Price: 19.99

"Write first assembly language program and run it on emulator"
"In this short course, we will firstly introduce what is assembly language and machine language, the correspondence between them. Then we write our very first program in assembly language.In order to run this program, we need a program called assembler to translate our assembly program to an object file, and then use another program called linker to transfer this object file to the executable file. We are going to do all of these on a Linux Distribution Ubuntu Desktop. I will show you how to do all of these step by step. From installing the Linux Desktop, the most commonly used Linux commands, to the use of GNU assembler, GNU linker and objdump. And how to make a script file.We also cover a bunch of concepts: hexadecimal, disassembly, instruction set architecture, booting, Power on Self Test, read only memory, legacy BIOS, master booting block, random access memory, interrupt and ASCII character etc..We will see how to do the compilation of the source code of the Bochs and the installation, using the classical steps: configure, make, and make install. Eventually we will run our first program on Bochs. I guarantee you will learn the basic usage of lots of Linux commands and programs, understand better over the low-level computer technical concepts. From there we have the ability to explore more over the computer operating system. See you."
Price: 19.99

"4 3 . , . , . 700 . ., , . := / ;= ;= ."
Price: 1799.00

"Next.js and Apollo - Portfolio App (w/ React, GraphQL, Node)"
"What is GraphQL ?GraphQL is a query language for your API, and a server-side runtime for executing queries by using a type system you define for your data. GraphQL isn't tied to any specific database or storage engine and is instead backed by your existing code and data.What is Apollo ?Apollo is the industry-standard GraphQL implementation, providing the data graph layer that connects modern apps to the cloud. Apollo will handle data fetching, caching and state management of out the box!What is Next.js ?Next.js is React framework that provides infrastructure and simple development experience  for server side rendered(SSR) application.An intuitive page-based routing system (with support for dynamic routes)Pre-rendering, both static generation (SSG) and server-side rendering (SSR) are supported on a per-page basisWhat are we going to build ?We will work mainly on portfolios features. You will learn how to manage data on the client and the server with Apollo and Graphql. Data will be stored in Mongo Atlas Database to which we will be communicating through the Node JS Server. We will create a functionality to create a portfolio and I will explain you how to easily manage forms. Then we will take a look on an update functionality where I will show you how to populate inputs with existing data. After that will work on a delete functionality. All of the features will be reactive and updating view in real time. You will learn the basics of data fetching and data mutations with Apollo.Another big feature we will be working on will be session based authentication. We will prepare login and register forms. Users will be able to register, login and experience features only for authenticated users. You will learn how to manage sessions, how to protect the pages, and manage an authentication state through your application.Forum feature will be the biggest one. You are going to learn how to create fully working forum consisting of topics and posts. We will integrate a component that will be used for topic and posts creation. Users will be able to create various topics, posts and also replies to other posts, all updated in real time and also across the browsers. After that you will learn how to create a fully working pagination!Later in the course we will create features to get randomised data for home page and I will talk about re-usability. We will finish CV page and we will get into deploying. After all production improvements will be applied we will deploy our application to heroku so anyone on internet can access our portfolio."
Price: 179.99

"Lingo ile Optimizasyon Uygulamalar"
"ndirim Kuponu: ""EYLULLINGO""Merhaba arkadalar,Hzla gelien teknoloji ve rekabet ortamnda iletmeler her zaman kendini gelitirmeye alacaktr ki bunun iin ilk hedefleri yksek verimlilikte alma olacaktr. Yksek verimlilik kukusuz minimum maliyet ve maksimum kazan parametreleri ile kazanlmaktadr. te optimizasyon tam da bu noktada iverenler iin nemli bir etken haline gelmektedir. Lingo program optimizasyon yapan bir modelleme dilidir. Sizler de uan Lingo programna dair ilk Trke anlatm kaynann ieriini okumaktasnz.letmelerin mevcut ya da ngrlen sistemlerinin matematiksel modelini kurup, belirlenen bir performans ltn en iyileyecek ekilde optimizasyonu salamak, iletmelerin size olan ihtiyacn arttracaktr. letmeler yeni tasarlayacaklar bir montaj hattnda, lojistik alarnda ya da tedarik zinciri ynetiminde her zaman optimizasyona ihtiya duymaktadr. Bu konuda edineceiniz bilgiler, sizi her zaman rakiplerinizden daha nde tutacaktr.Basit bir kargo ykleme modeli ile baladmz eitime, geni apl bir tedarik zinciri modeli ile son vereceiz. Bu yolculukta en yaygn kullanlan ve en ok ihtiya duyulan matematiksel modelleri ele alarak ok sayda uygulama yapacaz. Grdnz bir sistemin matematiksel modelini kurmakta ektiimiz zorluu en aza indirgeyip, optimizasyon yapan bir modelleme dilini tam anlamyla reneceiz. Oluturduumuz matematiksel modellerin kodlarn oluturduktan sonra, Lingo programnn bize sunduu rapordaki deerleri birlikte okuyarak optimum sonucu deerlendireceiz.  Srekli farkl modelleri ele alp, her seferinde en iyiyi elde etmeye alacamz bu elenceli eitime umarm sizler de katlrsnz. Sayglarmla."
Price: 49.99

"How to Solve Numerical Problems of Physics"
"Who is this course forThis course is for the students of class 9 to class 12, and, also for those students who are preparing for Medical and Engineering Entrance exams. The questions that I have solved in this course range from class 9 to IIT JEE Advanced exam. You should initially select to study only those questions which falls within your present syllabus. Once you become proficient in them, you may try the questions of the next higher level.Even if you are in a lower class, say class 9, you may enroll for this course as you will be able to access the course life-long. That means when you reach the next higher class (say class 10), you will be able to learn the problems of that higher class. This course will be with you to help.What is Special about this courseMost students find Physics more difficult than other subjects. And on top of that, they find it even more difficult to solve the numerical problems of physics.That is because they are not taught physics the correct way, the most effective way.Physics needs to be learned in a unique way. It is different than learning Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, or, even Math.This course will teach you how to solve the numerical problems of physics; the part most students find the most difficult.Check out the lessons/videos that you can preview before enrolling to get an idea of what you can expect in this course. I'm sure will like them.Please Read This FirstThis course will finally consist of more than 50 solved problems of Physics from High School to Entrance Exam levels.Due to the Lock-Down (Stay Home Stay Safe) necessitated by the corona-virus, I have launched this course on 23-April-2020 with video solutions of just nine numerical problems. I will be adding 2/3 videos every week until that figure of 50 is crossed.I have decided on this approach as I feel that every day is valuable to you (the students). Instead of waiting for 4/5 months to start learning through this course with 50+ videos, you can start learning right now. And usually, you will complete 1 or 2 lessons in a day. So, by the time you complete the existing lessons/videos, more lessons/videos will get added to the course. Thus, those 4/5 months won't get wasted waiting for the launch of the course. This is the benefit I foresee in this approach of mine.In case you have a doubt about whether new lessons/videos will be added or not, you can wait for a few days, then return after, say, a week to check the status of the course at that time. If satisfied, you may enroll at that time. In the meantime, you may keep this course in your wish-list."
Price: 29.99

"Como dar um boost na meditao e viver em alta performance"
"Com mais de seis mil milhes de mentes ativas a todo momento, h fluxos interminveis de pensamentos sobre todos os aspectos do mundo.Alguns pensamentos so reais, alguns so imaginao e outros so simples enganos. Enquanto h mitos e verdades sobre vrios assuntos, um dos mais populares a meditao.Diga a palavra meditao a uma amigo(a), e todos os tipos de imagens e opinies surgem: isso para mim? Eu no consigo ficar sentado em silncio por muito tempo. Quem afinal quer meditar?Uma coisa certa, meditar est a deixar de ser uma prtica restrita aos alternativos ""zen"" para se tornar uma opo para quem quer viver mais e melhor, num estilo de vida de Alta Performance.Para atingir a alta performance da sua mente, e ter um boost na meditao,  precisa de adquirir mais conhecimento. O que vai aprender neste curso?4 mitos que no nos deixam levar a meditao a srio3 verdades sobre a meditao que nos faro viver em alta performanceOs tipos de pensamentos da nossa menteOs 2 segredos para dar um boost na meditaocuidar da mentemais foco e menos disperso em 4 etapas:preparar o corpoaprender a respiraraprender a relaxartreinar diariamenteConcluso"
Price: 19.99

"How to Write and Publish a Research Paper: Complete Guide"
"Henry Harvin v/s Rest of the World: Why I Enroll Here?#1: Learn to develop Research Paper & Earn Online!#2: Skill to Research and Translate into Reports#3: Experience of Professional Research Paper Writing#4: Develop essential Language Skills for Research Paper Writing for International Clients#5: Website Making Skills to create Basic Website and Personal Blog#6: Graphic Skills to design Newsletters, PPT, Logo etc#7: Gain Advanced Research Skills that enables to Write on Any Topic#8: Skill to Identify Target Audience Persona for your Content#9: Know how to Get Freelance projects from India, US, UK and avoid risk of bad debt in international paymentBroadly, What is the Course Curriculum?Module 1: Essential SkillsModule 2: Language SkillsModule 3: Internet Skills (Research, Keyword Planning, Graphic, Website Making)Module 4: Research Paper WritingWhy Learn Content Writing on First Place?Following are the Top 8 Target Groups who learn content writing. Checkout below why they learn!Digital Marketers / Marketers / Sales / Business Development professionals eradicate the problem of saturation and poor growth in career by leveraging upon the new skillset gained through this courseExisting entrepreneurs/business owners can scale up their business to next level by penetrating into new markets, audience segments, geographies and products through the power of content and internetProfessors / Teachers / Trainers acquire necessary skills to showcase their proficiency on the internet, develop new content types, gain recognition online, build alternate source of income etcBloggers / Content Writers get a tangible proof to showcase their existing proficiency, diversify to new content types and learn new thingsHousewives / Retired / Unemployed individuals can start earning decent amount based on part-time/fulltime/ work-from-home/freelance opportunities available in abundanceAspiring entrepreneurs can start their startup journey by leveraging on skills gained through this courseProfessionals / Corporates can brand themselves as industry thought leaders and domain experts by start writing on their subject at public forums, blogs, social media etcStudents get the opportunity to acquire Internships, Placements and Projects based on their professional content writing, marketing and strategy skills. Additionally, they can start earning full-time/part-time by taking up freelancing projects, work-from-home projects and can start working on their entrepreneurial journey"
Price: 199.99

"101 Winning Practices to Transform Your Life."
"In this course, you will learn 101 practices. These are practices used by world-class performers, titans, and successful people. These principles might seem simple and easy but you will find that you are missing them.These winning practices will help you to change your life. You will start getting faster results by making yourself more productive. You will see the results as soon as you start implementing them in your life. Once you get results, you become more confident and once you are more confident, you put more efforts and more effort bring more results.These are simple routines, habits, beliefs, strengths, strategies that transform our life from zero to hero.You will find answers of:1. What you must do in the morning?2. How do you motivate yourself?3. How to know yourself in deep?4. How to develop deep thinking?5. How to achieve freedom of any form? It can be financial freedom, time freedom, and health freedom.6. How can you control your thoughts and live in peace?7. How can you reprogram your mind to combat fear?8. How can you find your 1-3 critical tasks? And if done, you will be satisfied with the day?9. How to work? And you will be amazed to know it.And Much more."
Price: 19.99

"Python Pandas Library Full Tutorial"
"pandas is a software library written for the Python programming language for data manipulation and analysis. In particular, it offers data structures and operations for manipulating numerical tables and time series. In this course, you'll learn a lot about this library. Basic knowledge of Numpy is required, as we will perform some tasks using NumPy.[Note: In this course, we used Jupyter Notebook to write all the codings. in case if you don't have Jupyter Notebook or you don't how to use Jupyter Notebook, you can simply run these codes in any IDE, or even in Python Default IDLE.]"
Price: 24.99

"Social Media Marketing Course, Step-by-Step !"
"Successful Social Media Marketing Expert Perfect You will learn the principles and strategies that work for us and that we have used to build highly converting ads for clients successfully! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, any marketing via social media, we have you covered with this top-rated course! Stop wasting your money blindly running ads. MASTER paid online marketing once and for all! The optimization of your social media accounts is a REQUIRED skill for ALL marketers and business owners. TAKE ACTION and learn social media marketing starting today!Learn social media ads from A to Z all in one place!"
Price: 10880.00

"Become a Freelancer(3Ds Max-Photoshop Beginner to Advanced)"
"Welcome to this course that will carry you up to the top of your professional life. Let's get to know the course and not waste time.During the course's first video, we'll change the interface of program to make more convenient use of the it, so you won't be missing the actions I will do in other tutorials.We will instantly grasp the concept of modeling in a very short time by understanding the program's interface, and move quickly to the exciting features of the 3D world.Before we learn modeling, we will practice how to build realistic materials, and, we will transform them into a library for using the materials we created in the future works and not doing same things again and again.We now entered into the 3d world's truly exciting part.With this chapter, we'll learn how to get a realistic rendering of the first 3D outdoor design (modeling, lighting, camera, and rendering) with its settings.First, we'll prepare our second outdoor design at the advanced level with all of its settings to refresh our memory and build new knowledge on it.After our outdoor designs are completed, we will continue with our first interior design at the beginner level. Here we'll learn how to prepare settings and models (lighting, camera, render), and how to get a realistic rendering.We'll create another design and gain new information to enhance the interior design.At last, as a conclusion of our course, we will learn how to complete the post-production process with the Adobe Photoshop program, which improves the image of the render, and is a true art process, and we will now be able to accept design jobs from all over the world as a freelancer.I've got a surprise with a great giveaway for my dear students. A PERSON WHO BUYS OUR 3D MAX COURSE WITH THE ""STAYHOME"" COUPON CODE IN MAY, WILL WIN $5,000. All the details are on our Instagram page at @designworkshop. Don't miss them out."
Price: 19.99

"9A0-061 Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 Professional Practice Exam"
"122 UNIQUE practice questions for 9A0-061 Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 Professional Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 9A0-061 Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 Professional Practice ExamTotal Questions : 122Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :75 minsPassing Score : 75 (91 of 122)"
Price: 159.99

"NEML NOT: Satn alm ileminden sonra; Kelime szl, Altrmalar ve WhatsApp grup linkleri iin Udemy mesaj kutunuzu kontrol etmeyi unutmayn.Almanca A2.1-A2.2 kursumuz bittiinde unlar yapabileceksiniz : Dil becerilerini eletirel dnebilmede, problem zebilmede ve yaratclkta kullabileceksiniz.Dolaysz anlatmlarda cmleleri ve ska kullanlan deyimleri anlayabilirsiniz. (kendiniz, aileniz, alveri, i ve yakn evreniz ile ilgili bilgiler vb.)Yabanc olmadnz basit ve ska karlalan durumlarda iletiim kurabilirsiniz.Basit ifadelerle nereli olduunuzu, eitiminizi, yakn evrenizi ve somut ihtiyalarnz anlatabilirsiniz.Dinlediiniz metindeki olaylar, verilen cmlelerden seerek doru olarak sralarsnz.Salkl beslenmeye ilikin dinlediiniz metindeki bilgileri anlarsnz.Okuduunuz metnin ieriine uygun balk yazarsnz.Gemi ve imdiki alkanlklar hakknda bir metni okur ve sorular cevaplandrrsnz.Okuduunuz szckleri doru telaffuz edersiniz.Okuduunuz metnin ana fikrini, verilenlerden seersiniz.Yaananlarla ilgili metni okur ve anlarsnz.nternetten yaplan alveri formlarn anlayarak doldurursunuz.Hava tahminlerine ilikin bir metindeki uygun giysi eitlerini  tanmlarsnz.Gelecee ynelik niyetleri ieren kark cmleleri olu srasn gre  belirlersiniz.Bilgisayar programlarndaki basit yardmc gstergelerini ve geribildirim mesajlarn  anlayabilirsiniz.Tand bir kimseyle gnlk ilere dair konuursunuz.Arzu ettiiniz ve yaamak istediiniz mekn hakknda konuursunuzGemi ve imdiki alkanlklarnz hakknda konuursunuz.Kelime ve kelime gruplarn yerinde ve anlamna uygun kullanrsnz.Yaadnz deneyimleri arkadalarnzla paylarsnz.Tank olduunuz / banzdan geen kaza / yaralanma hakknda konuursunuz.Gelecee ilikin planlarnnz ifade edersiniz.Gnlk hayatla ilgili bir metin yazarsnz.Holandnz ve holanmadnz aktiviteleri ieren bir diyalog / metin yazarsnz.Festival ve bayramlar iin kutlama kart hazrlarsnz.Yaadnz deneyimleri yazarsnz.Duygu ve dncelerinizi ifade eden ksa metinler yazarsnz.Banzdan geen hastalk / kazay yazarsnz.leriye ynelik, kariyer niyet ve planlarnz ieren bir paragraf yazarsnz. Ve daha fazlas..."
Price: 49.99

"Write, Publish and Sell Your Books"
"In this course learn the ins and outs of self publishing as well as the difference between self publishing and major publishers. This course discusses various self publishers and various components involved in the self publishing process. This course covers.Research & PlanningThe importance of the Title  your chooseCopyrightEditingISBNFormattingCover Design: and the Importance of choosing the right Graphic Designer.PublishingMarketing and Launching.Promotion and Book ToursA complete publishing guide of how to publish on Amazon is included in the course resources. Learn from a master's level, (update) 5 x self published award winning author with ten years of experience in book writing and self publishing. This course will prepare you to self publish your own books. Enroll today."
Price: 54.99

"X Ansiedade - Forma Definitiva de Lidar Com a Ansiedade"
"Sabe aquela falta de ar? Ou aquele cansao? Insnia? Pode ser Ansiedade!Est cada vez mais desafiador manter uma vida calma e tranquila. Como ficar 100% equilibrado?No Brasil a cada 10 pessoas, 4 tm sintomas de ansiedade, a qualidade de vida reduzida por conta de uma doena invisvel e que afeta o Brasil em uma proporo de quase 4 vezes mais a mdia dos outros pases.No Brasil h, segundo a OMS, 11,5 milhes de brasileiros que sofrem de ansiedade.As informaes so muitas e o ritmo de trabalho vem aumentando, cada vez mais. E, com o grande fluxo de informaes, ns estamos propensos a ficar preocupados e comear a adoecer por isso(E MUITO!!).O sentimento de ansiedade considerado normal e mais que isso, primordial e sem ele no conseguiramos ter a evoluo que temos hoje na humanidade, ele o fator que nos move e nos coloca alerta para os perigos. O problema quando esse sentimento comea a crescer e desequilibrar todo o sistema, aqui comea os chamados Transtornos de Ansiedade.Elaborei esse curso COMPLETO para quem vivncia algum dos sintomas da Ansiedade no seu dia a dia. Foi selecionado diversos tipos de ferramentas e diferentes fontes de pensamentos para trazer para voc o que h de mais moderno em pesquisas aliado com milenares ensinamentos!Estamos trazendo um ""anti-virus"". Um ""reset"" para que voc no fique preso em loops de memria associativa, prejudicando ainda mais o seu dia!!Voc pode, com os simples exerccios de respirao que postei, diminuir drasticamente os sintomas da ansiedade!!Vamos juntos?."
Price: 129.99

"Exmenes de practica para Test Manager de ISTQB (CTAL-TM)"
"Ponga a prueba sus conocimientos sobre las pruebas de software y preprate para tomar el examen de nivel avanzado como Test Manager (Jefe de Pruebas o Gerente de Pruebas). Las preguntas estn relacionadas con el programa de estudios de Nivel Avanzado como Test Manager del ISTQB.!Supere su meta y convirtase en Certified Tester Advanced Level - Test Manager (CTAL-TM) !Que ofrecemos:Este curso contiene 2 exmenes, cada uno tiene 60 preguntas y tiene 3 horas para completar el examen.Puedes tomar el examen tantas veces como quieras.Cada pregunta tiene una explicacin detallada, y estar encantado de proporcionar una explicacin adicional para aclarar cualquier respuesta.Las preguntas se distribuyen de acuerdo con las directrices ISTQB, como el examen real.De nuestra experiencia, superando el 80% es suficiente para estar preparado para lograr la certificacin."
Price: 34.99

"Basic Communication & Mindset: How to Be Likeable And Sweet?"
"In this video course, I will teach you how to build basic communication and mindset to be the best and most likeable and sweet you! In this course, you'll learn the small little habits to make and to go with and have good impact; the people who looks sweet and likable and who is effective. The people who everyone likes and wants to be around. Also the poeple who is smiley. Meanwhile you can learn how to have first impression on someone using only 3 elements."
Price: 39.99

"logologologo Guccilogo27logo1020logologo"
Price: 129.99

"Oracle 12c:RAC & Grid Infra. Admin. Practice Exam(1Z0-068)"
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for Oracle Database 12c:RAC & Grid Infrastructure Administration Practice Exam(1Z0-068)Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name :  Oracle Database 12c:RAC & Grid Infrastructure Administration Practice Exam(1Z0-068)Exam Code : 1Z0-068Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 140 minsNumber of Questions : 90Passing Score : 65%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 150"
Price: 129.99

"Affinity Publisher fr Anfnger - Workbook erstellen"
"Erfolgreiche Online Kurse und Workshops brauchen exzellente Unterrichtsmaterialien Mit einem guten Handout kannst du als Speaker, Coach, Trainer, Berater oder Online-Kurs-Ersteller deine Teilnehmer begeistern und dich von der Mase abheben. Wie du dein professionelles Workbook mit Affinity Publisher erstellst und mit welchen Extras du deine Teilnehmer verblffen kannst: Das zeige ich dir in diesem Kurs. Wenn du jetzt denkst: Das wird bestimmt kompliziert! dann kann ich dich beruhigen. Wird es nicht! Versprochen.Im Kurs zeige ich dir Schritt fr Schritt, wie du als Anfnger dein Workbook erstellst. Egal ob E-Book zum Download, Broschre oder ein kleines Taschenbuch. Mit vielen Beispielen aus der Praxis und einer liebevoll gestalteten Vorlage in A4 und A5 zum Download. Ein professionelles Workbook hat viele Vorteile:du hebst dich von deinen Wettbewerbern ab.du zeigst dich als Experte.du begeisterst deine Kunden mit deinen Inhalten.Dein Workbook liegt auf dem Schreibtisch deiner Teilnehmer.du steigerst die Kundenbindung und wirst weiterempfohlen.Fr Fragen stehe ich dir vor, whrend und auch nach dem Kurs zur Verfgung. Natrlich erhltst du auch bei diesem Kurs die volle 30 tgige Rckgabegarantie, wenn dir der Online-Kurs nicht gefallen sollte: Null Risiko."
Price: 19.99

"Heat Transfer - An Engineering Approach"
"In this course student will be able to learn1. Introduction to Heat Transfer         - Modes of Heat Transfer         - Laws governing Modes of Heat Transfer2. Conduction         - General Heat Conduction Equation in Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical Co-ordinates         - One dimensional steady state heat conduction         - Fins         - Transient Heat Conduction3. Convection         - Dimensional Analysis         - Boundary Layer Concepts         - Natural or Free Convection         - Forced Convection4. Radiation        - Laws of Radiation        - Shape Factor        - Radiation Shields        - Electrical Analogy for Radiation Networks5. Heat Exchangers        - Types of Heat Exchangers        - LMTD Analysis        - NTU Analysis6. Boiling and Condensation        - Boiling Regimes        - Film and Drop wise condensationAfter enrolling to the course students will have a better conceptual understanding and also they get greater exposure to wide range of problems."
Price: 1280.00

"? --- SAM-ACADEMY   /   Animation 2d / 3d BUY NOW COURSE"
Price: 64.99

"How to read Arabic"
"In this course, you are going to learn how to read Arabic fluently starting from Alphabets until specific characteristics such as consonants and vowels with their types, the different diacritical marks in Arabic without forgetting ""Al Chamsia and Al Quamariya"".And with each rule, you will get some illustrated examples and some practice which will lead eventually to reading Arabic fluently."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Security - Specialty 2020"
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 240+.AWS Certified Security - Specialty 2020 (SCS-C01) Test seriesThe AWS Certified Security Specialty is intended for individuals who perform a security role with at least two years of hands-on experience securing AWS workloads.Abilities Validated by the CertificationAn understanding of specialized data classifications and AWS data protection mechanismsAn understanding of data encryption methods and AWS mechanisms to implement themAn understanding of secure Internet protocols and AWS mechanisms to implement themA working knowledge of AWS security services and features of services to provide a secure production environmentCompetency gained from two or more years of production deployment experience using AWS security services and featuresAbility to make tradeoff decisions with regard to cost, security, and deployment complexity given a set of application requirementsAn understanding of security operations and risk"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft MD-101: Managing Modern Desktops"
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode,Total number of question will be around 30+.Microsoft MD-101: Managing Modern Desktops Test seriesAs an Administrator, candidates typically collaborate with the Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator to design and implement a device strategy that meets the business needs of a modern organization.Candidates must be familiar with Microsoft 365 workloads and must be proficient and experienced in deploying, configuring, and maintaining Windows 10 and non-Windows devices and technologies.Exam Topics:Deploy and update operating systems (15-20%)Manage policies and profiles (35-40%)Manage and protect devices (15-20%)Manage apps and data (25-30%)"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce CPQ Admin Essentials for Experienced Admin-CPQ211"
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 99+.Salesforce CPQ Admin Essentials for Experienced Administrators (CPQ211) Test seriesExam Topics:Products, Bundling, Product RulesProduct fields and related objects integral to basic Salesforce CPQ functionalityConfigurable Product Bundles and the resulting user interface and experienceEnforcing business logic with Product Features, Option Constraints, Validation Rules, Selection Rules, and Dynamic BundlesCustom Actions and UI CustomizationsModifying out-of-the-box button behavior for product selectionAlternate quote line editor viewsGuided selling decision trees and custom promptsPricing Methods and DiscountingPricing WaterfallList pricing, cost plus markup, and block pricingContracted pricingMulti-Dimension QuotingTiered discountingPrice Rules and Lookup ObjectsDeclaratively setting values for Quote and Quote Line fieldsCalculation events and conditionsPrice Action sources, including static values, Summary Variables, formulas, and Lookup tablesLookup objects and Lookup QueriesContractingGenerate new contracts to bring quote data to the accountAmendment and renewal processesRenewal pricing methodsOutput DocumentsGenerating dynamic output documentsConditional Template ContentProposal coloring and brandingLocalizationAccommodating translations"
Price: 19.99