Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Ace CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate ( 200-301 )" |
"Want to ace the CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate ( 200-301 ) Exam and become a CCNA Certified ? What you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate ( 200-301 ) Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the exam.Who this course is for: CISCO Absolute Beginners. No prior CISCO experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"HTML y CSS para principiantes" |
"HTML es el lenguaje de marcado que se usa para definir elementos dentro de un sitio web como ttulos, prrafos, imgenes, botones, etc. CSS es el lenguaje que define cmo se van a presentar estos elementos, en pocas palabras, CSS define el diseo o estilo visual de un sitio web.Aprende los conceptos bsicos de estos dos lenguajes mientras creas tu portafolio desde cero."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Learn to quickly manage stress with Yoga." |
"This program is designed to manage stress using yogic methods. The program is designed using original yogic methods from Patanjali Yoga Sutra. You will learn 10 simple yoga poses to manage stress.All yoga poses are very simple and anyone can do them with ease.It will only take 30 minutes a day to practice.The program also has a BONUS program of Breath Yoga called Pranayamas.You will have unlimited email support with the instructor for any help."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Intermediate+ Argentine Tango with US Champion Adam Cornett" |
"This course is designed to follow the Intermediate level course here on Udemy. If you are following along and progressing through the beginning and intermediate course, this is your next step. Before we get into Advanced level movements there are additional and more difficult movements that we must master before getting into advanced. If you're already a tango dancer and have not taken the other courses here on Udemy with me, this course has some difficult and yet extremely fundamentally and historic figures that I believe all Tangueros should know. Most importantly, I will cover Mingo Pugliese's 8-count turn to the right and left."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Salesforce Data Architecture and Management" |
"SalesforceManagement Designer"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Aplicacin, calificacin e Interpretacin de WISC IV" |
"Curso terico que pretende dotar al estudiante de herramientas y estrategias para aplicar y calificar la Escala WISC IV. Contiene resmenes de consignas y descripcin de las 15 subpruebas que componen el instrumento. Se han agregado vdeos donde se muestran materiales y aplicacin de las consignas. El estudiante debe acreditar tres exmenes con promedio mnimo de 8"
Price: 345.00 ![]() |
"Oracle 11g/12c Database Administration" |
"Learn to become an Oracle Database Administrator (DBA) in 5 weeks and become Oracle Database Administrator Certified Associate (OCA).""Oracle 11g/12c Database Administration"" course follows a standard methodology in demonstrating course's sections and there is a practice following each section. If you want to get ready and become an Oracle Database Administrator (Oracle DBA) and Prepare for an Oracle Database Administrator Certified Associate (OCA), this course is the best for you.In this course you will learn:Exploring the Oracle Database ArchitectureInstalling and Configuring Oracle LinuxInstalling Oracle Database SoftwareCreating Oracle DatabaseUnderstanding Oracle Database ToolsManaging Oracle Database InstanceConfiguring Oracle Network EnvironmentManaging Storage and Creating TablespacesAdministering User SecruirtyManaging Undo DataManaging Data ConcurrencyAuditing Oracle DatabaseBackup and Recovery Concepts and ConfigurationPerforming BackupPerforming RecoveryMoving Data Using Oracle DataPump and Oracle SQL*Loader"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practical Java Course for Absolute Beginners" |
"Learn Java through practical examples from the very beginning. Java is one of the most popular programming languages. The whole course focusing on showing you the language features that are used at the biggest tech companies like Apple, Netflix, Google or Amazon.How this course builds up?First I would like to show you the bigger picture and answer some fundamental questions. Why Java would be a good choice? What is it good for? How to learn it? Every concept has a very clear and simple explanation with real-life examples.The course is designed for those who have just started learning programming and would like to get a job in Java. It is also a good source for those who have basic knowledge in Java, but they would like to learn more.The whole course is full of useful tips and tricks that can be very helpful if you apply for a job or you are doing your own project.This course will have 5 separated levels: beginner, intermediate, advanced, expert and master. They'll build upon each other. At the end all levels you'll get end-level tasks. If you can complete the tasks on your own it shows that you are ready to take the next level. If not, don't worry, I'll show you how I would do it, so the next time you'll easily do it.I also provide full support so all your questions will be answered!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Subtle Communication Skills" |
"The course deals with all the essential aspects of communication. It deals with clear and concise communicaton. It explains the importance of listening skills: how the words ""listen"" and ""silent"" share the same letters and how the latter can affect negotitaion and other aspects. It also tackles body language , email and telephone skills. Then it goes into presentation skills and explain major tools one can benefit from the PowerPoint program. It ends with negotiation and how to empower one's position through BATNA, team negotiation and acquiring the skills of cultural intellegence on the international scale."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"La crativit : Dvelopper les potentiels de vos quipes" |
"Dans un environnement en perptuelle mutation, la crativit apparat comme un lment essentiel pour assurer la comptitivit des entreprises. La crativit est un outil qui active le processus innovant par la gnration et le dveloppement dides en milieu professionnel. De plus, la crativit est une facult propre aux personnes, qui peut tre dveloppe de faon collective. Ce cours propose de comprendre les mcanismes de la crativit et prsente un ensemble de mthodes pour dvelopper les potentiels cratifs de vos quipes de travail."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SFDC Admin Certification in 7 Days - Preparation Kit" |
"Updated with Summer '20 questions, SFDC Guru's prerparation kit offers the best group of questions to prepare you for the exam. Practice exams will mimic the real exam and cover the following topics:Organizational Setup: 3%User Setup: 7%Security and Access: 13%Standard and Custom Objects: 14%Sales and Marketing Applications: 14%Service and Support Applications: 13%Activity Management and Collaboration: 3%Data Management: 10%AnalyticsReports and Dashboards: 10%Workflow/Process Automation: 8%Desktop and Mobile Administration: 3%AppExchange: 2%"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"English Grammar and Basic Writing" |
"This is the go-to course if you are interested in learning English Grammar and improving your basic writing skills. You will benefit from the course by understanding the rules of grammar, learning the valuable foundational principles of standard written English, and discovering how to write correctly and effectively. Whether you are a beginner (ESL) or more advanced writer, after watching the videos and doing the quizzes and activities, you will see the difference in your writing (and speaking) and be more confident of success in college, in the workplace, and in life because you have learned the basic writing skills you need today. Filled with clear instruction and examples, the course allows you to test your knowledge and practice what you learn. Gain the skills you need by signing up today!MUST SEE: Have fun playing ""Grammar Jeopardy"" with Dale's cat, Romeo! ""As a professor at four colleges and universities in the United States, I'm happy to provide you my experience of 26 years of teaching by offering you this course."" Dale, your instructorAfter taking this course, students will . . . Understand the basics of English grammar and writing.Improve their writing by understanding the rules of grammar and usage.Master the use of the English language by learning the parts of speech, correct punctuation, and sentence and paragraph structure.Learn to avoid fragments, run-on sentences, and comma splices.Master subject-verb agreement.Be empowered by writing clearly, more effectively, and with confidence and grace.Learn how to compose a five paragraph essay, which will arm the student with an understanding of how to write lengthier, formal essays.Develop the command of grammar and language necessary to succeed in higher education or teach effectively in elementary, middle, and/or secondary schools.Increase the likelihood of job advancement and promotion because of their NEW command of English Grammar and basic writing."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Crece tu negocio en 11 pasos." |
"El proceso de incubacin se recomienda tomarlo durante 3 meses , en los cuales se desarrollarn las capacidades y habilidades que toda startup debe tener para ser exitosa. Este proceso estar estructurado a en 11 mdulos semanales, los cuales tratarn los siguientes temas:1. Legal: constitucin de la empresaSe mostrar el proceso de constitucin de la empresa, as como los mejores esquemas para utilizar en tu startup. Se brindar consultora especializada por parte de una notara y de un despacho de abogados.2. Creatividad:Se ensearn distintas tcnicas y se brindarn talleres mediante los cuales se potencializan el desarrollo creativo y personal de los emprendedores.3. Comercial: creacin de valorSe analizarn los aspectos comerciales internos de la empresa y se desarrollarn habilidades para integrarlos al plan de mercadotecnia adecuada, creando valor agregado para el cliente.4. Comercial: anlisis externoSe realizar un anlisis del entorno en el cual se desenvuelve la empresa y su relacin con los distintos agentes que lo conforman.5. Comercial: salida al mercadoSe analizarn distintas estrategias comerciales, con la finalidad de obtener mayor participacin de mercado. Se tratarn nuevas tendencias de marketing digital, que consideramos ptimas para startups.6. Operaciones:Se analizarn cules son los procesos y procedimientos ptimos (en materia de tiempos y costos) para la produccin y comercializacin del producto o servicio.7. Finanzas: RazonesSe considerarn las necesidades de cada startup para determinar los perfiles financieros dentro de la organizacin.8. Finanzas: ValuacinSe brindarn las herramientas necesarias para administrar los recursos financieros de la empresa, as como ciertos principios contables.9. Propiedad industrial e intelectualSe aprendern cules son las maneras de proteger aquellos activos intangibles que le dan a su startup una ventaja competitiva.10. Equipo: toma de decisionesSe mostrarn las mejores prcticas para llevar a cabo la toma de decisiones en su startup, as como qu miembros del equipo son los adecuados para cada una de estas.11. Equipo: clima organizacionalSe aprender cmo mantener un buen clima organizacional, a travs de la comunicacin interna y del correcto manejo de las relaciones interpersonales.ResultadosEstructura legal, operacional, fiscal y financieraHabilidades de venta, negociacin, direccin y toma de decisionesEstructura para crecer la empresa con socios, inversionistas, etcPerfilacin para aplicacin de convocatorias y para recibir dinero de fondos privadosAlianzas, prospectos comerciales y hasta ventasHabilidades de proceso creativo y de mejora continuaDesarrollo humanoPerfiles de aplicacinPymes y Empresas MedianasSegmentacin de producto enfocada a corporativos participantes en el desarrollo de nuevas empresas, desarrollo tecnolgico, adquisicin de proyectos o compra de tecnologa carentes de o con la necesidad de con un costo menor al desarrollo propio:Diversifica sus lneas de productosAdquisicin continua de tecnologaDesarrollo de un departamento de innovacinGeneracin de fuerza de trabajoOptimizacin de procesosApertura de nuevos mercadosSTARTUPS/EMPRENDEDORES CON PROYECTO FASE SEMILLASegmentos a los que se dirige:Los recin egresados de escuelas 22-30Los que tienen un trabajo y experiencia en cierto sector 25 - 40Tienen su propio negocio (PYME) 40 - 60"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Test 2020 Edition" |
"ComTech is offering 550+ UNIQUE practice questions for AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam.Unlike others, We offer details explanation to each and every questions that will help you to understand the question100% money back guarantee (Unconditional, we assure that you will be satisfied with our services and pass the exam).Do leave us a question we will happy to answer your queries during the course.5 SETS OF PRACTICE EXAMS - with minimum of 60+ Questions eachEach practice exam has the same format, style, time limit and passing score as the real AWS Certification exam (60 min to answer 50 questions)All questions are unique, 100% scenario-based and conform to the latest AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam blueprint.BEST WAYS TO PREPARE FOR YOUR AWS CERTIFICATION EXAMKEY TRAINING ADVICE: Although the actual AWS Certified Developer Associate exam has a pass mark of 72%, we recommend that you repeatedly retake our AWS Certified Developer Associate practice exams until you consistently score 80% or higher. We encourage you to put in the work and study the training notes in detail. Once you achieve the recommended score in the practice tests - you are ready to sit the exam and achieve a great score!CONFORM WITH EXAM BLUEPRINT: Using our AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real AWS Certified Developer Associate exams are structured. Unfortunately, there are many AWS Certified Developer Associate practice tests in the market that do NOT match the format of the exam pattern. Rest assured that with our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real AWS Certified Developer Associate exam.KEY FEATURES OF THESE POPULAR PRACTICE EXAMS 550+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 5 sets of Practice Exams with minimum 60 Questions each with a pool of 550+ Questions to assess your exam readiness on Udemy. EXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 80%) mimicking the real exam environment. DETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that clarifies why each answer is correct or incorrect. PREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasant. ALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questions. ACTIVE Q&A FORUM: In this discussion board, students ask questions and share their recent exam experience offering feedback on which topics were covered. BEST VALUE FOR MONEY: Compared to the Official AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Test that gives you up to 40 questions only (for $20), when investing in these tests, you get lifetime access to our pool of questions. ACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Visual Studio ile C# reniyorum" |
"Dnya'yi sarsan Korona virs nedeniyle, eitime katk olmas amacyla kurs 1 ay cretsizdir. Salcakla..Bilgisayar Mhendisiyim. Ayn zamanda Meslek Teknik ve Anadolu Lisesinde Biliim Teknolojileri retmenlii yapmaktaym. Bunun yan sra Robotik Kodlama konusunda zel ders vermekteyim. Bu kurs mfredata uygun olarak hazrlanm olup, C sharp ile kodlama yapmay temelden retmeyi hedeflemektedir.Visual Studio, birok programlama dilini kullanarak program, uygulama ya da web sitesi yapabileceiniz bir IDE yani entegre gelitirme ortamdr. Microsoft Windows iin bilgisayar programlar, web siteleri, web uygulamalar, web hizmetleri ve mobil uygulamalar gelitirmek iin kullanlr.Visual Studio, Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Store ve Microsoft Silverlight gibi Microsoft yazlm gelitirme platformlarn kullanr. Hem yerel kod hem de ynetilen kod retebilir.Visual Studio, farkl programlama dillerini destekler ve dile zg bir hizmet olmas kouluyla, kod dzenleyicisinin ve hata ayklaycnn hemen hemen tm programlama dillerini desteklemesine olanak tanr. Yerleik diller arasnda C, C ++ ve C ++ / CLI (Visual C ++ ile), VB.NET (Visual Basic .NET ile), C # (Visual C # ile), F # ve TypeScript bulunur.C#, yazlm sektr ierisinde en sk kullanlan iki yazlm dili olan C ve C++ etkileimi ile tretilmitir. Ayrca C#, ortak platformlarda tanabilir bir (portable language) programlama dili olan Java ile pek ok adan benzerlik tamaktadr . En byk zellii ise .Net Framework platformu iin hazrlanm tamamen nesne ynelimli bir yazlm dilidir."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Belajar Python dari Dasar (bahasa indonesia)" |
"Bahasa pemrograman python merupakan bahasa yg banyak digunakan untuk mempelajari : machine learning, pengembangan web dengan framework django atau scripting untuk linuxSebelum Anda mempelajari machine learning, penting sekali Anda mempelajari bahasa python terlebih dahulu.Selanjutnya disarankan untuk Anda mempelajari Pustaka Panda, keras, tensorflow, an konsep dasar machine learningPada course ini kita akan mempelajari dasar-dasar pemrograman python yang akan sangat Anda butuhkan untuk mempelajari machine learning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Simple Chipping- Improve Your Score. Master The Short Game." |
"Are you frustrated with your chipping?Are you frustrated by your golf score?Are you learning to play and want to form great habits from the beginning?David and Carl have tens of thousands of hours and more than 35 years of experience between them teaching and coaching juniors, club players, college players, and professional players. They live and breathe this game and they want to help YOU. They've seen and heard it all:25 year golfers frustrated by chunking or blading their chips, wasting shots when they're only steps away from the green. Players embarrassed by their performance around the green. Hitting beautiful drives and solid approach shots only to see it fall apart around the greens.Good club players looking to turn the corner to a single digit handicap.New golfers who want to start on the right path before they form bad habits.Any golfer who wants to shave 5-10 shots from their score."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Internet of Things (IoT) : The IoT for Smart Life" |
"Information and communication technology (ICT) has always been dynamic and evolutionary in nature, leading to the continuous emergence of new technologies and business models. The recent advances in terms of available computing resources, software systems and communication networks, and the continuing miniaturization of hardware components have made it possible to integrate ICT into virtually anything, thus leading to the rise of a new computing paradigm known as the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT aims at realizing an old dream of turning everyday objects into smart ones that are interconnected via the Internet and able to collect and exchange data and to make decisions autonomously. Equipments are becoming more digitized and more connected, establishing networks between machines, humans, and the Internet, leading to the creation of new ecosystems that enable higher productivity, better energy efficiency, and higher profitabilityIn the Internet of Things (IoT) : The IoT for Smart Life, you will find 40 questions (objective type, 30 minutes) on the Udemy. Here will find - what is IoT ?, how does it work ?, what technologies have made IoT possible ?, what are IoT applications ?, what Industries can benefit from IoT ?, and business benefits. The IoT for Smart Life."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Uzaktan Alglama Tekniklerinin ArcGIS Yazlmnda Kullanm" |
" ""4.5 SAATTE UZAKTAN ALGILAMA TEKNKLERNN ARCGIS PORAMI KULLANARAK RENMEK STERMSNZ?"" Uzaktan Alglama Teknikleri Kursumu Neden Satn Almalsnz?Ksa bir rnek vermek gerekirse, ""Kendi alma alannza ait uydu grntnz indirebilecek, alma alannza ait detay snflarn belirleyerek gerekli analizleri yapabilecek, ihtiyacnz olan vektrel verileri, analizler sonucu karabilecek, ""Projeleriniz, Tezleriniz ve devleriniz "" iin altlk olarak oluturabileceksiniz.Kontroll ve Kontrolsz Snflandrma yardmyla alma alannz hakknda gerekli detaylara sahip olabilecek, grnt zenginletirme sayesinde belirginletirmek istediiniz alanlar hakknda daha fazla bilgi sahibi olabileceksiniz. Ayrca sel,afet, deprem blgelerinde farkl zamanlara ait uydu fotoraflar sayesinde bir Blge Hakknda Zamansal Deiiklikleri analiz edebilecek, Bitki rtsnn verimlilii hakknda gerekli analizleri yapma imkanna sahip olabilecek ve daha birok uygulama alanlar iin Uzaktan Alglama Teknikleri Kullanabileceksiniz."" Bu kurs sayesinde, Uzaktan Alglama Temel Tekniklerini ArcGIS proramnda nasl kullanlaca uygulamalarla desteklenerek siz deerli katlmclara sunulmaktadr. %10 Teorik, %90 Uygulamal kurs sizleri beklemektedir. Bu kursu satn alarak Uzaktan Alglama Uygulamalar iin gerekli Kavramlar hakknda bilgi sahibi olmanz beklenmemektedir. ArcGIS proram kullanm temel seviye bilgisine sahip olmanz kursu daha etkin bir ekilde anlamanza yarar salayacaktr. Bu yzden bir dier kursu olan ve ok deerli biligiler sunduum ArcGIS: (Arcmap-Arccatalog-Arcmap 3d-Arcscene (Temel Dzey Eitimi) ile balanlarak temel seviye bilgisine ulaabilirsiniz. 4.5 saatin sonunda siz deerli katlmclar:Uzaktan Alglama Kavramlar Hakknda Temel Bilgiler, Landsat Uydu Grntlerinin belirlenen kritelere gre nasl indirilecei,ndirilen Landsat 8 Uydu Grnts zerinde belirlediimiz alma alannn farkl yntemlerle nasl kesilebilecei (Clip)Landsat 8 uydu grntsne ait bantlar kullanlarak Composite Uydu Grntsnn nasl retilebilecei,Lansat 8 uydu grntsnn farkl bant kombinasyonlarnn incelenmesi,Composite Uydu Grnts kullanlarak oluturulan alma alannda kontroll snflandrma ileminin nasl yaplabilecei,Kontroll Olarak Snflandrlan Uydu Grntsne ait detay snf alanlarnn nasl hesaplanaca,Kontrolsz Snflandrma ileminin ne iin ve nasl yaplabilecei,Kontrolsz Snflandrdmz uydu grntsndeki detay snfna ait raster veriden vektr veri haline nasl getirilebilecei,Kontroll olarak snflandrlan uydu grntsnn doruluk analizinin yaplmas,Bitki rts younluunu NVDI analizi kullanlarak nasl yaplabilecei,Sel Felaketi yaanan bir blgenin farkl zamanlara ait Landsat5 grntleri incelenerek zamansal deiimin nasl analiz edilecei,30*30 m mekansal znrle sahip Landsat 7 ETM+ grntsnn pansharpened yntemi kullanlarak mekansal znrlnn nasl iyiletirilebilecei,Image Proccesing (Grnt leme)mage Analysis aracnn incelenmesi Radyometrik znrln nasl zenginletirilebilecei,alma Alanna ait uydu grntsnnn mekansal znrln dk ve yksek gei filtreler ile znrln zenginletirilmesi)Landsat 5 uydu grntsnn kullanlarak, farkl znrlk zenginletirme filtrelerle grnt kalitesinin nasl zenginletirileceiDaha birok ipucu....Uluslararas Udemy Sertifikas (Kurs tamamlama) ile siz deerli katlmclara konular hakknda ilgili teorik bilgiler verilip,Temel Dzeydeki Teknikler uygulamal olarak anlatlaca verimli bir kurs olacan dnyorum. Kurs proramnda Uzaktan Alglama Temel Tekniklerinin nasl uygulanabilecei gayet anlalabilir ve Temel dzeyde sunulmutur. ""Dier Uzaktan Alglama Kurslarndan farkl olarak kursun sadece %10 luk ksm Sunum, %90 lk ksm ise sizlere uygulamal olarak tekniklerin gsterilmesi zerine hazrlanmtr.""Kursuma ye olmanzla birlikte kursumda anlattm tekniklerin renimi konusunda her zaman yannzda olacamdan pheniz olmasn.Kursuma sahip olmanzla birlikte 7/24 Profesyonel Destekten sizlerde yararlanabileceksiniz.Herkese Baarlar Dilerim :)"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Power Query - The Ultimate Data Transformation Program" |
"If you find yourself taking forever to manually consolidate data from various sources and process them before feeding them into a report, or if you always need to copy and paste data (""data mover"") from source file to the master file, multiple times, then this course is for you.Join me in the course:- to learn state-of-the art data transformation skills,- to get exposed to the AI (Artificial Intelligence) that Power Query brings to us.- to train Power Query how to process your data (machine learning)It does not matter if you are an Excel novice, or an Excel Advanced user, everyone is sure to learn something new, I can guarantee you on that, as this happened to me time and time again when I tuned in to other masters Excel lessons.PS: Excel 2010 and newer is needed for this course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress en local, offline: Setups y Backups" |
"Una ACTUALIZACIN de un plugin y del tema del Wordpress...Un ATAQUE Hacker a nuestro sitio web...Un ERROR FATAL nuestro...Perder nuestro Wordpress y volver a crearlo desde cero es la pesadilla de todos. La solucin?PREVENIR LA PRDIDA DE INFORMACIN CMO ??Creando una copia de seguridad que permita restaurar nuestro sitio web, sin perder ninguna pgina, ningn plugin ni la propia configuracin del Wordpress. --------------------------------------------------Y adems aprenders a desarrollar y probar tu Wordpress de manera segura:WORDPRESS LOCAL / OFFLINE"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Copywriting: Aprenda a Escrever Textos que Vendem" |
"Voc um empreendedor e ainda no sabe vender muito bem o seu produto? Voc um profissional de marketing e no sabe como escrever textos e roteiros REALMENTE impactantes pro seu cliente? Ou voc simplesmente uma pessoa que precisa vender?Muito prazer, meu nome Joo Paiva e esse curso de Copywriting vai RESOLVER o seu problema.Isso porque o Copywriting a principal ferramenta que voc precisa ter pra fazer vendas! Assim como um analista precisa saber excel, ou um fotgrafo precisa saber usar sua cmera ou um designer precisa saber usar o Photoshop.Um profissional de vendas precisa saber usar as PALAVRAS. Sim, porque com palavras que voc vai mostrar o valor do seu produto e influenciar o seu cliente compraVoc vai comear a perceber que existe pessoas que fazem uma boa estratgia de vendas... E pessoas que nem tanto...Voc vai entender que o melhor vendedor no aquele clssico dos filmes, que geralmente fala alto e e s fala sobre o produto. O melhor vendedor o mdicoO mdico? Como Assim?Pensa nas suas ltimas trs consultas mdicas... Eu tenho certeza que ao sair de pelo menos duas delas voc foi direto pra farmcia pra comprar alguma coisa.Ento sim, o trabalho do mdico o melhor trabalho de vendas, e ele faz o seguinte:- Primeiro ele te pergunta sobre o seu problema- Segundo ele faz alguns exames e diagnostica realmente o que voc tem de problema- Terceiro, com a autoridade que ele tem, ele te passa a soluo pra esse problema (um remdio)- Por fim, voc entende perfeitamente tudo e sai correndo para COMPRAR essa soluo exatamente esse processo de venda que voc vai aprender nesse curso. Voc vai aprender a ser um vendedor silencioso, que todo dia vende o seu produto para dezenas de pessoas.E a melhor ferramenta para voc realizar isso o Copywriting.Nesse curso completo voc vai aprender tudo que precisa saber sobre Copywriting e sobre os conceitos mais importantes de vendas.Esse um curso focado na prtica, por isso depois de todas as aulas voc vai ter uma pequena atividade pra colocar a mo na massa.Ao final desse curso, juntando todas as prticas, voc j vai ter em mos a sua primeira carta de vendas!Inscreva-se agora e tenha acesso completo ao principal curso de copywriting da Udemy, e aprenda de verdade essa ferramenta to importante para qualquer profissional de vendas.Clique no boto ""Comprar Agora"" e faa parte da nossa comunidade!Descrio do cursoNesse curso completo voc vai aprender diversos conceitos de copy e vendas e no final vai ter o passo a passo para a sua primeira carta de vendas:Conceitos de vendasCliente Ideal (persona/avatar) - Aprenda a descrever profundamente quem o seu clienteAntes e Depois do seu produto - Como descrever a Transformao que voc faz no seu clientePonto A, B e C - Conhea quais os caminhos que o seu cliente pode seguirNveis de conscincia do cliente - Existem 5 tipos de clientes, e 2 deles vo te deixar ricoFunil de Vendas - Entenda porque voc pode estar vendendo poucoConceitos de CopyRazo x Emoo - Entenda profundamente como o seu cliente toma uma deciso6 principais gatilhos mentais - Aprenda a vender inconscientementeBig Idea - Tenha uma ideia de venda central incrvel6 Tipos de Leads - Como deve comear qualquer texto que voc escreveStorytelling - O ser humano vive por uma histria, e voc vai precisar saber contar5 Tipos de Objees - Existem 5 argumentos que impedem o seu cliente de comprar de vocEscrevendo a sua primeira Carta de VendasEstrutura da Carta de Vendas - O mais importante da carta de vendas a ordem, conhea a estrutura ideal.Como fazer um One Pager - Organize suas ideias em uma nica folha de papelLead de Vendas - Seu texto PRECISA comear muito engajanteProblema e Soluo - Porque de fato o seu cliente precisa de voc?Sintetize em um Mtodo - Sintetize o que voc vendeAncoragem e Precificao - Faa o preo parecer uma boa notciaGatilho Final - a hora de fechar a venda! No deixe o seu cliente escaparColete dados e aprenda o que funciona pra vocComo coletar dados essenciais - Existem alguns dados essenciais para o seu produto. Aprenda a colet-losO que fazer com essa informao? - Agora que voc entende melhor o seu cliente, voc vai vender mais!EXTRA - Destrave no Email Marketing e nas Landing PagesO que essencial no Email Marketing - Email ainda o melhor canal de vendas, aprenda a us-loComo construir uma Landing Page - Voc vai precisar ter uma pgina para todas as suas informaes."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Ma voix et mon Podcast" |
"Que vous soyez dbutants ou confirms, cette formation sera votre bote outil VIE.La formation Ma voix & mon podcast vous donnera des outils concrets et efficaces qui vous permettront de :- Moduler votre voix votre guise- Amliorer votre diction- Economiser votre nergie et surtout.. votre voix de faon utile et raffine- Comprendre les besoins subtiles de loreille afin de pouvoir solliciter lattention de votre interlocuteur- Captiver votre auditoire grce un travail approfondi sur la faon de nuancer votre discours- Reconnecter votre corps votre espritCes outils, vous allez les acqurir au travers dexplications simples, accessibles tous, et grce une mise en pratique une analyse un reprage sur des exemples rels et concrets ainsi que des squences de mimtisme et rptition.Je me tiens galement disponible pour rpondre vos questions autant que faire se peut.Bonne dcouverte !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Math Rocket: The Ultimate SAT MATH Prep Course (2020)" |
"As the culmination of 30+Years of mathematics teaching experience,The Math Rocket SAT MATH course is the best SAT math course you will find anywhere on the market, providing unmatched quality, value, and innovation to students to help them achieve whatever scores they want. Featuring a revolutionary concept-based curriculum, Math Rocket SAT Math course efficiently allows you to build the different layers of knowledge and skill necessary to achieve the highest scores on the SAT Math portion test. Always-on access to the course from anywhere, on any device gives you the chance to improve your score multiple times if you desire. The course gives you everything you need to get the score you want without having to hire or rely on a tutor. Designed not by a perfect scorer, but a trainer of perfect scorers, this course brings all the SAT math you need under one roof. The course is tailored to your learning style, providing you with proven strategies, step-by-step instructions, and guaranteed results. The course is available 24/7 so you can access it from anywhere and any time where an internet connection available."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNA Security 210-260 IINS Practice Test (2020)" |
"Want to prepare for your Cisco CCNA 210-260 exam? We are here to help!This 294 Questions here-in are emulating 100% the official examination conditions and will get you better prepared for the real deal.Our team spent hours preparing this test specifically for you to get the highest score on the official Cisco CCNA 210-260 exam.This Cisco CCNA 210-260 test covers all the requirements of the official Cisco CCNA Security 210-260 exam, meaning if you get a good score on this practice test, it is because you are prepared for the official exam!Rest assured that if for some reason you do not like the Cisco CCNA Security 210-260 practice test.We will give you 30 days to request a refund.About CISCO CCNA 210-260 EXAM:This exam tests the candidate's knowledge of secure network infrastructure, understanding core security concepts, managing secure access, VPN encryption, firewalls, intrusion prevention, web, and email content security, and endpoint security using:SIEM TechnologyCloud & Virtual Network TopologiesBYOD, Bring Your Own DeviceIdentity Services Engine (ISE)802.1x AuthenticationCisco FirePOWER Next-Generation IPS (under Domain 6.0)Anti-Malware/Cisco Advanced Malware ProtectionThis exam validates skills for installation, troubleshooting, and monitoring of a secure network to maintain integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data and devices."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Redao da Petio Inicial da Ao de Inventrio." |
"Partindo de um caso real, o curso discute aspectos do Direito Sucessrio e demonstra como proceder com a redao da petio inicial da Ao de Inventrio. Ao discutir os aspectos materiais do caso, o professor fornece um resumo do Direito Sucessrio, assim como faz uma anlise dos procedimentos da ao de inventrio na Justia. Alm dos aspectos tcnicos, o professor usa da sua experincia como Defensor Pblico do Estado de So Paulo para justificar as suas escolhas."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Learn Autosar DCM and Diagstack from scratch" |
"Autosar is gaining popularity and monopoly over automotive industry and i autosar tester diagnostics is handled by DCM and diagstack. In this course you shall learn about DCM in detail and diagstack too. The functionalities and APIs and configuration and the flow happening in them are explained and demonstrated clearly and in simple terms."
Price: 8000.00 ![]() |
"Aprende C# desde cero. Primeros pasos con este lenguaje." |
"En este curso podrs aprender las nociones bsicas del lenguaje de programacin C# VERSION 8: de una manera rpida y efectiva.A grandes rasgo el contenido del curso ser el siguiente:A) Introduccin 1) Temario.Instalacin del entorno. 2) Tipos de proyectos que podemos crear.Creando mi primer proyectoB) Tipos de datos ms utilizadas y operadores 3) Variables y tipos datos 4) Enum y struct 5) Operadores aritmticos y de asignacin 6) Operadores de igualdad y operadores lgicos 7) Practicando con un ejemploC) Arrays y listas 8) Arrays int,string, float y multidimensionale 9) Trabajando con listas,arraylist..... 10) Practicando con un ejemplo 2D) Estructuras condicionales. 11) Estructura if - else 12) Switch (Versin clsica y nueva) 13) Operador condicional (?) 14) Practicando con un ejemplo 3E) Bucles 15) Bucles for y foreach 16) Bucle while y do-while 17) Practicando con un ejemplo 4F) String y stringBuilder 18) Trabajando con strings 19) StringBuilder, StreamWriter , StreamReader. Ficheros. 20) Practicando con un ejemplo 5G) Objetos y herencia 21) Clases,objetos y herencia.Creamos nuestro propios objetos 22) Protected,public, base,override,virtual , static . 23) Clases abstract , interfaces y polimorfismos 24) Practicando con un ejemplo 6H) Los mtodos, funciones , recursividad 25) Tipos de mtodos: Public,private,protected,constructor, sobrecarga de constructores y mtodos 26) Mtodos void , mtodos que devuelven datos, mtodos con parmetros. Palabras clave in, ref,out 27) Funciones locales 28) Recursividad 29) Practicando con un ejemplo 7I) Excepciones , Readonly y const 30) Excepciones 31) Clases estticas.Variebles y mtodos. 32) Palabras claves readonly y constJ) Aplicacin final 33) Practicando lo aprendido haciendo un programa"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"- HTML, CSS, JavaScript" |
"- ! - , , , - . , , . , , . . , - HTML, CSS, JavaScript jQuery. : ! , , . HTML5 CSS3, . -, - . jQuery, , . - HTML5 CSS3. -, ! ! -, , . . , , , , , , . !, : web- ! : Photoshop, Zeplin, Figma, Avocode , , HTML5 CSS3 JS Jquery, FlexBox . , -, . jQuery , , , . , . () - , . , , , , ! , - !"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Retoque de Retrato Beauty con Photoshop" |
"Muy buenas! Soy Rubn Chase, retocador fotogrfico profesional. En este curso, aprenders a enfrentarte al retoque de un retrato ""Beauty"" para editorial. Te ensear las tcnicas que llevo perfeccionando durante aos, para que tus retratos se vean perfectos y conserven todos los detalles.Aprenders a trabajar de manera no destructiva, con un flujo de trabajo muy flexible que te permitir adaptarte a cualquier imprevisto.Tendrs acceso a todos los documentos necesarios para seguir la clase paso a paso, as como al archivo final al que llegaremos durante el curso.Aprenders a desarrollar acciones automticas que acelerarn tu trabajo, y podrs descargarte un set de acciones profesionales especficas para el retoque de retrato.Aprenders sobre la teora del color, y cmo aplicarla en Photoshop para generar diferentes variantes de tus retratos una vez estn retocados.No te lo pienses ms, y matriclate para tener acceso a todo esto, y algunas sorpresas extra!Nos vemos!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |