Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Citrix 1Y0-A09 Implement Xen Server Enterprise Edition Exam" |
"93 UNIQUE practice questions for Citrix 1Y0-A09 Implement Xen Server Enterprise Edition ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Citrix 1Y0-A09 Implement Xen Server Enterprise Edition ExamTotal Questions : 93Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (69 of 93)"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"14 Rules for High Conflict Co-parenting" |
"Many people are in coparenting situations with a high conflict ex partner. Many of these partners could have a personality disorder and seem impossible to work with for the greater good of the children involved. These rules are intended to bring order, boundaries and stability when these situations seem to have no workable solutions. These rules were developed by Scott Carter, LCMHC. He is a licensed therapist that specializes in working with teens, parenting and family dynamics. He has years of experience working with difficult family dynamics and has developed these rules over the course of extensive experience working with high conflict parents. The goal of these rules is to help create the best possible results for the children caught in the middle. All of these rules are actionable items. Do this, not that, type of rules. They will help you cultivate effective systems and change the culture of your high conflict situation."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Francisco de Assis e o seu Tempo" |
"Admirado por religiosos e leigos, Francisco de Assis o santo mais famoso da Igreja Catlica. Mas quem o homem por trs da lenda e da tradio da igreja?Venha conosco conhecer a mensagem eterna, a vida e a obra deste homem que h oito sculos inspira tantos seguidores.Neste curso especial, voc encontrar a reposta para essa e muitas outras perguntas: veja como a arte representou Francisco; como sua ordem surgiu e se desenvolveu; e qual a mensagem embutida em seus escritos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"2020 - NodeJS 90+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers" |
"90+ NodeJS Interview Questions and Answers with Multiple Choices. Questions Regarding:Process ManagersMicroservices , Microservices Frameworks & UtilitiesNode Clusters & Memory OptimizationsREST & MEAN Stack.Security & MiddlewareReal-time Applications HTTP & Client serverLanguage FundamentalsAbout NodeJSNode.js is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side web applications. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript and can be run within the Node.js runtime on OS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, NonStop, IBM AIX, IBM System z and IBM i. Its work is hosted and supported by the Node.js Foundation, a collaborative project at Linux Foundation.Node.js provides an event-driven architecture and a non-blocking I/O API designed to optimize an application's throughput and scalability for real-time web applications. It uses Google V8 JavaScript engine to execute code, and a large percentage of the basic modules are written in JavaScript. Node.js contains a built-in library to allow applications to act as a web server without software such as Apache HTTP Server, Nginx or IIS."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Ad Words Consideration of Advertising Practice Exam" |
"160 UNIQUE practice questions for Google Ad Words Consideration of Advertising Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Google Ad Words Consideration of Advertising Practice ExamTotal Questions : 160Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (120 of 160)"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"First Time Manager Course" |
"I want to present to you a short course of about a 1 hour on First Time ManagerWhy this course?In my 25 years of building businesses and managing people, I have found that many Managers Fail in their role, as they do not have a complete understanding of what it means to be a ManagerThere are tips and techniques I share in this course, once applied will help you be a successful manager.The most important word in the course title is the word Manager, means to Manage People, this is one skill, once acquired will help you grow in your career.If you want to achieve this very important skill, you have to take the initiative to learn and apply them. This is the course for you so come and get motivated and bring a positive change in your life. It gives me great pleasure by warmly welcoming you all in this course.This course is divided into six parts, each covering a number of topics associated with one certain aspect of people management. With this structure, the course can be used as a guideline for training new managers as well as a guide for more experienced managers. The course is divided into 6 modules:What does it mean to manage peopleWorking with PeopleManaging PerformanceCommunicatingCoaching for successDealing with Change"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Currculo, Cover Letter e Entrevista de Emprego EM INGLS" |
"Ol, e seja bem vindo ao curso Currculo, Cover Letter e Entrevista de Emprego EM INGLS.Aqui voc vai aprender como se preparar para processos seletivos em ingls, incluindo seu currculo, cover letter e entrevista de emprego.At o final do curso, voc vai saber:CV Resume: Como criar um curriculo para trabalhar no exterior, em padro internacional. Como criar bons currculos e o que escrever em cada seo. Como alterar o link de seu LinkedIn para colar em seu resum.Cover Letter: Como estruturar sua cover letter e adapt-la de forma rpida para diferentes vagasTreinamento para Entrevistas de Emprego: Como se preparar para uma entrevista de emprego. Aperfeioe seu ingls para entrevista de emprego aprendendo como responder as perguntas mais comuns.Oferta e Negociao SalarialDesenvolvi este curso de forma completamente aplicada, com templates de documentos para download, e utilizando meus materiais como exemplo.Muito obrigada pela sua presena e ateno, e te aguardo no curso!Short Trip by RoaCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported CC BY 3.0Music promoted by Audio Library"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ace PCNSE Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Eng." |
"Want to ace the PCNSE -Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer Examination and become a PCNSE CertifiedWhat you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the PCNSE is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: Palo Alto Networks Absolute Beginners. No prior Palo Alto Networks experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Salesforce |
"Salesforce Community 60"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso de aquarela para iniciantes" |
"A aquarela uma tinta que, alm de ter vida prpria, tem uma transparncia que nenhuma outra tem. Com ela possvel fazer texturas e manchas incrveis, intencionais ou espontneas, j que no conseguimos control-la muito bem.Falando assim, parece at um pouco intimidador, mas na verdade bem fcil trabalhar com a aquarela se voc seguir algumas tcnicas bsicas. E essas tcnicas sero ensinadas aqui no CURSO DE AQUARELA PARA INICIANTES.Meu nome Valria Araujo, professora e sou apaixonada por Artes.Neste curso voc vai aprender tudo sobre tintas, pincis, papis, mistura de cores, vrias tcnicas e composies com folhas, flores, lettering e para finalizar faremos uma paisagem e um lindo conjunto de cactos.Vou dar dicas e contar segredos da aquarela que ningum conta.Neste curso vou lhe pegar pela mo e provar que a pgina em branco no mais um bicho de sete cabeas. Voc embarcar em uma jornada sem volta e viajar em um mundo de cores e alegria.Venha! Voc no vai se arrepender de embarcar nessa aventura.Deixe fluir o artista que mora dentro de voc!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Criao de Mandalas para Iniciantes" |
"No curso de criao de mandalas voc vai aprender a desenhar e pintar mandalas no papel. Tambm entender um pouquinho sobre a simbologia das mandalas e das cores.No necessrio saber desenhar ou ter experincia artstica. Com este curso voc aprender do zero e desenvolver de forma natural o dom da criatividade que j est dentro de voc.O ato de desenhar e colorir mandalas proporcionam um aumento no nvel de concentrao, foco, espiritualidade e bem-estar."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Desenho e Pintura de Mandalas no MDF para Iniciantes" |
"No CURSO DE DESENHO E PINTURA DE MANDALAS NO MDF voc vai aprender a desenhar, pintar e entender um pouquinho sobre a simbologia das mandalas e das coresNo necessrio saber desenhar ou ter experincia artstica. Com este curso voc aprender do zero e desenvolver de forma natural o dom da criatividade que j est dentro de voc.O ato de desenhar e colorir mandalas proporciona um aumento no nvel de concentrao, foco, espiritualidade e bem-estar. Alm de ser uma forma criativa e prazerosa de ter seu prprio negcio."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Curso de mandalas com pontilhismo para iniciantes" |
"No CURSO DE MANDALAS COM PONTILHISMO PARA INICIANTES voc vai conhecer os materiais profissionais, aprender a tcnica, acompanhar o processo de 3 mandalas para iniciantes, Entender um pouquinho sobre a simbologia das mandalas e das cores.No final estar apto para desenvolver suas prprias mandalas.No necessrio ter experincia artstica. Com este curso voc aprender do zero e desenvolver de forma natural o dom da criatividade que j est dentro de voc.O ato de desenvolver e pintar mandalas proporciona um aumento no nvel de concentrao, foco, espiritualidade e bem-estar. Alm de ser uma forma criativa e prazerosa de ter seu prprio negcio."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Optimize Press Vor.3.0" |
"WEBOptimizePressOptimaise PressLPOptimaisePressOptimaisePressLPOptimaisePressLPWordPressHTMLCSSOptimaizePressLPA/B"
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
""""""""" """"VUCAAI5G""""11010100"""" """" etc. (01booster)(point 0 marunouchi)---------------------------------- 30 30 40 30 20 ---------------------------------- Bulldozer / IBMcoconogaccoKaospilotBulldozer"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
npzrxppe |
Price: 10200.00 ![]() |
"Pre- habilitation" |
"You will learn why traditional static stretching does nothing for your flexibility and why leading experts use myofascial release techniques for muscle and joint health.If you have 5 mins per day, I can show you myofascial techniques that will drastically improve your flexibility and quality of motion, without losing strength.You get over 16 lessons delivered over 4 weeks.You will gain detailed insight into the correct way to release chronically tight muscles, stretch and mobilise with correct form and stabilise joints for optimal muscles function.Over 4 weeks you will gain the insight into all of my favorite tried and tested techniques and how to apply them."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Personal Branding The Power Of Visual Storytelling" |
"So, youve decided to re-brand yourself - and youre faced with a seemingly endless list of projects. A new website, a blank Instagram profile, and big plans to implement an exciting marketing campaign empty pages full of opportunity stare you in the face. You can create whatever you want to represent yourself and your business, and its both exciting and unexpectedly overwhelming. Where should you start?When it comes to branding your business, the facts are these: The human brain processes visuals much faster than test, and savvy advertisers know that telling a visual branding story as part of their marketing strategy is the most effective way to quickly relay information and to catch the attention of their potential customers.The objective of this course is to teach you what Personal Branding is, why it is so important for you and your business, and to show you how to start creating and using your own Personal Branding content!In this course, you will learn:The Basics of Branding and Visual StorytellingHow to Determine Who You Are and What Your Values AreHow to Determine What You Want To Accomplish With Your BusinessHow to Identify Your Ideal Clients and Target AudiencesHow to Design Your Brands Visual ImageHow to Plan, Create, and Release Your Visual Branding ContentFrequently Asked Questions:I havent started my business yet, but I want to am I ready for this class?Yes! Much of the information in this course is geared towards new businesses or businesses who are in their starting stages. It is absolutely vital that new businesses understand the concept of branding before they launch - take the course to find out why!Ive been in business for a while, but im ready to re-brand - is this class right for me?Yes! Even if you already have the branding basics down, this class includes information about how to hone in on your goals and values so that you can reposition yourself in your market and clarify your branding message. This course is a perfect refresher for entrepreneurs and for those of you looking to take your brand to the next level!Is this class made specifically for photographers or graphic designers?This class is specifically designed to be valuable to business owners across all different industries - it is not specifically geared towards any particular career! Much of the information in this course is centered around visual branding (photography, graphic design, etc.) but it is presented in a way that anyone can understand.Is this a marketing class?This class contains information about basic marketing strategies and tactics, but it is not a marketing-specific class. This class is all about what has to happen before you begin marketing - it is so important to establish your brand goals and values before you even begin planning content and creating a marketing plan!Will this class teach me photography basics?No - this class includes information about different types of visual content and branding photography, but it will not teach you photography techniques or how to photograph this content yourself. Ill be sharing the different options you have for creating content (DIY, working with Freelancers, etc.), but I will not be teaching specific information about how to photograph content yourself.Your Personal Brand builds your business, but it still centers around you and your business' core values and unique story. A business with a solid Personal Brand is consistently presenting their value and purpose in a way that is professional, visually interesting, informational, and cohesive. Regardless of who you are or where youre at in your business, this course will give you the tools you need in order to grow your business, clarify your goals, and take your brand to the next level!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Excel pentru nceptori" |
"Curs online n limba romn prin care vei nva ceva mai mult dect utilizarea de baz a aplicaiei Microsoft Excel.Vei putea aplica noiunile de baz nvate aici i folosind Office Online Gratuit de la Microsoft. Trebuie doar s-i faci un cont gratuit la ei i apoi vei putea utiliza office online n browser."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine 4: Co-op Dungeon Crawler Hack n' Slash!" |
"""Many of the other courses I've sampled on Udemy, YouTube, etc. don't deliver. They don't teach you how to actually build and debug projects. Jeff does. It's gritty, it's messy, it's real game development. Following along his development process, his way of thinking and his troubleshooting and debugging methods are the best parts of his courses. It's not enough just to copy what he's doing, you'll learn the how's and why's of it, which are so much more important if you want to expand your knowledge of game development. I guarantee you'll walk away learning something valuable about game development."" - G W, student review.""This course is not like a ""how to.."" tutorial; it's a journey of real game development."" - Stefan, student review.Thanks for taking interest in my Multiplayer Dungeon Crawler UE4 course. Here are some important notes before you take the plunge:1) This course will teach you REAL game development. You are watching me build a game from scratch right in front of you. If you want to take a course where the instructor copy+pastes his code, then this is not the course for you. You'll watch me run into problems, debug them, and work things out which is the most important skill in game development, by far.2) This course is still being created. It is a living, breathing body of work. I have a lot planned for it with levels, more monsters, player classes, vendors, traps, doors, checkpoints, abilities, and more. Lots to come. The course will continue to grow.3) Be sure to join the members-only Discord where you can ask questions, share your progress, expand your learning and talk with fellow students. Let's build a great community together and share our journeys! Leave your ego at the door ;)4) This course is designed for beginner to intermediate users of Unreal Engine 4 (3+ months of UE4 experience). I don't want to spend 5 hours explaining the basics of the engine so please review tutorials on Youtube if you're brand new.5) I will be releasing the completed game on Steam. This is a real development project where I teach you how to do everything that I'm doing. This isn't a demo or a prototype of how to do things. This is a real game that will be released.I recommend that you have at least a basic understanding of the Engine. I move fast at times and I expect you to figure things out on your own by pausing the video if needed. Purchasing this course does NOT give you personal consulting from me for basic issues.Dungeon Crawlers are some of my favorite type of games. They're not that complicated, they're fun, difficult at times, and provide hours of entertainment for you and your friends. So let's create one!I've been building games in Unreal Engine 4 for several years. Come with me as I build this game right in front of you on video teaching you step-by-step.We'll be using completely free assets. This is both a bless and a curse. We'll have all sorts of free assets to use to create our game, but we're also limited by the free assets which might limit some things that we do.To start, we'll setup the Paladin class and an AI worm to get our attacking and ability functionality in working order. We want to be able to damage the worm and also get the worm to attack the player.Once we get some of this basic functionality created, we'll create the next classes for players. These will be a Hunter, a Mage, a Priest. Maybe more after that depending on how successful the course is.We will also set up plenty of AI monsters for the player to attack, waves of mobs to battle through as you climb through the levels.There will be traps and switches that the player needs to find. A switch might open a door or deactivate spikes in the ground. You may find a secret wall to bash!This is my second course on Udemy, following my really successful Souls-Like RPG Course. If you haven't gone through that course yet, check it out. It's a different type of game, but great to increase your UE4 knowledge.If you think I deserve anything but 5 stars, please let me know so I can make improvements and help you progress. I can always redo videos and make things more clear.My inspiration for this game is a 2D dungeon crawler called Hammerwatch. If you've never played it, then check it out and you'll see what we're doing, but in 3D. Should be fun!The game is also designed with 4-player co-op in mind. I want you to be able to play with your friends over the internet as well as on the couch for 4-player action.We will also use some basic C++ to setup some classes. Don't worry, the course is 99% Blueprint. But, because some people have interest in C++, I'll show you how to use it to create base classes where you can add functions, variables, structures, enums and so on.Oh, and we'll also set the game up to work with a game pad. It would be silly not to!If you've always wanted to make a Top-Down Dungeon Crawler game for Unreal Engine 4, join the course now. It will be a fun, on-going process and you can help me make it great.Join now and let's get started!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Comptia Linux+ (LX0-104) Practice Test" |
"Want to prepare for your CompTIA Linux+ LX0-104 exam? We are here to help!This 120 Questions here-in are emulating 100% the official examination conditions and will get you better prepared for the real deal.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the official CompTIA Linux+ LX0-104 exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practice test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the CompTIA Linux+ LX0-104 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.What will students learn in your course?120 high-quality questions for your CompTIA Linux+ LX0-104 examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Willingness to LearnWho this course is for: Students who are interested to clear the CompTIA Linux+ LX0-104 exam Students who want to feel confident about being prepared for the exam."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CISSP-ISSEP Information System Engineering Professional Test" |
"Want to prepare for your CISSP-ISSEP exam? We are here to help!This 196 Questions here-in are emulating 100% the official examination conditions and will get you better prepared for the real deal.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the official CISSP-ISSEP exam.This test covers all the requirements of the official exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practice test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the CISSP-ISSEP practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.What will students learn in your course?196 high-quality questions for your CISSP-ISSEP examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Willingness to Learn"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Self Publish A Book" |
"Students will develop a self-critical perspective on the managerial process. We will explore ways to reflect on the values, and ways to properly be successful. We begin this task with the assumption that there are no clear rules or guidelines for being a good publisher. Rather the task is to develop reflective and critical skills for thinking about creative solutions to organizational dilemmas and achieve ones goal and be proud."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Fat Loss Using Ketosis and Extended Fasting" |
"This is a multi-part overview on how to fast for maximal fat loss over a short period of time. I describe how to prevent muscle loss, increase insulin sensitivity, and reset your digestive system using a combination of ketogenic dieting (5 days) followed by true fasting (no intake over 30-50 calories at a time) for 12 days. I have done this several times. And, I filmed and compiled this course while in the heart of the dirty fast portion of the diet. Energy levels and mood are quite similar to deep ketosis (because you are, in fact, in very deep ketosis while fasting if done properly). I've never done another diet where I didn't lose any appreciable muscle while shedding fat- paradoxically, I retain practically all muscle, though not fullness, due to glycogen/water depletion while in the actual fast. Quick snips of before and after video shown in promo and full in wrap-up at end of course. Never begin a specified diet or exercise program without first consulting your personal physician. I am an intelligent dude, but I'm far from being a doctor. Take this as actionable information, but not necessarily advice. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Emu8086 ile Assembly Programlama Dili : Gerek Programlama" |
"niversitelerde mikroilemci, sistem programlama gibi isimler ile okutulan derslerin en temel ierii olan assembly dilini Intel 8086 komut kmesi renmek istiyorsanz bu kurs tam size gre demektir. Trkiye'de dijital kaynak olarak en dzenli ve en aklayc kurs olmasn hedeflediim bu kurs iin kullanm olduum kaynaklar gizlemeden sizlerle paylayor olacam.Bu kurs ile orta dzeyde bir assembly programlama bilgisine sahip olacaksnz. Unutulmamaldr ki assembly aslnda ilemcilerin komut kmelerine bal bir dildir. Gnmzdeki bilgisayarlar Intel tarafndan gelitirilen X86 komut kmesi mimarisini kullanmaktadrlar. Bende sizlere 16 bitlik bir mikroilemci olan Intel 8086 komut kmesi ile assembly programlama nasl yaplr bunu anlatyor olacam. Assembly gnmzde yaygn olarak kiiler tarafndan bilinmese de aslnda btn programlama dillerinin en temelidir.Eer programlama dillerini ok daha rahat kavramak ve altnda hangi teknolojilerin yattn renmek istiyorsanz bu kurs ile sorularnza bir bir cevap alyor olacaksnz. Ancak unu da belirtmeliyim ki bu ve bunun gibi kurslar sizlere sadece balang iin bir tetikleyici unsur olarak grev alr bundan sonras sizlerin aratrma ve uygulama azmine kalacaktr. Dier programlama dillerine nazaran assembly ok daha zordur. nk programlama yaparken manevra kabiliyetiniz olduka kstldr. Ancak dier programlama dillerinin oluturmu olduu kalplar ykmak iinde olduka nemlidir.Assembly dili ile makine seviyesine indirgenmesi gereken src yazlmlar retilebilmektedir. Ayrca crack olarak adlandrdmz yazlmlarn normal aklarndan kmasn ve ynlendirilmesini salayan aralar yine assembly bilgisi ile yazabilmektesiniz. Ancak bu kursta byle bir bilgi verilmemektedir. Kursun tek amac var o da assembly dilini Intel 8086 komut kmesi ile orta dzeyde uygulamalarla retmektir. ngilizce bir ok kaynak bulabileceiniz bu dil iin Trkiye'deki ender Trke kaynaklardan biri ile tanm olacaksnz.Blmlerdeki hedeflerimiz neler olacak?Blm 1: Kurstan etkin olarak faydalanabilmeniz iin gerekli olan tm temel bilgiyi edineceksiniz.Blm 2: Programlama hakknda hi bilginiz yoksa temel dzeyde algoritma ve programlama bilgisine sahip olacaksnz.Blm 3: Say sistemleri hakknda detayl bilgiye sahip olacaksnz.Blm 4: Intel 8086 mikroilemcisini tanyacak ve Emu8086 programnda nasl simle edildiini reneceksiniz.Blm 5: RAM zerinde verilerin nasl saklandn ve saklanan verilere nasl eriildiini en ince ayrntsna kadar zmseyeceksiniz.Blm 6: Intel 8086 komut kmesine almak ve yava yava altrmalar yapmak iin gerekli olan temel komutlar reneceksiniz.Blm 7: Stack (Yn) olarak adlandrlan veri yapsnn nasl ilediini net ifadelerle kavrayacaksnz.Blm 8: Aritmetik Mantk Birimi (ALU) hakknda bilgi sahibi olup aritmetiksel ve mantksal komutlarn nasl kullanldn greceksiniz.Blm 9: Yazm olduunuz programlar normal aklarndan kartp istediiniz ilemleri yaptrmak iin gerekli olan ynlendirme komutlarn tanyacaksnz. Ayrca tekrarl ilemler iin dnglerin nasl kullanlabileceini ve farkl senaryolarn nasl ilenebileceini renmi olacaksnz.Blm 10: zellikle ikili say sistemlerine indirgenip ilem yaplmas gereken durumlar iin kullanlan kaydrma ve dndrme komutlarnn nasl kullanldn reneceksiniz.Blm 11: Dizi komutlar olarak adlandrdn bir baka ifade ile String komutlarnn ne kadar nemli olduuna ahit olacaksnz.Blm 12: Tekrar eden yaplarn hazr kod bloklar haline getirip kod kalabalndan nasl kurtulacanz ve kendi komutlarnz nasl oluturacanz en ince ayrntsna kadar reneceksiniz.Blm 13: Kurs boyunca belki de uygulama yapmak iin en ok ihtiya duyduumuz kesmelerin ne olduunu emsali grlmemi detaylar ile reneceksiniz.Blm 14: Verilerimizi kalc olarak saklamak istediimiz durumlarda dosyalara ihtiya duyarz bu blmde de dosya ve klasr ilemlerinin nasl gerekletirildiine kesmeler penceresinden bakacaz.Blm 15: Gncelleme(19.07.2020)-Her ay proje eklemeyi dndm bu blme ilerimden dolay maalesef her ay ekleme yapamayacam.Blm 16: En banda sylediim gibi sizlerden kullanm olduum kaynaklar ve hazrlam olduum dokmanlar gizlemeden bu blmde paylaacam. Blm 17: Sizlerden gelen sorular zerine eklediim bu blmde temel I/O(Girdi/kt) ilemlerini ve donanm kesmelerini reneceksiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"CISM Information Security Program Development Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The security awareness training is more likely to lead to which of the following?a) Decrease in intrusion incidentsb) Increased incidents reportedc) Decrease in security policy changesd) Increasing violations of access rulesQ) The information classification scheme should:a) consider the possible impact of a security breach.b) classify personal information in electronic form.c) be performed by the head of information security.d) Sort according to data compiled systems.Q) Which of the following is the best method to provide a new user with the initial password to access the e-mail system?a) Interoffice a strong password generated by the system with 30-day expirationb) Giving a fictitious password over the telephone for immediate paymentc) Do not require passwords, but force the user to set up their own in 10 daysd) Set initial password equal to the user ID with a 30-day deadlineQ) An information security program should be sponsored by:a) infrastructure management.b) The company control service.c) responsible for key business processesd) management of information security.Q) Which of the following is the most important element to be included in web development hosting agreements with third-party vendors?a) Termination conditionsb) limits of liabilityc) Service levelsd) privacy restrictions"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"A quick guide to the art of Public Speaking" |
"A quick guide into the key areas of great public speaking. This course is straightforward and direct to the point to help you understand what it takes to be a great public speaker, it will only take 30 minutes for you to better your perspective on public speaking, once you incorporate the knowledge revealed you are guaranteed to be on your way to becoming the admired great public speaker."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel Dashboard para Anlise de Dados" |
"Excel- Dashboards para Anlise de DadosEu preciso fazer uma confisso a voc: Antes de montar esse curso, eu fiz diversos treinamentos , tanto presenciais quanto online, em todos eles, o mesmo sentimento de frustrao e dinheiro ""jogado"" fora. O que eles tinham em comum? Um mtodo de replicao de contedos, inerentes a diversos professores, que mostram a ferramenta, mas que acabavam no fazendo sentido para mim, pois eu apenas aprendia a ferramenta, e no como aplic-la em meus projetos. Isso to absurdo, quanto se dizer a favor da educao e nunca ter ido a escola ou at mesmo negar um po a quem tem fome. por isso, que nesse curso eu vou contar um episdio que vai lhe ensinar na prtica como aproveitar as oportunidades.Lucas Matrutzs, era um excelente Analista de Dados, a sua equipe era composta de mais 3 pessoas, sendo ele o colaborador mais experiente. Ele tinha uma rotina intensa, casa, trabalho e aos finais de semana cursava um MBA em Gesto Estratgica de Negcios. Toda essa correria, impedia muitas vezes Lucas de dar ateno necessria aos filhos e esposa, mas tudo o que eles tinham conquistado at o momento era fruto do trabalho de Lucas.Os dias se passavam de forma normal, e de maneira inesperada Lucas foi chamado a sala da gerncia, o motivo: A empresa estava sendo vendida para um grupo de Investidores Russos. Diante disso, era necessrio a implementao de anlises e relatrios mais complexos do que ele e sua equipe analisava diariamente, haja visto que os investidores precisavam ter segurana no negcio, bem como todos os processos mapeados de ponta a ponta. Lucas pensa imediatamente em sua equipe, j que o desempenho dela o incomodava h algum tempo, principalmente por falta de entendimento nos processos da operao. Alis, Lucas era o que sempre trabalhava mais. Mas com a necessidade eminente da venda e principalmente o desafio de realizar todas as analises propostas, Lucas buscou conversar com a equipe e explicar o plano de ao que deveria ser feito em prol dessa causa. Lucas buscou motivar a equipe, realizou atividades de integrao entre os membros, mas nada que efetivamente surtisse efeito nas primeiras semanas. Dessa forma, Lucas ficou desapontado, pensando que seria incapaz de cumprir a misso que receber e muito mais, a empresa poderia ter o seu negcio arruinado. Mesmo diante dos desafios, Lucas precisava agir, em uma conversa com um dos professores de seu MBA, ele relatou os desafios enfrentados. O professor prontamente lhe disse: Lucas, seu caso realmente muito especifico, mas conheo algum que pode lhe ajudar. Foi ento que Lucas conheceu Roberto Frezzoni, um Gerente de Projetos da Milleni Permutta, uma empresa brasileira que havia sido comprada por um grupo de empresrios italianos. Roberto, ouviu pacientemente Lucas e entender quais eram os desafios vivenciados por ele, uma vez que algo similar havia acontecido em sua empresa. Roberto, tinha mais de 20 anos em projetos e orientou Lucas, em todos os aspectos, fora uma conversa muito amistosa, a mente de Lucas borbulhava de tanta informao e ele logo as queria por em prtica. Lucas definitivamente estava convencido que encontrar algum que o entendesse e muito mais do que isso, como Roberto havia superado o mesmo desafio anos anteriores.Bem mais confiante, e com a certeza de que era possvel, Lucas retoma os trabalhos e mergulha a fundo nesse novo projeto. A conversa com Roberto fora um combustvel para mudar a sua realidade. Lucas, passa horas e horas mapeando processos, propondo melhorias, otimizando recursos e estabelecendo metas ao time. Junto a sua equipe Lucas vai identificando que o maior problema no era a identificao de processos como ele mesmo acreditava no passado, o maior desafio era transformar aqueles processos em algo tangvel a toda a unidade. Apenas de Roberto no ter falado em nenhum momento o que Lucas deveria fazer, o medo e a insegurana de propor novos caminhos era algo que existia na vida de Lucas e consequentemente a toda sua equipe. Foi no acompanhamento dirio que Lucas percebeu o que de fato era o seu maior impedimento: o medo! Mas ao mesmo tempo, sendo motivado por Roberto a encarar os desafios e analisar toda a cadeia produtiva da empresa, Lucas estabelece KPIS(Key Performance Indicator) , afim de que pudessem acompanhar as etapas atravs de Dashboards interativos em Real Time. Ajudou a sua equipe a produzir mais e melhor. Finalmente, aps vrias etapas e testes de modelos, Lucas se reuniu com a diretoria e apresenta novos painis, com indicadores explcitos, acompanhamento em tempo real, o que arrancou elogios no s por parte de seus diretores, mas tambm de Dimitri Petrov, Business Strategy do grupo Russo que acompanhava a reunio no Brasil. A essa altura, Lucas se solidificava dentro da organizao e dava um grande passo para assumir maiores responsabilidades.Dentro de cada um de ns habita uma fora, uma capacidade, um sonho inigualvel, que somente o medo e a insegurana podem nos afastar dos nossos objetivos. Por isso, eu convido voc a embarcar comigo nessa jornada "" Excel-Dashboard para Anlise de Dados"". Vamos juntos viver esse sonho!""No deixe que seus sonhos virem sonhos""Angelo Ponciano- Instrutor UDEMY-Especialista em Excel"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Tudo sobre Escala e Cota no AutoCad" |
"Trabalhar com ESCALA e COTAS sempre foi um desafio para voc? Ento esse o momento de dar soluo a todas as suas dificuldades no assunto. Utilizaremos exemplos prticos para isso.Abordagem as NBRs referente a escala, cotas, textos e formatos;Esse curso aborda todos as metodologias utilizadas para escalar no AutoCad e configurao das cotas para tais escalas;Reviso de desenhos em diversos tipos de escala;Configurao e insero de cotas no AutoCad;Inserir e escalar mapas em formato de imagens no AutoCad;Inserir arquivos do tipo PDF e DGN no AutoCad;Leitura e interpretao de medidas com escalmetro."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"API/Web Service Testing using READY-API(SOAP-UI)" |
"ReadyAPI is the advance version of SoapUI for Webservice and API automation, This course will take you from basic to advance concepts of API Automation.On course completion You will be confident in SOAP/ REST API Testing and can implement Successfully it in your work placeCourse is designed in such a way that the user does not need to have any prior understanding of SOAP-UI or READY-APIThis Course goes through What are the Webservices?How to Test the Webservices using SoapUI/ReadyAPI? When you finish the course you will be capable to explain about API Testing, and will be confident to use Ready-API tool to build the end-to-end test cases for webservice testing successfully."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Identity and Access Management:ForgeRock OpenIDM" |
"Identity and Access Management (IAM) market is estimated to grow from USD 8.1 billion in 2016 to USD 14.8 billion by 2021, at an estimated Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 12.9% between 2016 and 2021.The major factors that are expected to be driving the IAM market are the growing emphasis on compliance management and increasing trend of mobility have driven the demand for IAM solutions in various sectors. Employees can use their devices from different locations these days. Moreover, the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) approach is increasing the usage of mobile applications. Changing scenarios and distributed IT environments have made organisations susceptible to cyber threats, thereby fuelling the demand for IAM solutions.About ForgeRock:ForgeRock is a multinational identity and access management software company headquartered in San Francisco, U.S.A. The company develops commercial open source identity and access management products for internet of things, customer, cloud, mobile, and enterprise environments. Fran Rosch is the CEO of ForgeRock. ForgeRock also has offices in Bristol, London, Grenoble, Vancouver (USA), Oslo, Munich, Paris, Sydney, and Singapore. ForgeRock has raised $140 million in venture funding from Accel Partners, Foundation Capital, Meritech Capital Partners, and KKR.When Sun Microsystems was acquired by Oracle in January 2010, Suns open source identity and access management software was scheduled for phase out in favor of Oracles in-house product. ForgeRock was founded in Norway by a group of ex-Sun employees in February 2010 to fork the code and continue to develop Suns software.ForgeRock provides digital identity management through its primary product, the ForgeRock Identity Platform. The ForgeRock Identity Platform includes Access Management (based on the OpenAM open source project), Identity Management (based on the OpenIDM open source project), Directory Services (based on the OpenDJ open source project), and Identity Gateway (based on the OpenIG open source project). About OpenIDM 6.5.3[latest]OpenIDM is an identity management system written in the Java programming language. The old OpenIDM source code is available under the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL). OpenIDM is designed with flexibility in mind, leverages JavaScript as default scripting language to define business rules during provisioning. All capabilities of OpenIDM exposes RESTful interfaces. As an integration layer, OpenIDM leverages the Identity Connectors (adopted by ForgeRock as OpenICF) and has a set of default connectors.ForgeRock launched the OpenIDM project in October 27, 2010 at GOSCON in Portland following a 6-month internal development process.OpenAMOpenAM is an open-source access management, entitlements and federation server platform. It was sponsored by ForgeRock until 2016. Now it is supported by Open Identity Platform Community.OpenAM originated as OpenSSO, an access management system created by Sun Microsystems and now owned by Oracle Corporation.OpenDJOpenDJ is an LDAPv3-compliant directory service, developed for the Java platform, providing a high-performance, highly available, and secure store for the identities managed by your organization. Its easy installation process, combined with the power of the Java platform, makes OpenDJ the simplest and fastest directory to deploy and manage. OpenDJ directory server comes with plenty of tools and also offers REST access to directory data over HTTP.OpenDJ is free to download, evaluate, and use for developing your applications and solutions. You can obtain and modify the source code to build your own version."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |