Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Sfrdan Aermod Hava Kalitesi Dalm Modellemesi renin" |
"Kursumuzda evresel Etki Deerlendirmesi kapsamnda uygulanan Aermod Hava Kalitesi Dalm Modellemesi anlatlmaktadr. Bir projenin adm adm nasl yaplmas gerektii, gerekli lde detaya yer verilerek, kafalar kartrmadan, evre Ve ehircilik Bakanlnn 2018 ylnda hazrlad klavuzda istenildii ekilde ve dzeyde anlatlmaktadr. Kurs ierisinde rnek olarak bir adet detayl madencilik projesi Aermod Modelleme ilemine tabi tutulmaktadr. Kursta bahsi geen hususlara dikkat edilerek adm adm gerekli ilemler uygulandnda, kendi projenizi Ek-1 (ED Raporu) ve Ek-2 (Proje Tantm Dosyas) standardnda hazrlayabileceksiniz. Kursumuzda hakim yl seimi ilemlerinden, detayl meteorolojik veri seti hazrlamaya, gerekli temel haritaclk bilgilerinden, aermod view program ayrntlarna birok bilgiye ulaacak, kendinizi gelitireceksiniz. Bilindii gibi artk ED konusu altnda neredeyse btn i ilanlarnda Aermod Hava Kalitesi Dalm Modelleme istenen bir zellik olmaya balad. Bu kursta reneceiniz bilgilerin yeni mezun arkadalarmz bile i grmesinde 5 yl tecrbeli adaylarn nne geireceine inanyorum."
Price: 299.99 ![]() |
"Personal Impact & Presentations" |
"Helping you to create personal impact and to consistently appear confident, at ease and in control when presenting in front of others, either to a small group or a full conference hall.I am a professional theatre director with over 40 years experience and for over 20 of those years I have combined my various theatre activities with teaching these Personal Impact and Presentation Skills programmes to a wide range of business organisations. I will give you an understanding of the proven methods, mental disciplines and performing techniques of the professional performer, together with an interesting selection of tricks-of-the-trade, to enable you to be more professional in this aspect of your business experience.You could be making a presentation, speaking at a conference in front of hundreds of people, facilitating a meeting, hosting or compering a meeting, giving a sales pitch in a meeting, walking into a room of strangers at a networking event, being interviewed, giving an 'elevator' pitch - in fact any scenario where you find yourself under a certain pressure.These 'professionalisms', techniques and 'tricks-of-the-trade' all come from my world - the world of theatre where they've been working for hundreds of years - and I have adjusted them for use in the business world - and they work here too!These 'transferable skills' will make an instant difference to the way you think and feel about presenting, will help you to overcome any fears that you have, and will enable you to consistently deliver your message efficiently, effectively and very professionally. That's the plan!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Brand Builder" |
"Every business starts with a brand.When you start a business you want to create something that your customers understand, that tells them clearly that you're perfect for them, that they remember and that they keep returning to. To do that, you need to build a brand, not just a business.Creating your brand will ensure you have consistency and clarity, making sure customers will remember you and choose you. Many founders and entrepreneurs don't know where to start when it comes to brand and marketing but it doesn't need to be hard. A brand strategy will differentiate you from your competitors, ensure you're recognised by your customers, and motivate you and your team. When you've completed this course you will have:Identified your long-term vision and brand purpose.Detailed your target customer to provide clarity to your decision making, product design and marketing.Created your brand personality and tone of voice.Differentiated yourself from your competitors.Created a plan to motivate yourself and your team, and keep you on track.Learn the fundamentals of brand and build your own in a way that's simple, straightforward and effective."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Complete A-Level Pure Maths Course in 10 Lectures" |
"Founded by two recent Cambridge graduates, Westbound Maths has been running in-person training for students based in North London since 2018, and now we are online! Our courses are designed for Exam Preparation and Grade Improvement with proven results- 88% of our past students improved their final grades by at least one band from predicted grades!What Complete A-Level Pure Maths Crash Course in 10 Lectures teach:The Westbound Maths Complete A-Level Pure Maths Course covers the entire A-Level pure maths syllabus which represents 2/3 of the final exam weight for A-Level Mathematics qualification. The course consists of 10 lectures with over 15 hours of class videos, accompanying exam- styled homework and detailed mark scheme for the following topics:Sequence and Series: arithmetic/geometric sequence and seriesBinomial expansionTrigonometry part I: sine and cosine rules, area of a triangle, radian, arc length and area of a pie.Trigonometry part II: trigonometric identities, double angle formulae, solving trigonometric functionsAlgebra, Functions and Parametric Equations part I: factorization, long division, partial fractions, modulus functions, exponential and logarithm functions.Algebra, Functions and Parametric Equations part II: composite and inverse functions, transformation of the graph of f(x), coordinate geometry in the (x,y) plane: functions of line and circle, and parametric equations.Differentiation part I: definition of derivative and differentiation, their graphic representation and interpretation; methods of differentiation including chain rule, product rule, quotient rule, differentiation through inverse functions and connected rate of change.Differentiation part II: how to differentiate trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithm functions, parametric equations and implicit functions; the definition of stationary point, second derivative and point of inflection; modelling questions on differentiation.Integration part I: memory items for direct integration, integrating trigonometric functions, reverse chain rules, integration by substitution, and integration by parts.Integration part II: integration using Partial Fractions, application of integration: finding areas under the curve using integration, solving differential equations, and the trapezium RuleHow to fully utilize the course materials:Class video: we always start with the key concepts and definition within a topic, and then jump straight into a past exam question (sourced across major exam boards) to see how these concepts are tested and applied, then you will be given an exam-styled classroom exercise for practice followed by a detailed step-by-step guide on how to solve it.Handouts: every lecture is accompanied with a handout that summarizes key concepts covered, exam- styled question solving examples, and classroom exercise solutions.Homework with exam-styled questions: for each lecture, the homework contains 4 exam-styled questions which should be completed under exam conditions to help students identify any knowledge gap.Mistake Diagnosis : use the detailed sample solution to diagnose any mistake in homework which is the key to grade improvement."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"FULLY SOLVED CBSE Class - 9 Mathematics" |
"This course is meant for all the Class 9 students of CBSE Board. The complete course is in the form of video with topics and concepts being explained using white board.The course is made extremely affordable so that a large number of students can be benefited.After going through the course, the student will be cleared on ALL the CONCEPTS mentioned in the CBSE Book of Mathematics of Class 9.This course is effective for everyone who is looking for Affordable, Comprehensive and Lockdown Friendly Course for the kids."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Web Development Pathway" |
"This course will lead you to success in web development. This has all the components you need to go through for web development. So that you can excel in life easily. This course consists of the major building blocks such as the request-response cycles, the type of network architectures and the languages."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Handstand for Beginners" |
"If handstand is a pose that has niggled at you, but youve never had the confidence or public space to try then this 7 class course is for you. We will explore overcoming fears around kicking up to the wall along with other hand balances and inversions that will build your skills for success with handstand."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Elaboracin de mesas con resina epxica" |
"Es un curso en linea para crear mesas con madera y resina epxica, recubrimientos, encapsulados y cualquier tipo de decoracin con los materiales antes descritos.Al terminar el alumno podr determinar con qu resina debe trabajar, proporciones de la mezcla, el tiempo de curado y aplicacin, determinar la distinta gama de pigmentos en el mercado y la proporcin a utilizar, con qu madera debe trabajar y como dar distintos acabados."
Price: 720.00 ![]() |
"Become a Retail Buyer in the Supply Chain Industry" |
"Learn the beginning to end process for buying and importing a product in the Supply Chain Management Industry.The process and steps will be explained from the start to the end in the correct order. Make yourself proud. It all starts here.You will be able to approach the procurement process in the Supply Chain Industry with a much more advance and confident identity."
Price: 1100.00 ![]() |
"Mieux connatre le diabte" |
"La formation est destine aux mdecins, tudiants en mdecine, techniciens ,chercheurs ou mme aux patients et tous les passionns de connaissances qui aiment en savoir plus sur le fonctionnement de l'organisme et les dtails sur le diagnostic et les diffrents types du diabte.Le diabte est un groupe de maladies mtaboliques dans lesquels on a une hyperglycmie pendant une priode prolonge. En 2019, environ 463 millions de personnes souffraient de diabte dans le monde. Dans cette formation en va voir au dbut des rappels de physiologie et de physiopathologie avant de dfinir le diabte avec les diffrents critres diagnostic et les tats pr-diabtiques. on va parler par la suite de la classification du diabte et on va dtailler les deux types les plus frquents qui sont le diabte de type 1 et de type 2 , sans oublier les autres types du diabte qu'on va expliquer a la fin."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Japanese Flower Art lesson (Ikebana)" |
"I'll teach Japanese Ikebana in this course.Ikebana has the unique and traditional styles, which has been inherited from generation to generation in Japan.In Mishoryu-school, the students will practice these basic patterns for 3 years, then they can move on to the free style after.If you know this basic patterns, you will be able to make your room peaceful & calm with seasonal flowers."
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Let's enjoy casual tea ceremony at home!" |
"Let's master Bonryaku way of tea in this course.Bonrayku is the casual way of tea using a round plate called ""yamamishi- bon""(Yamamichi means the mountain path, because the edge of the plate is carving like mountain path)Before watching the lesson of Bonryaku way of tea, we start from ""Warigeiko"", which is the divided lessons of each movements.Let's perform this casual way of tea in the park, on the table at home for your family..etc.Of course, you can practice alone for yourself to feel calm & peaceful!"
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"TOGAF 9.2 Practice test for Part 1" |
"These tests are a simulation of a typical TOGAF 9.2 Part 1 Examination. Every Part 1 test is composed by 40 questions, every question with a marking score of 1 point. For every question you have 4 possible answers with 3 WRONG answers and 1 CORRECT answer.This course contains 160 questions with quick reference guide.At the end of every test, once you submit it, the test engine will automatically present you the SCORE OF YOUR TEST. You will also be able to review every question and compare your answers with the correct ones. Remember that to pass this exam you must have a minimum score of 24/40 points (60%)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Anlise Fundamentalista na Prtica - Escolha a Empresa Certa" |
"Eu sei os pensamentos que tem na sua cabea agora...Voc quer investir, mas no sabe como.Tem o desejo de ir em busca da liberdade financeira, mas no sabe por onde comear.Voc quer dar um passo na sua vida e viver de forma tranquila.Mas Como? Onde? possvel fazer isso?Voc entra na internet e procura em diversos sites, mas tudo parece muito confuso.Deixe-me contar uma histria:No seu aniversrio de 18 anos um garoto recebeu, de presente dos seus pais, 5 mil reais e decidiu investir todo o seu dinheiro na bolsa de valores.Uma semana depois o seu investimento tinha evaporado. Ele perdeu tudo, acabou...Esse garoto se chama Thiago Nigro.Aps esse acontecimento ele foi em busca de conhecimento no mercado financeiro e hoje est cada vez mais perto da liberdade financeira.Conhecimento... que palavra interessante.Essa a chave para o mundo dos investimentos, e voc at deve saber disso.Mas no sabe onde conseguir esse conhecimento de forma simples e prtica.E o mais importante, como aplicar ele?Voc quer aumentar seus investimentos e investir de forma tranquila e segura?Imagine voc obtendo esse conhecimento de maneira acessvel e sem demandar muito tempo.As coisas finalmente fazerem sentido e voc conseguir aplicar todo o seu conhecimento na prtica.Voc parar de ficar s no eu queria, mas no sei como para o eu quero, eu sei.Vamos ao ponto...Voc quer aprender a investir com segurana para comprar aquela casa e carro que sempre quis.E eu sei que voc no quer perder essa oportunidade de entrar nesse mundo agora junto com centenas de pessoas n?Sim... centenas de milhares.Segundo o Diretor da B3 (Bolsa de Valores de So Paulo), 223 mil investidores entraram no mundo da renda varivel em maro de 2020.Entre voc tambm agora e no perca essa chance indita.T, mas voc deve estar pensando: eu at queria, mas me falaram que precisa ter muito dinheiro para investir.Isso no verdade, segundo o prprio diretor da B3 30% dos investidores fizeram investimentos menores que 500 reais.O ponto no ter dinheiro para comear a investir e buscar conhecimento.O ponto buscar conhecimento e investir para ter resultados.Ento, como fazer isso?Esse curso totalmente prtico, ou seja, voc vai fazer tudo junto comigo tudo.E essa a grande diferena desse curso para os demais, voc faz!Voc vai saber onde encontrar as informaes e realizar todos os passos que eu vou apresentar durante as aulas.A verdade que existem muitos sites na internet explicando teorias sobre investimento e isso bom...Mas nenhum deles aplica realmente para te mostrar como que faz na prtica.E isso que eu quero te mostrar nesse curso, que voc saia capaz de analisar empresas com grande eficcia.Quando eu descobri todas essas ferramentas que voc vai aprender, decidi mostrar todo esse conhecimento para outras pessoas.O conhecimento que est fazendo diferena na minha vida.Ahhhh....Conhecimento.Ok, mas o que realmente esse curso me oferece?Preste ateno nos principais benefcios:Como realizar uma anlise fundamentalista completa das empresas listadas na bolsa de valores.Como calcular 14 Indicadores Fundamentalistas.Como realizar uma anlise setorial.4 Plataformas na internet para buscar informaes totalmente gratuitas.Um mtodo prprio para localizar as melhores empresas.Anlise completa de 7 empresas da bolsa de valores.As peculiaridades de cada setor da bolsa.Como avaliar a competitividade das empresas.Como montar sua carteira de investimentos.E o melhor, tudo isso na prtica. Eu e voc.Mas o que Anlise Fundamentalista? simplesmente a forma mais segura de avaliar as empresas listadas na bolsa de valores para investir com tranquilidade.Aps esse curso voc vai conseguir realizar anlises tranquilamente de qualquer empresa listada na bolsa de valores.Alm de finalmente ter aquela sensao de saber o que est fazendo.E no ficar totalmente perdido quando algum fala a palavra investimentos.Sim, esse curso excelente e oferece todos os benefcios citados nesse texto, mas ele no perfeito.Esse curso somente para pessoas que realmente querem aprender e vo aplicar todos os conceitos ensinados.Quem j realizou o curso deu avaliaes extremamente positivas e recomendou para outros amigos.A partir de agora, s existem duas opes:Opo 1# - Ou voc ignora tudo isso que voc acabou de ler e continua a sua vida do jeito que ela est e est tudo bem.Mas voc nunca mais vai poder reclamar que no teve uma chance real de mudana, porque hoje, voc teve a melhor oportunidade para mudar seu futuro.Opo 2# - Acreditar no que eu estou falando e confiar no seu potencial e tomar a deciso que voc precisa tomar, que de se inscrever no curso Anlise Fundamentalista na Prtica Escolha a Empresa Certa.Agora a deciso totalmente sua.Voc quer realmente aprender mais sobre investimentos?Comece agora e aproveite as 51 aulas e os 9 mdulos inteiros do curso.Te vejo na primeira aula.-Rafael"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Tocando fcil - Violo bsico" |
"Tocando fcil - violo bsico um curso articulado para todo o pblico, pois utiliza uma linguagem fcil e objetiva.O Curso bsico de violo Tocando Fcil completo, vamos a grade curricular:Afinar o violoTeoria Musical:Harmonia, melodia e ritmoNotas e smbolosAcorde naturais:Acordes maioresAcordes menoresRitmos:Pop rockDedilhadoGraus de escala:Escala cromticaAcordes sustenidos maioresAcordes sustenidos menoresCampo harmnico das notas"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Amazon FBA Brand Builder - Profit from building a real brand" |
"Unlike other Amazon courses, we teach you how to build a real brand utilising then worlds biggest sales platform - Amazon FBA. Many courses will teach you how to find gaps in the market where there is no competition. Were here to tell you, those gaps don't exist and if they do they will quickly be filled by mothers looking for some cheap sales. What good is finding a gap in the market if all it takes is for another seller to come in with a bigger budget and out sell you. In this course you will learn how to build a real brand utilising the worlds biggest sales platform - Amazon FBA. Why not build a real brand customers come back to time and time again, no matter what platform you want to sell on. We will teach you every aspect of selling on Amazon from sourcing products, launching on Amazon, optimising professional listings, scaling your business using PPC and advanced strategies to take your sales to a new level. After learning every area of Amazon with our in depth and detailed videos you will be able to run your own Amazon FBA store + we will provide bonus content on how to take your business beyond Amazon and onto your own independent sales platforms. A summary of what you will learn in this course includes: - Product research & brand planning- How to source products- Identifying suppliers- Placing orders- Basics of the Amazon platform- How to add a product to Amazon - Product launches- How to optimise Amazon listings - Learn Amazon PPC - How to scale your sales - How to generate Amazon reviews- Viewing Amazon reports- How to build your own website the easy way- Increase your sales using sales funnels *** - Create a profitable brand utilising Amazon!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn to play the Drums" |
"What can possibly be better than being trained by a professional career drummer.Gideon Meintjes is a Professional & Touring Drummer. For the past 25 years he has been performing with many artists and groups both locally and internationally performing for thousands upon thousands of people. Gideon features on many CD recordings and live DVD shows as a top session-drummer, featured on many TV shows with live satellite broadcasts (Classical orchestras), magazines and news paper articles (with heavy metal bands). Gideon has also written training manuals which was prescribed on school level, wrote and taught many drum-workshops and clinics locally and internationally. Gideon ran one of the largest drumming schools in South Africa Drummers inc, taught hundreds of students and employed 3 instructors and even fulfilled the roll of musical director for some productions.Each lecture is accompanied by the downloadable PDF page from his book.Lectures should be done one per week.Each part of this course should be done over the course of 1 year.This whole course should be done over three whole years as done in the Drummers Inc drumming school.At the end of this course you will be a proficient drummer. Be patient, and practice every day."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Configura tu ordenador para dar clases en vivo online" |
"Dar clases por Internet en vivo y en tiempo real se est convirtiendo en una realidad cada vez ms demandada. No solo para los profesores que ya imparten clases presenciales y que con la aparicin del covid-19 se ven abocados a adquirir unos conocimientos tcnicos para impartir clases individuales o en grupo, sino tambin para cualquier persona interesada en poner en marcha esta lnea y as poder tener unos ingresos extra compartiendo sus conocimientos con alumnos de todas partes del mundo.Este curso est pensado para todas aquellas personas con conocimientos tcnicos muy bsicos que necesitan en el menor tiempo posible (sean profesores o no) aprender paso a paso a configurar su ordenador en casa o en el trabajo, para seguir impartiendo sus clases a distancia por Internet a un alumno o a un grupo de alumnos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teletrabajo Productivo" |
"Millones de profesionales teletrabajan cada da, pero muy pocos consiguen ser productivos. Se demuestra que el 95% de los profesionales no realiza un plan concreto, acotado y realista para cada da de teletrabajo. Nuestra productividad podra aumentar hasta un 60%... si supiramos cmo hacerlo. Teletrabajar supone importantes retos, el entorno de trabajo nos invita ms a la comodidad que a la productividad. Podemos sufrir muchas interrupciones por parte de nuestro entorno familiar y personal, y encontramos muchas dificultades para enfocarnos y ser efectivos.Si consiguiramos tener unos principios slidos y un mtodo concreto de gestin del tiempo cuando teletrabajamos, podramos decir que esta disciplina si nos ayuda a nosotros y a nuestras empresas a ser mejores. Teniendo ms calidad de vida, ms motivacin, y sobre todo ms resultados. En este curso online Teletrabajo Productivo encontrars herramientas concretas, tcnicas de fcil aplicabilidad, conocimientos y recursos tiles para que conviertas el teletrabajo en una prctica que potencie tus resultados y te haga conseguir objetivos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Incoterms 2020 novit e profili applicativi" |
"Il corso si propone di illustrare le novit della pubblicazione Incoterms 2020, dettagliare le obbligazione per imporatore ed esportatore di ciacuna clausola, indicare le criticit fiscali, doganali, assicurative e documentali (documenti per importazione ed esportazione e fornire soluzioni e consigli per la scelta del termine corretto.Indcare come richiamere correttamente le clausole nel contratto.Fornire una spiegazione della non utilizzablit dei termini CFR, CIF,FOB,FAS per i traspoti in container."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
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Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel - Do Bsico ao Avanado em 24h" |
"Aprenda como aplicar os conceitos da administrao no Excel! Do bsico ao avanado.O foco do curso est no ambiente empresarial. Ser tratado a teoria com elementos prticos, do dia-a-dia de qualquer empresa, todo exemplo ser trabalhado com problemas reais trabalhando com RH, logstica, controladoria e industrial.O curso ir lhe proporcionar conhecimento de noes de programao, frmulas avanadas e tcnicas facilitadoras para seu dia-a-dia.Ferramentas que iro facilitar sua vida na empresa e fazer com que voc se destaque entre os demais."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Pipedrive Masterclass Customer Relationship Management" |
"Two years ago I took a sales position with a small shoe company, at the same time we started using Pipedrive. As someone who was just starting out I found Pipedrive to be incredibly helpful as I learned the ins and outs of selling shoes. I was able to remember names and details about our customers that helped me close more sales and grow our current shoe accounts. In the first year, sales grew by 73% in the first year we started using Pipedrive. And the average salesman who uses this as a productivity tool sees a 28% increase in sales.I made this class so that you can have a full understanding of Pipedrive. In this masterclass I will cover:Sync contacts and emailImport leads and accountsMass import activities for your sales team (Exclusive)How to move a deal through the pipelineHow to take powerful notesSet follow up activitiesEstimate how much sales you will closeTrack sales performanceSave time, automatically email your customers.Im so excited to help you on your journey to sales greatness, and Im confident that youll come away from this course with a more full understanding of this program. Music provided by bensound"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cryptomonnaies - Le Guide complet - Binance" |
"Vous souhaitez devenir votre propre banque ? Ou bien commencer investir ou tracer dans la crypto monnaie ? Ce cours est le plus complet de Udemy France : il va vous donner les moyens et la mthodologie pour comprendre comment fonctionnent les crypto monnaies, acheter des Bitcoins et toutes les autres disponibles sur le march, trader, vendre et scuriser vos actifs.Dcouvrez et apprenez les crypto monnaies avec un formateur reconnu dans ce domaine Qui matrise le sujet depuis le dbut des crypto monnaies Qui investit activement Qui participe la blockchain !Ce cours va vous permettre de :Comprendre la blockchain et dcouvrir les crypto monnaiesConnatre les diffrences et les spcificits de chacune avant d'acheterAcheter des crypto monnaies avec votre carte bancaire / par virement sur des sites srsDcouvrir les outils de tradingApprhender les diffrentes places de march (Coinbase, GDax, Bitsamp)Choisir sa technique d'investissementConnatre les plateformes d'achat de crypto monnaies secondaires (Binance)Scuriser vos crypto monnaies sur votre ordinateur ou cl USBtre conscient des responsabilits et des imptsCe cours vous donnera toutes les cls pour investir sereinement et pouvoir prendre la parole sur ce sujet. qui ce cours s'adresse-t-il ?Toute personne qui souhaite commencer investir dans les crypto-monnaies mais qui ne sait pas par o commencer !Toutes les personnes souhaitant acheter, vendre, trader, stocker et scuriser des crypto monnaiesToutes les personnes souhaitant investir durablement dans les crypto monnaiesToutes les personnes souhaitant comprendre les crypto monnaies et la blockchain"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matriser Illustrator - Niveau Professionnel" |
"Dans cette formation de 17 heures vous trouverez tout ce dont vous devez savoir sur Adobe Illustrator pour pouvoir l'utiliser de faon professionnelle. Le logiciel Adobe IllustratorAdobe Illustrator est un puissant logiciel de dessin propos par Adobe. N'importe qui matrisant ce logiciel peut utiliser Illustrator pour dessiner des formes et des lignes, crer du texte ou importer des graphiques et des images, crer des logos etc... Vous pouvez aussi utiliser Illustrator pour faire une mise en page pour un livre, crer une page Web, crer un design de brochure, et bien videmment raliser des dessins sur ordinateur.Le format vectoriel d'IllustratorL'une des caractristiques les plus importantes d'Adobe Illustrator est que la qualit des illustrations cres car elles sont indpendantes de la rsolution laquelle elles sont affiches. Cela signifie qu'une image cre dans Illustrator peut tre agrandie ou rduite changer la qualit de l'image. C'est ce que l'on appelle le format vectoriel. Ce format utilise des relations mathmatiques en utilisant un ensemble de polygones qui composent l'image, eux-mmes composs de vecteurs. Chaque vecteur passe par un emplacement appel nud ou point de contrle. En comparaison, les photographies dites l'aide d'outils tels que Adobe Photoshop dpendent de la rsolution et la qualit de l'image diminue quand une image est agrandie. C'est pour cette raison que l'on utilise Illustrator pour crer des documents comme des cartes de visite, des logos et des dessins, car avec ce format ils ne perdront jamais en qualit.La formationVous dsirez dmarrer dans Illustrator pour crer vos visuels mais vous ne savez pas comment faire ou vous avez des difficults dmarrer. Cette formation va vous permettre de matriser toutes les bases du logiciel et mme faire de vous un matre d'Adobe Illustrator. Vous pourrez ainsi, travailler sereinement sur vos projets personnels ainsi que professionnel. Il s'adresse toutes les personnes qui veulent apprendre le logiciel, professionnel ou particulier. Je vais donc vous montrer comment apprendre Illustrator en partant de rien, vous allez apprendre utiliser les diffrents outils, connaitre l'interface de travail, appliquer des effets, vectoriser une image... L'ensemble de ces lments, nous allons galement les voir dans des entranements spcifiques comme dessiner des formes, crer un logo ou encore de nombreux documents graphiques"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Savoir communiquer efficacement" |
"Durant cette formation vous allez apprendre que communiqer ce n'est pas juste le fait de dire les choses. en effet, vous allez vous rendre compte qu'il y a beaucoup d'lments prendre en compte pour que votre message soit intgr.La communication n'est pas que verbale, bien au contraire. Vous allez dcouvrir des talents insouponns qui vont faire de vous une rfrence en matire de communication.Vous allez apprendre analyser votre interlocuteur afin de dceller ses failles ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Patente DRONE, ti dico cosa devi sapere per superare l'esame" |
"E molto pesante studiare norme, regolamenti, grafici, articoli, senza alcun supporto o esperienza. Questo corso diverso!pinomangione ti illustrer, con brevi e cordiali video, tutto quello che devi sapere non solo per superare lesame e ottenere l'attestato di competenza ENAC, ma anche per lutilizzo pratico di ogni giorno.Ho anche preparato dei documenti riassuntivi che puoi stampare e tenere vicino quando farai lesame.Potrai allenarti con dei quiz in cui ti verr indicato, se sbagli, il perch e qual la risposta esatta, un modo veloce ed efficace per memorizzare quanto davvero necessario."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Shopify fr Einsteiger, vom Anfnger zum fertigen Onlineshop" |
"Hier lernst du, wie du einen Shopify Shop aufbaust und erffnest.Ich zeige dir, wie du Produkte von Aliexpress mit Oberlo importieren kannst.Auerdem habe ich als kleines Special noch ein kleines Video zur Bearbeitung deiner Bilder mit Photoshop hochgeladen.Du bekommst eine Excel Tabelle zur richtigen Berechnung deiner Produktkosten und ein PDF File, in dem ich alle wichtigen Webseiten und Programme noch einmal zusammen gefasst habe."
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Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Charisma, Humour & Confidence - Short Guide to SOCIAL SKILLS" |
"Over 154,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesFeatured in ""Entrepreneur"", ""FoxNews"" and ""Business Insider"" magazinesWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardOverall, 16,000+ TOP Reviews Speaker at international stages such as DNX, MindvalleyU, DigitalK and WeFest JapanExplored 76 countries while running entrepreneurial venturesPDF Lecture summaries provided as of March 2020!Would you like to feel more confident and comfortable in social situations? Would you like to learn how to become charismatic and humourous? The good news is that being socially successful is not a talent, it's a skill you can learn.In this course you will learn powerful mindset shifts, strategies, and tools for becoming the socially savvy person you've always wanted to be. You will discover:- how to become more charismatic- how to develop self-confidence in social settings- how to be more fun even if you don't think you have it in you- how to deal with your social anxiety- what to do when you want to speak up, but fear is preventing you from saying anything... and moreWe did our best to make this course actionable and comprehensive while keeping it concise. We hope that you will enjoy those videos and see you on the other side."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Business Plan: For Startup & Small Business Success Today!" |
"******** Over 5900 *************** Over 78% 4&5 Start Student Review ************** Regularly Updated Course *******Review: Expert Guidance on Writing a Great Business Plan: This course is great in explaining to entrepreneurs how to write a great business plan. The structure of the course has been well planned - each lesson is presented with great clarity in a concise, right to the point manner. This medium-sized course is about as comprehensive as it should be without overwhelming me with too much information.Boomy (the instructor) covers each topic engagingly with amazing attention to detail in a lively tone. Also, supplementary resources are generously provided whenever applicable. What impresses me most are the insights he shares based on his own experience - the practical tips that would save me a lot of time from having to figure it out myself.In a nutshell, if you're looking to learn how to write a great business plan, this course will help you get the job done with minimal fuss. - Michael (student)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Do you want to write a business plan you can use to raise money or run your business with? Are you looking for a simple step by step course that can help you achieve this goal? Are you looking for a course that clearly outlines exactly what to do in plain English, jargon free content that everyone can use? Then you are in the right place!Join over 5600 Students of successful students who have decided to write their own business plan using this 100% hands-on course!Review: Excellent for the EntrepreneurI had formal education in entrepreneurship at one of the top 10 entrepreneurship programs in the US. I was a little rusty and saw this course had become extremely popular, so I thought I would pick it up. What a great decision! Boomy has broken down every essential aspect of the business plan from marketing to cash flow analysis, and done it well. This immediately jogged my memory and got me back on track for following through and even making changes to my old business plan! LATEST: Course Updated For 2015 - Added Business Plan Template! - John Wilmont (Student)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Over 5800 satisfied students are enrolled in my Business Plan courseLast 3 month, over 500 students have joined my Business Plan coursesThe average rating is 4.4 !Review: I wanna recommend this course for everyoneHi, it is my first course that I finish to the end and Boomy is very good teacher. He give us instruction and template, and if you are planning to start small business, you need to check this course. Thanks Boomy! Video Producer========================================================================Whenever the word Business Plan"" is mentioned most people freeze! What follows are the words I don't know how to write one"". In reality it needs not be this way.That is why I have taken the lid off and delivered these videos in plain English what needs to be considered and included within a business plan. This course has been designed to help those who are writing plans for the first time or for those who write business plans infrequently (Even seasoned business plan writers will learn one or two things, I promise!) . I want you to know that the information contained in this course has been used to help many start-up and growing businesses and I am confident will be of tremendous value to you. In this course you will watch over my shoulders as I create a 12 Month Cashflow Forecast from scratch!========================================================================Downloadable Templates.Cashflow Forecast Template Profit & loss and Balance Sheet calculations TemplatePowerpoint Business Plan TemplateAll the slides for the course!5 Ways to make your business plan standout!The start-up Founders dilemma 5 Ways to impress any investor========================================================================Updates5 Ways to make your business plan standout!The start-up Founders dilemma5 Ways to impress any investor========================================================================In this Course You Will Learn How To Put Together: The Comprehensive Business Plan TemplateThe Five Parts of a Business Plan Part 1: Marketing Plan: What I Want To Do"" -Industry overview -Sector overview -Competitors -Product/Service -Place -Price -Total Cost plus profit -Competitors Price -Ability for customers to pay -Standard & Average Price -Marketing/Promotions -Customers -Business NamePart 2: Operations Plan: How I Am Going To Do It""-Management -Business Structure -Sole Trader/Self Employed -Partnerships (Unlimited Liability) -Limited Company (Limited by Liabilities) -Company Limited by Guarantee -Staff -Insurances -Training Requirements -ExhibitionsPart 3: The Financial Plan: What It Will Cost To Do It""-What does a Cash flow Forecast look like? -Columns -Rows -Profit and loss accountPart 4: Appendices: Additional Supportive Information""-Letters of intent -Letters of recommendation -CV -Other LiteraturePart 5: Executive Summary-Background -Market -Business Challenges and how I plan to overcome them -Profitability -How much do you need?++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless you are covered by a 30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you have unlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will have instant and free access to any updates I'll add to the course.I will give you my full support regarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++This course will help you put together a Comprehensive Business Plan that can be used to run your new startup and also raise funding if needed. There are 2 PDF Documents you should use to follow the lectures. (Please download them before you start)95% of the content is video based so that you can follow the process as easy as possible. You have over 6 hours worth of content so I assure that much of what you will need is already included!I have set up the course so that you can follow a logical sequence used to write the business plan.I am confident of a useful outcome for you!So what are you waiting for?Every delay is a barrier stopping you from starting and running a successful business. Sign Up Now!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++5 Start Student ReviewThought it was hard - ITS NOT!: thanks for teaching me how to make a good business plan. Any serious startup should take a course like this in my opinion - Emil (Student)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |