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"7 pasos para Transformar tu Vida" |
"En este curso vas a aprender 7 pasos que debes tener en cuenta si quieres dar un giro importante a tu vida en todas las rea de las mismas. Te voy a mostrar esas herramientas que te permitirn ver ms aya y proyectar una vida con ms posibilidades, permitiendo vivir de sus sueos y alcanzar las metas que te propongas.Entenders como buscar tu propsito realComo planificar metas e manera adecuadaMantener la motivacinTomar accin"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"SAP S/4HANA Pricing - Sales and Distribution" |
"This course is very focused and made with prime intention to make you master of SAP Pricing concept and configurations along with system demonstrations. This course is important for any SAP Consultant because Pricing is a subject which was there yesterday, is there today and will be there tomorrow. The concept is so robust that it will not change with change of SAP Versions. In the course we are focusing on core elements of Pricing functionality in a right sequence so that you would understand the connect and interrelationships between one another. We are very sure this course will be useful and help you to master the concepts.This course focusses on fundamental concepts and divides the curriculum into theory, quizzes and system hands on. That covers end to end aspects of Pricing functionality which is being used in SAP ECC as well as SAP S/4 HANA.SAP S/4 HANA screens are used for hands on sessions so you will have an idea of SAP HANA fields to deal with.The topics are sequenced in such a way that you will understand the relations between elements.In all, the course will be useful to those who wants to enhance their career as SAP consultants and to deal with client requirements more efficiently and effectively."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Affinity Designer 1.8. From Zero To Superhero" |
"If youve been looking for a cheaper and yet super powerful alternative to Adobes products, now youve found it. This course is all about you learning how to use Affinity Designer in its latest, 1.8 version. Its a beginners comprehensive guide that will allow you to independently use all the tools and effects to create any design you wish.And Designer now comes with A LOT of new features and improvements, covered in this course. Such as:Multiple fills and strokes Pen tool with rubber band mode for easier curves creationShape tools with custom presetsand hundreds of little tweaks and improvements!This update is all about new features and tools, but also hundreds of little tweaks and enhancements that make using this software so much better.And this course is all about getting you from the zero up to the superhero level.That means you will learn all the basics that you need to get started, but also discover more advanced features of the software. The true goal of this course is to give you all the knowledge you need to, ultimately, use Affinity Designer independently.And if you've been holding out on picking up Designer, for whatever reason, now is the time to join the Affinity revolution.Version 1.8 is a huge step forward in the development of the software that makes using Designer the best decision ever.Heres just a fraction of goodies you will find inside:How to create new documents, templates and artboardsHow to create, customize and transform your artwork, using new shape presets, Pen tool and Point Transform toolHow to work with text, including text on a pathHow to use the most important panels, like the Layers, Stroke or HistoryPlus all the supporting files used throughout the courseBasically, all the things you will need to take your own designs from drawing the very first node to the last click on the Export button.And don't forget that I am here for you - if you have a question regarding the course, ask away and I will gladly answer it.Hope to see you inside!Dawid"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Laravel 7 - Praxiskurs fr Anfnger: Alle Grundlagen am Bsp." |
"Dieser Kurs soll Dir einen schnellen und praxisorientierten Einstieg in das PHP-Framework Laravel bieten. Mein Hauptziel ist, da du ein Gefhl dafr bekommst, wie man mit Laravel arbeitet, und das du einen Eindruck davon bekommst wie mchtig und wie genial Laravel ist.Mit Laravel kannst du PHP Webanwendungen viel schneller und viel sauberer, und mit viel weniger Programmcode erstellen, als das mit normalen PHP der Fall ist.Es spielt keine Rolle, ob du erst vor Kurzem mit PHP angefangen hast, oder schon lnger dabei bist - Laravel zu erlernen lohnt sich auf jeden Fall. Denn Laravel ist so ausgeklgelt konstruiert und enthlt so viele interessante Konzepte und Bestandteile, da du unabhngig von Deinem Vorwissen davon profitierst.Wer heutzutage mit PHP arbeitet sollte Laravel kennen. Laravel bedeutet modernes und zeitgemes Programmieren auf dem neuesten Stand."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"ISC2 New CISSP Practice Tests, Exam Questions and Answers" |
"Certified Information Systems Security Professional is an independent information security certification granted by the International Information System Security Certification Consortium, also known as (ISC).You can practice ISC2 New CISSP Exam Questions here. All Answers are provided as well.The first students can use this complimentary coupon to enjoy this course for free. This is valid for 31 days. (910DE6E8E87D823528B8)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make Realistic Drawings with Shading & Rendering: Create Art" |
"Have you always wanted to create more realistic and dynamic drawings?This Shading, Blending & Rendering drawing Course is designed for artists to master various techniques to create the illusion of form, space and light in drawings.This course will also teach you how to create convincing three-dimensional looking images that communicate volume and depth. We will discuss and practice different shading styles while exploring the powerful roles that light and shadow plays in an image.I will also teach you how to create a blending stump, which is a secret weapon for many artists that like to create hyper-realistic drawings.Here are some of the topics discussed in the lessons and exercises: Shading Techniques: Hatching, Cross-Hatching, CirculismShading Styles: Scribbles, Stippling, Short Dashes, Curved lines, Long Dashes, and Blending.Light & Shadow on Objects: Core Light, Highlights, Midtones, Reflective Light, Core Shadows, Occlusion Shadows, Cast ShadowsEach of the drawing exercises are accompanied by 2 downloadable source images that can printed for you to use during the lessons.Are you ready to learn step-by-step how to develop your artistic skills to a higher level? I'm looking forward to helping you achieve a powerful artistic transformation. Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Write Fantasy Fiction" |
"This is a course for authors and aspiring authors of fantasy fiction.If you want to write a classic or modern fantasy novelInspired by your favorite authorsOr completely originalFor all agesOr for children, or young adults, or adultsLong or shortRPG or fairytaleWhatever the kind of fantasy you want to write, this course provides you with the tools and the knowledge to get it done, and get it done well.As you might expect, many of the lessons in this course can apply more generally to storytelling, especially more traditional styles.You will learn:World building - not just landscape and history, but culture, bestiary, and economyCharacter building - archetypes and beyondMagic, what it is, and how to use itBonus Content!To reinforce, and contrast with, the lessons, I've asked some fantasy authors to tell me about their process. I'll add more interviews as authors become available, so even if you've finished the course, check back from time to time."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"EXPERTO Home Staging. Vender Rpido y Al Mejor Precio." |
"Experto Home Staging y Home Staging Virtual. Vender Rpido y Al Mejor Precio.Convierte en Profesional del Diseo de Interiores, Decoracin y Planificacin Home Staging Virtual y Real. Instructores: Arquitecto lvaro Garca y Arquitecta Luca Fernndez.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020En este curso aprenders las tcnicas y las herramientas para vender ms rpido y al mejor precio un inmueble. Hemos creado un curso completo para que puedas enfocarte en el sector inmobiliario con todas las herramientas necesarias para poder generar la mejor impresin y marketing de un inmueble.En la formacin desarrollaras tus habilidades para trabajar profesionalmente en dos tipos de Home Staging:Home Staging Real significa literalmente puesta en escena de la casa, se enmarca dentro del mercado inmobiliario y consiste en acondicionar los inmuebles para que se vendan lo ms rpido posible y al mejor precio. Concretamente el Home Staging consiste en: Despersonalizar y sacar los puntos fuertes a los espacios para que los posibles compradores o inquilinos tengan la mejor primera impresin del inmueble. Claves y consejos para vender una propiedad con rapidezEs importante que la propiedad este ordenada y limpia.La propiedad debe lucir lo ms amplia, luminosa y arreglada posible. El precio debe ser adecuado al Mercado InmobiliarioLa importancia de los profesionales InmobiliariosEl home staging virtual es la evolucin natural de la tcnica del home staging. Como todo lo que nos rodea, el mundo inmobiliario tambin tiende a lo digital.El objetivo del home staging virtual es la creacin de imgenes altamente realistas de una propiedad con el objetivo de acelerar la compra. Esto es, que como diseadores seamos capaces de ilustrar a nivel digital cmo se ver la vivienda con los muebles ms atractivos que se te ocurra y la decoracin ms sugerente y atractiva.Cules son las ventajas del home staging virtual?Los beneficios del home staging virtual son evidentes entre quienes se han atrevido a apostar por esta tcnica. No era un movimiento demasiado arriesgado, pues el 85 % de quienes buscan vivienda online afirman que el elemento principal a la hora de tomar la decisin son las fotografas que se muestran. La aplicacin del home staging virtual es un 90 % ms barata en comparacin al home staging real. Adems, las posibilidades de escalabilidad son inmensas.En esta formacin aprenders las herramientas informticas para crear escenas digitales o infografas, abaratando la inversin al vendedor o arrendatario de una forma profesional.1- Proceso de Home Staging Virtual y RealIntroduccin al Home Staging y Home Staging VirtualObjetivos y qu es home staging y por qu es importantePrincipios bsicos de home staging.Home Staging en Viviendas Vacias, Viviendas Amuebladas y Viviendas Habitadas.Trucos, beneficios y ventajas del Home StagingDistribucin de MobiliarioDecoracin y AtrezoIluminacin y color2- Cambio de Imagen sin Reforma. Relooking.En esta seccin aprenderemos a utilizar los materiales y las tcnicas para reformar los espacios sin obras o reformas costosas.Conceptos de RelookingRelooking de BaoRelooking CocinaMobiliarioTerraza4- Fotografa de Interiores y AmbienteEn esta seccin aprenderemos a utilizar los materiales y las tcnicas para reformar los espacios sin obras o reformas costosas.Introduccin a la fotografa de interioresCmaras y objetivos necesariosComposicin y trucos5- Dibujo 2D Asistido por Ordenador con AutoCAD. Home Staging DigitalEn esta seccin aprenderemos a utilizar la herramienta informtica para presentar unos planos profesionales en dos dimensiones.Dibujo de un Espacio Interior.Tcnicas Bsicas de Dibujo.Creacin, Edicin e Insercin de una Cartela en Nuestros Planos.La Impresin de la Documentacin Grfica.6- Diseo 3D Aplicado al Home Staging. Home Staging DigitalEn esta seccin aprenderemos a utilizar sketchup para presentar unos planos profesionales en 3 dimensiones e imgenes interiores del inmueble.Modelado Tridimensional 3D con Sketchup.Cmo Crear un Modelo 3D en SketchUp a partir de un Plano de AutoCAD.Modelado 3D de un Elemento Arquitectnico Complejo.7 Renderizado de Imgenes Fotorrealistas de nuestros Diseos con VRay. Home Staging DigitalEn esta seccin aprenderemos a utilizar VRay, el motor de renderizado para conseguir que nuestras imgenes de SketchUp se vean realistas. Los fundamentos esenciales del motor de render VRay IAjuste de Iluminacin, Materiales y las Opciones del Render.Luces en VRay: Esfera Luz, Focos (SpotLihts) y Luces Presencia.Ajustes de Cmara de VRay: Exposicin, Desenfoque y Campo Visual.Renderizado Final de nuestras Escenas 3D con VRay.6 Edicin Fotogrficas de Nuestros Proyectos y Diseos en Adobe PhotoShop. Home Staging Digital y Home StagingAprenderemos a utilizar Photoshop para obtener el mximo partido a las fotos y renders que saquemos de nuestros inmuebles.Ajustar el Brillo/Contraste con PhotoShop en nuestras fotos e infografiasAjustar la Exposicin con PhotoShop.Ajustar los Niveles con PhotoShop.Ajustar la Intesidad, el Tono y la Saturacin.Cmo aplicar Atractivos Filtros Fotogrficos a fotografas de tus ambientes.Cmo Aplicar Vieteados Vintage a tus Imgenes.Protege tu Obra con la Creacin de Crear Marcas de Agua y Firmas con tu Logo.7 Maquetacin y Presentacin de Nuestra Propuesta de Home StagingAprenderemos a utilizar la herramienta LayOut para maquetar y presentar nuestros proyectos de Home StagingQu es LayOut para SketchUp y para que sirve este software?Ajustar los Niveles con PhotoShop.8 Recursos para el Alumno experto Home Staging. Vender Rpido y Al Mejor PrecioWebs de Referencia e Inspiracin.Comparte tus Influencias con Nuestra Comunidad de Aprendizaje!Coleccin de Recursos tiles Online: Descargas Directas.Ayuda Extra con tus Proyectos de Diseo.Resolucin de las principales consultas de los alumnos del Curso Experto.9 Solicitud del Certificado de Finalizacin del Experto Home Staging.Certificado de Finalizacin del Experto Home Staging A quin va dirigido?El Curso Experto Home Staging, est dirigido a personas que se quieran dedicar profesionalmente al home staging. A profesionales que quieran ampliar conocimientos y que valoren la formacin de calidad.Este curso nace como una propuesta nica en el panorama actual. Cocinado a fuego lento y todos los ingredientes se han agregado de manera precisa y con un objetivo claro.El objetivo es que conozcas de manera rigurosa y profunda todas las facetas que rodean este trabajo fascinante, as como aprender a manejar herramientas y recursos para el desarrollo de la actividad profesional.Metodologa de Aprendizaje:Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El mster est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los arquitectos lvaro Garca y Luca Fernndez. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al contenido, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este mster te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que este mster global incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este mster es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Dog Owners Self-Isolation Survival Program" |
"Are you captive with a confused and stir-crazed canine?Is your house bound hound getting cabin fever?If self-isolation has you worried that your bored, destructive dog will be climbing the walls, chewing your furniture and making your life a misery then have no fearbecause in The Dog Owners Self-isolation Survival Guide, expert dog trainer Dominic Hodgson provides the perfect antidote to take away the stress and worry of self-isolation.In The Dog Owners Self-Isoalation Survival Program you will discover:How to quickly and easily tire the most energetic dog out, without ever leaving the houseHow to successfully home-school your dog, without a degree in canine psychology or a masters in woo woo wolf theoryHow to transform your disinterested dog into a sitting room scent-detection specialist, who can sniff out his dinner (and your lost keys!)How to turn your dogs boring bowl of food into an interactive eating experience that keeps him entertained for hours.Exactly what you can do today, to ensure you and your dog survive and thrive during self-isolation.This course gives you a no BS, fool -proof plan, that will hold your hand, and guide you through the dark days of detachment, so you can have a healthy, happy, harmonious home-life with your four-legged friend."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Learn English With Movies" |
"Do you want to speak English fluently but don't know how? In this course, I've made a nice course called Learn English with Movies in which you learn English vocabulary, phrases, phrasal verbs, idioms, and much more. Real-life English which means you can use what you learn to communicate with English native speakers around you at this very moment. This course is updated regularly with new classes with English subtitles. This course is for all English levels. If you are a beginner or intermediate or even at an advanced level of English, you'll learn a lot.Note:You're going to watch a portion of a movie through an external link on YouTube. Then you're going to study the movie here through watching the video and enjoy learning."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Google Classroom ile Online Eitim Verin" |
"Merhaba herkese,Yeni bir eitim setiyle ve konuyla karnzdaym, Google Classroom. Kendi okulumda 3 yl admin olarak grev aldm bu muhteem platformu sizlere detaylaryla anlatmak istiyorum. Google Classroom ile siz de kendi online snflarnz oluturup rencilerinizle derslerinizi yrtebilirsiniz. Nasl m? Cevaplar bu eitimde... Sz uzatmadan bu eitim setini neden hazrlama gerei duyduumdan bahsedeyim. Ben 2012 ylndan bu yana Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) yani bilgi ve iletiim teknolojilerinin eitimde kullanm zerine younlayorum. Bu konuyu Finlandiya'nn bakenti olan Helsinki'de gelitirdim, Avustralya'dan New South West University'den bu konuda bir eitim aldm ve kendi okulumda da hem 3 yl boyunca Google Classroom eitimi verdim hem de kendi snflarmda bu platformu 2014 ylndan bu yana ska kullandm. Gryorum ki COVID-19 yznden uzaktan eitimi artk an getirdii bir gereklilikten te kullanmak zorunda olduumuz bir ara ve okullar, retmenler, renciler, ve de veliler buna hazr deillerdi. Ek ders alan bir ok renci eitimlerinden uzak kald. Yoga, Resim, Dans, Mzik ve benzeri bir ok alanda yaplan eitimler, kurslar ve almalar yarda kesildi. Bir ok okul szlemeli retmenlerinle yollarn ayrmak zorunda kald. zel derslerle ek gelir salayan bir ok kii u anda eitimlerine devam edemiyor. Ancak bu durum baka ekillerle de zlebilir. te bu eitimle sizlerele bildiklerimi paylamak, yllardr biriktirdiim deneyimlerle en ksa yoldan sizlere yardmc olmak isterim."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Classical Metal Guitar You Can Actually Play" |
"This course is a collection of ten of the most recognisable classical music themes arranged for Rock and Metal Guitar. Unlike other courses that set unrealistic goals, this course includes arrangements that are challenging yet attainable by any intermediate guitarist. Each arrangement includes a detailed lesson, printable tablature, printable fretboard diagrams and backing tracks. Themes included are Beethoven's Fur Elise, 5th Symphony and 9th Symphony, Bach's Toccata in Dm, Greig's In the Hall of the Mountain King, Mozart's Rondo Alla Turka, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik and Symphony #40. Also included are The Barber of Seville, dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy. This is hands down the best video course on playing Classical Metal."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get The Film Look To Your Digital Video" |
"In a world of digital video, it's possible to achieve a film-like look within Adobe Premiere and After Effects without expensive plugins. We'll cover applying film grain, creating our own set of color Looks, chopping up the frame rate in interesting ways, vingetting and more in a series that breaks down why these particular effects are part of film history. See you in class!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Coaching Effectiveness" |
"You are a Professional, Manager, Executive, Technician and Self-Employed (PMETS). You know that to get effective work done, you must delegate your work to your team member and colleagues. Yet despite teaching them how to do it, they don't seem to get it right. Either they give you late, didn't do at all, or do it at a lower level of performance than you. What should you do? That's where coaching comes into place.Many people instead of doing coaching, they do scolding and lecturing. Coaching is something that we must do it right or there will be negative consequences. This course Coaching Effectiveness compiles the best coaching materials from our over 21 years of business and executive coaching of people in 13 countries. I Andy Ng was also the certified Business Coach of ActionCOACH, the world's largest business coaching firm, from the years 2001 to 2007. I was also awarded the top coach in the territory of Singapore back in 2005. Our training programs ""Power of Coaching at Work"" and ""Self Coaching"" have been delivered to corporate and self-employed professionals since 2002. What you can learn from the course includes:Myths and Truths of CoachingBenefits of CoachingRoot Cause of issues: Thinking Deficiency5-Ways Coaching Leverage: Uncover Inner Drive, Discover Answers, Facilitate Doing, Audit & Ask Tough QuestionsKey Values and Skills of a Good CoachGROW Model of CoachingThe Ultimate in Coaching: Change the BE.Coaching Under-PerformersThe Coachs ToolboxHelping People Achieve their Goals.Overcoming Difficulties and StressWhat to Do When Coaching Doesnt WorkEffective Self-coaching"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Intro Data Science Workshop < School Computer Curriculum" |
"HighlightsSchool Computer Curriculum Ready - Suitable for a 20-Week Middle or High School SemesterClassroom Tested - This course was taught in a 20-week semester for 9th graders in a real school. The content level and volume is appropriate and suitable for a typical 20-week school semester, for all junior or high school grades. Each unit below could span 1-2 weeks in a real classroom setting.Practice Data with Excel-style SpreadsheetsFor Teens or Adults!11 Units (~20 Weeks)2 Assignments1 Independent Student Data Science ProjectLecture Slides and Other ResourcesOverviewIn this classroom-tested all hands-on workshop course, you will play the role of a real-world data scientist. You will have hands-on assignments and will conduct a data science project in which you have to do work involved in all the stages of data science: problem statement and research, raw data collection, data organization and cleaning inside Excel-Style spreadsheet tables, data analysis involving spreadsheet formulas and charts, and finally identifying and presenting results.The class begins with a few lectures and assignments to equip you with the basic skills on data and using data spreadsheet tables. We will use Google Sheets in the videos, but Excel or equivalent are fine to use too. We then jump right into the independent data science student projects section, in which you have the option to choose your own research topic for the data project, or to select from a provided list of problem statements in many areas such as Health, Relationships, and Sports.Once your problem statement is finalized, you will set up an online poll (such as Google Forms) and share with friends on social media, in order to collect the raw data associated with your topic. Once enough data is gathered (or you can use the ones provided or find any other dataset online), you will enter the data in a spreadsheet table, and be guided to perform all the other stages of data science on your data, until the conclusion of your project.SectionsSection 1: LecturesUnit 1Role of Data in Digital WorldUse Cases of Data ScienceStages of Data ScienceUnit 2Spreadsheet Table BasicsTypes of DataHomework 1: Create Excel Table: Nutrition Data of Your 5 Favorite Fruit PicksUnit 3Spreadsheet FormulasSpreadsheet ChartsHomework 2: Analyze Your 5 Favorite Fruits DataSection 2: Data Science Student ProjectUnit 4Data Science Project OverviewResearch Area SelectionResearch Topic SelectionProblem Statement SelectionUnit 5Select 2 Questions for Online PollsUnit 6Set Up Online PollsUnit 7Collect Raw DataOrganize Data in a TableUnit 8Clean DataSort DataUnit 9Analyze DataUse Formulas and ChartsUnit 10Identify ResultsUnit 11Present Results"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Elements fr Einsteiger" |
"Vielleicht suchst Du (oder hast die Suche bereits beendet) eine Alternative zum Abonnement-Modell der Software ""Photoshop"" von Adobe. Dann hast Du sie mit dem ""kleinen Bruder"" Photoshop Elements vielleicht schon gefunden! Diese Software ist nicht ganz so leistungsfhig wie der groe Bruder, jedoch mit einem einmalig zu zahlenden Kaufpreis recht gnstig und verfgt mit einigen zukaufbaren Zusatzprogrammen wie z.B. Elements+ ber sehr interessante Zusatzfunktionen.In diesem Kurs mchte ich Dich schrittweise mit der Software vertraut machen. Neben der Optimierung von Fotos (d.h. der Einstellung von Farbtemperatur, Helligkeit und Kontrast) werden die wichtigen Themen der Objektauswahl und der Ebenentechnik behandelt, und wir werden auch eine kleinere Bildkomposition erstellen.Solltest Du ber diesen Kurs hinaus Themenwnsche haben, so lass sie mich wissen. Viel Freude mit Photoshop Elements wnsche ich Dir schon jetzt!Have a nice day!Jrgen MthrathCredits:alle Soundfiles by Eric Matyas, www-soundimage-orgalle Fotos und Videos von www-pixabay-com (CC0)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso IONIC 5 - Bsico" |
"O Autor Bruno Hauck professor, desenvolvedor Full Stack e scio proprietrio da Startdev vem atravs deste curso criar um curso Bsico de IONIC 5 bem como uma explicao clara sobre Rest API. Os cdigos fontes sero distribudos atravs do GITHUB.Bsico sobre IONIC 5 - Crud e noes sobre Rest APIInstalao do Node JS - NPM instalador de pacotes.Instalao do IONIC CLINoes sobre REST APINoes sobre requisies get em Angular Noes sobre requisies post em AngularCriptografia de Senhas utilizando codeigniterListar RestaurantesLogin de UsuriosExerccio Cadastro de UsuriosResoluo Exerccio de Cadastro de UsuriosResoluo Exerccio de Cadastro de Restaurantes"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
analyse-personnalite |
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Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain Made Easy" |
"Blockchain rule no. 1: What goes on blockchain, stays on blockchain.Tried Learning Blockchain? Was it all in bits and pieces? Then now you are in the right place. Here no material is in bits and pieces because we have focused on a total journey from a newbie to full-stack professional blockchain developer. We have gone through all topics needed for a solid concept and then we will be going more into the practical side. Once you have mastered blockchain there is no getting back from excellence in your career. Allow me to present the beauty of blockchain through this course. Please note: (we are planning to publish more courses that go deeper into the full-stack blockchain/dApp development skills).Video1: Title: What and Why of Blockchain.What is the blockchain, how is the growth of Blockchain, and if you learn it you can grow fast in the future.Video2: Title: Underlying technologies of BlockchainA new technology can only be understood if you know its building blocks and technologies.Video3: Title: Advantages of Blockchain.The need to learn Blockchain over other courses comes only when the world gets to know the advantages of blockchain.Video4: Title: Working of Blockchain.The whole process of blockchain broken into parts to make you understand better.Video5: Title: Types of blockchain and bitcoin.Know the different types of blockchain and its features. Also, it has an in-depth view of bitcoin and its functionalities.Video6: Title: Libra [Facebooks cryptocurrency]Keep up with the latest cryptocurrencies and their workings.Video7: Title: Ethereum [The revolution in Blockchain technology]Understand Ethereum and Smart Contracts. Advantages of smart contracts.Video8: Title: EVM [Unbelievable 256 bit machines] and Dapps.Know the basics of EVM and Dapps. Dapps advantages over conventional apps.Video9: Title: Forming Blockchain Solution - 1Go through how industrial blockchain dapps and solutions can be created. Create your own blockchain based solutions.Video10: Title: Forming Blockchain Solution - 2Full-stack dapp creation and a fast-track way to have your solution at the top of the list."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business Model Innovation Stand Out to Grow Your Business" |
"Are You Looking For The Best Way To Increase The Value Of Your Products/Services & Business?Then, Welcome To The Business Model Innovation Stand Out to Grow Your Business Course. In This Course, We'll Guide You Through Step by Step On How To Create a Business Model That Can Take Your Business to The Next Level.With over 50+ examples of successful innovative companies, you'll learn how they innovated on their business model to take over the market and establish themselves as industry leaders. Using their innovative strategies, you'll learn how to do the same.After This Course, You'll Be Able ToInnovate on Your Business ModelGet Ahead of CompetitorsPosition Your Business on Top of the MarketWhat You Will Master Inside This CourseHow To Take Your Business To The Next LevelTo Create Your Business ModelTo Innovate On Your Entire Business ModelTo Disrupt a MarketDesign & Features InnovationsPhysical Marketing, Sales & Delivery InnovationsDigital Marketing, Sales & Delivery InnovationsCustomer Relationships InnovationsDifferent Types of Incomes InnovationsDevelopment & Production InnovationsTo Make Customers Want to BuyThe Course includes: Articles, Templates & Tools That'll Help to Innovate On Your Business Model. The Course Includes Premium Support For Guaranteed Results - Get All Your Questions Answered Within 24 hrs.Are You Ready to Innovate On Your Business Model To Increase The Value Of Your Business?See You Inside The Course.LoveRobin & Jesper"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python Programming from Basics to Advanced" |
"Python is the number one language choice for machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence. To get those high paying jobs you need expert knowledge of Python, and thats what you will get from this course. This is the most comprehensive, course for the Python programming language where you can find content for every level either for beginners who have never programmed before or for existing programmers who want to increase their career options or want to learn about the advanced features of Python. This course will teach you Python in a practical manner, with every lecture comes to a full coding screencast and a corresponding code notebook. Here you will get in-depth knowledge of each topic with easy to understand the coding part. After every video, you learn a new valuable concept that you can apply right away. This course includes quizzes, tests, and homework assignments as well as major projects to create a Python project portfolio. By the end of the course, youll be able to apply in confidence for Python programming jobs. And yes, this applies even if you have never programmed before. With the right skills which you will learn in this course, you can become employable and valuable in the eyes of future employers.Python: Learn to code with Python programming language. Start coding in Python. Python Programming for Beginners, Python"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Paintings and Watercolors of Winslow Homer" |
"This course is about the exquisite work of the American master Winslow Homer. Homer is called the Poet of the Sea, and with good reason, each and everyone of his paintings is a poem. As part of this course I am going to show you how to render a painting by Winslow Homer in watercolor. With that project you will be able to render any number of Winslow Homer watercolors and even better your own."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Mit 15 Minuten am Tag jede Sprache akzentfrei sprechen" |
"Ich muss keine Vokabeln und keine Grammatik lernen, ich will ja die Sprache richtig knnen.Klingt unlogisch? Dieser Satz wird fr dich nach diesem Kurs absolute Normalitt werden. Denn leichter lernen ist eine Sache, dabei aber auch noch akzentfrei und sicher zu werden, sprengt die Grenzen deiner Mglichkeiten!Was macht diesen Kurs einzigartig?Komprimierung der Inhalte - Du lernst auf schnellstmglichem Weg die Techniken, die dich weiterbringenDirekte Anwendbarkeit - Jede Technik lsst sich sofort in deinen Alltag integrierenAlle bungen funktionieren auch mit vollem TerminplanWarum es diesen Kurs gibt In der Schule hatte ich in den Sprachen immer gute Noten. Wenn ich aber dann in einer Situation war, in der es wirklich ums Sprechen ging, kam auer Gestammel nicht viel dabei heraus. Warum war das so? Das wollte ich unbedingt wissen. Heute, viele Jahre spter sind das Gehirn und das Lernen meine Hauptgebiete. Am liebsten htte ich all das schon vor Jahren gewusst. Und genau deswegen gibt es diesen Kurs: Weil ich der Meinung bin, dass Sprachen lernen in unserer Natur liegt. Deutsch kannst du ja offensichtlich, sonst knntest du das hier nicht lesen. Der Spa am Lernen wird uns nur mit einem 400 Jahre alten System, welches bei 90% der Menschen nicht funktioniert aberzogen. Mein Ziel ist es, dass dir das Lernen von Sprachen Spa macht und nicht zur Pflicht verkommt.Vorteile fr dichDu wirst Sprachen lernen mit ganz neuen Augen sehenDeine Schulnote in sprachlichen Fchern spielt hier KEINE RolleMein VersprechenInnerhalb von 30 Tagen bekommst du dein Geld zurck, wenn dieser Kurs es nicht schafft, deine Fhigkeit, Sprachen zu lernen, auf das nchste Level zu bringen. Da das ber Udemy passiert, werde ich nicht einmal erfahren, dass das passiert ist. Einfach, anonym, ohne ""Wenn"" und ""Aber"".Es geht hier vor allem um die Techniken zum Sprachen lernen. Egal ob du englisch, schwedisch, japanisch oder spanisch lernen willst, diese Techniken bringen dir eine erhhte Lerngeschwindigkeit und ein tieferes Verstndnis. So fallen dir auch schwere Sprachen wie chinesisch oder arabisch bedeutend leichter.Trailermusik:Wuxia by PeriTune Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"ASL Numbers & Animals + Sentences American Sign Language" |
"IN THIS COURSE, were going to learn how to sign complete sentences like HE SEES FIVE SHEEP and TWO BEARS SMELL US in American Sign Language (ASL). To do this, we need to learn pronouns, numbers, animal signs, and verbs. Well learn in parts and put the parts together to create complete sentences. Then, Ill test you to see if youre able to 1) sign correctly and 2) understand what is signed.*** This course is designed to INCLUDE complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. Previous ASL skills are welcome but NOT required.THE TARGET SIGN LANGUAGE SKILLS ARE:Expanding vocabulary skills with twenty-four (24) animals signs in ASLSigning, recognizing, and understanding personal pronouns in ASLLearning to correctly sign and recognize the numbers 0-10Learning to sign and recognize three (3) action verbs in ASLVocabulary enrichment through hands-on, step by step creation of each signCreation, use, and comprehension use of practical sentences in ASLIN THIS COURSE:Students will learn how to sign the following vocabulary words: ANIMAL, BEAR, BIRD, CAT, COW, DEER, DOG, DOLPHIN, DONKEY, EAGLE, ELEPHANT, FISH, FOX, HORSE, LION, MONKEY, MOUSE, PIG, RABBIT, and SHARK.Students will learn how to sign the numbers ZERO to TEN in ASL.Students will learn how to sign the personal pronouns: I/ME, YOU, HE/SHE/IT, HIM/HER/IT, WE/US, THEY/THEM, and YOU (plural).Students will learn how to sign the following verbs in ASL: HEAR, SEE, and SMELL.Students will learn how to create combinations using the PRONOUNS, NUMBERS, ANIMALS, and VERBS to form and sign complete sentences.Each individual sign will be taught step by step to ensure correct hand position and hand shape.Students will be tested on their ability to sign and recognize ALL material taught in the course including full sentences.AFTER TAKING THIS COURSE:Students will be confident using animal signs in ASLStudents will be able to create sentences using animal signs, personal pronouns, numbers, and verbsStudents will have a larger vocabulary and understand the mechanics of each sign taught in the courseStudents will feel more confident as they continue their journey of becoming proficient in ASLQUESTIONS:What is the main focus of this course?This course focuses on learning the necessary skills to create and understand sentences using animal signs, personal pronouns, numbers, and verbs.Do I need to have prior knowledge or experience with ASL before taking this class?No. This course is designed for complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. All necessary signs are taught in the course including the animal signs, personal pronouns, numbers, and verbs.Will this course test me on what is taught?Yes. This course contains multiple sections of review and testing where you have the opportunity to demonstrate your signing and recognition skills in ASL.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR:Hello! My name is Michael. When I was three years old, my younger brother became sick with spinal meningitis. In the process, my brother became deaf with an almost complete hearing loss. This difficult situation provided a unique opportunity for my family and I to become fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). Unlike some deaf children, my brother was not sent away to a deaf or hard of hearing school. He grew up with us, his hearing family, and we were active in the deaf community.As a police officer and federal investigator, I often used ASL to communicate with and interpret for witnesses, victims, and perpetrators. I decided to create ASL courses because its a useful and practical skill to have. Like learning any language, it opens your mind and creates the ability to communicate with a whole new group of people."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Unity Shaders from Scratch" |
"In this course we're going to look at Unity ShaderLab and the Cg shading language to create amazing shaders. Maybe you area developer struggling to bring to life a particular game feature because it needs a custom shader.a developer who always wanted to create custom shaders but was too scared to start. a developer wanting to add some custom post-processing effects to your 3d renders.Unity ShaderLab is how you create custom shaders. It comes in 3 flavours, fixed function, vertex-fragment and surface shaders. We won't be looking at the fixed function route in this course as it is effectively a legacy option and you want to learn modern best practice. The code syntax is based on the C language, but fear not, we will assume you have literally no knowledge of this language at all and we will, as the course title states, learn this from scratch. A shader uses the GPU ( the Graphics Processing Unit) to handle multiple programs at the same time, so it is unbelievably fast. We will start from really simple examples and progress slowly through each stage of developing a custom shader. You will be able to play with the shader code using Visual Studio, or another code editor if you prefer. You can experiment with different values to see the impact it has on the end result. Unity shaders are split into vertex shaders and fragment shaders and we will focus initially on the fragment shader, working essentially in a 2d environment. With dozens of shaders in the course resources you will learn the language in gentle stages. Before moving on to use Unity's surface shader syntax to easily include complex lighting.Once you're comfortable with simple shaders we will cover advanced effects such as tessellation, transparency, using the stencil buffer and post-processing.Creating your own shaders means understanding the Cg language and that is the aim of the course. You could search for a suitable shader on ShaderToy or ShaderFrog and then try to adapt the code. But without knowing the language you're going to find that difficult to do. To really be effective you need to know about the Cg language, shaping functions, tiling and lighting calculations. To do this you will need to follow along with the course and complete the many challenges suggested. At the end you will then be able to create any shader that you can imagine. As usual there is a 30 day money back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose. Let's get shading today! What students say about the course""Great course. Took this as a refresher to get back into shaders. Everything you need is provided. Both starting scenes for each lecture and also completed ones if you get stuck with code errors. Nice learning curve. Everything is well explained. No long boring slideshows. Also plenty of challenges, which I like and find very useful in assisting your learning. Very clear audio and code. So no problems following along and plenty to take in. Also Nicholas is very helpful with your Q&As. Highly recommended.""and what students say about my GLSL Shader course""A great course! Methodical, step by step explanations not only of the GLSL but also of the general theory behind shaders, usable with any shader system. Essential if you are into computer graphics or generative art. Thank you!""""I've tried to pick up shaders in the past but found it quite difficult. Unlike other resources I've found, this course was the course that finally helped me get a much better grasp of glsl. It is well structured and very informative. I would recommend it to anyone looking to pick up glsl."""
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Target Orientation The Bulls Eye" |
"The main objective of this course is to make employees to get an integrated view of the organization and come up with creative ideas to achieve the objective(s) or the organization. By enrolling to this course, the readers would be able to learn what is measurement management, challenges, competitive advantages and also the deterrents to building a measurement-managed organization. The course begins with an interesting Introduction part which describes about the TESCO organization and how it manages performance measure. The usage of various graphics, animations, images and templates add value to this course. To test the understanding of the reader, Multiple Choice Questions are added at appropriate places. There is a real life example in the middle of the course which helps the reader to understand how the concepts is practically implemented in the organization."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cisco Certified Network Associate : CCNA 200-301" |
"This course covers the fundamental knowledge of networking that you would need to begin your networking career. These courses include network basics, network access, Internet networking, Internet services, network security basics and set the groundwork for network integration and programmability. After taking these courses, you'll have what you need to get started in networking and get exposed to the different specialties in the networking area. In fact, these classes are affiliated with the requirements of the Cisco CCNA (200-301) certification and can help you train for the test.This CCNA course will help you improve on fundamental networking, switching & routing, IPv4 and IPv6 technologies. If you are a newbie of networking technology, our CCNA certification program is perfect for you! With this CCNA course, you can conveniently get certification and launch your career in the networking industry. SIGN UP NOW!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ACT Practitioner & Coaching Certificate Beginner to Advance" |
"Get what you want in life faster with more enriching and satisfying experiences. Get there more efficiently with the greatest in sustainability possible with ACT. ACT is a ACTion based modality. It requires effort. And it is a top to bottom and a bottom to top complete mind mastery Discipline.The journey between where we are and where we want to be in life, is the greatest challenge humans face. The journey itself is a mix of simultaneous voyages. Personal, Relationship, Leadership, Management, Production and Transition development are 6 main phases of our human voyage. Life is made up of large and small chapters with emotional markers that deeply impact our self concept. We might get stuck with thoughts about the past or the future that bring up emotions that either help us move toward, away or frozen from what we desire (our bullseye). We might find that our reasoning isnt working for us any longer. We might find that our judgement keeps creating barriers. We might have no idea what is happening other than we are unhappy, uninspired and mostly dissatisfied with life. The emotional Consequence!When we feel dissatisfied from being stuck in thought with no answers, or feeling emotional overwhelm, or being busy but not getting anywhere, we have choices. The internal choice of seeking information for a means to change the consequences of our behaviors leads us to our external choices of exploring our options.What are your options? Do nothing and hope that things change for the better? Examine what part we play in the unsatisfied consequences that bequeath us? Look for some help?People that choose to examine themselves and/or look for help have a lot of options. Books, Audio Tapes, Video Series, On-Line educational Platforms. Also IN-Person Therapist, Counselors, Mentors and Life coaches. Once we figure out who and or what we get the information from, we still need help selecting the method or modality that works best for us. There are many to choose. Mindfulness is a broad category, so which one or more? What about NLP or CBT? What about a Life Coach, but do I choose the SMART, TGROW, TIGER, COACH or some other model? The irony for seeking help is that this search to overcome overwhelm, can be overwhelming. So what about ACT Acceptance Commitment Therapy/Techniques?All modalities are helpful, some more than others. It depends on each individual. Honestly it comes down to willingness. If you are willing to change and apply a modality you will get results. Some results are better than others. This is where ACT separates itself from the others. ACT is different in the areas of Feelings and Emotions. This two areas of our life represent the foundation of our human experience. Emotions and Feelings are like accelerators and brakes. Thinking and thoughts are like roads and maps. Humans are like vehicles moving towards or away what we want or dont want. NLP, CBT and the traditional Life Coaching frameworks are super at focusing on the roads and maps of your life. However, they are somewhat dismissive and disingenuous with feelings and emotions. The arrow of thinking and thoughts create feelings is real. So this is where these modalities focus their intervention and change work. However, Feelings also creates thinking and thoughts and this is where ACT jumps in with both feet. In fact ACT does both. ACT is a Thinking and Feeling modification strategy system. Being a Practitioner enables you to become fully empowered. ACT frees you from the hiccups of growth and often the case, relapse that sends you to additional therapy and coaching. And it taps into the raw levels of motivation your emotions. With a sound thinking strategy and well-tuned emotions, the speed of moving from A to B in life increases with richness and experiential depth that other modalities do not provide.Use this evidence based modality by itself or with other modalities and get what you want in life faster and with the greatest of sustainability possible.Learn:The main ACT Framework called the HexaflexThe flow of ACT with the TriflexThe six points of the Hexaflex with each point broken downThe six pathologies of Psychological RigidityInfographs like the Map of Choice3 ACT tools, Choice Point, Four Square & the MatrixGet 5 powerful starter questions & 6 deeper questions to unhook your mindAcceptance broken-down with several methods & demonstrationsA case study named Johnnyan introduction into another powerful modality called 6FEMThis course is not a boring powerpoint voice over display course. Youll stay awake and engaged. There are nearly 200 slides used as reference and guide markers for your downloadable or PDF readable course workbook. This course uses animation flow charts, story telling from actual experiences. Coach Hall delivers lectures and demonstrations. He uses whiteboard animations to keep the course interesting. It is a mix of video delivery methods designed to keep you engaged. Check out the preview videos and enroll today so you can begin to ACT your way towards your goals."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Vue & Django Full Stack: web app, backend API" |
"Welcome to this Full stack course. This course is mainly based on Django and Vue but we will cover much more than just these frameworks. We will build full applications including backend restful API and front-end web app.We will discover how to make a user authentication (register and login users), how to create a full CRUD (create, read, update and delete) and how to create our own endpoints. I will show how to communicate between the API and web app. We will discover how to style the application and restrict certain parts of it to authenticated users only. All that done with very popular frameworks. We will use javascript and python programming languages and basic knowledge of these is required.This course is built from two kinds of sections: First is an introduction to the framework where I explain everything from scratch, and 2nd is a hands-on section to build a ready application. After finishing this course you will have both knowledge and also experience how to build a full-stack application using Django and Vue.Also, I will show you how to deploy back-end API and front-end web app on the production server absolutely for free. You dont need to spend any money to put your full application live."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sunuma Gl Giri Teknikleri" |
"Konumanza baladnz zaman her eyi hedef kitlenizi oluturan kiiler zerinde pozitif bir izlenim brakmak zerine odaklamalsnz. Bu onlar rahatlatr ve dncelerinizi dinlemek ve onlardan etkilenmek iin hazr hale getirir.En iyi takdim stratejileri, sunumda dikkat edilecek hususlar ve stratejiler ile sunuma etkileyici bir ekilde giri yapabilir. Sunuma kendi damganz vurabilirsiniz. Bu sayede kiilerin size hayran kalmasn ve marka oluturmanz gayet olasdr.."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Msica no Computador com o MuseScore 3" |
" Atualmente com a disponibilizao de novas tecnologias o campo musical ganhou diversas ferramentas que facilitam a sua criao. No s ferramentas fsicas como instrumentos, mesas de som, mas tambm softwares que ajudam em gravaes profissionais ou amadoras, na equalizao de mdias, na construo de playbacks, e na editorao de partituras. Dentre os muitos programas de editorao podemos destacar o MuseScore 3. Este software de notao musical libera toda a sua criatividade, pois inclui ferramentas revolucionrias para ensinar os alunos de msica e tambm profissionais da msica como criar, avaliar, trabalhar em estdios e criar composies, arranjos e elaborao de msicas. Trs fatores nos estimula para o uso deste maravilhoso Software: um Software gratuito, idioma em portugus, muito leve para qualquer Sistema Operacional. O MuseScore 3 um poderoso software de editor de partituras, composio e arranjo. Utilizados pelas melhores Universidades de msica do Brasil e demais pases. Sua interface proporciona a seu usurio iniciante ou profissional uma apresentao grfica de altssima qualidade profissional. Esse software considerado o melhor do mercado e o mais usado no planeta. Pois com ele voc pode aprender e ensinar msica, passar para o Musescore 3 uma partitura j um pouco ilegvel devido ao tempo. Enfim, voc consegue registrar suas ideias sem nenhum obstculo como tambm criar sem limites. Outro ponto muito favorvel a sua interface muito intuitiva, especial tambm para elaborao de material didtico. Este curso foi criado para facilitar o aprendizado nos diversos nveis seja principiantes ou profissionais. Ela tambm engloba possibilidades de uso para as verses anteriores do software. So abordados mais de cinquenta ferramentas organizados em tpicos sendo que, os mesmos so independentes atendendo assim as necessidades especficas do usurio. Foram vrios anos de pesquisa, teoria e prtica at a confeco final deste trabalho salientando que, devido as constantes mudanas e atualizao do software, poder ocorrer mudanas em alguns itens. A vontade de aprender e descobrir novos horizontes principalmente quando precede a curiosidade o ponto chave para que voc desvende a tecnologia e atualidade desta fascinante arte que a Msica. Este Curso oferece a voc oportunidade de ser um amigo ntimo da msica para sempre!__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Programao do Curso MuseScore 3:AULA 1 Apresentao do professor e do curso__________________________AULA 2 Orientaes sobre msica e tecnologia__________________________AULA 3 Conhecendo a interface do MuseScore__________________________AULA 4 Baixar e instalar o MuseScore Iniciar o MuseScore Criar nova partitura Escrever com o teclado do Note/Pc Escrever pausa Escrever acordes (no cifra)___________________________AULA 5 Ritornelo 1 e 2 vez com volta Mudana de timbre incio da msica Mudana de timbre decorrer da msica____________________________AULA 6 Inserir/remover instrumentos Mudar a oitava da nota ou trecho Mudar a altura da nota ou trecho Adicionar intervalos Apagar a nota Adicionar/apagar/excluir compassos___________________________AULA 7 Compasso anacruse incio e meio Acidentes ocorrentes Acidentes de precauo Ligadura de prolongamento (unio) Ligadura de frase ou expresso Quilteras____________________________AULA 8 Unir ou separar colchetes Alargar ou estreitar compassos Executar o play Executar a msica ou trecho em loop Deslocar at o incio da msica Deslocar at o final da msica Articulaes Expresses____________________________AULA 9 Modificando o andamento Inserindo marcao de andamento Ocultando itens da partitura Ocultando itens do sistema Ocultando pautas em branco Habilitar/desabilitar o metrnomo Inserir cifras na cabea da nota____________________________AULA 10 Inserir cifras e fretboard Inserir letra na msica Inserir textos de pauta Inserir textos de sistema Inserir marcas de ensaio Inserir textos de expresso Modificar a cor dos elementos____________________________AULA 11 Copiar e colar Recortar e colar Recortar e colar com a metade do valor Recortar e colar com o dobro do valor Usando o filtro de seleo Desmembrar a partitura Reagrupar ritmos Renomear instrumentos_____________________________AULA 12 Transposio Ornamentos Juntar vrios compassos Separar vrios compassos Dividir compasso Juntar vrios compassos vazios Criar frmula de compasso________________________________AULA 13 Repeties e saltos Extrair partes (todos os instrumentos) Extrair partes (um instrumento) Inserir nmero de compasso em todos os compassos Inserir nmero de compassos em um compasso qualquer Escrever 2 voz________________________________AULA 14 Escrever notas cruzando a pauta Escrever mais de uma voz Comando explodir vozes Comando Implodir vozes Acrescentar digitao (n dos dedos) Colchetes do sistema_______________________________AULA 15 Notao somente da tablatura Notao da tablatura com partitura Partitura com pauta vinculada de tablatura Configurando a durao da fermata_______________________________AULA 16 Quebras e espaadores Molduras Vrias partituras em uma pgina________________________________AULA 17 Elaborando uma capa (folha de rosto) Inserindo imagens Inserindo marca dguaAULA 18 Escrevendo para percusso Agregando msica percusso Escrevendo para bateria Agregando msicas bateria______________________________AULA 19 Escrevendo notas com o teclado virtual Escrevendo notas com o teclado midi externo Conhecendo o Mixer Conhecendo o Sintetizador Configurando o trabalho final Salvando em vrios formatos Consideraes sobre os arquivos MusicXML_______________________________AULA 20 Trabalhando com Plugins Finalidade Procedimento para Download Instalao Ativao/configurao Aplicao prtica_____________________________AULA 21 Arranjo da msica Asa Branca para: Flauta Violo Baixo Eltrico Bateria_____________________________AULA 22 Tabela de atalhos do MuseScore _____________________________AULA 23 Tabela de Instrumentos padro GM_____________________________AULA 24 Glossrio de expresses da musicais_____________________________AULA 25Grooves de bateria_____________________________AULA 26Orientaes referente avaliao final (opcional)Consideraes finais e referncias bibliogrficas____________________________"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |