Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Microsoft 365 Eitimi" |
"21 Nisan 2020 sonras Microsoft, Office 365 rnnn adn Microsoft 365 olarak deitirdi. Bu deiim bir isim deiikliinin ok tesinde. Microsoft, yeni bir inovasyon ve misyon tayarak her bir kurum ve iletmenin i ihtiyalarn Microsoft 365 ile tamamlyor. Microsoft 365 office uygulamalar, Wndows 10 iletim sistemi, intelligent cloud servisleri ve gelimi dnya standard, gvenlik zmleriyle iletmelerin utan uca ihtiyacn karlar.Bu eitim ile irketlerin ihtiyac olan Microsoft 365 rnn belirleyebileceksiniz Microsoft 365 Kurulumu ve Ynetimini salayabileceksiniz"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Excel : L'essentiel" |
"Ce cours propose une introduction Excel qui vous permettra de commencer du dbut jusqu'aux bases solides. Il permet aussi aux personnes qui ont dj une premire exprience avec l'outil de consolider leurs connaissances notamment sur les fonctions les plus utilises.Des cas pratiques et une application en mode projet sur des donnes relles vous permettra de mettre en pratiques les concepts appris en situation relle."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Les Tableaux croiss dynamiques" |
"Ce cours vise vous donner les bases pour crer et manipuler les tableaux croiss dynamiques. Les aspects de manipulations de champs (Oprations, formules , mise en forme conditionnelle ) sont galement abords.Dans un seconde temps le cours aborde la mthodologie pour la mise en place de Reporting de suivi (Tableau de bord) Enfin une section est ddie la mise en forme des rsultats afin de customiser aux mieux vos livrables."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Google sala de aula, Aprenda do zero como dar aulas on-line" |
"Gerencia e ensino e a aprendizagem de sua sala de aulaO Google Classroom uma excepcional ferramenta para quem deseja criar e gerenciar um grupo de estudos (sala de aula). Esta ferramenta proporciona uma tima comunicao entre instrutores (professores) e estudante (alunos), alm da criao e correo de atividades. Permite tambm o compartilhamento de material de estudo. Neste curso poderemos navegar por todas essas ferramentas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Python 3 Complete Beginners 2020" |
"Python 3 Programming Course Write your own Programs 2020.Simple and easy to understand, you will start coding/programming your Python 3 programs on your own within hours. This course is specially tailored for the beginners. Learning to code in Python is easy and it is full of fun and excitement! Focused to the point and all you need to know lessons with practical examples, follow along and learn the foundations in minutes. I have used professional editing to make this course professional and precise. Thank you for joining the course and wishing you success in your digital journey with Python 3"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The KATE Method" |
"The KATE Method contains four key principles of achievement that are contained in every personal development book or transformational course ever written. Discover what these principles are and how to apply them to your life in order to create the life you have always wanted. Creating a life path is like art! It's meant to fun, creative and exciting. Life was never meant to be complex or stressful. It was meant to be, and can be, a joy and a pleasure!This course consists of six units containing video lessons, power point slides, meditations and PDF worksheets to help you practically apply these principles in order to achieve your own personal dreams.PLUS a section with additional resources containing a PDF version of my book, The KATE Method; a video lesson that will help you understand why the words ""I AM"" are two of the most powerful words in the English language and how you can use them to radically improve your life, a powerful meditation on the practice of forgiveness and other articles to help you navigate change with grace and poise."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Guitar Lessons for Absolute Beginners by Scott Lucille" |
"My name is Scott Lucille and I have a genuine passion for teaching and sharing knowledge on anything to do with music... I myself actually take part in Udemy courses as a student for piano and music theory and I enjoy the layout of courses that Udemy has to offer... so I thought I would make a course myself!So here it is... my Udemy course on guitar for absolute beginners! MODULES 1&2I enjoyed making this course so much and actually found it cured my inexplicable phobia of computers and technology as I continued through the sections and modules. I have always enjoyed teaching and sharing ideas, but never enjoyed computers... so this was uncharted territory for me... but I'm happy with the curriculum and confident all of my students will take a lot away from these lessons!please have a look at the course... and enjoy it... that's after all what its all about!!!The course is split into 2 different modules and separated into many different sections to make it very easy and accessible for the student.the course uses videos, diagrams, tests and regular summaries to keep the student on track of their also have the tools to contact me directly and request certain aspects, lessons or songs to order.In this course there is everything to get you started on the guitar:- how to tune a guitar- reading tablature and understanding the fretboard- basic major and minor chords- barre chords- an introduction to scales- 7th chords"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Economia Circular: Nuevos Modelos hacia la Sostenibilidad" |
"La economia lineal donde la produccin descuida el cierre de ciclo de la composicin de sus productos o servicios esta llegando a su fin. La economa circular es una estrategia que tiene por objetivo reducir tanto la entrada de los materiales vrgenes como la produccin de desechos, cerrando los bucles o flujos econmicos y ecolgicos de los recursos.En este curso, podrs desarrollar competencias en innovacin para el re-diseo de negocios sustentables dentro del paradigma de la economa circular y ante un escenario de 4ta Revolucin Industrial. Dirigido a Profesionales que desarrollan actividades dentro del sector empresarial, industrial y gobernanza que buscan nuevas alternativas de negocios para el largo plazo, valorizacin de triple impacto y estrategias para lograr ecosistemas cero desperdicio."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Designer Profissional de Redes Sociais YouTube Instagram" |
"Designer Profissional de Redes Sociais YouTube Instagram , um curso voltado para voc que realmente precisa de solues profissionais para suas redes sociais ! Chega de comprar template pronto que no permitem alteraes, faa esse curso e migre para o sucesso !Voltado para todas as redes sociais, e ainda para voce que precisa mandar produzir de forma profissional o material de seus clientesSUPORTE EXCLUSIVO NO GRUPO DO TELEGRAM E WHATSAPP PARA NOSSOS ALUNOS !!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Developing the Internal control system in the company" |
"Welcome to my course Developing the Internal control system in the company.The aim of the course is to give you guidelines of the development for the ICS in the short and simple form, to focus on the essential aspects of the process of loss prevention.In this course I will give you the fundamentals of building an Internal control system, to help you to focus on business, without having to worry about losing money as a result of any dishonest actions by employees, clients, or business partners. Im here to share with you all the insider secrets of how to strengthen weaknesses in business by making them inaccessible for the risk of loss.Perhaps some of this you may already know, some things you will be able to repeat, you will be able to look at some questions from a different perspective. This course is designed to shorten your focus on the essential aspects of the loss prevention process.If you are a business owner or manager in sales, logistics, or manufacturing, this course will help you to understand which of your business segments are at the greatest risk of loss and how to reduce them.How not to spend your budget on ineffective security solutions.You will be able to apply the knowledge gained in this course to select security professionals without spending money on specialists who will not be able to set security goals.If you are currently working or planning to build your career in the security field, this course will help you highlight the knowledge you have gained so far and look more professional in your future security interviews.You will learn about the principles of building an effective internal control system and developing a company security concept. You will be able to create an internal control system in your company or make the existing one more effective.And most importantly, you will start to stop losing your money and increasing your profit."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Teoria Musical + Guitarra para Leigos - Sem enrolao" |
"Este curso foi feito para voc, que j procurou um monte de materiais sobre teoria musical bsica ou como iniciar a tocar violo, guitarra, e outros instrumentos de cordas, e s encontrou contedos confusos, espalhados pela internet, que mais faziam ficar difcil do que fcil de entender. Ou voc, que quer saber o que um acorde, o que uma escala, o que um campo harmnico, ou o que so modos gregos... Este curso feito para facilitar o entendimento de assuntos que parecem complexos, difceis, mas no final, so muito prticos e legais de se estudar e aplicar na sua msica.Tudo isso com exemplos prticos para assimilar bem o contedo ensinado.Seja bem-vindo e divirta-se com a gente."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Implementacin de maquinaria en nuestra empresa de abono org" |
"En mi curso , quiero que las personas que estn interesadas en mis conocimientos puedan acceder a ellos y en sus empresas ya sean de tamaos micro o de tamaos macros, logren desarrollar el uso de todas estas maquinas de la mejor manera hasta el punto de lograr realizar el uso adecuado de estas maquinas y si es posible reducir los daos ambientales"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Pattern Making : Dartless Basic Block ( Beginner Friendly )" |
"As a fashion designer, pattern making is essential in creating a garment. A good fashion designer must learn pattern making in order to understand the constructions of his/her designs.In this course, you will learn :Essential tools for pattern makingHow to measure you own bodyDartless basic block pattern draftingPractice 5 alterations from the existing pattern ( in this case the dartless basic block )BONUS : sleeve pattern drafting for knit fabricsAll lectures delivered by VIDEO with detailed DEMOS of the technique.The content are fabulous introduction to the wonderful world of pattern drafting. Which is the key skill in fashion industry.At the end of the course, you will be ready to move forward with your own pattern making journey. And if you want to enhance your career, then this course is for you.What our students says about our sewing and pattern drafting class :"" I loved the course, Yenny! Very well explained and you are so calm throughout. I just need some large paper now to try it all out!! "" - Lindsay Hodgson"" Glitter! All the glitters! This class met my expectations. I recommend it for advanced level."" - Louise Araujo"" Oui tout fait. Merci."" - Catherine VanbellinghenSee you on the inside.Yenny Lee"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"2020 c++" |
"c++ :1- Variables & Data Types 2- IF Statement & Switch Case Statement3- While Loop, Do While Loop & For Loop4- Functions5- Arrays6- Struct7- Revision"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creating a Professional LinkedIn Profile (2020)" |
"As of January 2020, there were more than 650 million people with LinkedIn Profiles. LinkedIn is the #1 Professional Networking Social Media site globally.However many are still not built without focus, purpose, or goals in mind. Very few LinkedIn Members create their LinkedIn Profiles with their most important keywords and their most important viewer in mind.I refer to a Professional LinkedIn Profile as one where the LinkedIn Member purposefully wrote it focused on their Most Important Viewer using keywords and stories relevant to them and what the LinkedIn Member does for them.This course was created to help you build your Professional LinkedIn Profile and position you better than your peers and/or competitors on LinkedIn so you can begin creating real business value using LinkedIn as a business tool.We will discuss the key perspectives of building a Professional LinkedIn Profile in this course as well as show you the most important areas of LinkedIn to apply these perspectives.Well discuss keyword best practices that focus on your Most Important Viewer as well as the 12 areas of your LinkedIn Profile you will need to use to get the greatest possible value from your LinkedIn Profile. Knowing your most important keywords, who your most important viewer is, and how to build a profile that speaks to them is the #1 most important step of using LinkedIn as a business tool.During this course, we will share with you how a well built Professional LinkedIn Profile is beneficial and built."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Let your side hustle sky rocket" |
"We teach you to create a concept or business that is sustainable and profitable (one that makes a ton of money). Tips on how to find ideas and how to keep it going are also provided. The practical elements needed to create success in a small business is explained by Johan Buys (MBA - business sustainability) and business owner."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Rflexologie palmaire" |
"les bienfaits...Lensemble du corps est reprsent sur la main. La rflexologie consiste faire un massage des mains (stimulant des points/zones en particulier). Les bienfaits sont nombreux.La stimulation des zones rflexes se fait gnralement avec les doigts.La rflexologie fait partie de la mdecine douce qui existe depuis longtemps. La mthode est extrmement efficace pour se relaxer et vacuer toutes les tensions.C'est galement une mthode accessible tous."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Reading comprehension for competitive exams" |
"this is a comprehensive course for all those who are preparing for any sort of a competitive exam that has reading comprehension as a method of assessment. This course covers aspects like main idea, text structure, and summary besides the basic building blocks of comprehension which include FACTS, INFERENCE, VOCABULARY, EXPERIENCE, AND SUMMARY . This is a complete course and is suitable for any level and offers concepts from the basics to advanced."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
topsport |
", , 10 ! , :1. !2. , """" !3. , , !4. , , !5. , , ! , ! , , ! . , , ! , : , , , , . , , - , 12-20 !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Se torne Extraordinrio" |
"Neste curso voc ir encontrar tcnicas promissoras para desenvolver o seu potencial dentro de um dia a dia corrido e muitas vezes saturado com os problemas de organizao e quantidade de tarefas.Aprender, tambm, tcnicas retiradas da psicologia para identificar e modificar as suas crenas limitantes e com isso desenvolver um mindset promissor e focado.Assim como, ter a oportunidade de conhecer-se melhor e treinar habilidades essenciais para quem quer alcanar o sucesso de forma saudvel e inteligente."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Comunicao Assertiva" |
"Este curso tem por objetivo:Entender os conceitos e impactos da comunicao no dia a dia.Ajudar o participante a desenvolver habilidades para ouvir e elevar a comunicao interpessoal.Oferecer conceitos e ferramentas para prtica da comunicao assertiva.Aqui voc vai poder refletir como a comunicao impacta o dia a dia das pessoas e equipes nas organizaes.Alm disso vai compreender a dinmica da comunicao dentro do papel do lder.Ser possvel voc identificar seu principal estilo de comunicao e compara-lo com os demais, fazendo ajustes significativos na sua forma de comunicao.Voc tambm vai conhecer e aprender o ""mtodo ideal"" de comunicao e poder utiliz-lo no final do curso.Estrutura do Curso em 4 mdulos:1 - Comunicao e sua importncia2 - Diferenas de estilo de comunicao: 4 estilos principais3- Comunicao Agressiva, Passiva e Assertiva4- O mtodo ideal de Comunicao: Assertividade +Receptividade"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Shantala - Baby Massage Course" |
"Welcome to the Shantala - Baby Massage Course. Here you will learn this ancient infant massage technique to perform on your baby or to teach other parents trough workshops, for example.It covers the Shantala massage history and background, Contraindications, Preparation of the caregiver, baby and environment and of course the technique itself. Classes are short and easy to understand making it accessible to everyone. By the end of the course you will be able to perform the massage and also teach other is you wish so as all the material will be provided. I hope to see you there!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Accelerated Happiness Blueprint" |
"You would be able to understand your emotions in a better way, and would be happy during difficult times. We offer feel helpless during tough time , we feel we not able to manage our emotions . At times stress becomes the main reason for our bad health, this course is the right choice for you to understand your emotions and have a great control"
Price: 8000.00 ![]() |
"AYT KMYA - Kimyasal Tepkimelerde Hz Detayl Konu Anlatm" |
"Bu kursta Kimyasal Tepkimelerde Hz konusu zel ders formatnda anlatlmtr. retmen konuyu mfredat dahilinde ayrntl bir ekilde anlatrken, nemli soru tiplerini seerek belirli renme hedeflerini gerekletirmitir. Konuda en temel soru tiplerinden en zorlayc soru tiplerine kadar rnekler zlmtr. Bu kursta yzeysel bir konu anlatm deil konuyu btn detaylar ile retmek amalanmtr. Bu nemli ierie ulaarak Kimyasal Tepkimelerde Hz konusunu her yn ile renmi olacaksnz.Ayrca kurs sresince konu ve sorularla ilgili her trl sorularnz sorular blmnden gnderebileceksiniz."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Divirtete creando personajes cartoon" |
"Aprende como dibujar personajes cartoon y la manera de aportarles expresividad y movimiento. Solo necesitas lpiz y papel. Yo te guiar paso a pasao para que desde las formas geomtricas bsicas, seas capaz de darle forma y movimiento a tus primeros personajes cartoon. Comenzaremos por er la forma de la cabeza, las expresiones bsicas, diferentes tipos de miradas, bocas y narices y despus peinaremos y dotaremos de movimiento a nuestros personajes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Powerful mental skills for Soccer & basketball players" |
"Developing your physical and technical strength takes months, even years. Developing your mental strength takes hours when you invest in this course!You will learn ground-breaking strategy to give you an edge over your competitors.""I won my first ever MVP"" - client after only 6 hours contact time!This coaches new techniques that challenge traditional methods, based on the results from research and real time results."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Becoming Your Beautiful Authentic Self" |
"Create the authentic life you KNOW you were always meant to liveBecome a more authentic friend, child, parent, or coworkerFINALLY stop beating yourself up over past mistakesLearn to start LOVING who you are (and not be dragged by what others think of you)STOP pretending to be something youre not...and be the REAL you"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"I Am Wing Chun : Aprende PAK SAO ( Spanish Edition)" |
"Siendo Wing Chun un sistema cientfico que debe ser comprendido hasta sus mas minusculos detalles para ser efectivo, hemos tomado le decision de fragmentar o romper en pedazos este sistema para que no solo puedas aprender el currculo del mismo, si no que genuinamente puedas entender hasta la ms pequea de sus sutilezas. En este mini curso nos enfocamos en Pak Sao, una tecnica sumamente popular y de mucha utilidad si se aplica correctamente."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Alfabetizao em Matemtica" |
"O curso de Alfabetizao em Matemtica consiste num conjunto de 12 vdeo aulas mais duas listas de exerccios, divididos em dois mdulos, que oferecem ao aluno um aprendizado leve e rpido das principais operaes em matemtica utilizando uma linguagem bastante acessvel ao aluno.O mdulo 1 trata desde o surgimento do sistema de numerao em que utilizamos at s quatro principais operaes, utilizando sempre o contexto dos nmeros naturais.J o mdulo 2 inicia com a definio dos conjuntos dos nmeros decimais e sua importncia oferecendo um entendimento claro e rpido das quatro operaes e suas principais regras.O curso oferece tambm duas listas de exerccios de fixao com resposta em vdeo sem citar o suporte online para atendimento e tira dvidas.No decorrer do curso o aluno j sentir seus efeitos dentro do cotidiano, pois o curso voltado diretamente para assuntos do dia-a-dia."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"VideoServerAPI without using a CMS" |
"Create a video serve with PHP. You will learn how to do modular programming, create a database and tables, develop with classes, and functions. How to use select statements, create login and registration forms. Upload a video to a directory on the server, and access the video via web page."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Pass 2V0-61.19 VMware Professional Workspace ONE Exam 2019 !" |
"VMware exam blueprint sections are now standardized to the seven sections below, some of which may NOT be included in the final exam blueprint depending on the exam objectives. Section 1 Architecture and Technologies Section 2 Products and Solutions Section 3 Planning and Designing Section 4 Installing, Configuring, and Setup Section 5 Performance-tuning, Optimization, and Upgrades Section 6 Troubleshooting and Repairing Section 7 Administrative and Operational Tasks"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |