Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Legal Guides for Creatives: Understanding Contracts" |
"Visualize a written contract. Did you picture a lengthy document covered in tiny writing that said things like ""including but not limited to""? Did you picture yourself anxiously flipping to the last page to sign? Yeah, you're not alone.Its every creative persons dream to launch a business that allows them to get paid for doing what they love to do. But as you probably know by now, it turns out Creative Entrepreneur is more Entrepreneur than Creative.In this course you will learn the basics of contract formation so you can make the best decisions for you and your business without the overwhelm and intimidation that comes along with the ""business side"" of running your business.We will cover:Oral vs. written contractsWhat law applies to contractsThe elements required to form a contract including an in depth look at offer and acceptanceSpecial considerations for independent contractorsThe reasons an otherwise valid contract might be unenforceable, andThe remedies that might be available in a breach of contract situation.In addition, I will provide you with my top 5 *hot tips* for dealing with contracts in your business...and your life!If youre thinking of launching your creative business or you want to take your business to the next level, this course is for you! Tiffany Zadi, Esq. is both an attorney and creative entrepreneur, running several creative businesses (leather goods, anyone?) and creating resources for entrepreneurs through her site, Strait and Berg. Working in both the creative and business worlds gives her a unique advantage so join her as she helps break it down so you can build your business with confidence!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Content Marketing: Shake Up Your Content Creation Strategy" |
"Welcome to the Content Marketing Masterclass, a complete guide to growing your business in the modern world using the power of digital content.In this course, youll learn exactly what it takes to plan and execute a content marketing strategy that drives your business forward. By the end, youll have all the tools you need to successfully market your products and services in the digital age.Here are some of the things well cover:Classic Marketing Fundamentals: Basic principles from the old world of marketing that youll need to understand for this course. Beginners are welcome here!Content Marketing Essentials: What content marketing is, how it works, how to tell a compelling story, and how to create detailed buyer personas to guide your approach.Web Design: How to optimize your website for content marketing and build a well-oiled, lead-generating machine.Generating Content Ideas: Develop a system for getting to know your audience and consistently generating new content ideas.Content Formats & Repurposing: Get familiar with various content formats and learn how to create an endless stream of fresh content simply by repurposing what youve already created.SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Everything you need to know to optimize your site for search engines and drive free, organic search traffic to your content.Content Promotion: Learn to actively promote your content and drive traffic from a variety of sources.Email Marketing: Use valuable opt-in incentives to grow your email list, bring people into your sales funnel, and build deeper relationships with your audience.External Marketing Channels: Learn how platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can tie right into your overall content strategy.With all of that in mind, I hope to see you inside!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Approach to hemorrhagic shock in small animals (veterinary)" |
"This course will cover the basic and advanced aspects of hemorrhagic shock with emphasis on traumatic etiology. In addition, it will provide an in-depth overview of an up-to-date approach to management of severe hemorrhagic shock that is refractory to standard therapy and resuscitation. All recommendations are based on current human and veterinary research as well as the authors experience working in emergency and critical care field for 10 years. This course will consist of non-interactive lessons in the form of videos, journal articles, and texts highlighting the most important take-away messages. Lessons will include handouts and questions that will re-enforce the most important concepts of each lesson. Completion of all lessons (videos, reading materials, quizzes, and end-of-course test) will take a minimum of 3-4 hours.Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the participant will learn Main pathophysiologic aspects of hemorrhagic shock including acute traumatic coagulopathy, vasodilatory phenotype and stages of hemorrhagic shock The concept of damage control resuscitation and lethal triad Implementation of hypotensive resuscitation Controversies of arterial blood pressure measurement in patients with hemorrhagic shock The most recent recommendations on the use of crystalloids in patients with traumatic hemorrhagic shock The concept of viscosity targets in hemorrhagic shock Principles of the vasopressors and autotransfusion in patients with severe hemorrhagic shockLevel: Intermediate to AdvancedAudience: This course is focused towards veterinarians working in emergency rooms and ICUs (including emergency veterinarians, interns, ECC and anesthesia residents, emergency technicians and ACVECC diplomates).Course outline:Lesson 1: Introduction and pathophysiologyVideo: 15 minutesJournal articles and reading: availableQuiz: 5 questionsLesson 2: Diagnosis and Damage ControlVideo: 12 minutesJournal articles and reading: availableQuiz: 5 questionsLesson 3: Hypotensive resuscitationVideo: 9 minutesJournal articles and reading: availableQuiz: 2 questionsLesson 4: The use of crystalloids and viscosity targetsVideo: 4.5 minutesJournal articles and reading: availableQuiz: 2 questionsLesson 5: Autotransfusion and pelvic hemorrhageVideo: 5.5 minutesJournal articles and reading: availableQuiz: 1 questionLesson 6: The use of vasopressorsVideo: 4 minutesJournal articles and reading: availableQuiz: 1 questionFinal examination: 10 questions"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Korean Selfdefense for beginners" |
"Hankido is a modern Korean martial art. The easy to learn concepts can be applied directly. Instructor Klaas Barends guides you step-by-step through the curriculum for white, yellow and orange belt. You will learn the basics of hankido, falling, strikes, kicks and joint locks. Klaas has over 30 years experience teaching martial arts and is and international instructor with the World Hankimuye Federation. He is the head-instructor at Chongmukwan."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Viso Comparativa dos Evangelhos -Volume 1- 7 a.C. a 27 d.C" |
"TEMOS QUATRO EVANGELHOS. H HARMONIA ENTRE ELES??!! ELES REALMENTE NOS CONTAM A MESMA HISTRIA??!! VERDADE QUE H MUITA DIVERGNCIA ENTRE OS EVANGELISTAS?PORQUE ENCONTRAMOS DIFERENAS??!!Temos quatro relatos dos mesmos acontecimentos feito por quatro pessoas diferentes, com formaes diferentes, com objetivos e pblicos diferentes, realizados em locais diferentes, utilizando tcnicas diferentes. Assim, cada Evangelista buscou focar naquilo que lhe era estritamente necessrio.Ser apresentada a harmonia entre os Evangelhos: narrao em conjunto trechos de diferentes textos que tratam do mesmo assunto, buscando certa ordem cronolgica dos fatos, bem como tentar situar geograficamente onde cada situao ocorreu.Ser apresentado com os versculos dos Evangelhos citaes dos demais livros do Novo Testamento e tambm do Antigo Testamento para ilustrar ou ajudar a esclarecer estas passagens: textos de um livro lanam luz sobre trechos de outro livro, trazendo informaes sobre a Lei, geografia, costumes, entre outros, ou poder apresentar fatos semelhantes, frases similares, etc.Comentrios em quase TODOS os versculos dos Evangelhos, para se ter uma melhor compreenso do que os Evangelistas queriam nos transmitir com seus escritos. Mesmo os versculos difceis sero abordados.O foco do presente trabalho foi trazer luz citaes do Antigo Testamento que estavam na mente dos escritores da Nova Aliana.A Bblia na verdade uma nica histria: a da queda do homem e o amor de Deus que conduziu a histria para a redeno da humanidade. Apesar de vrios escritores, h apenas uma fonte de inspirao: o Esprito Santo. Assim, muito interessante ler as Escrituras com o olhar de quem entende que tudo caminha para o retorno de Jesus para buscar o seu povo eleito.ESTE CURSO O VOLUME 1, ONDE SERO ABORDADOS:VOLUME 1: Introduo a Jesus Cristo; Nascimento, infncia e adolescncia de Jesus e de Joo o Batista; e Verdades acerca de Joo Batista compreendendo um perodo que vai de cerca de 7 a.C. a 27 d.C.Os perodos posteriores sero abordados nos prximos volumes!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como fazer um BOM VDEO do zero no Adobe Premiere." |
"Por que um BOM VDEO e no um Vdeo Incrvel, ou Espetacular? Esses outros adjetivos dependem do seu cliente, para ns o objetivo mostrar todos os parmetros necessrios para seu vdeo ser considerado BOM tecnicamente independente do oramento, com introduo s principais ferramentas, organizao, mapeamento de contedo, roteiro, edio, mixagem de som, elementos grficos, tratamento de cor e muitas dicas para contar melhor a sua histria, usando um exemplo de baixo-oramento."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
reunetwork001 |
"From trauma to recovery: We can make a change1) 2) 3) 4) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. citations and referencestrauma-informed person"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Agile SCRUM training : da Zero a Master" |
"L'Agile Software development da anni una metodologia leader nelle pi grandi aziende. I gruppi di lavoro e i manager che seguono queste pratiche, sviluppano software e prodotti funzionanti in met del tempo utile, con met delle risorse, e con pochissimi errori finali. Attraverso questo corso potrai acquisire tutte le competenze che ti servono per prepararti alla certificazione SCRUM, e iniziare ad usare il metodo nella tua realt."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Makine Mhendisleri iin AutoCad" |
"Autocad kursumda sfrdan alp ilk ncelikle iki boyutlu daha sonra izometrik izimi reneceiz,bunlarn yannda perspektif bak asn,nasl cisimlerin nden,soldan,stten grndn anlatp izimlerini yapp her biri iin rnek uygulamalar izeceiz. Cisimlerde izim yaparken kesit alrsak nasl grnrler nasl kesit alnm bir cismin izimi yaplr? bunlarda beraber izeceiz. Makine mhendislii iin gerekli olan her zellii, her yeterlilii reteceim. Aklnzda her oluan soruyu videonun altna yorum olarak veya bana e-mail ile gndermeniz durumunda en ge 1 gn ierisinde dn yapacam."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning (ML) pour les dbutants" |
"Ce cours est destin aux statisticiens ou bien les informaticiens qui veulent se convertir vers les sciences des donnes. Ce cours couvre un peu de thorie avec une implmentation des diffrents algorithmes ML dans le langage de programmation Python.Ce cours a un niveau dbutant est destin aux gens qui veulent bien dbuter leurs carrire en Machine Learning. Ce cours est court mais il contient l'essentiel de l'essentiel."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build a Profitable Mobile App In 7 Days Without Programming" |
"This class will show you the fastest and the easiest way to build and publish your own profitable Android or iOS App without any technical skills and from scratch.You will also learn the secret strategy I've been using to find 6 and 7 figure App ideas in minutes.I'll also show you how to generate 6 figures per year in revenue with your new App with 1 simple strategy.If you have an App idea or if you are thinking about getting into the exciting and growing App market then this class is a MUST for you!Instead of wasting your time with complicated and pointless programming and development courses learn how a profitable and successful App is made from scratch by joining this course...Here are some of the things you will learn:The GPS Framework to find your App ideaThe future of the App market and what comes nextThe best platform to build your App forThe #1 App mistake that will make you richOver the shoulder market research that blows your mindSecret strategy to get Google to give you ideasThe easiest way to build your App without tech skills and without external help on your ownThe math and strategy to generate $120,000 per year in revenueHow I get 100,000 downloads for my Apps without any promotionsAnd much moreThis class will save you at least 10 years worth of mistakes and shows you to fastest way to build and publish your first profitable and successful App in 7 days or less!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Como planejar, organizar e gravar cursos e videoaulas" |
"Parabns pelo seu interesse em aprender a desenvolver vdeoaulas!O objetivo desse curso te ensinar passo a passo tudo que voc deve fazer para apoder gravar suas prprias vdeoaulas e cursos de forma muito prtica e fcil.Hoje muitas de pessoas tem desenvolvido cursos e treinamentos online nas mais diversas plataformas e capacitando milhares de alunos todos os dias. O que esses profissionais no contam que qualquer pessoa com conhecimento bsico de informtica, acesso a um computador e internet pode facilmente gravar suas prprias vdeoaulas e cursos.At mesmo se voc no for professor atualmente pode montar seus treinamentos atravs de softwares gratuitos.Nesse curso eu conto tudo. Te mostro como planejar um curso e as aulas para que elas fiquem dentro do roteiro e ainda assim mantenham a naturalidade de um professor. Voc ainda descobrir as melhores tcnicas de gravao e exerccios (que eu uso pessoalmente em meus cursos tambm) alm de entender como funciona toda a organizao didtica de um treinamento de qualidade.Esse curso detalha o processo de gravao, edio e publicao de vdeoaulas alm claro tambm das etapas de planejamento dos cursos e organizao.O processo tcnico de gravao se torna o mais simples a partir do momento que o curso est bem organizado e com o roteiro correto. Dessa forma, com atividades prticas em cada etapa o curso te ensinar tudo que necessrio para comear a produzir seus prprios cursos ainda essa semana.Comece agora e descubra como qualquer pessoa pode facilmente montar seus prprios cursos e vdeoaulas.O que voc aprenderFormatos de VdeoaulasA importncia de um roteiro de cursoComo escrever roteiros de cursos e de aulasTrabalhar com apresentaes e listas de exerccios da maneira corretaPublicar no Youtube e no VimeoAprender a gravar e editar no software Camtasia e outros softwaresAprender a gravar suas aulas e edit-las com softwares totalmente gratuitosUsar corretamente o recurso de Talking HeadRequisitos Conhecimento bsico de uso de computadores (se voc sabe usar o Word est timo!) Acesso a Internet Vontade de aprender :)A quem se destina esse curso: Professores que querem usar vdeoaulas como complemento do seu trabalho Professores que esto trabalhando com disciplinas EAD ou cursos completos EAD Profissionais que querem aprender a montar seus treinamentos profissionais Qualquer pessoa interessada em montar cursos e vdeoaulas"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"ArchitEnglish. Ingls para Arquitectos e Interioristas" |
"ArchitEnglish. Ingls para Arquitectos y Diseadores de InteriorEnglish for Achitecture and Interior DesignAprender a Desenvolverte con Soltura en Ingles. Consigue Ms y Mejores Proyectos por todo el Mundo. Instructores: Arquitecto lvaro Garca, Arquitecta Luca Fernndez, Academia de Inlges E-Learning.Contenido Actualizado: Septiembre 2020Hola, somos Luca y lvaro, arquitectos y formadores. Te queremos presentar el primer curso de Ingls especfico para nuestra profesiona, profesionales de la Arquitectura y el Diseo de Interiores. Podrs completar tu vocabulario de Ingls con trminos espcificos de nuestra profesin para poder llegar a ms clientes de todo el mundo. Hoy en da podemos trabajar desde nuestra casa y nuestro cliente y nuestra obra puede estar al otro lado del mundo. Las conexiones digitales nos permiten multiplicar nuestras opciones de clientes y para eso necesitamos hablar ingls sobre nuestro trabajo.Hemos elaborado esta formacin para que puedas aprender de forma fcil y amena trminos en ingls de nuestro trabajo habitual como Arquitectos e Interioristas, palabras como forjado, tejado, instalaciones, etc, en este curso las aprenders de forma divertida y sencilla, con examen tipo test para validar que has adquirido los conocimientos.Metodologa de Aprendizaje:Puedes elegir ver todas las lecciones de forma secuencial (lineal) y aprovecharlas al mximo la formacin. Pero tambin puedes decidir ver este curso como una gua de referencia. Las clases estn claramente organizadas en secciones lgicas y puedes decidir visualizar solo las clases que te resulten ms importantes segn tus necesidades formativas. A excepcin de las lecciones PRO, la mayora de las lecciones son independientes para que puedas comprender los conceptos de cada leccin sin tener que ver las lecciones anteriores del curso. Para desarrollar el programa formativo propuesto no ser requieren grandes conocimientos previos, ya que la formacin se acomete desde un nivel de usuario 0. El mster est orientado a aquellos creativos que quieran ampliar sus skills (habilidades) y conocer mltiples trucos, consejos, recursos y recomendaciones, de la mano de los arquitectos lvaro Garca y Luca Fernndez. Adems todas las formaciones de Udemy disponen acceso automtico al contenido, sin limitacin de tiempo, disponibilidad 24/7 (24 horas al da los 7 das de la semana), sin caducidad y con garanta de devolucin.La modalidad de este mster te permite que empieces y acabes cuando t quieras, marcando el ritmo de la clase segn tu disponibilidad. Puedes volver a visualizar lo que te interese, saltar el contenido que ya domines, hacer preguntas, resolver dudas, compartir tus proyectos...Recuerda que esta formacin especfica de Ingls para Arquitectos y Diseadores de Interiores incluye lecciones en vdeo fullHD con audio de estudio (compatible con TV, PC, Mac, tablet y smartphone), artculos didcticos, actividades, proyectos paso a paso, recursos descargables, links de inters, acceso de por vida, certificado de finalizacin, tutorizacin online, y una exclusiva comunidad de aprendizaje privada que nos ayudamos aportando nuestras experiencias en el foro de comunicacin del curso. A qu esperas?, este mster es ideal para ti, atrvete a convertirte en un experto y expresa tus ideas y diseos de la forma que siempre has deseado. Adelante, nos vemos dentro de la formacin ;)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Augmented Reality (AR) apps with ARFOUNDATION & Unity" |
"Curious about ARFoundation, You have come to the right place. Learn the basics fundamentals and programming techniques required for building fully functional AR Foundation apps. For this course you will need an ARCore supported Android smartphone or an ARKit supported iOS device along with a Windows or Mac PC for building the applicationsSo what is Augmented Reality? According to Wikipedia, Augmented reality (AR) is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are ""augmented"" by computer-generated or extracted real-world sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. In Augmented Reality the real view is modified by a computer (Smartphone in this case). Augmented reality enhances ones current perception of reality, whereas in contrast, virtual reality replaces the real world with a simulated one. Augmentation techniques are basically performed in real time, Eg : Displaying live scores and statistics inside a live video of a sporting event Power of Augmented Reality & AR FoundationI came across Augmented Reality in 2015 after watching a video of Augmented Reality Book. I was fascinated to know that such technology actually exists. So I started researching on different Augmented Reality platform. Vuforia platform seemed very promising as developers all over the World have used Vuforia for developing Augmented Reality apps. Pokemon Go game is the best example of Augmented Reality. Other than that Augmented Reality apps expand over a wide range of topics from Education, Business, Architecture, Health Industry, Home Decoration and obviously mobile gaming. Course Content and Overview This course is designed for students interested in creating Augmented Reality applications using AR Foundation & Unity. We will start from basics of Unity, C# platform and then move to higher topics Intro & Basics of Augmented Reality In the first section you will first understand as to what is Augmented Reality? Next we will look at the four different augmented reality techniques and its application. After this we look at the Hardware & software requirement for building AR Foundation applications. Basics of Unity Are you a beginner in C# programming? No PROBLEM, In this course students will first understand the basics of Unity platform so that they can used to Unity toolsets before we dive in to the core Augmented Reality platform AR FOUNDATION ONE ARFOUNDATIONONE is the first ARFOUNDATION application which you are going to create. In this application you willImport ARFoundation packages inside UnityUnderstand the fundamentals of Plane TrackingAdd a Life Size Foundation 3D model and scale it according to real world dimensionsInstall the Xcode & Android sdk softwareBuild the ARFoundation One app and run it on an ARKit supported iOS device or ARCore supported Android smartphoneAR FOUNDATION MEMORY PORTAL In this AR FOUNDATION Memory Portal application you willDesign the Portal EntranceWrite Shader programs for viewing Gameobjects inside the portalBuild a PhotoStudio surrounding the PortalIntegrate AR Foundation and place the Portal in Real World "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Data Structure with implementation made easy" |
"Perfectly designed for programming aspirants who are trying to get an IT job. Basic C programming is a prerequisite for this course. This course covers all important and essential data structures starting from arrays to Stacks, Queues, Linked lists (Linear, Circular, Doubly) , trees and graphs. Important Sorting techniques too have been covered.All the concepts have been explained using a very easy-to-understand approach. Many people find the data structure to be a difficult subject which is exactly not. When the instructor elucidates the concepts using the best teaching techniques, then it becomes really fun. "
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Radical self acceptance: Rediscover the joy of living" |
"Ever struggled with accepting yourself a 100%? I suspect most of us never even pay attention to this question. Too many overt and covert voices inside and outside of our heads are bombarding us with reasons to not be loving and accepting of who we are. More interestingly, we have been so used to identifying ourselves with the definition these voices provide us that we have forgotten who we are at the core. This course is designed to take back our personal power from all of what has been keeping us away from self-acceptance. Learning to see ourselves beyond thoughts, beyond our bodies and beyond being a sum of all parts is the goal of this course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Essentials 2020" |
"Welcome to the **NEW** AWS Cloud Practitioner Course, This course is designed to help you prepare and PASS the latest AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam.COURSE LAUNCHED IN JUNE 2020-----------------------------------Beginners welcome: no need to know anything about AWS!The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification is a great entry-level certification for AWS. It's great at assessing how well you understand AWS, their services, and their ecosystem.This AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner course is full of opportunities to apply your knowledge:There are many hands-on lectures in every sectionThere are quizzes at the end of every sectionThere's an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner practice exam at the end of the courseWe'll be using the AWS Free Tier most of the timeI'll be showing you how to go beyond the AWS Free Tier (you know... the real world!)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Storytelling - A Poderosa Arte de Contar Histrias" |
"Voc sabia que aqueles que dominam a habilidade do storytelling pode ter influncia desproporcional sobre os outros?A capacidade de vender ideias na forma de histrias hoje mais importante do que nunca.A contao de histria ativa diversas reas de aprendizagem. Atravs das histrias que iremos contar, queremos mover a cultura popular.Histrias so nossa forma natural de ensinar e aprender. Pense em quantas vezes por dia voc usa histrias para passar dados, ideais."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Creative Infographics in PowerPoint" |
"You certainly know that boring PowerPoint presentation can kill a brilliant idea?Is there a way to make it better, way better? Sure, and I'll tell you how! A tip: use data to make your presentation more convincing. Don't use standard Microsoft PowerPoint charts and graphs to visualize the data. They are boring! Instead, do something different, unexpected! A creative infographic! In this course you'll learn:what informational graphic is and why people use it (very quick insight);build an eye-catching timeline that is good for illustrating, say, the steps of how a company works with its clients;create an amazing pie-chart in a paper cut style to show the different parts of a whole, indicating them with a pleasant flat colors;and an advanced level: build an elegant, half-transparent funnel that you can use as a hierarchy infographic;In the end of this course, you'll master how to create an infographic in PowerPoint that professional photoshopers do with help of a much more specific software using much more time!Enroll in the course and let's get started!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Land a Remote Job" |
"Are you wanting to work anywhere in the world using your laptop with a remote job?.. Congratulations! You are at the right place to start! ??How to Land a Remote JobI have been remote working for the last 3 years and In this course, I will teach you all about the remote working lifestyle and most frequently used software. We will take a look at overhauling your CV and Cover letter to make them remote relevant, how to use bots to maximise your Linkedin connections, how to organise your time and some of the greatest remote job boards out there and more!Together in this course, we will get you remote working ready and ensure that you have a beginner understanding of how to take the steps to land a remote job!Welcome on-board! ??What youll learnWhat remote work is.What you need for remote work.Understand the different types of online jobs.Discover the skills needed.Learn common software used for online jobs.How to make your CV and cover letter remote relevant and really stand out!Learn how to maximise your online presence and use Linkedin bots for automated connections and messaging.Discover where to find online jobs. The best job boards, Facebook groups and more.How to be happy and mentally prepared as a remote worker.How to prepare for your digital interview.Extra resources and podcasts.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?You should be eager to better yourself and want to move into online work.Who this course is for:Anyone looking to better understand remote work and wanting to move into an online job."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Raising Capital Secrets" |
"Preparing to raise capital to fund your startup or small business venture, avoid taking the wrong approach.Capital raising secrets provides insights that would help you Attract Investors, Get Money, Grow & your Business. The course is analyzes challenges faced by business owners when trying to raise capital and addresses themRaising capital is beyond trying to convince the financiers to make an investment in your business, rather it is about preparing your business & packaging it in way that would attract the right kind of investors, and this is what makes this course unique.This short & bite size course is filled with strategies and insights that are actionable. Our approach makes your capital sourcing process easier and faster. At the end you will be adept on how to deliver a compelling investor presentation.This online course is extremely valuable to founders, co-founders and CFO trying to raise funding for their startup businesses. We have addressed the reason raising capital is difficult and provided a guided approach to make the process easier.The course also includes templates & tools that will help you assess the investment readiness of your business and we added a bonus section that will help you to register at our website to get connected with hundreds of funding sources."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)" |
"The Product Part Approval Process, commonly called ""PPAP"", is used around the world in a variety of industries including automotive, aerospace, appliance, agriculture, and heavy truck as the ""final gate"" before launching a new part into production. The purpose of thee PPAP system is to 1) determine if the supplier understands the part's engineering requirements, and 2) if the supplier is capable of consistently meeting those requirements. You will learn how and why to use PPAP, the benefits of the system, and a detailed overview of each of the core 18 elements including:1. Design record2. Authorized Engineering Change Documents3. Customer Engineering Approval4. Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (DFMEA)5. Process Flow Diagram (PFD)6. Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (PFMEA)7. Process Control Plan8. Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Studies9. Dimensional Results10. Material and Performance Test Results11. Initial Process Studies12. Qualified Laboratory Documentation13. Appearance Approval Report (AAR)14. Sample Production Parts15. Master Sample16. Checking Aids17. Customer-specific Requirements18. Part Submission Warrant (PSW)By signing up for this class, you not only get 2+ hours of high-quality, practical training on the PPAP system, but also a set of PPAP templates that you can download and adapt to your own organization. PPAP skills are an essential part of the quality professional's skill set. They are in demand and highly transferable across industries and organizations. The working knowledge of PPAP's you gain in this class will give you the ""upper hand"" you've been looking for to advance your career.The class is also fully aligned with the AIAG PPAP manual, and will also fulfill the ""Core Tools"" auditor training as required by IATF 16949:2016.Regardless of your industry, if you're looking for solid training on the established PPAP process (without breaking you bank), this is the class for you!! Sign up today."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"50 questions pour prparer votre futur entretien sur SQL." |
">>>Ce cours vous intresse ? Et Vous souhaitez y bnficier d'une rduction ? Alors envoyez moi un email<<<Vous tes dveloppeur Python, BI,SQL,Java Script ou sur une autre technologie, et vous allez passer un entretien technique ? Il y aura fort parier que 30 40 % de l'entretien portera sur du SQL.J'ai scrut beaucoup de sites en anglais et en franais, pour vous faire un rsum des questions les plus frquentes lors d'un entretien.Donc il y a fort parier, que vous retrouverez ces questions, lors de votre entretien.Il y a pour le moment 40 questions thoriques, et 10 questions pratiques.SQL est aujourd'hui le langage le plus utilis dans le monde.Pour information, Uber, Netflix, Airbnb utilise le langage SQL.Inscrivez vous ma formation et partez a votre entretien avec lesprit plus tranquille.Voici un exemple des questions de mon cours :Quelle est la diffrence entre la clause HAVING et WHERE ?Qu'est ce qu'un index ?Quelle est la diffrence entre TRUNCATE et DELETE?Qu'est ce que STRING_SPLIT ?Et pleins d'autres questions, qui vous permettront de partir plus confiant lors de votre prochain entretien.Regardez la moyenne de mes autres cours (4,4/5), et vous verrez que mes cours sont des cours de qualit :)>>>Rejoignez le groupe FaceBook de bons plans, entre-aide, tutos de mes formations<<<>>>Tapez dans FaceBook: Formation SQL by Olivier Thuillier<<<"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"ISO 27001 Foundation by Example" |
"Welcome to ISO 27001 for busy learners course! It takes only two hours to learn about this standard!This course is for students who want to take the ISO 27001 Foundation exam.It is also intended to people interested in making their organisation compliant with the ISO 27001 standard or security specialists who are looking for a more organized approach to handle and manage information security in their enterprise.In this course we teach you by example. For each definition or concept we give you easy examples. Also, we added a lot of quizzes and a practice exam to make sure concepts learnt in this course are well understood.This course includes many quizzes and practice exams."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WHAT YOU WILL LEARN IN THIS PROGRAM1. WHY YOU MUST START YOUR OWN BLOGFirst I guide you through the reasons why you must start your own blog or scale up in 2020. Well also see a full picture on the vast opportunities the internet is providing us today and how other online entrepreneurs are living the laptop digital lifestyle and working full-tile on their blog.2. BENEFITS OF STARTING A BLOGIn order to condition your mindset and fuel your motivation, youll be shown the benefits derived when starting your own blog which is really amazing when considering the facts and low risks involved like traditional businesses. The online world has become an incredible marketplace for online entrepreneurs nowadays and many people are leaving their traditional school learning and 9-5 jobs for this amazing opportunity to enjoy time freedom, travel lifestyle and more juice to their life. You can also do it with the right mindset and strategy.3. HOW TO PRODUCE VALUABLE CONTENTIn this training program, youll be also be guided how to build your own online community and produce valuable content to make a powerful impact on the world. You will transition to a more passionate lifestyle and live a healthier lifestyle feeling happier.There are the copywriting secrets given to you so that you can quickly develop your writing skills and see massive improvements. I remember one time when my sister came to my room and asked me, you are sitting and writing at your desk. I replied to her, I love what Im doing and can do this all day.Truth is that with blogging, you can build a website in any niche that you love and passionate about. In this situation, you will be researching, going deeper and learning about the things that resonate with your life such as fitness, finance, relationships, travel, hobbiesthe possibilities are many.4. MONETISING YOUR WEBSITEI know many people that have started their own blogs just to write about the topics they like and be passionate. But lets be realistic guys, many of us will soon found writing amazing posts and producing content a waste of time if we cannot monetise our website.In fact, making money is one of your primary motivation when just starting your own blog. Then as you grow and build your blog, youll get the added benefits of be researching, going deeper and learning about the topics that you like.5. LIviNG YOUR DREAM LIFESTYLEMany online entrepreneurs are doing it right nowI always thanks God for this amazing life and the wonderful era that Im living in.The rise of the internet has indeed many online entrepreneurs to travel and live their dream lifestyle instead of being caught in the vicious cycle of rat race and 9-5 jobs.So go through the training program and live your dream lifestyle, anyway you want it"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Armoni & Akor likisi" |
"Armoni ve akor ilikisi derslerime balamak iin mutlaka temel mzik teori bilginizin olmas gerek.Bu derslerde aralk bilgisi ile akorlar kurup, akorlarn birbirleri arasndaki ilikiyi renip, kadanslarn nasl uyum iinde balandn grdkten sonra her tonda bir arkya nasl armoni yazlacan detayl bir ekilde reneceksiniz.Tabii ki ok sk alarak ve srekli tekrar yaparak baarabilirsiniz. yi almalar.Her ay yeni bir blm eklenmeye devam edecektir.Vehbi Can Uyarolu"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"letiim de Hipnotik Gizli Metaforlar" |
"Dinleyiciyi ak ve daha fazlasn bekler halde tutmann ve bylece sylediiniz her eyi almalarn ve daha fazlasn bilmeyi istemelerini salamann bir yolu ykler anlatmaktr ama, gizli metafor ya da i ie dng adn verdiimiz zel bir ekilde.Ronnie Corbett, The Two Ronnies adl programnda geni bir koltua oturur ve bir hikaye ya da fkra anlatr ama onu bitirmeden bir dierine geer. Bu ekilde on dakikalk skecinde belki 10 ya da 15 hikaye ya da fkra anlatr. Cem Ylmaz da sahnede bunu yapar. Bir hikayeye balar, yarda keser ve bir sr hikaye daha anlatr. Tm performans boyunca bu hikayelere dnp dnp durur.Edebiyat alannda dngleri kullanan klasik eser Bin Bir Gece Masallardr. Aslnda, hikaye iinde hikaye iinde hikayelerden oluur. "
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ISO 9001 belgesi fiyat ISO BelgeS Veren firmalar" |
"SO 9001 BELGES NASIL ALINIR 1 Firma ile n grme Yaplarak, gidilecek Yol haritanz belirliyoruz.2-Bavuru Szleme Formu birlik de Doldurularak bilgi al verii yaplr.3-Firma temsilcisi (KYS) ile KALTE YNETM sisteminiz hazrlyoruz.4-Kurulan sistem Bamsz Ba Denetiler tarafndan denetleniyor.5-Denetim srasnda varsa eksiklikler giderilerek, kurulan SO kalite ynetim sistemininsreklilii salanyor.6-SO belgeniz hazr olduunda Lokmancert temsilcimiz size haber veriyor.7-Belgenizi teslim ederek nice SO Kaliteli hizmetler 9001 belgesi nediriso 9001 belgesi almakiso 9001 belgesi nereden alnriso 9001 belgesi nasl alnriso 9001 belgesi fiyatiso 9001 belgesi yenilemeiso 9001 belgesi eitimiiso 9001 belgesi artlarso 9001 belgesi almaiso 9001 belgesi alma artlariso 9001 belgesi almak iin yaplmas gerekenleriso 9001 belgesi alan okullariso 9001 belgesi alan niversiteleriso 9001 belgesi ankaraiso 9001 belgesi bavurusuiso 9001 belgesi bursaiso 9001 belgesi eskiehiriso belgesi eitimiiso 9001 belge fiyatso 9001 sertifikas fiyatlariso 9001 belgesi veren firmalariso 9001 belgesi veren firmalar istanbuliso 9001 belgesi olan firmalariso 9001 belgesi veren firmalar izmiriso 9001 belgesi geerlilik sresiiso 9001 belgesi gideri muhasebe kaydiso 9001 belgesi iin gerekli evraklariso 9001 belgesi iin gerekli artlariso 9001 belgesi ka yl geerliiso 9001 iin gerekli belgeleriso 9001 belgesi danimanlik hizmetlerinde yapilacak alimalarso 9001 belgesi nasl alnrso 9001 sertifikas nasl alnrso 9001 belgesiso 9001 belgesi veren firmalarso 9001 belgesi veren kurulularso 9001 belgesi ne ie yarariso 9001 belgesi izmiriso 9001 belgesi kurslariso 9001 belgesi ka gnde alnriso 9001 belgesi ka paraiso 9001 belgesi kimler alabiliriso 9001 belgesi kimlere veriliriso 9001 belgesi kosgeb desteiiso 9001 belgesi kayseriiso 9001 belgesi maliyetiiso 9001 belgesi muhasebe kaydiso 9001 certificate meaningiso belgesi maliyetiiso 9001 belgesi ne demekiso 9001 belgesi nedir ne ie yarariso 9001 belgesi rneiiso 9001 belgesi 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BelgesiBatman, ISO 9001 creti nedirBayburt, iso 9001 belgesi alan firmalarBilecik, iso 9001 belgesi kimler alabilirBitlis, iso 9001 belgesi alan okullarBolu, iso 9001 belgesi bursaBurdur, so 9001 deneti sertifikas nasl alnr Bursa, iso 9001 belgesi eskiehiranakkale, iso 9001 belge fiyatankr, iso 9001 belgesi olan firmalarorum, iso 9001 belgesi ka yl geerliDenizli, iso 9001 belgesi iin gerekli evraklarDiyarbakr, iso 9001 iin gerekli belgelerDzce, iso 9001 belgesi almak iin yaplmas gerekenlerEdirne, so 9001 belgesi nasl alnrElaz, so 9001 belgesi ne ie yararErzincan, iso 9001 belgesi ka gnde alnrErzurum, iso 9001 belgesi ka paraEskiehir, iso 9001 belgesi ne demekGaziantep,iso 9001 belgesi kurslar Giresun, iso 9001 belgesi nedir ne ie yararGmhane, iso 9001 belgesi rneiHakkri, iso 9001 belge sorgulamaHatay, iso 9001 belgesi artlarIdr, iso 9001 belgesi cretiIsparta, vwr iso 9001 certificate usastanbul, iso 9001 belgesi yenileme cretizmir, so 9001 belgesi veren kurulularKahramanmara, iso 9001 belgesi zorunlu muKarabk, iso 9001 belgesi hangi firma verirKaraman, iso 9001 belge alma artlarKars, Kastamonu, Kayseri, Kilis, Krkkale, Krklareli, Krehir, Kocaeli, Konya, Ktahya, Malatya, Manisa, Mardin, Mersin, Mula, Mu, Nevehir, Nide, Ordu, Osmaniye, Rize, Sakarya, Samsun, anlurfa, Siirt, Sinop, Sivas, rnak, Tekirda, Tokat, Trabzon, Tunceli, Uak, Van, Yalova, Yozgat, ZonguldakAdalar ISO 9001 BelgesiArnavutky ISO 9001 BelgesiAtaehir ISO 9001 BelgesiAvclar ISO 9001 BelgesiBaclar ISO 9001 BelgesiBahelievler ISO 9001 BelgesiBakrky ISO 9001 BelgesiBaakehir ISO 9001 BelgesiBayrampaa ISO 9001 BelgesiBeikta ISO 9001 BelgesiBeykoz ISO 9001 BelgesiBeylikdz ISO 9001 BelgesiBeyolu ISO 9001 BelgesiBykekmece ISO 9001 Belgesiatalca ISO 9001 Belgesiekmeky ISO 9001 BelgesiEsenler ISO 9001 BelgesiEsenyurt ISO 9001 BelgesiEyp ISO 9001 BelgesiFatih ISO 9001 BelgesiGaziosmanpaa ISO 9001 BelgesiGngren ISO 9001 BelgesiKadky ISO 9001 BelgesiKathane ISO 9001 BelgesiKartal ISO 9001 BelgesiKkekmece ISO 9001 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Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to become a successful affiliate marketer?" |
"How to Become a Successful Affiliate Marketer?I employed as an accountant for a long time. I think, suddenly got tired of looking at the figures all the time, wanted to do something else, and chose to do internet marketing, and I love what I am doing now. I almost started with affiliate marketing in 2015 and progressed into other areas, working to achieve some success up to now. I have a passion for internet marketing actively maintain a couple of blogs, and the other projects are, writing eBooks, online courses, and some accounting work for a few clients.I am an affiliate marketer, and I enjoy being an affiliate marketer because I know you do the work once, and you get paid again and again when your items sell, therefore, it creates a passive income for you.It will be a good home business for an enthusiastic businessperson, if you have a passion for promoting other people's products. In addition, earning your living or having it as a side income, and you can do your work whenever you are free from your 9-5 job. I wanted to create this online course, ""How to Become a Successful Affiliate Marketer"" for a couple of reasons.Affiliate Marketing helps anyone to make money online if you have the desire and determined to do hard work consistently. It allows you to promote other people's products and make your commission so that you do not have to have a dedicated space, no inventory, and you can work at your pace.Another type of online marketing where you write an article or get m n to write to promote particular product or service and publish it on web directories. Therefore, the chances of customers knowing but ur product high nd result u wuld b more lkl t gain more customers that will help you to earn your commissions.A percentage fee is payable for every sale made by the affiliates by the vendor. Every time a customer gets to the supplier's website, after seeing the member's promotional materials make a purchase, the branch gets a share of the profit. No payment is due to the member until satisfactory results realized.Affiliate Marketers can earn a few bucks to thousands of dollars with affiliate programs. The opportunity to make in affiliate marketing can only limit the member's determination, creativity, and strategy. It is supposed to be an excellent and easy way to make money online, and you do not have to produce your product or service.By advertising your merchant's products passionately, you get more in return. Profits in affiliate marketing usually start small but can get more significant as the campaign begins to build up, and the member sticks to their goals. You can have a better picture after reading online course if you visit my website, where I promote products.Thank you for picking up my online course, and I hope that you will enjoy reading it and make the full use of it to benefit you from your new venture. Good luck!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Crea Cursos en lnea con Google Classroom y disp. mviles" |
"Aprenders a crear cursos a en lnea y a distancia con la aplicacin Google Classroom con contenido de video, clase, temas, tareas, actividades, evaluaciones, gestin de alumnos, gestin de calificaciones y preguntas, nicamente utilizando tu dispositivo mvil para crear todo tu curso y a editar y comprimir los videos de tus clases"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students" |
"This course covers material typically found in the first half of a university-level Orbital Mechanics or Astrodynamics course. You'll learn all the fundamentals of elliptical orbits. We'll go through and derive equations like the trajectory equation, Kepler's equation and more. Once you finish this course you'll be able to determine the position and velocity of orbiting bodies, understand the 6 orbital elements, apply Newton's root-finding method to Kepler's equation and much more!Topics we'll coverRelative 2-body equationAngular momentumPolar coordinates and energyTrajectory equationElliptical orbitsKepler's lawsKepler's equationNewton's root finding methodOrbital elementsConversion from position and velocity vectors to orbital elementsConversion from orbital elements to position and velocity vectors"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |