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"Fsica Universitaria - Cinemtica" |
"Con este curso aprenders a resolver problemas sobre el movimiento de las partculas en 1, 2 y 3 dimensines. Para ello desarrollamos ejemplos y problemas cuidadosamente seleccionados, as como la teora necesaria, presentada de forma dinmica. El curso aborda los conceptos de posicin, velocidad, aceleracin, vectores y grficas (posicin versus tiempo, velocidad versus tiempo). Tambin abordamos el movimiento parablico entre otros temas."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hip Hop - Master Class" |
"Nauczysz si zaawansowanych Choreografii do piosenek Takich jak ""Heavy d & the Boyz- Now that we found love"" , ""Pussycat Dolls - O don'tNeed A Men"", ""Missy Elliot - 4 My People (fet Eve) "" Zwikszysz swj poziom taneczny , jeli kochasz taniec to ten kurs jest wanie dla Ciebie.Kura Prowadzi Anna Zientara - Anna o sobie - Witam! :)Jestem certyfikowan instruktork taca, aktork scen muzycznych, jak rwnie pedagogiem taca.Nieustanna ch poszukiwania, odkrywania nowych technik tanecznych, pokora oraz gromadzenie ogromnego warsztatu tanecznego, a nastpnie doskonalenie si w wybranych technikach nauczyo mnie dyscypliny i wytrwaoci, ktre pomogy osign to co dla mnie najwaniejsze by mc dzieli si z ludmi dowiadczeniem i zaraa pasj do taca."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Quit an Addiction A Coaching Course" |
"HOW TO QUIT AN ADDICTION (OR KEEP YOUR SOBRIETY) DURING DIFFICULT TIMES :: THE COACHING COURSE -We are in the middle of a pandemic. This unprecedented chapter in our history is like no other. It's heavy and scary and detonates fear and anxiety in everyone. For those of us who struggle with addictions (to alcohol, drugs, toxic relationships, online shopping, compulsive eating, porn, etc), the fight is a bit harder: We fight an inner need to escape through toxic behaviors / addictions. Perhaps, in some of us it causes relapse. In others, it causes an increase in toxic behaviors (and a desire to quit doing them). However - we are the same people who, in many ways, have been training for this moment all our lives. We know what it means to fight an invisible illness. We know how it feels to be isolated. We know how to shift from powerless to courageous. We've either done it before - or at least received an invitation that's been waiting for an answer.This unfiltered course is comprised of 14 lessons of video courses that will give you everything you need to start your journey of sobriety (from whatever your toxic behavior or addiction may be) --- or to to elevate your current sobriety, as we enter this difficult time. Addressing the journey of recovery through the scope of self-compassion and empowerment, this course is the most badass virtual access to your journey of transformation in this difficult time. Yes - now is when you need this the MOST.Come with me on this journey. Give yourself - in this insane moment - permission to step bravely into the insanity - and break the pattern that has been keeping you stuck, once and for all.I believe in you. This is your time. This, now.You can do this - I know you can.With you in this adventure. #wecandothisI believe in you. I believe in US.Pamela Certified Recovery Coach, Life Coach, SHE RECOVERS Coach + Alcoholic in Recovery."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"How To Study For Exams - Essential Study Skills" |
"Even though we can be in school for 15-20 years we are never taught what are the most effective study techniques that we should be using. In this course we take an evidence-based look at the latest scientific literature on study techniques to find out what techniques we should be using. Using effective study techniques allows students to boost their grades and frees up time to do more interesting things. Most student's rely on intuitive techniques like highlighting and rereading, but these have shown to not be very effective and lead to poor exam results. If you want to find out the most effective learning techniques, take this course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"5S Muito alm da limpeza e organizao" |
"A metodologia 5S a base da melhoria contnua nas empresas, a fundao para a mudana cultural e proporciona a alavancagem da produtividade e competitividade. Neste curso apresentamos, em detalhes, as fases de implementao, com exemplos, ilustraes e para garantir a manuteno do programa 5S, daremos voc um modelo de auditoria. Este modelo permitir acompanhar o progresso de forma quantitativa.Voc poder baixar todos os slides deste curso, poder edit-los e usar em sua empresa, se for um consultor, poder usar em seus clientes. Ainda, forneceremos modelos de cartazes com frases para serem usados ao longo da campanha de implementao do programa 5S. Este curso um programa completo de implementao do 5S, apoiado com material de alta qualidade, desenvolvido a partir da vivncia do autor.A partir da estruturao deste curso e com todo o material de apoio que est sendo disponibilizado, as chances de sucesso so grandes."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |
"Kamera n Oyunculuk Hakknda Pf Noktalar" |
"Bu eitim ile amacmz sizlere hayallerinize ulamak iin k olmaktr. Yeni balayanlar iin gzel bir adm, eitim alm kiiler iin ise fark yaratmak adna faydal bir eitim serisi oldu.Eitimimizde u balklar bulunmaktadr.1) Oyunculuk kavram stne2) Bir Karakter yarat audation rnei3) Ann iinde kalmak4) Her tecrbe iz brakr5) Duygunun ifade edilmesi6) Roln canlandr ve fark yarat"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"SIELE Spanish listening comprehension practice test" |
"This course includes three spanish practice test of listening comprehension.The questions are based on the guidelines established by the International Service for the evaluation of the Spanish Language [SIELE].Each CA listening comprehension test contains 38 items distributed in 15 questions to be done in 55 minutes.This exam certifies the degree of proficiency achieved in listening comprehension according to the number of points obtained in each exam. When you check your test results, add up how many correct items (not questions) you got to find out what level of listening you got on SIELE scale:Level Total correct answers(*)Lower A1 0 - 4A1 5 - 9A2 10 - 17B1 18 - 26B2 27 - 32C1 33 - 38(*) Incorrect items do not subtract points.In case you find yourself preparing another exam format or simply want to test your knowledge, this course will enrich your training.NoticeAll practice tests are designed in Spanish and are not subtitled in English to ensure complete immersion, just as it will be in the real exam.The answers are not commented.Go Ahead! The Spanish language is unique and wonderful."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Come preparare gli spaghetti vegetali - Corso di Cucina veg" |
"Lo chef Piero Cantore a voluto inserire in questo corso alcune ricette base dedicate alla cucina vegetale, le ricette sono semplici ma molto gustose e particolari. Segui lo chef sul Mensile Cosi in Cucina, sul settimanale IoSpio e in Radio con le sue rubriche di gastronomiaQuesto corso e dedicato a tutti coloro che :Vogliono realizzare dei piatti sfiziosi ma con pochissime calorie.A chi vuole imparare a preparare piatti di cucina vegetale pi gustosi e particolariChi vuole conoscere gli spaghetti e le sfoglie vegetali Sono appassionati di cucina e vogliono imparare cose nuove Chi si vuole approcciare alla cucina vegana e vegetarianaIl corso sar in sempre migliorato con l'inserimento di nuove ricette"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Single Note Guitar Runs To Major Chords and Beyond - Part I" |
"The Ultimate Beginners Guide Guitar Lessons For You To Play Single Note Runs To Major Chords And Beyond on Your GuitarAs a Guitar player have you ever asked yourself how do they play those nice bits between the chords on the acoustic guitar or electric guitar?LOOK NO FURTHERThe Course takes you on a journey breaking down everything you need to know. You use a few basic guitar chords plus the bass strings of your guitar and learn some progressions. Each Guitar Lesson builds on the previous one. This culminates in you playing a guitar chord progression of the 3 major chords in a key. This is an enormously practical chord sequence that is used in thousands of the most famous songs ever written. All it takes on your behalf is to have fun learning and practising the basic patterns. These are presented in small manageable chunks. You will have Multi-angle Videos and pdf files in TAB for each pattern and sequence. Through a process of repetition you will build them up into an invaluable toolbox in your quest of mastery of your guitar.You will use SOME or ALL of these sequences for the rest of your guitar playing life.The Aim of This Course of Guitar Lessons ? To enable anyone to easily join major chords using the bass strings of the guitar in a coherent and musical manner in EVERY KEYBonusThroughout the guitar lesson videos I will share many tips, tricks and techniques which I have gained from over 30 years experience of being a guitarist. These are all designed to help you on your musical journey of mastery of the guitar."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Como Instalar os Hbitos que Quer Ter - Mtodo Hbito Master" |
"Primeiro formamos os nossos hbitos, depois os nossos hbitos formam-nos a ns John DrydenAmo essa citao de John Dryden. Espelha muito bem a importncia dos hbitos em nossa vida. Dependendo dos hbitos que temos, somos mais ou menos focados, somos mais ou menos saudveis, somos mais ou menos ativos, vivemos mais ou menos os nossos sonhos, fazemos mais ou menos viagens que idealizamos, temos mais ou menos dinheiro, temos mais ou menos tempo livre.Pessoas que tm o hbito de comer comida saudvel e/ou praticam exerccio fsico so mais saudveis e tm mais energia, muito provavelmente. Pessoas que tm o hbito de agir tm melhores resultados, muito provavelmente. Pessoas que tm o hbito de aprender cada vez mais tm mais chances de ter mais ferramentas para ter a vida que querem ou mais competentes no que fazem, muito provavelmente.Ns somos os nossos hbitos!Muitas vezes sabemos quais os hbitos que queremos ter, mas os nossos sabotadores internos no nos deixam os instalar. Esse curso um assassino da procrastinao. Aquela que rouba muita da sua felicidade e que puxa voc para trs no alcance dos seus sonhos e dos seus objetivos.Com esse curso vou ajud-lo a ser uma melhor verso de voc mesmo. Vou ajud-lo a ser mais capacitado para construir a vida que quer. Viver com mais foco e com uma alta performance diria de forma a alcanar tudo o que deseja!Nesse curso, 1) vou mostrar a voc o que um hbito e o que que o influencia. 2) Vou te mostrar a importncia de saber quais so os seus objetivos maiores e vou ensinar a refletir sobre eles e a definir o que importante para voc nessa vida para voc saber claramente que caminho deve seguir. Vou te mostrar que voc pode chegar a esses objetivos atravs de passos mais pequenos. Passos pequenos dados de forma consistente, transformam-se em passos muito grandes. 3) Vou ainda falar sobre o sistema de crenas, ou seja, naquilo que voc acredita (no so as crenas religiosas). Vou te ajudar a refletir sobre o seu sistema de crenas e a criar um sitema de crenas que fortalecem voc. 4) Vou dar a conhecer a voc o Hbito Mestre. Aquele hbito que, se o implantar, vai ter uma capacidade muito maior para instalar os hbitos que quer em sua vida e vai empoderar voc para fazer as mudanas necessrias para viver com mais qualidade. Por ltimo, vou dar a voc o passo a passo da instalao de qualquer hbito.Venha comigo nessa aventura que, muito provavelmente, vai mudar a sua vida para MUITO MELHOR!D uma oportunidade a si mesmo!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Seu Video do Youtube na Primeira Pagina do Google" |
"Canal do Youtube Ranqueado no Google sem pagar por anncios ou impulsionar ! Tenha seu canal nos primeiros resultados do Google, atravs dos 3 itens, apresentados neste curso, so tcnicas apresentadas, basta alguns ajustes, instalar um programa que tem verso gratuita, e pronto, seu canal estar ranqueado no google, muitos canais de youtube nao sabem como fazer o ranqueamento de forma correta, o que acontece ? Seu canal fica mal posicionado, e dificilmente encontrado nos buscadores. O curso visa a ensinar como ser feito de forma pratica e funcional.SUPORTE EXCLUSIVO NO GRUPO DO TELEGRAM E WHATSAPP PARA NOSSOS ALUNOS !!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Homeschooling nos EUA" |
"O homeschool, ou educao domiciliar, ganhou um novo significado depois do COVID-19, que atingiu a todos de forma inimaginvel. Nossas rotinas nunca mais sero as mesmas e com os nossos filhos em casa, ns pais e responsveis ganhamos mais uma difcil responsabilidade associada a educao: a de ensinar. Infelizmente essa nova realidade vai se prolongar para alm do segundo semestre de 2020 e voc no precisa se desesperar. Na verdade voc precisa se preparar!Eu sou Alessandra Nogueira, me do Davi com 11 e da Sara com 10 e somos homeschoolers de sucesso nos Estados Unidos! Quando a crise do COVID-19 comeou, ns no fomos pegos de surpresa pois j fazamos homeschooling com a Abeka, um programa educacional cristo de ensino a distncia e completo. Excelente para famlias brasileiras que vivem nos EUA.Com a crise, muitos pais nos procuraram para conhecer a nossa rotina e estrutura, ento esse curso foi criado para ajudar as famlias, tirar dvidas e apresentar o homeschool na perspectiva de uma famlia brasileira morando nos EUA.Se voc est considerando homeschool seus filhos, comece por aqui!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Complete understanding of a GPS Tracking System, Soft & Hard" |
"The GPS Tracking system is somethings that become more and more used by people, companies, and other entity.And it's a quite complex system, as it's not only a software application or a hardware element. it's a combination of a lot of things:Your own software application (which is a combination of a lot of modules)The GPS Tracker DeviceThe satelliteThe vehicleThe ISPAdditional hardwareSo to deal with all this, fix issues, and manage such a system, you should have a complete understanding of this system, the role of each thing, and how each element is working, and communicating with the other.So this is what this course is about, explaining the whole process with details, and also the power of that system, what it can give us as benefits. how to solve problems, great tools to use.All this, based on my 4 years experience, working intensively on that Systems, and dealing with multiple clients with large fleets of vehicle, and a lot of needs."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Ethical Hacking, Bugbounty Hunting & Pentesting" |
"Hello, there! Here, you will learn how to hunt for bugs in the web applications. You will learn how to do penetration testing in the websites. You will find vulnerabilities in the websites and report them to the companies, and get paid for informing them with responsible disclosure program. It is my joy to share my knowledge and experience with you of hunting bugs in the real-world web applications and reporting them ethically. You will learn different kinds of hacking, where you can hack manually and automatically using the tools."
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
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Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"Complete Air Ticketing & Reservation Course" |
"This is a complete Air Ticketing & Reservation course for those students, who are planning to become:1: Travel Consultant 2: Travel Agent3: Travel Agency Owner4: Travel Business Owner5: Work in the Airlines 6: Travel Blogger7: Travel Trainer8: Travel Instructor This course will help you in all above areas, and after the course completion, you will be able to start you own career."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Excel - Essential Lookup and Referencing Functions" |
"VlookUp and Referencing functions help you to work with arrays of data, and are particularly useful when you need to cross reference between different data set/s. In this course you will learn to perform Vertical and horizontal lookup to compare two or more data set/s. Through this course you will learn:The magical VlookUp and HlookUp functions that can be used to compare or find information in the large data set/s, this will make your effort most effective with automation at your handAdvance VlookUpNested VlookUp to find data from multiple data set/sDiscover the benefit of combining the MATCH function with VLOOKUPOvercome the limitations of VlookUP by using INDEX and MATCHExplore the concept of reverse VlookUp and perform it using with Choose function or combination of INDEX and MATCH"
Price: 1600.00 ![]() |
"TYT KMYA - Kimyann Temel Yasalar Konu Anlatm ve Sorular" |
"Bu kursta Kimyann Temel Yasalar konusu zel ders formatnda anlatlmtr. retmen konuyu mfredat dahilinde ayrntl bir ekilde anlatrken, nemli soru tiplerini seerek belirli renme hedeflerini gerekletirmitir. Konuda en temel soru tiplerinden en zorlayc soru tiplerine kadar rnekler zlmtr. Bu kursta yzeysel bir konu anlatm deil konuyu btn detaylar ile retmek amalanmtr. Bu nemli ierie ulaarak Kimyann Temel Yasalar konusunu her yn ile renmi olacaksnz.Ayrca kurs sresince konu ve sorularla ilgili her trl sorularnz sorular blmnden gnderebileceksiniz."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"The Fundamentals of Effective Teaching" |
"This is an introduction to the methods and principles of effective teaching. On this course, you will learn how to structure your lesson for effective learning, how to choose and write the perfect learning objective and how to implement engaging, student-centred learning.If you're a new teacher, or if you're looking to improve the basics of your methodology, then this course is for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create your own self-compassion mindfulness exercise" |
"What if... you were able to express your emotions and fee heard and listened to?What accepted MORE of who you are, where you are at, and what you need?What were taught and encouraged how to be kind to yourself more each day?THE PROBLEMSometime during your life, someone made you feel like your emotions and your needs were ""too much."" Someone made you feel that their needs mattered more than yours. So, you learned to hide your feelings due to adapting to what you believed was the norm.That's not how you deserve to feel. You have a right just as much as they did to feel heard in your emotions, your journey, and your growth.Because we learned how to silence ourselves to others, we began to silence our needs even to ourselves.When this happens we can repress, we can be triggered by simple changes in tone or non-verbal gestures and it can affect both our personal and professional lives. Whether it's the way we feel in those areas of our lives, the way we interact with ourselves in those roles, or the way we interact with others.How this may show up in your personal and professional life as:Imposter Syndrome: feeling unworthy, undeserving, unloved.Feeling overwhelmed and under-appreciated.Experiencing burn out.The Comparison Game leaves you feeling jealous or envious of other people's success, achievements. Unable to celebrate alongside them.Being triggered strongly if you experience a situation or interact with a person that reminds you of a negative experience from your past or recent present.Staying busy: over-scheduling because staying busy feels safe.Hi, I'm BriThe Self-Compassion mini course was created to teach others how to have the compassion they deserve.I used to feel overwhelmed at the end of the day. I was bottling up my emotions and hiding my thoughts of negativity to please others. It was a learned behavior because when I would share my frustrations or be honest about my day, people didn't respond in a way that was helpful.Repression was born and later came overwhelm. Slowly in adulthood I unlearned this behavior thanks to self-compassion.A technique that allowed me to express all my feelings while also feeling safe and loved.I can coach you to see understand yourself wholly by being that listening ear I wished I had, and teaching you how to use self-compassion in your daily life to reach self-actualization.In this mini-course, we will work on what matters most, being kind to yourself.RESULTSYou will complete the lessons and workbook and have achieved the following goals:recognized a self-critical statement/limiting belief,converted that into your own self-kind statement,and turned that self-kind statement into a mindfulness exercise.Receive a journal prompt you can use in daily life"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Developing Emotional Intelligence in 5 simple Steps" |
"This course was first delivered as a live course via Zoom to over 100 Senior HR professionals and Business Leader. The present version of the course is a modified version with two significant improvements.1. The videos has been made smaller by breaking them as per themes2. Additional resources are added to reinforce the learning"
Price: 2560.00 ![]() |
"Fingerstyle Guitar - Beginner to Advanced" |
"Want to learn the basics of fingerstyle guitar quickly and easily?Start playing fingerstyle guitar in just minutes...In this course, you will learn the basics of playing fingerstyle guitar. Well start at the absolute beginning and go STEP by STEP in a relaxed way so that you get a solid and confident foundation to your playing.Youll learn to play great sounding songs on the guitar complete with melody, bass and chords, all at the same time!And, if you like to sing and play guitar at the same time, these great fingerpicking patterns and techniques will add variety and spice to your guitar playing and singing.Your friends and family will be amazed when they hear and see your new guitar skills!After learning the basics in this course youll be ready to play fingerstyle guitar, jam with other musicians, and maybe even perform in front of an audience!What makes me qualified to teach you?My name is Adam Rafferty and Ive been playing guitar for 45 years. For the last 13 years I have played thousands of concerts worldwide and my YouTube videos have gotten over 20 million views. Ive taught thousands of happy students who say things likeAdam is a great teacher! He makes you feel like you can really learn and play these songs. He gives you all the tools needed right on his instructional videos. Thank you Adam, for making these great videos to teach all of us who really love music! - Jeff BThank you, Adam for helping me become a far better and more polished guitar player. I thank you for all your hard work for us to become better guitar players and people. Keep pickin! - Jason CMy promise to you.I am here 100% to support you every step of the way. If you get stuck or have any questions you can send me a direct message or post a question in the course.I want to make sure that you are getting the absolute best fingerstyle guitar instruction available today. If theres any way I can improve the course please let me know and Ill do my best to fulfill your wishes.What is this fingerstyle guitar course all about?In this complete beginners course, youll learn how to play chords, fingerpicking patterns and even play complete songs on the guitar with melody, bass and chords at the same time.Youll experience endless joyful hours of making music - playing your favorite songs on guitar.This course will cover everything you need to know to start playing fingerstyle guitar including:Proper playing postureCorrect technique for both handsReading tablature and chord diagramsBasic chordsFingerpicking patternsPlaying melody bass and chords at the same timePercussive slap techniquesHow to create your own arrangementsAnd more...By the end of this course, you'll have gained confidence playing fingerstyle picking patterns with basic chords. Additionally, you will be able to play 3 great fingerstyle guitar pieces!Go ahead and click the enroll button and Ill see you in Lesson 1!If you are ready to take your fingerstyle playing to the next level, then Adam Raffertys lessons are for you. The songs are beautifully put together, and taught in bite size pieces that enable one to progress towards learning the entire song. Adams teaching style is such that it feels as if he is sitting in the room with you, walking you through the piece. I highly recommend these videos, its helped take my playing ability to a higher level. - Tim S."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Editing Essentials Video Editing in Adobe Premiere" |
"In this course you will learn all the essentials you need to know about editing professional videos. The focus of this course is to teach you core skills, knowledge, and workflow to shape you into a talented and efficient editor. Sessions:Session 1: IntroSession 2: SoftwareSession 3: Organisation & WorkflowSession 4: Tools & CommandsSession 5: Audio TreatmentSession 6: CutsSession 7: MulticamsSession 8: Animations & TitlesSession 9: EffectsSession 10: ColourSession 11: ExportingSession 12: Story & CreativeSession 13: Outro"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Drafting Basics 1" |
"Do you wanna make clothes that fit properly? It all starts with a good fitting basic block or sloper. That's your blueprint for making clothes of any design to fit well. It is a straight-forward process and my courses show you how with easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions. Whatever your sewing abilities, all you need is some time and the desire to learn."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Microdermabrasion course" |
"You will know Description of microdermabrasion treatment, History of microdermabrasion, How to perform the treatment step by step, Benefits, Indications, Contraindications, Side effects, Post care, Disinfection, Techniques. You will know how many times to perform the treatment to get the results and what to advice your clients. I created online course with extensive detail and information including significant amount of practical videos so understanding the true value of information for the course will be easier for all to understand and retain for all students levels. Always continue to learn and always stay beautiful."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Neck Treatment Using Hands for Therapists and Patients" |
"As part of the Healer Within series Sarah Key enjoins caring professionals to recognise the potent subtlety of using hands to mobilize cervical vertebrae to relieve neck pain. This course also covers self-mobilization of the neck and the 6 important exercises that help bring home the cure. The first part covers basic anatomy, biomechanics and physiology of the spine, the neck in particular, and then how things go wrong. The second part of the course covers the important spinal mobilization techniques, with Sarah first showing on the plastic model spine and then on a living patient."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Lineare Algebra Tutorium - Grundthemen im ersten Semester" |
"Dieser Kurs zeigt in Reihenfolge einige der wichtigsten Grundbegriffe der linearen Algebra auf und erklrt diese anhand vieler anschaulicher Beispiele. Wer seine Mathe-Skripte durchgearbeitet hat, aber an der ein oder anderen Stelle noch Probleme hat, der bekommt hier alles vorgerechnet. Die ausgewhlten Themen arbeiten auf die Jordansche Normalform hin und behandeln dabei Themen wie linear Kombinationen, Vektorraumbasen, Homomorphismen, Abbildungsmatrizen, Basiswechselmatrizen und Diagonalmatrizen. Als kleinen ""Bonus"" gibt es noch eine Sektion zum Thema Quadriken die anhand zweier ausfhrlicher Beispiele auf Normalform gebracht werden."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"IELTS: Writing letters for any occasion" |
"Whatever your level or reason, this course is designed to ensure you have everything you need to understand how to create the perfect letter every single time. Full of useful information and resources, you will be able to submit work which will be reviewed by a qualified english teacher, working as a Head of English and Assistant Principal based in the UK. We look forward to working with you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Turn Your Journal Into A Book" |
"Share the wisdom of your journal in a book and inspire othersOne of the biggest things journalers wonder about is if their journal has secret gold into that could be turned into a book to inspire others.While you may not want anyone reading your journals, sharing your stories and wisdom in a book is quite a different matter.You are already a writer. You are used to putting pen to paper. The time has come for you to share your wisdom and life experiences and make a difference to someone else's life.Also, imagine the personal growth that you attain as you write your book and revisit your journals.Now is the time to start a new chapter of your life as a published author.In this course, we will be looking at your journals for the gold that could become a book. What we will cover:-Finding the stories and themes for your bookWho your ideal reader isBook outlineChapter frameworkGetting your book writtenBook cover designSelf-publishing your book on AmazonIf you have ever wondered how to get started on becoming a published author and turning your journal into a non-fiction book, then this course is for you.Remember, its not just about the book, its about the impact you can have with a bookAnd it's about the transformation that you will go through as you write your book. Because you will change. You will gain clarity.Writing a book is not just about the book. It's one of the most powerful personal development experiences you will have.What are you waiting for? Is this the year you are finally going to use your stories and life's experiences and get your book finished?Yes? Great you are in the right place. Enrol now and let's get that book out of your head, planned and written."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Come farsi venire le idee" |
"L'idea che abbiamo o che stiamo cercando o che ci hanno commissionato non pu svilupparsi se non seguiamo un metodo di lavoro preciso e accurato. L'autore e regista Alessandro Ippolito rivela con esempi pratici e informazioni esclusive tutti i percorsi da seguire per svolgere nel modo pi efficace, nel cinema, nella televisione, nella produzione di qualsivoglia nuovo prodotto, quello che definisce il ""mestiere della creativit"""
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Learn SQL for Beginners: The Comprehensive Hands-on Bootcamp" |
"Understanding relational databases is an essential skill for all developers.Learning databases and database theory can be easy if you have the right teacher.This university level course will give you a solid understanding of how databases work and how to use them. In the course, we will be using PostgreSQL which is one of the top two databases most demanded in industry.This course will advance your skills as a developer. This course is very practical and applicable. It focuses on teaching you skills you can use.Presented with high-quality video lectures, this course will visually show you many great things about relational databases and PostgreSQL. This course is taught by two teachers. One of your teachers is a tenured professor in California. Your other teacher is a Professional Developer. Both of these teachers will be on screen, sharing their wisdom and knowledge with you. This is just some of what you will learn in this course:Learn to succeed as a studentMaster database fundamentalsBuild a database for tracking movie rentalsUnderstand schema, data hierarchy, and normalizationLearn validation, data integrity, and ACID transactionsMaster using key fields and ensuring referential integrityLearn how to do SQL commands at the terminal and in code editorsSolidify concepts with abundant hands on exercises which also have video solutions providedAcquire the ability to read PostgreSQL database documentationLearn how to install PostgreSQL on Windows, Linux, and MacMaster building databases, tables, and relationships between tablesMaster creating, reading, updating, inserting, and deleting recordsGain the ability to do subqueries and aggregate functionsMaster using grouping, having, limit, fetch, and offsetLearn how to use JSON inside SQL using PostgreSQLMaster joins to query multiple setsMaster filtering records in queriesMASTER SQL & PostgreSQL!This is an amazing course! This course will change your life. Being skilled at using relational databases and SQL will serve you and your career well. This course will increase your proficiency, productivity, and power as a programmer. You are going to love this course and it will forever change your life.Your satisfaction is guaranteed with this course.Join us now and enroll!"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |