Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Revit Architettura corso completo. Da zero alla stampa." |
"Ciao, sono Ferruccio Della Schiava - ACI (Istruttore Certificato Autodesk) e sar il tuo docente durante questo percorso formativo. Puoi non avere mai aperto Revit o essere un autodidatta, non preoccuparti, il corso per tutti. Imparerai i comandi, le procedure ed alcuni trucchi del mestiere, per modellare un intero e completo progetto architettonico, a partire da una piantina CAD, fino alla redazione stampa delle tavole per la presentazione.User la versione 2018 per la massima compatibilit. Se stai usando una versione diversa va comunque bene, vedrai che tutti i passaggi, i comandi e soprattutto i processi saranno gli stessi.Non servono precedenti esperienze con Revit o altri software basati su CAD. Partiremo da zero accompagnandoti in tutti i passaggi e spiegandoli in modo semplice, chiaro e completo; alla fine sarai pi che capace di creare autonomamente i tuoi progetti BIM con Revit.Lavoreremo insieme su un progetto partendo da un file 2D di AutoCAD. Un progetto architettonico creato appositamente per insegnarti i ragionamenti, i comandi e i passaggi. Il corso inizier dalle opzioni di avvio del software, le finestre di comando e le impostazioni di personalizzazione, rendendoti semplice comprendere la terminologia utilizzata da Revit. Inizieremo quindi a sviluppare il nostro progetto e avanzando nella modellazione introdurr gradualmente sempre nuovi strumenti, funzioni e procedure.Completato il corso avrai acquisito tutte le conoscenze per creare un progetto architettonico in autonomia con metodologia BIM e il software Revit. Dall'inizio alla fine; da zero alla stampa. Con grandi vantaggi rispetto al disegno CAD 2D e rispetto alla concorrenza.Sei pronto? ...iniziamo!!!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
SketchUp |
":, , , , . . . , . : , , , , , , . , , : , , . SketchUp , , . , , , . , , , , . . . SketchUp LayOut. , . : , , , . , 3D Warehouse. . , 3D Warehouse. , . 3 . . : , , ; : , , , , , , ."
Price: 2799.00 ![]() |
"Formation BigQuery (Google Big Query) niveau 2 (en franais)" |
"Dans cette formation, je vous propose de dcouvrir l'outil BigQuery (de Google Cloud Platform).Cette formation est le deuxime volet d'une srie de 3 formations sur BigQuery (niveau intermdiaire).Nous allons apprendre ici :- Injecter de la donne dans BigQuery- Exporter de la donne de BigQuery- Structurer et manipuler la donne- Apprendre la spcificit des tables partitiones- Apprendre requeter sur des tables JSON (ex : tables Google Analytics)"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"German History Course: German Memory Culture Since 1945" |
"How did postwar Germany deal with the troubled legacy of German history, and National Socialism in particular? The memory of the Nazi past has left a deep imprint on the political culture in Germany since 1945. In many ways, memory of the Nazi Past imforms poltics, society, and culture today in Germany. Tracing not only themes, and events, this course will look at unpacking the meaning of 'memory' itself and its effects on society. This course will not only examine these complex and often conflicting tensions that rise within the discipline of Memory Studies. This course will take a close look at the German Model of Memory Culture since 1945 regarding the legacy of WWII, and the Holocaust."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Quickstep Stufe 1 - 5" |
"Quickstep, ein Tanz mit viel Power und Freude. Fliegende Fe aber oben nix zu sehen, das zeichnet einen guten Quicksteptnzer aus. Bis wir zu Sprngen kommen, dauert es zwar noch ein wenig, aber ungesprungene Basicfiguren, bis zu hheren Figuren werden in diesem Kurs gelehrt.Wir ben alleine, um die Koordination ohne Partner hinzubekommen. Sobald diese sitzt, kann man sich mit dem Partner zusammenfinden. (Die Kombinationen werden mit Herrenschritten und Damenschritten gezeigt.)"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Westcoast Swing tanzen leicht gemacht Teil 1" |
"Westcoast Swing, ein Trendtanz aus Kalifornien. Er ist nahezu zu jeder Musik tanzbar und macht ihn deshalb zu etwas Besonderen. In diesem Kurs zeige ich Euch Fustyling und ein Grundelement, den ""Sugar Push"".Es geht nicht darum endlos viele Figuren zu beherrschen sondern auch mit Basics die Tanzflche in Staunen zu versetzen! Koordination und Krperbeherrschung sind daher wichtige Grundlagen. - Das lernt Ihr in diesem Kurs!Legt los und habt Spa mit den Happy Feet."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Work From Home - Professional Freelancing" |
"Make working from home work for you.Working from home as part of your career or as your own boss is a HUGE CHANGE! I'm sharing this course with you because I have worked from home for ten years and I know how to make it A LOT more comfortable.But I don't JUST talk about furniture and coping with the life...You're serious about making work from home work. Maybe you:Want more time with your family?Feel like the commute is going to shorten your life?Forgot how proper hygiene works and have learned to love your own filth?Id like to show you how I found and chose the slow and boring way to work from home and support your family.You get all the information you should be taught in college, but didnt, including:The easy way to make sitesHow to generate leadsHow to turn leads into clientsHow to keep motivatedMake secure e-commerce sitesGet paid while youre NOT workingHow to handle billing painlesslyand so much more!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Healthcare Quality Improvement" |
"This course is an introduction to key principles of healthcare quality improvement and patient safety, where you will find the most commonly used quality concepts and methodologies in healthcare. You will learn the fundamentals of healthcare quality improvement, how and when to use them. This course is intended for Clinicians, residents and healthcare staff who want to learn about quality improvement in healthcare settings."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Go From Stress to Bliss, Even in Times of Uncertainty & Fear" |
"You were meant to live a life filled with meaning, engagement, and joy! But if uncertainty, fear, and obstacles are constantly in the forefront of your mind it can be difficult to even imagine your our ideal life--let alone live it. The truth is, you CAN make lasting changes to your current life--no matter how many times you may have tried (and been unsuccessful) in the past. And science proves it's possible. Using evidence-based positive psychology research and tools, this course is a refreshing combination of proven practices, engaging instruction and exercises, and practical application that will work for anyone of any age who truly wants to bring lasting changes to their life! In this course you will learn how to: Quickly and effectively process fear, uncertainty, and disappointment (especially in turbulent times) Use the three most critical tools to ""Center"" yourself in times of failure and disappointment, and quickly get back to enjoying your life Effectively manage or completely eliminate your biggest personal and professional stressors!Explore your purpose, ignite your passion for life, and learn to tune-in to what matters most to you!Eliminate obstacles and reset your mindset to go from STRESS to Bliss!Understand why change so often fails and learn the critical secrets to making lifelong improvementsReduce stress and fear and elevate your wellbeing with dozens of evidence-based positive psychology tools, tips and exercisesChange your emotional state at will, allowing you to maintain your well-being regardless of the circumstances around you!Finally live the lifestyle that you always hoped and dreamed you would!You'll also gain: A Quick-Start process designed specifically for working through the current fear and uncertainty relating to the Coronavirus pandemic , social isolation, and long-term quarantine with family Worksheets and checklists to help you easily chart your progress and organize and implement your plansAccess to our private FB group, to help you engage in a community of positive people who want more out of lifeA private coaching session with Lisa Broesch-Weeks to answer your specific questions and successfully creating lasting changeMy guarantee: I'm certain you'll love this course and put it to use immediately! However, you'll receive my 30-day money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied with the program. What are you waiting for-join us! Bliss is closer than you think. "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Hypertension in pregnant women" |
"This course is about a very important topic which is preeclampsia. here we will know what is preeclampsia , and how dangerous it is , what are the risk factors for preeclampsia ? ,what are the different mechanisms of preeclampsia ? , we will also talk about the preeclampsia both old and novel treatments in research . it will be an important course for whom concerned with pharmacological science .(note: I do not own any of the pictures in the videos and all belongs to their respectful owners .)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Maestro de Hbitos: Gua Completa para Hbitos Duraderos" |
"La motivacin es lo que te hace empezar, el hbito es lo que te hace seguir Jim RohnEl nico vdeo curso con vdeos animados en espaol sobre Hbitos que te ensear la manera correcta de crear hbitos duraderos.Si estas considerando este curso, posiblemente estas teniendo inconvenientes para poder lidiar con tus hbitos actuales o para desarrollar hbitos nuevos. Posiblemente has probado ya varias veces desarrollar tu hbito de ejercitarte forma regular, leer diariamente, meditar de forma constante, levantarte temprano, comer ms saludablemente o cualquier otro hbito deseado que tienes en mente----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Este curso COMPLETO te ensear los pasos que debes seguir y la informacin que debes entender para desarrollar hbitos duraderos, as como saber cmo atacar tus malos hbito.He pasado por la tarea de leer, estudiar y revisar cientos de libros y artculos sobre hbitos y he seleccionado las estrategias y tcnicas que no tienen discusin entre todos los expertos, los comunes denominadores entre libros y artculos y he creado este curso para mostrarte la gua definitiva para crear hbitos.Si quisieras pasar por este proceso t mismo, lo puedes hacer, aunque advierto que te tomara mucho tiempo (a m personalmente me tomo varios aos) e incurriras en un costo alto al pagar por cada material que necesitaras.Por todo esto, te estoy ofreciendo en este curso, un sistema para los hbitos que aprenders en alrededor de 1 hora con vdeos sencillos, cortos y animados siendo totalmente accionable de forma inmediata y que te ayudara de una vez por todas a ver verdaderos progresos en tus hbitos.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maestro de Hbitos: Gua Completa para Hbitos DuraderosPermteme preguntarte:Quieres descubrir los secretos de los expertos en hbitos y de las personas que prosperan en sus campos y carreras elegidas?Si respondiste, S! a esta pregunta, este puede ser el mejor curso para ti. Bienvenido a Maestro de Hbitos: Gua Completa para Hbitos Duraderos Aristteles, en cierta ocasin dijo: Somos lo que hacemos da a da. De modo que la excelencia no es un acto sino un hbitoT vida hoy, es la suma de tus hbitos del pasadoEl dinero que tienes, es resultado de tus hbitosLa educacin que tienes, es resultado de tus hbitosTu salud, es resultado de tus hbitosQue tan en forma estas, es resultado de tus hbitosQue tan feliz eres, es resultado de tus hbitosCuando tomas control de tus hbitos, tomas el control de tu vida!___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________No pierdas el tiempo al no tomar este curso en este momento. No te dejes para dentro de un mes lo que puedes empezar hoy. Rompe tus malos hbitos AHORA!Simplemente haz clic en el botn Comprar Ahora y aplica instantneamente las estrategias de este sistema a tu vida.Espero verte dentro del curso!- Rafael LuqueMaestro De Hbitos"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
Amazon |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
professionalism |
".. ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Complete GMAT Prep Guide Self-Study Guide to GMAT 700+" |
"*BESTSELLING* GMAT Guide on Udemy!""A great course that covers all important aspects of the GMAT exam in an easy to comprehend manner.""""It's excellent!""""Superb learning.""Kick start your GMAT Prep with the super affordable, bestselling GMAT guide on Udemy. Learn my strategy to getting 700+ GMAT score in the first attempt!The internet is full of expensive preparatory material for GMAT. When there is so much information at once, it becomes difficult to kick off your preparation due to an overwhelming amount of resources to start off with. By taking the self study route, I was able to score a GMAT 740 (Q50, V40) in my first attempt. With the right information in your hand, it becomes extremely easy to make a preparation strategy. For someone who is looking for a consolidated self-study plan for GMAT, this is the right course for you.All this without burning a hole in your pocket!What's more? This course provides you with specially designed MS-Excel based GMAT Analysis Tool. This tool can be used to keep track of your preparation and can help you identify your weak areas.This course is being provided at the lowest possible price in order to help more and more people achieve their GMAT dreams. If I was able to crack the GMAT through self-study, anyone can. And this is the right place to start!This course provides you-Fundamentals of the GMAT exam.Self-Study Guide to get a 700+ score in the GMAT.GMAT Self Analysis Tool to keep track of your performance during practice.Solved questions to understand the attempting strategy for GMAT.Consolidated GMAT Self Study Revision Notes.GMAT Prep Tips and Tricks.Recent Reviews-""A great course that covers all important aspects of the GMAT exam in an easy to comprehend manner.""""Thanks man, the algorithm insight is a really helpful insight on test-day strategy!""""I want to thank Udemy for making such courses available for people who are preparing for gmat exam. I wish to have discovered it earlier, nevertheless, i was satisfied. Thank you""""It's excellent!""""Superb learning.""This course will provide you with all the information you need to start your GMAT Preparation. So pick up your pens and get started today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"En este curso aprenders a controlar las mejores herramientas para aplicarlas en tus entrenamientos, o con tus clientes o amigos. No slo veremos los sistemas de entrenamiento ms efectivos, sino que adems aprenders el proceso de quema de grasa y lo que se esconde detrs de ese proceso. Toda esta informacin te dar claves para intervenir con mayor xito en tus programas. Este curso complementa el curso de ""Nutricin para definicin muscular""."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Bestnoten-Coaching 3x mehr Lernerfolg ohne Stress" |
"In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen, wie du deine Noten verbessern kannst und dein Traum Abitur mit wenig Stress erreichen kannst.Ich gebe dir in diesem Kurs insgesamt 26 Techniken, die dich zu deinem Traum-NC fhren. Diese Techniken werden es dir erlauben mehr Wissen in krzerer Zeit aufzunehmen. So hast du mehr Freizeit mit deinen Freunden und deiner Familie und bekommst gleichzeitig auch noch bessere Noten.Im ersten Modul werde ich dir zeigen wie du eine sthlerne Motivation aufbaust, die dir den ntigen Antrieb verschaffst. Gleichzeitig wirst du auch eine Vision von deinem Traumleben bekommen und so auch ber die Schule hinaus von diesem Modul profitieren.Im zweiten Modul werde ich dir zeigen, wie du deine Energie verdoppeln kannst. Du wirst dich durch diese Modul gesnder und kraftvoller fhlen und kannst dadurch alle Herausforderungen meistern.Im dritten Modul zeige ich dir dann die brillantesten Lerntechniken, die ich aus dem Studium zahlreicher Bcher zu diesem Thema fr dich rausgefiltert habe. Diese Methoden ermglichen es dir auch trockene und schwer zu lernende Themen mit Freude und Leichtigkeit in Krze zu verinnerlichen und langfristig zu speichern.Im vierten Modul zeigt ich dir, wie du raffinierte Tagesplne erstellst, dir intelligente Ziele setzt und Aufgaben zielorientiert priorisieren kannst. Dadurch wirst du keine Zeit mehr verschwenden und hast mehr Zeit fr die Dinge, die dir wichtig sind.Im fnften Modul geht es um die Herausforderungen in der Schule. Ich werde dir zeigen, wie du diese Herausforderungen schnell und effektiv meistern kannst und ngst berwindest.Im sechsten Modul wirst du ein tiefes Verstndnis der Techniken erlangen, sodass du in der Lage bist selbst mit den Techniken zu experimentieren und sie fr dich zu optimieren.Ich habe zahlreiche Bcher zu den Themen Lerntechniken, Selbstmanagement, Persnlichkeitsentwicklung, Zeitmanagement und Neurologie gelesen und habe das Wichtigste dieser Bcher in diesem Kurs fr dich zusammengefasst. Die Techniken habe ich alle selbst getestet und ich kann dir versichern, dass sie funktionieren.Dieser Kurs bietet dir die Abkrzung zu besseren Noten und mehr Erfolg in der Schule. Du knntest dir natrlich auch die gesamten Bcher selbst durchlesen, aber das kostet immens viel Zeit. Ich wei, dass man als Schler in der Oberstufe nicht wirklich viel Zeit hat und deswegen habe ich mich entschlossen dir dieses Geschenk zu machen und meine Erfahrungen und mein Wissen in diesem Videokurs fr dich verfgbar zu machen. Die Videos habe ich noch mit zahlreichen bungen und viel Material angereichert, damit du das Gelernte auch in die Praxis bringen kannst.Wenn du Fragen hast, etwas unklar sein sollte oder du Hilfe bei einem anderen Thema bentigst, kannst du mich jederzeit kontaktieren und dann werde ich dir persnlich helfen, dein Problem zu lsen. Nimm jetzt deine Zukunft in die Hand und kaufe dir diesen Kurs. Falls du deine Eltern berzeugen musst, lass mich dir sagen: Nachhilfe ist viel teurer. Dieser Kurs erspart dir viele Stunden mit einem Nachhilfelehrer und wird dir sogar noch mehr geben. Also warte nicht und lass mich dir zeigen, wie du deinen Traum leben kannst."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CAU201 Defender Exam Made Easy. CyberArk Test Preparation" |
"Information: This course will get you prepared for CAU201 exam. The questions within this course are written by me. They will not only tackle the key topics which CyberArk declares as ""tasks a CyberArk Defender should be capable of doing"" but they are also structured in a very similar way to those in the actual exam. Notice these are not the actual exam questions.---------------------This Defender preparation course is different from the other ones you'll find on Udemy or other sites (you'll find out if you enroll)Every question will have an explanation to why C (for example) is right and why A, B and D are wrong. Besides, you will find a link to CyberArk official documentation in case you would want to read more about the topic or just expand your knowledge on the topic.It's fast-paced and straight to the point.You will have some TO DO's to do on your own time.It will teach you to discard wrong answers when in doubt.24/7 availability either in social media or email.100 questions to nail that certification exam.We will cover questions dealing with the following topics:Processes for managing passwords.Onboarding accounts using Accounts Discovery and the Password Upload Utility.PSM Component: configuration, monitoring. Modifying Master Policy settings. Reporting through PrivateArk and PVWALogging and debug levels. Performing common administrative tasks.My name is Luis Mathious, and I'll be your instructor in this course. I am a CyberArk Certified Delivery Engineer and Pre-Sales Engineer. I'm also an active participant of the CyberArk Subreddit and CyberArk Costumer Community forums. I've decided it was about time CyberArk got learned the proper way."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Maths - Essential content (GCSE Grades 3-6) : 1200 questions" |
"The main content covers the main bulk of GCSE Mathematics and High School equivalentThis would be perfect for anyone looking at taking the current GCSE Maths examination in the near future.The content covers most of the topic areas aimed at grades 3 to 6 and include:Topics on: Indices, ratio, fractions, multi-step and simultaneous equations, averages, probability, angle properties, compound measures, percentages, factorising, sequences, trigonometry, pythagoras, constructions and many many more.100 videos, 8 hours of content, with access to over 1200 practice questions to test your understanding,This is the 2nd part of 3 courses aimed at providing you with comprehensive walk-through of topics to support your learning. The quizzes group together topic areas learnt and will enable to you to identify gaps in your learningUnfortunately we cannot guarantee any level of success by completion of the course"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"ECG voor dummies" |
"Van ECG naar diagnose:Lecture 1: de cursus begint met achtergrondinformatie en fysiologie. Lecture 2: en dan volgt een 9-stappen benadering hoe een ECG te analyseren: van ritme tot U-golf. In deel 1 komen we tot en met het PR-interval.Lecture 3: de rest van de 9-stappen benadering van QRS tot en met de U-golf.Lecture 4: gaat over ritme- en geleidingsstoornissen en een 3-stappen benadering voor het analyseren van aritmien.Lecture 5: bevat enkele speciale onderwerpen (ST-elevatie, hoge R in V1, ECG bij atleten, pacemakers enz.).Lecture 6: korte samenvatting van de 9-stappen benadering van het basis-ECG met duidelijke schema's. Met te downloaden samenvatting.Lecture 7: korte samenvatting van de ritme- en geleidingsstoornissen, ook met verhelderende en simpele schema's. Met te downloaden samenvatting.Lecture 8: een handig formulier op n A4 dat u kan begeleiden bij de beoordeling van een ECG. Het formulier is ook te downloaden."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Raise a Bilingual Baby 101" |
"How to Raise a Bilingual Baby 101 is a course where you will learn how to be a parent of the baby who is learning several languages at the same time. The course is an extensive collection of tools, methods, and techniques helping parents to scaffold the acquisition of several languages. Besides, the introduced methods and technics will help you to build a qualitatively different long-term relationship with your child. The course is designed for babies and toddlers from birth to three years old."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Investing in Recession = How to Invest in Recession" |
"Recession the word feared by the massesHere are some facts.According to the recent financial reports, the Most number of millionaires are made at the time of recessionAndMost numbers of billionaires double their wealth at the time of global financial crises.If you or someone you know who have lived through a recession can exactly tell you how traumatic is the time in crises.People are not only in emotional or financial stress but they are under continuous pressure of losing their job, business, or life-saving or even their home.Everyone is now aware that the world is about to be hit by an inevitable global financial crisis Or RecessionThe Global Recession of 2020 is going to be one of the scariest recession humanity has ever seen.We faced the last recession in 2008 and the next recession will be after 7-8 years.Recession can be an opportunity in disguise if you have a recession-proof plan.So What exactly is world recession or global financial crises?A period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.I know after reading this there might be some questions that might have come into your mind.And Just like every other recession, this recession is going to have 2 sides1 side which is going to struggle, lose jobs, live savings, break families and can see even worse in this crashing marketThe side where people the majority of people will lose their jobs, business clients.Families, companies are going to get bankruptAd the Side 2 The side which has been waiting for this phenomena to occurThe side which is going to make a fortune of their lifetime.The side where people are going to multiply their wealth by 2x , 5x or even 10xYesI know you might be thinking how is this possible?How can someone grow their fortune in this crashing market?How is it possible for a certain segment of society to double or even quadruple their fortune In this crashing market?why does recession occur?what causes a recession or what are the causes of recession?why the economy collops at the time of recession?Let's see how does a recession occurs or how can we say that recessions have arrived.The health of the countrys economy is measured by GDPWhich stands for Gross domestic product.GDP is the sum of the market values of all final goods and services produced in an economy during a period of timeThat means everything you buy or anything on which you spend your money on gets counted into the countrys GDPLike food, mobiles, cars, from a small pin to private jet everything is counted in the countrys GDP.Generally growing GDP is always good for the country and its economy.But what happens when the GDP starts to decline. it creates an economic slowdown.Fewer products are sold in the market, due to these companies makes less profit, because of these people start losing their jobs and eventually the purchasing power of customer or the people decreases.This leads to a downward spiral which causes GDP to go down.And When the GDP of a country is decreasing for 6 months then it is considered a recession.But what actually causes recessionsThere is no single answer for that there are thousands of variables involved in causing a recession.So no one can exactly blame one single cause that leads to recession.Our world economic system is flawed and due to this recession is mandatory to occur after some years.It has occurred multiple times in the past. a recession occurs in a recession cycle. it occurs after every 7-10 years.When a recession occurs how do people react to it?When recessions occur everything starts losing its valuethe market goes in the state of panicAnd people start selling.People sell their stocks, properties, assetsNews about market crash starts to dwell on tv screens and newspapers.When a recession occurs what does the majority of the masses do?They start selling.Everyone goes into a state of panic and start selling their assets with every news of market crashing.ButNow What does the upper segment of the society does that this time ???They all have billions of dollars invested in the market.And just like us, they all know that a recession is about to occur.So what do they do?Do they just sit and watch the market crash and watch their investment go to shit.OrThey sell everything and wait for the market to recover.The answer is non.A huge secret displacement of Investment takes place just before the prime of recession.And the displacement is not sudden it takes place gradually.They all displace their money from the market to Some secret assets.These secret assets are those assets that tend to show exponential growth at the time of recession.Very few people are aware of these assets. .I know a lot more questions might have come into your mind like -Where to put money during a recession?How to make money from a recession?Where to put your money before a recession?where to invest money during a recession?All your questions will be answered in this course.In this course, you will learn -Introduction to Investing - There are a lot of people who are new to the industry of investing. They may not have a lot of knowledge about investing. This video covers all the basics which you will need to know about investing.Why should you invest in this Recession - In our schools, we are taught a lot of different subjects but one important subject of money has been missing from schools around the world. This video cover why investing is important for each and every one.How much to invest in this recession - Every one of us eventually finds a way to make money but no one has ever taught us how much should you spend and how much should you invest. This video in the course will help you understand how much should you invest according to your income level. each and everyone is different and everyone has different income so how much should you invest according to your income is covered in this class.What is Recession - For people who don't know about the phenomena of recession this video will help you understand exactly what is the meaning of recession and what is recession all about.Why does recession occurs - In this video, you will learn about why does a recession or global financial crisis occurs and how exactly it affects the market around the world.How you can make money in recession - This video is all about to understand how exactly you can invest in recession and make money during the upcoming recession.In this part of the course, we will reveal recession-proof investment or safe investment during a recession or smart investing during the recession.This part will reveal the asset which tends to show exponential growth at the time of recession.Asset #1 ( Safe Heaven) - This asset has been proven to be one of the best investments during the recession. Since the beginning of human civilization, this asset has played an important role and has provided consistent gains in each recession. Safe investment during a recession.Asset #2 (Millionaire Maker) - This asset has the capacity of making you the next millionaire in a recession or global financial crisis. This is not just a normal asset which will give you a 10%-20% return on investment in recession. This asset has show more than 1000% of growth in the past recession. These are some recession-proof stocks.Asset #3 ( The Asset of the Future) - this asset is going to change the world forever and in this recession certain events have takes place because of which these assets can explode during the recession. I call these assets the asset of the future.Asset #4 ( Best Investment on Earth ) - The Sub headling of the asset defines the best part of this asset. This asset is the best investment on earth. Investing during the recession in this asset can provide you with a great ROI in recession.Now the final part of the course.Recession-Proof Portfolio - I will be revealing 4 secret assets in this class and there are sub-assets which you need to have in your investment portfolio in recession. Adding these assets in your portfolio will result in smart investing during a recession. But you have to make sure that you invest before a recession or do invest before a recession.Right Mindset to Invest in recession - It is very important for any investor to invest with the right mindset. having a wrong mindset during a recession can result in bad decision making at the time of recession. This video will play a vital video while investing in a recession or during a recession.If you want to make money in recession this course will provide you with all the important information which you should know about the crisis and how to thrive in it.First of all, we will discuss the inevitable phenomena which are about to occur very soon.The inevitable Phenomena is called a recession or global financial crisesThis upcoming recession is not just a recession is going to be the biggest recession that the whole of humanity has ever seen.Why do I call this the opportunity of the DecadeYou are about to witness an opportunity which you havent seen in years and you are not going to see this until 2030.Yes, this is why it is the opportunity of the decade."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Trade Cryptocurrency with Cryptohopper, 3Commas, TradingView" |
"Hello traders! My name is Thomais, and in this course, I will show you how to use automated trading bots like Cryptohopper, 3Commas and TradingView signals to buy and sell cryptocurrencies 24/7, and make money while you are sleeping! I will cover general settings and user guides all these robots, and also include some of my own experience and insights of crypto algo trading. Come and join us, start using trading robots to take advantage of the unlimited trading hours of the cryptocurrency market!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
vorontsova-lashes |
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Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SQL et Data Visualization - Le Cours Complet" |
"Dans cette formation, tu vas apprendre crire et excuter des requtes SQL sur ta propre base de donnes.En commenant par du SQL basique, nous allons apprendre utiliser PostgreSQL pour faire des analyses de donnes, des graphs, des rapports et des tableaux avancs. qui s'adresse ce cours SQL et Data VizToi qui es dpendant(e) des Business Analysts pour crer des ReportingsToi qui es limit(e) Excel ou Spreadsheet pour tes analyses de donnesToi qui aimerais faire des analyses pousses et en mettre plein la vue ton patron ou ton clientToi qui as toujours dit ""il faut que j'apprenne le SQL !""Toi qui trouves que tes analyses business manquent de peps et de graphiquesPourquoi apprendre SQL ?Que tu sois Marketer, Product Marketer, Dveloppeur, Sales ou Manager, SQL est l'une des comptences les plus demandes sur le march du travail. Cette comptence hors du commun fait passer ton CV dans un autre monde, celui de l'autonomie et de la rigueur dans tes reportings. Pour apprendre le SQL et la Data Viz, pas besoin d'avoir un plan de carrire ""Business Analyst"". Cette comptence te servira dans tous les domaines, tout comme t'ont servi des outils comme Excel ou Google Spreadsheet. La seule diffrence ? SQL est bien plus avanc que ces derniers !Deviens un expert de la visualisation de donnesTu apprendras devenir un(e) Business Analyst et produire des rapports aussi visuels qu'efficaces. En quelques clics, cre ta propre base de donnes PostgreSQL et connecte les meilleurs outils pour rendre tes analyses dynamiques, attrayantes et ordonnes. Tu pourras alors crer tes propres diagrammes, histogrammes, courbes et mappemondes dans des situations business prcises.Apprends SQL de A ZSQL n'aura aucun secret pour toi. Nous aborderons bien entendu les basiques. Puis, tu deviendras mme un expert en montant en puissance au fil des vidos. CASE WHEN 'devenir meilleur en analyse' THEN 'je suis ce cours' ELSE 'je continue de chercher'END AS expert_sql_et_data_vizLes outils que vous allez maitriser- Metabase, l'outil de data visualization parfait pour faire vos analyses- Heroku, pour hberger votre base de donnes- PGAdmin, pour crer votre base de donnesEn quoi ce cours est diffrent des autres ?1- Tu vas appliquer du SQL dans des cas business rels que tu pourras rutiliser2- Tu vas travailler sur ta propre base de donnes3- Tu vas crer tes propres graphiques en quelques minutes4- Tu vas avancer pas pas dans le language SQL5- Je rponds toutes tes questions en quelques minutesEnfin, je tenais te dire que je ne viens pas du monde de la Data. Je suis un Marketing Manager qui en a eu marre de faire ses reportings sur Excel et qui a voulu passer au niveau suprieur en apprenant SQL ! Alors, si je l'ai fait, tu peux le faire.Alors, rejoins moi dans le cours ""SQL & Data Visualization : le guide complet !"", et n'hsite pas laisser une note si tu aimes ce cours Raffi"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pass 220-1001 - CompTIA A+ Certification Exam: Core 1 Easy!" |
"A+ is a two part course that is sometimes combined and into a single offering at a centers discretion. These two courses are A+ Essentials and A+ Practical. The combined offering is the A+ Certification. Regardless of the course offering, both parts have associated exams that need to be passed in order to obtain the certification. The A+ Exam codes for Essentials and Practical are 220-1001 and 220-1002, respectively. Students taking this course should have the following skills: end-user skills with Windows- based personal computers, including the ability to: browse and search for information on the Internet; start up, shut down, and log on to a computer and network; run programs; and move, copy, delete, and rename files in Windows Explorer. Students should also have basic knowledge of computing concepts, including the difference between hardware and software; the functions of software components, such as the operating system, applications, and file systems; and the function of a computer network."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to play the Dhol: Beginners to advanced students" |
"There is no other course like this!6 hours of high quality, Industry standard lessons using high quality cameras and studio microphones to bring you the most learner friendly Dhol masterclass money can buy!The structure is simple and clear - that's what you want when learning something new.SECTION 1: 1. Learn how to hold the sticks 2. Learn how to play the notesSECTION 2: The fun begins! Now you can progress onto the dhol lessons!This Dhol masterclass will take you from a complete beginner right through to an advanced level student. All you have to do is simply follow the red dot on each lesson and you'll see quick results! The red dot FORCES you to play the correct rhythm. Try it for yourself and see! Begin the course by watching the welcome video to get an idea of what you'll learn. Then watch the HOW TO PLAY THE NOTES section including HOW TO HOLD THE STICKS. And then you progress onto the actual Dhol lessons where the real fun begins!Once you have mastered the lessons all you have to do is select your favourite ones and play them in succession to create a solo performance presentation.I've taught thousands of pupils over 20 years so I'm aware of ALL the learning obstacles and this masterclass breaks them down. You will see results I promise!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Gestiona tu negocio como autnomo eficazmente." |
"La falta de planificacin. En no hacer bien los presupuestos, facturas o la gestin en general, hacen que los negocios no funcionen.Las tareas administrativas y obligaciones con la administracin, si no conocemos como realizarlas bien, nos pueden llevar al mal funcionamiento y en el peor de los casos a multas y sanciones.El saber cmo funciona un negocio, la correcta elaboracin de contratos, un buen sistema de cobros puede ser la diferencia entre sobrevivir y obtener el xito, o morir en el intento.En este curso aprenders a realizar las gestiones previas a la puesta en marcha con la administracin. Darte de alta como autnomo y en Hacienda.Realizars tarifas de precios, presupuestos, facturas, hojas de control.Llevars tus libros contables de forma adecuada, contabilizaras distintos tipos de gastos. Aprenders a realizar las declaraciones trimestrales y anuales de impuestos, incluida la parte que corresponde a tu declaracin de la Renta.Tambin tendrs conocimientos sobre bases de cotizacin, calculo de prestaciones por bajas...""Llevars tu negocio y el negocio no te llevar a ti"""
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Zayflamak iin biraz vaktiniz var m ?" |
"Bu eitim ile beslenme hakknda bilmeniz gereken tm bilgileri renmi olacaksnz. Edineceiniz bilgiler dorultusunda salkl bir ekilde kilo vermeyi reneceksiniz.lgi ekici sistemler ile zayflama srecini elenceli hale getireceksinizKandrmaca yok ! Gelip geici hevesler yok ! Bu eitim de yalnzca inanlmaz sonular var ! Bu eitim size daha mutlu ve zayf olacanz bir yaamn anahtarn sunuyor."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD 2D de inicio a fin. (01 de 03)" |
"QU INCLUYE O QUE CONTIENE EL VDEO CURSO?R: Son una seria de Vdeos los cuales como viene en el PDF del Temario y Contenido de videoTutoriales de AutoCAD 2014, podrs aprender a tu ritmo y sin ninguna preocupacin de traslado o demora AutoCAD en su versin 2014.QU PODRE APRENDER O ADQUIRIR EN ESTE CURSO?R: podrs aprender desde como trazar una lnea, hasta personalizar tus propios Hatchs y cotas personalizadas, es un curso desde bsico uno, hasta llegar a ser un profesional avanzado.QU DIFERENCIA ESTE CURSO A LOS OTROS, COMO POR ASISTENCIA, VDEO CURSOS, LIBROS EN FIN?R: en este curso no te preocuparas por el tiempo obligatorio que tienes que cubrir para llegar de un punto a otro, estars en tu oficina, despacho taller, o casa y podrs verlos a la hora que quieras y el tiempo que t quieras, por ser vdeos los podrs ver las veces que t quieras, y no tendrs la necesidad de apuntar ya que lo puedes ver en archivos ya realizados y en vdeo Los libros son tericos y no puedes ver al detalle paso por paso de lo que se llev a cabo y en ocasiones no entiendes con solo letras, necesitas que te lo demuestren. Por eso es mejor un videotutorial.Con este curso me aseguras que al finalizarlo podr decir en mi entorno, ""domino autocad 2014 de forma profesional y avanzada""?5.- R: Si, como puedes ver en el temario no abarco lo que corresponde el trabajo en 3D, ya que lo tomare en otro vdeo curso que sera de avanzado a experto, tomando parte de enseanzas avanzadas y llevndolo a un nivel ms complejo al igual que el modelado en 3D, estos curso ya se esta preparando y a no ms de 2 o 3 meses saldr, este curso sera ms econmico con los que adquieran este primer curso. (por eso mismo el beneficio del usuario y contrasea del paso 5 ms adelante )CUNTO TIEMPO EN VDEOS TIENE ESTE CURSO?R: tiene una duracin de 8 horas y 23 minutos, los cuales dependiendo de tu intensidad de la cual desees aprender podrs volverte un experto en 2 das, claro est tomando en cuenta las horas con que practiques, siendo de forma regular podrs volverte un verdadero experto en un tiempo considerable de no ms de 6 das. Lo cual tomando una o dos horas diarias de vdeo y practicando sobre al paso de los vdeos estas asegurando que no abra problema en tu futuro con AutoCAD en su versin ms actual 2014.Enseas a confeccionar una plantilla al completo?R: Si, plantillas de todo tipo de una paleta, del entorno de AutoCAD, de multilineas, de herramientas, de cotas, de bloques, etc.Las prcticas o ejercicios del curso estn basadas en un proyecto o en ejercicios prcticos?R: Si estn basadas en en ejercicios prcticos pero no en uno en comn, por y para la libertad de que se apliquen como herramienta, de esta manera me pareci que podemos experimentar y no ubicarnos en un solo termino de un ejercicio, hay herramientas que se pueden utilizar para varias funciones y elementos y as mezclar las y no como te dictara un solo ejercicios o ejemplo generalizando.HA QU EDAD EST DIRIGIDO ESTE VDEO CURSO?R: la edad no importa! Este vdeo curso est dirigido para profesionales que quieren actualizarse y ver que nuevas herramientas tiene AutoCAD de 30, 40 o 50 aos, hasta estudiantes de Ingeniera, Diseo, Arquitectura, etc. De 15, 16, 20, aos etc. Es para cualquier edad que le interese el diseo.Facebook : I.D.E.A.8688YouTube : IDEA8688Instagram: @herve8688Arq. Leonardo Herve Noyola Hernndez."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Le basi operative del GDPR" |
"L'idea del corso nasce dopo la relazione tenuta a WordPress Camp a Milano il 21 novembre 2016, due anni prima dell'entrate in vigore del GDPR. La relazione sintetica e' su WordPress Tv: ""riforma della privacy e consigli operativi per sviluppare siti"".Il corso e' contestuale all'entrata in vigore GDPR, dopo aver ascoltato le diverse interpretazioni dei professori universitari e dei Garanti.A tutt'oggi le basi sono apprezzatissime dagli acquirenti perche' non sono nozioni piovute dall'alto, ma spiegazioni di come lavorare quotidianamente.La sezione relativa all'informativa potrebbe oggi essere approfondita con ampia casistica, perche' sostanzialmente sono state aggiunte spiegazioni sulla necessit di elencare tutti i cookies, almeno per finalit del trattamento, e durata dei trattamenti, gi ben spiegate, ma si potrebbe porre maggiore attenzione su di esse e su come per ogni trattamento sia necessario un diverso consenso tracciabile.Il corso fornisce le nozioni utili a chi lavora ogni giorno, senza essere un esperto, e vuole conoscere gli adempimenti passo dopo passo.La DPIA una attivit assai complessa, ma ho ritenuto di sintetizzarla e includerla per sapere di cosa si tratta e perch, di fatto, sia sempre opportuna anche quando non obbligatoria. Il software della CNIL (il Garante Francesce) e' utilissimo, anche se agli esperti richiede almeno 40 minuti di lavoro, dopo avere gia' tutto il materiale pronto. Pu essere realizzata anche molto pi semplicemente seguendo la checklist del Garante inglese (ICO). Chi fosse interessato mi scriva per pubblicare anche questo approfondimento, se di interesse.Resto a disposizione per ogni approfondimento.Le basi operative del GDPR il corso in italiano su privacy e data protection dopo il regolamento del 2018.Credits cover: Sergey Ishkov by 123rf - ID Immagine : 130218870 licensed to Spataro - IusOnDemand srl"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
sapr_grafis |
"28 - . , . . -. . :- , - 24/7"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |