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"Aprenda do zero, em detalhes, a maior e mais verstil ferramenta de administrao do mundo!O foco deste curso ensinar nos mnimos detalhes, pensando em quem nunca teve contato com o Excel! A preocupao com a didtica, com o udio, e principalmente com o mtodo de repassar as principais ferramentas, utilizando de mtodo, aplicando a didtica correta, sem dvida foi o fator norteador no momento da criao do curso!Ao concluir este curso voc ser capaz de criar planilhas com recursos indispensveis para as empresas atualmente, como por exemplo: tabelas dinmicas, grficos dinmicos, frmulas complexas, etc."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Costura e Bordado - Fraldinha de Boca Beb" |
"Ol esse curso voc aprender sobre como fazer a fraldinha de boca para bebs, com toda a explicao sobre como fazer a termolina que ajuda na costura da fraldinha, a preparao da fralda para dar inicio costura em si, todo o bordado de urso anjo.Incluindo a matriz do bordado em pasta ZIP para voc baixar e conseguir bordar na sua maquina."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"O SEGREDO para Definir e Conquistar OBJETIVOS revelado!" |
"Neste curso voc ter acesso a conhecimentos, mtodos e ferramentas do Coaching para ajudar voc alcanar seus objetivos.Este curso esta organizado em mdulos inspirados em sesses de Coaching que ir possibilitar que voc adquira maior autoconhecimento e trace uma estratgia eficaz para voc saia do seu estado atual e chegue no destino desejado."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Personal Computer Theory" |
"Have you ever wondered how to build a gaming PC and dont know where to start?Want to build the best gaming rig with the latest and greatest technology available at the moment?Personal Computer Theory contains all the necessary information required to help you decide on the computer components you want to use in order to achieve the types of games you want to play at 60 FPS or higher. Whether its MMORPGS, Driving Simulators, or your favorite First-Person Shooter, the information provided will get you there.All your hardware components will be explained in sufficient detail so you can make the knowledgeable decision on what to get for your gaming rig.When its all finished here, you will be up and running with the gaming rig of your dreams! Happy building!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Electrical Power Engineering Chapter 2: Voltage Drop & Fault" |
"In this course, you will learn how to calculate voltage drop in single phase, balanced three phase and unbalanced three phase systems. Also you will learn short circuit calculations with two different methods namely ""Fault impedance method"" and ""Symmetrical Components method"". You will also learn per unit system for short circuit current calculations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
1-xmvkir |
"! - . . . . , - , , , . , !"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
gold2020gr |
". 22 . . . "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Anlisis de datos de Cesta de Compras con R & Power BI" |
"Los datos existente en las empresas contienen mucha informacin esperando ser descubierta y por fortuna existen muchas metodologas y tcnicas capaces de extraerla, este es el caso en el que usando minera de datos en conjunto con Data Science y herramientas Business Intelligence podemos dar a conocer una valiosa informacin en la que se observan las asociaciones de productos que compran los clientes conocidos como reglas de asociacin.En este curso vas a aprender a utilizar una de los principales algoritmos para determinar las reglas de asociacin de venta que establece la combinacin de productos que compran los clientes conocido como Anlisis de la Cesta de Compra (Market Basket Analytics) para que las estrategias de marketing ofrezcan combos, se distribuyan los layouts de exhibicin mostrando tales combinaciones, etc.Este tipo de estrategias son aplicadas practicamente en todo nuestro entorno, porque al visitar un sitio de compras nos ofrecen recomenciones de productos y eso lo realizan aplicando reglas de asociaciones segn perfiles e historial de clientes.Este tema te va a permitir calcular en R tales reglas de asociacin y poderlas mostrar en Dashboards en Microsoft Power BI, llevando el Business Intelligence a otro nivel porque estar integrado con Minera y Ciencia de Datos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Supercharge Your Body" |
"ATTENTION: To All Those Who Seek To Strengthen Their Immunity And Stay Healthy""Discover a Step-By-Step Plan To Boosting Your Immune System and Supercharge Your Body!""Finally! Gain More Time, More Energy, And Feel Free From Distractions!It is our understanding that many illnesses are now related to the health of our immune system.The immune system seems to be linked to so many aspects of our life.The food we eat, the quality of our sleep, and the level of stress are all things that are within our control to supercharge our body.Yet, not many know the secret nutrients that make a virus unwelcome in their body and help fight sickness off.Learn To Transform Your Body And Strengthen Your ImmunityMaintaining a healthy lifestyle is an advantage when it comes to strengthening our immune system.While most people adopt healthy behaviors when they are sick, you can create a lifestyle to be able to sustain your health and improve your immunity.Did you know that certain nutrients will push away viruses? The most astonishing finding on immunity is linked to food and nutrients.Food is essential to our body to work optimally.We get most of the nutrients and antioxidants we need from fruits and vegetables.You can learn about the most critical nutrients in your diet and help strengthen your immune system.Did You Know That Electronic Devices Can Be Addictive?The most astonishing finding of the impact of technology on our behavior and mind is how it stimulates the dopamine.Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for pleasure, desire, ambition, addiction, and sex drive.Research now shows that social media users experience a similar dopamine cycle as individuals who are addicted to alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs. Here's The SolutionIncreasing our understanding of how our immune system works and what you can do to boost your bodys immunity is key to succeeding in fighting sicknesses.Not only are we more likely to adopt healthier habits, but we are also more likely to change our lifestyle if we know what can sustain health.The immune system is linked to so many aspects of our life. The food we eat, the quality of our sleep, and the level of stress are all things that are within our control to supercharge our body. Thats why weve created a detailed and informative guide that will give you guidance on how YOU CAN fight harmful viruses and bacteria.We will provide you various steps that you can implement today to strengthen your immunity. We will explore the basics of our immune system, then discuss the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle and identify the foods you can add to your meal that will help you avoid sickness. We will then provide you with recommendations to manage your stress and increase your exercises while removing the toxins in your body. This guide will conclude with concrete medicines, recipes, and a 21-day plan that can help you put all that you've learned into practice.Im proud to introduce to you...SUPERCHARGE YOUR BODYA Step-By-Step Plan To Boosting Your Immune System"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Vertriebscontrolling mit Excel" |
"Allgemein""Wie sehen denn die Umstze aus"" ist eine der hufigsten Fragen, die die Geschftsfhrer ihre Vertriebsleiter und Key Account Manager fragen.Damit diese Rede und Antwort stehen knnen, sind sie auf den Support der Controller und deren Tools angewiesen.Es reicht nicht mehr nur die ""nackte"" Zahl in eine Excel-Tabelle mit den Abweichungen zu zeigen. Entscheidend sind aussagekrftige Tools vom operativen und strategischen Controlling.Hinzu kommt die Aufgabe, die strategische Bewertung von Kunden festzulegen.In diesem Excel-Kurs lernen Sie mehrere Tipps und Tricks fr Vorlagen, die Sie effektiv im Vertriebscontrolling einsetzen knnen.InhaltABC ChartsPotenzialanalyseScoring ModellKunden-PortfolioTages-Analysentzliche Excel-FormelnZustzlich erhalten Sie die fertigen Excel-Dateien zum ben und zur Vertiefung.Hinweis: Die Dateien wurden mit Excel 2016 erstellt, knnen aber auch bei einer vorigen Version angewendet werden. Die Umsetzung ist sehr hnlich."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"WORDPRESS Le Cours Complet (10 EN 1) + 11 ATELIERS 20H" |
"Ce Guide est une nouvelle dition entirement revue et actualise de Wordpress 5 paru en 2020 .Le cours sur la cration des sites web avec WORDPRESS et les Rseaux Sociaux le plus complet sur Udemy : comment russir la cration de votre site web et votre communication sur les rseaux sociaux avec 11 Ateliers pratiques. La rfrence depuis Janvier 2020 & MEILLEUR NOTE SUR UDEMY Cours jour + Accs vie + Des nouvelles vidos rgulirement : Dernire mise jour le 24/09/2020 (installation de CMS en mode local) SATISFAIT OU REMBOURS durant 30 jours !Sans ngliger le rle du marketing digital, je prsente un ensemble de techniques visant amliorer la visibilit et le trafic de votre site Wordpress et de votre prsence sur les rseaux sociaux, dans le but de dvelopper et de fidliser votre clientle. Au fil des sessions, je propose de crer le site de votre entreprise, didentifier les outils sur lesquels baser votre stratgie, dappliquer les mthodes permettant que lon vous trouve, de crer une dynamique autour de votre identit de marque, de faire en sorte que votre client devienne un ambassadeur de votre marque et, enfin, danalyser, de rajuster et doptimiser vos actions.Programme de mon Guide ultime sur les mdias sociaux pour WordPress :1 Installation et configuration de WordPressListe des meilleurs outilsServeur local et installationNom de domaine, serveurs et bases de donnesUtilisation et configuration des outils2 Programmation avec WordPressChoix et installation de templatesStyles CSS et personnalisation d'un templateGestion des catgories, des articles, des commentaires...Cration thmes graphiquesCration de plugins et dextensions3 Plugin avec WordPressChoix et installation de pluginConfiguration de plugins et dextensions4 WooCommerce avec WordPress Installation de WooCommerceCration de produitConfiguration des prixinstallation des plugin spcifique pour WooCommerce5 Lancer le rfrencement naturelBases de rfrencement naturelExtensions et plugins propres au SEORalisez un rel audit smantique pour dfinir la structure idale de votre siteOptimisez les rglages de base, ainsi que les extensions et les thmes de WordPressAcqurir une exprience professionnelle de l'utilisation de Google Analytics6 Lancer la publicit Facebook et instagram Ads Installation du Pixel FacebookMatriser ""Facebook Business Manager"" pour lancer vos campagnesCrer votre audience (tape par tape) grce ma stratgie de rechercheLancer une compagne sur Instagram Business Manager7 Crer des stories Instagram de niveau professionnelApplication de design graphique friendly-mobileMatrisez l'outil After Effect pour crer des stories Instagram comme un PRO8 Formation photoshop - initiationApprendre utiliser Photoshop pour les retouches d'images la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et russissez l'ensemble des quizz : obtenez votre certification lectronique insrer dans votre CV et profil LinkedIn.Dernire MAJ de la formation le 24/09/2020 : Mise jours avec la dernire version de WordPress 5.5.1 Installation de CMS en mode localComment faire de la publicit professionnelle sur Instagram ? (INSTAGRAM BUSINESS MANAGER)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Docker kubernetes with AWS:Containerize & Deploy" |
"This is a hands-on Docker and Kubernetes course clear concepts and practicalsAre you tired of sluggish web deployment methods and want a solid deployment solution this course is for you. Do you want to build production grade pipe line for automatically testing and deployment of your web app or software, this course is for you. This course explains all you need to know about following in HINDI/URDU LANGUAGE. DockerCI+CD WorkflowsAWS DeploymentKubernetes in ProductionIn this course is jam packed with all the concepts starting from docker to multi container app using kubernetes. This course is divided into following sections,.Section 1: IntroductionSection 2: Docker Client and Container ManipulationSection 3: Building Custom Images with Docker ServerSection 4: Making Real Project with DockerSection 5: Docker Compose with Multiple ContainersSection 6: Production Grade Work FlowSection 7: Integration and Deployment with AWSSection 8: Multi Container ApplicationSection 9: Dockerize Multiple ServicesSection 10: Continuous Integration Workflow forMultiple ImagesSection 11: Multi-Container Deployment to AWSSection 12: Now Lets Start KubernetesSection 13: Maintaining Sets of Containers withDeploymentsSection 14: Multi Container App with KubernetesThis is going to be your one stop shop for the deployment solution. Join now to one of the best course.***Please Note***This course comes with Udemy's 30 days Money Back guarantee, This is the deal you can never go wrongEnroll now and lets get started..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Amliorez votre orthographe grce aux dictes ERRATUM" |
"Apprenez la mthode ERRATUM (Katia Nugnes) pour vous amliorer en orthographe et en dicte. Enseignante certifie depuis 2008, fondatrice d'une chane YouTube ""Bien crire"" sur l'orthographe et la grammaire, j'ai conu cette mthode. Vous apprendrez celle-ci et ensuite vous l'appliquerez grce quatre dictes corriges. L'orthographe par les dictes ? Oui, mais, me direz-vous, vous connaissez dj pas mal de rgles sur la langue franaise, alors pourquoi approfondir ? Pourquoi faire des dictes, comme l'cole primaire ? Pourquoi pas se contenter d'apprendre des cours d'orthographe ? Parce qu'apprendre par cur des rgles sur la langue franaise -ce qui est pourtant ncessaire- ne suffit pas. En pratique, par la dicte, vous assimilez le point de langue perfectionner.Pourquoi est-ce si difficile de russir ses dictes ? Le problme est pourtant simple : quand on ne comprend pas bien la logique de la langue, on n'y arrive pas. La dicte, telle que prsente selon la mthode ERRATUM, le permet. Vous saurez quelles rgles vous ne matrisez pas, et vous aurez directement les informations pour les revoir. Vous n'avez plus suivre des cours interminables pour au final vous apercevoir que vous vous rappeliez dj parfaitement de la rgle. Pourquoi ne parvenez-vous pas diminuer vos nombre d'erreurs quand vous produisez un texte ? Sachez que vous ne tirez pas assez parti de ce que vous apprenez quand vous vous trompez !Pourtant, ce n'est pas si compliqu. Prenons une mthode performante (celle que j'ai cr, pratique avec mes lves et valide). Appliquons-la encore et encore.Prparez une feuille, un stylo, vous arriverez trs vite l'aspect pratique. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CA1-001 CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Practice Exam" |
"206 UNIQUE practice questions for CA1-001 CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CA1-001 CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Practice ExamTotal Questions : 206Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (154 of 206)"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Metodo Reflexiones De Gloria" |
"Bienvenidos amigos del mundoHoy te presento la historia y el desarrollo de mi Metodo de Reflexiones De GloriaUn metodo Creado Directamente por mi desde el 18 de octubre del 2014Cuando pude descubrir que realmente necesitaba una nueva forma de vivir y mejorar mis condiciones de vidaY fue asi como nacio mi metodo de Reflexiones de Gloria un metodo creado para transformar y mejorar en todos los aspectos la vida humana dando un conocimiento adquirido atravez de estudios y de investigaciones realizadas, de mis vivencias personales con miles de personas que tenian miles de comportamientos y problemas espirituales y Tras miles de congresos,conferencias,cursos y mucho mas pude lograr crearmi metodo el cual con solo 3 pasosCreer:Porque Creyendo se habre un campo infinito de posibilidades para lograr cambios profundos que realmente nos llevan a la evoluvion personal.Creer es avanzar hacia la seguridad ,estabilidad mental y fisica .Creer es obtener una vision de nosotros y de lo que podemos lograrCrear:Es maravillarnos de nosotros como seres creados especialmente en este universo,como complemento de todo lo creado .Crear es lo que podemos lograr todos a travez del tiempo y del espacio.Crear es mejorar ademas nuestras condiciones de vida.Creando nuevas formas de vivir y de sentir para mejorar y lograr abundancia .Material y espiritual.DesarrollarAl Desarrollarnos plenamente podemos usar la inteligencia,poder y sabiduria para lograr lo que nos propongamos.Y de esa forma ser armonizados e invencibles espiritualmentePorque de esa forma desarrollamos nuestro potencial usando de manera logica los pensamientos,las emociones,y todo cuanto queramosUsando de forma correcta el cerebro humano.Desarrollar es procesar cambios usando metodos nuevos que cambian nuestras costumbres viejas y asi modificamos la vida.Al desarrollar mejoramos nuestras condiciones porque desarrollar es lograr concretar todo cuanto ya hemos logrado en el plano material y espiritual.por eso al Crear Y Desarrollar pude obtener cambios reales y asi compartir mi experiencia personal de evolucion y de esa forma llegue a miles de personas en mas de 100 paises del mundo.Asi que te invito a conocer y disfrutar de mi metodo en todas las redes sociales donde estan todas mis reflexiones de vida."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
luwmbjkb |
".. 180 procreate ipad pro"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Arduino Deep Learning From Ground Up" |
"Welcome to the Arduino Deep Learning From Ground Up . We are going to embark on a very exciting journey together. We are going to learn how to build deep neural networks from scratch on our Arduino.We shall begin by learning the basics of deep learning with practical code showing each of the basic building blocks that end up making a giant deep neural network. All of this on our Arduino, both training and inference.As we begin to deal with large datasets we shall start training our neural networks on our computers and then deploying the the trained models on our microcontrollers. Due to the limited memory and processing power of Arduino we shall learn methods for quantizing our models before deploying them on our resource constrained Arduino without compromising the accuracy of our models.We shall also learn how to thoroughly take advantage of deep learning libraries such as Keras and Tensorflow as well as Arduino specific deep learning libraries such as TensorFlow Lite.By the end of this course you will be able to build neural networks from scratch without libraries, be able to master quantization methods for deploying neural networks on microcontrollers, be able to build deep learning Arduino projects for Image Classification, be able to build deep learning Arduino projects for gesture recognition,be able to build deep learning Arduino projects for speech recognition and so much more.If you are new to machine learning and deep learning, this course is for you. The course starts from the very basic building block of neural networks and teaches you how to build your own neural network using pure c code before we move on to see how to use readily available libraries.If you already have some experience with deep learning and want to see how to deploy models on Arduino you can also join this course. This course gives an in-depth training on the design methodology that needs to be adopted in order to be to deploy models on resource constrained Arduino.Sign up and lets start building some intelligent firmware."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"-: YouTube" |
"YouTube - . . - , , . . , , , . , , ""-: YouTube ""."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Video Editing Using Cyberlink PowerDirector 18 and 365" |
"Improve your videos using the latest PowerDirector Video editing software PowerDirector18 and PowerDirector 365 PowerDirector is a multi-award winning video editing software for beginners and professional video creators. With a subscription pack of PowerDirector 365 you can access all the new design packs, background music and sound effects which are updated every month! Perfect if you are a professional video creator or a YouTube entrepreneur. Power Director can be bought as a subscription where you can pay monthly or yearly , the current price is as little as 50 for the year which is very reasonable considering you get all the features and templates and free background music to use too, and they update these regularly. I have just downloaded the latest wedding pack for free. The modules I will be covering in my videos will be:Introduction Introducing the modules.1. Session 1 Making your first video, putting together some video clips, adding a title, adding some music and making an ending screen using a template.2. Session 2 Enhancing your video, such as changing the exposure, colour saturation and white balance. Using the pre-sets in the software and also using the manual controls to adjust and enhance your videos colour.3. Session 3 Adding your voice to your videos, how to use the voice over room, placement of your audio and adjusting the volume.4. Session 4 Adding Titles. Using Motion Graphics, and changing plain text, using special effects and motion to help your videos have impact.5. Session 5 Using the Shape Designer. Learn to use simple shapes to create stunning effects, make the shapes move, add shadows, add text, create speech bubbles, direction arrows, you can create stunning animations to create eye catching videos.6. Session 6 -Create animations using the PIP and particles. I will teach you how to use a png to enable it to move across your videos, changing direction and size and rotation using keyframes. Learn how to make animations using the templates in the software, add particles such as snow, stars, rain, fog, Santa, snowmen, there are many different particles to choose from and more can be downloaded from Directorzone for free.7. Session 6 -Part 2 Using Particles to Create Animations. Learn to make videos come alive with particles. By importing a png file you can animate it, the example I show you is how to make a spaceship image move across a video. I also show you how to make a Christmas Themed cartoon with moving snowman and snow falling used with the free particles that are available. There are many particles to choose from, stars, rain, snow fog, confetti for example. 8. Session 7- Using the Mask Designer . Learn to use the masks so you can enable a video to appear as part of a still image, such as tropical fish swimming inside a book, or live people inside a sand timer. This will get your creative juices flowing. 9. Session 8 -Creating a Slideshow Using the PowerDirector Templates. There are many stunning templates within the software and it is an easy process of selecting images and videos to appear in your slideshow. 10. Session 9 -Creating an Animation in the Paint Design Tool. The Paint Design tool is useful if you want to make educational videos, as it allows you to draw on the video such as arrows, or directions on a map. 11. Session 10 - Creating a Movie using the Magic Movie Wizard. The Magic Movie Wizard enables you to make a video very quickly with your clips, it is a short cut of making movies. 12. Session 11 - Theme Designer and Express Projects. Learn to use the Theme Designer to create stunning Videos around a Theme, such as a travel video, or a Christmas Video, sports video or a wedding video for example. There are many templates to choose from and they will add interest to your videos. 13. Session 12 - Making a Time Lapse. No need to use Lightroom or Photoshop to create a timelapse, you can create a timelapse with your images quickly in Power Director. 14. Session 13 - Using the Chroma Key with a Green Screen. Learn to change the background of your videos using the Chroma Key, remove a green screen to change the background. 15. Session 14 - Crop, Zoom and Pan. Add interest to your still images or videos using Crop Zoom and Pan. learn to focus in on an area in the image or video and create a zoom, pan or crop effect. 16. Session 14 Part 2 Crop Zoom and Pan through a Window . A creative way to add interest to a video by zooming in through a window to make it appear you are using a really powerful lens. 17. Session 15 Using and Editing 360 Videos. Learn to import, edit and produce 360 Videos, create the 'Little Planet' effect. I hope you decide to take this course, if you enjoy making videos, this course will help to take your videos to a whole new level.So sign up now.I Look forward to meeting you on the Udemy course. If you have any questions at all please feel free to message me. Best WishesTracey Ayre"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Canva Graphics Design Mastery 2020 For Everyone" |
"My name is Nafiul Alam Nayem, I have over 5 years of graphics design experience and I am very much excited to be your instructor. Welcome to the Canva Graphics Design Mastery 2020 For Everyone Course.In this course you will Learn 15+ Different Types Important Graphics Design In Canva With Step-By-Step Guideline for your brand or business or for your personal use! This course is actually for anyone because this course provides 15+ Essential practical projects do you want to create your own social media graphics, business card, logo, presentation, book cover, inspirational quote, landing page, pinterest pin, twitter header, youtube thumbnail facebook ad, poster, flyer, resume or something but you have no idea that how and where to begin? Do you want to control over of your branding but don't have enough time to learn any difficult software like Photoshop, gimp, or Illustrator? Have you already spent lots of time for searching how to learn graphics design in online? Want to create professional looking graphics in short time with free tools?If you answered yes to any of these questions, you're in the right place!I hope you will enjoy the course a lot. Because I will guide you every step in the easiest way. I believe that Your Satisfaction is My Success. So, stay connected for your best result.And please contact me anytime for additional questions/support. I'm always here to help you to achieve your learning goals and looking forward to your success. Now, go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you on the inside!You will get a Certificate of Completion when you finish the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Excel For Beginners! Top 30 Hottest Tutorials,Tips @ Tricks!" |
"If you were like me many years ago, you'd be terrified if someone asked you to do anything in excel! Custom Formatting? Formulas? Yikes!!! This very feeling is why I created Excel Made Easy - A Break down Step by Step Approach! With over 15 years of Excel Experience and 10 of those in Data Analysis each and every day, I know what the world of Excel can look like and its a beautiful one at that and with these skills is how I created Excel For Beginners - Top Tutorials, Tips and Tricks!I know what you're thinking - BUT WAQAR! Excel is so complicated and has so many hard to use tools! And My answer to that is You're right and wrong! Excel has many tools and they're all unique in the way they function but ""Excel Made Easy"" is taught in a way that allows you to take the complicated stuff, break it down and FULLY understand it before moving on. I built this course with the absolute beginner in mind and I ASSUME YOU KNOW NOTHING! With this approach I can guarantee that my course provides more value than you bargain for but never less.In this course, you'll learn Excel in the easiest way possible and I've kept it as affordable as possible for my students!Don't just take my word for it! See it first hand from Reviews by thousands of satisfied students!---------------------------Excellent course. I have just started a new job after a 2 year layoff and your course helped me remember a lot of what I had forgotten. Thank you. - RC---------------------------THE WAY THEY ARE UNDERSTANDING US IN VERY SIMPLE AND POLITE MANNER IS GOOD! - Himashu Sachdeva----------------------------I am planning to learn business analytics and wanted a quick refresher of Excel fundamentals. It is important to familiarize with the software, its functionality and features to make the most of it. I recommend it to anyone who wants to learn Excel. - Zahid ----------------------------clear teachings and very explanative presentation - Adejare Buhari Tope----------------------------What are you waiting for? Come join the thousands of students learning Excel in the easiest way possible on Udemy in HD.Your Instructor,Waqar"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IASP - Module 1: Staying Focussed and Noticing" |
"This is module 1 of my Improving Access to Sport Psychology program. I am aiming to bring high level sport psychology to the regional and national level athletes that are struggling to get access to high quality sport psychology. In this module you will learn to stay focussed on the present, deal with distractions, notice your thoughts, emotions, and body sensations, and teach yourself to stay relaxed when the pressure it on."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basic command line for IT Support . How to use cmd in window" |
"This Course will teach your usefully command line like : How to reboot timing or shutdown How to check if the user locked his/her account How to reset user Password How to map network drive How to find Serial Number of the assets How to find Hostname ( PC name ) of the assets How to find system infoHow to find your IP and DNS and Gateway almost useful shortcut"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA 200-301)" |
"This course is designed for candidates that want to attain the new CCNA 200-301 certification. Become well-rounded and take your skills to the next level with a course that goes beyond CCNA for your current career as well. CCNA 200-301 is the new industry standard networking certification for network administrators, engineers and data center operations"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"QuickBooks For Beginners: Fast Track Training" |
"QuickBooks For Beginners: Fast Track Training:Finally! You can now do it the easy way.Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Keep Accurate Records Of Your Finance With QuickBooks.Keeping accurate records is always a headache for most people.But what if there's a simple software to handle the job for you?If youve given this a thought and you want to find a solution.Then this will be the most important letter you will ever read.The Best Solution For Your Accounting NeedsUsed by over 20 million small businesses in the US alone, it is recognized to be the gold standard of accounting software.Presenting to you: QuickBooks.It is designed to be flexible and adaptable to a wide range of small businesses, including customized accounting versions tailored to specific business industries and niches.QuickBooks stands out as the best solution for your accounting needs and if you're not using it, then you're missing out big time.QuickBooks Owns 85% Market ShareBefore we go any further, let me give you some insights about QuickBooksQuickBooks is an innovative tool that was developed by the accounting giants Intuit.QuickBooks was developed to provide small and medium enterprises with affordable accounting solutions. It offers a sustainable to manage business finances.From the time QuickBooks was released, it has quickly been adopted by small business owners and become popular among business owners without any formal accounting training.QuickBooks has an 85% market share among small and medium business owners.In 2000, the Pro version of the software was released which made it possible for big and well established businesses to use the software.In May 2002 Intuit launched QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions for medium-sized businesses.Currently, QuickBooks has 74% of the market in the US alone.QuickBooks has over 50 000 accountants, CPAs and independent business consultants in its QuickBooks ProAdvisor program.Why You Need To Get Started Now:A stable, reliable and proven accounting solution.QuickBooks is customizable.Easy to upgrade to other plans as your business grows.QuickBooks is a comprehensive system.An affordable business tool.Introducing...Keep Accurate Records With QuickBooksGet Rid Of Your Accounting FrustrationsTheres nothing like this video series.Watch as I show you how to get started with QuickBooks.I reveal my best tips for using some unknown tactics that only a few elite few knows.You get to see everything. I explain everything to you.There will be no guesswork.All you need is just a short hour of your time to learn everything and youd be ready to get started with it instantly.Heres What Youll Discover Inside This Video Training:How to get started with QuickBooks.Learn how to get use to the interface and configure your settings.Learn how to create your entry and which features to select when doing it.Learn how to work with the settings when you add a record.How to quickly and easily save and retrieve your records.How to organize your reports logically and easily.How to use the configuration settings and organize your ideas properly.And so many more...------------------------------------------------------QuickBooks For Beginners: Fast Track Training:Section 1: Overview1 - OverviewSection 2: Plans and Pricing2 - AAA-Advisors-Attorneys-Accounts3 - Plans and Pricing4 - Advantages of The Cloud Based Version5 - Purchase of QB Online (Cloud)Section 3: Basics of QB Set Up6 - Basics of QB Set Up - Part 17 - Basics of QB Set Up - Part 28 - Basics of QB Set Up - Part 3Section 4: Installation of Mobile App9 - Installation of Mobile App10 - Mileage TrackingSection 5: Entering Sales & Expenses11 - Entering Sales By Desktop12 - Entering Sales By Mobile13 - Entering Expenses Paid In Desktop14 - Entering Expenses Paid on MobileSection 6: Capturing Receipts15 - Capturing Receipts16 - Organizing ReceiptsSection 7: Entering Customers & Invoices17 - Entering Customers18 - Entering Invoices Sent To Customers19 - Entering Invoices Paid By Customers20 - Entering Invoices Sent By Vendors21 - Entering Invoices Paid To VendorsSection 8: Conclusion22 - Conclusion"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
lte-planning |
" Optimization"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Applied Deep Learning with TensorFlow - A practical Approach" |
"Artificial Intelligence, deep learning, machine learning whatever youre doing if you dont understand it learn it. Because otherwise, youre going to be a dinosaur within 3 years. ~Mark CubanHow will You benefit from this Free Course?This course has one goal: Teaching you how Artificial Neural Networks work at a low level and how to implement them from scratch using TensorFlow.How are We going to do that?We will address all necessary theory behind artificial neural networks. This involves all processes and mathematical operations that are happening inside a neural network. Still, we won't focus on mathematics to much - rather on conceptual understanding of the processes.This is a very practical course. All theories will be put directly into practice. For this, we are going to use Python, some external libraries and TensorFlow - the most popular and advanced Deep Learning library.To summarize, you will learn:Mathematics and processes behind Artificial Neural NetworksBasic and more advanced functionalities of TensorFlowHow to implement Neural Networks in TensorFlow from scratch.High Demand for Deep Learning EngineersDeep Learning is a very young and exciting field and the best approach to what we can call genuine Artificial Intelligence. In the coming years, this technology will have a significant impact on society, industry, and our day to day lives, and change them for the better.On the one hand, we have these great opportunities, on the other hand, we may not be able to take advantage of these opportunities. This is because the number of people who can actually implement Deep Learning Solutions in practice is very limited.This shortage of qualified people with hands-on, practical knowledge slows down the progress of AI. At the same time companies skyrocket the salaries to acquire people with the right knowledge:There are about 300,000 AI practitioners and researchers worldwide, but millions of roles are available for people with these qualifications. A report by the Chinese technology company TecentShortage of AI-trained engineers and developers is persisting. Lack of skilled people is the number one bottleneck in the adoption of AI solutions. ""How Companies Are Putting AI to Work Through Deep Learning"", OReilly Report Paper, 2018While the average salary for a programmer is around $100,000 to $150,000, to make the big money you want to be an AI engineer with an avg. salary of $169,930 per year. Indeed,com, 2018"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Japan In-Depth Learning 2: Shinto and Buddhism" |
"Hi I'm Kana! I'm a national-licensed interpretive guide of Japan. I've been guiding over 10 years since 2009 all over Japan welcoming guests from around the world.Since my school days, it has been always clear that in order to understand anyone, whether he/she is from the same country or not, it is very important to understand what kind of philosophy he/she grew up with. It's true even when we try to understand someone in our own country, and it's very true when we try to understand people from different countries with different religious background and resulting different values and customs.Through my 10-year career as a guide, I've been always paying attention to what's common and what's different between my guests' culture and mine, and it has been always crucial to clearly explain the basic philosophy of Shinto and Buddhism for their deep appreciation of Japanese culture and arts.In this course, I explain the important philosophy of Shinto, Japanese Buddhism as a whole, and specifically Zen Buddhism, as they are indispensable to really understand people and culture of Japan.This course is recommended for those who are interested in Japan, those who are working for a Japanese corporation with Japanese boss/colleagues, those who are planning to visit Japan soon, and those who guide visitors to Japan."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Maitriser Excel travers les formules et fonctions Partie 1" |
"L'ancienne rgle 80/20 pour les logiciels - selon laquelle 80% des utilisateurs d'un programme n'utilisent que 20% des fonctionnalits d'un programme - ne s'applique pas Microsoft Excel. Au lieu de cela, ce programme fonctionne probablement selon ce que l'on pourrait appeler la rgle 95/5: 95% des utilisateurs d'Excel utilisent seulement 5% de la puissance du programme. D'un autre ct, la plupart des gens savent qu'ils pourraient tirer le meilleur parti d'Excel s'ils ne pouvaient que se familiariser avec la cration de formules et l'utilisation de fonctions. Malheureusement, ce ct d'Excel semble complexe et intimidant pour les non-initis, envelopp comme il l'est dans les mystres des mathmatiques, de la finance et du jargon impntrable des tableurs.Si cela ressemble la situation dans laquelle vous vous trouvez et si vous tes un homme daffaires qui doit utiliser Excel dans le cadre de votre travail au quotidien, vous tes au bon endroit. Dans cette vido de formation, je dmystifie la cration de formules de feuille de calcul et prsente la plus utile des nombreuses fonctions d'Excel d'une manire accessible et sans jargon.Cette formation vous prsente non seulement les fonctionnalits de cration de formules intermdiaires et avances d'Excel, mais il vous explique galement pourquoi ces fonctionnalits vous sont utiles et vous montre comment les utiliser dans des situations quotidiennes et des modles du monde rel.Cette formation fait tout cela avec des didacticiels simples et pas pas et de nombreux exemples pratiques et utiles destins directement aux utilisateurs professionnels.Je vous montre comment crer des formules utiles et puissantes partir de zro, donc aucune exprience avec les formules et les fonctions Excel n'est ncessaire.Contenu de la formation totale, reparti en 4 formations diffrentesCette formation est divise en quatre parties principales. Pour vous donner une vue d'ensemble avant de plonger, voici un rsum de ce que vous trouverez dans chaque partie: Partie 1, Matriser les plages et formules Excel: Cette partie vous expliquent tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la cration de formules dans Excel. En commenant par un examen approfondi des plages (cruciales pour la matrise des formules), cette partie traite galement des oprateurs, des expressions, des fonctionnalits de formule avances et des techniques de dpannage des formules. Partie 2, Exploiter le pouvoir des fonctions: les fonctions font passer vos formules au niveau suprieur et vous en apprendrez plus leur sujet dans la partie 2. Aprs avoir vu comment utiliser les fonctions dans vos formules, vous examinez les huit principales catgories de fonctions: texte, logique, informations, recherche, date, heure, mathmatiques et statistiques. Dans chaque cas, je vous explique comment utiliser les fonctions et vous donne de nombreux exemples pratiques qui vous montrent comment vous pouvez utiliser les fonctions dans des situations professionnelles quotidiennes. Partie 3, Construire des modles commerciaux - Cette partie examine les diffrentes facettes de la cration de modles commerciaux utiles et robustes. Vous apprendrez analyser des donnes avec des tableaux Excel et des tableaux croiss dynamiques, utiliser l'analyse par simulation et les fonctions de recherche d'objectifs et de scnarios d'Excel, utiliser de puissantes techniques d'analyse de rgression pour suivre les tendances et faire des prvisions, et utiliser le fonction de solveur incroyable pour rsoudre des problmes complexes. Partie 4, Cration de formules financires: Cette formation se termine avec plus de cadeaux d'affaires lis l'excution de la magie financire avec Excel. Vous apprenez des techniques et des fonctions pour amortir les prts, analyser les investissements et utiliser l'actualisation pour l'analyse des affaires et des flux de trsorerie."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"156-110 Check Point Security Principles Associate Exam" |
"98 UNIQUE practice questions for 156-110 Check Point Security Principles Associate ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 156-110 Check Point Security Principles Associate ExamTotal Questions : 98Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (73 of 98)"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Ingls" |
"Alm do foco na CONVERSAO, sero usados, textos, udios, vdeos e outros materiais diversos e interativos em nossas aulas. Voc tambm ter atividades - homework, material extra, msicas em ingls com letras, video aulas de ingls, tpicos para redao, entre outras tarefas para serem feitas entre as aulas. Ao final do Nvel Bsico, o aluno estar capacitado a se expressar utilizando estruturas gramaticais do passado simples, a descrever aes em andamento e a fazer planos e previses para o futuro. Praticar em situaes do cotidiano descritivas, comparativas, e ser capaz de expressar desejos e fazer distines de quantidade."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |