Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Google Ad words Search Advertising Advanced Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Google recommends ad creator contain a strong call to action phrases in their ads. Which of the following is the weakest invitation phrase?a) call todayb) Click herec) buyd) buye) NoneQ) You have created a report for you and your client, if a set of performance factors. You will receive an email that asks you to download the report from the Report Center. In the report, as it turns out, it is too large for the Google e-mail. What is the maximum size of e-mail reports sent to Google?a) 25MBb) 2MBc) 50MBd) 66MB]e) NoneQ) If you open a Google Ad Words account and want to see an immediate understanding of the performance of your account, no matter where you look?a) by ~~ POS = TRUNC Statistical ~~ POS = HEAD COMPb) reportsc) CTRd) Google Analyticsd) NoneQ) How many times a day, you can change your daily budget on Google AdWords campaign?a) Tenb) thirtyc) So many times you want.d) Onee) None"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Effective Website Planning Made Simple" |
"Do you want a website that will work hard to grow your business and make people take action? This course teaches you everything you need to know to plan and create a professional website that will get you more traffic and conversions than ever before. In this course, I will teach you to use the same techniques used by the most successful online businesses out there. If you implement the strategies you see in this course, your website will help your business organization or brand grow regardless of what you do or offer!If the aim of your website is to get more engagement as a charity, this will help you do it. If you have an online shop, and you want to grow your sales, this will help you achieve that. If you are a business and want more customers, this will help you get them.The planning steps and strategy you will learn are based on over a decade of experience and real results. My business partner Isabelle and I have extensive design and marketing expertise, having created hundreds of sites for clients.We also have created resources that have generated millions of pounds in revenue by selling them via our websites. This success is all based on the strategies that you will learn in this course.I look forward to teaching you everything we know about how to make truly effective sites.This course will cover:Laying the groundwork for successPlanning a budget that works for youDesign that engages visitorsBest practice to ensure successTips and tricks to rank better in search enginesHosting & security to protect your siteFinding and attracting the right audienceContent strategy that drives traffic and conversionLearning from competitors for a competitive edgeFutureproofing your websiteSo, are you ready to get started? Lets make your site the best it can be!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Processamento de Linguagem Natural com BERT e Python" |
"A rea de Processamento de Linguagem Natural - PLN (Natural Language Processing - NLP) uma subrea da Inteligncia Artificial que tem como objetivo tornar os computadores capazes de entender a linguagem humana, tanto escrita quanto falada. Alguns exemplo de aplicaes prticas so: tradutores entre idiomas, traduo de texto para fala ou fala para texto, chatbots, sistemas automticos de perguntas e respostas, sumarizao de textos, gerao automtica de descries para imagens, adio de legendas em vdeos, classificao de sentimentos em frases, dentre vrias outras! Dentro do contexto de Processamento de Linguagem Natural, a arquitetura BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) tem ganhado muita ateno dos desenvolvedores e atualmente considerada como o modelo de Machine Learning mais eficiente nessa rea! Muitos pesquisadores a consideram como um marco na rea de PLN, mudando um pouco o paradigma de como as aplicaes so implementadas. Atualmente, o setor de Inteligncia Artificial est cada vez mais necessitando de solues de Processamento de Linguagem Natural, ou seja, aprender essa rea juntamente com a arquitetura BERT pode ser a chave para trazer solues reais para necessidades presentes e futuras. Baseado nisso, este curso foi projetado para quem deseja crescer ou iniciar uma nova carreira na rea de Processamento de Linguagem Natural, obtendo uma slida experincia nessa rea utilizando modernas tcnicas de Deep Learning e Redes Neurais Artificiais!Aproveitaremos a enorme quantidade de dados de texto disponveis on-line (duas bases de dados reais) e exploraremos duas das principais tcnicas de PLN, o que lhe dar o poder necessrio para enfrentar com xito qualquer desafio do mundo real! Alm de aprender a teoria, voc tambm desenvolver trs estudos de caso:Criao de um classificador de sentimentos utilizando dados do Twitter e a integrao de um tokenizador BERT com Redes Neurais ConvolucionaisO segundo estudo de caso semelhante ao primeiro, porm, utilizaremos a camada de embedding do BERT para integrao com uma Rede Neural Convolucional para classificar sentimentosCriao de um sistema de perguntas e respostas (Q&A - Questions and Answers) utilizando o BERT! A ideia fazer uma pergunta sobre um determinado texto e o algoritmo vai indicar onde est a resposta para a nossa pergunta, muito similar com o que ocorre nos fruns de pesquisaUtilizaremos tecnologias modernas, como a linguagem Python, o TensorFlow 2.0 e o Google Colab, garantindo que voc no tenha problemas com instalaes ou configuraes de softwares na sua mquina local."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Body Trick" |
"Body Trick"
Price: 5400.00 ![]() |
Excel |
", - - Excel, "" "", , , , , "" "" Excel"
Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Google Drive: de PRINCIPIANTE a EXPERTO (Express 2020)" |
"En este curso te muestro como convertirte en un EXPERTO en Google Drive muy fcilmente y de manera muy rpida. Aprenders a moverte por las sendas del internet como Indiana Jones.Al principio te mostrare como crear tu cuenta de Google de una manera muy sencilla, luego te enseo a configurar Gmail y te har un tour por todas las aplicaciones ms importantes que tiene Google.Tambin hay un truco que te muestro en un video de como tener espacio ilimitado en Google Fotos.No dudes en realizarme cualquier pregunta, estar encantado de responderte y en ayudarte en tus dudas.Disfruta del curso y un abrazo! <3"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"S71200 PLC Modbus TCP Communication & Webserver Application" |
"CODE: DISCOUNT9Hi dear Friend!Looking to improve your career in Industrial Automation and S71200 PLC Modbus TCP Communication & Webserver Application programming , What Do you think ?If your answer is YES, then you're definitely in the right place.Let's start learning,Do not forget to look at my other trainings after this training,I provide S71500, S71200, S7300 PLC, HMI & WinCC SCADA Trainings, AC and Servo drives.I am waiting for all your questions and opinions"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Visual Storytelling, Sketchnoting for Business Communication" |
"Are You A Manager, Trainer or Entrepreneur and wish to make your business communication more effective and engaging ?Then my Visual Storytelling Online Course will help you achieve this dream. You will acquire Business Drawing Skills which you will be able to use in your office presentations, online knowledge transfer sessions, Training and Facilitation, Process Visualization, Flip Chart Presentations, visual Storytelling and Visual Co-Creation Sessions.Course Content 1. Introduction of the Author2. Scope of this course + What, Why, How of Visual Thinking3. Elements of Visual Storytelling4. Element 1: Pens and Markers5. Element 2: Drawing Objects and Icons6. Element 3: Drawing People , Postures, Professions and Group of people7. Element 4: Drawing Processes8. Element 5: Thinking in Metaphors9. Element 6: Drawing Speech10. Element 7: Drawing Text11. Element 8: Using colors12. Element 9: Drawing headers and using effects13. ELement 10: Visual Hierarchy14. Revision of What, Why, How and 10 elements of storyboarding15. Introduction to Visual Storyboarding16. Storyboarding formula GDTCM17. Lesson 1: Goal of Storyboard18. Lesson 2: Domain of Storyboard19. Lesson 3: Type of Storyboard20. Lesson 4: Components in storyboard21. Lesson 5: Metaphors in your storyboard22. Understanding GDTCM with two examples23. Final ExerciseAre you always worried about your presentation being BORING & FULL OF TEXTS ?You FEAR that your message is NOT COMING ACROSS CLEARLY ?Do you see people YAWNING in your presentations?Then This Online Course is CERTAINLY for you !Visual Storytelling is the new way of BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONAs consciousness of Visual Thinking is growing more and more in the modern day Corporate World and in Learning/Development Industry, it is Vital Than Never Before to acquire Visual Thinking skills in your repertoire to stand out as an Effective Manager and a Better Trainer. Even Modern Universities are realizing that Visual Note Taking is more effective than Linear Text Based Note Taking in Cognitive Learning.With my workshops, I am trying to Empower Managers, Trainers/Coaches, Entrepreneurs and Professors to Use Visuals At Work !Come, explore the Power of Visuals with me ?Not only this, hand drawings communicate emotions behind what you want to convey and you do not come across as too technical or geeky.This course is for all the professionals who wants to communicate with their Clients, Team members and Stake holders Effectively.It is best suited forWorking Professionals Entrepreneurs Trainers and FacilitatorsWhat To Expect In This CourseVisual Vocabulary building + Storyboarding techniquesHands-on practice on the 10 elements of Business Drawing :Pens and Markers, Drawing Objects/ Icons, Drawing People, Drawing Processes, Using Metaphors, Speech Bubbles, Texts on big sheets, Coloring, Effects, Hierarchy in Visual Storyboard.Putting your thoughts on drawing sheet is not easy. You need to know the templates, direction of information flow, types of storyboards and more. A specially designed methodology of storyboard drafting called GDTCM will help you here. All this including Basic level.About InstructorPiyuesh Modi lives in The Netherlands has trained more than 450 participants trained in Visual Thinking and given 2500+ man hours of Knowledge transfer to participants from 14+ countries including The Netherlands France India USA Belgium Sweden Hungary Germany China Ukraine Albania Bosnia Austria Italy. He conducts Live Workshops in Corporate and individual Masterclasses. He also conducts Virtual Live Trainings (specially during Covid 19 scenario) He can be contacted at Instagram: @CuriousPiyueshTwitter: @CuriousPiyueshFacebook: CuriousPiyuesh"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Como criar uma Loja virtual pela Shopify" |
"Seja muito Bem Vindo a este curso!Neste treinamento voc vai aprender tudo o que voc precisa saber para que consiga criar a sua Loja Virtual atravs do Shopify.Este curso interessante para pessoas que buscam criar uma Loja Virtual, porm esto perdidas no meio do processo, seja por como comear, qual plataforma escolher, ou at mesmo por estar completamente perdida.Voc aprender como criar uma Loja Virtual atravs do Shopify de maneira prtica, didtica e direta ao ponto.Espero que apreciem o contedo e que botem ele em prtica!Um Grande abrao!"
Price: 369.99 ![]() |
"Como Minerar Produtos (Dropshipping)" |
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a encontrar produtos campees para a sua loja de Dropshipping. Irei lhe ensinar como escolher um produto que faz vendas todos os dias.Voc vai aprender todas as tcnicas que me fazem escolher produtos que faturam mais de 6 dgitos todos os meses.Minerar produtos o principal pilar de toda sua operao de Dropshipping. Se voc descobrir o segredo por trs dessa estratgia, as chances de voc faturar muito com esta logstica de negcio que o Dropshipping MUITO alta."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como criar uma Landing Page de Alta Converso" |
"Seja muito bem vindo ao curso ""Como criar uma Landing Page de Alta Converso"".Esse treinamento foi desenvolvido para voc que possui um e-commerce, ou trabalha com qualquer tipo de negcio digital e necessita aumentar as converses de seu site, isso , aumentar o nmero de vendas X nmero de acessos em seu site. Com o meu treinamento, voc aprender a criar um pgina de alta converso que far o seu cliente comprar com 10x mais facilidade do que com uma pgina comum de vendas, e o melhor de tudo, voc vai conseguir criar essa pgina sem precisar ter conhecimento algum sobre programao, design ou photoshop."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Secret of XiuLimTao" |
"La XiuLimTao la prima forma del WingChun. la forma madre del WingChun PanNam in quanto i concetti da lei trasmessi al praticante rimarranno sempre validi, sia nelle altre due forma che costituiscono il sistema PanNam e sia per tutto ci che riguarda salute e difesa personale.Di forme ne esistono tre: una per il potenziamento e scioglimento degli arti superiori (10 movimenti)un altra dove si aggiunge la mobilit delle gambe (ha 4 sezioni)lultima forma inserisce anche il movimento di busto e schiena (8 movimenti)Dopo le 3 forme il praticante avr pieno dominio del proprio corpo sia per la difesa che per il benessere.In questo corso andremo ad allenare e comprendere ogni minimo gesto, per capirne sia lo scopo terapeutico che quello marziale. La XiuLimTao del sistema PanNam del maestro De Santis non solamente la base fondamentale ed efficacissima per la risposta marziale del KungFu cinese ma anche un ottimo strumento per lo scioglimento dei legamenti e lapertura dei meridiani e quindi favorisce una buona circolazione donando armonia e benessere.imparerai le 10 sezioni del WingChun PanNam con relative Applicazionicolpo di ditacolpo di taglicolpo di pugnocolpo di palmoe tutte le parate nelle diverse altezze e angolature che permettono al praticante di proteggersi da un aggressione o in combattimento."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"The Secret of ChumKiu" |
"Alcuni pensano che la seconda forma ChumKiu a differenza della prima forma XiuLimTao sia piena di strategia marziale ma si sbagliano. Anche la XiuLimTao molto strategica e marziale e la differenza con la ChumKiu sta nel fatto che quest ultima, ha la capacit di far comprendere al praticamente la consapevolezza dello spazio e della gravit, in modo da creare sempre di pi delle spirali energetiche che da terra salgono e permettono di esprimere i Fali esplosivi."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"The Secret of BiuJee" |
"Per creare un Unit consapevole, bisogna prima spezzare. La prima forma XiuLimTao serve per entrare nel sistema motorio del WingChun PanNam e pur sembrando semplice in realt il pi grande gioiella che larte del WingChun possa offrirti. La seconda forma ChumKiu unisce le capacit degli arti superiori della XiuLimTao agli arti inferiori cos da permettere una maggiore connessione con la terra, in grado non solo di generare pi energia ma anche di prendere consapevolezza con lo spazio e quindi, muoversi in struttura. La terza forma BiuJee aggiunge la spina dorsale e gli allungamenti, creando un corpo da animali, elastico ed esplosivo, capace di qualsiasi tipo di adattamento marziale e sempre in salute."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
Wordpress |
"WordpressWEBWEBITSEOOKBluehostOceanWP + Elementor WEBWEBWordpressBluehostBluehostWEB"
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"! Notion" |
" , , , , , . Dashboard, . , . , , , , , ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basic Manufacturing Methods for Entrepreneurs" |
"Do you have an idea and want to turn it into a Physical product?Whether you are a technical person or from the non-technical field, Basic Manufacturing methods course will provide you guidance about different manufacturing methods which you can use to transform your idea into a working physical productThis course will provide you knowledge fundamental manufacturing methods used to develop a product. It totally depends on the product whether it will require one manufacturing process or combination of different processes. I will include my real-life example in some of the Manufacturing processes which I was part of!We will start with Basic Manufacturing methods, Prototyping with Material selection to all the way to Mass production of parts using various video so you can see the actual process taking placeI will be using simple language throughout this course for better understanding.So some of the contents we will cover:Conventional manufacturing methods3D printing Basic material guideline for prototypingPrototyping methodsCasting/MoldingMachiningFormingThis course has a 30-day money-back guarantee!! So if you are not satisfied with it you will get your money back. So what are you waiting for! ENROLL Today!!!!!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Practice Exams 2020" |
"This course consists of: Two Practice Tests (65 questions each with an exact AWS MLS-C01 domains' breakdown): Udemy multiple-choice/multi-select format.Answer Key: why this, not that + clickable links to supporting materials (docs, blogs, wikis, and videos).Free online resources: books, videos, blogs, podcasts.Please note that provided two practice tests are mock exams, not brain dumps. The tests are designed to replicate the style, topics, and complexity (or simplicity ;8-) of the real-world AWS certification exams. The number of questions for each Domain Topic is chosen to match current AWS exam guidelines (2020 AWS MLS-C01). The sentence length and structure of questions are adjusted to match examples from the AWS Sample Exam Questions document.The multiple-choice questions are written with plausible distractors, using memory + application method that tests students' knowledge of principles and facts in real-life situations.The question subjects (eg. A Machine Learning Specialist, etc) and the question conditions (eg. ""to address this concern"", ""choose the BEST/most EFFICIENT way to"", ""to improve/minimize"" etc) also follow the AWS Sample Exam Format. Candidates preparing for the exam will expend about the same time and apply about the same mental effort understanding the question as they would in the real test center environment.In the end, I have also tried to make the presentation interesting, in some cases even fun, to maximize the probability you will retain the knowledge ;8-) In a few places, I have been adding graphics/figures to illustrate the question, hoping that might improve your understanding of the subject matter.P.S. I recommend you first take the AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam. There are two advantages: (i) you get familiarized with the AWS Exams format and physical exam center environment, and (ii) you can get rolling 50% off discounts on all future exams! Also, if you are not a native English speaker, you can apply online for a 30-minute extension (""ESL+30 minutes"") to the exam time from your CertMetrics account.P.S.S. A final comment about the validity of the answers: each practice exam question is followed by an answer, explanation of the answer, and explanation of why other multiple choices are wrong. The clickable link(s) (between two and four) to the free online resources are provided (AWS documentation, other documentation, pdf articles, blogs, and videos). Some questions on a real AWS Certification Exam are poorly worded. (Sorry -- that is not my fault.) Sometimes two multiple-choice options appear to be an almost equally acceptable answer. You should not get too worked up over that: if you use these practice exams as one of the building blocks of your studies, you should be able to demonstrate your broad ML knowledge in a job interview and you should be able to pass the AWS Machine Learning Specialty Exam (75% passing score required)."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
ngmjtaml |
". , . , . :"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Synology NAS: Erstelle einfach DEINE private Cloud!" |
"Dein Synology NAS (Network Attached Storage) ist weit mehr als ein ""Datengrab""!!Jeder kennt und nutzt die bekannten Cloud Anbieter wie Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive oder Apple iCloud. Habt Ihr euch jedoch schon gefragt, wo eure Daten gespeichert werden und wie sicher diese dort sind? Oder ist euch bewusst, dass Ihr aufgrund der akzeptierten Nutzerbedingungen bei den Anbietern die Weiternutzung EURER Daten erlaubt habt?Lernt in diesem Kurs, wie ihr EURE eigene Cloud mit einem Synology NAS einrichtet und diese von berall nutzt. bernehmt selbst die 100%ige Kontrolle ber eure Daten! Macht euer NAS fit fr eure eigene Cloud und das mit der aktuell bestmglichen Sicherheit fr eure Daten.Der Kurs richtet sich primr an private Anwender, wobei die meisten Konfigurationen auch fr Business Anwender gltig sind.PS: Es wird der Disk-Station-Manager (DSM) in der Version 6.2.2 verwendet!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations Practice 1Z0-1085-20" |
"100 % Pass Guarantee Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2020 Exam Simulation is designed for all candidates, including on-premise DBAs, Cloud data management professionals, and consultants. who want to validate their knowledge and skills to pass the 1Z0-1085-20 Exam.Exam Topics:Understanding of basic cloud concepts and its principles of economicsDescribe the key features and components of OCIDescribe Core Solutions on OCIDiscuss core OCI servicesDiscuss Cloud Native servicesExplain the OCI Security modelDescribe the OCI compliance structureExplain the OCI Pricing modelExplain the OCI operational and support model"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Inglese: grammatica intermedia" |
"Quante volte avete studiato la grammatica? Quante volte avete iniziato un corso e vi siete arenati nelle fasi intermedie senza riuscire a raggiungere un miglioramento significativo? Con questo corso mi rivolgo allo studente intermedio di inglese, che si arenato ed ha voglia di usare la grammatica per togliersi i dubbi pi frequenti ed acquisire pi dimestichezza con le strutture pi comuni."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Managing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)" |
"If you are middle-aged and/or a smoker, you may be more vulnerable to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Living with COPD is not easy. A patient suffering from COPD has difficulty in breathing. As the disease progresses, the symptoms of this disease get worse, too, limiting the patient's activity. Unfortunately, many people don't even realize they have it until it gets too late. Through this course, we will help you understand COPD, its impact on your health, what you and your family members need to know about it, and how you can live a better life despite being diagnosed with COPD.How Will This Course Improve Your Life with COPD?Understand The Illness to Make Better Choices That Work For Your LifeUnderstanding COPD is the first step towards managing it. This course will help you understand what COPD is, how it impacts your health, and what you can do to live a happy and fulfilling life with it.Learn Symptoms & Diagnosis to Keep Yourself Aware & Ahead of the IllnessDid you know that symptoms of COPD are often ignored by the patient, and those surrounding the patient due to a general lack of awareness? Early detection of COPD is critical to promote smoking cessation and stopping the disease progression through healthy lifestyle changes. In this course, you will learn all about the symptoms associated with COPD that will help in its early diagnosis.Common Misconceptions: Facts Remove Fear, Stop Worrying About Things That May Not Be TrueIt's crucial for both you and your family to see COPD for what it is and not what misconceptions have made it out to be. One of the most significant burdens we place on ourselves is the fear of what COPD would mean for our life. Often, we burden ourselves with fears that may not even be true, so learning the facts over myths gives you a great start to make better decisions.Treatment Options: Give Yourself The Best OptionAs a patient of COPD, you need to know how you can keep your breathing in check. Through this course, you will learn both conventional and alternative treatment options, which can help you do that. The treatment options are not meant to replace your health care practitioners' advice, but to complement it. When you learn about different options, you can have more productive conversations with your doctors.Avoiding Complications: Keep the Vision of Your Life on TrackWithout proper care, COPD can result in short-term and long-term complications, which can put your or your loved one's life in danger. Through this course, you will learn about these complications and how to avoid them. Your life plans shouldn't be derailed, and you have the power to keep yourself on track.Lifestyle Changes: Your Daily Habits Impact Your HealthFor patients of COPD, making the right lifestyle choices is just as important as taking their medications. In this course, we will talk about how smoking cessation, breathing therapies, exercise and diet help you in keeping your breathing in check. Every decision you make, big or small, is either feeding your illness or fighting it, let's fight it together.Carrying Out Daily Chores With COPDBy smartly organizing yourself, performing daily chores with COPD will not be as troublesome as it was once considered to be. This course will teach you how to discipline and organize your life in a way to carry out basic tasks while staying safe.Managing StressStress aggravates breathing rates. We know that living with COPD can be quite challenging and stressful. That's why we have an entire section that will help you keep negative thoughts in check and foster happiness in your life.COPD & WorkplaceWork and COPD don't always mix well, and that is why it's important to know how to be productive despite having COPD. Through this course, you will also learn about your rights as an employee and how to protect them. This course will also empower employers by giving an excellent chance to understand laws and preventing lawsuits.Let's Get started & Create a Happier & Heather Path for You: Register Now."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Balknn Yrei 'Bir Kalitesi ve Motivasyon Semineri'" |
"Sabah gn domadan kalktnda Balk, tutkuyla yapt en gzel iin bu olduunu geirdi aklndan, yatan kenarnda kendine gelmeye alrken. Bu Balknn ei ve ikisi okula giden ocuu iin bir ekmek kaps, her eyden te tutkusuydu.Hazrl zenle, sabrla , her dmn her santimetresini emeiyle yapt oltalarn yanna alrken, byk bir umutla kt kendi elleriyle yapt ahap evinden. Bugn her zamankinden daha gzel geldi cierlerine ektii hava, daha bir iini ferahlatt. Elli alt yanda, cierlerinin rahatsz olmasna ramen kendini daha gen ve din hissediyordu...."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Build Real Software with Python, PyQt5 and QT Designer" |
"Are you thinking to master PyQt5 for Graphical User Interface Development ? Do you write some codes in Python and you wonder how you can convert everything to a nice interactive user interface that can be used by huge number of people ?I can grantee to you that you are taking the best decision in today World. After doing this course, you will meet your goal.I designed this course in a way to cover all the mandatory aspects of Python-PyQt development, starting from Downloading the working tools until the final deployment of our software to other users. The learning method i chooses is particular because we will work on a real case study ""nothing better than doing real things"" => we will create a software to respond to a customer demand (a Spare Parts Management Software for Manufacturing Company)What Students Already saying about this course:Tuhin : ""The instructor has prompt knowledge about all the topics he taught us""Gopal: ""Hands-on - Step by step explanation""Tanmay: ""Very Excellent work so far and made easy to understand""Anurag: ""Excellent faculty ... i just loved the way he taught us ... thanks sir for sharing your knowledge""Mridul: Great contents with real world app development insight with Python. Expecting more in near future""AND MORE.........Special Focus:What i grantee to you in this course also is that you will get instant feedback on all your questions (less than 24h feedback). This will allow you to learn even faster and get up and solve any issue that you may face during your projects and codes.Why Python & Why PyQt ?The Python language has a large number of advantages: it is an object oriented language, interpreted, dynamically typed and benefiting from memory management via a garbage collector.For all these reasons, Python is a very simple language to use. However, creating interface in Python using basic tools is somewhat tedious. This is why there are many Python modules allowing to realize graphical interfaces, PyQt is the best.Multi-platform available for Unix, Windows and Mac OS X; native look and feel the applications present the appearance of the operating systems on which they run by default, but it is possible to install another look and feel, even at runtime; it is implemented on the lower layers of graphics systems.PyQt is a module which allows you to link the Python language with the Qt library. It allows you to create graphical interfaces in Python. An extension of QtDesigner (graphical utility for creating Qt interfaces) makes it possible to manage the python code of graphical interfaces. PyQt has all the advantages of the famous Qt.What you will learn in this course:The Skill that you will learn is: Python Desktop Application Development with PyQtIntroduction to the course objectives and modulesInstall AnacondaInstall PyQt5Install SQLITE ManagerCreate parts.db database and fill it with dataCreate first Python script to connect and query the parts.dbIntroduce QT Designer and create GUICreate beautiful style for the GUICreate the full code to run the GUI and do the software functionalityHow to add and compile ressources like (photos...)How to make an final executable file and share it with friends."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
oblakospaceft |
". , . , . :- - - - ( 4- )- - - :- , - , - Photoshop - online"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Italienisch Anfngerkurs + Zahlen" |
"Du lernst in diesem Anfngerkurs fr italienisch die ersten Wrter sowie Kleine Grammatikalische Grundkenntnisse. Die ersten 10 Zahlen sowie Kleine Rechenbeispiele auf italienisch. Italienisch ist eine beliebte Sprache und definitiv vorteilhaft wenn man sie beherrscht. Sie klingt nicht nur toll sondern ist es auch vorallem wenn man beim Urlaub vor Ort mit Sprachgewandtheit berzeugen kann. Viel spass beim Kurs!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PhD Essentials: Transition to the Job You Want!" |
"** #Founder of highly ranked PhD website - PhD Source LLC #Recipient of $230,000 in grants #H-index of 7 #Published in Nature Communications #Certified in Business of Science #Entrepreneur, Biotech, Scientist, and Medical Communications #Expert in PhD Career Transitions #Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneur and Innovation** #Founder of PhD Source LLC, PhD consulting and services! ** Wealth of industry and PhD professional information **Many PhDs never think about their post-PhD plans. They get stuck and often times are without a job when they graduate.We are here to help you start turning your PhD into the job you deserve. This course will turn your PhD into the best precursor for the job you want. Don't know what job that is yet? We'll give you the tools, the career guides and references to get you to a top list of careers. The course helps you assess yourself and formulate a plan for your post PhD. In this course, you will learn everything you need to know about your PhD that your advisor can't help withfrom how to utilize your qualifier, candidacy, and thesis to your advantage, how to diagnose your PhD, navigate difficult environments, determine if your PhD is set up for academics or industry, all the way to differentiating your PhD. This course covers all of the important information and topics learned by multiple PhDs, postdocs, and industry professionals. This course combines expert advice + real life practical PhD and job transition experience that will help make you more successful!This course is taught by founder of ranked PhD website - PhD Source LLC, recipient of $230,000 in grants, H-index of 7, published in Nature Communications, certified in Business of Science, Entrepreneur, Biotech, Scientist, and Medical Communications, Expert in PhD Career Transitions, Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneur and Innovation. PhD Source LLC is located in the greater New York City area. He has founded 2 websites, 1 company, former COO of biotech startup, was a TL1 NIH Postdoc Fellow, received the Science Foundation of Ireland Travel Fellowship, received an NYU Venture Fellowship, and worked 1 year in Medical Communications. This course will focus on PhD concepts that you need to know that might not be common sense. This course makes the general PhD, differentiating your PhD, and PhD career transition very easy to understand! The professor of this course is also Marketing Associate at Innovation Forum of New York.The contents of this course are all based on work experiences from several grant submissions, 12 papers, 25 conferences, 1 PhD, 1 NIH funded Postdoc at NYU in their Clinical and Translational Science fellowship program, several courses at NYU in pharmaceutical drug development, 1 NYU Venture Fellowship, 1 year in medical communications, creating 2 website niches, creating 2 companies, pitching a biotech company for angel funding, operating the business development of a biotech startup, and transitioning to being an entrepreneurship and innovation professor, and loads more of experiences!Meet the Prof: Tom - I did my PhD at University of Notre Dame, a traveling research fellowship at National University of Ireland, Galway, and a NIH-funded postdoc at New York University. I worked in biotechnology consulting and pharmaceutical medical communications, then converting towards entrepreneurship and working in biotech business development while teaching senior engineers how to start companies. Connect with me on LinkedIn and reach out. My network is in New York City, and Im very involved in the PhD community in multiple cities. I volunteer as a writer for biomedical entrepreneurship landscape in New York City, while conducting marketing for the Innovation Forum of New York.The concepts of this course have been taught by me in many consulting sessions with PhDs from several universities, where the feedback has been positive. An Entire PhD and Career Transition in 1 Course: Professor and Entrepreneur Course is brought to you by PhD Source LLC. ---------------------------------------------------------------------The Data Tells the Story:****** 85% of PhDs do not receive adequate career support during their PhD****** 3 of every 4 PhDs visit the guidance counseling department at their university.******* 89% of PhDs want to become professors******* There were 55,000 PhD graduates in 2017 and only 3,000 tenure track professor open positions******* Even with all of this, 60% of PhDs do one or more postdocs----------------------------------------------------------------------------Students of this course will enjoy learning everything they need to know about their PhD, how to make it better, and get the most out of it for their following career.from doing a qualifier to exploring the career job market while learning the most important topics not taught during a PhD. Take your career to the next level!Who this course is for: Anyone interested in or undergoing a PhD (only practical concepts that you can use and no boring theory + we won't cover topics that are common sense). PhDs uncertain about their career PhDs needing to assess their PhD productivity"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Foundations of Customer Experience" |
"Customer Experience is the new battle ground of sales and retention. Small businesses need a leg up in this arena to keep their market share. This workshop is designed to give you the foundations needed to begin understanding CX easily!!!If you have customers, want customers OR work with people you need to get the foundation of CX under your belt. CX has replaced ""customer service"" and is a more comprehensive technique. Don't delay, get up to date with CX today!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Have the Courage to be Offensive, score and win.Sport Karate" |
"Sometimes we feel that being offensive is not in our comfort zone. Having a Yes I can mindset and decide to take actions we will give us so many positive results.Is that ever happened to you to loose a fight and not knowing what to do to attack to get points and score? This course will give you some great ideas.Learn to get in the right distance, fight against a opponent that likes to do timing attacks, get some interesting drills to help you to have a better focus.Read the article from the end about winning mindset."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"CyberSecurity - Basic Essential Skills - Practice Paper-2020" |
"Cyber Security - Basic Essential Skills - 2020Part -1 Practice Papers for Enriching Knowledge, Clearing Interviews and Examinations by Prithveesh K.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Basics of Cyber Security in Topic wise Practice Papers for Enriching Knowledge, Clearing Interviews and Examinations.What you will benefit after Practice Tests of ""Cyber Security - Basic Essential Skills - 2020"":Focus on Definition and Key terms and concepts in the field of Cyber Security.Identify and distinguish Cyber threats and protection.Able to Learn Concepts Topic wise and enrich your Knowledge in the field you are looking for.Explore the Cyber risk management.Understand the concept by answering basic questions.Topics Covered in Part - 1: Threats, Attacks, and Vulnerabilities:Social Engineering AttacksCryptography Basics and AttacksApplication or Service AttacksWireless Techniques and AttacksThreat Actor Types and Vulnerability Scanning ConceptsTypes of Vulnerabilities and Penetration Testing ConceptsWho this Course is for???One who is curious about Cyber Security and Information Security.One who is attempting an interview or security examinations/certifications like CompTIA Sec+ or CEH.One who wants to enrich knowledge in the field of Cyber Security.One who wants to and is pursuing the career in all the Security/Network related domains.Please note: Attempting these Practice tests does not ensure you pass the examinations or clear your interview, this course is mainly created to know your weak areas, so that you could enhance it. This Course is not sponsored by any Company nor any Certification body. This is purely built from the Knowledge and experience that the group of Authors' have."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |