Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"PCNSA - Palo Alto Network Security Administrator - Tests" |
"Palo Alto Networks prevent attacks with the industry-leading network security suite, which enables organizations to embrace network transformation while consistently securing users, applications, and data, no matter where they reside. Palo Alto Networks is recognized around the world as a leading provider of cybersecurity products. It is a valuable credential for those seeking advancement in the field of IT security.The Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Administrator (PCNSA) is a formal, third-party proctored certification that indicates that those who have passed it possess the in-depth knowledge to design, install, configure, and maintain most implementations based on the Palo Alto Networks platform. Successfully passing this exam certifies that the successful candidate has the knowledge and skills necessary to implement Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewall PAN-OS 9.1 platform in any environment.The exam tests the candidates on 6 key domains and they are as follows:Palo Alto Networks Security Operating Platform Core RequirementsSimply Passing TrafficTraffic VisibilitySecuring TrafficIdentifying UsersDeployment OptimizationThe exam will require candidates to know and be familiar with the following:You can deploy, configure, and operate Palo Alto Networks Securit Operating Platform components.You understand the unique aspects of the Palo Alto Networks Security Operating Platform and how to deploy one appropriately.You understand networking and security policies used by PAN-OS software.PCNSA exam details:Certification Name: Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security AdministratorNumber of items: 50Time for exam items: 80 minutesTotal Seat Time: 90 minutesFormat: Multiple Choice, Scenarios with Graphics, and MatchingLanguage: EnglishThe practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers and will get a pass in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource. Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as the regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PCCSA - Palo Alto Certified Cyber Security Associate - Tests" |
"Palo Alto Networks prevent attacks with the industry-leading network security suite, which enables organizations to embrace network transformation while consistently securing users, applications, and data, no matter where they reside. Palo Alto Networks is recognized around the world as a leading provider of cybersecurity products. It is a valuable credential for those seeking advancement in the field of IT security.A Palo Alto Networks Certified Cybersecurity Associate (PCCSA) possesses knowledge of cutting-edge technology available today to manage the cyber threats of tomorrow.The exam tests the candidates on 3 modules and they are as follows:Cybersecurity Foundation> Cybersecurity Landscape> Cyberthreats> Cyber-attack techniques and types> Wifi and Advanced Persistent ThreatsCybersecurity Gateway> The Connected Globe> Physical, Logical, and Virtual Addressing> Packet Encapsulation and Lifecycle> Network Security Models> Cloud and Data Center Security > Network Security Technologies> Endpoint security>Cloud, Virtualization, and Storage Security> Networking conceptsCybersecurity Essentials> Security Operating Platform> Network Security> Endpoint Protection> Cloud Security> Application Framework and Logging ServiceCybersecurity Foundation explains the nature and scope of todays cybersecurity challenges. This module explores the cybersecurity landscape, cyber threats, malware and spamming, and Wi-Fi and advanced threats.Cybersecurity Gateway explains networking concepts, fundamentals, and technologies. This module explores the basic operation of computer networks; common networking devices; routed and routing protocols; network types and topologies; DNS; physical, logical, and virtual addressing; IP addressing and subnetting; the OSI and TCP/IP models; network security models, cloud and data center security, network security technologies, cloud computing, virtualization, and storage technologies; and network operations fundamentals.Cybersecurity Essentials presents detailed information about next-generation cybersecurity solutions available from Palo Alto Networks. This module demonstrates the real-world application of the cybersecurity design best practices and principles.PCCSA exam details:Certification Name: Palo Alto Certified Cyber Security AssociateNumber of items: 50Time for exam items: 80 minutesTotal Seat Time: 90 minutesFormat: Multiple Choice, Scenarios with Graphics, and MatchingLanguage: EnglishThe practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers and will get a pass in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource. Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as the regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Module 1 covers the followingA short overview of AIM/RBIWhy AIM/RBI programs fail and how to make it a success.Insight & lesson learnt from past major global catastrophes Making , shaping & heat treating of metals & alloysUnderstanding of material behaviour alloying, corrosion & metallurgical degradation through Fe-C phase diagram & periodic table in Oil & Gas and power industries.Material selection and Materials used in Oil & Gas industries and power industries.Metallurgical degradation due to welding and working of metals and corrective measures.Mechanical Metallurgy for fatigue & fracture mechanics & mechanical testing.Heat Treatment and its impact on corrosion resistance & mechanical/metallurgical properties.Metallography / SEM/& other NDT techniques for condition monitoring of in-service ageing assets.Metallurgy in casting, forging and formingOverview of Damage mechanisms in Oil & Gas & power industries"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Windows 10 intermedirio" |
"Voc vai aprender como criar pastas, atalhos, verificar erro no disco, economia de energia, ocultar cones da rea de trabalho, esvaziar a lixeira, fixar programas na barra de tarefas, criar um efeito bem legal no Paint, restaurar pasta da lixeira, verificar qual a configurao do seu computador, ajustar o ponteiro do mouse e muito mais..."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SAP CERTIFICATION SIMULATION EXAM-100% ONLINE- 1000 MCQ PRACTICE TEST FOR SAP MM CERTIFICATIONPractice online until you get it right with the new testing engine. All exams are valid for 12 months. There are 100 multiple choice questions in each set. Sets are designed to focus on specific knowledge areas to be strong in your weak domain. Buyer will receive unlimited online practice access to become SAP Certified!!!SAP MATERIALS MANAGEMENT-MCQ is developed to cover following areas:SAP MM- Topic Areas-Purchasing Optimization -Special Processes in Procurement-Inventory Management -Configuring Master Data and Enterprise Structure -Procurement Process -Master Data and Enterprise Structure -SAP Overview and Solution Manager -Experience from Implementation -Physical Inventory -Material Requirements Planning -Configuring Inventory Management -Configuring Logistics Invoice Verification -Valuation and Account Determination -Logistics Invoice Verification-Stock, Consumable, and Service Procurement -Procure to Pay Cycle (Req Processing, Auto PO) -Enterprise Structure & Master Data (Vendor, Pricing, Material, Service) -Price, Partner, and Account Determination-Source of Supply Determination-MRP Processes & SCM Integration -Invoice Verification Processes (Blocking, Tolerances, ERS) -Release Strategies (P.Reqs, P.O.) --SAP ERP Cross Application Processes -Procurement Optimization -Special Procurement (Consignment, Subcontracting) -SRM/e_Sourcing Integration -SRM/e_Sourcing Integration SAP SRM -Inventory and Batch Management -Reporting incl. Business Warehouse"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Qi Gong for a Healthy Heart with Lee Holden (May 2020)" |
"Various length follow-along workout options. 1 hour 50 minutes.Qi Gong for a Healthy Heart with Lee Holden (YMAA)Too often in modern life, we feel emotionally stressed, agitated, and anxious. This is probably why the World Health Organization says cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in the world.Heart health is one of the few issues on which both Western and Eastern medical practitioners agree: stress and anxiety are significant factors in heart disease. The more stressed out, anxious, and overwhelmed you are, the higher your risk.The easiest way to reduce (or eliminate) your risk is to actively release stress, anxiety, and stuck or unexpressed emotions. This keeps your inner emotional state calm, relaxed, and at peace, so your heart stays healthy, nourished, and whole.In Qi Gong for a Healthy Heart, master teacher Lee Holden guides you through a simple qi gong routine to clear stress, release anxiety, improve circulation, and bring healing energy to your heart.You will discover Simple, easy-to-follow, and practical qi gong exercises to release pent-up stress, anxiety, and irritability. How to improve your circulation for mental clarity, less fatigue, and more energy. How to expand your capacity for unconditional love and compassion: Your heart is the ruler of your emotions, which is why you must send yourself positive messages to stay clear and compassionate. Key pressure points you can use to remove energy blocks from your heart (to feel energetically light, and take full, deep breaths).Qigong Master Lee Holden studied with Master Mantak Chia, worked on staff with Deepak Chopra, and later attended Five Branches University in Santa Cruz earning a degree as doctor of Chinese medicine, and is now owner of the Santa Cruz Chi Institute.Special Thanks to Steven HellerExecutive Producer: Lee Holden, Ben CoxDirector: Daniel Todd VillegasEditor: Daniel Todd VillegasVideography: Teresa ChuDVD Authoring/Streaming: Ocean SilverMusic: Dean EvensonPackage Design: Axie BreenPhotos: Daniel Todd Villegas 2020 Lee Holden Many more streaming titles available from the YMAA website."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Qi Gong for Depression & Emotional Balance w Lee Holden 2020" |
"Various length follow-along workout options. 1 hour 31 minutes.Qi Gong for Depression & Emotional BalanceIn the West, we are not taught how to elevate our energy naturally. We aren't taught how to free ourselves from negative thoughts or heavy feelings that keep us down, or how to claim the power of our mind and heart.Big Pharma promises that a ""magic pill"" will help you reclaim your life from the cold, blue grasp of depression, but medications only help you live with the problem. They don't address the root cause of depression.Qi Gong for Depression empowers you to address the root of your problems. Through deep breathing, gentle stretches, and flowing movements, master teacher Lee Holden teaches students how to transform depression into inspiration and inner peace - without taking harmful medications.You will learn A practical, straightforward qi gong routine to release stress, malaise, and ""the blues"" so you can free yourself from negative thoughts and feelings of self-blame for good. To activate your life-force energy (qi) for emotional balance and reconnect to your inner fire, which rekindles your motivation to get things done. To stop the ""negative thought spiral"" with natural, easy-to-follow, meditative movements so you can connect with the people you love. How to calm your body so you can get a good night's sleep and wake up feeling refreshed with abundant energy throughout your day.Qigong Master Lee Holden studied with Master Mantak Chia, worked on staff with Deepak Chopra, and later attended Five Branches University in Santa Cruz earning a degree as doctor of Chinese medicine, and is now owner of the Santa Cruz Chi Institute.Executive Producer: Lee Holden, Ben CoxDirector: Daniel Todd VillegasEditor: Daniel Todd VillegasVideography: Teresa ChuDVD Authoring/Streaming: Ocean SilverMusic: Dean EvensonPackage Design: Axie BreenPhotos: Daniel Todd Villegas 2020 Lee Holden Many more streaming titles available from the YMAA website."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Formao Analista de Departamento Pessoal" |
"Departamento Pessoal uma rea especializada na gesto de qualquer empresa, e por isso todo profissional de RH deve buscar especializao.Este curso tem como objetivo formar Auxiliares e Assistentes em Departamento Pessoal que pretendam atuar na rea de Recursos Humanos, por meio do conhecimento pratico de clculos trabalhistas e rotina geral do departamento.Ele foi criado para ajudar de forma prtica a compreender os clculos iniciais, uma breve contextualizao legal, alm de oferecer materiais complementares para download.Rotinas trabalhistas:- seleo de pessoal- solicitao de emprego- solicitao de documentos- reteno dos documentos- proibio - demais procedimentos- cadastramento no PIS- contribuio sindical- fiscalizao- antecedentes criminais- regulamento interno na empresa- Carteira de Trabalho e Previdncia Social (CTPS).Jornada de trabalho e perodos de descansos:- jornada de trabalho- trabalho noturno- controle da jornada de trabalho- obrigatoriedade- intervalo para alimentao e repouso- perodos de descanso- regime de sobreaviso- jornadas especiais- acordos de compensao e prorrogao de horas- servio externo- cargo de confiana- descanso semanal remuneradoPerodos de apurao:- apurao de frias perodo de gozo, perodo aquisitivo- apurao de 13- perca do direitoSegurana e sade no trabalho:- Servio Especializado em Engenharia e Medicina do Trabalho (SESMT)- NR-4- Cipa - NR-5- Equipamento de Proteo Individual (EPI) - NR-6- Programa de Controle Mdico e Sade Ocupacional (PCMSO) - NR -7- Programa de Preveno de Riscos Ambientais (PPRA) - NR-9Admisso:- Empregador- Empregado- Temporrio- Aprendiz- Estagirio- AutnomoLegislao Trabalhista:- Justia do Trabalho- Fiscalizao Trabalhista- Remunerao- AdicionaisClculo de Horas:- Marcao de Ponto- Horrio de Trabalho- Falta- Clculos de Horas Extras- DSR e Adicional noturnoTabelas e Encargos Sociais:- FGTS- INSS- IRRFClculo de Frias:- Apurao- Concesso- Aviso e pagamento de Frias- Abono PecunirioClculo 13 Salrio:- Direito- Prazo e PagamentoClculo de Resciso Contratual:- Tipos de Resciso- Aviso Prvio- Verbas RescisriasFolha de Pagamento:- Discriminao das Verbas- Encargos SociaisGFIP:- Gerao e Conferncia com a folhaCAGED:- Gerao e envioConectividade Social:- Pri Conectividade- GRRF- SEFIP"
Price: 324.99 ![]() |
"In this course you will learn to read, conjugate at all times, to count, to read the time in Yiddish. You will also learn many rules of grammar, syntax and many vocabulary words in Yiddish. We will see examples illustrating the rules that we will study and you will have many exercises in order to train and put into practice what we will have studied."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"K-3 Stratejik nsan Kaynaklar Ynetimi ve Deiim Sreleri" |
"Eitimin ilk tantm videosunda da detayl yer ald gibi kursumuz toplam 11 ana modlden olumaktadr. Bu 11 modl, aada detaylarn greceiniz ekilde 5 farkl kurs halinde verilmektedir. Bu 5 kursu da baaryla tamamladnz takdirde UFUK EDUCATION ACADEMY STRATEJK NSAN KAYNAKLARI YNETM VE DEM SRELER SERTFKASI almaya hak kazanacaksnz. Sertifikalarmzn IMS Global standartlarna uygun ve Sertifier gvencesi altnda Uluslararas Geerlilii bulunmaktadr. Sertifika rneini Kaynaklar blmnde grebilirsiniz. Ayrca sertifikada bulunan ID numaras ile tm dnyada geerlilii konusunda sorgulama yaplabilmektedir.Bu eitim alt ve yedinci modllerimiz olan KARYER GELTRME VE YETENEK YNETM ve PERFORMANS DEERLENDRME konularn kapsamaktadr. 1. eitimimiz olan STRATEJK NSAN KAYNAKLARI YNETM, NSAN KAYNAKLARI PLANLAMASI VE NEM ve ANALZ VE TANIMLARI modllerini,2 eitimimiz E ALIM SREC VE MLAKAT TEKNKLER ve ETM YNETM VE ORYANTASYON modllerini,3. eitimimiz KARYER GELTRME VE YETENEK YNETM ve PERFORMANS DEERLENDRME modllerini,4. eitimimiz SALII VE GVENL, LETM ve NSAN KAYNAKLARI YNETMNN HUKUK BOYUTLARI modllerini,5. eitimimiz BORDROLAMA VE BORDRO UYGULAMALARI modllerini iermektedir.Dier modllere BONUS DERS'de bulunan linklerden ulaabilirsiniz.Tm modller toplamda 7 saatlik youn, uygulamal ve videolu eitimleri kapsamaktadr. Tm modller tamamlandnda ve pratik yapma imkannz da varsa kesinlikle ok nitelikli bir nsan Kaynaklar Uzman olabilirsiniz. Eitim srecindeyken kafanza taklan herhangi bir soru olursa mail atabilirsiniz. Mutlaka 1 i gn ierisinde dn salyor olacaz.Kurs gereksinimleri veya n koullar var m? Bu kurstan en iyi ekilde yararlanmak iin herhangi bir n bilgiye ihtiyacnz yoktur. Bilmeniz gereken her ey size bu kursta retilecektir. htiyacnz olan tm ders notlarna ""Kaynaklar"" blmnden ulaabilip indirebileceksiniz. Ders notlarn aygtnza indirerek ya da ktlarn alarak mutlaka tekrar etmelisiniz. Ders sonlarnda devlerinizi yaparak daha hzl ve emin admlarla ilerleyebilirsiniz. Bu kurs program, sizi kiisel ve profesyonel olarak gelitirmek iin tasarlanmtr. Kendi evinizin rahatlnda, her yerde ve her zaman derslere ulaabilirsiniz. Derslere akll telefon / tablet veya bilgisayarnzdan ulaabilirsiniz. Bu kurstan azami olarak faydalanmak iin ilenen konular, her dersin sonunda verilen devleri yaparak, pratik snavlarna girerek ve eksik kaldnz konular tekrar ederek hayatnza katmanz tavsiye ediyoruz.Keyifli eitimler...Not: Mail adresimiz u.gun@ueacademy.redolarak gncellenmitir."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Juggle and How To Make Your Own Juggling Balls" |
"Have You always wanted to learn how to juggle?Are You a creative and innovative person?Then this course is the perfect fit for you!During this course I will teach you the basic and essential knowledge that you need to know to start juggling with three balls at the same time. You will also master the skill of making and designing your own juggling balls in an easy and fun way. I will include a short history segment where I will give you a brief overview of the juggling history of northern Europe.The course will consist of the following three chapters:Chapter 1: Make and design your own juggling ballsThese step by step instructions will give you all the tools you need to customize your juggling balls in any way you like concerning weight, shape, size, colors, and feel.Chapter 2: A short history lesson regarding the juggling history of the north.Chapter 3: Learn how to juggleIn these instructions videos I will give you step by step instructions on how to start juggling with three balls. We will start with several exercises to improve your control and multitasking skills. After this we will move on to juggling with three balls and end with several challenge videos that you can work with to impress your friends even more. Slow motion videos, pdf document and detailed instruction videos are of course included.What are you waiting for? Lets get our juggle on!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Sketchup - Basic Architecture & Interior Design" |
"Welcome to the course!the tutorial series is intended to be easy. Being the instructor, I have done my best to visually show you how to complete your first mini project step by step. After completing this course, you will know the software well enough to show off a new talent at work or design something you have always been trying to visualize.If you are a person who has recently felt that being able to draw 3D architecture would be a huge asset to your bag of skills, then this course is for you. And dont worry! This course is truly simple.This course shows how to use Sketchup's many tools through a central project of modeling a home. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no prior experience with SketchUp or 3D modeling is required.This course will guide you through two exciting elements of design: the SketchUp 3D modeling program and the interior design.If you're interested in interior design, even if it's just to improve the way your home flows and feels, this fun course will show you how to apply basic design techniques that will make your home look like it was professionally designed.You will start by learning how to set up the template and the basic drawing tools, such as the line, rectangle, circle. You will then jump into learning how to create a floor plan and extrude walls and create openings and a roof. then you will learn how to organize the model, and import and edit textures.This video tutorial also covers how to add furniture and doors and windows, and create the exterior of the home. Finally, you will learn how to create scenes and section cuts and export our model to an image and an animationOnce you have completed this computer based training course, you will be fully capable of using the tools available in SketchUp to create your own 3D models.So thank you for considering to learn Sketchup with this simple half an hour course. Sketchup is a very valuable skill to have so why not begin learning Sketchup today?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Pro Sellers - Seller Central -" |
"I this course you visited the most important places where Amazon sellers use in daily life as they sell and add products or improving their listings.We talked about Account settings and shipping plans. Understanding the Cash flow from the moment selling a product until coming to our bank account.Advertising is an important factor to sell professionally in Amazon so we talked about it in different parts.When orders coming to us or a client ask us to return products, how to handle that? We talked about it.Sending products as FBA shipments from suppliers to Amazon's warehouse.And so more topics in this course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
__Intermediate |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"A computer network is a digital telecommunications network which allows nodes to share resources . These question will give you basic idea for examinations prepartion and / or interview on computer based exams . Please Note :- These questions are only for practise and understanding level of knowldge only . it is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and / or interview questions ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Build A Dynamic Website in PHP" |
"Dynamic Website using Simple PHP with crud system and Admin side functionality, Admin Login Page also included, Admin security.With PHP, its a simple matter to embed dynamic activity in web pages. So developing a dynamic website is the way web apps should be, which makes build time easy and dynamic. we can use PHP anyway we can to run scripts very fast and make our website interactive"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cirurgia Guiada em Implantodontia" |
"O curso aborda os conceitos da cirurgia guiada de implantes.Alm de:- Introduo a Implantodontia Guiada;-Componentes de um Kit Cirrgico Guiado;-Histrico e evoluo da cirurgia guiada;-Vantagens, desvantagens e limitaes da tcnica;-Indicaes da cirurgia guiada;-Passo a passo clnico para aquisio dos arquivos necessrios e opes de software;-Sequncia de fresagem para o Sistema Grand Morse Neodent;-Conceito de Offset ou desvio. Como selecionar o offset adequado para a sua cirurgia;-Casos Clnicos"
Price: 504.99 ![]() |
"Aura, aura's diagnosis and aura's treatments" |
"In this course you will learn among others:what is aura,how to heal aura,how to clean aura's energy,how to diagnose energetic problems,and more.I am teacher of Reiki since 2009. I taught over 1000 people in several countries. All of them are good in this, what they do.I also published a book about Reiki healing, which was for 3 months on bestseller list (""Reiki. Odkryj moc zdrowia"", Helion publishing house). In the course I explain you everything you need to proper and safe Reiki practice. I teach you lots of different techniques in Reiki healing. Thanks to this you can start help yourself and others and you can improve your health and quality of life.Read my course curriculum - you will get know, that the course will be probably interesting, useful and worth for you. On May my course of second degree of Reiki healing should be available on Udemy. You will learn there to do all these kinds of healing from distance as well as sending Reiki in intention. Stay healthy and be happy!Martha"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Reiki therapy - how to be effective healer" |
"If you want to be an effective healer you MUST know the things from the course. Otherwise, you may fail and struggle with many problems. You don't have to! In the course, you will get to know everything, that you need to heal effectively and show your professionalism. In this course you will learn among others:what are Reiki effects,how to boost Reiki therapy effectiveness,what is an aura and how to diagnose its energetic problems,how feel the energy in your hands,what is a chakra and how it works,what is chakra's influence on emotions and health,what is damaging to chakras and what is helpful for them,how to design Reiki treatment to the individual needs of a person,how to diagnose energetic problems,how to advise your clientsand more.I am a teacher of Reiki since 2009. I taught over 1000 people in several countries. All of them are good at this, what they do.I also published a book about Reiki healing, which was for 3 months on the bestseller list (""Reiki. Odkryj moc zdrowia"", Helion publishing house). In the course, I explain everything you need to proper and safe Reiki practice. I teach you lots of different techniques in Reiki healing. Thanks to this you can start to help yourself and others and you can improve your health and quality of life.Read my course curriculum - you will get to know, that the course will be probably interesting, useful, and worth for you. Stay healthy and be happy!Marta"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Setup a Docker swarm environment" |
"This course shows how to do implementation of Docker Swarm cluster on your environment, whether On-premise/cloud. For beginner level, who want to know how to setup docker/install docker on individual nodes, you can watch my other course: Setup Production ready Environment for Docker. And in this course, you will see how to setup docker swarm environment and publish different services to it. Both on linux and windows environment covered here."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Predation Substitute Training" |
"Is hunting your dogs favourite hobby? Dont spoil the fun go hunting together!Do you wish your dog would listen to you on walks, rather than running after squirrels?Tired of getting left in the dust if a cat shows up nearby?Concerned that your dogs prey drive is coming between the two of you?Conventional training protocols stifle your dogs natural predatory behaviours through punishing or constantly forcing them to return. These restrictive protocols work against your dogs nature and against what they want most: to go for a hunt!Predation is an inner need that makes your dog happy. Suppressing those natural urges is like putting an airtight lid on a boiling pot. Eventually, that pressure needs to escape, and without a proper outlet, its probably going to get messy.Wouldnt you rather use your dogs predation motivation to improve your training and even grow your relationship with your dog?Predation Substitute Training (PST) is a motivation-based and need-oriented training program, designed to stop uncontrolled predatory chasing and to provide safe outlets for your dogs natural drive.To stop your dogs predatory chasing and see real-life results, just follow the step-by-step instructions: Prevention: Structure your walks to set your dog up for success Predation Substitute Tools: Help your dog control their urge to chase in a healthy way. Predation Substitute Games: Discover new ways to express predatory energy in a safe, controlled environment Safety net: Build a strong emergency cue to immediately interrupt predatory chasing.Instead of making discipline the nagging factor that spoils the fun, this training system will help you grow as a team and go hunting together!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Crystal Divination" |
"In this course you will learn how the ancient art of Lithomancy, or Crystal Divination, can be used to provide insight and guidance on important life areas such as your career, relationships and spiritual development. This course provides you with a step-by-step guide on how to carry out Crystal Divination readings for yourself, family and friends. No prior knowledge is needed, because you are given detailed information on the energy and meaning of each individual crystal, examining their key messages, and their meaning in different placements.This course teaches you how to interpret the unique energy of the crystals, so you are then able to maximise your potential by exploring options that may lay ahead for you, to gain clarity on the circumstances that surround you now which can be utilised to help gain success, as well as highlighting any hidden talents and skills you can implement to help manifest your goals.You will also learn how to carry out Crystal Divinations safely. The course covers in detail how you can look after your energy integrity, and take care of your Crystal Divination set in order to gain more accurate results and maintain optimum energy levels. You will learn about key techniques such as grounding, protection, centring and protection and will have lifetime access to a MP3 guided visualisation that incorporates all of these techniques. You will also learn about the basics of crystal care such as cleansing and charging, and why these are an important part of your crystal care regime.Included in the course are two downloadable handouts for your use, a MP3 guided visualisation you can use before carrying out a Crystal Divination to aid accurate results and preserve your energy integrity, and a Certificate of Completion.This is a very versatile psychic divination method, which is suitable for everyone from complete beginners to experienced psychic readers who would like to add another technique to their readings. A Crystal Divination reading is a positive and empowering experience that can be used to enhance your life, and once you learn this deceptively easy technique you will be awed at the results that you can achieve."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to create stunning marketing video Using free,paid tools" |
"Do You want to increase your product-sale?Do You want to improve your online presence?Do You want to boost your business and audience engagement?This POWERFUL Step-By-Step Mastery Guide to create Business Marketing Video will help you to hit all these goals.We show you how easy it is to create and develop effective videos for business purpose.And in addition to that you will learn to create a video using Power-point, That is the best free tool one can use. Marketing videos can take many forms, such as: Explainers Presentations How to Tutorials Webinars Ads Product videosVideo is the world's most popular content medium. 81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool.72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by way of video. Studies show that 97% of marketers say video has helped users gain a better understanding of their products and services. Reports said that Videos attach 300% more traffic and help to nurture leads.Videos are easy to digest, entertaining and engaging, and marketers like it because it can give a potentially huge return on investment through many channels.Video not only gives us a real-life picture of what is being presented; its also easy to share across multiple platforms.It makes easy to establish a personal connection with buyers.Consumers also find it more convenient to watch a video while trying to accomplish other tasks and Providing this convenience to the consumer is the highly effective marketing technique.With this course you'll learn EVERYTHING YOU NEED to know to create a professional looking marketing video.This course has all the basic information for Beginners. It includes: Importance of videos in business and Marketing. All basic techniques to MASTER DIGITAL MARKETING and can be used for any social media platform like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and more. Impactful Voice-over/ Narration TECHNIQUES What You Need to Know about the Background Music for marketing video. Techniques to write compelling script for attracting the viewers attention. The ART of structuring and creating impressive marketing video.This course will save you tons of time when it comes to creating videos without any prior knowledge of video creation. Youll need to put in a little effort, but if you follow our guide and strategies, YOU WILL SOON SEE RESULTS.You will Also learn Creating Videos in PowerPoint:A free alternative to a paid service is always appreciated. We know that we can buy softwares/tools to create stunning and engaging videos but fact is that everyone wants to keep their expenses less. If you are in one of them and want to create video for free, this section of our course can help you do that. In this video, youll learn to produce a short video in PowerPoint without paying anything as PowerPoint is one of the basic software, almost everyone has installed in their PC/Laptop.How the knowledge gained in this course can help you? If You are a non-business holder than You can start working as a Freelance video creator. If You are a Business owner than you can boost your business Marketing and increase your SalesWho this course is for: Beginner Video creators, Marketers Website Owners Bloggers Social Media Specialists YouTube channel Owners Anyone who is looking to create videos to promote their brand or business."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Principles for a Dynamic Life Masterclass 1" |
"[PART 1 of 4]Dive into over 10+ years of performance coaching, life skills and strategies in this exciting Masterclass. With thousands of dollars and hours of personal and professional growth invested to share the lessons in this course, it will give you an amazing training experience that will not be holding back:50+ modules with over 25 hours of expert, high energy coaching on areas like success, relationships and self-mastery130+ life lessons outlined in bullet-by-bullet format and delivered in a dynamic and fun learning environment40+ engaging, video reflection sessions and a dedicated self-reflection guide for each lessonA personalized action plan with exclusive coaching resources to help you craft a vision and take massive actionExclusive Bonus Content and additional perks like my personal ""mind-blow"" reading list and special resourcesAnd much more...If you struggle with any of the following, the course will dramatically shift your power and teach you practical skills to overcome:Overwhelming DetailsGetting constantly caught up, distracted and obsessed over information that doesn't actually matter to you or make a real impact on your dreams.Negative EmotionsBeing unable to see clearly through what you feel and becoming crippled by your anxiety, guilt, shame, fear or self-doubt.Uncontrollable ChangeWhen loss, betrayal, burnout or stagnation hit your life it derails your vision, motivation and direction - leaving you confused, hopeless and without a clue as to what to do next.Part 1: Dynamic FoundationsIn this first part of four, we set up some powerful life principles that aid in decision making, managing stress and emotions and understanding the world and people around us."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Marketing personal para principiantes" |
"Impacta a los dems proyectando una identidad segura, profesional y confiable. Adquiere tcnicas para ofrecer mejor tus servicios desarrollando una planificacin y ejecucin de tu marca personal exitosa. Este curso de Marketing Personal es una biblioteca valiosa de herramientas diseadas para que planifiques y accedas a las acciones que debes llevar adelante para transformarte en una persona con un perfil profesional reconocido y prestigioso que te acerque al xito que buscas"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Richtig stark Pitchen" |
"Richtig stark Pitchen: Der Kurs fr Selbstndige, die STARK mit WORTEN werden wollen.Lerne, wie du ganz easy ber dich selbst, deine Dienstleistungen und Produkte auf deiner Webseite, in Vortrgen oder Videos schreibst und sprichst.Stelle dich und deine Angebote einfach, klar und verstndlich vor.berzeuge souvern in wenigen Worten.Begeistere im Pitch mit Storytelling.Kennst du das? Du bist auf einer Veranstaltung und dann die Vorstellungsrunde oder jemand fragt dich und, was machst du so?. Vielleicht bist du auch schon mal in eine Social-Media-Gruppe eingetreten und Zack bekommst du die Aufforderung, dich vorzustellen.Was sagst oder schreibst du dann?Ich bin und mache [dann kommt alles was du machst; vielleicht noch mit Fremdwrtern, die kein Mensch versteht]. Oder hm, ja. Du stotterst dir einen zurecht oder schreibst nichts. Ein starker (erster) Eindruck. Nicht! Ein Gesprch. Nicht! Neue Interessenten. Nicht!Bld, denn das brauchst du ja, um dich und dein Business bekannt zu machen. Wer dich und deine Produkte nicht (richtig) kennt, kauft eher woanders.Pitchen - ob du ber dich und dein Business allgemein sprichst oder deine Angebote in Postings und Videos vorstellst - ist nun mal Tagesgeschft. Das finden viele anstrengend und bld.Die passenden Worte fr den Pitch fehlen.Wie wre es, wenn du immer ganz einfach ein paar passende und verstndliche Stze zu dir, deinem Business oder einem neuen Produkt auf Lager hast. Dann wird es leichter, schnell mal einen Post zu schreiben und das nchste Seminar zu pushen. Oder in einer Gruppe easy ins Gesprch zu kommen und in Erinnerung zu bleiben. Oder entspannt deine Dienstleistung in einem Vortrag zu prsentieren. Richtig stark Pitchen eben.LERNE IM KURS, WIE DU GANZ EASY BER DICH SELBST, DEINE DIENSTLEISTUNGEN UND PRODUKTE AUF DEINER WEBSEITE, IN VORTRGEN ODER VIDEOS SCHREIBST UND SPRICHST.Warum an einem starken Elevator Pitch und berzeugenden Angebotsbeschreibungen kein Weg vorbei geht.Wie du in 1 Minute oder 1 Satz Andere von dir und deinen Angeboten berzeugst.Mit welchen Worten du deine Dienstleistungen und Produkte knackig und prgnant beschreibst und prsentierst.Wie du mit Storytelling Interessenten begeisterst und wie das ganz einfach geht.Wie du Selbstmarketing machst, dass zu dir passt und Smalltalk leicht zum Kundentalk machst.WIE WRE ES,...WENN DU GENAU WEISST, WIE DU DICH UND DEIN BUSINESS BEI EINER VERANSTALTUNG ODER IN DEN SOCIAL-MEDIA-KANLEN VORSTELLSTWENN ANDERE DICH UND DEINE ANGEBOTE DIREKT VERSTEHEN UND BEGEISTERT SIND?WENN DU BEI VORSTELLUNGSRUNDEN UND POSTINGS NIE WIEDER INS SCHWITZEN KOMMST?Und, wer bin ich berhaupt?Hey, ich bin Bianca und ich zeige Selbstndigen, wie sie mit starken Worten begeistern und berzeugen ob in Textform, bei einem Vortrag oder in Videos.Ich liebe Worte, Sprache und Reden. Von mir hrst du sehr selten nur 3-Wort-Stze. Ich mag Adjektive, Wortschpfungen und Humor. Was ich nicht mag, ist Geschwurbel, man msste mal und Fachspeech, wo ich erst ein Expertenstudium fr brauche.Nebenbei finde ich es schade, wenn Menschen sich nicht gut verkaufen knnen. Wenn sie ihre coolen Angebote nicht stark und verstndlich rberbringen knnen. Oder wenn ich 5-mal hinschauen muss, um zu verstehen, was sie eigentlich fr mega Produkte im Angebot haben.In diesem Workshop bekommst du mein ganzes Wissen aus meinem Studium, Aus- und Weiterbildungen. Viel Kommunikations-Praxis i.S.v. Handwerkszeug aus 20 Jahren Beratungen, Vortrgen und eigenen Pitches kommt obendrauf und ist mehr als das Sahnehubchen.DIE MODULE IM BERBLICKModul 1Selbstmarketing und Business.Wieso du immer einen starken Pitch brauchst.Wie du ganz leicht einen starken (ersten) Eindruck machst!Modul 2Was sollst du eigentlich alles ber dich erzhlen - und was auch nicht?So weckst du ganz einfach Neugier und Interesse.Wie du dich ausdrcken musst, damit es auch verstndlich ist.Modul 3Die Selbstprsentation - ein ungeliebtes Must-have.Die Blaupause fr deinen Elevator Pitch fr alle Flle.Kurz Pitchen, wenn es nur ein Satz sein darf.Modul 4Warum du auch parat haben solltest, wieso du deinen Job machst.Pitch mit deinem WHY.weil du so einfach und schnell Vertrauen und Einzigartigkeit schaffst und dich deine Kunden dafr lieben.Modul 5So kannst du deinen Angebote und Produkte berzeugend pitchen.Die Pitch-Blaupause fr alle Erklrbren.Wie du deine Dienstleistungen charmant prsentieren kannst.Modul 6Warum du unbedingt Storytelling fr deine Kundengewinnung nutzen solltest.Pitch doch mal mit einer Geschichte!Wie gutes Storytelling richtig und nach einem einfachen Prinzip funktioniert.Modul 7Wie du nach deinem Pitch leicht ins Gesprch kommst.Netzwerken. Smalltalk. Kontakte... So machst du entspannt das Beste daraus.Welche Schlssel du fr dein Networking mit starken Pitches brauchst.ON Top3 Lektionen aus dem Mini-Training ""Richtig stark Pitchen""das STARK mit WORTEN E-Book: Wie du verstndlich, begeisternd & souvern prsentierst. (Wert 17 EUR netto).Und das ist fr DICH...7 Module plus Bonusmodul14 Videos (insgesamt fast 2,5 Stunden Videomaterial)Input auch als Texte, 6 Worksheets mit Checklisten und bungendas STARK mit WORTEN E-Book: Reden. Auftreten. Prsentieren.3 zustzliche Lektionen aus dem Mini-Trainingfreie Zeiteinteilung"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Core Java - Full course" |
"This course is an introduction to Core Java. It starts with steps to install required software and editor. It has details of OOPS concept with detailed examples and great explanation. It covers important concepts of Core Java.It covers History of Java, Origin, Features of Java, OOPS,Array and Multidimensional arrays. What is class,Control structures, Object, Method and different types of constructor,String,Exception Handling and Collection Framework examples.Each topic is covered with detailed explanation and with examples. Once you complete this course you can confidently write your own Java programs with great understanding of Java concepts. You will be industry ready to write programs in Core Java and can leverage your knowledge in broader scope."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Estratgias de Estudo, Leitura e Concentrao" |
"CURSO COMPLETO DE ESTUDO, LEITURA E CONCENTRAONesse curso voc aprender em apenas 4 horas uma combinao nica de tcnicas e estratgias de estudo, leitura e concentrao que vo transformar sua maneira de aprender. O Curso Tcnicas de Estudo, Leitura e Concentrao j impactou centenas de alunos presencialmente e foi elaborado especialmente para quem no tem tempo a perder e quer aprender de forma eficiente e a se tornar mais produtivo.No curso so apresentadas tcnicas para identificar e superar obstculos que esto te impedindo de ter melhor desempenho na escola, faculdade ou trabalho. So tcnicas ensinadas de maneira simples e direta que mostram que possvel ter uma melhora significativa no aprendizado, reduzindo o seu tempo de estudo e aumentando suas notas.Algumas pesquisas revelam despreparo por parte dos alunos para a leitura de textos cientficos. As dificuldades vo desde a compreenso do texto, manter o foco e a concentrao at a elaborao de fichamentos, resumos e resenhas, o que compromete seu aprendizado e resultados.Durante o curso voc ter acesso aos vdeos e contedos prticos que voc assiste onde e quando quiser.A vantagem que com poucas horas de estudo voc salvar inmeras horas futuras, j que aumentar sua produtividade.Voc vai aprender atravs de contedos TERICOS e PRTICOS, atravs de uma experincia de aprender sentindo e fazendo.O curso composto por mais de 30 VIDEOAULAS.Outra grande vantagem a TRANSFERNCIA de tcnicas e ferramentas de gesto eficiente do tempo e do aprendizado que voc vai usar no seu dia a dia durante a vida inteira.06 Mdulos totalizando mais de 30 vdeoaulas.Compreender o texto e apropriar-se dos seus principais elementos.Tira dvidas on-line com o professor Tilso Bataglia.Certificado gratuito.Aprender a estudar de forma efetiva melhorando seu desempenho escolar ou acadmico.Evitar o esquecimento do contedo com tcnicas de resumo e reviso.Ser mais produtivo ao organizar o estudo de forma eficiente.Mais tempo livre pra fazer o que voc ama.Aplique a tcnica na escola, faculdade ou no trabalho e ganhe tempo de sobra.Estratgias de gesto do tempo para seguir o planejado, evitando a procrastinao.Desenvolver foco e concentrao durante os estudos.Cronograma de estudo com foco na produtividade diria."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Spring Cloud & Microservices Workshop" |
"MasterClass Spring Cloud & Microservices is an online workshop designed to help you learn the Microservices architectural style, and how to implement it using Spring CloudThe course provides exercises that provide you with hands-on experience working with the various components of Spring Cloud.The goal of this course is to serve as a practical guide through the Spring Cloud projects, so you can see how they are used to implement microservices based architecture.An Extra Lab for Spring Boot where you learn web interfaces, REST interfaces, and how to use Spring Data and Spring Data REST.You will gain the ability to build microservice-based applications utilizing Spring Cloud technologies. You will learn aboutCentralized, versioned configuration management using Spring Cloud ConfigDynamic configuration updates with Spring Cloud BusService discovery with Spring Cloud EurekaClient Side Load Balancing with RibbonDeclarative REST Clients with FeignSoftware Circuit Breakers with Hystrix."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Let A Brother Teach You: Math - Intermediate Algebra I" |
"In this first installment of the ""Let A Brother Teach You"" series, we'll take a look at a lot of the topics and concepts that are covered in your usual First Year Algebra course. We will cover some of the basics in the first few lessons before we get into the crucial ideas that once you master, will help make your learning experience in higher Math courses go more smoothly. What I want you take away from this course is the solid ability to; use the basic operations on Integers & Variables, how to solve simple and more complex equations using a combination of different operations, how to understand the key parts of using the 2-D Coordinate Plane to graph Linear Equations, use the techniques learned to solve Linear Equations and apply them to Linear Inequalities, learn to graph Linear Inequalities and how to find the right solutions, learn about Systems of Linear Equations & how to use different methods to find their Solution Sets, and briefly getting into Graphing Systems of Linear Inequalities. I hope that after taking this course, students will be prepared for my next course ""Intermediate Algebra II"" and future higher level Math courses that I plan to create."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Expand Your Watercolor Painting in Japanese Style & Patterns" |
"Want to learn traditional techniques and try out something new?Discover how to:Create gorgeous detailed Flora Paintings.Transform Artworks into Patterns in Photoshop.Follow the flow and Create Fast and Abstract Paintings.Paint detailed organic objects, using normal watercolor and Japanese ones, which are made from minerals and shells.What you can expect from this class:A lot of inspiration and different styles of painting.Several demos of paintings from start to finish.Introduction to Japanese materials and techniques.Traditional and modern approach with Photoshop postproduction.A look into three different styles: painting of the flowers & stones, pattern design and abstract paintings.Suggestions and tips. Move forward in your own artistic expression.Get inspired and experiment until you find your unique style!No prior painting experience is needed - all levels are welcome.Watercolor is my obsession, and Japanese technique Nihonga is an ancient treasure,I discovered it while living in Japan and filmed this class there."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |