Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Trasforma la tua vita in 16 settimane" |
"Guida completa di come cambiare gradualmente il modo di alimentarsi e di vivere grazie all'igienismo naturale. Durante il corso e' spiegata nel dettaglio l'alimentazione frugivora crudista, cio la dieta dei nostri antenati. Il programma prevede un totale cambio di stile di vita in sedici settimane, che il tempo necessario per i principianti, ma ci non toglie che se uno conduce gi uno sano stile di vita e vuole solamente perfezionarlo, pu farlo anche in pochi giorni!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"WEB API Programming in ASP.NET Core 3.1" |
"This course covers the WEB API Development using ASP.NET Core 3.1. The course covers following topics.NET Core OverviewDifference between .NET Framework and .NET CoreASP.NET Core Overview and ASP.NET Core Eco-SystemApplication Development using ASP.NET CoreEntityFramework Core Code First MigrationsRepositoriesASP.NET Core 3.1 Request ProcessingWorking with MiddlewaresImplementing Secure WEB API using JSON Web TokensDeploying ASP.NET Core 3.1 applications on IIS and Microsoft Azure"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Linguagem corporal da mentira. Bsico" |
"Nivel basico.Aprenda como identificar pistas de mentira na linguagem do corpo e aplicar na identificao de um(a) mentiroso(a).Curso bsico de Linguagem Corporal, com nfase na Mentira, na identificao do Mentiroso. Aborda tanto a parte gestual do corpo, como as expresses faciais, alm de outras dicas importantes.Voc aprender o significado dos gestos corporais e das expresses faciais universais: tristeza, raiva, medo, surpresa, nojo, desprezo e alegria, bem como a aplicao desse aprendizado na identificao de mentiras.De uma forma simples e fcil, voc ter um contedo essencial dessa rea da Cincia Humana Psicologia to em destaque no nosso mundo atual.Poder aplicar o aprendizado no trabalho, nos negcios, relacionamento..."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Contrato de Locao Comercial" |
"Igualmente, no se pode duvidar que a locao urbana contrato de execuo diferida e continuada. Desta feita, a controvrsia repousa nos elementos mais centrais da Onerosidade Excessiva: a onerosidade demasiada de um contratante em relao vantagem extrema do outro. Por mais catastrfica que seja a pandemia do COVID-19, com nefastos resultados para a vida patrimonial de grande parcela dos brasileiros, tal fato no importa per se na modificao do equilbrio contratual originrio, mas sim em modificaes subjetivas das partes contratantes. Em tese, construir uma relao causa-efeito genrica entre o novo Coronavrus e a Onerosidade Excessiva nos contratos de locao j que no h vantagem excessiva do locador. A grosso modo o locador est fornecendo o imvel locatria, porem se o governo suspendeu o direito de o locatrio trabalhar, subjetivamente suspendeu tambm o direito do locador de locar seu imvel. No se sabe ainda em qual soluo chegaremos, mas temos a certeza que o bom senso nos levara aos melhores trilhos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Corso per Impiegato Back Office con esempi report Excel" |
"Questo corso dedicato sia a chi si avvicina per la prima volta al lavoro impiegatizio, sia a chi vuole risolvere i problemi legati all'operativit in ufficio. Ottimizzate le vostre attivit con pochissimi click, il PC non sar pi un problema ma uno strumento che vi aiuter a lavorare meglio e pi in fretta. Organizzazione delle attivit, gestione delle Vendite, reporting. Provare per credere!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Risolvere incomprensioni con una buona comunicazione" |
"Il corso, breve, propone i segmenti di base per comunicare al meglio, soprattutto in questo momento particolare di emergenza COVID 19, dove le tensioni e lo stress sono alte.Nel corso, spiegato in 6 semplici lezioni, sono presenti collegamenti logici per comprendere perch vengono agiti alcuni comportamenti e successivamente ricevere riscontri diversi da quelli che ci aspettiamo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo - Energia Solar Fotovoltaica" |
"O contedo abordado em formato de vdeo aula utilizar metodologia de fcil aprendizagem, de maneira simples e objetiva, dando nfase nos principais tpicos que compem as qualificaes e habilidades necessrias para realizar um projeto de energia solar, da anlise da conta de energia at o correto dimensionamento dos componentes do sistema e sua instalao."
Price: 429.99 ![]() |
"How To Taste Wine - By a Sommelier" |
"Learn from a sommelier how to taste wine, and what a pleasurable experience it can be. Our goal is to make you quickly feel more comfortable, confident, and excited about shopping for wine, tasting wine, and discussing wine. Within an hour, you'll learn a structured approach for how to taste wine and the three main aspects of wine tasting. You'll also learn a new vocabulary to help you describe wine, identify wine faults, and get the most out of a tasting room experience or when you order from a sommelier at a restaurant."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basic Periodontology" |
"Scope of normal and diseased structures supporting the teeth this includes functional, and environmental factors. This course includes topics in assessment, etiology, pathology, the histopathology and role of inflammation in gum disease, as well as the classifications of periodontal diseases. It is a thorough yet easy to understand approach which the clinician can easily remember the important aspects of this subject. All needed information are included giving the student a wide understanding of this subject."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como se tornar um Engenheiro de sucesso" |
"Este um curso dedicado para aqueles que tm o desejo do sucesso consigo. Seguindo todos os passos aqui mostrados, voc conseguira resultados equivalentes. So passos simples com muita importncia profissional. Todo profissional que deseja resultados, pode usar esse curso como uma grande ajuda de desenvolvimento, tanto pessoal quanto profissional."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Reiki healing for plants and animals - practical treatments" |
"In this course you will learn among others:how to heal plants with Reiki energy,how to heal animals with Reiki energy,how to heal aura,how to design Reiki treatment to individual needs,how to diagnose energetic problemsand much more.I am teacher of Reiki since 2009. I taught over 1000 people in several countries. All of them are good in this, what they do.I also published a book about Reiki healing, which was for 3 months on bestseller list (""Reiki. Odkryj moc zdrowia"", Helion publishing house). In the course I explain you everything you need to proper and safe Reiki practice. I teach you lots of different techniques in Reiki healing. Thanks to this you can start help yourself and others and you can improve your health and quality of life.Read my course curriculum - you will get know, that the course will be probably interesting, useful and worth for you. Stay healthy and be happy!Martha"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Little Hands Workshop" |
"Over the past 30 years, I have been working with children. What I have come to discover is how important it is to shape and develop children's motor skills in an early stage of life. All activities that deal with hand and eye coordination form stronger and creative children. In the past decade, I have gathered together talented people and we organized a strong curriculum that aids in the growth of artistic creativity. From this strong curriculum, I have put together my top videos of arts and crafts lessons that parents can do with children using supplies handy at home. My goal is to help expand children's ability to become more creative, help develop patience and expand their hand and eye coordination with simple, yet fun arts and crafts projects."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Los antojos del cerebro: alimentacin consciente" |
"Este curso es para todos aquellos que les interesa cuidar su bienestar y que quisieran incrementar su calidad de vida por medio de una relacin ms sana con la comida. Aprenders las relacin que tienen las emociones con la alimentacin y tcnicas para no cubrir las emociones con comida. Podrs conocerte mejor y ser ms consciente de tus costumbres para as realizar un cambio que favorezca tu salud."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
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Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Learn Video Editing: Beginner to Advanced in Hindi" |
"If you are looking for a video editing application that will allow you to edit your videos and also you don't a budget to buy that software because you are a beginner and you have to start from scratch. This course will help you to start your video editing from scratch and the best thing is you don't have to pay any single amount for the software used in this course. This is the USP of this course. But that does not mean that your videos will have a watermark or trail software or something like that. NO. FREE means completely FREE. What you are going to learn in this Course?Basic Guide and Software Information Video Editing Software and How to Download [C-1] How to Install and Get FREE Official License [C-2]Basics Interface of Software Creating New Project and Workspace Layout [C-3] Import & Organize Media Files [C-4] Overview of All Panel [C-5] Viewers Tools + Text + Masking Tool [C-6]All Effect Intro [C-7] Opacity [C-7.1] Blending Mode [C-7.2] Transition [C-7.3] Crop Effect [C-7.4] Chroma Key (Green Screen Effect) [C-7.5] Time Remapping (Video Slow, Fast, Time Lapse) [C-7.6] Blur Effect [C-7.7]Keyframe Animation What is Key Frame [C-8] Text Animation [C-8.1] Animated Lower Third [C-8.2]Color Correction What is Color Correction? [C-9] Basic Color Correction [C-9.1] Advance Color Correction [C-9.2]Multi-Camera Editing What is Multi-Camera? [C-10] Multi-Camera Editing [C-10.1]Audio Basic of Audio [C-11] Basics of Audio Editing [C-11.1] Sync Audio [C-11.2] Audio Keyframe [C-11.3] (That include how to make 3d, 4d, 8d Audio) Audio Effects [C-11.4] Audio Noise Remove [C-11.5]Final Export Export in Full HD with low file size [C-12]All these I did with only this FREE Software I don't use any ADD-ON or any other plugin or software. My Promise to YouI'm a full-time video editor and Content Creator. I'll be here to help you. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message. DON'T ASK ME THE NAME OF THE SOFTWARE. Buy the Course and you don't regret it TRUST ME!BONUS: As a bonus, You get the link to Join our FB Private Group with So that if you have any Problem community will help you.By the end of this course, you will get the FB Private Group link to Join.So dont waste your time, Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in Chapter 1!Thanks,Rahul Malviya"
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing Strategy & Implementation 2020 in Malaysia" |
"Section 1: Strategy Planning1: What is social media all about?2: Current trends in Malaysia, 2020. What are the most common platforms and what are the latest marketing tactics being used in Malaysia?3: Identify business objectives4: Identify your target audience and creating your customer empathy map.(buyer persona)5: Content strategy, planning, and management. You will also create your content calendar.Section 2: Creating the ad1: Introduction about ads, budget, and KPIs2: Designing basics, how to use Canva to design anything you want.3: Video editing basics, how to use Canva to design your video.4: Designing your first ad. Learn how to design according to Facebook policies.5. Creating your first ad.Section 3: Monitoring1: How does your target audience respond to different ads? Learn how to not waste ad money!2: Building a community. Learn how to build and increase your community.3: Understanding Instagram Algorithm4: Understanding basic insights and how to analyze and use those insights."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dynamo base: Programao visual aplicada a projetos no Revit" |
"Aprenda atravs de exemplos prticos como criar algoritmos de programao visual com Dynamo para criar e editar geometrias e elementos em seus projetos Revit.Conteudo do curso:Aula 01: Introduo ao Dynamo criando seu primeiro algoritmo Iniciando o Dynamo dentro do Revit Introduo a programao visual Abrindo arquivos Salvando arquivosAula 02: Geometria e pontos Nodes Ports Number slider e integer slider Run manual ou automtico Criando geometria e pontosAula 03 : Trabalhando com listas Listas de pontos Visualizao 3D Lacing Criando linhas Criando grupos Comando FlattenAula 04: Exerccio 1: Fachada parte 1 Grid de pontos Selecionando e visualizando pontosde uma lista Esconder elementos Comando Freeze Comando TransposeAula 05: Exerccio1: Fachada parte 2 Exemplo de design paramtrico: ponto de atrao Distncia entre pontos Selecionando elementos no modelo Revit Comando Remap Ciando Superfcies e Slidos Exportando slidos ao modelo RevitAula 06: Exerccio 2: Elementos com geometrias complexas parte 1 Adicionando pisos ao projeto Comando floor types Comando Level Adicionando pisos no modelo RevitAula 07: Exerccio 2: Elementos com geometrias complexas parte 2 Comando loft Trabalhando com modelos genricos Criando paredes cortina no projeto a partir de superfcies do Dynamo"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"TEACHERS TOOLKIT: Creating Calm from Chaos" |
"Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed in the classroom? Is it sometimes hard to get students to listen to you? Would you like to build your capacity as an effective teacher? Then this is the course for you. The course is designed to provide you with classroom management skills and tactics using the PRE-DURING-POST (PDP) Framework skills. "
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"100 Phrasal Verbs to Speak English like a Native" |
"This course will teach you to understand 100 English phrasal verbs, and to use them with confidence. It is especially useful for English learners who want to achieve a B2 level of English.The course uses memorable examples to help you to understand the phrasal verbs, and reinforces them by presenting them in different contexts.In this course you will learn to...- Understand 100 common phrasal verbs, grouped together according to context.- Use the phrasal verbs correctly.- Express yourself more naturally, and more confidently.- Pronounce the phrasal verbs correctly.- Take the fear out of phrasal verbs.Sign up for this course if your aim is to use and understand the vocabulary that native English speakers use!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Design Modular Kitchens like an expert" |
"In this in-depth online course, Seema Khosla, the head designer and director of Ideas Kitchens will impart the expertise and knowledge that she has gained over 20 years of creating customised modular kitchens for hundreds of clients. The course is systematically divided into three modules and then goes on to a case-study section as well.Module 1 - Structurea) Utility - Which areas need to be planned in the kitchen and how?b) Work triangle - Where should the cooking, cleaning and refrigeration area be located ? Ergonomic design will also be taught.c) Vaastu -Basic guidelines of the ancient Indian architecture system regarding kitchen design. d) Layouts - What are the basic layouts one can opt for according to the room size available. e) Appliances - What are the different kinds of kitchen appliances that need to be planned and how much space needs to be left for them. f) Client need assessment - What questions to ask your client so that you can assess their needs and design a kitchen in accordance to thoseModule 2 - Engineeringa) Modules - How is a module made and what are the different kinds that make up a modular kitchen?b) Material - What is the material that your kitchen modules should be made of and why? You will be taught the advantages and disadvantages of each and which material to use under what site conditions.c) Shutter finishes - What are the outer finishes one can opt for? From laminates to the latest finishes all will be discussed. How it needs to be used and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each will be taught. d) Counter tops- Material that will be used for your working counter and how it should be installede) Base module - Sizes and hardware that can be installedf) Wall module - Sizes and hardware that can be installedg) Tall module - Sizes and hardware that can be installedModule 3 - Aesthetic a) Shapes - Which layout should you select and for what function. Everything from an island, peninsular to breakfast counter will be discussed. How modules can be altered to create your own unique designb) Colour - The design element and colour comes from different aspects of a kitchen. Cabinetry is just one part of it.c) Light - How and where to use lights to give your design an extra edged) Themes - How different elements of design can be used to create a cohesive theme. Case-studiesIn the last part of the course we will discuss 3 kitchens that were executed by us. We will discuss it in accordance to the three modules that have been taught to you so that you get an idea about how modular kitchen design is executed."
Price: 3200.00 ![]() |
"Practical Google BigQuery for those who already know SQL" |
"Practical Google BigQuery for those who already know SQL made for Data Scientists, Data Engineers, Business Intelligence specialist and Developers that:- don't know how BigQuery works and why it's such a game changer,- don't like spending hours browsing through documentation to do things right,- worry that their queries will be slow and expensive,- don't need yet another course that explains types of JOINs in SQL.If you fit the description, this course will help you understand deeply how BigQuery works, what are all its funky functionalities and how to make this powerful tool work for you.Over the entire course you will:learn how to access Google Sheets over BigQuery,understand BigQuery resources hierarchy - datasets, tables, views,make use of SQL editor shortcuts (also hidden ones!) like a pro,understand BigQuery additional functionalities like google transfers, learn how to access BigQuery from python client,understand how BigQuery works under the hood - how it stores data and performs queries, learn how BigQuery pricing works, and how to optimize query costs,create table with all advanced options - applying partitioning, clustering and retention policy,setup monitoring of costs of each query in BigQuery,learn how to recover deleted data in BigQuery using SYSTEM TIME,backup your view's SQL code.Except of the course videos you will get code snippets, SQL code of the examples, cheetsheets and slides.Google BigQuery is revolutionizing data analysis world right now and this course is made to boost career of anyone that dare to use this amazing product!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sports betting : The Ultimate Strategies" |
"This course was made for anyone and everyone interested in making money from sports betting. In this course, you can learn each and everything about sports betting. After this course, I guarantee you that you never make a loss in sports betting again because inside this course you will find my best winning strategies and I successfully make lots of money with the help of these strategies in the last 3 years. After this course you will have a proper understanding of which condition is best to place a bet, you will also have full knowledge of money management. So without wasting anytime Enroll Now! I am very happy to see you inside this course :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Resilience in Challenging Times" |
"Resilience is also not something that you are either born with or not. Resilience develops as people grow up and gain better thinking and self-management skills and more knowledge. Adopting a positive mindset is important this is about being - comfortable in your own skin - and accepting lifes ups and downs as part of the journey. It is part of the process of personal development.Wellbeing and resilience are linked; over time the quality of anyones life will depend on a certain amount of mental toughness. During this course, we'll cover ways to improve your resilience by using all resistance resources, available to you at any given time. Working together and going through stages you'll learn how to boost your confidence, the information would be factually based, and those skills can be reapplied when needed. Knowing how to do it you'll be able to help other people to feel more confident and stress-resilient. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
koguretaichi_publish |
"20602004 NGWord"
Price: 15000.00 ![]() |
"Ayuda a tu hijo a enamorarse de la comida" |
"LO QUE CONSEGUIRS CON ESTE CURSOHbitos de alimentacin ms saludable respetando las necesidades del bebe.Como mejorar la transicin a la alimentacin slida.Estimulacin del desarrollo psicomotor del bebe.Promocin de la lactancia materna aunque la leche artificial no es excluyente en ningn casoEste es el curso de Alimentacin Autoregulada de tu Bebe ms completo que encontrars on Line.Vers como tu bebe va a enamorarse de la comida. Cmpralo hoy mismo y descubre como hacer la transicin a la alimentacin slida de tu bebe."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ISO 9001:2015" |
"9001:2015 9001:2015 9001:2015"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"C Programming : Practical Guide To Master the C Language" |
"This Course is designed to help you learn the C Programming Language from scratch until you master the C language and be able to write high quality codes in C. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course Benefits: C C C Syntax Practical Exercises Concept Coding Exercises Problem Solving Skills Interview Tricks Interview High Quality Code in C Functions Modular Programming Module Modules Project C Quizzes & Examples C"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Apex Triggers" |
"This course helps to understand Apex Triggers with simple examples on various things with 11 Sessions and 1 Mock interview from the beginning of Apex Triggers.It covers how can you handle callout and platform events from triggers as well. It contains Quiz mostly for every session and few more points covered through quiz as well."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn CBSE English Class 10 Footprints Without Feet" |
"Full explanation of all the chapters of Footprints Without Feet for CBSE class 10 as follows 1. A Triumph of Surgery2. The Thief's Story3. The Midnight Visitor4. A Question of Trust5. Footprints Without Feet6. The Making of a Scientist7. The Necklace8. The Hack Driver9. Bholi10. The Book that Saved the EarthAll Textual questions explained in detail"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Introduzione a Docker" |
"Docker una piattaforma open-source per sviluppatori e sys-admin per la creazione, la distribuzione e l'esecuzione di applicazioni.Il corso copre tutti i fondamenti del software Docker e insegna tutto ci che serve per lo sviluppo e la distribuzione di applicazioni moderne attraverso i container.Il modo dell'informatica da sempre caratterizzato da una continua ricerca di tecnologie e sviluppi di nuovi processi. Tali ricerche hanno anche l'obiettivo di ottimizzare lo sviluppo dei software, in tutti le fasi del suo ciclo di vita. Lincredibile incremento della presenza delle tecnologie IT nelle nostre vite, ha contribuito a rendere questa esigenza ancora pi stringente.Questo scenario ha portato alla nascita la CI/CD (Continuous Integration e Continuous Delivery), e pi in generale alla formalizzazione del modello DevOps. Questi nuovi modelli si fondano, anche se non necessariamente sono strettamente legati, su varie tecnologie che ne permettono l'implementazione. Tra queste troviamo Docker."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende JavaScript y Jquery de 0 a 100" |
"En este curso aprenders a programar en JavaScript, da igual si no tienes nociones de programacin porque te lo ensear desde el principio.Aprenders todos los conceptos de la programacin en JavaScript y el FrameWork ms usado Jquery.Si ya sabes programar pero quieres ampliar tus conocimientos no dejes de visitarlo porque te sorprenderas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |