Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Influencing Skills to Achieve your Goals" |
"Hello and welcome to this course which is focused on Influencing Skills to Achieve Your Goals. My name is Rachel Blackburn and I am a management consultant, coach, author, facilitator, mentor and key note speaker. One of my passions is to help people to learn so that they have more skills to help them manage challenges at work and at home so they become more successful in line with achieving their goals.Please take a look at the Influencing Skills to Achieve Your Goals Course on Udemy. You will find this will enable you to have a clear focus of situations where you can use your influencing skills to achieve a more positive outcome, create some clear goals of what you want to achieve and review some key models and concepts for influencing the outcomes so you achieve what you want to achieve most of the time."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Lavender Fields and Fauna in Watercolour" |
"In this great course you will learn how to quick sketch and watercolour paint lavender flowers and a lavender field. This calm and soothing class delivers techniques and to the point instruction so you can get creating. Learn how to use your brush to do the work for you and get depth in your fields painting. I invite you to join me in this watercolour journey as you explore and add more tools to your artist toolbox."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Bold Birch Trees in Watercolour" |
"Join me in this great course and paint bold watercolour birch trees the easy way. You will paint the best bark and branches you've ever painted before with these unique tools and techniques. Have fun painting colourful backgrounds with texture and understand how to paint snow with simple but effective washed out strokes."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Communication for Remote Teams" |
"This course is about Communication in Remote Teams. Our goal is to making you a more effective remote team member and leader. We will discuss how you can improve your communication practices in the remote work context, to make your teams more successful, inclusive, and efficient. The course covers general principles and lessons that apply across a range of types of teams, and situational specifics. Our goal is to prepare you to return to these lessons again and again, while you improve yourself and your remote teams."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"HEC-RAS 4.1" |
"Es un programa que tiene como objetivo modelizar el comportamiento de un caudal en un canal artificial o en un cauce natural (ros y arroyos).HEC-RAS es un modelo hidrulico unidimensional, de libre distribucin, creado por la USACE (United States Army Corps of Engineers).La utilizacin del programa HEC-RAS nos permite:Determinar los calados y las velocidades de un flujo de agua en un cauce.Saber si un caudal dado se desborda del cauce o no y por tanto hacer Estudios de Inundabilidad y determinar las zonas inundables."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Article Answer Key" |
"This is a course designed for beginner and intermediate marketers, as well as aspiring bloggers. In order to do well with this course, you need to have a little familiarity with WordPress and openness to keyword research. Even if you're not familiar with WordPress, you shouldn't let that deter you from enrolling because this is a very potent strategy. If you'd like to receive more organic traffic, leads and sales, then this course will show you the secret methods you should know for ranking on the first page of Google."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Finanzas personales e inversiones sin riesgo" |
"Curso de finanzas personales, ahorro, inversin sin riesgo y mentalidad ganadora. Aprende todo lo que afecta negativamente a tu dinero. Descubre cmo combatir a los enemigos del dinero, descubre cmo empezar a generar patrimonio. Paso a paso, desde cero pero con el enfoque correcto. Despus de este curso tendrs la base para subir de nivel y enfrentarte a inversiones de riesgo."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Nauka gry na perkusji dla pocztkujcych" |
"Masz bbny ale nie masz pojcia jak na nich gra? Chciaby podnie swoje umiejtnoci w grze na perkusji? Jeli tak to ten kurs jest dla Ciebie. Znajdziesz tutaj filmy dotyczce podstawowej techniki gry, pierwsze rytmy perkusyjne, niezwykle istotn technik werblow, rytmy z wielu gatunkw muzycznych, wczenia na niezaleno koczyn i wiele innych. Niezalenie od tego czy dopiero zaczynasz gra czy moe ju grasz rok lub dwa lata to znajdziesz tutaj co dla siebie."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Les fondamentaux Agile, Scrum et Kanban" |
"Les fondamentaux Agile est un cours qui fournit les connaissances de base pour adopter le mindset Agile et donne un aperu des valeurs et principes Agile.En suivant cette formation vous serez en mesure de comprendre la diffrence entre Agile et les mthodes traditionnelles comme Waterfall.Vous aurez l'occasion de comprendre dans quelles situations on doit adopter le mindset Agile et dans quelles autre situations les mthodes traditionnelles sont plus adquates.Nous allons aussi voir deux des frameworks les plus utiliss pour appliquer les valeurs et principes Agile savoir Scrum et Kanban, nous allons commencer par expliquer les deux frameworks, les diffrents rles, artefacts et runions avec Scrum et ensuite le fonctionnement de Kanban et comment les quipes peuvent bnficier d'un tel processus pour dlivrer de la valeur a leurs clients.Nous allons finir par expliquer la diffrence entre ces deux frameworks.Music: Creative minds from Bensound"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mindfulness per Operatori Sanitari" |
"Corso base di Mindfulness dedicato ai professionisti della Salute (medici, infermieri, operatori di pronto soccorso, psicoterapeuti, etc.) per la gestione dello stress e delle emozioni difficili, in ambito lavorativo e personale.Vengono trasmesse le pratiche fondamentali per dare strumenti semplici ed immediati che possono essere facilmente imparati e trasferiti nella quotidianit del professionista. Il corso consiste in 14 brevi video lezioni teoriche, 6 audio scaricabili delle meditazioni e 3 risorse extra bonus."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Comment Perdre O,9 kilos par jour sans rgime ?" |
"Aujourdhui vous tes dans une situation ou pour obtenir une perte de poids, vous allez essayer diffrents rgimes comme par exemple le rgime pauvre en glucides ou en calories. Mais les rsultats que vous obtenez ne sont pas la hauteur, voir pire dans certains cas vous prenez davantage de poids. Pourtant il y a une minorit de gens ct qui russissent maigrir facilement et rapidement. Vous avez surement dj vu un collgue qui mange nimporte quoi et qui ne prend pas un seul gramme. Et pourtant vous avez le mme potentiel queux. Si vous avez pass plusieurs mois et dpenss des centaines deuros dans les diffrents rgimes que vous vendent les magazines, l il y a un problme, car tous ces rgimes sont vous lchec. Et ce nest pas votre faute, cela na rien voir avec un manque de volont de votre part Tous ces rgimes entranent une augmentation du sentiment de faim et une baisse du mtabolisme. Votre corps se met en mode survie avec comme seul but, vous faire reprendre le poids perdu. Ce dont vous avez besoin cest dune nouvelle mthode qui vous permet de perdre du poids facilement en suivant des tapes prcises. Les personnes qui russissent ne pas prendre du poids avec les annes utilisent dj les nombreux conseils prsents dans cette mthode."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build A Real World Deep Learning Solution: Practical Guide" |
"Words like a neural network, machine learning, deep learning, logistic regression are popping up more and more. All of these have now become a buzz in the tech industry. Among all, deep learning is one such concept that has become the focus of many machine learning-based researches.Already, deep learning is being used in many daily life applications. From self-driving cars to traffic assistance to face recognition technology at the airport to big mart sale prediction, deep learning is used like never before.Just like all others, deep learning is also a subset of AI. In this tutorial, you will be going to learn the use of Deep Learning for creating a computer algorithm that can be used for tracking big mart sales on various products. It can be done via autonomous learning from the available data and information.In this deep learning project, you will learn how to build a model that can predict the sales of each product at a big mart.Overall, you will learn about the TensorFlow, data science hypotheses, data exploration, data visualization & data regression for building this project.This deep learning online tutorial unfolds with the basic introduction and then introduces you to several important concepts associated with deep learning that you will be going to use in the latter part of this course.You will be taught about the hypothetical measurement, Iris flower, Big Mart dataset, generating hypotheses, data extraction, data pre-processing and data modeling. By the end of this course, you will be able to build a predictive model that can predict the likely value of sales of each of the products.Begin with this online course now to learn and understand all the concepts required to build a Deep Learning algorithm for Big Mart Sale Prediction."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Video Production Masterclass: Beginner to Pro Video Creation" |
"Do you want to make your own professional videos?Whether you want to make YouTube videos, short films, or feature-length films for Netflix, this course will teach you everything you need to make amazing videos.You will master all of the following video production techniques:StorytellingEquipmentCinematographyLightingSound recordingSet designVideo editingVideo promotionYouTubeand so much moreYou will receive a film school education for a fraction of the cost. Lead instructors Mitchell Bouchard and Phil Ebiner have taken what they've learned in film school and transformed it into this practical video production course.You will get instant access to:17+ hours of video lessonsDownloadable 40+ page workbookPractice files to follow alongPremium support from instructors who careLifetime updates to course materialsOur goal for you:The goal of this course is to add value to all potential filmmakers across the globe - whether you're a complete beginner or someone with a basic understanding of video production. Advanced sections will give you the knowledge they need to produce Youtube Content, Short Films, Corporate Videos, Wedding Films as well as Documentaries.Make professional videos on any budgetNo matter how fancy your camera is or what kind of gear you use, you can make great videos. By learning the principles of a good video (storytelling, shot composition, lighting, and editing) you will be making more engaging and higher quality videos, even with a smartphone.If you want to make better videos, this is the course for you.There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, see if you enjoy the course, and start making better videos today!Cheers,Phil, Mitchell, Will & Kevin"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Engineering Dynamics" |
"This course is typically required of Mechanical Engineering students and may be taken by other engineering students. The course is all about MOTION - how to describe motion, what causes motion, and what forces come from motion. After watching my videos you will be able to analyze mechanical systems and you will begin to have the tools to design machines and other mechanical systems. 20+ hours of video instruction, all of my notes both filled and unfilled, everything I give to my students - all for you!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ancient Ruins 3D Game Environment in Blender" |
"Instructor InfoEmiel Sleegers always had love for video games and when he was young, he started using Unity3D for programming but he found himself gravitating more towards the art of making games. Now he is currently working as an environment artist in Ubisoft. He contributed to creating AAA games such as Forza Horizon 3 and The Division 2. His all time favorite game is The Last of Us and that video game is what inspired him to want to work in the game industry. His advice for beginner artists is to focus on one aspect of gaming that they are passionate about, stick to it and get better at it. His hobbies include anything related to games or films, whether it be working on personal projects, freelance work or going out for movies. Course Info Hello guys, my name is Emiel Sleegers. Im a 3D artist currently working for one of the biggest game companies in the world named Ubisoft. Are you tired of searching for Blender tutorials but cannot find the right ones that are done by actual professional artists? Do you want to know how to create a full game environment like how it is completely done in the game industry? Then look no further. This course is for you. In this course, we will go through the entire pipeline of creating a game environment from scratch using Blender 3d, Substance Painter & Designer, Zbrush and Unreal Engine 4. The major topics we will be covering areCreating modular assets using blender Create realistic stone and brick details using ZbrushCreating correct UV unwraps inside of blender. Baking our high and low poly models in Marmoset toolbag. Creating tileable materials using substance designer Creating practical real-world shaders Producing materials with mask blending and parallax mapping Level setup, lighting & post effects using Unreal Game Engine By the end of this course, you will be able to create an amazing damaged ancient ruin environment. Before beginning this course, you should have a basic knowledge of Blender, Substance Painter, Substance Designer, Zbrush and Unreal Engine 4. Upgrade your skillset as an environment artist today and learn how to create environments that you have never created before. People who invest in themselves get the payoff. People who never take action will always wonder what if. Grow your skills and pull the trigger now so you never have to wonder. You will be glad you made the right decision. Come and join me at Victory3D."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Constelao Familiar - Mdulo 01 - Conhecendo a Constelao" |
"Curso de formao em constelao familiar sistmica. um curso completo com 18 mdulos onde todos os interessados iro compreender e conseguir atuar profissionalmente como consteladores familiares. o curso mais completo do mercado, onde teremos aulas em vdeo, textos, dinmicas, exerccios.Sempre podem contar com nossa experincia de mais de uma dcada em constelao familiar e venha para esse mundo abrangente.Conhea nosso site e nosso contedo programtico completo em:www.constelacaofamiliar.topPara adquirir outros Mdulos entrem em contato: contato@constelacaofamiliar.topConhea o mundo das constelaes familiares"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Street Fotografie: Erfolgreich auf der Strae fotografieren" |
"Dieser umfassende Kurs beinhaltet alle Themen, welche beim Fotografieren auf der Strasse wichtig sind. Ich zeige Euch, wie ich meine Bilder mache und warum ich sie genau so mache. Ich erklre die rechtliche Situation und wie ihr sie elegant umschiffen knnt. Ich zeige anhand von meinen Bildern welche Gestaltungsmglichkeiten sowie Aufnahmetechniken auf der Strasse relevant sind. Ich erklre, wie ihr die Angst berwindet und warum die Kamera nicht wirklich relevant ist, um auf der Strasse gute Bilder zu machen. Der Kurs zeigt auf, wie man Inhalte in die Bilder bringt und wie man sie interessant und spannend gestaltet. Es werden Fragen zur Ethik genau so intensiv behandelt wie solche zu Social Media. Der Kurs dauert ber 4 Stunden und ist in die folgenden 9 Abschnitte unterteilt: ber diesen Kurs und ber mich Einfhrung in die Street Fotografie Kamera & Einstellungen Fhigkeiten, Angst & andere Hindernisse Inhalt & Bildgestaltung Gestaltungselemente & Aufnahmetechniken Bildbearbeitung Fr Fortgeschrittene Zusammenfassung Kurz gesagt, verrate ich alle Geheimnisse und gebe mein ganzes Wissen preis, welches ich mir ber die letzten 5 Jahre beim intensiven Fotografieren in den abgelegensten Winkeln auf dieser Welt angeeignet habe. Dieser Kurs umfasst den ganzen theoretischen Teil meines Workshops, welchen ich unregelmssig an unterschiedlichen Orten durchfhre. Mit diesem Online Kurs bekommt ihr die Mglichkeit, Euch das ntige Wissen bequem bers Internet und dieses in Eurem Tempo anzueignen. Zwischendurch geht ihr am besten raus und bt das Gelernte, damit der Lerneffekt am grssten ist."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SAP S/4 HANA Simple Logistics Certification Training" |
"Session - 01 SAP S4 Hana IntroductionSession - 02 Activation Frame Work And New ReleaseSession - 03.1 Enterprise Structure AssignmentSession - 03.2 Enterprise Structure DefinitionSession - 04 Material Master Delta ChangesSession - 05 Meeting Business Partner CreationSession - 05.1 Meeting Business PartnerSession - 06 Business partner to Purchase orderSession - 07 MIGO SLM AND SRM DELTA CHANGESSession - 08 SE16H FunctionalitySession - 09 Fiori 2.0Session - 10 Fiori Session - 11 FioriSession - 12 SD Module Delta ChangesSession - 13 SD ChangesSession - 14 Credit Management ERPSession - 15 Output Delta ChangesSession - 16 Revenue RecognitionSession - 17 PP Module Delta ChangesSession - 18 Delta Changes & System ConversionSession - 19 ERP System ConversionSession - 20 Discovery Phase ToolsSession - 22 SolmanSession - 23 Remaining Phases Through SolmanSession - 24 Interview Questions & Certification Programme"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Validate and Control Scope (PMI - PMP)" |
"The Validate and Control Scope (PMI - PMP) is course 8 of 28 of the Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMI-PMP). The course is aligned with the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK6) developed by the Project Management Institute (PMI).There are three priorities you'll have as project manager. To make sure your projects meets stakeholder expectations and to make sure the project comes in on time and on budget. In this course you'll learn about two processes that help you meet those obligations, validate scope and control scope. In validate scope, you formalize acceptance of the scope by all parties. And in control scope you manage changes to the scope baseline. Both of these processes are critical to project success.1. Validating Project Scope2. Inputs to Validate Scope3. Validate Scope versus Control Quality4. Outputs of Validate Scope5. The Control Scope Process6. Inputs to Control Scope7. Performing a Variance Analysis8. Outputs of Control Scope9. Exercise: Validating and Controlling ScopeThats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Bagaimana Memperlakukan Bukti Digital ?" |
"IT Forensic adalah salah satu bagian dari Informasi Technology yang digunakan untuk melakukan audit forensik dalam rangka mengungkapkan suatu tindak kejahatan.Dalam kaitan ini salah satu yang di proses untuk memperoleh titik terang terhadap suatu perkara adalah dengan melakukan analisa bukti digital yang ditemukan di tempat kejadian perkara.Kursus singkat ini adalah memberikan gambaran dasar tentang apa saja yang dilakukan untuk memproses bukti bukti digital dari suatu TKP ke lab kriminologi agar dapat diajukan sebagai bukti di meja persidangan."
Price: 280000.00 ![]() |
"Agiles Projektmanagement mit Scrum, Kanban und OKR" |
"In diesem Kurs behandeln wir die drei beliebtesten agilen Projektmanagement-Methoden Scrum, Kanban und OKR und bringen dir Schritt fr Schritt alles bei, das du in der Praxis wissen musst um mit den jeweiligen Methoden zu arbeiten.Nach einem kurzen Einfhrungskapitel zum agilen Projektmanagement, in dem wir uns das Agile Manifest und die 12 Grundprinzipien genau ansehen, wenden wir uns dem ersten Framework zu. Im Kapitel zu Scrum erfhrst du dann alles ber Rollen, Artefakte, Sprints, Meetings und vieles mehr. Anschlieend sehen wir uns anhand der Projektmanagement Software Jira an, wie Scrum ganz praktisch aussehen kann und lernen dabei das Programm von grundauf kennen. Wir haben uns bewusst fr Jira entschieden, da es nicht nur der Marktfhrer ist, sondern auch bis zu einem Team von 10 Personen dauerhaft kostenlos ist.Im nchsten Kapitel wenden wir uns im Detail der Kanban Methodik zu, hier lernen wir alles ber Kanban Boards, Karten, WIP limits, Swimlanes, Flight Levels und mehr. Auch hier werden anschlieend das ganze in Aktion sehen, indem wir das Programm Trello kennenlernen werden und dort ein Beispiel Projekt fr Kanban anlegen und die verschiedenen Funktionen kennenlernen.Im letzten Kapitel sehen wir uns die durch Google bekannt gewordene OKR Methode an. Wir lernen alles ber die Definitionen von Objectives und Key Results, wie wir diese richtig formulieren und so das Maximum aus unserem Team holen knnen. Um auch hier nicht nur die Theorie sondern auch die Praxis zu verstehen, werden wir mithilfe von Confluence eine Vorlage fr das Erstellen und Prfen von OKRs entwerfen.Die Kapitel sind dabei selbstverstndlich so aufgebaut, dass man sie unabhnigg voneinander machen kann und wenn man sich fr eine bestimmte Methode interessiert, dann kann man problemlos direkt mit dieser beginnen. Wir wnschen euch viel Spa beim Kurs und wenn ihr Frage oder Probleme habt, dann wendet euch gerne jederzeit an einen von uns."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Prince 2 Foundation Practice Tests & Questions and Answers 1" |
"PRINCE2 Foundation CertificationThe Foundation Level certification introduces the PRINCE2 method and aims to confirm that you know and understand the PRINCE2 method well enough to be able to work effectively with, or as a member of, a project management team working within an environment supporting PRINCE2.These Questions will help you with Prince 2 foundation certification exam. Use the below coupon code to get free access to the questions (first 10)751C086041596DBB3A49"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Prince 2 Foundation Practice Tests & Questions and Answers 2" |
"PRINCE2 Foundation CertificationThe Foundation Level certification introduces the PRINCE2 method and aims to confirm that you know and understand the PRINCE2 method well enough to be able to work effectively with, or as a member of, a project management team working within an environment supporting PRINCE2.These Questions will help you with Prince 2 foundation certification exam. Use the below coupon code to get free access to the questions (first 10)B83F96EEB58F739EEA66"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Successful Grant Writing For Beginners" |
"Finding grantors and writing grant applications to support delivery of your nonprofit organization's mission can be a daunting task! Where to look? Which ones are a good fit? What does the grantor want to see? Do you qualify? This course covers:-using grant research database tools-identifying grant possibilities for your organization-writing winning grants and providing supporting documentation-what do do once you've received a grantThis course was designed and is instructed by a Certified Fund Raising Executive who has written numerous grants that raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in grant awards for a variety of organizations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"QuickBooks For Amazon Online Merchant Sellers" |
"This QuickBooks Video Course will show and teach the owners of Amazon online stores how to use QuickBooks Desktop for their Amazon online merchant store.This QuickBooks Desktop Training tutorial series will give Amazon Merchants everything they need to use QuickBooks Desktop to keep financial records of their Amazon Online Merchant Store. This is a follow along, step-by-step training class that shows exactly what to do for each thing that Amazon sellers would need when using QuickBooks.You will see how to:Set up a company file in QuickBooks desktop specifically for an Amazon Online Selling Store.You will see exactly how to record the bi-monthly statement that Amazon gives to their merchant sellers to explain the net amount of the bi-monthly deposit that they put in to our company bank account. You will also learn how to make the monthly adjustment to Inventory and cost of goods sold to be able to find the gross profit and net income of your company. Then, you will see how to establish your beginning inventor number for your first month as well as getting an overview of the Amazon Inventory Lab.Lastly, you will the see examples of how any typical company would pay general expenses as well as use QuickBooks reports and the find window to find any transaction you put in to you Amazon QuickBooks desktop file.This playlist assumes that Amazon buying, and selling is the only thing your company does. If you do more, then you may need more of the QuickBooks instructional videos right here on this very website. This Amazon playlist is the result of popular demand from Udemy students who sell merchandise via Amazon Online. Amazon traders are essential in these difficult times and I wish to help them in any way I can.Please contact me through Udemy Q&A or messaging if you need any help with the course or have any issue or question.-Mark"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed Juz / Part 10" |
"Juz / Part 10 of the holy Quran Self Education in Quran Reading with Tajweed: Juz / Part 10 of the holy Quran Method: learn quran word by word. Quran learning made easy with the help of Video lessons. Live Online Quran Classes on Skype for For kids, New Muslims, adults, beginners and advanced students.Word for word Quran teacher/reciter, Reading and tajweed helper tool. Learning Quran made easy with Quran teaching Videos lessons. Learn Quran with Tajweed series - Quran Lessons for beginners to learn with proper Tajwid.With the video Lessons you learn: * Quran Reading * Applied Tajweed Rules * Rules of Waqf * Correct pronunciationOur Quran Learning videos are best for teaching Quran with Tajweed to your children. Also the Quran teachers can use them to help their students learn Qaida and Quran. If you have any question about our Quran learning Project, then please feel free to contact us. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Creative Editing For Film & Video" |
"In this course you will learn the basics of editing films and videos from start to finish as well as how to thinking creatively towards the process. This is not a ""how-to"" course on how to use a specific editing application. This course is designed about the editing process in general."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"CISCO DevNet 200-901 Practice Test(Exam questions)" |
"CISCO DevNet 200-901 Practice exam tests a candidate's knowledge of at the associate level in software development and design, understanding and using APIs, application deployment and security, and infrastructure and automation on Cisco platforms.The exam is focused on a total of 6 sections and they are as follows:Software Development and DesignUnderstanding and Using APIsCisco Platforms and DevelopmentApplication Deployment and SecurityInfrastructure and AutomationNetwork FundamentalsThe practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate and proven correct by test-takers yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource not just the only resource."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing Course" |
"Digital Marketing is vital in today's scenario of any company that is transparent in its corporate scale and scope. Having said that, Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Digital Marketing is the big revolutionary thing that is being talked about by each one of us today - thanks to the drastic emerging AI tools that are changing the brandscape, altogether. Companies are leveraging innovative ways to market around the clock using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and technologies. Recently, companies are also making use of social media and video-making tools powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) to speed up social media content creation and video production to dominate the industry which they are particularly catering to. This reasoning shift from traditional digital marketing to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Digital Marketing has filled the gap - giving rise to high chances of crossover between company and consumers.There are numerous cloud-based and offline Digital Marketing tools, you can leverage based on the needs. Your daily Digital Marketing works can be managed by these AI tools and this is an incredibly true fact.This game-changing course in 2020 titled ""Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing Course"" created by Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" and MasterMind ""Saranya Srinidhi"" takes a step further to cover Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in website creation, app making, video creation, LinkedIn networking automation and also invites you to explore the future of technology. We will also look at creating a resume using a powerful Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool. Ok, having given all this interesting information that focusses on ""Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing"", the question is ""Are you ready to start learning new-age technologies in digital marketing, this year?""If yes, plunge into action right away by signing up NOW for this course. Your successful Artificial Intelligence (AI) in digital marketing career is waiting.There is no time to waste. The course will be educative, informative, and practical at the same time.Enroll now, and let's start booming. There are interesting, engaging, and new things to experience here in this course.This course has the potential to change the digital marketing world, altogether.Lights. Camera. Action. Let us do the magic.Get ready for a new mind-blowing course by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"", and Mastermind ""Saranya Srinidhi""."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"12 Day Challenge: Develop Genius-Level Focus & Concentration" |
"The strategies you'll find inside this 7 Day Course are used by some of the world's most productive and successful people to get things doneand it's all neatly packaged and presented in a format that makes it easy to digest and fun to implement.We live in a world that's constantly distracted. Everyone's chasing short-term gratification over long-term achievement. And it's not necessarily their fault!We have people and companies competing for our attention during every single moment of our waking lives.The result is a global economy where focus and productivity are infinitely more valuable than almost any other traitincluding talent and intelligence.This course is based on thousands of hours of research, as well as my own experience building over two dozen companies, managing a rock band, and doing contract work on top of that!I'll walk through a variety of strategies that you can use to reclaim your focus, maximize your productivity, and achieve your goals.Here are some of the things we'll cover:How to adopt a productive mindsetHow to stay motivatedHow to develop self-discipline and use the power of habit to boost your productivityThe key differences between busy people and productive peopleHow to minimize the distractions of modern lifeHow you can increase your efficiency with realistic deadlines.How to focus for longer periods of time while avoiding burnout by changing the way you workWith our 7 day challenge, you'll have all the tools you need to become the most productive version of yourselfit's just a matter of putting it all into action.So if you're ready to start bringing your most ambitious goals to life with greater focus and concentration...Enroll now and see you inside!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Hands-on Penetration Testing Labs 4.0" |
"Welcome everyone, and thanks for choosing to participate in my Kali Linux Hands-on Penetration Testing Labs 4.0 course. If you've taken my previous courses with similar names, you already know what's in store. I'll be providing a bunch of vulnerable Virtual Machines which we'll be hacking with Kali Linux using VirutalBox. At the time of this recording, all of the technology is cutting edge, and real-world relevant. Just to give you an idea of what to expect, we'll be focusing very little on theory, and putting a high emphasis on practical hands-on application of offensive security skills.For example, we're going to be utilizing some of the industry standard penetration testing tools such as nmap, Metasploit, dirb, netcat, Burp suite, and a bunch of custom exploits. We'll be focusing on automated and manual enumeration and exploitation, which is a key essential when training to be a subject matter expert in our field. Some of the attack techniques we'll be covering are remote web application and service exploitation, privilege escalation, directory traversal, SQL injection, local file inclusion, and much more. If you're not quite sure what some or any of these words mean, don't worry, you'll see soon enough their effectiveness in action.Each lecture has a set of resources which are included as a text file. In order to access it, simply click on the Resources drop down box for the particular lecture, and download the text file. This includes all commands which are utilized in that specific lecture, as well as URLs which I deem useful.I really hope that you enjoy my course, and encourage you to reach out to me via the Udemy messaging system either in the Q&A section or direct message if you have any specific technical questions or simply want career advice."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |