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"berzeugend prsentieren - auch online" |
"Lerne, wie du richtig berzeugende (Online-)Vortrge hltst und leicht ber deine Themen in Webinaren oder Videos redest.Prsentiere deine Themen berzeugend, logisch und spannend.Rede mit einem roten Faden, begeisternd und auf den Punkt.berzeuge auf der analogen und digitalen Bhne.Prsentieren sind so eine Sache fr sich Wenige lieben es. Selbstndige mssen es immer mal wieder - bei Kunden, auf Veranstaltungen, in Webinaren, Trainings oder Videos.Wie gehe ich das Ganze jetzt an? Und was, wenn ich das nicht so gut hinkriege?Und dann kommen dir vielleicht auch die Glanzleistungen vergangener Jahre in den Sinn. War das damals bld in der Schule, der Uni oder die ersten Prsentationen im Job Kenne ich auch.Ist auch kein Wunder: berzeugend prsentieren lernen wir nicht in der Schule.Das haben wir uns dann oft bei Anderen abgeguckt - nicht immer die besten Vorbilder.Dabei gibt es einfache Kniffe und gute Techniken, damit dein Vortrag oder dein Video begeistert und berzeugt - online wie offline. Ja auch berzeugt! Denn in Vortrgen und Videos steckt riesiges Potential. Mit einem Talk kannst du richtig viele Menschen erreichen und so viele neue Interessenten gewinnen und auf deine Expertise aufmerksam machen.Also... Machen wir das ab jetzt mal in gut und berzeugend - fr das Reden vor Menschen und der Kamera.Mit einer guten Vorbereitung, einer starken Botschaft, mega Einleitungsstzen (Nein nicht das Herzlich Willkommen blabala), einer coolen PowerPoint und einem starken letzten Eindruck wird das fr dich einfach und vor allem richtig gut. Und in den Hauptteil spinnen wir einen roten Faden und bauen Fakten und Stories ein.Hast du Lust, berzeugend Prsentieren zu lernen - auch online? Auf gehts!LERNE IM KURS, WIE DU RICHTIG BERZEUGENDE (ONLINE-)VORTRGE HLTST UND LEICHT BER DEINE THEMEN IN WEBINAREN ODER VIDEOS REDEST.Wie du deine Prsentationen richtig gut und schnell vorbereitest.Wie du PowerPoint-Folien erstellst, die wirklich begeistern.Mit welchen Worten du dein Publikum von Anfang bis Ende vom Hocker reit und auch so dass sie dann auch deine Kunden werden wollen.Wie du deine Inhalte logisch mit Argumenten und spannend mit Storytelling erstellt.Was du bei Online-Prsentationen anders machen solltest.WIE WRE ES,...WENN DU GENAU WEISST, WIE DU BERZEUGEND, SPANNEND UND LOGISCH DEINE THEMEN IN WEBINAREN, VORTRGEN ODER TRAININGS PRSENTIERSTWENN DU LEICHT AUF DER ANALOGEN ODER DIGITALEN BHNE NEUE KUNDEN GEWINNST?WENN EINEN KLAREN PLAN HAST, WIE DU DEINE VORTRGE VORBEREITEST UND SO VIEL ZEIT UND NERVEN SPARST?Und, wer bin ich berhaupt?Hey, ich bin Bianca und ich zeige Selbstndigen, wie sie mit starken Worten begeistern und berzeugen ob in Textform, bei einem Vortrag oder in Videos.Ich liebe Worte, Sprache und Reden. Von mir hrst du sehr selten nur 3-Wort-Stze. Ich mag Adjektive, Wortschpfungen und Humor. Was ich nicht mag, ist Geschwurbel, man msste mal und Fachspeech, wo ich erst ein Expertenstudium fr brauche. Nebenbei finde ich es schade, wenn Menschen nicht gut prsentieren knnen. Wenn sie ihre coolen Themen nicht stark, verstndlich und logisch rberbringen knnen. Oder wenn ich schon am Anfang gelangweilt bin.In diesem Workshop bekommst du mein ganzes Wissen aus vielen Trainings und der Uni. Prsentations-Praxis i.S.v. Handwerkszeug aus fast 20 Jahren auf der (digitalen und analogen) Bhne kommen obendrauf und sind mehr als das Sahnehubchen. DIE MODULE IM BERBLICKModul 1Wie du dein Thema, Ziel und deine Botschaft findest.Wieso du deine Zuhrerschaft im Blick haben solltest und wie das geht.Ob online oder offline Das musst du vorab ebenfalls checken.Modul 2Welche Prsentationsmittel du nutzen kannst und solltest.ber die Grundregeln beim Prsentieren mit PowerPoint.Wie du deine PowerPoint-Folien aufhbscht.Modul 3Wieso deine ersten Stze beim Prsentieren znden mssen.Wie dir ein guter und fesselnder Einstieg gelingt.Praktische Ideen fr Knaller-Einleitungsstze in Videos und Vortrgen.Modul 4So bekommt dein Hauptteil einen roten Faden und Struktur.Wie du mit Storytelling Menschen berhren kannst und wie es geht.Wie du mit deinen Videos und Vortrgen auch smart verkaufst.Modul 5Prsentationen beenden ODER: ..weil der letzte Eindruck bleibt.Was in einen starken Schluss deiner Prsentation oder deines Videos gehrt.Wie du am Ende einen starken Schluss-Punkt setzt.Modul 6Warum online Prsentieren etwas anders ist.So berzeugst du mit anderen Prsentationstechniken auch auf der virtuellen Bhne.Tipps fr coole Online-Prsentationen.Modul 7Warum du Zeit fr die finale Vorbereitung investieren solltest.Wie du dich selbst richtig gut und easy vorbereitest und so besser schlafen kannst.Welche Techniken dir fr deine Vorbereitung helfen.ON Top3 Lektionen aus dem Mini-Training ""berzeugend Prsentieren - auch online""das STARK mit WORTEN E-Book: Wie du verstndlich, begeisternd & souvern prsentierst. (Wert 17 EUR netto).Und das gibt es im Detail fr DICH...7 Module plus Bonusmodul13 Videos (insgesamt 3 Stunden Videomaterial)5 Worksheets mit Checklisten und 6 Prsentationendas STARK mit WORTEN E-Book: Reden. Auftreten. Prsentieren.3 zustzliche Lektionen aus dem Mini-Trainingunlimitierter Kurszugriff direkt nach Zahlungseingangfreie Zeiteinteilung "
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Libretas Personalizadas" |
"En este CURSO aprenders cmo realizar padrsimas libretas personalizadas, trabajaremos desde como preparar tus diseos en la computadora para imprimir, que materiales y herramientas debes utilizar, armaremos 2 libretas engargoladas y 2 libretas en las que no necesitas herramientas, tambin te mostrar como tomar fotografas tipo Pinterest o Instagram para tener xito en tus redes."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Bir Kazanana Dnmek in Kendini Kefet !" |
"Neden baz insanlar dierlerinden daha baarl olurlar? Hi dndnz m? nk onlar, ""Baarnn evrensel kurallarn"" hayatlarnda devreye sokmay bilmilerdir... yi haber u ki, baarl olmak da, tm beceriler gibi renilebilir bir niteliktir.Hemen hepimiz baarl olmak isteriz, bunun iin de bitmek bilmeyen bir 'YAPILACAKLAR' listemiz vardr. Ancak belki de sorun buradadr...Baarl insanlarn da, irketlerin de yaplacaklar listesinden daha ok nem verdii ey YAPILMAYACAKLAR listesidir. nk Mkemmellik, ekleyecek bir ey kalmadnda deil, karlacak bir ey kalmadnda gerekleirYani onlar, neleri yapmamalar gerektiini, nelere zaman harcamamalar gerektiini, neleri arlk yapmamalar gerektiini iyi bildikleri iin tm odaklarn tutkularna vermeyi baarm ve birer KAZANAN olmulardr?Birok insan, yapmamas gerekenleri hayatndan karmad iin bir trl kalc bir deiim yaratamaz. nk nce yapmamas gereken, ya da yapt halde ie yaramayan alkanlklardan kurtulmas gerekir. Hatta bu irketler iin de geerlidir. Yaplacak yeni eyler bulmann tesinde, ihtiyacmz olan neleri yapmamamz gerektiidir. Bizi arlatran, atalet halinde kalmamza sebep olan ve hedeflerimize doru mesafe kat etmemizi engelleyen aslnda yapmamamz gerekenlerdir. Bu kimi zaman duygular, kimi zaman davranlardr.Kurs boyunca; Ataletten nasl kurtulunur?Kazanan insanlar nelerden uzak durur, nelere zaman harcamaz, neleri yapmamay tercih eder? Kazanan insanlar neler yaparlar, alkanlklar nelerdir? Bu alkanlklar herhangi bir insan hayatna nasl entegre eder? z disiplin nasl yaratlr?Motivasyon nasl srekli hale getirilir ve iindeki potansiyeli nasl aa karlr?Hayat amac nasl kefedilir? Gelecee ilikin vizyon nasl yaratlr?Hedefler nasl belirlenir, ajanda nasl ynetilir ve gnlk rutin haline nasl getirilir?Yaadklarmza doru anlamlar nasl ykleriz?Kazananlarn bak alar nasldr?Gibi sorulara ve baarl olmak iin ok daha fazlasna yantlar bulacaz. Ve bu kursta rendiklerini uygulamaya karar verirsen, sen de mutlaka bir KAZANANA dneceksin. Hazrsan balayalm :)"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Descubriendo Mi Propsito De Vida" |
"Nuestro programa ""Descubriendo Mi Propsito De Vida"", es un curso en video en el que te llevamos en un emocionante viaje interior de autoconocimiento a travs de 7 mdulos donde trabajamos a profundidad los principales aspectos que te llevarn a descubrir ese propsito personal de vida, que te sirva de gua, inspiracin y punto de partida al rededor del cual construir un proyecto de vida exitoso que te permita alcanzar la felicidad y realizacin que te mereces y viniste a buscar."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Introduo a usinagem de materiais" |
"Ola!Esse um curso de introduo a usinagem de materiais. Um curso voltado a quem est decidindo se vai ou no iniciar sua carreira na rea de usinagem ou posteriormente ingressar em um curso tcnico.Neste curso voc ter algumas noes tericas e bsicas sobre os processos mais utilizados para a produo de componentes para a indstria, bem como alguns materiais de referncia.Ateno: Nada substitui a prtica. Se aps o curso voc realmente se interessou pela rea e quer atuar como um profissional da rea de usinagem, recomendo que voc se aperfeioe e busque fazer um curso profissionalizante ou tcnico para ampliar seus conhecimentos."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"En este curso se van a crear proyectos de control de circuitos mediante aplicaciones mviles Android por medio de la frecuencia Bluetooth.Las aplicaciones sern realizadas en java con Android Studio, y utilizaremos el microcontrolador ESP32 con BluetoothSerial.Tendremos una introduccin al ESP32, breve y con documentos de apoyo, para que empieces con este increible microcontrolador.Aprenders a utilizar los sensores de tu dispositivo Android para controlar tus circuitos, as como la voz."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Essential English Grammar Important subjects in detail" |
"This course is to learn all the English grammar fast and in-depth for Beginner (and intermediate) level which means all the grammar you need to understand, speak and write in English including most of the verb tenses, adjectives, different sentence structures, and etc.The course language is English which will help you practice your comprehension and listening"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Matrices for Class 12 (XII) - CBSE & NCERT" |
"In this course, we will learn about Matrices for CBSE board student based on NCERT syllabus. We will be covering Order of a Matrix, Equality, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Application of Matrix Multiplication, Types of Matrices, Problems based on PMI, Transpose, Symmetric and Skew Symmetric Matrix. I will also be solving some important question and I will give you some assignment question for your self practice. If you cover entire course thoroughly and solve assignment questions, you can get very good score in your CBSE XII board, NDA Entrance as well as JEE Main.On completion of course, you will able to do every questions of matrices from any reference books.Enjoy Learning :-)"
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Kurs Matematyki Do Matury Podstawowej" |
"Niezbdnik kadego maturzysty, przyspieszony kurs do matury podstawowej!Jako i matematyka jest moj pasj a sam przerobiem praktycznie wszystkie arkusze maturalne z matematyki ktre odbyy si w latach 2000-2019 oraz pomogem wielu osobom zda matur z matematyki, opracowaem ten kurs na podstawie swoich dowiadcze! Zawiera on nie tylko lekcje zagadnie maturalnych, wytumaczone prostym jzykiem, tak aby kady by w stanie zrozumie, ale take doczone do kadego dziau TYPOWE ZADANIA MATURALNE, czyli zadania ktre powtarzaj si na maturach z matematyki, wszystkie z rozwizaniami! Jeli poznacie schematy rozwizywania zada, ktre od lat pojawiaj si w arkuszach, wasz wynik na maturze moe si podnie nawet o kilkadziesit procent!Do kursu wybieraem zadania ktre od lat powtarzaj si na maturach z matematyki i za pewne bd powtarza si w przyszoci!Zatem jeli chcesz wiedzie jakich zada moesz si spodziewa na swojej maturze z matematyki, zapisz si ju dzi na mj kurs dostpny w cenie mniej wicej JEDNEJ godziny korepetycji z matematyki, w ktrym otrzymujesz 15 godzin konkretnej wiedzy, w tym 4-5 godzin rozwizywania zada powtarzajcych si na maturach - dokadny PRZEPIS na to jak zda matur z matematyki!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"CATIA V5 In-depth knowledge" |
"Often various students face dilemma regarding the correct way to kick start their career. MechDesign helps such students achieve these objectives by providing a blend of domain knowledge and the usage of software tools & technologies in every stage of product life-cycle.Most engineering students learn basic tools but they don't have in-depth knowledge of neither tool nor domain.In this course you will get knowledge in depth knowledge of CATIA tools, If you have know about CATIA tools, you can take up our advanced course about Automotive domain knowledge."
Price: 6720.00 ![]() |
"Introduccin a la enseanza de idiomas" |
"Este curso esta dirigido a docentes de idiomas con poca o sin experiencia que quieran adentrarse en el mundo de la enseanza digital. Este curso te ofrecer todas las nociones necesarias para planificar una leccin multimedia efectiva. Te ensearemos tanto como captar nuevos estudiantes y cmo planificar una clase utilizando el mtodo comunicativo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SAP 2000 Structural Design of Concrete Frame Building." |
"This course titled "" SAP 200 Structural Design of Frame-Buildings"" teaches you all the things required for the structural analysis and design of Concrete Frame buildings. This course doesn't require you to have any prior experience in this software or any other structural design software. It will teach all the aspects of the software in detail; so that you can best understand the software. Once you complete this course, you will have all the necessary knowledge to do the structural design of a building via SAP2000. You can do the structural design of buildings on your own projects.This course includes:1) Design methods of Beams, Columns, Slabs, and Foundation. Theoretically background and practical examples (Videos, articles, and Excel sheets).2) Full explanations of SAP2000 tools.3) Eurocode 2 (European standards)."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Crea tu sitio web con Wordpress sin programar. Gua completa" |
"Aprende cmo funciona WordPress, desde su instalacin hasta su publicacin en Internet. Crea pginas, agrega entradas, instala y configura plugins, cambia de tema, ajusta a tu medida la configuracin inicial de tu sitio web y ms. En este curso aprenders lo necesario para poder lanzar en internet tu primer sitio web."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"(Complete) Python course for Beginner to Intermediate 2020" |
"Welcome programmers and developers.In this course, you are going to learn python 3.X programming language from scratch. Not just learning, but also you will get lots of assignment question statements and quizzes to clear your concepts, ideas, and doubts in this language. The course was composed of lots of python concepts videos along with amazing examples. The assignments and quizzes are created in such a way that it will strengthen your logic and discover how to interpret problem statements in various approaches. All the essential basic implementation of Python concepts is covered, but some of the concepts are uncovered here so I have provided you all the resources through which you will acquire untouched python topics. Each module consists of separate short videos with some resources. I am using Python 3.X updated version of the entire course module to teach you all updated syntax which was introduced in the python. Since this course is not excessively long, but I assure you after completing this course you will able to create tonnes of python program more awesomely and logically. Though this is a beginner course still, I have provided all the necessary resources which make you complete python programmer.What will I do after completing this course?Go for more advanced in python.Go for web programming in python.Go for Data Science in Python.Go for Machine Learning or AI.Course road mapIntroduction and installation.Variables and data-types.Numbers, string, list.conditional statements, break, continue, pass.functions and lambda expression.Data-Structure in python (advanced list, sets, tuples, dictionaries, del, queue, stack).Class, error-handling, file handling in python.Goodbye and tips (documentation reading, StackOverflow, HackerRank, CodeChef, ...)."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Impara a pronunciare il fonema R ""erre""" |
"Il corso Rotacismo ha lobiettivo di aiutarti a migliorare la tua capacit comunicativa attraverso la correzione del fonema R (""erre""). Quante volte ti sei sentito in difficolt nellesprimere il tuo pensiero, mortificato da offese e prese in giro per la tua ""erre moscia, inibito da questa imperfezione o costretto a ripetere perch non chiaro nella pronuncia?Con il corso Rotacismo porrai fine a tutto ci ed acquisirai, attraverso spiegazioni, esercizi, prove ed autovalutazioni lautomatismo corretto del suono R.Nel mondo del lavoro e nella sfera privata, farsi comprendere bene permette di: rendere lascolto piacevole e migliorare la tua capacit verbale di agire sugli altri ampliare la propria capacit comunicativa che ti far apprezzare e rispettare maggiormente dagli altri prevenire situazioni di imbarazzo e mortificazione aumentare lautostima"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Learn to code: Making games in Unity 3D" |
"Welcome To Learning To Code: Game Development in Unity!This course was created specifically to help kids in grade 6-12 get started coding by learning a REAL programming language (and a really popular one... C#) by making REAL games!Real Coding?Yes! We will be programming our game in a language called C#. C# is used to create everything from data driven web apps, business applications, Artificial Intelligence, and of course, to make awesome games!Real Games?Yes... Real games! Unity 3D is an industry standard game development engine used by millions to make games that can be published to Xbox Live, the Microsoft Store, Steam, Android Play Store, Apple App Store.... the list goes on. You can even develop cutting edge VR and AR games.But my kid (and/or I) have never coded anything before...Perfect! This course takes you from the very beginning, installing your IDE (integrated development environment) which is a fancy name for where we'll do all of our coding... which by the way... is COMPLETELY FREE* and bring you all the way from opening unity for the first time, to publishing your own awesome game!Have a bit of coding experience? Great! we'll add some formal concepts and practical experience to what you already know and help you bring your skill to the next level!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Start your Career in SAP" |
"This course talks about how to start your career in SAP. SAP jobs are highly paid and also highly demanding. It is very important to understand what are the Job opportunities available. So this course will navigate you on the same and also helps you to use the methodology to get prepared for that. This can be taken by anyone how likes to switch into SAP with any qualification and also any experience."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"How to wear Japanese kimono?" |
"7This course is for the beginners to wear Japanese kimono.You can learn how to wear kimono and how to tie 2 types of obi (sash).In addition, you can learn how to choose kimono for each occasions. There are 7 types of kimono and 2 types of obi in this lecture."
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
kakhvalit |
", . . . , . , . , . , . ."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Healthy Sushi Course For Beginners By Sushi Lovers" |
"In this course you will learn how to make Sushi in the comfort of your own kitchen. Once you have completed this course, youll be able to create delicious sushi and impress everyone.We are very passionate in sharing this information with you so you can learn how to make your own sushi and follow us step by step from the preparation till the end.We would like to express our appreciation for choosing us and provide you with our BONUS SUSHI BURGER and how to make it.You will also lern the secret rice vinegar recipe we never shared before."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn MS Excel In Hindi" |
"Learn MS Excel In HindiCreating and Editing Pivot tables.Apply basic and advance calculation formulae.Apply basic and advance formatting tools.Apply Reference formulae & Lookup Formulae.Apply Date and Helping Formulae.Apply Array functions and Basic Macro Recording.This includes Application course as well which covers various practical situations.By Doing all of this, We are 100% sure that you will be a Pro/ an Expert in Microsoft Excel.You will be able to Prepare Dashboards, MIS, Various Reports.You will be able to work on Automation projects.You will also get Certificate of Completion."
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Triathlon Swimming Course" |
"If you do want to reach your personal bests, if you want to have fun, challenging, but rewarding races, it's going to take a little hard work. But much more importantly, you're going to have to be smart. Triathlon isn't a sport for dummies. Learn from the combined experience and work of coaches who have competed and trained for decades. We've created the ""Ultimate Triathlon Swimming"" course., which includes 2 hours of 4k video modules. We've studied the fine details of elite swimmers from around the world, and throughout time. We've examined the science, and tested out conventional wisdom. We discovered some surprising things that make big differences. We found things some coaches still teach are modern-day myths. Our team includes a former Olympian, and 12 time medalist at elite Triathlon races. We've wrapped it all into one, comprehensive course that covers the technique and strategy designed to get you the best results, using the least energy. Our course is divided up into the following sections:Anatomy of Freestyle Technique:The Stroke CycleEntry and ExtensionThe CatchThe PullRecoveryBreathing TechniqueThe Triathlon KickStroke CadenceHow to Correct Common Problems:PitchYawRollDrills:ScullingSide GlideOne Arm StrokeAlternating Arms w/KickboardTarzanShark FinFingertip DragAdapting to Open Water:What are the Challenges?How to Swim SafelyThe ResetAdapting to Cold WaterDealing with Traffic and Learning how to DraftDealing with Waves and the SunPacingWater ExitTransitionEquipment:Equipment ChecklistWhat you need to know about WetsuitsHow to choose gogglesTraining equipment"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Making Remote Life Work" |
"Are you new to remote work and unsure how to best navigate this virtual, stay-at-home life? Why try to figure it out on your own when there are research-based strategies and skills you can use to feel more stable and connected to others in a 100% virtual world? In this course, youll learn how to take care of yourself while also making and maintaining meaningful connections with your colleagues as a remote worker. You are in great hands with the course instructor, Dr. Victoria Mattingly, an organizational psychologist who is trained in the science of improving the human experience at work. Not only does Dr. Mattingly deliver this content to her corporate clients via live webinars and virtual workshops, but she has also personally LIVED the #remotelife experience herself.Like all the best lessons in life, she learned the hard way about the detrimental effects of not taking care of yourself, having proper boundaries, and maintaining meaningful relationships with others as a remote worker. She burned out as a result...bad. She's since learned through research and personal practice how to be healthy and THRIVING as a remote worker. It's since been her personal mission to help others not repeat her previous mistakes...while drawing from organizational science, interweaving research-based best practices with her personal take and experiences. In this course, you will learn evidence-based strategies for taking care of yourself as a remote employee, how to effectively communicate virtually with others, and how to best collaborate with your team in a business world that has been turned upside down by COVID-19."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Write, Edit and Publish A Book in 100 Days" |
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Work from home Teaching English Online" |
"How to start teaching English online and start making money. It is based on real life examples. How profitable is teaching online? How to make money teaching English online. Practical teaching methods. How to start conversations and keep them going. Which websites are good teaching resources. How important is TEFL certification? Dose one require a degree at a university to teach online English? Where you can find jobs teaching English online. Arranging your classroom. Teaching English online is fun and extremely rewarding."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Conoscere ed amministrare Tomcat" |
"Tomcat un prodotto open source completo, versatile ed allo stesso tempo alla portata di chiunque voglia imparare.Con questo corso imparerete ad utilizzare e soprattutto a capire Tomcat. Capire qual' la differenza con i prodotti concorrenti e capire quali sono le caratteristiche vincenti ed a volte uniche di Tomcat.Il corso si apre con una trattazione delle definizioni di applicazione client-server, applicazione web e continua con una completa disamina dei prodotti destinati a supportare applicazioni web.Poi si passa a Tomcat ed alla sua installazione su Windows e su Linux seguita dalla installazione di Java.La restante parte del corso accompagna gli studenti nelle attivit di amministrazione del server Tomcat. Viene fornito anche un esempio completo di una applicazione Tomcat molto nota e diffusa.Una nota importante: il corso non un corso di sviluppo software. E' un corso di conoscenza, uso ed amministrazione di Tomcat. Per chi vuole sviluppare software per Tomcat, questo corso comunque un passo preliminare per comprendere l'aspetto sistemistico di Tomcat.L'insegnante a disposizione degli studenti per dubbi, domande commenti ed approfondimenti."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Conceptual Fundamentals - LBO Modeling" |
"Street of Walls is a website which provides useful private equity instruction- how to do a paper LBO. This course is meant to be at the intermediate level - assuming you understand basic financials - and goes well with Street of Walls. This course focuses on the nuances and particulars of the LBO rather than rehashing everything you already know; this is simply perfect for interview preparation and making an impression. The walk through of a paper LBO on excel is particularly useful practice for those who are interviewing or even those in the industry who have been doing more thematic research and want a refresher on certain concepts."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Top 3 Strategies to be Resilient in Times of Change" |
"How comfortable are you with change? Do shifts in how things are make you uneasy, scared, nervous? Like most people, change and changing times is not your favorite thing but lets face it: thats the world we live in! Wouldnt it be great if you could find ways to amp up your resilience to change so that you not only survive but thrive in changing times!In this informative and engaging session, Dr. Steve Yacovelli (""The Gay Leadership Dude"") takes you through what he's discovered to be the Top 3 Strategies to be Resilient in Times of Change. From how you view the world around you to managing the ambiguous, you'll leave with concrete tips and strategies to make you more resilient when change comes a-knocking!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Criao de api com nodeJs e Aspnet core." |
"E a desenvolvedor(Master , aspira ou seja Dev) como voc est ? espero que bem. O trabalho remoto se tornou uma realidade e as empresas esto cada vez mais buscando profissionais que possuam as noes bsicas nas principais tecnologias de mercado, esse um curso de reciclagem pra voc que que assim como eu no tem tempo a perder com tutoriais sem fim, vamos abordar de maneira prtica e rpida as principais tecnologias de mercado e construir aplicaes robustas utilizando e simples ... A ideia que ao final do curso voc tenha total capacidade e familiaridade com tecnologias como git,nodejs ,express , .net Core , docker , dockerfile, dockercompose , mongodb e sql. Ento bora Codar!"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Ansiedad: cmo manejar la ansiedad para el da a da" |
"En este curso vas a aprender los conceptos psicolgicos bsicos que te harn falta para conocer todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la ansiedad y cmo manejarla. A travs del contenido del curso irs profundizando en algunos conceptos psicolgicos necesarios de entender si queremos entender cmo funciona nuestra ansiedad, por qu sentimos ansiedad y por qu supone un problema."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Teams for Business Users" |
"You don't need to watch 5+ hours of Microsoft Teams Training to learn all you need to know about this Workplace Application without wasting your valuable time.At Competitive Computing Consultants, we train Microsoft Teams to hundreds of organizations. Now you can get our Enterprise Level Training for yourself.Learn how to communicate, collaborate and work effectively and efficiently using Microsoft Teams. Whether you are working with others, or on your own, Microsoft Teams allows you to stay connected with your colleagues, partners, customers, and your work documents from a centralized Collaboration Hub. This course will focus on the features and capabilities that let you focus on your day to day work activities from any where, on any device, at any time.Part 1: Tour and NavigationPart 2: Create a Team, Manage a Team, Channels and TabsPart 3: Activity and Chat ViewPart 4: Calendar View and MeetingsPart 5: Calls View, Files View, Ellipses, Searching, Command Bar Shortcuts, and SettingsPart 6: Teams Mobile App"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |