Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"B2B Marketing & Business Growth Strategies" |
"Most courses give you an overview or a theoretical overdose of what entails in marketing. But, when you enter the field you realise it is a lot more challenging and you were not fully equipped.This course provides you with easy to implement concepts and practical examples which are sure to fire up your career. Introduction to B2B marketing Market research & understanding the customer and their needs Setting goals Marketing operations Aligning marketing with business Practical case- from strategy to execution"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine 4 - VFX for Games - Beginner to Intermediate" |
"This course is about the creation of VFX for Games with Niagara in Unreal Engine 4. You'll learn how to create Magic Spells, Fireballs, Special Skills and more effects for games. It will guide you from a Beginner standpoint to an Intermediate level in creating Visual Effects with Unreal Engine 4. It contains the theory, the practice and the techniques you need for your future Visual Effects career."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Car Design: How to Draw The Interior of a Car" |
"This course has been created to help one comprehend the process of sketching a car interior. The course has been specifically laid out so one can follow it with ease.If you've never sketched a car interior before don't worry. I will talk you through the process, taking it step by step so that you can sketch along without feeling left behind.The course hasn't been over complicated, we'll sketch a simple car interior to enable you to have fun and gain an understanding of how to draw a car interior."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Health, Safety & Environment Management" |
"This course is a beginner level course and will cover the basic aspects of HSE (i.e. Health Safety and Environment). This course is beneficial for those who are new to the field of HSE, want to know what HSE is, want to join and work in the field of HSE OR working already in organizations and want to increase their knowledge of HSE. At the end of the course, you will be able to define health safety & environment, know the reasons for adopting an HSE system, get information about the regulatory bodies and international certifications which defined the guidelines of HSE, some information on HSE in Pakistan and India (sub-continent) and finally clauses from Factories Act 1934 will be discussed."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Programacin de ESP32, Firebase, MQTT(IoT) y Android" |
"Al final del curso tendrs los conocimientos para utilizar el ESP32 y establecers comunicacin WiFi, esto con el objetivo de utilizar una base de datos en tiempo real de Firebase, comprenders el funcionamiento del protocolo MQTT muy utilizado en el internet de las cosas (IoT), tendrs una base solida para realizar proyectos que requieran comunicaron a travs de internet, adems al final del curso aprenders a programar una aplicacin para Android en la cual visualizaremos informacin enviada por el ESP32, te fascinara todo lo que aprenders aqu.Vive como si fueras a morir maana, aprende como si fueras a vivir siempre - Gandhi"
Price: 870.00 ![]() |
"Numerologia 2: La Mappa dei Talenti e Conflitti con Tarocchi" |
"Ciao e benvenuto al secondo Corso di Numerologia Esoterica Spirituale. Prima di raccontarti come strutturato il corso, mi sembra giusto avvisarti che non ti conviene acquistare questo corso senza aver fatto il primo livello. Se vuoi acquistare anche il primo, scrivimi cos ti dar il coupon per acquistarlo scontato al prezzo pi basso. Detto questo, passiamo al corso.In questo corso ti insegner a ""fare"" le Mappe alle persone partendo dalla sua data di nascita, attraverso una serie di calcoli, molto semplici da fare, riuscirai in pochissimo tempo a scoprire molto sull'altra persona. Con questa tecnica riuscirai a impressionare gli altri, lasciandoli a bocca aperta. Riuscirai a riconoscere quali sono i loro talenti e a capire quali i loro comportamenti quando le cose non vanno come dovrebbero. Questa abilit, col tempo, ti porter a conoscere profondamente gli altri, ad anticipare le loro mosse, perch saprai in anticipo quali sono i loro desideri, perfino i loro segreti e i vizi che non dicono a nessuno... Naturalmente potrai utilizzare questa abilit anche per conoscerti meglio, per migliorare i rapporti con gli altri e con le persone che ami. Potrai usarla anche nel lavoro, con il tuo Capo, i tuoi collaboratori o dipendenti. Puoi usare questa abilit per investire su te stessa, per puntare sulle cose che ti piacciono e lasciar perdere tutto quello che non ti piace e che non sopporti. Per questa disciplina io utilizzo i 22 Arcani Maggiori dei Tarocchi di Marsiglia. Puoi utilizzare anche altri mazzi, io user questi per spiegarti i loro talenti e conflitti collegati. Al termine del corso ho previsto di regalarti 3 consulenze sulle letture che farai. Sar il test che ti consentir di ricevere il mio attestato personale. Naturalmente hai sempre la possibilit di scaricare quello di Udemy.L'attestato lo rilascer al termine del corso e comunque non prima di 30 giorni dalla data di acquisto del corso. Potrai comunicare con me in qualsiasi momento. Potrai chiedermi tutto quello che ti servir per comprendere al meglio il corso, in qualsiasi momento della giornata, feriali e festivi compresi. Naturalmente ti risponder appena potr. Per qualsiasi cosa resto a tua disposizione.Buon corsoPiergiorgio Carlini"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"VCP-550 VMware Certified Professional vSphere Practice Exam" |
"237 UNIQUE practice questions for VCP-550 VMware Certified Professional vSphere Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : VCP-550 VMware Certified Professional vSphere Practice ExamTotal Questions : 237Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (177 of 237)"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Anime and Manga Course from SCRATCH to ADVANCE" |
"Welcome to The Ultimate Anime and Manga Course from SCRATCH to ADVANCE .. In this course, we will learn to draw anime from z to top .. in a simple way suitable for beginners ..We will start with the course by learning the basics of drawing the face and the head ... in all head forms, situations and multiple destinations, no matter how you are a beginner.Then we will move directly to the way of drawing eyes .. girls eyes or boys eyes .. with all the available shapes and the most famous ones.Then we will take an integrated lesson on drawing the nose in its many forms .. As for the mouth .. then we will have two complementary lessons about him and his various forms and movements .. whether they are normal or difficult shapes ..Then, we will take many lessons to draw the hair of girls or boys ... in many shapes and models, so that it avoids any other reference.As for the body ... we will start with the rule of drawing the body for all ages .. girls or boys .. After the rule we will together learn the method of drawing the body easily .. I name it personally .. the rule of the three lines .. to draw using any body movement no matter how difficult .. and quite easily ..As for the hands and feet ... they will also have their own base, which will make drawing hands and feet easy in a way we had never imagined its simplicity.The course will also include a full Chapter on the way to draw clothes and shoes ... and draw drapes on clothes .. and correct common mistakes in drawing clothes ...And at the end of the course, we will draw with it random full anime pictures ... girls or boys ... and men with distinctive features ... using the rules that we studied in the course itself ..The amount of passion and effort that I put in this course is huge... just to be in the best possible way for you ... and for the sake of your benefit in the greatest wayI hope you benefit from this course .. And please enjoy following it .. This was my first goal of its establishment .."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Programacin de Torno y Centro de Maquinado CNC" |
"El curso consta de una serie de clases donde no solo se ensea la parte de programacin, a su vez se destacan operaciones bsicas como envi de maquina a casa, ajustes de grficos, cambio de herramienta por MDI o manual, movimiento manual de los ejes de la maquina, manejo de pantallas para ceros de pieza y correcciones de herramientas. El curso en su pedagoga es muy sencilla primero trabajaremos con el Torno y luego con el Centro de maquinado, se usarn vdeos demostrativos donde se explican en detalle el cdigo ademas de un simulador para completar la informacin. La secuencia en que realiza un trabajo en CNC, sera la misma secuencia de aprendizaje, y llevan el siguiente orden :1.- Descripcin geomtrica y trayectoria de la pieza en cdigos geomtricos2.- Encabezado de programas, es la informacin mnima que debe tener cualquier programa para poder ejecutarse4.- Ciclos de desbaste y acabado en el torno5.- Encabezado de programa en el centro de maquinado6.- Ceros de piezas y off-set de herramientas en Centros de Maquinado7.- Ceros de trabajos 8.- Ciclos de Taladro y Roscado para centros de maquinado9.- Trabajo con Sub-programas"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Espanhol - Mtodo Extraordinrio" |
"Todas as vdeo-aulas tm facilidades para assistir e realizar os exerccios. Solicito que tenham em mos material escrevente para, no final, verificar o seu aprendizado.Este curso possui:a) Curso Bsico A1b) Curso Bsico A2c) Curso Intermedirio B1d) udios variados com textos em Ingls-PortugusEu tive grandes dificuldades no aprendizado do idioma. Mas observei que, para o ensino de idiomas, devemos fazer como criana e a imerso extremamente importante.Por isso que eu trabalho muito a capacidade auditiva. Para falar bem, voc precisa ouvir bem. E para escrever bem, voc precisa ler bem. Assim fiz o Curso neste formato.Eu desejo todo o SUCESSO nesta nova caminhada."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
prim-five-second-term |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of JavaScript! [May 2020 Edition]" |
"Anyone who want to learn web development then JavaScript is an essential things to learn. there is a lot of potential jobs outside for JavaScript. So,when you start learning this course. it will give you a very sound basics in JavaScript. At the end of course you will know how to Validate Form elements in webpages using JavaScript. Anyone who want to learn web development can enroll for this course as this is a very beginner level course. it is very easy to learn if you devote some amount of time for it and constantly practice the topics which we discussed in this course."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"The Hands On Machine Learning Course" |
"They say we live in a world where machines are getting smarter and people dumber! While the jury's still out on whether we are getting dumber, there is no doubt that machines are getting smarter. They are increasingly able to do things we always thought were too vast and complex for anyone but the smartest humans. Intelligence is no longer the exclusive domain of human beings. Computers are increasingly outsmarting the world's best professionals in areas as diverse as the most complex multi player games, the most difficult medical diagnoses and the most challenging legal problems, to name but three. At the heart of this revolution in 'artificial intelligence' lies machine learning. It's changing every field, everyday. None of us are left untouched. It therefore essential for all of us to understand what machine learning is, why it is becoming so critical and fundamental, and how machines learn. This course takes you through all of this in a simple, easy to understand manner. So whether you plan to engage with machine learning professionally - as a technologist, data scientist or business professional; or whether you are just a layperson interested in understanding what the big deal is, this course is for you!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Web Development for ABSOLUTE beginners! [May 2020 Edition]" |
"Learning Basics of Web Development is aimed completely at the beginner! If you've never written a line of code in your entire life, this is the course for you.We start by understanding how software works, demonstrating what we can build and give guidelines for the course.We then move into CSS to complete our project, and add functional aspects with a little bit of Javascript.If software development seemed hard before or intimidated you in the easy here! You've found a home...for beginners .In fact, I used to be a beginner a few years I know how you feel and this course is taught with that feeling in mind."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Hydraulic schematics and calculation exercises" |
"This course is made for mechanical engineering students and anyone who has problems grasping the reading and understanding of the hydraulic circuit diagrams. At first they can seem complicated and entangled but when you approach them studiously and slowly you see that they are pretty intuitive and simple. In the course you will learn how to read and analyze some basic hydraulic circuits as well as do some hydraulic circuit problems and calculations. At the end of the course there is a short lesson on the Bosch Scheme Editor, a free program for your computer on which you can edit and make your own hydraulic circuits. This is a course that goes along side my first course Hydraulics 101, so if you are not familiar with the basics of hydraulic machines I recommend that you take that course first. After every lecture there is a quiz so you can recapitulate on your knowledge. There are 3 sections, the first section is an introduction to hydraulic circuit diagrams, the second section is the part where we will do hydraulic calculations and solve hydraulic problems and the last section is a bonus for people who want to draw their own hydraulic circuit diagrams."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
2.Python |
"Jupyter Notebook/Google ColabSpyderPythonPythonPython"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Curso de Recuperacin de Archivos Borrados o Eliminados." |
"Aprende a recuperar tus archivos que hayan sido borrados o eliminados de memoria USB, disco duro externo con puerto de conexin USB, memoria tarjeta SD de celular, memoria de cmara digital o videocmara, disco duro de computadora o del disco duro de equipo porttil, con programas gratuitos y ampliamente reconocidos a nivel mundial.los archivos borrados que se pueden recuperar con estos programas son: vdeo, fotografas, imgenes, audio, documentos de word, documentos de excel, documentos pdf y ms.los programas que sern utilizados para desarrollar este curso son: versin grafica de sleuthkit y el imager forensic toolkit.Por ltimo, para realizar este curso no se requieren conocimientos previos de sistemas o programacin.Este curso puede ser utilizado para la recuperacin de archivos personales, ofrecer servicios de recuperacin de archivos tanto a personas como empresas o realizar recuperacin de archivos que sean borrados en su empresa o lugar de trabajo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Entity Framework Core y SQL Server/MySQL desde cero" |
"El curso que te ensena paso a paso como crear y mapear entidades de SQL Server con Entity Framework Core. Cada capitulo explicado en detalle, usamos Visual Studio Code para crear nuestras cadenas de conexion y la estructura profesional que un proyecto debe tener. Algunos de los temas que veras en este curso agil y detallado :Configuracion de Visual Studio Code para ejecutar .NET CoreInstalacion y configuracion de SQL Server Consumir Bases de Datos MySQL onCloud con Entity Framework Core.Net CoreEntity Framework CoreMapeo de Entidades con EF y SQL ServerRelacion entre Entidades /One to One/ One to Many/ Many to ManyInsertar, actualizar y Eliminar Records con ASP.NET CoreMigrar tu base de datos SQL Server hacia MySQL OncloudGenerar Paginas Prototipo ASP.NET / Entity Framework CoreAccediendo a este curso, tienes la oportunidad de acceder tambien a nuestro Master ASP.NET Core de 37 horas, una vez registrado, recibirs un mensaje de correo electrnico con los detalles."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"renci Kariyeri 101: Erasmus,W&T,AIESEC,Not Ortalamas,Staj" |
"Baar ve elencelerle dolu bir niversite geirmek iin okuduun niversitenin ya da yaadn ehrin hibir nemi yok.Bu derste renecein bilgiler sayesinde sen de:Amerika'da Work & Travel, Avrupa'da Erasmus, Asya ve Afrika'da AIESEC yapabilirsin,Staj tecrbeleri edinip mezun olur olmaz i bulabilirsin,renci yarmalarna katlarak deneyim ve dller kazanabilirsin,zel projeler yaparak hi ummadn baarlar elde edebilirsin,renci Kulpleri ya da benzeri organizasyonlarda kendini kantlayabilirsin,cretsiz sertifika programlaryla saysz uzmanlk renebilirsin.Bunlara yapabilmen iin plana, plan yapabilmek iin de bu derse ya da bu derse benzer kaynaklara ihtiyacn var.Ders sresince ve devamndaki her soruna en ge 24 saat iinde yantlayarak bu eitimi bir mentorluk deneyime dntrmeye alacam. Derslerde grmek dileiyle!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Spark Scala Coding Framework, Testing, Structured Streaming" |
"This course will bridge the gap between your academic and real world knowledge and prepare you for an entry level Big Data Spark Scala developer role. You will learn the followingSpark Scala coding best practicesLogging - log4j, slf4Exception HandlingConfiguration using Typesafe configDoing development work using IntelliJ, MavenUsing your local environment as a Hadoop Hive environmentReading and writing to a Postgres database using SparkUnit Testing Spark Scala using JUnit , ScalaTest, FlatSpec & AssertionBuilding a data pipeline using Hadoop , Spark and PostgresBonus - Setting up Cloudera QuickStart VM on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)Structured StreamingPrerequisites :Basic programming skillsBasic database knowledgeBig Data and Spark entry level knowledge"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"E2C JK0-022 CompTIA Security Access Control Security Exam" |
"236 UNIQUE practice questions for E2C JK0-022 CompTIA Security Access Control Security ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : E2C JK0-022 CompTIA Security Access Control Security ExamTotal Questions : 236Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (177 of 236)"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness for sleep" |
"Mindfulness and meditation is great way to help you relax and improve your sleep. Learn how to practice mindfulness within your day to day life. This course is designed for anyone who wants to improve their sleep. It will allow you to learn about mindfulness for sleep in under 20 minutes a day for 14 days. Learn strategies that explore fun and engaging mind, body, and breath activities to reduce stress and promote health and wellness and promotes sleep."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Formation Expert" |
"Dans cette formation je vais vous transmettre une mthode complte que j'utilise moi mme.Mme si tu es dbutant tu vas voir que tu peux largement crer ton business de formation en ligne facilement. ?Lorsque j'ai cr ma premire formation, je n'tais pas sur de moi, de ma voix, de ma faon de prsenter etc...Mais je me suis dit, bon coute Simon ""qui ne tente rien n'a rien"".Et c'est vrai je n'avais rien perdre !Heureusement que me suis cout car grce cette premire formation j'ai gagn plus de 300 euros en quelques semaines ! Le tout sans jamais en faire la promotion!Depuis, je ne cesse de crer et vendre. J'ai maintenant un business en ligne rentable qui me gnre plusieurs milliers d'euros tous les mois.Loffre contient une mthode complte pour apprendre crer votre formation de A Z."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Lit |
"Light your inner flame through a series of Yoga techniques and practices that can be completed in under an hour, in your own home, and using only a mat. Lit is so simple and enjoyable, it can be practiced everyday.This course includes a calming 30 minute soundscape for meditation; a breathing exercise to affect confidence, and poses that improve flexibility, posture, and the flow of energy."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Oracle Fusion Financials 11g Accounts Practice Exam(1Z0-506)" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for Oracle Fusion Financials 11g Accounts Receivable Essentials Certification Practice Exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Oracle Fusion Financials 11g Accounts Receivable Essentials Certification Practice ExamExam Code :1Z0-506Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 105 minsNumber of Questions : 60 questionsPassing Score : 65%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 120Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Oracle DB 11g: Administration II 1Z0-053 Practice Exam/MCQ" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for Oracle DB 11g: Administration II 1Z0-053 Practice ExamOnline practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Oracle DB 11g: Administration II 1Z0-053 Practice ExamExam Code :1Z0-053 Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 120 minsNumber of Questions : 78 questionsPassing Score : 66%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 234 (3 Sets of 78 each) Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"1Z0-067 Oracle 9i/10g/11g OCA to Oracle12c OCP Practice Exam" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for 1Z0-067 Oracle 9i/10g/11g OCA to Oracle DB 12c OCP Practice ExamOnline practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Oracle9i/10g/11g OCA to Oracle DB 12c OCP Practice ExamExam Code :1Z0-067Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 150 minsNumber of Questions : 102 questionsPassing Score : 60%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 250 Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Filmora 9 - Edita y comparte tus videos como un profesional" |
"La lnea de tiempo de Filmora puede manejar hasta 100 capas, o sea que no es como iMovie. Cualquier programa de edicin tendr controles bsicos de edicin y transformacin, pero Filmora9 tambin tiene herramientas bsicas de composicin y audio. Estas herramientas de audio son bastante limitadas, pero pueden admitir ajustes de audio bsicos. Si deseas utilizar plugins para mejorar el audio, ten en cuenta que Filmora9 no los admite. El programa tambin cuenta con soporte para full 4K.Que haremos? Aadir videos, audios y imagenesEstabilizacin de imagenChroma KeyHerramientas bsicas de correccin de colorModos de mezcla"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Javascript (ES6)" |
"In this course you will learn these topics:Installation: node, nodemon, eslintconst & let: how to define a variable in es6scope: variables scopearrays: how to define an array and work with itfunctions: old fashion and fat arrow functions in javascriptstrings & template strings: how to make a dynamic stringhelper functions: useful helper functions in javascriptobjects: how to define an object and use its methods & propertiesrest & spread: how to reduce amount of code with it and how to deal with a function arguments very easy and how to concat with spreadclasses: classes and inheritencedestructuring: how to unpack values from arrays, or properties from objects, into distinct variablespromises: how to implement async programming in JavaScript with promisesmodules: how to concatenate all scripts in one main script by marking some of them as exports, then other modules can import them"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Deep Learning For Absolute Beginners" |
"We all have this impression that to do deep learning we need to have a Phd or a degree in Machine learning. Well! this is not true and let's find this out through this course.In this course we will learn how to create neural networks with few lines of code and how can we use transfer learning to use less data than usual."
Price: 3840.00 ![]() |
"Memory Skills Improvement In Arabic -" |
"( ) 6"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |