Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn Football Video Editing For Youtube" |
"I've spent the last 5+ years making football videos, Growing my channel to over 500k, and 300k subscribers. Earning enough income to let me go watch football around the world.When I started they are no guideway for me and I have to learn everything on my own for more than a year. I've been through a lot of up and down on my youtube journey. So this the reason I create this course to teach you guys how to make a great football compilation on youtube and make a good income doing what you love without going through all the long learning paths that I took. this course is perfect for students who have a passion for football and wanted to become professional football creators."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn Krav Maga for Self Defense Fast!" |
"Join our in-person Real "" Person"" 12 Module Self Defense CourseWe have been teaching Krav Maga for Self defence for 15 yearsWe believe for self-defense to be effective it needs to be learned fast, easy to remember and work under pressure for most people, which is why we have developed our unique course which has been taken thousands of people in person.Based down a laneway in Dublin, Ireland, Patrick Cumiskey has been teaching everyday normal people to protect themselves full time for more than 15 years, during this time he developed a simple approach to teaching normal people to protect themselves fast using essential Krav Maga concepts.If you cant make it to his in person, you can now take the course online.You can join in a course and get the same lessons and insight as those attend the course.To make this course available 2 cameramen tracked a full 2-day course and which was then edited it down to the essentials for you to watch, learn and follow along with. There is no staging or retakes so you get the course as it is delivered in real life.The course is taught in 12 modules Each module builds on the previous module step by step, over the 12 modules you will develop a practical, useful and simple self-defence system deal with common stand up self-defence threats.We recommend you grab a partner and follow along with one module at a time, watch the module and following along with the exercises and drills.The course starts off in Module 1 by giving you a key grounding in avoiding being selected as a victim and how to strike and escape, it then moves on to more difficult and complicated scenarios integrating ideas with ever module.Module 1Winning beforehand,Predator Psychology and Avoiding Victim SelectionA simple Hands up rule that changes everythingThe No Trip Wire and Voice EscalationStriking Fas to EscapeModule 2Escaping HeadlocksEscape from Front Grab - Arms PinnedIntegration DrillsBecoming the AttackerAttacking at different LevelsModule 3Dealing with the Scuffle,Techniques as HurdlesEscaping from a Grab Behind with your arms FreeEscaping from an Arm DragDesensitising you to ViolenceLinking TechniquesIntroducing Stress DrillsBe worse than the attackerModule 4Escaping Grab from Behind with Arms PinnedUsing your Knees as WeaponsGenerating PowerKneeing on a Low LineChanging Weapons and HeightIntegrating TechniquesSave the Pad ExerciseTechniques as ObstaclesModule 5Escape from the FrontWedge DefenceSlapping, Ripping and PinchingKnock Knock EscapeEscape from the front grab Arms PinnedChoke Release - Avoiding relying on StrengthModule 6Chokes from Different AnglesChoke Release as one Move - Pluck and Hit PrincipalEscaping with Chokes when pinned to a wallMultiple Choking DrillTechnique IntegrationTechniques are not cleanPlucking ..Why you do not need too many techniquesHicks LawModule 7Focus on Elbows as a WeaponAlternating WeaponsBlast forward put the attacker on the Back FootStabbing ElbowBlasting for Self Defence - Quick to Learn, Easy to RememberInbuilt protectionDiagonal ElbowYour Attack is your DefenceBlast to Escape ""we don't want to be here! not a sparring session""Module 8Escaping rear-naked choke: Part 1Hammer strike to the base of the brain""Pluck"" as a tacticUnderstanding the Fantasy ResponseTucking the ChinInside Defence3 on 1 Choke DrillModule 9Rear Naked Choke Part 2 - Outside EscapePractising Both Rear Naked Choke EscapesArms Pinned: Close in TacticsShin HackingCreating SpaceFinger RippingRipping and Tearing at the groinOpenING space for other attacksLeverage Elbow- to freehand and attackIntegration Drills: High-Pressure DrillsBeing the coach and stretching your partnersModule 10FerociousnessBiting and the Biting GameThe Finger GameBiting, Finger and Pinching GameExtreme Close Quarter FightingFighting to LiveWhen you are Attacked ..your whole life is attackedGrowling like a Wild AnimalTearing, Gouging using all close quarter weaponsWill up you get Hurt more for fighting?The efficacy of Self DefenceModule 11Extreme Close Quarter / Ferociousness ContinuedRight Tactic Right RangeXCQ - hands to Face DrillCheap Suit DrillShielding Defence Against Punching4 Man Drill - Blasing, Escapes, XCQModule 12Round-Up - Putting it all togetherFocus on Essential SkillsTrain Module by ModuleCombatives MindsetAwareness/Space ManagementActivating Self Defence MindsetHaving a Plan.. Think about coming HomeThe No Trip WireSimple Striking Model: Palms Elbows, Knees + XQCChokes- Pluck EscapeSelf Defence Mindset and Ferociousness are keyHow to get the most out of this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Responsabilidad Social Integral. De Cero a Cien." |
"OBJETIVO:Este curso est diseado para comenzar desde cero, con conceptos esenciales sobre Responsabilidad Social, hasta llegar a desarrollar conceptos avanzados sobre pautas laborales, sociales y ambientales, con ejemplos prcticos.Abordamos a la Responsabilidad Social desde la ptica de ISO 26000, tratada desde todos los mbitos que hacen a la vida cotidiana de los individuos, Laboral, Social, Ambiental. DESTINATARIOS.Este curso est dirigido a pblico en general que est interesado en convertirse en un lder del cambio en su comunidad, empresa, o puesto de trabajo.CURSADO.El curso se realiza mediante modalidad 100% online, con material de lectura, videos y evaluaciones por cada mdulo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Scratch rnek Uygulamalar le Temelden Zirveye" |
"Bu kurs ile 2D oyunlar programlama dili renmeden tamamen kod bloklar kullanarak tasarlayabileceksiniz. Aklnzdan geen keke yle bir oyun olsa dediiniz ve yapmak isteyip de yapamadnz hayal dnyanzn oyunlarn ilk aamada Scratch ile oluturabilirsiniz. Scratch tamamen cretsizdir. Kendinizi Scratch da kantladktan sonra dier oyun motorlarndaki temel kodlama mantnda kavramakta glk ekmeyeceksiniz. Hadi ne duruyoruz balayalm yleyse!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Master Embedded C: Embedded Systems Interview Questions" |
"This course contains a series of Embedded Systems questions and explanations.Embedded C: pointers, memory layout, memory types, makefiles, compilation steps, interrupts, semaphores, safe coding questions.Electronics: Subjects such as transistors circuits, amplifiers, resistors , capacitors , differential signaling, darlington pair, current mirror, logic gates with transistors, buck, boost, buck-boost converters, basic electronics in Embedded Systems, stepper motors, DC motors, PCB designMicrocontrollers and Computer Architecture: Subjects such as timers, ADC, I2C, SPI, UART, DMA, PWM, Harvard architecture, Von-Neumann, bit operations, CPU architecture, interruptsEmbedded Systems in Automotive industry: Subjects such as CAN protocol, FlexRay, standards, testing methods, AUTOSAR, OBD, CAN FDNetworking: Subjects such as OSI stack, routers, switches, ARP protocol, spanning tree protocol, socket, pipes, linux, threads, processes"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Get Ready for College Auditions" |
"This course is designed to help you prepare for college performing arts auditions. If you are an actor, singer, instrumentalist, or dancer you will benefit from this course. There are logistic and artistry lessons to help you plan everything. I talk about pre-screen auditions. We will explore calendar planning. We will look at practical things like what to wear to auditions as well as what to perform. Parents of artistic students will benefit from this course as well."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Super Immune: The Arctic Explorer Guide To Avoiding Sickness" |
"--------------------------------------------------------------Student Review:""This course is a lifesaver (literally)! Christians recommendations are insightful, well explained, and supported by both powerful reasoning and medical research. I wish I had learned all these techniques years ago and save me a lot of suffering. Thank you so much!- Tony Bergmark--------------------------------------------------------------What youll learn inside this course has taken me decades of study and trial and error to learn and now, you will get the shortcut to achieving the same level of super immunity as I did.In fact, by the time you complete the 4th lecture, I believe you will know more than 97% of the medical establishment on what to do to balance your immune system and avoid any kind of infection.Question: Have you ever wondered how explorers and mountaineers can go through extended periods of physical and mental stress without getting sick? Or how people from the so-called Blue Zones are living for more than 100 years, never get sick, and also enjoy amazing health?Answer: They are all applying the principles that youll learn in this course.Thanks to the lessons in this course I went from almost dying from asthma to exploring some of the wildest and most remote places of the planet. And now I want to share with you my EXACT method on what to do, how to do it, when, and why.When you implement these proven strategies, you will:Learn how to build a super immune foundation that will bulletproof your from any foreign invader (virus, bacteria, parasite);Know how to apply the EZS protocol in periods of exposure and susceptibility to tap breaks on the immune response (leading to little or no symptoms);Shift the mental modelling from experiencing fear to become as antifragile as an arctic explorer (benefiting from exposure);Learn how to quickly recognize and interpret the signals your body uses to communicate with you and ACT immediately;Eliminate confusion and get clarity over what is safe and efficient;Know the fast way to aid your body homeostasis and enjoy excellent health.In addition:This course is straight to the point with no fluff, filler, or any medical jargonThis course is accessible and you dont need to be an explorer to implement itThis course is intentionally short and easy to implement so that you can apply the lessons as soon as today.10 Years Without Any Sickness and Counting...And here's the bottom line...You need this course to prepare yourself both physically and mentally for the current world pandemic. Youll stop worrying about both your health and its financial consequences.You also need this course because these challenging times are also a great opportunity for you to transform your health.And, lastly, you need this course so that you become an expert yourself and keep your loved ones safe.Enroll today, and you benefit from Udemy's no-questions-asked, 30-day, money-back guarantee!Who is this course for:People who are taking responsibility for their health and the health of their loved ones.People with existing health conditions that want to get peace of mind.Healthcare professionals and caregivers who are at greater risk of infection.Athletes looking to remain at their best during a period of social distancing."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop For Architecture Students" |
"This course is specially made for the architecture students out there with 4 hours of lectures and materials provided.In this course, I will be cover:- Set the photoshop setting for the best experience.- The use of essential photoshop tools.- How to make a good diagram.- In-depth explanation and workflow for your architecture post-production rendering.- Different sets of materials have been made to help out on your learning curve.- Get direct feedbacks one-to-one after you finish up the assignments.Enroll this course now and let's get into being creative!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Maitriser l'Investissement en Trading et commencer gagner." |
"Apprendre investir en Bourse, le guide complet de A Z.Peu importe votre niveau actuel vous allez pouvoir apprendre Trader !Les plus riches de ce monde possdent de l'immobilier et des placements en Bourse. Apprenez trader vous mme et grer votre argent, vous viterez les frais de gestion et droits d'entre levs des fonds et produits financiers.Dans ce cours vous dcouvrirez :Ce que sont les marchs financiersLes diffrents types de produits financiers Les diffrents types d'ordres2 stratgies d'investissements en Bourse: Plus-values et dividendesLa fiscalitLe MINDSETQuels courtiers j'utilisentMoney management pour protger vos gainsBonus: 100 de frais de courtage offert chez mon broker"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"MB-400 Microsoft PowerApps + Dynamics 365 Developer (beta)" |
"Candidates must have strong applied knowledge of Power Apps model-driven apps in Dynamics 365, including in-depth understanding of customization, configuration, integration, and extensibility, as well as boundaries and constraints. Candidates should have a basic understanding of DevOps practices for Power Apps model-driven apps in Dynamics 365. Candidates must expose, store, and report on data.This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks:Create a technical design (10-15%)Configure Common Data Service (CDS) (15-20%)Create and configure Power Apps (10-15%)Configure business process automation (10-15%)Extend the user experience (15-20%)Extend the platform (15-20%)Develop integrations (10-15%)"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Paper Quilling Art - Beginner to Advanced" |
"""Paper Quilling Art - Beginner to Advanced"" is designed in such a way that it is useful for the beginners as well as the experienced quillers. The methods used here are simple to digest yet effective enough to create some extra-ordinary Art works. Through this course I will share with you not only the basic techniques of Quilling but also every little tips and tricks that I have learnt through my experience of over 7 years. By using these Quilling tutorials you can learn to create wonderful piece of art such as greeting card, photo frame, beautiful portraits, colorful butterflies, birds, flower bouquet, decorative wall hangings and many more.The technique of Quilling requires some time to get accustomed to but once you adopt to it your level of creativity will be beyond your imagination. After taking this online Quilling course you will not only be able to create gorgeous artworks, you will feel immense joy while working with the colorful quilling strips. It will also enhance your patience and it will work as a tool of meditation which will increase your concentration level manifolds. So dive into the creative world of Paper Quilling!!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"ITILv4 Foundation Certification 2020 - Practice Exams" |
"ITIL 4 Foundation empowers the possibility to see IT Service Management through a start to finish working model for the creation, conveyance, and nonstop improvement of tech-empowered items and administrations.- ITIL 4 Foundation furnishes up-and-comers with: An all-encompassing way to deal with the help of co-formation of significant worth with clients and different partners as items and administrations The core values of ITIL 4 The four elements of Service Management Key ideas from Lean, Agile, DevOps, and why these are critical to conveying business esteem How ITIL rehearses portrayed in ITIL 4 will keep up the worth and significance gave by the current ITIL forms, while simultaneously extend to be incorporated into various regions of administration the executives and IT, from interest to esteem.Keep in mind the following:Time is the essenceThe devil is in the details"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Creating Your Resilience Playbook" |
"How do you explain why some people get stuck during a crisis while others not only survive, they eventually learn how to thrive? Resilience is about learning how to move forward and thrive in the face of adversity. Over the past 3 decades, Dave Buzanko has learned the secret of resilience as an Entrepreneur, Husband and Ironman Triathlete. In this virtual training, Dave will be sharing his hard-won knowledge with you, helping you to create a Resilience Playbook so that you can not only survive, but learn how to thrive in both your professional and personal life.Skills covered in this course: (Resilience) (Personal Growth) (Leadership)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Java Spring - Angular application gestion des rservations" |
"Cette formation d'une dure de 3H va vous permettre de vous accompagner dans la cration d'une application pour la gestion de rservations. L'exemple pris dans cette formation est la location de bungalows. Cette formation est base sur les langages JAVA EE SPRING et ANGULAR. Elle va vous permettre d'apprendre les fondamentaux de ces deux langages comme la mise en place d'une base de donnes, la cration de data en format JSON, de faire communiquer deux framworks entre backend et frontend."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Real World BizTalk 2020 For Developers" |
"This course includes over 20 hours of videos teaching you how to use schemas, maps, business rules, pipelines, content-based routing, orchestrations, debugging and error-handling.The first set of lessons gives a higher level overview of the above, and is suitable for managers, quality assurance, and anyone who is curious what Microsoft BizTalk really is."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"CompTIA PenTest+ Practice Exams - Your Road to Certification" |
"Is getting CompTIA Certification your dream? Then, look no further and start practicing this real time like Exam simulation questions.At the End of the 300+ Comprehensive questions practice, you will be confident enough to pass your CompTIA Exam in your first attempt. Once you finish each practice test, you shall be guided with the Feedback mechanism for your answers that are Incorrect. This aids you to improve your learning and practice more before you attempt your final Exam.Understand the CompTIA concept with our Real time simulation questions and timeline so that you get to pass with confidence.Our guides and Practice Test are prepared by the Leading Industry Experts. So, rest assured if you practice and understand the concepts, passing the exam should be a Cake Walk.Join our Students as they are excited to practice.What is Included in this Course?3 Practice Exams with ~100 Questions each. So that, each exam has the same Timeline and number of Questions matching CompTIA Exam. (~100 Questions, 60 minutes).You shall experience Scenario based questions that are unique to test and guide your understanding of the subject.Ten Reasons that makes this course Unique?1. Exam Pattern Similar to real time CompTIA Exams2. Prepared by Industry Leading Experts3. Feedback Mechanism about the questions after answering4. Test Score Report5. Question Bank Updates over the time6. Learn on the Go7. Instructor Support8. Study Groups for Q & A9. Quick References10. Satisfied StudentsWe wish you a Good Luck and Get Certified Today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"TIBCO Business Studio 3.2 - Certification Practice Exam" |
"Is getting TIBCO Business Studio 3.2 Certification your dream? Then, look no further and start practicing this real time like Exam simulation questions.At the End of the Comprehensive questions practice, you will be confident enough to pass your TIBCO Business Studio 3.2 Exam in your first attempt. This aids you to improve your learning and practice more before you attempt your final Exam.Understand the TIBCO Business Studio 3.2 concept with our Real time simulation questions and timeline so that you get to pass with confidence.Our guides and Practice Test are prepared by the Leading Industry Experts. So, rest assured if you practice and understand the concepts, passing the exam should be a Cake Walk.Join our Students as they are excited to practice.What is Included in this Course?4 Practice Exams and ~100 Questions so that, each practice exam brings you closer to your Dream Certification.You shall experience Scenario based questions that are unique to test and guide your understanding of the subject.Ten Reasons that makes this course Unique?1. Exam Pattern Similar to real time TIBCO Business Studio 3.2 Exams2. Prepared by Industry Leading Experts3. Feedback Mechanism about the questions after answering4. Test Score Report5. Question Bank updates over the time6. Learn on the Go7. Instructor Support8. Study Groups for Q & A9. Quick References10. Satisfied StudentsWe wish you a Good Luck and Get Certified Today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP ABAP with NetWeaver 7.5 Certification - Practice Tests" |
"Is getting ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.5 Certification your dream? Then, look no further and start practicing this real time like Exam simulation questions.At the End of the Comprehensive questions practice, you will be confident enough to pass your ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.5 Exam in your first attempt. Once you finish each practice test, you shall be guided with the Feedback mechanism for your answers that are Incorrect. This aids you to improve your learning and practice more before you attempt your final Exam.Understand the ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.5 concept with our Real time simulation questions and timeline so that you get to pass with confidence.Our guides and Practice Test are prepared by the Leading Industry Experts. So, rest assured if you practice and understand the concepts, passing the exam should be a Cake Walk.Join our Students as they are excited to practice.SAP Provided Certification Details:Certification Name: SAP Certified Development Associate - (C_TAW12_750) ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.50Exam: 80 questionsExam Passing Score: 59%Exam Duration: 180 MinutesType of Questions: MCQ (Single or Multiple choices), True/FalseOur Practice Exams:Total Questions out of 4 Practice Tests: 240Type of Questions: MCQ (Single or Multiple choices), True/FalsePassing Score: 80% (You can retake any number of times :) )What is Included in this Course?4 Practice Exams with 60 question each and 240 Questions in total so that, each practice exam brings you closer to your Dream Certification.You shall experience Scenario based questions that are unique to test and guide your understanding of the subject.Ten Reasons that makes this course Unique?1. Exam Pattern Similar to real time ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.5 Exams2. Prepared by Industry Leading Experts3. Feedback Mechanism about the questions after answering4. Test Score Report5. Question Bank updates over the time6. Learn on the Go7. Instructor Support8. Study Groups for Q & A9. Quick References10. Satisfied StudentsWe wish you a Good Luck and Get Certified Today!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn iMovie for Beginners" |
"In this course, you will learn the ins and outs of iMovie from start to finish. You will be able to create beautiful ads and promo videos to market your business on social media, the biggest marketing platform of 2020! Make your product or service appealing to your target audience by entertaining or educating them with professionally edited promotional videos.You don't need fancy equipment to do this. As long as you have a smartphone, preferably an iPhone and a MacBook or an iMac, you can create stunning ads to use in your ad campaigns!Once you learn this software, you can cut your marketing budget considerably.Use this course to get started marketing your business before you pay anything for marketing."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Event Planner: Training Series" |
"Welcome to Event Planning 101, where we bring value to your career. This is the first video of our 11 video training course. Thank you for your interest and for more information, please contact us directly at Eye Inspire Events. Thank you and we hope you enjoy our videos as much as we do."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"SAP Cloud Platform Integration Practice Exams (4 Exams)" |
"Have you already taken an SAP CPI course from SAP Learning Hub?Have you self-studied using the SAP CPI textbook?Are you still not quite confident that you are ready to take the certification exam? If so, you've come to the right place!We have personally trained over 1000 people in how to pass their SAP CPI exams on the first attempt!With my 4 practice exams containing 80 questions each, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test. After passing these exams, you will be fully prepared for what it is like to take the SAP CPI Certification Exam.This practice exam course is designed around the official exam guide for SAP CPI, weighting the 8 Knowledge Areas properly, so you can pass the actual SAP CPI Certification Exam with confidence!You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to pass the exam, saving you time and money. After practicing these tests and scoring an 80% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS your certification on the first attempt and avoid retakes.What Other Students Are Saying About Our SAP CPI Certification Exams:Very effective tool for preparing to take the SAP CPI exam! (Raj)Thank you for the practice exams! Passed on the first try. Thanks again!!!!!! (Wim)These exams give the student a very good idea about how difficult the real exam questions will be. I was prepared, and passed the SAP CPI Exam this morning. Well worth the cost. (Syed)What youll learnPass the SAP CPI certification examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Basic understanding of SAP CPI and/or how an integration worksSAP CPI training from SAP Learning Hub(optional)Who this course is for:Students preparing for the SAP CPI certification examPI/PO/CPI professionals looking to validate their skills by passing the SAP CPI certification"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"SAP Successfactors Employee Central Practice Exams (4 Exams)" |
"Have you already taken an SAP Successfactors Employee course from SAP Learning Hub?Have you self-studied using the SAP Successfactors Employee Central Implementation guide?Are you still not quite confident that you are ready to take the certification exam? If so, you've come to the right place!We have personally trained over hundreds of people in how to pass their SAP Successfactors Employee Central exams on the first attempt!With my 4 practice exams containing 80 questions each, I have carefully hand-crafted each question to put you to the test. After passing these exams, you will be fully prepared for what it is like to take the SAP Successfactors Employee Central Certification Exam.This practice exam course is designed around the official exam guide for SAP Successfactors Employee Central, weighting the 8 Knowledge Areas properly, so you can pass the actual SAP Successfactors Employee Central Certification Exam with confidence!You won't be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to pass the exam, saving you time and money. After practicing these tests and scoring an 80% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS your certification on the first attempt and avoid retakes.What Other Students Are Saying About Our SAP Successfactors Certification Exams:Very effective tool for preparing to take the SAP exam! (Raj)Thank you for the practice exams! Passed on the first try. Thanks again!!!!!! (Wim)These exams give the student a very good idea about how difficult the real exam questions will be. I was prepared, and passed the SAP CPI Exam this morning. Well worth the cost. (Syed)What youll learnPass the SAP Successfactors Employee Central certification examAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Understanding of SAP Successfactors Employee Central and/or how to configure itSAP Successfactors Employee Central training from SAP Learning Hub(optional)Who this course is for:Students preparing for the SAP Successfactors Employee Central certification examEC professionals looking to validate/retake their skills by passing the SAP Successfactors Employee Central certification"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Running Made Easy - with Award Winning Coach and Tutor" |
"This course is aimed at anyone who wants to improve their knowledge about running. It covers a wide range of subjects starting with why we should run and equipment/running shoes, all the way up to strength and conditioning, developing your own training sessions and training plan. With a combination of short lectures and videos, examples of exercises and running drills, all designed to make running easier for you. The course lectures and videos should take you around two hours to listen to and watch, and with practice will make you a better runner tomorrow than what you are today."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Simulado de apoio aos estudos para certificao PMP e CAPM" |
"A PMWay tem um objetivo muito simples, mas que far toda a diferena. A ideia fazer com que voc profissional da rea de projetos sendo Gerente de Projetos, Analista de Projetos ou Pequeno Empresrio eleve as suas habilidades de gesto, fazendo com que o planejamento seja um hbito.Pelo nosso site, e-mail ou em nossas redes sociais (Facebook, Instagram ou Twitter) explicamos, exemplificamos, ilustramos, fazendo com que voc consiga ter uma viso mais simples das principais ferramentas e tcnicas de Gerenciamento de Projetos, mas claro no me limitando apenas as ferramentas descritas no PMBOK como tambm nas ferramentas e tcnicas que adquiri ao longo da minha jornada.Este simulado de 50 questes aleatrias ir ajudar nos seus estudos para a certificao PMP e CAPM e faz parte de uma sria de contedos que disponibilizamos de maneira gratuita."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"A chi dare il proprio pc e il telefono in caso di emergenza" |
"Una settimana senza accesso a computer o telefoni: chi paga le bollette, incassa i pagamenti e risponde alle email ?Il Covid ha permesso di sperimentare la necessit di avere sotto mano le password.Ma ci siamo accorti che non basta. Proviamo a pensare: - Dove tengo le ricevute, gli estratti conto ?- Dove elenco le scadenze fiscali e non ?- Altri saprebbero fare un F24 ?- Come far controllare, bloccare e sbloccare la carta di credito ?Caro lettore, siamo in una societ che richiede migliaia di adempimenti, presume che sappiamo come fare, e non prevede una lunga malattia. Non solo il Covid-19, ma qualsiasi interruzione del lavoro non e' prevista, e le spese non si fermano.E' un tema che riguarda sia le famiglie che il lavoro. Una volta non c'era bisogno, era tutto nell'armadio. Oggi dobbiamo lasciare istruzioni.Bastava aprire il raccoglitore dei documenti di casa e si trovava tutto.Oggi, se ci si trova nell'impossibilit di usare le password, si ferma tutto.Il computer ci da' molte piu' possibilit, ma ognuno di noi conosce il proprio e il modo in cui conserva le cose.Se dovessimo farci aiutare ? Saprebbero sbloccare il nostro telefonino, e cercare una ricevuta nel conto online ?Il corsoI 19 video (di 5 minuti in media ciascuno) aiuta a prevedere i problemi che nascono dalle doverose protezioni da usare sui dispositivi informatici. Ma anche per tenere in ordine file, servizi online e cloud.I video e i testi servono sia per te che per chi ti aiuter, speriamo mai. Entrambi avrete un metodo comune.Ma c'e' molto di piu'.Lavorare meglio e delegareQuesta guida ci permette anche di diventare piu' ordinati. Di avere un metodo nella tenuta dei nostri documenti e di condivere lo stesso metodo con chi ci sta vicino.E' vero: condividere le password e' una violazione della privacy, ma lo e' anche non poter accedere ai dispositivi per rispondere alle richieste che arrivano.Quindi il punto e': come organizzare il necessario per lasciarci aiutare da chi ci e' vicino.Non serve solo a chi ha paura di ammalarsi.Serve per gestire i nostri faldoni informatici, molto piu' complessi di quelli cartacei di una volta.Bonus: video, testo e modello pronto all'usoOltre al video, ma anche solo in audio per chi lo preferisce, ho realizzato una guidaAi video si accompagna una breve guida con tanti esempi da spuntare punto per punto e verificare a che punto siamo.Offre anche delle tabelle (con alcuni esempi di compilazione) che ognuno potra' personalizzare per se' e per dare una mano a chi gli e' vicino.Photo credits to Katarzyna Biaasiewicz - 123rf"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PowerApps Short Course - Your Home Screen Done Right" |
"Learn how to use the gallery control as the basis for your PowerApps canvas app home screen.This will allow your app to easily grow as you add more and more features.Why not get started on the right foot?Follow-along with these videos and you'll be set.The style of these vids is intentionally ""under produced"" so that even brand new citizen developers see that we all make mistakes, fumble a bit, but persevere until we get a working solution."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cmo utilizar Tiktok para promocionar tu negocio 2020" |
"Curso completo de tiktok para promocionar su negocioTe gustara aprender las ltimas estrategias de marketing orientadas a TikTok? Ests cansado de promocionar tu servicio/producto en otras redes sociales y no conseguir recuperar la inversin?Entonces, Este curso es para ti.Aprende las ltimas estrategias de marketing comprobadas para promocionar su negocio o su pasin, aumentar las ventas y conseguir ms clientes.TikTok anima a sus usuarios a subir vdeos cortos donde los usuarios ms creativos y originales se han convertido en los influencers de la plataforma. Tiktok es completamente diferente a cualquier otra red social y destaca por su gran crecimiento orgnico. Es posible comenzar desde 0 y en pocos das generar miles o incluso decenas de miles de visitas para tus videos. Es por eso que muchas empresas, estn entendiendo el funcionamiento de esta red social y adaptando su contenido para atraer nuevos clientes.Echemos un vistazo a algunas estadsticas de Influence Marketing Hub.Tiktok est valorada en 75 billones de dlares.Desde 2016 ms de 1500 millones de personas han descargado la aplicacin convirtindose en la app ms descargada de 2019.Es la mayor red social con crecimiento orgnico (un 52% ms respecto a Instagram).800 millones de personas estn activas en todo el mundo.Esto es solo una pequea parte de las infinitas oportunidades que tiene TikTok para nosotros. Si tienes una empresa, ests comenzando un proyecto, eres un artista o un experto, ahora es el momento para tomar enserio el potencial de Tiktok.Gracias a nuestro plan de crecimiento probado, descubrirs las estrategias de marketing ms avanzadas y los mtodos para aumentar las ventas y los beneficios de tu negocio.Mi nombre Es Pablo Lpez Emprendedor y experto digital, me dedico a identificar problemas, desarrollar oportunidades mediante el anlisis de su negocio, mercado y los cambios en el espacio digital. Te guiar durante todo el proceso para que empieces a sacar el mximo provecho a esta nueva red social.A qu esperas?PresentamosComo promocionar tu negocio en TikTok 2020."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bases para Dana do ventre" |
"Um curso elaborado especialmente para voc que nunca teve a oportunidade de praticar dana do ventre. Voc vai aprender exerccios bsicos para soltar o quadril e auxiliar na coordenao motora para a execuo dos movimentos. Vai aprender movimentos essenciais da dana, bem como a postura ideal.Com didtica especial para iniciantes, as aulas so sempre divididas com passos novos (bem explicadinho o passo a passo) e sequncias coreogrficas na msica. Voc vai desenvolver musicalidade, melhorar a conscincia corporal e descobrir movimentos lindos que o seu corpo pode executar!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Monetizate con tus cursos online" |
"En este curso aprenders las herramientas que existn para que puedas subir tus cursos en linea, conocers las ventajas y desventajas de las pginas que existen, adems conocers los programas ms utilizados para la grabacin de videos y edicin de estos mismos.Domina el arte de subir videos en cualquier plataforma, conoce todas las plataformas online que existen para que generes ingresos de diversos sitios y no solo de uno."
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"Producing A Robust Business Plan" |
"Hello and welcome to this course which is focused on Producing a Robust Business Plan. My name is Rachel Blackburn and I am a management consultant, coach, author, facilitator, mentor and key note speaker. One of my passions is to help people to learn so that they have more skills to help them manage challenges at work and at home so they become more successful.Please take a look at the Producing a Robust Business Plan course on Udemy. You will find this will enable you to have a clear focus of what you can do to make your business more successful, be able to prioritise what is important for you to action and be happier as you feel more in control that you have a plan to face the challenges ahead."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |