Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Host Epic Podcast Interviews & Get Killer Guests" |
"Do you wanna host GREAT podcast interviews? I'm talking about episodes that really impact your listeners, and bring authenticity to your show. Whether you're struggling to get guests for your new podcast, or you wanna spice up the interviews you're conducting, this is the course for you. I've developed a simple step-by-step process for attracting killer podcast guests, automating the booking process, and once you're live, bringing a bit of magic to your show. This process will make it so that you never are without an upcoming podcast interview. You'll never have to worry about getting great guests. What's more, you won't have to manually do anything. Just sit back, relax, and watch your schedule fill up fast with interviews. The first part of this course is laying out that system that you can use to take over your current booking process. It will streamline everything for you, and make it far more efficient. This includes: Tricks for finding high-caliber podcast guestsEasy ways to fill up your pipelineA streamlined approach to automate your guest outreachNew strategies to ""mine for experts""The next part comes into play when you're actually live with a podcast guest. I'll share with you some of my best kept secrets for coming up with great questions that leave your audience wanting more. These questions are specifically designed to get the best material out of your podcast guest, so that they're not just regurgitating the same canned answers they give every other interviewer. You'll learn:The exact questions I use on a daily basisNifty little tricks for developing an ""authentic moment"" A new approach to having a Howard Stern-Like magical appeal Practical ways to get the most value of your interviewsBy the end of this course, you'll walk away with a war chest of practical tactics for upgrading your podcast interviews so that you can make your show stand out from every other podcast."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sal ve Gvenlii Mevzuat" |
"retim grevlisi olduum niversitede verdiim SG Mevzuat dersi ieriidir. Kurs videolar dersin anlatm esnasnda ekilen videolar iermektedir. 6331 sayl Sal ve Gvenlii Kanunu hkmlerinin hukuksal ve teorik anlamda yorumlanarak pratik hayatta SG uygulamalarnda nasl bir korunma politikas belirlenip izlenmesi hakknda detayl bilgi sahibi olabileceiniz bir kurstur. Kursu bitiren kii ister SG profesyoneli, ister iveren veya alan olarak zerine den ykmllklerin ve buna bal sorumluluklarn neler olduunu tam olarak renir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Terapia com Florais" |
"Este mais um mdulo do nosso curso FTHS - Formao em Terapeuta Holstico Sistmico da MEDA - Minha Escola de Autoconhecimento. Este curso foi escrito pelo Casal Josi & Marco Meda com o objetivo de apoiar o desenvolvimento de estudantes e profissionais que buscam na terapia holstica uma oportunidade de cura, autoconhecimento e espiritualidade.Voc sabia que a Terapia com Florais utiliza as essncias florais na busca pelo equilbrio global do corpo? Sabia que age em situaes circunstanciais, ajudando o indivduo a compreender o desequilbrio e desfazer bloqueios emocionais energticos?Sabia ainda que as essncias florais vo agir desbloqueando essas energias e emoes que esto levando o indivduo doena e re-significando os sistemas de crenas que esto limitando a manifestao das potencialidades de sua alma, levando a pessoa a mudar seu modo de agir, pensar, sentir e se comunicar consigo mesma e com o mundo?Devido as suas vibraes elevadas, certas flores, rvores, arbustos silvestres tm o poder de elevar nossas vibraes humanas e abrir os canais para ouvirmos as mensagens do nosso EU Espiritual, inundar nossa natureza com a virtude especfica de que precisamos e remover de ns a falha que est causando o sofrimento.Elas so capazes, tal como uma bela msica ou algo gloriosamente enaltecedor que nos d inspirao, de elevar nossa natureza e nos aproximar de nossa alma; com isso, nos trazem a paz e aliviam nossos sofrimentos.Elas curam, no atacando a doena, mas inundando o nosso corpo com as belas vibraes do nosso Eu Superior, em cuja presena a enfermidade se dissolve como neve ao sol.Prepare-se para mergulhar neste lindo curso repleto de essncias mgicas das flores."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of AI and Big Data" |
"Fundamentals of AI and Big Data 1.2.3.CNN4.5.HBase Hive?6.R7.8."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"HTML Design Webpages, Create Table, Registration Form" |
"Learn HTML in One Hour in this course contains all HTML tags and also explains how to design webpage using HTML, how to insert table in HTML, how to desig a form using HTML. HTML is used to ceate a webpages. It is the basics building block of web. In this course explains what is HTML and how to use all HTML tags practically while designing webpages or creating webpages ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Video editing fr Anfnger." |
"In diesem Kurs werdet ihr die wichtigsten Basics lernen, um Videos zu bearbeiten, sodass ihr zum Schluss ein Video mit Qualitt habt. Beispielsweise werdet ihr lernen wie man Texte einfgt oder man die Geschwindigkeit von dem Video verndert. Zudem werdet ihr auch noch lernen wie man Effekte einfgt.Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Anfnger, die das Bearbeiten von Videos erlernen wollen, etwa um Videos auf YouTube oder anderen Plattformen hochzuladen. Also wenn du Lust und Interesse an diesem Thema hast, dann wrde ich mich sehr freuen, wenn du in meinen Kurs kommst!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Enterprise Big Data Professional Certification Course" |
"The Enterprise Big Data Professional (EBDP) course will provide delegates with a fundamental understanding of Big Data and related technologies. In this extensive program, delegates will learn how to adopt, adapt and apply the fuThe Enterprise Big Data course is the first level of the Big Data Framework course curriculum and certification program, that is globally recognized and accredited by APMG-International. The curriculum provides a vendor-neutral and objective understanding of Big Data architectures, technologies and processes.The Enterprise Big Data Professional course is a vendor-independent program that is dedicated to applying Big Data best practices towards enterprise organizations. The practical examples from real-world situations will help to gain a better understanding about how Big Data can be used in actual situations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Clculos matemticos na gesto de estoques" |
"Este curso rene alguns clculos matemticos que so utilizados na gesto e controle dos estoques. Estes clculos so apresentados para promover uma melhor percepo da importncia de adoo de mtricas para tomada de deciso.Ele estruturado em:Conceito ou contextualizao;Apresentao de frmulas;Atividade resolvida;Atividade para ser realizada pelo alunos e posteriormente confrontada no vdeo;Anlise grfica quando de sua existncia."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"learn Maya for beginners like never before in 2020" |
"Hello,In this course, you will learn the full solid basics that essential for any 3d artist then you can build on.since the Maya application and others are huge and there are too many menus - tools, so in this course, I make things easier for you.The 3D world separates into multi departments:- modeling - texturing - rigging - animation - VFX - lighting - rendering - composting So it's huge and needs practice and to know the technique and tips, so after this course, you can jump into the next sections (modeling) then (texturing). you can check my page and get the two other courses so you got the full benefits:1- advance Maya modeling2- advance Maya texturing it's good for you, believe me.regards."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Form LLC in minutes with simple steps" |
"In this course, I will be talking as an Entrepreneur. My goal is to get you started quickly. I have owned 3 LLCs in the past using different ways. After going through the process 3 times, I have figured what I believe is the best way to form a LLC for anyone- especially if you have an online digital business/amazon business/international business/or even a remote business in a different state.I will show you the way on how to own a LLC even if you are--USA RESIDENT OR NOT A USA RESIDENT OR CITIZEN-Work from Home and are self-employed-Just starting your business-Already own a business but want to register quickly and cheaply-A beginner with no clue how to open LLCAll you have TO DO IS FOLLOW THE SIMPLE 5 STEPS I SHOW YOU. That's it!This way will make sure that your taxes are lowest, you get anonymity, you get several other benefits and your LLC gets done within minutes from your laptop.Again, my goal from this course is not like other courses that are DIY and teach you an entire book of LLC laws.I want to make sure that as an entrepreneur, your MAIN GOAL should be to focus on your product/service and not spend a TON of time just at this stage. Your main goal should be to sell your service/product and get cashflow as soon as possible rather than spending time to learn laws that you will never need to know. I go through enough information that you really need to know for forming your LLC.So, let's get started and form your LLC in the fastest, cheapest (less than $150), most optimal, and the best way possible.Thanks,-AshishDisclaimer- I am not a lawyer or a professional. This course is based on my experience as an entrepreneur."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teologia Bsica Simplificada - Mdulo 1" |
"Neste primeiro mdulo do curso Teologia Bsica Simplificada falamos dos seguintes assuntos:- TeologiaEstudo Bsico acerca de Deus1. A existncia de Deus2. Os atributos de Deus- CristologiaEstudo Bsico acerca da pessoa de Jesus Cristo1. A divindade de Cristo2. A Humanidade de Cristo- PneumatologiaEstudo Bsico acerca da pessoa do Esprito Santo1. A personalidade do Esprito Santo2. A procedncia do Esprito Santo3. Os Sentimentos do Esprito Santo4. A divindade do Esprito Santo5. A Trindade no Antigo Testamento6. A Trindade no Novo Testamento- Antropologia Estudo Bsico acerca do homem de acordo com as Escrituras1. A Evoluo segundo as Escrituras2. A unidade da Raa Humana3. A antiguidade do homem"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Network Safeguard with Fortinet FortiGate Firewall" |
"Welcome to Fortigate course - Network Safeguard with Fortinet Fortigate FirewallBecome a Cyber Security Specialist specialized in Fortigate. Go from a beginner to advanced in this easy to follow expert course.Get ready to acquire some highly serious Networking and Security skills! You can't consider yourself a Security Expert unless you configure a Next Generation Firewall or a Unified Threat Management System in your Organization and secure your network form Cyber Threat.The essential objective of this course is to equip you with all the necessary skills to install, configure, deploy and fine tune your Fortigate UTM box on your network. The objective of the course mainly concentrates on daily routines of Security Expert handling one or more Fortigate device on the network. On completing the course you will be fully equipped with the skills set necessary to safeguard your network from Cyber Threats by enabling all the features that are available in Fortigate.This course also deals with the certification aspect as well. On completion you will understand the certification path of Fortinet and to register for NSE 1, NSE 2 and NSE 3 certification exams. Complete the NSE 1, NSE 2 and NSE 3 certification and download your Fortinet Certificate for free.What youll learnFortigate Firewall Configuration from scratch.Setup Virtual Fortigate LAB.Implement Redundant Fortinet NGFW Solution.Remote Access VPN Deployment.Fine tune your Fortigate device & implement eye catching dashboards.CLI commands for features not in GUI.Monitoring threads, identify & correlate events.Report Generation and Analysis.Analyzing Logs and distinguish Anomalies.Monitor Network Performance and Bandwidth utilization.Fine tune Fotigate UTM to Detect, Identify and Mitigate threats.Prepare and Register for Fortinet NSE 1, NSE 2 and NSE 3 certification.Topics covered in this courseIntroduction to FortinetFortinet ProductsFortinet Certifications PathFree Fortinet Exam & CertificateIntroduction to GNS 3GNS3 Installation & ConfigurationFortiGate in GNS3GNS3 FortiGate topologyTry any Fortinet device onlineCreate ZonesSetup Admin AccountEnable Features in FortiGateDeploying DashboardsVLANs in FortigateCreate Address & GroupCreate IPv4 PolicyAntivirus ProfileWeb FilterDNS FilterApplication ControlIntrusion Prevention System (IPS)Traffic ShapingSD WANIP Sec VPNSSL VPNGuest managementTwo-Factor Authentication - FortiTokenSMS Server ConfigurationTwo-Factor Authentication - SMSDownload FortiOS & FortiGate VMUpgrade FortiOS versionCommands - General InformationCommands - Network TroubleshootingDynamic Routing in FortigateFortiCloudE-mail Server ConfigurationFortiViewLogs & ReportEmail Alerts"
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
"Html5+Css3+Bootstrap4 Sfrdan Frontend Web Tasarm Kursu" |
"KUPON KODU iin >> >> adresinden bana ulaabilirsiniz.Html5 & Css3 eitimi ile sfrdan ileri dzeye web tasarm (frontend) ve kodlama yaparak gerek projeler gelitir.Bu eitim ile size temelden ileri dzeye Html5, CSS3 ve Bootstrap tanmlamalarn ve kullanmlarn reterek sfrdan ileri dzeye web tasarm (frontend) gelitirmeyi reneceksiniz.Genel tanmlamalar rendikten sonra bir web sitesinde en fazla ihtiya duyacanz buton tasarmlar, men tasarmlar, iletiim formlar, web site genel ablonlar ve bunlarn responsive yaplarn yani mobil uyumlu hale getirmeyi reneceksiniz.zel olarak hazrlam olduum nasl yaplr blm ile gerekli pratikleri yapm olacak ve uyguladmz web projesi sayesinde bilgilerimizi birletirerek almalarmz profesyonel hale getirmi olacaksnz. Bu almalar ile gerek profesyonel hayattaki ileyii reneceksiniz.Nasl yaplr (zel Blm)Html5 &Css3 ve ihtiya halinde ufak JavaScript kodlamalar kullanarak profesyonel ilemler yapacaz. Bu alanda yapacaklarmz her geen gn artarak devam edecektir. BONUS Bootstrap 4Eitimin sonunda Bootstrap renecek ve web sitede bulunan bileenleri ok daha ksa yoldan, kolayca nasol yapyoruz bunlar reneceksiniz. Web Site Tamalar eitli temalar gelitirerek rendiklerimizi pekitirecek ve ilerin gerek hayatta nasl yapldn reneceiz.Soru ve ikayetleriniz iin: mail adresinden bana ulaabilirsiniz. #html5 #css3 #web #tasarm #yazlm"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Intermittent Fasting Formula" |
"Discover The Secret Diet Protocol For Sustainable & Rapid Weight Loss!...Without Having To Ban Your Favorite Food &Kill Your Metabolism YES! I WANT TO TRANSFORM MY LIFE NOW!Dear friend,If you are looking for the fastest way to lose weight, so you could look great and fit into your favorite pair of jeans when you are 2 sizes down All without sacrificing your favorite food or killing yourself with a strict diet plan then you are in the right place!Because what youre about to discover one of the fastest methods to help you melt those pounds of fats in the easiest and sustainable way possible.But first...Do you know the REAL reason why youre struggling to lose weightThink about it...How many weight-loss programs have you tried?How many magic pills, supplements, or Diet Tea that youve tried or heard that promise magical results?To be honest, Ive tried a lot of those so-called magic bullets but it always end up with disappointment.The truth is, losing weight dont have to be complex!You dont need to learn rocket science to lose weight.It all comes down to a very simple formula.However, I believe that most weight-loss advice out there requires you to:Go on a caloric deficitFollow a hard & intensive exercise programSacrifice your favorite food & snacksComplicated calorie-countingAnd we both know that complexity will only lead to downfall.This is why most of us fail to lose weight. ..and its never easy to follow a complicated diet with too many restrictions for an extended period of time...So, is there an easier way?Mark your calendar today...Buckle up...Because today will be the turning point of your life.Youre about to discover the easiest & simplest way to lose weight without having to suffer from a strict diet or crazy exercise routine. Youre about to learn one of the best diet strategies to help you achieve your dream physique as quickly as possible (and it doesnt have to be years!).This diet formula has helped me break through weight-loss plateaus, spike metabolism and achieve my dream physique for important occasions.Now you can finally learn the formula to lose weight and get your dream body fast.Your frustration ends here.IntroducingIntermittent Fasting FormulaDiet Protocol For Extreme Weight LossIntermittent Fasting Formula is an easy-to-follow plan to help you lose weight fast. The best part is, you dont have to ban your favorite food. This is what makes the Intermittent Fasting easier to stick to as compared to other restrictive diet plans out there... while delivering remarkable results.This blueprint reveals everything you need to know about Intermittent Fasting How to get started with Intermittent Fasting, learn how Intermittent Fasting works, the amazing mental and physical health benefits, diet protocols, effective tips to get better results fast and much more!If you want to get ripped, burn stubborn belly fats, and improve overall health quickly then this is the solution that youve been waiting for.Here are some of the topics uncovered inside this transformational program:What is intermittent fasting? Why has it become so popular and how is it different from other ways of dieting?The core benefits of intermittent fasting.The intermittent fasting formula for rapid weight loss.Safety protocols of intermittent fasting.How to use the 16:8 intermittent fasting diet protocol.How to use the 24-hour Eat-Stop-Eat diet protocol.How to use some of the other popular intermittent fasting methods like alternate day, 20:4 and 5:2 methods.How to maximize the results of your intermittent fasting regime.How to introduce intermittent fasting into your life and how to get started successfully.... And so much more waiting to be uncovered inside!This is the Golden Key for those who want to:Lose weight fast without sacrificing their favorite foodAchieve their best physique fastGet started with healthy livingBreak the weight-loss plateauLive a longer & healthier lifeLook good and feel better in their own skinIncrease their self-esteem & build self-confidenceBe in a more positive, creative, high-energy & motivated stateSEE YOU INSIDE"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Environment Creation for Film" |
"Hi Guys, do you want to create a realistic 3D scene for a commercial or a film but dont know how to start? If that is the case then I welcome you to Nexttut Educations Environment Creation for Film. My name is Abraham Leal, I am a 3D Artist and producer, I have 8 years of experience in the industry. Currently I lead my own studio Critical Hit where we design and produce projects for the entertainment Industry.Why you should enroll: At the end of this course, you will able to recreate a 3D environment from a concept. You will understand all the necessary steps to create the different props, sections, lights and textures needed to get the best possible result for your portfolio.In this Course, you will be learningCamera MatchingProp ModellingSculptingUV MappingTexturingRendering with ArnoldCinematic LightingPost ProductionI will start the course by blocking in the scene and getting the proportions right. After that we will start modelling all the different props and getting them ready for textures. Once all the props are ready we will Uv map them and we will start building the lights of our scene. Finally we will texture the whole scene and make sure it looks the best before we jump into Photoshop for the final touches of our image.Who should enroll: I have designed this course for intermediate level students and artists who want to improve their skills as environment artists in order create their own scenes from scratch. In this course I will be using Maya, Zbrush, Substance Painter, Photoshop and Arnold Renderer, so be sure to have all of them installed to follow properly.Enroll now and take your 3d environment skills to the next level!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Masterclass: Reading Practice Test ShortAnswerQuestion" |
"Unsure whether you have understood to identify the correct answers of Short Answer Questions question type of IELTS Reading? Confused how to read between the lines to locate the answer? If yes, then appear for this practice test that includes 40 questions, all focusing on Short Answer Questions question type of IELTS Reading. These 40 questions are divided in 2 sections.Each question has multiple choices an explanation provided. You can look through the explanation after completion of the test. Review your answers and reappear if you did not get all of them correct. The question and order series is randomized. The passing percentage of IELTS Masterclass: IELTS Reading Practice Test is just 55%. However, you would need a minimum of 90% passing score if you are targeting band 8 in the final International English Language Testing System. That means 36 out of 40 questions must be correct. This is not a timed practice test but it is recommended to spend no more than a minute for each answer."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Digitao - DigiMax" |
"MEGA PROMOOCurso Completo de Digitao DigiMax APENAS 22,90 at 29/09 - Acesse:UTILIZE O CUPOM: C8A700912D117B3DE1FAOU UTILIZE ESTE LINK: https://bit.""""ly/3mOZ2Gl (Apague a ""aspas"" do endereo depois de copiar e colar no seu navegador)Nos dias atuais, os computadores tm um papel fundamental em nossas vidas. Saber manipul-los de grande importncia, assim como digitar corretamente e de forma rpida e gil.Existem diversos motivos que nos impulsionam ao aprendizado da digitao, sejam eles profissionais, na busca por aquele emprego que tanto almejamos ou aquele to sonhado concurso pblico, ou por motivos pessoais.No importa os motivos que o trouxeram at aqui, o importante que aps a concluso do curso, sua digitao no ser mais a mesma.O Curso Completo de Digitao DigiMax dividido em 9 etapas.A primeira etapa, que contempla os exerccios de 01 at 30, so focados no aprendizado onde o aluno aprender a posicionar os dedos no teclado e a digitar caracteres sem nexo de forma a decorar a localizao de cada tecla.A segunda etapa, que contempla os exerccios de 31 at 40, so focados na digitao de nmeros com o teclado alfabtico, de forma a memorizar as teclas utilizadas, assim como aumentar a preciso e velocidade ao teclar os nmeros.A terceira etapa, que contempla os exerccios de 41 at 60, so focados na digitao de palavras simples focando a velocidade e preciso, onde o aluno deve evitar olhar o teclado.A quarta etapa, que contempla os exerccios de 61 at 70, so focados na digitao de palavras contendo acentuao. Neste intervalo de exerccios, os alunos iro aprender a utilizar os acentos de forma correta e, novamente, evitando olhar o teclado.A quinta etapa, que contempla os exerccios de 71 at 85, so focados na digitao de frases inteiras, contendo, alm de acentuao, pontuao e letras maisculas utilizando a tecla Shift.A sexta etapa, que contempla os exerccios de 86 at 90, so focados na digitao de frases com pontuao, acentuao e utilizao da tecla Caps Lock (Fixa) em palavras contendo todas as letras maisculas.A stima etapa, que contempla os exerccios de 91 at 95, so focados na digitao de frases inteiras, misturando tudo o que vimos at agora, letras maisculas, minsculas, pontuao, acentuao e nmeros. Alm disso, iremos aprender a utilizar a tecla Alt Gr, inserindo o terceiro caractere de algumas teclas.A oitava etapa, que contempla os exerccios de 96 at 113, so focados na digitao no teclado numrico, do lado direito do teclado alfabtico. Nesta sequncia de exerccios os alunos aprendero a digitar com agilidade e velocidade os nmeros de forma a melhorar sua digitao profissional.A nona e ltima etapa, que contempla o exerccio 114, um exerccio teste. O aluno escolher a quantidade de sequncias as quais digitar na maior velocidade possvel.Nosso curso foi preparado de forma a preparar desde o aluno que ir iniciar do zero at queles que j tem uma boa bagagem, porm tem alguns vcios e necessitem deixa-los de lado.Com 114 exerccios completos, o DigiMax ir prepara-lo na digitao de letras aleatrias at a digitao de frases complexas, contendo acentuao, pontuao, maisculas, minsculas e numerao.Com empenho, dedicao e nosso curso DigiMax, temos certeza de que sua digitao ficar extremamente rpida, gil e eficiente, economizando um tempo valioso que poder ser empregado em outras coisas importantes."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Classic Coding Algorithms: Searching and Sorting" |
"Binary Search, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Anagram Checker: Algorithm Explanation, Complexity Analysis, and CodeIn this course you'll learn some fundamental programming algorithms. Variations of these approaches appear throughout coding, being used again and again to solve problems. And if you're going into a coding interview, you'll find it useful to be fresh with these; don't be surprised if you're asked directly about one of them.This class covers these topics:Binary search, along with upper and lower boundInsertion sort and sort verificationMerge sort and stable sortingAs a bonus we'll look at an Anagram Checker, as it's a difficult problem with Unicode, and has been a mainstay of many coding challenges.For each of the algorithms I'll show you:How the algorithm works with a visual explanationThe derivation of the algorithmic complexity (Big O)Example code in type annotated PythonThis class is suitable for all levels of programmers. If you're starting out it's a good introduction. If you're a seasoned veteran it's a good reminder of some forgotten details."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"AWS SCS-C01 Certified Security Specialty Practice Exam" |
"178 UNIQUE practice questions for AWS SCS-C01 Certified Security Specialty Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : AWS SCS-C01 Certified Security Specialty Practice ExamTotal Questions : 178Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (133 of 178)"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"From ZERO to Automation in FluidSIM" |
"Hello dear future student and welcome to Cerebro Switch!Are you looking for classical, theoretical, run of the mill course?Then you are not really going to find it here! There are plenty on the internet.We are working hard to design learning experiences, using scientific studies as our basis for you to retain and understand information very easy.This course is dense in information, smart thinking and logical decision making advice which will make your life a lot easier. It is a course for people who are just entering, are mid-level and even for the advanced pneumatics users.You will learn FluidSIM - Pneumatic Automation with a great Workbook for you to find your own weaknesses and to be strengthening them.Primarily it is aimed at engineering students, engineers and technicians which are using, designing, maintaining or upgrading the pneumatic system in their factory, or for those who are looking to expand their engineering knowledge so that they can make the best decisions between different types of actuators found in manufacturing industry.It is less of a theoretical course, we apply very few formulas, and more of a practical, experience based course where we explore the thinking and functions behind the systems.If you have any questions we will answer ASAP.We hope to see you enrolled in our course, have a nice day!P.S. Upon finishing the course we will send you a certificate for finalizing it."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Complete Python Challenges, Python MCQ& Python Recap in 2020" |
"100 Python MCQ questions, 100 Python Exercises, Python Coding Examples and Python Cheat sheets make you become a Python developer job ready for upcoming Python interview for this Python is for beginner and advanced Python developers .These MCQ and Exercises are deep dive into Python core concepts:Operators Types in Python.Number in PythonPython Data Types.Lambda Expression in Python.String Functions & entries in Python.How to use Input String Function in Python.How to create Lists & lists operations in Python.How to create Dictionaries & Dictionaries operations in Python .How to create Tuples & Tuples operations in Python.How to create Sets & Sets operations in Python.IF Statement and control flow in Python.For Loop in Python.While Loop in Python.Error Exception in python.Functions in Python.Python Modules.Open Files in Python.Object Oriented programming(OOP) in Python.Also you will learn:How to Install Python 3.How to use python IDLE.How to Install Anaconda for Python coding.Why to master Python Programming Exercises ?Python is a high level programming language, strong, elegant, and easy to learn.Python is a modern programming language which used in many tech sectors like web, data science and machine learning etc ...Python is Faster than R programming language when used for data science.Python Has lots of libraries which facilitate its use for data analysis.Python is an Objective oriented programming Language so you can use objects when coding in python.Python is Free open source programming language.Python can be used for a large variety of programming tasks, such as for desktop applications, game programming and mobile development.Python is a cross platform language, which means that code written for one operating system, such as Windows, will work well on Mac OS or Linux without making any changes to the Python code."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Windows 10 Administration & Basic Computer Skills" |
"This course covers Windows 10 Administration as well as some basic computer skills surrounding the Windows 10 operating system, as follows:* Logging into your machine, switching users, and signing out* Finding your way around File Explorer and pinning commonly used items to the Start Menu and Taskbar* Setting a default printer, screen size and screen resolution* Overview of Accessibility Options available within Windows 10* CTRL+ALT+DEL menu options, including Task Manager and locking your machineThe course is intended as a basic overview for anyone using Windows 10 for the first time, for example if your company has recently upgraded to Windows 10 from a previous operating system, such as Windows 7."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"RPA (Robotic Process Automation) com AutoIT - Sem enrolao" |
"Do ano de 2018 para c, as empresas Brasileiras acordaram para a necessidade de automatizao de processos rotineiros e repetitivos que seus colaboradores vem fazendo ao longo dos anos. A soluo para isso se chama RPA (Robotic Process Automation), ou Automatizao de processos por Robs.Muitas empresas esto gastando dinheiro com solues caras, quando muitas vezes podem fazer uso de uma ferramenta simples e gratuita como o AutoIt.Como profissional conhecedor do AutoIt, voc pode largar na dianteira dessa onda, atravs de uma ferramenta simples e muito fcil de aprender. Com poucas horas de aula, voc ser capaz de automatizar diversos processos rotineiros do seu dia-a-dia de trabalho e despontar em sua empresa, desenvolvendo Robs (RPA) para ela.As principais caractersticas do AutoIt, que veremos nesse curso so:1. muito fcil de aprender. verdade, a curva de aprendizagem, comparada com o ganho que voc ter em suas tarefas repetitivas incomparvel. Com pouco tempo de aprendizado voc vai ser capaz de automatizar diversas tarefas, seja em seu local de trabalho, seja nas suas atividades pessoais.2. Simula o uso de teclado e movimento do Mouse. Assim, tudo o que voc capaz de fazer com o teclado e com o mouse, clicando ou arrastando objetos, voc vai ser capaz de fazer com o AutoIt3. Manipula Janelas e processos do Windows. Como ns vamos ver nesse curso, nos exerccios propostos, ns vamos abrir, fechar e manipular aplicaes como MSExcel, MSWord, Notepad, aplicaes de correio eletrnico e algumas outras aplicaes.4. Interage com todos os controles das janelas do Windows. Vamos em um exemplo bem fcil de entender, como ns podemos interagir com o Calc.exe, a calculadora do Windows, e veremos como fcil fazer diversos trabalhos automticos com ela. 5. Os scripts podem ser compilados em executveis.Ns tambm vamos ver isso ao longo do curso. Podemos usar o AutoIt com um interpretador, da sute do AutoIt, que executa o script sem precisar estar compilado, isso til quando ns estamos no processo de desenvolvimento do RPA. Depois ns podemos compilar o script, gerando um executvel. A vantagem, da gerao de um arquivo executvel, que voc pode proteger seu script de ser alterado ou copiado, caso tenha desenvolvido alguma lgica que voc queira proteger ou at mesmo por ter colocado informaes sensveis, como senhas por exemplo, dentro do script.6. Cria Interfaces Grficas de Usurio. Embora isso esteja fora do escolpo do nosso curso, pois vamos focar aqui em RPA, o AutoIt pode ser usado, e usado, como IDE de desenvolvimento, se voc procurar nas pginas oficiais do AutoIt, ver diversos programas desenvolvidos nele e at mesmo jogos para Windows. Ao final, termos uma aula bnus que vamos desenvolver uma calculadora com o AutoIt.7. Mais uma caracterstica do AutoIt que ele d Suporte a objetos COM.Podemos usar os suportes para objetos de aplicaes do Windows. Isso facilita na integrao com as aplicaes Windows. Ns vamos usar muitos objetos durante nossos exemplos."
Price: 264.99 ![]() |
"Introduction To SEO Based Content Writing (Hindi)" |
"Feel Free To Enjoy This Course And Learn One Of The Best SEO Based Content Writing Course In Language Hindi. So, After Completing The Course, You Will Be Enable To Write Search Engine Based Contents. And With That, You Can Increase Good Valuable Content In Any Article. After Completing The Job You Can Do Freelance Or Create Your Own Blog To Earn Good Amount Of Dollars Every Month."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Remote Work: Study Material" |
"Remote Work: Study MaterialIn our Product RoadMap this micro certification was scheduled to be developed towards the end of the fourth quarter of 2020, but the sudden appearance of a global event known as COVID-19 and to respond to the effects of the rapid spread of the virus, it was decided prioritize the development of this micro certification to support and respond to the immediate training needs of the world community.This program includes:1. Material aid to prepare for the certification as PDF documents:Material of StudentImportant information: After you buy this program you need to indicate your email address via inbox so we can send you the material aid. Course Guaranteed by a company that provides training for the CertiProf Authorized Training Partners network of partners."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Alteryx Designer: Curso Nivel Intermedio en Espaol" |
"Este curso permitir a los estudiantes integrar varias herramientas de Alteryx Designer para lograr realizar procesos complejos con la informacin de manera sencilla, gil y dinmica.El curso inicia con un resumen de los conceptos bsicos expuestos en cursos pasados a manera de recordatorio, y luego nos adentraremos en las formulas para ver su funcionamiento a un nivel profundo pero con ejemplos claros para entender la sintaxis de la herramienta. Ms adelante, construiremos flujos de trabajo basados en situaciones reales y con base a experiencias pasadas. Tomaremos las mejores prcticas para resolver problemas comunes que la naturaleza de la informacin suele presentar para obtener informacin limpia, ordenada y de alto valor para trabajar.Para finalizar, al obtener informacin limpia, procederemos con la validacin de la misma para asegurar que su grado de pureza sea el mas alto e identificar aquellos casos que necesitan ajustarse para que nuestro flujo de trabajo sea ms inteligente."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Skillshare Advanced: Fast Track Training" |
"Upgrade Your Skills And Expertise With Our Advanced Video TrainingHere's What You'll Learn In These Upgraded Video Series:Learn how to use advanced strategies to best use Skillshare.Learn how to use Skillshare course promotion feature to make more sales.Learn how to get reviews from your customers quickly.How to gather and record results from your students for social proof.How to harness the power of Skillshare Affiliates.How to use the community to your advantage.How to build a list of subscribers outside of Skillshare.Discover to share documents quickly and easily.How to sell more of your courses outside of Skillshare.Learn how to integrate social media to Skillshare.Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Sell Your Knowledge For Passive Profits On Skillshare.Heard about people making money with Skillshare?Have you ever thought about selling what you know online?How about not having to mess up with all the technical aspect of building a website and driving traffic to your info products?Does that interests you to know an easy and no hassle way of making money online and not having to compete with fierce marketers?If the you answer YES to all of these, then Ive good news for youIn one word: Skillshare.The Holy Grail For InfopreneursSkillshare has over 3,000,000 students who are active on the site.Thats right - 3 millions!By teaching on Skillshare you can easily tape into that ever-expanding pool of eager students.You do not have to advertise your class, the platform is popular enough for students to find your class and enroll easily.Most classes on Skillshare gain students organically. No Experience Required, Fast, Easy, ConvenientThe advantage with Skillshare is that you do not need anything to get started and hit the ground running.Everything you require to start and teach a successful class is made available on the platform.It only takes a few minutes to set everything up and get started.For pre-recorded videos, the teaching platform has some easy to use editing tools that teachers make can make use of.Why You Need To Get Started Now:Unlimited number of classes to teach on Skillshare.No advertising needed to teach a successful class on Skillshare.Turn your creative skill into an income by selling on Skillshare.No tools are required to hit the ground running when teaching a class on Skillshare.Benefit from the positive Skillshare community and learn from other teachers as well.And the list goes on and on.Selling on Skillshare will bring your business to the next level and that is why I decided to come up with this unique over the shoulder video series to get you started very quickly with it.How To Make Passive Profits By Teaching What You KnowTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started on Skillshare and sell your knowledge for passive income.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows. You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover Inside This Video Training:Learn how to get started with Skillshare and discover how it's going to help your business overall.How to correctly set up your Skillshare Account within just a few minutes.How to select the right topic of your online course.Learn the easiest way to create and deliver your online course on Skillshare.Learn the fastest way to create your course outlines, checklist and text content.How to use case studies in your content for maximum credibility.Harness the power of Skillshare online community and get help from other people when you need.How to effectively use available promotional strategies.How to build up your business brand and maximize your revenue.Protecting your content and understand the rules to follow.-------------------------------------------Skillshare Advanced: Fast Track Training:Section 1: Introduction1 - IntroductionSection 2: Subsequent Courses2 - Subsequent Courses3 - Free Courses4 - Course CalendarSection 3: Building Followers On Skillshare5 - Building Followers On Skillshare6 - SEO7 - Home BaseSection 4: Branding On Skillshare8 - Branding On Skillshare9 - Graphics for BrandingSection 5: Promotion On Social Media10 - Promotion On Facebook11 - Promotion on YouTube12 - Promotion on Pinterest13 - Promotion on Instagram14 - Should You Do Other PlatformsSection 6: Email Set Up & Affiliates15 - Email Set Up16 - Affiliate ProgramSection 7: Offline Methods17 - Offline Method18 - Document Sharing19 - Repurposing ContentSection 8: Conclusion20 - Conclusion"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Design of Energy-Efficient Buildings" |
"Designing buildings whilst having energy efficiency in mind, is gradually gaining ground for the last few decades. As the future is approaching and the energy production mix is radically changing towards more sustainable sources, it is apparent that energy efficiency will be a driving factor in the construction industry. This course aims to change the way you think about energy and how this is spent within a building. In order for you to get the most out of this course, it includes solved examples to apply what you have learnt and quizzes so you can check your level of understanding after each chapter.We will start by introducing you to the very basic concepts of energy efficiency, regardless of the subject that you may have studied (or not) in the university. All you need is an interest in energy-efficient construction. This course has been designed to be concise and compact. It is the author's opinion that lectures do not have to be endless and cumbersome, but rather instill an interest and an ""energy efficiency"" mentality to the student. External resources are extensively recommended throughout the course, so that the student can actively do her/his personal research. Disclaimer: This course is introductory. If you are already a practicing professional, with experience in energy-efficient buildings, this course may just polish your already existing knowledge, rather than teach you new concepts. However, students with experience in the subject are also strongly encouraged to enroll, because their feedback will be very meaningful for the instructor. Yours respectfully,George XanthoulisCivil Engineering Consultant Udemy Instructor"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Character Rigging in Toon Boom Harmony Premium" |
"HI Guys, Welcome to the character rigging class in Toonboom Harmony premium, If you are an animator trying to improve your skills in 2D animation, or a complete beginner, this class will help you learn the basics of character rigging. This class is a beginner series but even if you are an experienced animator you will be learning new tips from the class. So feel free to ask any questions or doubts you may have regarding the class.The class project is to create a character in harmony premium and create a basic rig. But once you create the character feel free to share with the community for feed backs. Once you are confident to create the character rig and make a simple animation share them also with the community. Fell free to reach out to me during the learning process, i will always be available to guide you through the process."
Price: 3840.00 ![]() |
"A Java Spring Boot Microservices project for beginners" |
"Learn to build a Java Spring Boot Microservices application with Spring Cloud. You will learn the following modules with hands on examples.1. Java Basics2. Spring Framework3. Spring Boot 4. Spring Data JPA5. Spring Cloud5. Eclipse and IntelliJ Idea6. MicroservicesBuild the application from scratch with step by step instructions.No prior Java or Spring knowledge required. Basic programming skills and database knowledge required to get started"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda SQL Fcil - Curso Completo com POSTGRE SQL" |
"Neste curso aprenderemos como utilizar a linguagem mais utilizada no Mundo, SQL ! Como apoio para seus projetos/trabalho/faculdade, o curso tem o objetivo de explicar os principais comandos e conceitos da linguagem SQL, alm da prtica a todo tempo. No se apegando a um banco de dados s, a ideia apresentar os comandos de forma que possa ser utilizado em qualquer banco de dados. Portanto, indiferente do banco de dados que voc trabalha, vale a pena conferir este curso ! Tambm dou dicas de reas de atuao, empregos, etc. Nao perca esta oportunidade e inscreva-se ja. "
Price: 39.99 ![]() |