Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Eyelash Extension Diploma (Bahasa Indonesia)" |
"Dalam Eyelash Artist Diploma, akan di berikan keterampilan dan pengetahuan untuk membangun karir Bulu Mata Extension.Semua aspek teori, aplikasi, dan gaya atau model yang tercakup dalam lebih dari 14 modul komprehensif, yang akan memberikan kepercayaan diri kalian.Kalian bisa menonton video dalam waktu 24 jam sehari, 365 hari dalam setahun dan juga dibantu oleh Trainer Bulu Mata dan Customer Service dari Indonesian Lash Academy."
Price: 560000.00 ![]() |
"Modern concepts for Spring Boot Microservices from scratch" |
"This course is helpful for Spring Boot beginner to understand the integration between kafka and MongoDB.This course is designed for developer, architect and technical Manager.This course covers the complex integration between kafka and Mongo DB.This course covers the LomBok and Swagger.This course covers the application development from scratch. This course covers the basics of Mongo DB and Kafka as well. "
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"A cincia para o relacionamento de sucesso" |
"DESCRIO DO CURSOSomos todos escravos das nossas emoes, eternos sonhadores vtimas de nossas aes supondo ilusoriamente que somos os senhores de nossas vidas e que a todo momento temos o domnio sobre nossa conscincia, com isso involuntariamente nos sabotando e nos distanciando a cada dia do que realmente importa que a felicidade a dois, este porto seguro almejado por muitos e raramente encontrado por poucos, simbolizando uma fatdica procura sem xito.Esta obra no fictcia, no resume a minha histria, mas sim de maneira simples e acessvel, como minha esposa Ketty e Eu, conseguimos alcanar e manter esta prazerosa faanha conjugal, utilizando no somente o coaching, mas tambm a programao neurolingustica, o poder da atrao e a fsica quntica, como base de inspirao para elaborar conceitos slidos de entendimento e sobriedade de como ter e ser um bom amante e amigo.Afirmo que ao concluir a leitura desta obra magnfica, suas idias e conceitos referente a relacionamentos ter evoludo ao patamar de compreender e ter domnio sobre suas emoes e aes, no somente na esfera conjugal, mas em todas as esferas de sua vida.Desafio voc a realizar esta imerso prazerosa e cognitiva, que o levar a entender, realizar e manter o seu sonho de relacionamento.INTRODUOComo est o seu relacionamento hoje?Como voc gostaria que estivesse?O que voc daria para alcanar este objetivo?O outro no assimila e nem compactua com as suas idias?J no sabe mais o que fazer para agradar e nem como manter o relacionamento?Est com receio de passar ou est passando por uma crise conjugal?Se estes e outros conflitos semelhantes, esto assolando a sua mente, no se apavore pois isso algo comum que assola a humanidade desde a pr-histria, mas existe uma soluo prtica, simples e eficaz mas no to fcil e s depende unicamente de voc dar o primeiro passo.Se voc chegou a este livro est de parabns, pois j deu o primeiro passo, e acredite est no caminho certo.Ol, seja muito bem vindo ao curso: A CINCIA PARA O RELACIONAMENTO DE SUCESSO.Meu nome Williams Martins, estou extremamente feliz e lisonjeado, por voc ter escolhido meu curso, espero contribuir no crescimento e na evoluo do seu sonho.Sou coaching de relacionamentos, empreendedor digital, servidor pblico atuando na rea de humanas desde 1994, e o tpico principal do meu currculo sou casado h 23 anos com a dona Ketty, anos estes muito bem vividos, compartilhando compreenso, e uma paixo permanente somado de amor e uma admirao recproca.Tendo perdido meu pai muito cedo, constantemente deparava-me com devaneios, de como seria minha vida de casado em uma famlia completa com uma esfera definida e de sucesso, idealizando um relacionamento do namoro a velhice, em uma eterna cumplicidade.Com estas idias bem formadas casei-me prematuramente, eu com 24 e ela com 18 anos, iniciamos assim uma maravilhosa jornada em um verdadeiro laboratrio matrimonial. Analisando os erros dos casais que nos cercavam aprendendo com os seus acertos adaptando-os nossa realidade, evitando assim problemas, conflitos ou desgastes do nosso cotidiano de casal.Nessa trajetria fui arguido diversas vezes por amigos e conhecidos; como ns conseguimos conviver em harmonia e sermos felizes, no aparentando problemas nem to pouco desgastes por tanto tempo de convvio, fato que para a maioria dos casais era impossvel e inimaginvel.Incentivado por minha esposa Ketty, vi-me no dever de me especializar e compartilhar este magnfico conhecimento com outros casais, contribuindo assim com suas jornadas conjugais de forma prazerosa e feliz para ambos.No ano de 2016 conclu minha formao em coaching da vida com direcionamento ao bem-estar familiar, que para mim um dos pilares para uma pessoa ser realmente bem sucedida.Desde ento comecei atender pessoas e casais, dando-lhes mentoria, como coaching pessoal e familiar.A proposta deste livro orientar voc desde o autoconhecimento e a inteligncia emocional, dando-lhe entendimento e ferramentas, para que voc e seu cnjuge venham a iniciar ou dar continuidade aos seus sonhos de um relacionamento perfeito.Tenho plena convico e certeza que ao final deste livro voc e seu par, estaro preparados para iniciar ou dar continuidade a uma odisseia prazerosa e feliz, por muitos e muitos anos, se for o desejo de ambos.PROPOSTA DO CURSO.A proposta deste CURSO, conduzir e auxiliar voc de forma andraggica, fornecendo-lhe ensinamentos, orientaes e tcnicas de um jeito simples, compreensvel e prtico, desde o autoconhecimento a inteligncia emocional, proporcionando entendimentos no somente de maneira didtica e terica, mas com exerccios e tarefas que somadas a ferramentas mentais, lhe possibilitaram iniciar ou dar continuidade ao seu sonho de um ""RELACIONAMENTO DE SUCESSO"", propiciando assim a voc e ao seu cnjuge, condies favorveis para manter um ciclo conjugal feliz e harmnico, sendo notoriamente um casal em um relacionamento de sucesso e feliz, e se for o desejo de ambos, por muitos e muitos anos.CONTEDOCom muita clareza e objetividade irei abordar diversos assuntos divididos em quatro tpicos distintos:Primeiro ponto:AUTOCONHECIMENTO.Segundo ponto:INTELIGNCIA EMOCIONAL.Terceiro ponto:NORMAS E TICA NO RELACIONAMENTO.Quarto ponto:FERRAMENTAS E GESTO CONJUGAL.Este material ir lhe proporcionar uma ascenso pessoal de como se conhecer melhor, dando-lhe assim condies emocionais eficazes para que voc venha a desenvolver um relacionamento feliz, prazeroso e duradouro, com todos os dispositivos necessrias de como gerir o seu matrimnio ou amizade de maneira afortunada e de sucesso.No decorrer da leitura teremos diversas atividades e sugestes de filmes, que estaro correlacionados com o tpico abordado, isso ir aguar a sua mente, capacitando voc de forma intuitiva, agregando assim mais valor e entendimento ao seu sonho de relacionamento."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"PPLIAPI2020-05-Skema Kerja Sama Bisnis & Kontrak Bisnis" |
"Berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, terdapat beberapa skema kerja sama bisnis yang mungkin dilakukan oleh entitas bisnis seperti Kerja Sama Operasi (KSO), Kerja Sama Usaha (KSU), Bangun Guna Serah (BGS), Bangun Serah Guna (BSG), sewa, pinjam pakai dan lain-lain. Untuk kerja sama bisnis yang melibatkan BUMN dan anak perusahaan BUMN, Kementerian BUMN telah memberlakukan Permen BUMN No. Per-13/MBU/09/2014 tentang Pedoman Pendayagunaan Aset Tetap Badan Usaha Milik Negara (Permen BUMN No.Per-13/MBU/09/2014) yang efektif berlaku per 10 September 2014. Permen BUMN No.Per-13/MBU/09/2014 berisi pedoman yang harus dipatuhi oleh BUMN dalam melakukan kemitraan dengan pihak-pihak lain terkait pendayagunaan aset tetap BUMN. Kemudian Permen BUMN No.Per-13/MBU/09/2014 dicabut dengan diberlakukannya Permen BUMN No. Per-03/MBU/08/2017 tentang Pedoman Kerja sebagaimana disempurnakan dalam Permen BUMN No. Per-04/MBU/09/2017. Di sisi lain, DSAK-IAI telah memberlakukan PSAK 66, Pengaturan Bersama, PSAK 15, Investasi pada Entitas Asosiasi dan Ventura Bersama dan PSAK 73, Sewa untuk mencatat kerja sama bisnis.Kelangsungan bisnis entitas-entitas bisnis di Indonesia harus tetap terjaga di tengah Pandemi COVID-19 yang terjadi saat ini agar roda perekonomian tetap berjalan. Kondisi saat ini mengharuskan sebagian besar entitas bisnis meninjau ulang dan mengevaluasi kontrak-kontrak bisnisnya agar going concern bisnis tetap terjaga. Pemerintah RI bahkan telah memberlakukan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2020 tentang Kebijakan Keuangan Negara dan Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan untuk Penanganan Pandemi COVID-19 dan/atau dalam Rangka Menghadapi Ancaman yang Membahayakan Perekonomian Nasional dan/atau Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan (Perpu No.1 Tahun 2020). Dengan dikeluarkannya Perpu No.1 Tahun 2020, maka Pandemi COVID-19 dapat dianggap sebagai force-majeure. Para pihak yang melakukan kerja sama bisnis dapat dengan cara sepakat dan mufakat memilih berbagai opsi terkait keberlanjutan kontrak bisnis seperti (1) menghentikan, (2) menghentikan sementera, (3) tetap melanjutkan kerja sama bisnis, atau alternatif lain dengan mengacu pada peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada."
Price: 980000.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Techniques of Time Management" |
"Welcome to Techniques of Time Management series. Let me be the first to congratulate you on taking control of your time!Time management is a skill that can be learned.Introduction to Techniques of Time Management is a collection of the foundational techniques for time management. This class is meant to be a practical guide to improving your time management skills. Students will build a personal time management action plan.You can expand your knowledge by taking the next class Techniques of Time Management, which covers even more techniques including a special section on managing your boss. Students will build a robust personal time management strategy.Finally, you can become a time management maven by taking Mastering Techniques of Time Management which includes a comprehensive review of time management techniques including how to manage time during meetings."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Childcare Business Online Academy" |
"If youre a new childcare business owner or an aspiring childcare business owner looking to figure out how to operate a quality driven center that will be profitable then you already know that in order to operate a successful childcare business youll need to set up systems and procedures.This course will teach you how to create your childcare business's policy booklets, educational program as well as your team handbook."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"SolidWorks From Beginner to Advanced ( Arabic )" |
".. .. 4 ( , , , ) .. .. .. . .. . ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ankara Antlamas ile ngiltere'de Yaayn ve aln" |
"ngiltere'de yaamak ve almak ister misiniz? Ankara Antlamas ile Trkiye Cumhuriyeti vatandalar ngiltere'de yaayabilir ve alabilir. stelik ngiltere'ye g etmek iin belirli bir sermaye ve dil art yoktur. Bu vize tr ngiltere'de yaamak ve almak isteyen vatandalar iin en hzl, en uygun ve en az sermaye gerektiren zm yoludur.Bu kurs kapsamnda;- Ankara Anlamas vizesi hakknda genel bilgi- Vizeyi alabilmek iin gerekli artlar ve evraklar- Vize Ret nedenleri- Bu yl yaplan deiiklikler ve son durum- Brexit ve Ankara Anlamasnn Gelecei- Vatandalk- Dier ngiltere Vizelerihakknda bilgi alacaksnz.ngiltere'de yaamak ve almak ile ilgili aadaki sorularnza cevap bulacaksnz.- Ankara Anlamasnda hangi iler geerlidir?- Hangi i iin bavurmalym?- En popler meslekler nelerdir?- Ne kadar sermaye gerekir?- Eimi de yanmda getirebilir miyim?- ocuklar devlet okuluna gidebilir mi?- Brexitten sonra Ankara Anlamas devam edecek mi?- ngiliz vatanda nasl olabilirim?ngiltere'de yaamak ve almak zor deil. htiyacnz olan tm bilgi bu eitimde.ngiltere'de yaamak ve almak iin g etmek isteyenlere ynelik : Ankara AntlamasBu eitimimiz aadaki anahtar kelimeler ile iliiklendirilmitir:ngiltere, ngiltere'de yaam, G, Gmenlik, Beyin g, Ankara Antlamas, ngilizce, Dil eitimi, ngilizce kursu, Brexit, Vize, Dolar, Dropshipping, Almanca, ngiltere vizesi, vize trleri, Greencard, Amerika, Amerika'da yaam, Schengen vizesi, Yeni bir hayat, Yurtd'nda yaam, Yurtd gmenlik, Aile birleimi"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Become a Professional at Makeup Fast" |
"Do you have troubles with a specific step of your makeup routine? Do you need help with creating a makeup routine from beginning to end? Well this is the perfect master class for you then and I would love to have you come along and join me! I'll help you from finding your perfect foundation shade, what's your skin type, how to apply lashes and so much more!I love talking about makeup and have been a working makeup artist for many years from special effects, tv, film and theatre makeup. I also get asked pretty regularly on how I achieve certain aspects of my makeup so I decided to put all of my knowledge that I have learned over the years and create this master class. So if you want to become a professional at your own makeup then please join me for my master class!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Transform your body from home in 28 days" |
"If you ever want to 1- know how to workout and diet in ways that will be effective to you 2- achieving meaningful results whether its to your physical health as a whole, on the inside or the way your phsysique looks on the outside, the first and right place to start is to have knowledge. You have to understand how your body and physiology works, what you need and how to achieve that. And then, and only then can you make a lifetimes worth of positive and meaningful changes. It starts with knowledge."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Using LinkedIn as a Business Tool in 2020 & Beyond" |
"With more than 650 million people having created a LinkedIn Profile, there must be some value using LinkedIn. LinkedIn has become much more than a placeholder for a resume. Today LinkedIn is the worlds largest professional networking social media site.In this course, we will show you the top 6 areas of LinkedIn, which when used properly can create opportunities for your business, or your career. We will help you understand the purpose of using each area.We will also discuss the 4 key tasks (business processes) you need to perform in order to regularly get value from LinkedIn as a business tool. Understanding the best practices of these activities is how you create meaningful business value from your use of LinkedIn.We will wrap up this course with three real-life examples of how other business professionals have successfully used LinkedIn as a business tool."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Workplace Safety Essentials" |
"A package of three essential safety courses; Health and Safety in the Workplace, Fire Safety Awareness and Manual Handling in the Workplace. This is a perfect combination of courses to induct or refresh employees, associates and visitors to preventing injuries and accidents in the workplace.Learning Outcomes and Course ContentRefer to the individual course information sheets for information on each course.Health and Safety in the WorkplaceFire Safety AwarenessManual Handling in the WorkplaceWho should do this course?Employers are legally obliged to provide safety training to all employees. This course provides general awareness training that can be supplemented by any local, role or employer specific procedures and training."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to make a podcast: The Do Podcasts Course" |
"Learn the what, why, how, and everything in between to create your own podcast to engage your audience and grow your brand. Learn multiple strategies to make the podcast that is best for you. Get detailed instruction on multiple levels of equipment and software. Delve into our simple, easy to follow video course along with our Do Podcasts framework and pre-show checklist downloads to start your podcast TODAY!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Kaizen Coaching para superar la crisis." |
"Encontrs un manera de aplicar Kaizen, la metodologa japonesa de la mejora continua, pero aplicable a la cultura occidental, de una manera prctica y sencilla, pero poderosa, para lograr superar las crisis, aprender a reinventarte y lograr resultados extraordinarios. Para eso, estar acompaada de conocimientos y herramientas de Programacin Neurolingistica y Coaching. Despus de aos de hacer consultora en gestin, descubr la manera de por fin poder aplicar los conceptos japoneses, en culturas que son muy diferentes, gracias al coaching y al desarrollo del liderazgo, puedo asegurar un cambio real en las personas que siguen esta metodologa."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Top 10 Ways to Present Like a Pro" |
"There are ten elements to public speaking that drive the success of virtually every presentation. I will break down each of these elements into proven instructional activities to help you present like a pro! This engaging and easy-to-follow course will help you apply the talents you already possess to the strategies and techniques outlined in this webinar to help you create and deliver top-notch presentations. To get the most out of this experience, recommend completing 1-section per week, and 1-section assignment per week."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Logika Dasar Coding Untuk Anak (TK-SD Kelas 1)" |
"Kursus ini cocok untuk memperkenalkan coding untuk anak TK-SD. Anak akan menyelesaikan permainan, misalnya : menggambar, labirin, atau membuat cerita bebas.Semuanya menggunakan komputer, untuk melatih logika anak & belajar memecahkan masalah (problem solving).-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Semua program / software yang digunakan dalam kursus ini GRATIS, jadi moms tidak perlu keluar biaya mahal untuk belajar coding. Asalkan si kecil bisa menggunakan mouse, sudah cukup untuk bekal belajar. Oh ya, kursus ini cukup dibeli sekali saja, dan dapat diakses SELAMANYA. Jika nanti ada update / pembaruan isi kursus, moms akan memperoleh email notifikasi dan dapat langsung mengakses isi terbaru tanpa harus keluar biaya lagi.Kalau moms beli kursusnya dan ternyata si kecil tidak suka, bagaimana? Jangan khawatir, ada garansi 30 hari UANG KEMBALI 100%!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Belajar coding sejak usia dini ternyata banyak manfaatnya loh, walaupun nantinya anak tidak menjalani profesi sebagai programmer profesional. Anak-anak akan belajar cara membuat permainan atau aplikasi menggunakan komputer, juga membuat permainan sederhana berdasarkan imajinasi mereka buat sendiri. Hal ini bisa memacu kreativitas mereka.Coding juga dapat melatih kemampuan anak untuk memecahkan masalah. Coding akan melatih logika dan konsep berpikir anak untuk memecahkan masalah secara sistematis"
Price: 1330000.00 ![]() |
"Learn How To Be A Nightclub Promoter" |
"HOW TO BE A PROMOTER Take This Class Now To Learn How To Make 6 Figures And Start Your Career Now!HOW TO BE A PROMOTER 15+ years of experience packed in this easy, fun and quick online class. The online class gives you the tools to become a nightclub promoter so that you can start planning your first event with minutes of finishing. The class is guided by Night Life Expert, Christina Crawford who is currently a Nightclub Manager in a Atlanta, GASign Up Today and Log on from anywhere in the world from your mobile phone. Once registered, you gain lifetime access to the class.The online class gives all registerd users a 1 to 1 experience that is fast, easy and fun. Learn a new skill. This is the perfect way to make additional income in a short amount of time.What you'll get:Up Close and Personal Advice From Obie The Promoter and Nightlife Expert Christina CrawfordThe Formula To SuccessHow To Set A Budget And StartLifetime Access To The ClassHow To Approach Your First NightclubCheck List For Your First Event"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmo redactar un Resume a prueba de fuego" |
"Qu vas a obtener de este curso?Conocer los detalles que hacen un Resume ganador.Una nueva visin sobre cmo enfocar tu experiencia y tu carrera para apoyar tu bsqueda de empleo.Estrategias especficas para presentar la informacin de manera precisa y visualmente atractiva.Los secretos para redactar un Resume que pase la prueba de fuego (de los ? segundos).Superar exitosamente la inspeccin tanto de sistemas electrnicos como de los Reclutadores.Aprender cmo diferenciarte del resto de los solicitantes."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Web Development Introduction" |
"This course is for the beginner who is interested in learning web development. I structured this course to quickly introduce many different aspects of web development and to get you coding and learning immediately.My intention for this course is to help you develop your own ideas and solutions to define your own approach to web development. After you finish this course, you will be able to quickly create a modern website with dynamic content that works on phones, tablets and desktop computers.Just like how there are many different applications or tools that can be used to accomplish the same goal, it is the same with web development, there are many ways to achieve the same outcome. In this course you will learn how to use all these tools to develop modern websites."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Dirige y produce tu programa de televisin" |
"En este curso aprenders las claves para convertirte en un director y productor de programas de televisin de forma fcil y sencilla, con un aprendizaje que se aleja de complejos procesos tericos y que te acerca a una comprensin prctica y til.Conocers los procesos a los que se enfrenta una produccin de televisin y entenders que se esconde detrs de tus programas favoritos."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"CBSA - Certified Blockchain Solution Architect Sure Pass !" |
"This exam will prove that a student completely understands:The difference between proof of work, proof of stake, and other proof systems and why they existWhy cryptocurrency is needed on certain types of blockchainsThe difference between public, private, and permissioned blockchainsHow blocks are written to the blockchainWhere cryptography fits into blockchain and the most commonly used systemsCommon use cases for public blockchainsCommon use cases for private & permissioned blockchainsWhat is needed to launch your own blockchainCommon problems & considerations in working with public blockchainsAwareness of the tech behind common blockchainsWhen is mining needed and when it is notByzantine Fault ToleranceConsensus among blockchainsWhat is hashingHow addresses, public keys, and private keys workWhat is a smart contractSecurity in blockchainBrief history of blockchainThe programming languages of the most common blockchainsCommon testing and deployment practices for blockchains and blockchain-based apps"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Proteus 8.9 e IoT - Simulando Internet das Coisas" |
"Aqui conheceremos um ambiente de desenvolvimento muito til para simularmos sistemas embarcados conectados a Internet (IoT). muito interessante termo como simular idias, principalmente quando no temos o hardware necessrio disponvel.O Proteus um ambiente de desenvolvimento de circuitos eletrnicos com uma biblioteca de componentes vastas. Alm disso, hoje possui recursos de simulao para desenvolvedores muito interessantes, que possibilita simular diversas aplicaes.Hoje o Proteus contm uma IDE de desenvolvimento que suporta diversos microcontroladores e microprocessadores, alm de ser possvel configurar o seu favorito na plataforma.Por fim, a simulao voltada para Internet das Coisas, tema to difundido hoje pelos avanos tecnolgicos que contemplam diversas reas do conhecimento, auxilia os desenvolvedores a fazerem provas de conceito mais rapidamente sem necessidade de ter o hardware para testes."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Fostering the Vision: Creating Your Blueprint for Success" |
"There is a window of opportunity before you. But if you don't take the proper steps, that window of opportunity may close. Whether it be your educational pursuits, career prospects, or personal goals, maximizing your window of opportunity is critical to the vision that you have set for your life. Join me as I take a deep dive into how you can maximize your window of opportunity, and create your blueprint for success."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Este Curso para voc aprender as funes dos chacras, suas cores, nomes, animais correspondentes e tambm para fazer a meditaes rpidas de cada chacra, com visualizao conduzida.Cada chacra representado por uma imagem de seu yantra, cores e posio onde ele fica.Na primeira parte teremos os audios com a explicao dos sete chacras, suas caracteristicas. Na segunda parte a meditao conduzida, para que voc sinta as energias de cada chacra."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
C++ |
"googlefacebookBAT 12) 3AlphGoKinext3D4 +VS2017VC6C++builder"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Render Post Production - After Effects ile Kurgu" |
"NDRM KODU: 'PRATK' %80 NDRMBu eitim serisi Photoshop ile Render Post Production ve After Effects ile Animasyon Kurgulama olarak iki ana balk olarak tasarland. Birinci blmn sonuna geldiinizde;Photoshop ile render kalitesini %100 artracak her eyi renmi olacaksnz.Bu blmde Photoshop'un render kalitemizi artrmak iin bize gerekli olan ksmn ele alacamzdan bunlar yapmak iin uzun saatler harcamadan ve kark ilemleri ezberlemek zorunda kalmadan direkt olarak en ksa srede renmi olacaksnz. Ayrca tekrar tekrar uzun saatler render almanz gerekmeden Photoshop'ta malzeme deiiklikleri, yansma ve k ekleme gibi render motoru ile yapabildiimiz her eyi yapmay renmi olacaksnz.Bu eitimi tamamladnzda render revizeleri artk kabus olmayacak. Revize yapmanz gerektiinde tekrar render almanz iin saatlerce beklemeniz gerekmeyecek. Photoshop'ta ok ksa srede istediiniz malzeme, k, gkyz vs deiikliini yapabilceksiniz.Eitm ierisinde anlatlanlar renderlarnz zerinde uyguladnzda bugne kadar ki renderlarnzn ne kadar ham ve tamamlanmam olduunu greceksiniz. Merak etmeyin! Hi bir ey iin ge deil. Hi biri bundan sonra ham ve tamamlanmam olmayacak.Tm bunlar yapmanz iin gereken admlar uygulamal olarak eitimin bu blmnde mevcut. Dilerseniz sizinle paylatm rendrkmanlar zerinden benimle ayn render zerinde de alabilirsiniz kendi renderlarnz zerinde de. Her iki ekilde de fark rahatlkla greceksiniz. kinci blmn sonuna geldiinizde;After Effects ile animasyonlarnz kurgulayarak etkileyici proje filmleri oluturabileceksiniz. Animasyon renderlar da fotoraf renderlarnda olduu gibi bir ok efekt ile oluturuluyor. Tek ve byk fark ise kaliteli animasyon render almann uzun srelere denk geldii. Dolaysyla bu sreyi olabildiince azaltmak ve grsel efektler ekleyerek grnt kalitesini artrmak iin After Effects ile post productionu kullanacaz.Bylelikle Photoshop ta renderlarmz iin yaptmz %100 kalite artrmn After Effects'te animasyonlarmz iin yapm olacaz. Bunlara ek olarak animasyon ierisine yaz, logo ve mzik ekleme ile bu mzikleri cretsiz olarak nereden temin edebileceimizi reneceiz.-------------------------Kurs ierisinde aklnza taklan bir ey olduunda bana istediiniz zaman ulaabilirsiniz. Ayrca almalarnz da benimle paylaabilir ve birlikte neler yapabileceimizi yorumlayabiliriz.Mesajlarnza ilk 30 dakika ierisinde cevap vermeye byk zen gsteriyorum."
Price: 239.99 ![]() |
"Preparation for the PCEP, PCAP and PCPP exams" |
"PCAP Certified Associate in Python Programming certification is a professional credential that measures your ability to accomplish coding tasks related to the basics of programming in the Python language and the fundamental notions and techniques used in object-oriented programming.PCAP Certified Associate in Python Programming certification shows that the individual is familiar with general computer programming concepts like conditional execution, loops, Python programming language syntax, semantics, and the runtime environment, as well as with general coding techniques and object-oriented programming.Becoming PCAP certified ensures that the individual is fully acquainted with all the primary means provided by Python 3 to enable her/him to start her/his own studies, and to open a path to the developers career.In this course, students will find 20-question exams to prepare for the PCAP exam by the Python Institute. With the help of these exams, they will be able to practice plenty of questions for the PCAP exam."
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"1Z0-1084-20 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Assoc" |
"The questions are set for 1Z0-1084-20 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Developer 2020 Association exam. Totally 83 questions and each exam has 25 multiple choice / multiple selection questions. Minimum 80% required to pass the practice each exam. Exam answers are validated on web. In case if you find any incorrect answer please feel free to reach me so we can discuss on Q&A session."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-931 Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Specialist 2019" |
"This practice exam is mainly focusing on Oracle Certification 1Z0-931 Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Specialist 2019. Oracle Cloud industry has lot of opportunities and achieving OCI certificate will benefit in finding opportunities within Oracle or other industries who hosted to cloud. Oracle certification drives to:Earn industry recognised credentials that companies value.Build trust and credibility.Differentiate yourself and company"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"HSK 4 practice test with answerIncluding listening practic" |
"HSK4 Practice Test with Explanations SetIncluding listening practicethis You need to talk to me privatelyThe first section is to ""Test Your HSK 4Data base from our many years of research and experience.The other parts are practical test based on past papers with detail explanations,Examination Skills, Tips and Guide, which will be revealed to you after each test. You should go through the explanations and take notes, especially the questions you are wrong or confused. There are total 120 questions and hundreds explanations. It is more than just a test and worth the value of your money! Grab"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business Hacks For Entrepreneurs" |
"Learn cool and exciting business hacks and strategies quickly.This quick program will teach you some of the most important concepts you must know to create massive success for yourself.What you will learn in this course will save you years of mistakes and errors. Shortcut your way, make better decisions and boost your results by joining this unique and exciting course.Watch a few of the lessons and see for yourself how amazing the content really is..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |