Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Design the High Rise Buildings ( Level 2 )" |
"In This level you will learn how to revise your model and checking a lot of effected factors in structural design .Those factors will be mentioned below :Part 1 ( ETABS Model )Check Load Combinations .Check Static Seismic Forces AS Per UBC97.Check Dynamic Seismic Forces AS Per UBC97.Check P-Delta AnalysisCheck the Mass Source.Check The Time Period.Check The Mode Shapes.Check The Wind Tunnel .Check The Base Shear As Per UBC97Check Displacement Per Wind As Per ASCE7-16Check The Overturning Moment.Check Seismic Drift As Per UBC97Design All Members Using ACI318M-14Part 2 ( SAFE Model )Check The Materials, Slabs thickness, Rebars and loadsCheck Load Combinations As Per ACI318M-14Draw the strips for designing .Check Automatic Mesh.Check the Stiff Areas.Check The Deflection As Per ACI318M-14Design The Slab AS Per ACI318M-14Check The Punching AS Per ACI318M-14At the end you will have the required information to start designing your first tower or skyscraper building with the acceptable values from designed codes."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Read Substation Control & Protection Schematics & SLD" |
"Here I will be start explaining from basic level of control & protection drawings, further I will explain advance topics of interlocking, What is loop, AC & DC loop, DC & AC supervision, Trip circuit, Closing circuit, What is close blocking, Concept of Z sheet in drawing, how to read cross reference in drawings, C.T & P.T circuit, Layout drawings, Label Drawings, Trip Matrix, Legend & Symbols, Normally Open & Normally closed contact. I will also explain how to understand Single Line Diagram ( SLD ). The single line diagram (SLD) is the most basic of the set of diagrams that are used to document the electrical functionality of the substation. Its emphasis is on communicating the functions of the power equipment and the associated protection and control system.I have also provided these drawings in download, after completing this training you will start understanding and working at your own."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Medium Voltage Switch Gear Complete Guide" |
"Medium Voltage Switch GearYou will learn about MV SWGR, I have explained from basic level to advance level. Following Topis are coveredIntroduction of MV SWGRIntroduction to MV SWGR is divided in four compartmentsMV SWGR Cable CompartmentMV SWGR CB CompartmentMV SWGR CompartmentMV SWGR Busbar CompartmentOperation Maintenance of SWGR, InterlockingMsc Item of SWGRMV SWGR in DetailMV SWGR CIRCUIT BreakerCB Mechanical OperationCB Stored Energy PrincipleCB IEC RatingRated voltage, Ur (kV)Rated lightning impulse withstand rating, Up (kV)Rated frequency, fr (Hz)Rated current, Ir (A)Rated short-time withstand current, Ik (kA)Rated short circuit duration, tk (s)Rated peak withstand current (kA)Rated short circuit breaking capacity, Isc (kA)Transient recovery voltage, TRVRated TRV (Uc) for circuit breakers intended for use on cable systems (Class S1)Rated out-of-phase breaking current, Id (kA)Rated capacitive switching currentsMV SWGR CB Compartment in detailMV SWGR ComponetsMV SWGR MimicCB TrolleyCB Trip CoilCB Closing CoilCB Closing SpringCB Tripping SpringCB LatchCB Push button OperationCB AUX contactsCB Vacuum bottleCB Terminal TypesCB Interrupter UnitCB Trip Free MechanismTulip, Jaw type ContactVCB Contact ShapesCB MechanismAnti Pumping RelayThree Position SwitchName Plate in DetailCurrent TrasformerCT Name PlateCT IEC StandardsTypes of CTCT Primary & Secondary DataInstallation drawing of CTCT Magnetization Curve , Saturation Region, Linear RegionVT in detailTypes of VTVT name plateVT IEC standardsVT Primary & Secondary DataCable CompartmentCable Sealing EndCable insulatorsType of Cable Compartment ( For Transformer, Feeder, Ring Main)How Phase sequence is shownSelection of Cable Sealing End1 Core & 3 Core Cable Sealing EndHRC High Rupturing Capacity fuse assemblyHRC on MimicHRC Fuse Feature, Mode of operationHRC Fuse SelectionBusbar CompartmentBusbar Compartment IEC RatingHow to identify phase sequence in busbar compartmentVT,CT Connection at BB compartmentLV CompartmentProtection relays, auxiliary relays, control, alarmVoltage detection systemFor voltage detection according to IEC 61243-5 and VDE 0682 Part 415 with the followingvoltage detecting systems: LRM plug-in sockets VOIS+, VOIS R+ (option) CAPDIS -S1/-S2+ (option) WEGA 1.2/2.2 (option)Accessories of MV SWGRInterlocking of MV SWGRIn an electric power system, switchgear is composed of electrical disconnect switches, fuses or circuit breakers used to control, protect and isolate electrical equipment. Switchgear is used both to de-energize equipment to allow work to be done and to clear faults downstream"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Apparel POD Etsy, Redbubble& Amazon" |
"POD Design Etsy, Redbubble Amazon (Preeyapong) POD Platform Platform Platform Passive Income Step by Step Upload Platform Get Rich Quick POD Platform !"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Norma ISO9001:2015 - Mdulo 2" |
"O curso mdulo 2, tem como objetivo apresentar os requisitos da norma ISO9001:2015 e como ela pode ser aplicada, com relao a aplicao, implantao e adaptabilidade da organizao nos requisitos, partir do item Planejamento, conforme treinamento apresentado no mdulo 1.Este curso vai at o requisito de Planejamento, sendo este dividido em dois mdulos, possvel de acesso na timeline e guia dos meus cursos.Caso voc tenha qualquer dvida, pode entrar em contato comigo e/ou com a central de atendimento do prprio UDEMY!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"AZ-103/104 Microsoft Azure Administrator" |
"Candidates for this exam are Azure Administrators who manage cloud services that span storage, security, networking, and compute cloud capabilities. Candidates have a deep understanding of each service across the full IT lifecycle, and take requests for infrastructure services, applications, and environments. They make recommendations on services to use for optimal performance and scale, as well as provision, size, monitor, and adjust resources as appropriate.Candidates for this exam should have proficiency in using PowerShell, the Command Line Interface, Azure Portal, ARM templates, operating systems, virtualization, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, and networking.Manage Azure subscriptions and resources (15-20%) Implement and manage storage (15-20%) Deploy and manage virtual machines (VMs) (15-20%) Configure and manage virtual networks (30-35%) Manage identities (15-20%)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"A Beginner's Angular Bootcamp 2020" |
"Knowing Angular can get you a job or improve the one you have. It's a skill that will put you more in demand in the modern web development industry, and make your web software life easier, that's why it's so popular and backed by Google.This course will get you up and running quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to understand AngularIn this course you will learn,Basics Of AngularExpressions,Scopes,Data Binding,Tables"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Anlise crtica de certificados de calibrao" |
"Como podemos ter certeza de que um processo est sob controle? Como saber se o instrumento utilizado no controle de qualidade deste processo industrial atende as tolerncias exigidas?As respostas a essas perguntas esto em uma boa anlise do certificado de calibrao dos instrumentos envolvidos no controle de qualidade desse processo industrial."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Beginning Algebra 1" |
"This is a first course in a two-course series of fundamental algebra. This course is designed to give the student a solid foundation in algebra skills who might not have previous experience in algebra. The course is designed for ease of application and understanding that will help students achieve their mathematical demands in their everyday lives. With over 120 lectures, more than 3.5 hours of video instruction, and hundreds of workbook problems, quiz questions, and testing applications, it is a complete yet comprehensive introductory course."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Ho'oponopono Passo a Passo." |
"O objetivo do curso Ho'oponopono passo a passo ajudar voc promover as mudanas que voc deseja em sua vida, usando essa ferramenta poderosa que o Ho'oponopono.Com ele voc vai aprender a limpar todas a memrias de dor e sofrimento que ficam rodando na sua mente e impendindo que voc prospere e avance nas suas metas e objetivos.Ao fazer uma limpeza na sua mente subconsciente voc amplia a sua conscincia e comea a perceber a vida de uma forma diferente e assim comea a enxergar novas perspectivas e novas oportunidades que vo surgindo.A sua vida passa a ser muito mais leve, situaes de vida muito mais satisfatrias comeam a se manifestar para voc, as pessoas passam a tratar voc com muito mais ateno e respeito, tudo comea a fluir de maneira mais agradvel e voc ir experimentar a felicidade cada vez mais em sua vida.Isso no uma promessa absurda, quando voc tira os filtros que impedem voc de perceber a vida com clareza a sua vida se transforma a um nvel muito profundo, pois acumulamos e herdamos memrias de sofrimento a muito tempo e isso cria os filtros que nos fazem ver a vida de modo errado, ao remover isso tudo muda.Com o Ho'oponopono podemos remover pensamentos, sentimentos, crenas e padres negativos de forma simples e muito eficiente, esse conjunto forma os programas que vamos remover de forma consciente e assim promover a nossa liberdade interior para podermos manifestar a vida exatamente da forma como desejamos."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Trade Forex with Modified Harmonic Scanner with Trendlines" |
"The new modified harmonic Scanner with trend-lines is a great tool that is easy to make money with, whether you are a novice or a professional trader. This course has been designed to provide students with free setup without stress, which accuracy is 101%, therefore what you have to do is follow the instructions listed for you. Apart from giving you this New modified Harmonic Scanner that worth over $759 at a huge discounted price, I have also taken my time to share with you some in-depth tutorials to make even a newbie in Forex trading become financially independent. If you have been loosing money to the Forex market or find it difficult to apportion a time for you to trade, don't worry, this is what you have been waiting for. Nothing to RISK, i'm giving you 60 days guarantee money back if you don't see massive results when you vividly follow the tutorials.These are tutorials added as bonus for your perusal. *How to search for a good broker.*How to set up your MT4 Platform.*How to create Your trading account ( Demo and Live account)*Learn how to trade Forex easily with the new Modified harmonic Scanner with Trend-lines.*What time frame is best to enter your trades.*How to look for Profitable opportunities and trade them.*When to exit Trades and take profits etc.This is a modified harmonic scanner indicator with the trend-line channel. It identifies 4 different harmonic patterns and give buy and sell signals. Bearish and bullish bat Bearish and bullish butterfly Bearish and bullish gartley Bearish and bullish crab"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Estado de Resultados con Tablas Dinmicas de Excel" |
"En este curso el Alumno comprender cuales son los principales reportes que se utilizan para analizar las empresas, sabr qu es un Estado de Resultados y por qu se utiliza este reporte para medir el rendimiento del negocio. Podr realizar un Estado de Resultados en Excel por medio de Tablas Dinmicas, las cuales son una de las principales herramientas que se utilizan en la actualidad para analizar los negocios."
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"Complete Tally ERP 9 with Practical Example (HINDI) 2020" |
" TALLY ERP 9 COMPLETE VIDEO COURSE YEAR 2020 (HINDI) This course comes with a live project, so that students can learn from a scratch to prepare a complete accounts in Tally ERP. I will teach you how to start with Tally from zero to finalization of balance sheet of a live business organisation. After this video course, you will able to work as an accountant in any business organisation. So i hope you complete the course successfully and start your career as an accountant. Best of Luck.Course Content:1. Introduction to Tally ERP and Basic Setting Introduction Downloading Tally, Installation & Licensing Creation of Company and how to edit or Delete the company2. Goods & Service Tax Integration GST Set up with basic information CGST/ SGST/ IGST ledger setup3. Ledger Creation Creating Purchase & Sales Ledger Cash & Bank Ledger Creating Discount & Round off Ledger How to Edit & Delete the Ledger4. Inventory Management Creating Stock Items and Stock Group5. Voucher Entry GST Purchase Entry GST Sales Entry and Invoice Generation Sales Return & Credit Note Entry Purchase Return & Debit Note Entry Receipts, Payments & Contra Entry6. Opening Balances Entry7. Bank Reconciliation What is Bank Reconciliation Manual & Auto Reconciliation8. Payroll Management Payroll basic Info & Setting Creating Employee Categories, Employee Group & Employee Name Creating Attendance record, Pay Heads, Salary details Attendance and Payroll Entry, Payroll Reports such as Pay slip9. Reports Generation View & Printing of various Accounting Reports such as Sales Register, Purchase Register, Cash Book, Receipts & Payments Account, Profit & Loss Account & Balance Sheet10. Search & Review Searching of Specific Transaction Checking negative cash flow and resolve11. Other Back up & Restore Splitting of Tally DataPoints to keep in mind: No note book, pen, pencil is needed, no need to write any notes. Only FOCUS is needed. Whole course is bifurcated into small lessons and segments, so whenever you need you can view the specific lesson. Practice material such as Bank Statement, Opening Balance Sheet, and Purchase Invoices are provided during the course session. Kindly download those files and take a printout while watching the videos. Do practice the entries simultaneously so that you can learn fast and query (if any) whenever arises can be resolved while practicing. You can ask me any query related to this course, I shall response your query as far as possible.Know about Tally ERP 9 It is an enterprise resource planning software developed by Tally Solutions Pvt Ltd. Tally ERP 9 software serves more than 1.6 million users across the globe The software handles accounting, inventory management, order management, tax management, payroll and banking. Licensed version user gets regular update in respect to the various changes in Accounting and Tax Laws by government authority from time to time. Almost all the small and medium sized enterprise are maintaining their books of account in Tally. Tally is very cost effective software which is considered most affordable software from small and medium sized business point of view. Latest version of Tally provides Tax compliance related report which can be easily uploaded in government portal. All accounting reports can easily exported to any popular file format for reporting purpose.Thank you.Regards,Atikur"
Price: 7040.00 ![]() |
"Microeconoma. Repaso para alumnos de la UdeLIMA." |
"Este curso de repaso, esta diseado para alumnos de la Universidad de Lima que tengan a microeconomia como un curso obligatorio y deseen mejorar sus calificaciones y comprension del mismo. Una exposicion dinamica de los conceptos por medio de modulos de corta duracion y un lenguaje sencillo hacen de este curso una herramienta amigable y practica para alcanzar una comprension gradual y ordenada de los conceptos teoricos y su desarrollo grafico. Ignacio Nurea, economista egresado de la universidad de Lima y master en educacion, ha logrado hacer contacto directo con las necesidades de aprendizaje de las chicas y chicos de la universidad de Lima gracias a sus mas de cinco aos de experiencia en clases presenciales del curso de microeconomia."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNP Enterprise: 300-420 ENSLD & 300-425 ENWLSD" |
"CCNP Enterprise Concentration Exam 300-420 ENSLD & 300-425 ENWLSD300-420 ENSLD: Designing Cisco Enterprise NetworksThis exam tests your knowledge of enterprise design, including:Advanced addressing and routing solutionsAdvanced enterprise campus networksWANSecurity servicesNetwork servicesSDA300-425 ENWLSD: Designing Cisco Enterprise Wireless NetworksThis exam tests your knowledge of wireless network design, including:Site surveysWired and wireless infrastructureMobilityWLAN high availability"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Zrozum emocje zredukuj stres i zmie przekonania na sukces" |
"Jeeli prbowae ju nie raz pracowa z emocjami i przekonaniami, a nadal czujesz, e jest jeszcze ""przynajmniej troch"" do zrobienia, zdarza Ci si, e to emocje zarzdzaj Tob, masz do powtarzania tych samych bdw - to mam dla Ciebie doskona wiadomo!Konflikty na poziomie przekona i emocji prowadz do osabienia energii do ycia i dziaania. A czasami powoduj, e krcisz si wok tego samego problemu od duszego czasu. Jednak to moe wyglda zupenie inaczej!Jeeli chcesz powiedzie yciu TAK, dziaa skuteczniej i mie z tego wicej radoci i pasji - czytaj dalej. Moesz wykreowa ycie zgodnie z Twoimi marzeniami, talentami i pasj. Moesz co dzie budzi si z radoci, poczuciem peni i wdzicznoci za to, co Ciebie spotyka. Wyobra sobie ycie takie, jakie chcesz: praca, ktra uskrzydla, ktra daje znacznie wicej wolnego czasu, znajomi i rodzina, ktra Ciebie wspiera i wita z umiechem kadego dnia, dom marze, pikna przestrze dookoa. Robisz to co chcesz i kiedy chcesz! Dla kogo to brzmi dobrze?I powiem jedno: droga, ktra tam prowadzi jest atwiejsza ni mylisz. Wystarczy kilka krokw:1) Zarzdzisz emocjami i przekonaniami, dziki czemu odzyskasz klarowno i czysto umysu2) Dowiedz si czego naprawd chcesz3) Uwierz w to mocno4) Wyrzu to co zbdne i to, co Ciebie cignie w d 5) Zbuduj nawyki, (w tym nawyki emocjonalne) ktre Ciebie tam zaprowadz.Jak to zrobi i od czego zacz - dowiesz si z tego kursu!Poka Tobie jak:1) Zrozumie, przytuli i nauczy si zarzdza emocjami. Jak stworzy z nimi relacje pene mioci, zrozumienia i akceptacji, tego co czujesz, tego kim jeste. Kady sukces w yciu zaczyna si od penej akceptacji siebie swoich talentw, ale take i swoich saboci. 2) Zmieni stare nieadekwatne przekonania, ktre blokuj Twoje ycie i sprawiaj, e stoisz w miejscu - na nowe!3) Zobaczysz jaka jest cieka do zaplanowania szczliwego i penego ycia zgodnie z talentami i pasjami, ktre masz4) Poka jak wzmocni nowe przekonania i nawyki w 4 najwaniejszych obszarach ycia: Pienidze, Mio, Sex, Wysze Ja oraz BONUS: Zdrowie, zbudowa nawyki i przekonania, ktre Ciebie wspieraj! 5) Poka Ci medytacje, ktre naucz Twoj podwiadomo, jak dziaa i myle efektywniej6) Napiszesz wasn strategi wyjcia z systemu, gdzie przytakujesz, potakujesz (szefowi, rodzicom, spoeczestwu, bankom itp.) i umniejszasz sobie - zamiast uwierzy mocniej w siebie, powiedzie sobie mocne TAK i zaprosi siebie do kreowania piknego ycia!Docz do tysicy osb, ktrzy zbudowali swoj przyszo, poegnali system przytakiwania i sami codziennie kreuj swoj pikn rzeczywisto i ycie. "
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Aviation: Airline Customer Service Course: Aviation Industry" |
"If you want to make your career in aviation Industry.If your wish to work at AirportThis course is ideal for anyone seeking training in Aviation/Airport customer service. The majority of participants attending our Aviation customer services courses are in customer facing or Customer Support roles, who want to develop their Customer Service Skills and Behaviours Or want to achieve Your dreams in Aviation industry.Our Aviation/Airport Customer Service Training is always aligned to the most frequent method of communication used to connect with your Customers.We are also experienced at providing bespoke Training Courses in Customer Services, as well as longer term programmes to meet specific organisation goals and service standards.."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Basics of Microcontrollers using Arduino" |
"Welcome. In this course you will create a basic understanding of Microcontrollers. We will assume that you are a complete beginner and by the end of the course you will be able to make a project through the use of arduino uno. This course contain Real-World examples and Hands On practicals. We will guide you step by step so that you can understand better. This course will help u in real time applications as well.The course involves C/C++ coding and electronics thus the student is advised to have a basic knowledge of C/C++ and basic electronics.Each and every section of the course is explained in detail and practical implementation is also given, thus the students should practice the projects by themselves.I hope you enjoy the course and please leave me a review and tell me how it was and how i can make i better.Thank you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Tot ce trebuie sa stii pentru 10 la BAC la Informatica" |
"**** NOU ADAUGAT ****In ultima parte a cursului gasesti o sectiune de exercitii, unde iti poti testa cunostintele acumulate dupa vizionarea cursului. Fiecare modul de exercitii se concentreaza asupra unui tip de problema ce apare in subiectele de BAC, iar pentru fiecare dintre acestea iti poti verifica solutia cu ajutorul unui exercitiu interactiv de codare sau, la problemele grila, cu ajutorului unui quiz.De asemenea, pentru fiecare exercitiu exista o sectiune cu indicii de rezolvare, iar in cele din urma rezolvare completa a acestuia!Bine ai venit la cursul ""Tot ce trebuie sa stii pentru 10 la BAC la Informatica"". Acesta este cel mai modern curs online ce are ca scop pregatirea ta pentru examenul de Bacalaureat de la Informatica. Mai mult, este singurul curs de care vei avea nevoie pentru a obtine punctaj maxim in aceasta vara la BAC, fara alte meditatii suplimentare. Stiu ca timpul tau este valoros, asa ca nu-l irosi. Acest curs iti garanteaza faptul ca vei putea invata mult mai repede si in ritmul tau, in orice moment ai tu dispozitia necesara, aceeasi materie care se preda in scoala sau la orele la care mergi dupa-masa. In crearea acestui curs, am depus tot efortul si am apelat la toata experienta mea anterioara pentru ca procesul tau de invatare sa fie cat mai placut si sa te distrezi invatand. Conceptele sunt explicate clar si precis, iar unele exemple sunt insotite de animatii pentru a intelege mai bine ceea ce se intampla.Cursul are o parte de teorie, o parte de provocari pe care tu va trebui sa le rezolvi si quizz-uri care sa te ajute sa iti evaluezi cunostintele. Modulele cursului urmaresc intocmai programa de BAC si vin cu exemple relevante si ilustative pentru fiecare capitol in parte. Ba mai mult, vom rezolva impreuna subiecte care s-au dat in anii anteriori la examen si incet-incet te vei familiariza cu stilul acestora. Astfel, cand vei da examenul, vei fi sigur pe tine si pe cunostintele tale.Pana la finalul acestui curs vei acumula toate cunostintele necesare pentru a rezolva corect toate cele 3 subiecte de la proba de Informatica din vara si vei stapani multe dintre principiile de baza ale programarii. Daca pe deasupra vei dori sa studiezi la o facultate de Informatica sau Calculatoare, cursul te va ajuta sa iti formezi o baza de cunostinte care iti vor fi de folosi si peste care vei putea cladi mai departe.Dupa ce cumperi acest curs, vei avea acces pe viata la toate materialele, la toate video-urile si la tot ceea ce eu voi mai adauga pe parcurs. Ba mai mult, vei avea parte de intreg suportul meu: in orice moment, orice intrebare ai avea, vei putea sa mi-o adresezi, iar eu iti voi raspunde cat mai repede cu putiinta.Informatica e usoara. Trebuie doar sa intelegi foarte bine conceptele fundamentale. Haide sa le invatam impreuna, acum!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Stata desde cero hasta investigaciones" |
"Clase Abierta Presentar Stata de manera amplia y comprender el uso de las principales herramientas estadsticas que tiene para ayudar al anlisis de los datos, independientemente del rea de estudio,Anlisis descriptiva Elaboracin de una primera rutina de trabajo, medidas de posicin, dispersin de datos, comandos principales y mens para comprender el comportamiento general de la informacin a estudiar, comandos condicionales, listados y otras herramientas para el anlisis de muestras y submuestras,Grficos Principales Grficos utilizados, estilo y opciones de personalizacin. Diagrama de caja, histogramas, grficos lineales, tendencia, frecuencia, distribucin, comparaciones con funciones de distribucin de probabilidad y otros usos en el anlisis estadstico,Anlisis no paramtrico ANOVA, MANOVA, prueba de medias, comparaciones entre diferentes muestras y submuestrasAnlisis paramtricoMedidas de estimacin previa y posterior para modelos estadsticos:Elaboracin de la base de datos en Stata, principales problemas,MCO / OLS (Mnimos Cuadrados Ordinarios)Series de tiempo,Datos Transversales,Panel de datos o datos longitudinales,Presentacin e interpretacin de resultados Principales herramientas para exportar resultados a hojas de clculo y documentos de texto, personalizacin del diseo de resultados y mejores prcticas.Elaboracin de una investigacion cientifica completa utilizando Stata: Encontrar los datos, descargar, analizar, elaborar y exportar los resultados a Microsoft Word o Excel.FIN"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduction Mantra Therapy" |
"Mantra Therapy for beginners is a comprehensive self-paced course comprised of 8 lessons including ~160 minutes of video instruction. In each lesson you will be provided an instructional video with accompanying slides as well as downloadable documents that offer deeper explanations. Quizzes are also included and required to be completed. Your instructor is available via email, should you have any questions. This course consists of Bija Mantras, or short powerful Mantras, Ayurvedic and Purusha mantras that help with health, Mantras to Deities, Vedic or Jyotish Mantras and Vastu Mantras to bring the energy of peace to your home. You will also learn how to approach Mantra: intention, setting up your mind and emotions and preparing a place and time for Mantra Therapy.We look forward to you joining us on your spiritual journey!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Orthodontic Treatment Planning for dental professionals" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topics: Aims of orthodontic treatment, Space creation methods, Step by step treatment plan, Timing of treatment depending on the malocclusion, Cervical vertebral maturation method, Limiting factors of orthodontic treatment and Soft tissue limitations.Here are the main headlines that this course covers:1. Aims of treatment1.1 Facial aims1.2 Occlusal aims1.3 Need for treatmentPlanning to achieve the facial aims of treatment1.Position the upper incisors in the anteroposterior plane2. Position of the upper incisors in the vertical plane3. Lower incisor positionPlanning to achieve occlusal aims of treatment1. Space creation1.1 Extraction or expansion?1.2 Guidelines for extraction1.3 Transverse arch expansion1.4 Anteroposterior arch lengthening1.5 Reduction of tooth width2. Step by step treatment plan2.1 Planning treatment for moderate problems2.2 Planning comprehensive orthodontic treatment2.3 Camouflage treatment3. Choice of appliance4. Limiting factors of orthodontic treatment4.1. Envelop of discrepancy range of tooth movements.4.2 Soft tissue limitations5. Timing of treatment depending on the malocclusion5.1 Cervical vertebral maturation method"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Orthodontic Removable Appliances for Dental Professionals" |
"This course will take you from zero to hero of the following orthodontic topics: Contemporary removable appliances; Functional appliances; Extraoral appliances.Here are the main headlines that this course covers:Contemporary removable appliances1.Types of tooth movements with removable appliance1. Tipping2. Overbite reduction3. Crossbite correction4. Extrusion5. Intrusion2. Components of removable appliance1.1 Retentive components1.2 Active components1.3 Expansion screws3. Clinical use of removable appliance4. Treatment with removable appliance4.1 Flat anterior bite plate therapy4.2 Posterior bite planes4.3 Opening and closing spaces with removable appliances.4.4 Modificated appliances5. Functional appliances basic characteristics5.1 Treatment philosophy5.2 Clinical effects5.3 Types of functional appliancesRemovable appliances Activator, Bionator, Frankel system, Twin blockFixed functional appliances Herbst appliance, Power scope5.4 Pre-functional stage of treatment6. Removable appliances used with fixed appliances5.1 Headgear5.2 Facemask5.3 Chin cup6. Clear aligner therapyFunctional appliances1. Definition for functional appliance2. History of the appliances3. Classification4. Effects of functional appliances4.1 Dentoalveolar changes4.2 Skeletal changes4.3 Growth stimulation and acceleration4.4 Soft tissue changes5. Ideal requirements of functional appliances6. Advantages and limitations7. Indications for functional therapy7.1 skeletal criteria7.2 Dental criteria7.3 Soft-tissue criteria7.4 Functional criteria8. Appliances8.1 Upper anterior flat bite planeBite plane with labial bowSved bite plane8.2 Upper anterior inclined plane8.3 Lower inclined plane8.4 Vestibular screens8.5 Hotz oral screen8.6 Lip bumper8.7 Andersen activatorAdvantagesDisadvantagesSteps in constructionBite registrationTeeth movements with activatorTreatment effects8.8 BionatorTypes of BionatorObjectives of treatmentStandard appliance components and constructionIndications and contraindicationsClass III Bionator8.9 Frankel applianceExtraoral appliances1. Introduction2. Indications for use of extraoral force3. Location of Center of Resistance of the Dentomaxillary Complex4. Components of Headgear4.1 Face-bow. outer and inner4.2 Anchorage source or headgear strap4.3 Force element. Earlier elastic bands/straps5. Types of headgear5.1 Cervical Headgear5.2 High-Pull Headgear5.3 Straight-Pull Headgear5.4 Vertical-Pull Headgear5.5 Headgears for incisor retraction6. Uses of headgear7. Patient instructions and disadvantages of Headgear therapy8. Reverse-pull Headgear/Face mask9. Indications for Face Mask10. Components of Face mask10.1 Intraoral Device10.2 Elastic Traction11. Protraction headgear12. Chin cup"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Know your mind and be like Elon Musk . Go Beyond Ordinary" |
"In today's technology-driven world where number crunching is the only focus and machines who were created by humans are eyeing humans for results. In this scenario, we need to address and sharpen our minds to achieve greatness by improving our knowledge about ourselves and our being to bring in greater success in whatever we do. Just think why Elon Musk can achieve this glory. He involves himself in imagination, creation, manifestation, production, sales, and finance with all success. WHAT IS THAT HE IS ABLE TO DO AND WE ARE NOT. To understand this we need to know who we are and how to orient ourselves to greater glory by learning and practicing the processes mentioned in this course. Knowingly unknowingly Elon Musk is following the principles mentioned here for success. This course will introduce you to a new you and make amazing shifts in your thought and approach to life which in turn will bring in material success instantly. You will be guided on what is going wrong and how to address everything by well-defined principles and systems which you can practice in no time. You will start seeing the results every day and at the end of 30 days, you would have achieved a tool for life that will remain with you forever and wade you towards an impending glory of the person you are. We wish you all success."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
digitalmarketingdiploma |
"7 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------You are the designer -------------------------------------------Professional Facebook ads %95 0.1 - ( ) --------------------------------------------GOOGLE ADS - - - ( ) --------------------------------------------linkedin ( ) -------------------------------------------twitter ------------------------------------------ - , -------------------------Build your own website . () ----------------------------- start online bussines - ( Start ONLINE business - marketing - Sales - managememt - - )"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Reiki healing - techniques & methods of self-healing" |
"In this course you will learn among others:how to heal yourself with Reiki energy - different techniques,how to heal chakras with Reiki energy,how to heal aura,how to design Reiki treatment to individual needs of a person,how to diagnose energetic problemsand much more.I am teacher of Reiki since 2009. I taught over 1000 people in several countries. All of them are good in this, what they do.I also published a book about Reiki healing, which was for 3 months on bestseller list (""Reiki. Odkryj moc zdrowia"", Helion publishing house). In the course I explain you everything you need to proper and safe Reiki practice. I teach you lots of different techniques in Reiki healing. Thanks to this you can start help yourself and others and you can improve your health and quality of life.Read my course curriculum - you will get know, that the course will be probably interesting, useful and worth for you. On May my course of second degree of Reiki healing should be available on Udemy. You will learn there to do all these kinds of healing from distance as well as sending Reiki in intention. Stay healthy and be happy!Martha"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Porteiro Online" |
"O Curso destinado a todos os profissionais de qualquer rea que desejam conhecer sobre Porteiro ou para aqueles que j atuam na profisso. Certificado vlido em todo Brasil! O objetivo o desenvolvimento gradativo das competncias exigidas pelo mercado de trabalho para o exerccio de uma determinada profisso. Para isso, o aluno escolhe os caminhos que deseja percorrer em sua trajetria profissional, de acordo com seu grau de escolaridade.Assim, voc conquista novos desafios, cada vez mais complexos, em cada degrau alcanado em sua carreira.Efetuar a segurana e controle de portaria e recepo prestando um bom atendimento aos visitantes, orientando-os quanto aos procedimentos internos do condomnio.Conservar os ambientes de recepo e portaria assim como as dependncias internas e externas do condomnio.Prestar atendimento cordial e diferenciado, mantendo postura profissional."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Curso Supervisor de Segurana" |
"Profissional encarregado de operacionalizar os servios de vigilncia na empresa, otimizando os servios prestados para a satisfao do cliente. Esclarecendo antes que,no Brasil as atribuies por cargos dos funcionrios operacionais podem ser distintas em algumas empresas. Existem: Supervisores (Supervisor Jnior, Snior, etc.), Inspetores, Coordenadores, Fiscais, etc.; todos inseridos dentro deste contexto. Na ordem crescente, os cargos operacionais so: Vigilante, Vigilante Lder, Vigilante Motorista, Fiscal de rea, Inspetor, Supervisor, Coordenador e Gerente de Operaes. claro que, como j foi citado, cada empresa tem seu modelo de organizao, mas estes so os mais comuns."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Protective Behaviors for parents" |
"A short video and activity based course on teaching children body safety in the home.Participants will be guided through the basics of the Protective Behaviours Child Protection Behaviour Program in South Africa along with suggestions on activities that can be done at home to reinforce the concepts.This course is designed to be an introduction to Protective Behaviours for parents. "
Price: 450.00 ![]() |
"Drupal 8 Eitim Seti" |
"Bu eitim seti ile Drupal ile kiisel ya da kurumsal web sitenizi hazrlayabiliecek, web gelitirme alannda drupal ile profesyonel ilerlemeyi dnenler salam bir balang yapacaktr. Bu eitim sonunda;Drupal'i kurup yaplandrabliecesiniz.rn ve hizmet sayfalar ekleyebilieceksiniz.letiim formu oluturabileceksiniz.Modllerle web sitenize yeni zellikler ekleyebilieceksiniz.ablonlar ykleyebilecek ve web sitenizin grnmn zelletirebileceksiniz. Drupal in yeni srmlerine ykseltebilieceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
Auriculoacupuntura |
"Seguindo o princpio Taoista de que a parte contm o todo, a Auriculoacupuntura utiliza o microssistema da orelha para tratar absolutamente todos os tipos de transtornos do corpo e da mente. Segundo a Tradio, as energias vitais do corpo (Qi, l-se ""Tchi"") - que fluem pelos canais meridianos - se conectam e interagem com o pavilho auricular, sofrendo influncia de qualquer manipulao na regio; Segundo a cincia, o pavilho auricular se encontra no limite ontogentico dos trs tecidos formadores do embrio humano e possui, ainda, terminaes de quatro grandes plexos nervosos do corpo, fazendo do pavilho auricular um dos microssistemas mais eficientes para tratamento, gerenciamento e at cura de diversas doenas.Neste curso, voc vai aprender tcnicas de tratamento utilizando estmulos no pavilho auricular, tanto com sementes, quanto com agulhas, baseados na Medicina Tradicional Chinesa e, principalmente, em fundamentos cientficos. O curso todo referenciado com artigos em revistas nacionais e internacionais, numa mescla perfeita de Tradio e Cincia. voltado para profissionais da rea de sade que desejem complementar suas atividades com esta tcnica - que faz parte das Prticas Integrativas e Complementares de Sade (PICS) - regulamentada pelo SUS.Aprenda, pratique, aplique a Auriculoacupuntura em seus pacientes. Voc vai ver que essa tcnica, aparentemente simples, pode entregar resultados surpreendentes."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |