Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"CAPM Real Practice Tests 2020" |
"The Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) is a professional experience program for project managers. This certification is offered by PMI and exam lasts for 3 hours.This exam consists of 150 questions out of which 135 are scored and the other 15 are pre-test which will not be scored. Practice these questions and clear the certification with confidence."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Financial Audit - Interim Planning Phase" |
"The Financial Statements Audit - Planning course covers: - Understand the Entity & its Environment - Financial Data Analytical Review - Risks Assessment: Risk of material misstatement, Significant accounts and assertions - Accounting Procedures Assessment - Assertions by Category - Risks by Category - Balance Sheet & Income Statement - Determine Materiality, Performance Materiality & Threshold - Plan the Audit - Plan the Group AuditThe course is taught by the founder of HAW - How Audit Work that is an organization that provide audit related service, including teaching. The founder, Mk, is an auditor with soon 10 years audit experience in different countries (as US, UK, Netherlands and Italy) always working in Big4 audit firms.--> Contact us to get dedicated promotions:* SILVER -> PDF Slides of all 90+ Lessons for Euro 49,99* SILVER -> Video Course for Euro 9,99 each course* GOLD -> 5x Video Courses for Euro 49,95* PLATINUM -> All 9x Video Courses for Euro 69,99* DIAMOND -> All 9x Video Courses + All 90+ PDF Slides of All Lessons for Euro 99,99List of HAW - How Audit Work courses available: 1 - Audit Planning 2 - Accounting Procedures & Internal Controls 3 - Confirmation Letter 4 - Audit test - Non-curent Assets 5 - Audit Test - Current Assets 6 - Audit Test - Equity & Liabilities 7 - Audit Test - Income Statement 8 - Audit Test - All Others 9 - Audit Operative Overview 10 - Audit High Level Overview 11 - Audit Summary 12 - Audit Insight - Become & Evolve to be a Top Auditor - FREE 13 - Audit Insight - Career & Lifestyle of Auditors - FREE 14 - Audit Insight - Audit Perception & Career After Audit - FREEDon't fall behind the best version of yourself and improve now your Audit skills !""Just focus, learn & do it!"" - Mk -"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Anxiety Management" |
"This course is designed to help those struggling with anxiety and stress not only identify the root causes of such, but go on to improve their lives for the better.Over this course we will go through techniques and practises based on real world experiences that you can do quickly and easily within your own home that aim to change how you think and feel in regards to stress, depression and anxiety."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Self Marketing: Defining and Positioning YourSelf" |
"Self-awareness is the first step for Self development and this course is a practical and motivational instrument for each individual. You will find here resources that helps you start (or continue) the most important journey: self discovery. The immediate application of this module is in the professional life, but the results will be seen all over your life. It comes with hands on tools for self analysis and puts you in a higher state of self confidence and self esteem, preparing for a more proper choice in your career. You will be able to sell yourself by presenting a real you, a more confident you. You be able to say YES or NO to any proposal - according to what better suites you, your life and the career you wish for yourself."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Modelagem e Impresso 3D. Curso 100% prtico." |
"Com esta poderosa plataforma gratuita e on line voc poder expandir sua criatividade para o mundo digital transformando suas ideias em peas tridimensionais e exportando as mesmas para realizar uma impresso 3D. Neste curso vamos introduzi-lo nas ferramentas bsicas de modelagem tridimensional e realizar a montagem de um conjunto de peas. Nosso projeto de aprendizado ser a modelagem e montagem de um grampo fixo atravs da plataforma 3D on line gratuita chamada Onshape. Desta forma voc no precisa instalar e nem comprar nenhum software. Tambm vamos aprender a exportar as peas modeladas para o ambiente de impresso 3D e realizaremos a impresso de uma das peas com explicaes sobre este procedimento. Desta forma voc pode criar suas peas atravs da modelagem 3D e materializar as mesmas utilizando a impresso 3D."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Leichter lernen - ein Leben lang" |
"Wie ich vom Hauptschler zum Hochschuldozent entwickelt habe? Mit viel Eigenmotivation, kindlicher Begeisterung neues zu lernen und den richtigen Methoden!Ich mchte Menschen weiterbringen! In diesem Kurs kannst du entweder dir selbst Methoden an die Hand geben, mit denen du dein Leben lang entspannt lernst, oder deinen Kindern das lernen erleichtern. Als Kind sind wir alle Lernbegeistert, wir haben einen unbndigen Entdeckergeist und freuen uns ber jeden neue Entdeckung. Leider wird uns dieser Entdeckergeist in unserem Schulsystem schnell ausgetrieben. In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir wie Du diesen Entdeckergeist wiederfindest und ganz einfach und spielerisch lernen kannst, egal wie schlecht dein/e Lehrer/in ist! Du lernst trotzdem!Dieser Kurs ist leicht verstndlich aufgebaut, solltest du trotzdem etwas nicht verstehen kannst du dich jederzeit bei mir melden!Meine Kurse sind nicht als statische Kurse zu sehen. Wenn Sie den Kurs erwerben ist er nicht auf status quo, sondern es werden immer wieder mal neue Kapitel hinzukommen, da ich mich weiterhin mit diesen Themen beschftige.Neu von 08/2020Der Tapeten Effekt (aus trotzdem Lehren von V. Birkenbihl)wesentliche Informationen (aus trotzdem Lehren von V. Birkenbihl)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP BO Web Intelligence 4.1 [C_BOWI_4]1Practice Exam" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence 4.1 Practice ExamOnline practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence 4.1 Practice ExamExam code:C_BOWI_41Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 180minsNumber of Questions : 80Passing Score : 65%Total Questions to check your knowledge: 100"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNA Security 210-260 IINS Practice Exam" |
"Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications. Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Scenario based exam questions for Cisco CCNA Security 210-260 IINS Practice ExamOnline practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam. The aim of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify the risks related to a exam topics and be able to recognise them when analysing a real practice scenario.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Cisco CCNA Security 210-260 IINS Practice Exam Exam Code:210-260Exam Level : AssociateDuration : 90 minsNumber of Questions :60-70 questionsPassing Score : Variable (750-850 / 1000 Approx.)Total Questions to check your knowledge: 300"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"The Complete PowerPoint Tutorial - BEST Tools and Features!" |
"What material will be covered in this course?All of the tabs and how to use the best tools and features in each tab within PowerPoint. Tabs included in this course will be: Home, Insert, Design, Transitions, Animations, Slide Show, Review, and ViewWhy I created this course...I wanted to create this course because there are over a thousand tutorials on how to create compelling slides and how to be an effective presenter in PowerPoint, but I felt there wasn't a course that solely focused on learning all the different tools PowerPoint has to offer. I myself thought I knew everything there was to know in PowerPoint, but after several years of mastering the tool, I can now confidently create a PowerPoint for any use case.What to expect from your Instructor...I want to keep this course as personable as possible. If there is ever a time during the course you have a question, I want you to always feel comfortable sending a message regarding your question. This is my first course on Udemy, so I am going to try my best to perfect my craft as I grow on this platform, but I want everyone to know that I genuinely care about you understanding all the material that is covered in this course.In my professional career, I spend about 95% of my workload in PowerPoint and have had numerous years learning all the nooks and crannies PowerPoint had to offer. By doing this, I wanted to share what I have discovered and how my knowledge for PowerPoint can help make your job easier when creating slides for your job or for personal use. Still wondering if you should enroll in this course? Here's why depending on your experience level...BEGINNERSIf you are completely new to PowerPoint or you have a very brief knowledge of it, this course will be perfect for you. I will walk through almost every single feature PowerPoint has to offer and by the end of this course, you will have the confidence and knowledge to utilize any tool to achieve any use case when creating slides.INTERMEDIATE to ADVANCE USERSIf you already feel confident in PowerPoint, but want to grow your current PowerPoint skillset this course will be great for you. I personally thought I knew everything PowerPoint had to offer, but over the years, I was amazed to learn new features I never even realized that existed. Now my workflow is 10x faster and my slides are 10x better looking. I strongly believe even the pros would find this course helpful.Why wait when you can learn something new today. ENROLL NOW! :)Please Note: I genuinely want to make sure this course is a positive experience for everyone, so please message me if you have any questions while taking this course.If you read this far...Thank You! :)Music Credits: Music By: LiQWYD - YMorning Dew [NCS BEST OF] Business Corporate by Alex Menco *Please note that I do not claim any of the music in these course videos as my own. All music is used for education purposes only. Thanks! :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Torsion |
" ."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Integrando al Sistema de Desviaciones el Anlisis de Riesgos" |
"No ms desviaciones!!! En este curso de Eventos de Calidad revisaremos como conducir las desviaciones asegurando que sean proyectos de mejora continua y no dolores de cabeza.Para ello, partiremos despacio explicando marco regulatorio y conceptos bsicos, para despus realizar un gil viaje a los sistemas que integrarn el manejo eficiente de las desviaciones o no conformidades, as que preprate para conocer este magnfico curso, en el cual nunca vers ms las desviaciones como un obstculo sino como una gran oportunidad de mejora continua, adicionalmente, podrs hacerlo integrando el tan mencionado anlisis de riesgo sin que esto implique un esfuerzo adicional y/o engorroso., pues muchas veces el sistema se vuelve poco flexible que nos hace desistir y creer que es complicado manejarlos en forma integrada."
Price: 570.00 ![]() |
"Introduo a Linguagem Corporal & Comportamento Humano" |
"Os objetivos desse curso so a introduo do aluno as teorias comportamentais mais bem testadas e firmadas cientificamente, busca evidenciar o bsico da manuteno de comportamentos e o bsico da linguagem corporal humana, sero passadas dicas de aprendizado, memorizao, locais de treino e macetes diversos para tornar o aluno um vido observador da linguagem no verbal em seres humanos tanto quanto capacita-lo a caminhar em suas pesquisas sozinho caso deseje."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"The complete gRPC course 2020 [Golang + Java + Protobuf]" |
"If you're building APIs for your microservices or mobile applications, you definitely want to try gRPC. It is super-fast, strongly-typed, and you no longer need to write a lot of boilerplate codes for services communication. Thanks to awesome HTTP/2 and Protocol Buffer! This is a 4-in-1 course, where you will learn not only gRPC, but also protocol-buffer and backend development with Go and Java. The codes in this course are production-grade, with well-organised structure and unit tests."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"250-405 Managing Symantec Management Platform Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) That defines the relationship between users and computer resources?a) resources Associationb) Resource Data Classc) type of resourced) resource Linke) NoneQ) As an administrator needs to do to change the sample task?a) Clone the sample task and edit the original entryb) Right-click and select the properties of the problemc) Clone source sample folderd) Clone the sample tasks and edit clonee) NoneQ) Symantec Management Platform 7.5 Administrator tries to detect all network resources by using the ping function, and no one there. After consultation with the network administrator, it is determined that the ping is blocked on all network devices to ensure safety. What other reports, an administrator can use to discover network devices with Network Discovery?a) CDPb) HIPc) ARPd) REST IN PEACEe) NoneQ) What is Symantec Management Platform component is initiated on the basis of the communication policy?a) message serverb) Symantec Management Agentc) Base Configuration Management Database (CMDB)d) Symantec Management Consolee) None"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"CISM Information Security Program Development Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) security training, is likely to lead to any of the following?a) Reduced incidents of penetrationb) Increased reported casesc) Reducing the Political Security changesd) Increasing the access violatione) NoneQ) information classification system should:a) consider the potential consequences of a security breach.b) classifying personal information in electronic form.c) by Information Manager.d) classification system in accordance with the processed data.e) NoneQ) Which of the following is the best way to provide a new user with the original password to access the e-mail system?a) INTER system creates a complex password with the start of 30 daysb) Give the password for dummy phone kit for immediate expirationc) It does not require a password, but force the user to install their own within 10 daysd) Set an initial password equal to the user ID of the end of the 30 dayse) NoneQ) Information security should be supported:a) management infrastructure.b) business audit section.c) The main owners of business processesd) information management.e) None"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Facebook [CBO] Campaign Budget Optimization Ads von A-Z" |
"Schalte erfolgreiche & umsatzrelevante Facebook CBO Werbeanzeigen und steigere deine Conversions!Hast du dir auch schon einmal die Frage gestellt, wieso Facebook jetzt auf CBO setzt und was das berhaupt ist?Ja? Dann bist du bei meinem Kurs ""Facebook [CBO] Campaign Budget Optimization Ads von A-Z"" genau richtig!In diesem Kurs werde ich dir alle wichtigen Details zum Thema ""Campaign Budget Optimization"" Kampagnen geben und dir Schritt-fr-Schritt zeigen, wie du diese Dinge auf dein Unternehmen anwendest.Du erhltst:eine Zielgerichtete CBO Kampagnenstrategie fr deinen Erfolgeine Schritt-fr-Schritt Anleitung fr die Praxis (vom Test bis zur Skalierung)Grundlagen ber Social-Media Kennzahlen und deren AnalyseWie du ein optimales CBO Budget findestCBO FunktionsweisePraxisbeispiel fr erfolgreiche Werbeanzeigentexte fr mehr ConversionsDieser Kurs ist deine Chance erfolgreich und sicher mit Facebook CBO Werbeanzeigen durchzustarten.Zustzlich erhltst du eine 30 Tage Geldzurckgarantie, sodass du bei Unzufriedenheit geschtzt bist. Garantiert!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"156-315.71 Check Point Security Expert R71 Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) You must publish the secure platform paths using the OSPF routing protocol. What is the proper command structure, once the insertion of path control, to successfully implement OSPF?a) cpconfig Run utility to allow the routingb) ip route OSPF OSPF OSPF network Network1 2c) Enable [Network] [wildmask] Configure OSPF router Terminal Area [id] Network [id]d) Use the files one objects_5_0.c utility DBEditQ) Control connections between the security management server and gateway is not encrypted by the VPN Community. How these connections are fixed?a) They are encrypted and authenticated using SIC.b) They are not encrypted, but they are authenticated by the gatewayc) They are secured by PPTPd) They are not guaranteed.Q) How does a member of the cluster take over the VIP after a failover event?a) Ping on the synchronization interfaceb) if -renew listc) Broadcast stormd) ARP freeQ) You will want to verify that the cluster Check Point is working properly. Which command-line tool you can use?a) It 'been cphaconfb) It 'been cphaprobc) cphainfo-sd) cphastart -statusQ) ________is a Check Point proprietary protocol. And 'the basis for Check Point ClusterXL communication between modules.a) RDPb) CCPc) CKPPd) He OPCODE"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Learn and Understand Java From Scratch" |
"This course is designed for a beginner, who plans to become a Java developer and aims to get a first Java programming job, but strives to discover what skills employers want. This course is for you! This course will provide those skills. This course covers all the basic concepts, tools, functions and required topics that a Java developer usually requires during the development process of the application."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Taller de Privacidad Online" |
"Este es un curso de proteccin a la privacidad personal para que de manera proactiva minimices tu exposicin y limpies tu presencia en lnea. Tambin te ayudar a elegir herramientas para mejorar tu privacidad.Se acompaa con un mdulo extra de privacidad offline donde tambin se mencionan temas para sanear tu exposicin en la vida real e ir adoptando una cultura que proteja la privacidad personal."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"AI IoTRaspberry Pi AI" |
"IoTMQTTRaspberry PiIoTAIAIAIRaspberry PiGoogle ColabIoTIoTIoT101IoTPythonLinuxPythonLinuxPython LinuxRaspberry PiRaspberry PiRaspberry PiOpenCVHOGHAAR-LikePCMQTTIoTPCAIAI"
Price: 4800.00 ![]() |
"AUTOLISP le nce ler Metraj" |
"Metraj yaparken hata yapma olasl ok yksektir ve hata yapldnda da zaman kaybnn yannda maliyet olarak da; bize ve irketimize zarar vermektedir. Hatay sfra indirebilmek iin LISPLER zerinden size en ksa yol sunulmutur.Autocad ve Excel programlar kullanlarak LISPler zerinden ilerleyip , Piyasada Uygulamas Kendim Tarafndan Yaplm Olan Projeye yer verdim. Uygulamann ve metrajn nasl yaplmas gerektiini adm adm takip edebileceksiniz. Herkesin anlamas adna olabildiince basite indirgenmitir.Kurs boyunca her blmde hesaplamalarmz program zerinden birlikte uygulayarak reneceiz.alma frsat bulduunuz zaman tek projede gremeyeceiniz metrajlar tek kursta sizlere sunulmutur.Ayrca her konuyla ilgili piyasada sahip olamayacanz bilgi ve dkmanlar size verilmitir.Bilindii zere mezun olduktan sonra, metraj hakknda ok fazla bilgiye sahip olamyoruz. Metraj kavramnn ne olduunu biliyor olsak dahi, yukarda bahsedilen projelerinin tamamn tek projede grp kavramamz olduka zordur bu yzden ok fazla farkl projede almamz gerekmektedir. Uzun aratrmalar ve byk projelerde alma frsat bularak, kendimi bu alanda gelitirdim. Metraj yapmakta yaadm zorluklar sizin yaamamanz adna byle bir kurs hazrlamaya karar verdim. Bahsi geen btn projelerde projenin uygulama ve ofis ksmnda ahsm olarak bizzat bulundum.Kursumuzun ieriinde daha nce hibiryerde bu kadar detayl bulamayacanz bilgiler mevcuttur. Piyasada uygulanan ince iler metrajlarnn en kolay yoldan nasl yaplmas gerektii size sunulmutur. Her projeyi kendi iinde tek tek inceleyebilirsiniz. Btn projelerde rnekler dwg dosya olarak sisteme yklenmitir. Metrajlar excele girilmi olup kaynaklardan ulaabilirsiniz. Bylece sahada veya teknik ofiste alyorsanz ya da almak istiyorsanz bu bilgiler sayesinde kalp, beton ve demir metrajnda hi zorlanmayacaksnz.Kursumuz yeni bilgiler, videolar ve lispler ile gncellenmeye devam edecektir.Derslerde anlamadnz her noktay istediiniz zaman sorabilirsiniz. Ayn gn iinde cevaplarnza yer vereceim. "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
WordPressWEB |
"WordPressWordPressWP QueryCSSIDJavaScriptWordPressWordPressCSSJavaScriptWEBPHPWordPressWordPress"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Shopify le Maaza Tasarla Ve Srekli Yksek Gelir Elde Et." |
"Merhabalar, Bu kurs ile karlatysanz ok anslsnz !Giriimcilik hikayelerini bir kenara brakn ve kendinize yeni bir pencereden bakma frsat verin...Deerli renciler, renmeye ve Para kazanmaya kendini hazr hissedenler.ddia Ediyorum, Bu kurs belkide yzyln kursu ve sizin iin karlmayacak bir frsat !0 maliyet ile, dzenli olarak "" DOLAR "" Kazanacaksnz !Bu kursta, 4 senelik bilgi birikimimin yan sra ciddi anlamda gelir sahibi olmu biri olarak size tm bildiklerimi aktardm.Herhangi bir yerde bu kursu, bu fiyata asla bulamazsnz ! Hemde bu zenginletirilmi ierik ile.stelik kursa yatrm yaptnz tutar sadece "" 1 Adet Maaza Sat "" ile kartabilecek ve bunun yannda mr boyu ek gelir elde edebileceiniz bir i modeline sahip olacaksnz.Tek isteim, Bilgilerimi paylamak ve Bu lkede Kazanan Bireyler grmek.Sayglarmla."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"MS-301 Deploying SharePoint Server Hybrid" |
"Candidates for this exam have a fundamental understanding of integration points with the following apps and services: Office, Power Apps, Flow, Yammer, Microsoft Graph, Stream, Planner, and Project. The administrator understands how to integrate third-party apps and services including line-of-business applications. Candidates also have an understanding of SQL Server management concepts, Azure Active Directory, PowerShell, networking, Windows server administration, Domain Name System (DNS), Active Directory mobile device management, and alternative operating systems.Configure and manage SharePoint on-premises (55-60%) Configure and manage hybrid scenarios (30-35%) Migrate to SharePoint Online (5-10%)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"COVID-19 - Basics you need to know" |
"This course will make you a pro on the new outbreak of COVID 19. This course aims at eradicating certain myths and fake news spread regarding the outbreak. Relevant and error-free information is compiled to help you get out of panic state and maintain preventive measures among you and your family. All the basic knowledge required will be covered in an easy and simple language so that anybody can understand."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lash Lift & Brow Lamination, for Beginners, 2 Models" |
"If you are always on the lookout for the latest beauty trends it may be the time for you to think about a career in beauty. Choosing a profession is one of the most important decisions we have to make and that will definitely affect our lives. When deciding in what area we want to activate we think about the abilities of each one of us, but also what our heart wants, because the chosen profession will occupy us most of our time. It is very important to do your every day work with love, dedication and joy. The beauty courses at Sancos Academy will help you learn a profession from which you can make a good living. You will satisfy your love for beauty, but also the thirst for knowledge, you will bring the smiles to your clients, you will increase their self-confidence and you will be a positive role model for them. Do not be discouraged by the multitude of specialists on the market - the supersaturation only seems to exist. In fact, generations are constantly changing, and the public renews itself. In addition, a true beauty enthusiast will always be ready for new challenges.Apply for this course and learn how to perform the complete procedure and correct steps in Lash Curl (lamination) and Brow Lamination.*Please NoteResources regarding the Lamination kit can be found in the following lectures:Lecture 5: Tools and productsLecture 20: Brow lamination tools and products"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a la programacin con C# 8 y Javascript EM6" |
"Curso para adquirir el primer nivel de competencias en programacin. Lo haremos con Javascript y C# simultneamente ya que son muy muy parecidos, se complementan perfectamente y hoy en da no se entiende un programador que no sepa al menos dos idiomas (ocupando Javascript un puesto obligatorio). La metodologa es, en pocas palabras, menos teora (30%) y ms prctica (70%), no se ensea nada que no se use y se usan cosas que no se ensean para que se adquiera la capacidad de buscarlo en internet (bsicamente en Stackoverflow o en google en general). El objetivo: aprender a ser un/a programador/a no a estudiar programacin sin ms y por lo tanto hay que picar cdigo y no slo ver vdeos. Si lo sigues 100% y escribes todo el cdigo que toca, te garantizo que cumplirs dicho objetivo y una vez completo podrs empezar con los cursos de tecnologas ms especficas (WPF y HTML) y adentrarte en metodologas y arquitecturas ms avanzadas, previo al objetivo final del Full Stack y convertirte en Junior de .NET y Js (y poder trabajar en ello)."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cmo publicar un sitio web ASP.NET CORE 3 con SSL" |
"Curso con las instrucciones precisas para poder: 1 adaptar nuestro sitio web con ASP.NET CORE 3 a una arquitectura Single Page Applicaction (Angular, Vue, React, etc..), 2 publicarlo 3 subirlo a un servidor 4 conectarlo al IIS con un reverse proxy (URLRewrite) 5 Obtener y aplicar un certificado SSL gratuito"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"How to publish an ASP.NET CORE 3 SPA web site with FREE SSL" |
"Course with specific instructions to be able to: 1 configure our ASP.NET CORE 3 web site for Single Page Applicaction (Angular, Vue, React, etc..), 2 publish it, 3 deploy to server, 4 connect it to IIS using a reverse proxy (URLRewrite) and 5 get and assign a free SSL certificate."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Restaurant Staffing and Hiring" |
"In this course you will look at how to calculate staff retention and turnover, and what the implications of these metrics are for your business. You will walk through how to create objective staffing pars, and what that means for your hiring rates. The course then takes a deep dive into the hiring process to ensure you are only hiring the best candidates available."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |