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"Become a Calculus Master in easy way" |
"In this course you will learn following topics:Calculus1. Continuity and DifferentiabilityContinuity and differentiability, derivative of composite functions, chain rule, derivative of inverse trigonometric functions, derivative of implicit functions. Concept of exponential and logarithmic functions.2. Applications of DerivativesApplications of derivatives: rate of change of bodies, increasing/decreasing functions, tangents and normals, use of derivatives in approximation, maxima and minima (first derivative test motivated geometrically and second derivative test given as a provable tool). Simple problems (that illustrate basic principles and understanding of the subject as well as real-life situations).3. IntegralsIntegration as inverse process of differentiation.Integration of a variety of functions by substitution, by partial fractions and by parts, Evaluation of simple integrals of the following types and problems based on them.Definite integrals as a limit of a sum, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (without proof).Basic properties of definite integrals and evaluation of definite integrals.4. Applications of the IntegralsApplications in finding the area under simple curves, especially lines, circles/ parabolas/ellipses (in standard form only), Area between any of the two above said curves (the region should be clearly identifiable).5. Differential EquationsDefinition, order and degree, general and particular solutions of a differential equation.formation of differential equation whose general solution is given.Solution of differential equations by method of separation of variables, solutions of homogeneous differential equations of first order and first degree.All about Microeconomics for Student and TeacherLearn Microeconomics and get some help for your exams and knowledge purposeObjectives: Understanding of some basic economic concepts and development of economic reasoning which the learners can apply in their day-to-day life as citizens, workers and consumers. Realisation of learners role in nation building and sensitivity to the economic issues that the nation is facing today. Equipment with basic tools of economics and statistics to analyse economic issues. This is pertinent for even those who may not pursue this course beyond senior secondary stage. Development of understanding that there can be more than one view on any economic issue and necessary skills to argue logically with reasoning."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Introduo aos Direitos Humanos" |
"""Direitos Humanos"" provavelmente um dos temas atuais mais mal interpretados e marcados por vises pejorativas. Este curso foca em lhe dar ferramentas simples para sair da principal causa do preconceito com o tema: a ignorncia sobre seu contedo. Aqui, voc vai dar o primeiro passo rumo compreenso dos direitos humanos.APRENDA SOBRE OS DIREITOS HUMANOS NESTE CURSO INTRODUTRIO!Compreenda a histria e fundamentos dos direitos humanos.Identifique as suas caractersticas e dimenses.Domine os principais conceitos.Consiga participar das discusses do momento.Saia do senso comum e construa seu entendimento sobre os direitos humanosOs direitos humanos so parte do cotidiano de todas as pessoas no mundo atual, seja pela sua potencialidade de, se efetivados, melhorarem a qualidade de vida no planeta, seja pela sua contribuio terica formao jurdica-poltica, seja pela inafastabilidade de seu cumprimento pelos Estados e pela sociedade internacional ou, finalmente, pela ateno que chamam as suas reiteradas violaes. impossvel, hoje, estudar, pesquisar ou trabalhar nas reas das cincias jurdicas e sociais sem dominar ao menos o bsico sobre os direitos humanos. Eles atravessam todo o nosso meio profissional e acadmico, fomentando e, ao mesmo tempo, exigindo uma abertura interdisciplinar e viso holstica dos fenmenos jurdicos, polticos e sociais.Este curso vai lhe ajudar nisso. Com olhar crtico e compromisso de slido embasamento terico, vai contribuir para que voc, profissional e/ou o(a) pesquisador(a) do Direito, das Cincias Sociais ou das Relaes Internacionais (em formao ou j em exerccio), se sinta seguro e preparado para articular o conhecimento sobre direitos humanos na sua atuao.Contedo e viso geralVoc ter acesso a material exclusivo elaborado por mim, professora e pesquisadora, com doutorado e trabalhos publicados na rea dos direitos humanos. So vdeoaulas com slides, 5 apostilas e 10 questes de treinamento. As apostilas contm indicaes de bibliografia, para que voc saiba que boas fontes buscar para seus estudos. Aps cada aula, voc pode testar seus conhecimentos com questes de treinamento.Alm de tudo isso, voc ter acesso a recursos externos (artigos acadmicos publicados, vdeos e sites oficiais de organizaes internacionais) que selecionei especialmente para enriquecer seu aprendizado e lhe incentivar a continuar acompanhando os hot topics na rea dos direitos humanos.Ao final de todas as sees, voc ser direcionado(a) a um simulado, para aplicar tudo que aprendeu e terminar o curso seguro sobre o contedo.Em concluso, voc obter um certificado e ter avanado na compreenso interdisciplinar dos direitos humanos, fundamental ao profissional contemporneo."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Learn English - A1 - A2 +" |
"Questo un percorso semplice e veloce per la grammatica inglese essenziale. L'inglese non necessariamente complicato, e certamente non pi complicato dell'italiano! Ma necessario acquisire la presa di alcuni concetti di base prima di poter sperare di arrivare a un livello ragionevole, sia per superare gli esami o per parlare quotidianamente.Questo corso fornir la maggior parte di ci che necessario per raggiungere un buon livello intermedio di circa B1."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel em 1 hora. As principais funes em apenas 1 hora." |
"O aluno aprender a usar o Excel em apena 1 hora, aqui o aluno ao terminar o curso, o aluno estar, ao termino do curso e fazendo as atividades propostas, sabendo utilizar as principais funes do programa. O aluno saber:As quatro operaes bsicasAs principais formulas e mais usadasOrganizar planilhasImprimirCriar grficosFiltrarpesquisarsubstituir"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Exam SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP HANA SPS03" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode, the Total number of questions will be around 60+.SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP HANA 2.0 (SPS03) C_HANADEV_15SAP C_HANADEV_15 practice testThe ""SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP HANA 2.0 SPS03"" certification exam verifies that the candidate has the knowledge to develop native software applications running on the SAP HANA Platform. This certificate builds on the basic knowledge gained through related SAP HANA training. The training covers the development tools and languages, used to realize the different parts of a software application in SAP HANA.Topic AreasNative SAP HANA applications> 12%The Persistence Model> 12%OData Services> 12%SQLScript> 12%SAP HANA Overview8% - 12%Development Tools8% - 12%Building UIs with SAPUI58% - 12%Server Side JavaScript8% - 12%- Use this coupon 85758C1981876E3F4A40 to pay only 29.99"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Highly Situational PMP 6th Edition Practice Exams" |
"Highly Situational PMP 6th Edition Exam Practice Questions, Covering First Three Chapters, All 10 Knowledge Areas, Change Management Questions, Earned Value Management Questions, Mathematical Questions, Current Exam Content Outline, Agile Practice Questions And 100 Highly Realistic PMP Exam Practice Questions With Detailed Explanation Based On PMBOK 6th Edition And Other SourcesIf you are planning to appear for the PMP Exam, this course is a very good choice to help in pass the PMP exam on your first attempt.The course contains:1 Mock Containing Highly Realistic PMP Exam Practice Questions All 10 Knowledge Areas: - Project Integration Management - Project Scope Management - Project Schedule Management - Project Cost Management - Project Quality Management - Project Resource Management - Project Communications Management - Project Risk Management - Project Procurement Management - Project Stakeholder ManagementChange Management QuestionsEarned Value Management/Mathematical QuestionsCurrent Exam Content OutlineAgile Practice Questions The best way to use this course:Study each knowledge area from the PMBOK Guide 6th edition/Rita/Head First/Andy Crowe etc.Take the quiz for the knowledge area and check your answers.Document Lessons Learned for each Incorrect answer and refer your study material (If required).Best Practices while attempting these Mocks:- You can pause the test in between and resume the test later. - The passing score for each quiz is 80%.- Questions are situational, calculations, diagrams, and web URLs.- Before attempting the ECO exam, Make sure you understand it from PMI website.- Before Attempting Agile questions, understand the Agile Practice Guide from Pmbok.- You can retake any of these mocks after the revision.Who this course is for:Individuals Who Want to Achieve The PMP CertificationProject ManagersIT Project ManagersManagersLeadersProfessionals Seeking PromotionsProfessionals Seeking Advance Level In CareerHappy Learning and Best Wishes!!!Instructor(s)PMP New Horizon Group!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Gesto do conhecimento gil" |
"O curso Gesto do Conhecimento gil ideal para quem busca o autoconhecimento. Que precisa compreender melhor a evoluo da cultura gil nos ambientes organizacionais e a sua influncia na educao e no aprendizado, contribuindo para melhor adequao as constantes mudanas em uma era digital, atravs da ampliao do modelo mental."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Be Maker 07. Elettronica e Robotica per Ragazzi con Arduino." |
"Cosa imparerete nel Modulo 07 del Corso Be Maker:ROBOTICA- I Sensori: Misurare il Campo Magnetico o usarlo come SwitchELETTROTECNICA-II Campo Magnetico ed il Magnetismo-Il Principio di HallELETTRONICA-Il Modulo Hall Magnetic Sensor-Il Modulo Analog Hall Magnetic Sensor-Sensore Lineare Analogico/Digitale di Campo MagneticoARDUINO ED IDE- Settaggio PIN analogico con lanalogRead()PROGETTI PRATICI- Progetto 19 Modulo Sensore di Campo Magnetico- Analisi dello Sketch del Progetto 19- Progetto 20 Modulo Sensore Analogico di Campo Magnetico.- Analisi dello Sketch del Progetto 20- Progetto 21. Sensore Lineare Analogico/Digitale di Campo Magnetico- Analisi dello Sketch del Progetto 21PER CHI E' INTERESSATO AL MATERIALE DIDATTICO UTILIZZATO NEI CORSI BE MAKER CHE INCLUDE ANCHE UNA ROBOT CAR, PUO' SCRIVERMI TRAMITE LA PIATTAFORMA UDEMY."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tecnologa de Equipos Mviles Todoterreno" |
"Este curso el es primero de una serie de cursos sobre la tecnologa de equipos mviles todoterreno, que incluyen una amplia variedad de mquinas, entre los que se encuentran los:TractoresPavimentadorasExcavadoras de ruedas y orugasRetroexcavadorasCargadoras de ruedas y orugasNiveladorasTractores agrcolasGrasMontacargas o carretillas elevadorasDumpersEn este curso vamos a tener:1. Una seccin introduccin a los equipos mviles todoterreno. Vamos a definir:Que es un equipo mvil todoterrenoComo se clasificanCaractersticas y sistemas principales2. Una seccin de seguridad. Vamos a:Identificar los riesgos laborales.Describir las prcticas de la industria para los procedimientos de evaluacin y control de peligros.Describir las normas de seguridad, los procedimientos y las normas de seguridad laboral.Describir las responsabilidades de los trabajadores y empleadores para aplicar los procedimientos de emergencia.Describir los roles y responsabilidades de los empleadores y empleados con respecto a la seleccin y uso de equipos de proteccin personal (EPP).Describir cmo preparar una mquina para repararla de manera segura.Al finalizar el curso podrs:Clasificar los equipos mviles todoterreno segn la aplicacin y la industria.Identificar y describir el propsito y las funciones de los equipos mviles todoterreno.Identificar las caractersticas y sistemas que se encuentran en los equipos mviles todoterreno.Demostrar el uso correcto del equipo de proteccin personal.Seleccionar, usar y cuidar los EPP adecuados para aplicacin en el lugar de trabajo.Desarrollar actitudes positivas de los empleados con respecto a la limpieza, el equipo de proteccin personal y los procedimientos de emergencia.Aplicar procedimientos de seguridad apropiados para los trabajos en el lugar de trabajo."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Crear una Vidriera Profesional" |
"La vidriera es la carta de presentacin de un local comercial, es muy importante para poder tener ventas fluidas porque es aqu donde se produce el primer contacto con el cliente. La vidriera habla del local comercial y muestra una sntesis de los productos que se ofrecen en l, por eso es muy importante que refleje perfectamente la imagen de la marca.En este curso les voy a dar todos los conocimientos y herramientas bsicas para a aprender a disear y armar correctamente una vidriera teniendo en cuenta criterios de composicin, equilibrio, colores, temporadas, todo usando materiales econmicos.Vamos a hacer un anlisis, a travs de imgenes de vidrieras ya hechas, viendo los distintos tipos de materiales que se usaron en ellas y que se pueden usar, la iluminacin que tiene, expositores, que productos se expone, etc. Vamos a aprender a mirar una vidriera reconociendo zonas fuertes y las zonas ms dbiles de atraccin. Les voy a hablar de las distintas formas de exponer, de las grficas que acompaan y los maniques. Vamos a desarrollar paso a paso lo que se debe tener en cuenta antes y a la hora de montar una vidriera."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Start Blogging from Scratch - Blogging for Beginners" |
"Hey There!I'm Nikhil and I have multiple blogs that help people with various things. In this training, I'm going to teach you about creating a blog from scratch (without any coding knowledge), how to write SEO friendly articles and ways to monetize your blog.I will be showing step by step instructions to be followed."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Data Studio Made Easy in 2020" |
"Sometimes it's frustrating because it's hard to create a good online reports from your Data. Not only digital marketers have this problems but also people like Data Analysts and everyone who have data of Google Analytics, Search Console, etc. And incapable of presenting it to colleagues or boss. So, here the Job of Google Data Studio starts.What is Google Data Studio?Well, glad you are reading this. So, Google Data Studio is a Google's platform where you can create reports from Data like Google Analytics, Google Sheets, Youtube Analytics, Facebook analytics and a lot more. Google Data Studio is a free platform and this platform is also code free, so you need not to hustle hard to create report. Why Google Data Studio?Free: There are lots of Softwares which have less function but charges of using them goes from $100-$1000. Thanks we have Google Data Studio. Data Studio is a free platform which charges no money at all and provide lots and lots of functionality than any other platform.Live: All the reports that are created with the help of Google Data Studio will show live or real time data. So you need not to open data over and over again to update the metrics. Only this feature will save your lots of time and make using Data Studio worth learning.Shareable: Google Data Studio provides a sharing option. This feature is so easy that It can be done in just few clicks and you can mail the report to anyone with whom you want to share reports.Multiple Sources: The are lots of platform from where you can fetch Data like: 1- Google Analytics 2- Google Ads 3- Google Search Console 4- BigQuery 5- YouTube Analytics 6- PostgreSQL 7- Search Ads 360 8- Display & Video 360 9- And lots of third party Connectors Why do this course?Straightforward: This Google Data Studio course is simple. Soo simple that a guy who doesn't know much technical stuffs can also follow along. No matter whether he or she has prior experience in presenting data or not. Quick: Time is precious and no one likes to be stuck in long chaotic course. There are lot things that can be taught effectively which I did in this course. No matter how busy you are, by putting 20-30 minutes a day, you can learn Google Data Studio in few couple of days.Trouble free: All the terms, tutorials, lessons that are taught in this courses are very easy to follow and practice. You are going to learn Google Data Studio very easily if you are just committed to complete, follow and practice this course."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Speak English like an English speaking person" |
"We often focus on learning the grammar when it comes to learning a foreign language, but this is the wrong way to learn a language.When you were a baby, you learned your native language through touching, feeling, and understanding. There was no learning grammar at first.The grammar came after and by the time you started to learn the grammar, your personality was already formed.In this course, I focus on becoming the person who speaks a foreign language before learning the grammar. Although there is a lot of grammar in this course.It's important to build your self esteem and confidence and only after that will the grammar make sense to you."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Mezcla y Masterizacin en Ableton Live 10" |
"En este curso vamos a trabajar pista por pista una cancin en Ableton Live 10, donde analizaremos cada pista individualmente, ecualizacin, paneo, y tambien haremos un ajuste de volmenes de cada pista adecuado, incluido el volumen del canal master, al cual, en el proceso de masterizacin posterior, vamos a utilizar diferentes herramientas para ello, como un ecualizador, un compresor multibanda y un limitador, paso por paso, y comprendiendo lo que hacemos y porque lo hacemos. Todo lo haremos con Ableton Live 10, aunque el mecanismo es el mismo para cualquier otro Daw."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"TB0-116 TIBCO Enterprise Message Service 6 Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which two statements are true about the TIBCO EMS Administration Tool? (Pick one.)a) You must be the admin user to connect to the Administrator Tool.b) autocommit is necessary for SME Server to act on every admin command immediatelyc) A script file with any validtibemsadmin command is a valid startup parameter for tibemsadmind) When you are using a shared system configuration files, the actions performed using the Administration Tool take effect only when connected to the active server.Q) What four operations require a permission check after all topics and queues are safe? (Choose four.)a) send to a queueb) publish on a topicc) become a consumer for a queued) create a subscription to a non-wildcard argumentQ) Which two statements are true about TIBCO EMS? (Pick one.)a) A static target remains inthe sever until an administrator deletes explicitly.b) A temporary destination remains on the server until at least one client uses active.c) Client programs static and dynamic look at destinations by name; successfully look up local object returns a representation of the destination.d) Dynamic destinationallow more consumer applications simultaneously while temporary do not.Q) What are the two non TIBCO EMS Server technologies used to provide extensible security? (Pick one.)a) Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)b) Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)c) Java Access Control Interface (JACI)d) Java Naming and DirectoryInterfact (JNDI)e) Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)Q) What are the two tasks must be performed to configure Multicast? (Pick one.)a) create named pipes in thechannels.conf fileb) associate multiple arguments with a multicast channelc) enable multicasting parameter in the file multicast.confd) add the channel properties for the items in the file thetopics.conf"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How to Successfully Work from Home" |
"Working from home sounds like an attractive proposition when youre stuck in traffic on your daily commute, but it comes with its own pitfalls and can be difficult to get right. This course will give you the knowledge and skills to ensure working from home is productive and efficient whilst maintaining positive mental health."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Become an Authentic Travel Photo Ninja" |
"Welcome to the Travel Photo Ninja course! The course is designed for anyone interested in travel photography, though people that either have or are willing to get a camera, preferably something more advanced than a phone will likely see more benefits. A DSLR of any price range or an advanced compact would be ideal as the course will encourage you to understand how and why the camera works the way it does and turn that to your own advantage by shooting less often on automatic/creative (portrait, sport etc) mode and instead shoot manual or semi-manual.We'll focus on a variety of topics, starting with helping you understand what you can make of travel photography subject to your own time arrangements, moving on a quick overview of physics (e.g. ""what's aperture?""), then talk about sensor sizes, lenses, and then a topic-by-topic theory and practice/practical review of about 70-100 photos, why they're good or sometimes how they could have been made better. There's also a workflow demo and a fair bit of material on post-processing. Also there's a mummy. Seriously (not to tease you, the point of it is the discussion of how to handle a situation when you end up being presented with very obscure and exciting opportunities, such as bumping into a local ritual that involves digging out the dead.). Sections:Philosophy1.1A: What are Your Goals?1.1B: You Don't Have to go Far1.1C: But it Helps if You Do1.1D: Whatever Floats Your Boat Works1.2: Travel Styles1.3: EthicsTheory of Light & Photo Basics2.1A: What's in a Photo?2.1B: Explaining Tech2.1C: Explaining Keywords (FX, DX)2.2A: Comparing Available Tech - Intro & DSLRs2.2B: Comparing Available Tech - MILCs2.2C: Comparing Available Tech - Compacts & Phones2.3A: Understanding Sensors - P12.3B: Understanding Sensors - P22.3C: Understanding Lenses - P12.3D: Understanding Lenses - P2 - Aperture2.3E: Understanding Lenses - P32.3F: Understanding Lenses - P42.3G: Rule of Reciprocity2.4A: Mini Buying Guide - P12.4B: Mini Buying Guide - P22.4C: Mini Buying Guide - Personal Suggestions2.5A: RAW vs JPG - Theory & Why Post Process?2.5B: RAW vs JPG - Demo - Poor Photo to Great Photo2.5C: RAW vs JPG - Demo - Night Shot Enhancement2.5D: RAW vs JPG - Demo - Thai Boxing & SportsUnderstanding How Travel Photography is Different3.1A: Everyone Starts at Lvl 03.1B: A Good Travel Photographer...Knows Their Gear3.1C: A Good Travel PhotographerUnderstands EXIF3.1D: A Good Travel PhotographerDoes Good Research3.1E: A Good Travel PhotographerGets Hands Dirty3.1F: A Good Travel PhotographerKnows The Audience3.1G: A Good Travel PhotographerStays Safe3.2: Items You'll NeedTopic-by-topic Breakdown & Analysis (theory & practical approach as well)4.1A: Topics: People & Street4.1B: Topics: Poverty & Controversy4.2A: Topics: Landscapes4.2B: Topics: Beaches4.3: Topics: Wildlife & Underwater4.4: Topics: Poor Weather4.5: Topics: Architecture & Cityscapes4.6: Topics: Landmarks4.7: Topics: Sunrise/Sunset/Night shots4.8: Topics: Items & Objects4.9: Topics: While on the MoveComplete Workflow Suggestion/Demo5.1A: Workflow - Hardware5.1B: Workflow - Ideas5.1C: Workflow - What To Keep?5.2A: Workflow Demo -- Tools, Filenames & Basics5.2B: Workflow Demo -- GPS Correction5.2C: Workflow Demo -- Ratings5.2D: Workflow Demo -- ACR Settings - Auto5.2E: Workflow Demo -- Ratings P25.2F: Workflow Demo -- Manual Work5.2G: Workflow Demo -- Saving Outputs5.2H: Workflow Demo -- Saving for Web/Facebook5.2I: Workflow Demo -- Saving for Instagram"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Node.js Course [May 2020 Edition]" |
"NodeJS is a rapidy growing web server technology, and Node developers are among the highest paid in the industry. Knowing NodeJS well will get you a job or improve your current one by enabling you to build high quality, robust web applications.In this course you will gain a deep understanding of Node, learn how NodeJS works under the hood, and how that knowledge helps you avoid common pitfalls and drastically improve your ability to debug problems."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Angular 6 Course - Learn Angular Practically" |
"Knowing AngularJS can get you a job or improve the one you have. It's a skill that will put you more in demand in the modern web development industry, and make your web software life easier, that's why it's so popular and backed by Google.This course will get you up and running quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build AngularJS applications - and we'll build a single page application along the way."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Python 3 Course" |
"Python is a dynamic modern object -oriented programming language.that is easy to learn and can be used to do a lot of things both big and small.Python is what is referred to as a high level language.That means it is a language that is closer to humans than computer.It is also known as a general purpose programming language due to it's flexibility.Python did not get it's name from the snake but rather from the British comedy. group known as Monty Python.Python is object -oriented means it regards everything as an object.An object in the real world could be a person or a car.Python is an interpreted language that does not need to be complied like for example java programming language.It is interpreted and run on the fly the same time.Python has been used in a lot of places like in creating games,for statistical data and visualization,speech and face recognition."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Learn Web Design From Scratch" |
"Sometimes we forget that the internet is so much more than just social media. In the days of the early web, developers weren't simply consumers - they *made* the web! Those early pioneers inspired millions of people to join the movement.Today, it's easier than ever to make things on the web. Does the idea of creating websites for your personal and professional ventures intrigue you? Then you've come to the right place!This course will provide students with basic information about web development, using the ""big three"" languages - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. As you follow along with these lessons you will learn how to add and style your content, create a responsive web design for any screen size, and add interactivity that engages your viewers! You don't even need to download any fancy software - I recommend using the Mozilla Thimble ""sandbox"" for editing and previewing your web content."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"20 Steps You Must Take To Recover From Divorce" |
"In this course, we offer sympathy to all who have suffered from divorce.In may be a difficult time, since you lost perhaps most of your money, your kids, your friends and more.We give counsel to the immediate things you must do so five to ten years from now you can look back at pride at how you went from a victim to a survivor to a thriver. We discuss the perils of dating immediately afterwards, squandering your money on vices, and more!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Bewusstsein und das Gesetz der Anziehung" |
"Alles ist Bewusstsein. Nichts existiert auerhalb von Bewusstsein. Bewusstsein ist das, was dich dazu befhigt diese Zeilen gerade zu lesen.Jede Form, jede Erfahrung und jeder Zustand, sind Ausdruck dieses einen Bewusstseins.Mit diesem Kurs mchte ich dir zeigen, wie du dich selbst als ewiges Bewusstsein, jenseits von Gedanken und Erscheinungen, erfhrst.Durch diese Selbsterkenntnis, verschwindet die Identifikation mit unseren Gedanken und der illusorischen Person. Wir erlangen so mehr Frieden, Freiheit, Gelassenheit und Humor in unserer alltglichen Erfahrung des Lebens.Mit der Erkenntnis, dass du Bewusstsein bist und alles andere lediglich vergngliche, unbestndige Erscheinungen, in diesem Bewusstsein, stt du das Tor zur Unsterblichkeit auf und erlangst ewiges Leben und eine tiefe Glckseligkeit.Dieser Kurs hilft dir dabei, die Welt der Erscheinungen zu durchschauen und dich als das zu erkennen, was du wirklich bist. Selbsterkenntnis ist der direkte Weg zu mehr Wissen, Weisheit, Akzeptanz und Freude in jedem Moment deines Lebens.Da unserem Bewusstsein, eine schpferische Macht zugrunde liegt, knnen wir, nachdem wir uns als Bewusstsein erkannt haben, damit beginnen, bewussten Gebrauch von dieser Kraft zu machen. Wir sind in der Lage, unter dem Einsatz der universalen Grundgesetze, von Gesundheit, Liebe, Wohlstand ber Glck, Freiheit und Zufriedenheit alles zu manifestieren. Du wirst lernen, dass der Schlssel, zur Erschaffung deiner eigenen Realitt, in deiner Vorstellungskraft liegt. Du wirst lernen, wie du deine geistigen Krfte entwickelst und deine Fantasie und Gedanken auf eine Art und Weise einsetzt, mit der du all deine Wnsche, Trume, Ziele und Visionen - Wirklichkeit werden lsst.Ich freue mich, gemeinsam mit dir, auf die spannende Entdeckungsreise der Selbsterkenntnis zu gehen. Auf dieser Reise lernst du nur mehr ber dich selbst und den Kern deines Wesens kennen. Wir entdecken gemeinsam, wer du wirklich bist, warum du hier bist und welche Realitt du wirklich zu erschaffen wnscht.Welche Realitt whlst du...?"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"G Suite : Complete Course on G Suite and Google Drive" |
"If you have the intention of learning G Suite or Complete Google Apps and Google Drive to meet the following requirements then you are at the right place.Do you want to master Google Suite / Google Apps and understand its features and master Google Drive then this course is for you.By the end of this course you will gain complete proficiency over How to use G Suite, how to manage g suite for your organization and how to use Google Drive for your projects.By the end of this course you will understand all the application provided by G Suite like Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Sites, Jam board, Classroom, Google Keep, Google Tasks, Google Calendar, Google My Maps etc.This Course will help you to prepare for G Suite Certification Exam.You can also create your own websites with the help of Google Sites Application.Overview of Topics Covered :We go step by step from creating a Google account to learning different applications that are integrated within Google Drive by following some tips and tricks. We will also create a professional demo website with the help of Google Sites.Create Google AccountSet up G Suite AccountDifference between Free Google Apps and G Suite.Understanding all features of G Suite in detail.G Suite Additional Information : For Education, Non-profit organisations, BusinessG Suite Features : Admin, Google Vault, Google Endpoint, Management of Users, Devices and Data.Setup/Download Google Drive for DesktopUnderstanding interface of Google DriveExplore and understand the main features related to Backup and SyncGoogle Drive : Introduction, interface, tips/tricks, file sharing, backup and sync and much more!Google Docs : Interface, Document Setup, tips/tricks and much more !Google Slide : Interface, menus, tips/tricks, presentation, layout, and much more!Google Sheets : Document set up, tips/tricks and much more!Google Forms : Building different types of forms, sharing and much more!Google DrawingsGoogle My Maps vs Google MapsGoogle CalendarGoogle KeepGoogle TasksGoogle Jam BoardGoogle Sites : How to create a professional website and publish to web.Google ClassroomConnecting apps to Google Drive"
Price: 4160.00 ![]() |
"Crash Course in Survey Design with Qualtrics" |
"Even if you've never logged into Qualtrics before, this course will get you up and running on all of the basics you need in order to make surveys to meet your research and business needs. As a instructional designer and trainer at a large survey company I helped thousands of people across every industry get the most out of their surveys. Now I'm bringing this knowledge to you!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Acting Made Easy Part One: Audition Speeches" |
"A quote from the incredible BAFTA nominee Stephen Graham (The Irishman, This is England.)""Simply put; Dave knows how to make you a better actor, always has, always will.""And another from Esther May Campbell. A BAFTA award-winning Director""Dave has a real touch, he brings out the best in everyone by giving them real, practical tools for acting and understanding how drama works. He is a joy to be with and will give anyone interested the guidance, kindness, and tools they need""What you will learn?Students will learn the importance of breaking a speech down into units of action.Students will learn how to find a Characters want and why that is so, so important.Students will learn how using images in your speech will bring that text to life.Students will learn the importance of memorizing lines correctly, so your speech is natural and organic not robotic.Students will learn how to use the four techniques together to make their speech stand out from the crowdThere is approximately 40 minutes of video footage on this course, which doesn't seem a lot but I have honed my technique and teaching so the lessons are quick and adaptable to any speech. And although there are only 40 minutes, it will take you between 5 to 14 hours study time to complete the course. To be honest the more hours you do the better the speech will be."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Stock Market Investing For Beginners" |
"In this course, I wanted to provide all the knowledge I have learned over the last ~4 years of investing and learning about companies and a basic level of how I identify value in a stock. Generally, I use a mix of technical and fundamental principles. I wanted to teach more of the fundamental aspects as I taught many of the technicals in my Mastering Day Trading course. Below I have placed all of the useful graphics within the course. If you have any questions feel free to reach out as I want to help as many of you as possible succeed."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crea tu propia web/ E-commerce en Espaol paso a paso" |
"El curso te gua paso a paso, como si alguien te llevara de la mano fcilmente para que puedas hacer tu comercio electrnico a travs del modelo de negocio Dropshipping en el que adems obtendrs unas bases de NeuroMarketing, Marketing Digital, Diseo Web, atencin al cliente , Diseo de Publicidad, Bases para poner anuncios en Redes Sociales (Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Audience Network, etc.)Sers capaz de llevar a cabo una tienda en lnea sin necesidad de productos ni inventario y resolver muchos aspectos complicados del da al da del empresario digital como; pasarela de pago, logstica, gestin de devoluciones, atencin al usuario, marketing por correo electrnico, envos, tarifas, etc.Podrs ganarte la vida desde tu casa o desde cualquier parte del mundo sin necesidad de invertir millas de euros, como s pasa con un negocio fsico.Pasars como yo hace unos aos, de no saber nada a ser un experto, requerirs esfuerzo y mucha constancia pero tu camino al xito, al igual que el mo en su momento, se allana con este curso diseado exclusivamente para gente que no sabe nada o casi nada de e-commerce y de habla hispana.T tambin puedes construir un Negocio que te genere ingresos pasivos"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn olevel Islamiat Tips" |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PCNSE - Palo Alto Network Security Engineer - Practice Tests" |
"Palo Alto Networks prevent attacks with the industry-leading network security suite, which enables organizations to embrace network transformation while consistently securing users, applications, and data, no matter where they reside. Palo Alto Networks is recognized around the world as a leading provider of cybersecurity products. It is a valuable credential for those seeking advancement in the field of IT security.The Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer (PCNSE) is a formal, third-party proctored certification that indicates that those who have passed it possess the in-depth knowledge to design, install, configure, maintain, and troubleshoot most implementations based on the Palo Alto Networks platform. This exam will certify that the successful candidate has the knowledge and skills necessary to implement the Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewall PAN-OS 9.1 platform in any environment.The exam tests the candidates on 5 key domains and they are as follows:PlanDeploy and ConfigureOperateConfiguration TroubleshootingCore ConceptsKindly note that the exam is based on PAN-OS Version 9.1.The exam will require candidates to know and be familiar with the following:You can deploy, configure, and operate Palo Alto Networks Securit Operating Platform components.You understand the unique aspects of the Palo Alto Networks Security Operating Platform and how to deploy one appropriately.You understand networking and security policies used by PAN-OS software.PCNSE exam details:Certification Name: Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security EngineerNumber of items: 75Total Seat Time: 80 minutesFormat: Multiple Choice, Scenarios with Graphics, and MatchingLanguage: EnglishThe practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers and will get a pass in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource. Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as the regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Artistic Floral Creation of Comprehensive Material" |
"Floral Design MASTER CLASSSign up for Artistic Floral Creation of Comprehensive Material class and learn with Tom De Houwer, the world renowned floral artist, who is from the land of Contemporary Floral Design ArtBelgium. Consisting of one lesson of Floral art creation theory and six lessons of Representative floral design creation, the course is aiming to deliver not simply how to make flowers, but emphasizing more about how to use complex materials including flowers and plants to create beautiful art works. Along with floral design theory and full demonstrations, the course perfectly presented advanced design contents that the artist wishes to deliver. As a master of art work designing using flowers and plants, Tom will talk about his creative ideas and theoretical approach in logical and systematical way. Also, he will demonstrate six floral designs that are signed by him, show the crafting procedures detailedly and thoroughly. He will introduce candidates a higher level of professional development path, escaping from simple floral designs and jumping into floral art creation."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |