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"Reduce las rabietas al mnimo y pon lmites con respeto" |
"Tienes un hijo entre 1 y 5 aos y te preocupa que se enfade por cualquier motivo y sin saber por qu, que algo normal y cotidiano como vestirse, comer o lavarse los dientes se convierta en una rabieta? Te agobia que rompa o tire cosas cuando algo no le sale como quiere?Te pasa que cuando tu hijo tiene una rabieta desearas estar lo ms lejos posible? Te cuesta mucho empatizar con tu hijo cuando est en plena rabieta, sobre todo si estis en un lugar pblico?Hay nios que, por temperamento, se enfadan con cierta facilidad. Puede que cuando tu hijo se enfada tire sus juguetes, golpee objetos o intente pegarte, se tire al suelo y grite, llore o patalee. O quiz tu hijo, adems, se golpee a s mismo, y eso te preocupe un montn, como es natural.A lo mejor describiras a tu hijo, entre otras cosas, como cabezota, o como un nio que siempre tiene el no en la boca. Tal vez en este momento tu hijo se pasa el da desafindote y poniendo a prueba tus lmites.Y despus de un largo da de trabajo, y de todas las obligaciones que an te quedan en casa, aguantar una rabieta tras otras agota tu paciencia y pierdes los nervios. Puede ser que grites, que digas cosas de las que luego te arrepientes y te sientas culpable, pero en ese momento no puedes evitarlo. A todas nos ha pasado.A veces tu hijo est jugando, le das avisos de que va a tener que ponerse a cenar, pero no te sirve de nada. La cosa siempre acaba en rabieta. O le dices que no a algo que quiere y monta en clera.Y muchas veces no sabes si te ests pasando de permisiva cuando le dejas seguir viendo la tele a pesar de que tiene que ponerse a cenar, o de autoritaria si le castigas, le amenazas con privarle de ver sus dibujos preferidos el prximo da, o lo mandas a su habitacin. Realmente no sabes muy bien cmo poner el lmite, ni siquiera cul es el lmite correcto.Es posible que creas que ya lo has intentado todo y nada sirve. O quiz te sientas confusa y culpable, y pienses que no lo ests haciendo muy bien, pero no sabes qu otra cosa hacer.La verdad es que un nio cuyas rabietas no se gestionan de forma adecuada puede llegar a convertirse en el nio tirano y malcriado que todas las madres tememos, lo cual le puede dificultar mucho su vida social. Es el nio que no aprende empata y cree que siempre tiene que ganar a costa de que los dems pierdan.Y, por otra parte, a un nio sin lmites, o con lmites difusos, le costar mucho desarrollar autodisciplina y autocontrol. Puede llegar a ser muy catico.En el curso ""Reduce las rabietas al mnimo y pon lmites con respeto"" te doy todas las herramientas que conozco y que ya han usado con xito casi 500 madres para que aprendas a gestionar con eficacia las rabietas de tu hijo y le pongas lmites respetuosos.Para nios de 1-5 aos."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Evoluciona tu Chip, que el dinero se esfuerce, no t..." |
"Este curso est diseado para crear una cultura, evolucionar tu manera de pensar, ya que hoy en da hay una ideologa muy arraigada entre las familias, donde trabajan para conseguir dinero para sus necesidades bsicas, pagar escuelas de los menores, pagar cuentas, y si les queda dinero, en el mejor de los casos, ahorran. Y no es que estn mal, a muchas familias les funciona, el problema es que los precios aumentan y los sueldos son los mismos, eso sin considerar que los trabajos son cada vez menos seguros, porque hay una dura verdad hoy en da, nadie es indispensable en un empleo, y siempre habr alguien que haga lo mismo que t haces con un sueldo menor.Los gastos en la familia nunca terminan, y tienden a aumentar conforme los menores van creciendo. Cmo anticiparse a todo eso? Cmo vas a tener un ingreso suficiente y fijo para solventar los gastos futuros? Cmo te puedes anticipar a gastos fortuitos como una emergencia mdica?Se puede lograr? Claro que se puede! No es fcil ya que requiere disciplina, pero el resultado al final te dar independencia econmica, pero, sobre todo, una tranquilidad y paz ya que el dinero estar trabajando para ti!"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Spiritual Coach Certification (Accredited)" |
"Students who complete this course will receive an official life coach CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy. This course is also accredited by internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency (Provider No: 50134), and 10 CPD/CEU credits are available upon request.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries.We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.The course also has a thriving Facebook networking group. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Elevate your coaching to the next level of meaning and impact as a Certified Spiritual Coach. Are you a purpose-driven life coach (or want to be)? Do you want to help your life coaching clients create a life of fulfillment and connection? Do you want to create a thriving spiritually-based life coaching business?Join this Spiritual Coach Certification course and become a spiritual coach. Learn how to tap into levels of the self that elevate your life coaching to levels of connection that go beyond the norm, with the use of your intuitive awareness and applying spiritual rituals for success.Whether your clients are working toward goals in their career, their relationships, or their personal or spiritual growth, you will learn how to bring a higher level of spirituality, alignment, and balance to their lives, connect to the clarity into what is needed to lead clients more productively into success, while experiencing deeper levels of connection and meaning in your coaching sessions.By awakening your own spirituality and mastery through the exercises in this course, you will develop a congruent way to lead your clients to their own alignment, spirituality, success and mastery.This unique spiritual coach training program eloquently incorporates practical life coaching strategies while integrating spirituality, the soul, spirit, and energy that goes beyond the physical. It empowers people to awaken their unique spiritual soul gifts and engages the deeper driving forces of living on purpose. This course will guide you into creating and starting your career as a Spiritual Coach, or it can guide you into accelerating your current business.In this course you will learn: How to use spirituality to transform your own life and the lives of your clients The elemental aspects of the self that need to be brought to balance to succeed in life and as a life coach How to discover and identify your gifts and to lead on purpose and with clarity How to name, craft, package, price and design your Signature Spiritual Coaching Program How to organize essential logistics for your spiritual coaching business, success and freedom.Emily is highly sought after spiritual coach and her clients pay as much as $30,000 for a one week one-on-one retreat with her. Others pay $12,000 for her one-on-one coaching packages. So, why would anyone pay this much for her coaching? Because she gets results for her clients and she has helped many clients create 6 and 7 figure businesses. And why is this relevant to you? Because in this course she teaches how SHE incorporates spirituality and connects to guidance and aligns herself and her business in a way that creates abundance and guides clients to real, transformative results and a life of greater self-alignment.WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: Incorporate spirituality to transform your own life while at the same time learn practical steps and knowledge to become a powerful and successful Spiritual coach. Use a spiritual and psychological process for developing elemental aspects of the self to bring yourself into balance, in order to be a congruent spiritual coach, and use this process to lead clients into lasting transformations. Discover and identify your personal spiritual gifts to lead on purpose and with clarity. Name, craft, package, and design your Signature Spiritual Coaching Program. Organize essential logistics for business, success and freedom in your spiritual coaching practice. Incorporate spirituality to connect with clients beyond the logic, by tapping into intuitive awareness. Set a price point that creates and sustains a lucrative, freedom-based career.WHO THIS IS FORRegardless if you are starting or adding to your current coaching business, this is for you if you value spirituality in your life and are ready to step into a meaningful and profound career that leads others into alignment, success, and freedom, while creating your financial freedom.You are spiritually connected and intuitive or have a heightened awareness and are ready to use this to help others.You are driven by purposeYou are ready to create a lucrative, freedom-based career that leaves a positive imprint on peoples lives as a spiritual coach.You want to incorporate spirituality to help people connect to their own purpose, soul, and alignment and guide them into creating a life of fulfillment and connection.Upon completion, you will earn an official Spiritual Coach Certification from Transformation Academy.Who are we:This course is brought to you by Transformation Academy and instructors Joeel & Natalie, who are life coach trainers with over 300,000+ students from 195 countries. They are excited to have collaborated with instructor Emily Rivera, aka The Angel Coach, to bring you this Spiritual Coach Certification.Emily Rivera is a national speaker, trainer, coach and intuitive practitioner who has guided countless individuals and groups across the United States on a journey towards self-discovery. Through Emilys seminars and individual sessions, participants learn to identify and understand guidance and unlock the power of their personal intuition to better create the life of their dreams. From showing clients how to tune into their spirituality, innate intuition, sharing techniques for attracting and fostering healthy relationships and encouraging the release of mental barriers. Through her spiritual coaching practice Emily addresses the Mind-Body-Spirit paradigm with a focus on strengthening the power one has to live a life full of abundance and joy. Emily Rivera is also a certified Angel Healing Practitioner and author on Angels Guidance who has dedicated her life to the service of sharing the messages, guidance, tools and love of Spirit.We look forward to seen you in Spiritual Coach Certification and helping your transform lives."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Practical Guide to Docker for Absolute Beginners" |
"Docker is one of the most prominent technologies for developers and it wide acceptance has made life very easy programmers and administrators alike. Docker has become a hot topic for many businesses and developers and we have worked hard to create a beginners guide to this amazing technology.Today, running apps in containers rather than a virtual machine has become popular. Going by history, container technology has outpaced every other technology in the software industry. And in its heart lies the Docker! Docker allows users to easily pack, distribute, and manage applications within containers.Why To Learn Docker?With Docker, creating, deploying and running applications by using containers become very easy. Whereas, containers help developers to run applications on any Linux machine regardless of any customized settings.Because of several benefits, toady almost all IT & cloud companies have adopted Docker. Already, over 3.5 million apps have been placed in containers using Docker technology & over 37 billion containerized applications have been downloaded. Another survey states that the application container market is expected to reach $3.4 Billion by the year 2021.All the facts & benefits of these technologies, indeed, provide ample of opportunities for all the developers having skills in it.What You Will Learn With This Course?To give you complete in-depth knowledge of Docker & containers, we have curated this course that will cover all the essential topics of these technologies. It will unfold with a basic introduction and then it will teach you about the set up along with important concepts.These concepts will cover Container, Docker Architecture, Docker Commands, Docker Hub, Networking in Docker, Building & Distributing Images, Managing Images, Container Management, Docker Swarm, & so much more. In the end, you will also find a project for a thorough understanding of all the core concepts.This Course Includes:Introduction Docker & SetupDocker Concepts- Docker at Build-time & Run-time, Docker Architecture, Docker Hub, Docker Commands & Creation, Containers Ports & Executing commandsNetworking in Docker- Overview of Networking concepts, Working with Networking containersStorage in Docker- Overview of Storage concepts, Volumes & StorageDocker FileBuilding & Distributing Images- Building Container Images, Multistage BuildsManaging Images, Container ManagementDocker Compose, Docker Swarm (Orchestration)If you dont have an in-depth understanding of these technologies and want to cash in on all the opportunities, then dont worry - this course will help you learn everything about Docker & containers, that too in-detail!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Deep Learning :The Complete Guide with CNN and ANN" |
"Within the AI ecosystem, Deep Neural Network or CNN are the most popular sub-fields that promise to change multiple businesses globally. Moreover, a tremendous interest in CNN has emerged in recent years. It is mostly because of its property of spatial in variance that is useful for computer vision and other similar tasks. Probably this is why CNN has managed to become one of the hottest topics of artificial intelligence.To give you a complete understanding of this concept, we have curated this exclusive online tutorial that will help you learn all the aspects of Deep Neural Network or CNN and Artificial neural nets (ANN)What Youll Learn?This course unfolds with the basic intro of Deep Learning and then directly jumps into CoLab & other essential tools of Neural Networks & Artificial Neural Network. As it progresses, it will give you detailed insights into architectures of CNN, convolutional layers, fully connected layers, and training a deep neural network. In the end, it is also supported by a project that entirely revolves around Deep Neural Network & CNN.This Course Includes:l Intro- Deep Learning, CoLab,l Neural Networks- Working, APIs, Architecture, Training & Testingl Artificial Neural Networks- Working, Learning, Gradient Descent, Backpropagation, SGD, Optimizationl CNN- Architectures, Convolutional Layers, Pooling, Fully Connected Layers, Activation Functions, Training Deep Neural Networksl Project on Deep Neural Network & CNNBegin with this course to learn CNN & harness the true power of Deep Learning!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Tu currculum para el xito en 7 PASOS" |
"Te presento un mtodo en 7 pasos que te permitirn de forma fcil redactar un buen currculum para conseguir una entrevista de trabajo. Tanto si vas a redactar tu currculum por primera vez como si quieres mejorarlo para tener ms xito, mediante este curso, podrs incrementar tus posibilidades de xito. Este curso est basado en mi experiencia como seleccionador de personal, y tambin te permitir crear un plan de accin que te facilite el proceso de bsqueda de empleo, utilizar estrategias para impactar al reclutador y que te seleccionen para la entrevista de trabajo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Program Management" |
"If you are project manager and looking to take your project management career to next level? Then you should take this course. This course is not have any relation with programmimg. A program manager is part of senior leadership. This course defines the role and duties of a program manager. The difference between project and program manager. Also you can learn what necessary skills you need to become succesfull program manager. You will also find worksheets for program managers."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Hypnosis Without Words the Nonverbal Hypnosis Induction" |
"Learn how to hypnotize anyone without using words this technique was created and developed by a Marx Howell a Texas Police officer for using hypnosis in forensic investigation. This technique is very unique as because it is nonverbal you can hypnotize people who speak a different language and deaf people.You will also discover that it is amazingly easy to use once you learn the steps as each step builds on the previous one just like each suggestion builds on the previous one in normal hypnotic inductions as each suggestion accepted strengthens the previous suggestion.Nonverbal inductions are very good for using with nervous clients as it is not necessary to tell them that they are going to be hypnotized by asking would they be willing to go along with you non verbally, but more about that in the training.Non verbal hypnosis is also excellent for hypnotic demonstrations because of the nature of the induction as it looks quite dramatic to watch and has a high success rate because it was developed to work with nervous and anxious people during a police investigation.Now while this is a nonverbal induction there will be some words spoken but these are just to gain compliance and agreement to engage in the process.And as for the spoken words I will demonstrate to you how you will get around any difficulties of getting compliance with a deaf person or someone who speaks a foreign language.This hypnosis induction will be such a useful tool to have to help people change their lives rapidly.What will you learn.1. Step By Step approach to Hypnotizing anyone nonverbal2. How to Hypnotize a deaf person or someone who speaks a foreign language 3. Demonstration of a nonverbal hypnosis induction 4. Second demonstration of nonverbal induction which was actually the first time I tried it and decided to film it to add more pressure on myself.Hypnosis Downloads to improve your Hypnotic confidenceAnxiety relief Hypnosis. mp3 Assertiveness Hypnosis for Confidence. mp3 Becoming Successful Hypnosis. mp3 Deep Sleep Now. mp3 having a positive attitude. mp3 No More Panic attacks Hypnosis. mp3"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Norwegian Grammar A2 - B2 (Bergenstesten)" |
"This Norwegian grammar covers what is needed to pass formal Norwegian language tests from A2 to B2/C1 level. This is the perfect companion to your online Norwegian courses. For A1 students it might be a little difficult since the spoken language in the videos are in Norwegian. Any student from A2 and upward will understand the spoken language in the videos. The course starts with the very basic grammars and covers more advanced topics as the student progresses. After each section there are links to exercises connected to the subject taught. There are also links to other external resources covering the same subject. This is useful in case you need the subject explained in a slightly different manner. This is also good for repetition of the subjects."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Scrum Master Certification Training & PSM1 Sample Exams" |
"If you've been desperately looking for Scrum Master Certification Training (PSM1) And Practice Exam Questions and you are tired of taking courses with no examples, confusing curriculum, vague explanations, then enrolling and completing this program might be one of the best career decisions you've made this year. ...and before I tell you why let me first introduce myself...Hi, My name is Vladimir Raykov and I'm a certified Scrum Master (PSM1) and Product Owner (PSPO1) who works in a software development company. During the last year, I've been obsessed with learning and implementing the Scrum Framework. As a result, I managed to pass the PSM1 exam with a score of 96.3% on the first try. I'd love to share my experience and knowledge so you can achieve even better results. Currently, I teach over 60000 students and have received over 2000 positive reviews.WHO IS THIS COURSE FORI designed this course for people who want to...Add the PSM1 Certification to their CV. Master the Scrum Framework.Refresh their Scrum Knowledge.The course is complete and It leaves no room for failure. By the end of it, you will feel confident in your Scrum knowledge. You will have a perfect understanding of the Scrum Framework and its rules, roles, events, and artifacts.SCRUM MASTER TRENDS REPORT STATSThe median salary is $98,239 and it goes as high as $150.000.LinkedIn included Scrum Master in its 2019 Most Promising Jobs list.In 2018, Glassdoor continues to include Scrum Master in its list of highest-paying jobs.But most importantly after they surveyed 2100 participants, they found out that Scrum Masters with certification were having higher earning power than those without.HOW IS THIS COURSE ORGANIZEDI organized the course in a way that each section is a focus area on your exam. Here is just a glimpse of what you will learn inside...Section 1 - Scrum TheoryThe difference between Adaptive & Predictive approaches to developmentWhat is Scrum and a high-level overviewThe 5 Scrum Values and what they mean in the real worldThe Agile manifesto and the 12 Agile principlesThe concepts of Iterative & Incremental DevelopmentSection 2 - Scrum RolesThe concepts of Cross-Functionality & Self-OrganizationCharacteristics of the Scrum Master RoleCharacteristics of the Development Team RoleCharacteristics of the Product Owner RoleSection 3 - Scrum EventsThe Agile Concept ""Timeboxing"" ExplainedThe Sprint and its main purposeSprint Planning and answering the two questions - what & howDaily Scrum (a key inspect & adapt meeting for the development team)Sprint Review and why feedback is critically importantSprint Retrospective (the driver of continuous improvement).The concept of ""feedback Loops""Section 4 - Scrum ArtifactsThe Product Backlog (The ""Living"" Artifact)The Sprint Backlog (when does it emerge, who is responsible for it, what happens with the PBIs that are not complete)The Increment (the relationship between the Increment and the Product Backlog, who decides to release it, in what condition should it be)The Definition Of Done (who crafts it and why, is it mandatory, can it change)The Definition Of Ready (the secret weapon of high-performing Scrum Teams)Section 5 - Scrum ArtifactsWhat are Story Points and how do we use themThe Planning Poker activity (we use it to eliminate the Anchoring Bias)Burndown vs Burnup ChartsThe Cone Of Uncertainty and what it showsThe concept of Technical Debt & Code RefactoringSection 6 - Scrum Example (The Agile Company Intelligent Web Solutions helps a Chiropractic Clinic Build a Conversion-Focused Website)Introduction to the #1 software development tool used by Agile teams - JIRAHow to create a Product BacklogHow to create a Sprint BacklogHow to write User StoriesHow to assign tasksHow to write the Sprint GoalHow to set the duration of a SprintAn example of high-priority process improvement and how the Scrum Master resolves impedimentsAn example of Definition Of Done (plus updates)An example of Acceptance CriteriaThe difference between the Definition Of Done and Acceptance CriteriaSection 7 - Scrum ArtifactsTop reasons why people fail the PSM1 examination and solutionsScrum Rules that never change no matter the circumstancesRecommended Resources - Free Practice Exams plus 2 of my favorite books (you don't need to read them to pass the exam)Section 8 - Practice Exams (A Total Of 160 High-Quality Questions)Practice Exam #1 (80 Questions - 60 minutes - Passing Score 85%)Practice Exam #2 (80 Questions - 60 minutes - Passing Score 85%)You can take these exams multiple times as the questions and answers are randomized. WHAT DO OTHER STUDENTS SAY ABOUT VLADIMIR'S WORK? ""I passed in 24 hours! I bought this course August 9th at around 8:30AM, finished the course around 9:30PM (yes, I still enjoyed my Sunday and went to the beach from 1pm to 4pm)..."" - Byram Beza""This is the best course I saw in Udemy for PSM-1 certification exam preparation. I enrolled for multiple courses, but this is the best out of all others. This course is far better than many other PSM-1 courses with the tag ""Best sellers"". Trainer has very good clarity and understanding of the course content and subject in the context. This course has good amount of share in my success in getting the certification in first attempt. I definitely recommend this course for everyone at all levels from beginners to experts. Wish you all the very best."" - Srinivas Andukuri ""I have started studying on 1st Week of May 2020, enrolled in this course on 15th May 2020 and took my exam on 29th May 2020 and passed with 96,3%. Vladimir is clearly explaining the Scrum concepts and myths. He was also very much interactive in Q&A to clear your doubts regards to PSM 1..."" - Sanjutha Ravindraku ""It was really a great course. Instructor elaborated everything perfectly. Video Quality was so nice and the instructing method was up to mark. Though I am new to Scrum side, I understand everything well. I will highly recommend this course to everyone either beginners who want to understand the basic knowledge of scrum or experienced who want to attempt PSM."" - Taimur Ahmad(A Personal Message): ""Hey Vladimir - I have passed the PSM 1 exam and scored 96.3% on my first attempt. Thank you very much for helping me through your course."" - Partho Choudhary ""Highly recommend the course for professional aspiring to take up PSM 1. The course content is very well-structured & every section is recapped at the end. Great job Vladimir"" - Animesh Mishra Vladimir Raykov is the best instructor on Udemy. Introspective, insightful, and inspiring come to mind when taking this course. If you're not motivated after hearing him speak, I don't know what will make you feel that way. I don't say this about everyone but Vladimir Raykov clearly knows what he is talking about and I highly suggest people look at his other courses as well for more enlightenment :) Young In ""This course is well enough for the understanding and preparation of PSM1 exam. Course is built on scrum guide with real and clear explanations. Good work by Vladimir. By the way, I passed this exam by following this course and grab 96.3%."" - Edi Amin""I passed the PSM 1 certification on the first attempt! Vladimir's course was brilliant and helped me to understand the key concepts required to answer some of the most complex questions in the exam."" - Brook ChalmersDO I GET A GUARANTEE?You can enroll now 100% risk-free because you receive 30 days, unconditional money-back guarantee.If for any reason you are not satisfied (and that might be something as simple as you don't like my accent) - no problem, you are one click away from a refund.No hassle, no hard feelings!Go ahead and click the Buy Now button right now and lets awaken the Scrum Master within almost instantly!-------------------------------------------------------------------------Legal Information and Disclaimer.*Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum dot org.The content of this course and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum dot org.Attribution and Use for The Scrum Guide and NexusGuide:This course uses screenshots from the Scrum Guide and the Nexus Guide to point the attention of the student to important concepts, ideas, rules, and practices.The authors of the Scrum Guide are Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland.The Nexus Guide is developed and sustained by Ken Schwaber and Scrum dot orgNo changes have been made to the content of the Scrum Guide and the Nexus Guide."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Grow & Scale a High-Ticket Service Business - 1. Design" |
"You know how most service businesses struggle to launch because they can't generate enough cash? It's a constant battle between getting new clients and charging a rate that doesn't scare them away. Charge too much and no one buys. But charge too little and you're doing almost free work. That's not the strategy to a successful company.Imagine instead that you had an offering that was generating a ton of cash. There's no trade-off between sales and price. You're the premium offering and everyone knows it. They hand over the cash to you gladly to buy what you're selling. In addition, you're not killing yourself with loads of work you don't get paid for. In fact, you've designed your business in a way that pays you even when you're not working.I want to show you how.In this course, we're going to cover how to design a High-Ticket Program - the perfect ""sweet spot"" between product and service that allows you to work like it's a product, but get paid like it's a service.We cover:What you need to get startedWhat is a High-Ticket Program?Business models that work, and those that don'tHow to price your servicesCreating a ""big outcome"" that your customers desperately wantDesigning a process that makes you the expert and the obvious choice for your customerScaling delivery so you don't run out of time with just a few customersHow to ensure your customer actually gets results with your programThe course is designed in a case-study format. We'll be using 3 different types of businesses throughout so you can see exactly how each of these principles is applied.You'll also have a self-guided implementation project where you apply these principles to your own business, step-by-step just like we cover in the course.At the end, you'll have the outline of a High-Ticket Program that will drive cash into your business and value to your customers. Because a successful business generates both: value and cash."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"PMP : Crossover Management Consultancy PMI 15 PfMP, PMP, PMI-ACP, PMI-RMP"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How To Design & Conduct Interviews for Qualitative Research" |
"In this introductory level course, you will learn how to design and conduct interviews. You will learn the benefits of interviewing your participants and common challenges you can face during an interview. You will also learn how to write questions, the different formats an interview can take, and what your role should be during an interview (just how much should you be talking?). At the end, you will have a basic handle on how to prepare for, and conduct, an interview, and you will be ready to go out into the field!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Arduino Social Distance Detector to fight COVID-19" |
">>> This course will take you in a step by step guide on how to make your own Arduino Social Distance Detector. <<<Social distancing is the new way of life globally. make your social distance detector at home and maintain social distancing while you are out in around people, a simple cost-effective device with a step by step explanation on how to make it.This device will turn on a sound alarm when you are less than 6 feet away from people around you. A bright LED glows when the alarm beeps, and you can add a buzzer to make sure that people will hear the alarm sound when they are close to you and this will remind them to keep a distance.This Could be A lifesaver device if you used it wisely.Welcome to this course.You will get to know how to wire each of these elements, how it works, and why we are using it inside this Project, in no time you will find yourself making your own Arduino Social Distance Detector that detects different objects (People around you) and the distance between you and each object.An Arduino Social Distance Detector is a device that collects data related to objects (People) in the surrounding environment using distance sensors that covers a wide area.The aim is to make a portable Social Distance Detector that helps protect lives Features it should haveDistanceDetect different objectsYou will wire sensors and other electronic components to Arduino UNO board and start testing the code yourself, every piece of code is well explained so that you can easily know what each segment does.A lot of information is waiting for you inside this course, join now and start making your own."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Business Fundamentals: Business Strategy 2 Business Plan" |
"Business Fundamentals: Business Strategy 2 (MBA) Business Plan - Take your Business Planning to the next level!Welcome to the Business Strategy 2 Business Plan Course - which will enable you to understand Business Strategy to MBA level AND create a comprehensive Business Plan simultaneously as you take the course. Everything you need is here teaching you Business Plan writing with our detailed template. A comprehensive easy to follow course to improve your Business management.Discover Business Strategy to MBA standard - from an MBA (with Distinction from Cass Business School, London) - and simultaneously create a comprehensive Business Plan guided by an award winning 30 year London Investment Banker.I guarantee that this is a unique course: the only course that teaches you Business Strategy and shows you how to create your Business Plan - at the same time! The 21 Assignments in this course draw on John's unique experience, including bespoke strategic exercises of his own which you will not see anywhere else. Step by Step following the incredibly detailed Business Plan template, John will guide you to apply the Business Strategy lessons to create your Business Plan. These will help any students of all levels and in any industry. This course has over 160 lectures, over 14 and a half hours of detailed instructional video and nearly 180 downloadable materials (available from a dropbox link you will find at the start of the course). Despite its complexity, John has created a detailed course matrix for you to use to navigate through the course and understand the synthesis of Business Strategy 2 Business Plan. There are over 20 Assignments to make the course fun and highly interactive. The 2 Quizzes will challenge you too! Every section has an introductory video explaining the learning objectives and lessons in that section.Following 8 years as a British Army Officer, John started his 30 year+ investment banking career in 1988 and since then he has floated companies, bought and sold companies in M&A deals, raised capital from Venture Capital and Private Equity. John was awarded the Tallow Chandler's Prize for the Best Dissertation in his year when graduating with his MBA (with Distinction) in 1993 from Cass Business School in London. John has transacted deals worth well over $1billion in his career as a senior Investment Banker for Westdeutschelandesbank, Societe General and Security Pacific Hoare Govett. He has also co-founded two London Investment Banking Boutiques. In his career, John has advised dozens of companies on their Business Strategy as well as reading (and writing for his clients) hundreds of Business Plans. In addition, John has two degrees (BA and MA) from Cambridge University. Its hard to think of a more experienced or better qualified instructor to teach this topic on Udemy or anywhere else!In this Course you will discover:The connections between Business Strategy, Corporate Strategy and your Business PlanUnderstand the main frameworks for Strategic Analysis and be able to complete a SWOT AnalysisDiscover some of the Key Strategic Business Models taught at Business School, providing you with a toolbox of frameworks to apply to your Business Strategy formulationLearn to think critically about the role of Management and their skillsHow to create a competitive advantage for Products and ServicesUse classic business models to evaluate your CompetitionHow to conduct an industry wide analysis of your Markets and CompetitorsReview your business's Operations, with a close eye on Customer ManagementUse my templated scorecards to do a SWOT analysis on your own businessThe importance of your Customers and your Customer Value PropositionFrameworks to maximise your return from your investment in Sales and Marketing How to transform your online Digital Business StrategyUnderstand the three main financial Statements, the Income Statement or Profit and Loss Account, the Balance Sheet and the Cash Flow Statement and how they fit together.To understand the key Financial Ratios that apply to the Income Statement, the Balance Sheet and the Cash Flow Statement to enable you to interpret the financial information in these statements.Use a real Case Study to analyse real financial information using Financial Ratio AnalysisExercise to evaluate the achievability of your Strategic Goals when compared to your predicted rates of growthFrameworks to incorporate Performance Management into your Business Strategy and Business PlanGrowth Strategies to help your Business Strategy execution, also incorporating your Business PlanUnderstand what factors are important to your Investors, specifically Valuation, Funding, Exits and ReturnsHow to incorporate a Risk Assessment into your PlanningFinally we show you how to synthesise your complete Business Plan from the lessons, assignments and templates in the courseThis course is COMPREHENSIVE and enables you to benefit from John's real world Investment Banking and Business Strategy experience. NO ONE ELSE has shown the experience required to create a course of this complexity and value, teaching you MBA level Business Strategy and showing you how to practically apply that knowledge in creating your Business Plan - in the same course at the same time.I am totally confident that this course offers you a TOTALLY UNIQUE EXPERIENCE AND OPPORTUNITY and one which will enable you to create an amazing Business Plan while developing a deep understanding of Business Strategy.Take this Course today - Click the Add to Cart Button now Best regards from us bothJoe and John"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Define and Sequence Activities (PMI - PMP)" |
"The Define and Sequence Activities (PMI - PMP) is course 9 of 28 of the Project Management Professional Certification Program (PMI-PMP). The course is aligned with the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK6) developed by the Project Management Institute (PMI).It's time to talk schedule. After all, what project can run without a proper schedule, right? This course covers two key activities that you need to do when creating a schedule. The first is to identify the activities that will need to take place during the project. And the second is putting all those activities into a logical sequence that helps you create a schedule network diagram, which is the foundation of your schedule.1. Project Schedule Management Processes 2. The Plan Schedule Management Process 3. The Schedule Management Plan4. Inputs to Define Activities5. Tools and Techniques to Define Activities6. Defining Activities for Small and Large Projects 7. The Activity List and Activity Attributes8. The Milestone List9. The Sequence Activities Process10. Inputs to Sequence Activities11. Types of Dependencies12. The Precedence Diagramming Method13. Exercise: Plan, Define, and Sequence ActivitiesThats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Master In Yoga Chakras Harmonic Alignment Teacher Diploma" |
"Thanks for your interest to learn and practice this program Master In Yoga Chakras Harmonic Alignment Teacher Diploma.The word chakra comes from the sanskrit meaning wheel or circle. In this program were are going to focus in the mayor seven chakras or wheels from the base of your spine to the top of your head. The function of each of the chakras is to spin and rotate and keep the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical body all in alignment. When we get sick or ill, it is a sign that one or more of the chakras is out of alignment.Is an energy you have but dont see. Is part of your holographic field which other energy bodies co-exist like the aura.As a sound healer and a certified yoga and holistic practitioner, I want to share my technique Master In Yoga Chakras Harmonic Alignment Teacher Diploma as part of my creation CHA Method which Ive been use with my patients, in my presentations and with myself.Its VERY important to have this information because I always say is more powerful when you combine the information and the practice together.This is an important STEP in your healing journey because healing is about revitalizing and regenerative process that can occur on emotional, spiritual and physical level. Its different from curing, because cure refers to complete biological resolution of a disease state.Thats why HEALING is so important and popular these days because you are preventing a disease.Here you are going to learn and practice a lot. I put ALL MY KNOWLEDGE in a simple but a powerful way to you.If your are a yoga student or a holistic enthusiast, or a sound healing lover, or a yoga teacher, or a holistic and alternative medicine practitioner, or just curious about this information, this is the program to start.You are going to receive valuable information about the chakra system and how to start and - ALSO GIVE TO OTHERS - the Chakras Harmonic Alignment Method - as I founded as the CHA Method - in this program with yoga, meditation, sound healing, mantras, mudras and more.Your are going to watch me doing and explain the yoga routines for each chakra which you can learn and practice and teach to others. Also your will learn different techniques to heal the chakras with my exercises and techniques like mantras, specific meditations, breathing exercises, visualizations and more.Please REMEMBER - after your final assignment - you are going to receive my beautiful DIPLOMA to display in your practice or as a presentation for your portfolio if you want to start sessions for others.Im glad you are part of this conscious movement to heal yourself and ultimate be an agent to heal other. I need more people like you because TOGETHER we will create a world we want to live."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Galatians - 6 Life Lessons - For Effective Transformation!" |
"Tony Robbins is an icon within the Personal Development Industry. Nearly everyone who has read any books on the subject can miss out at least one of his. Apart from his accomplishments, one thing that fascinates me about him is the respect he accords to people like Jim Rohn and Napoleon Hill. This Letter to the Galatians is filled with examples of Paul's humility, bravery, and depth of scriptural understanding. This journey through this course will aid your own maturity in God, increase your ability to live a life worthy of Him and increase your personal development level. We cover the Historical features of the Letter, Chapter by Chapter Summary, and 6 Life Lessons for your spiritual enrichment. If you want to learn about humility so that others can mention you as an example so that you can be listed with people like Tony Robin and the Great Apostle Paul then this book study is a tremendous aid.Recent Review from a previous course:# ""I took this course over a year ago and I come back to it now and again for a refresher. What is taught is clear and in little pieces, so we can understand the meaning of the scripture. But, as I said he is a good place to return to whenever you need a lift, clarification, or just closeness to the Lord."" - Andrea Philpotts # ""I have I have had great Enlightenment with this course"" - Edward Max Mosher# ""I have heard our instructor before and he is excellent."" - Florence Taber-Brown"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sistema para Controle de Cobranas com PDO" |
"O curso completo de controle de cobranas com PDO e Ajax possui 60 aulas, neste curso o aluno vai aprender a criar um sistema completo para gesto financeira com cobranas, contas receber, contas pagar, movimentaes, gesto de pagamentos e muito mais, este curso um dos cursos que compem o sistema para escritrios de advocacia, para quem tiver interesse em montar o sistema de advocacia existem dois pr-requisitos que so os cursos de sistemas com pdo e sistema para escritrios."
Price: 549.99 ![]() |
"Art for Beginners: Learn to Draw Cartoon SUPER HEROES" |
"Would you like your young beginner artist to increase focus, confidence, and creative thinking skills? Does your beginner artist LOVE superheroes?This Art for Beginners course is designed for students to develop their creative skills with the fun process of drawing and coloring superheroes. Here are 5 potential benefits that this Art course can provide:Drawing Helps People to be More Expressive: Some people can't always express themselves clearly with words and actions, so drawing can be an important form of communication for them to express what they feel.Boosts Emotional Intelligence: As people explore ways of expression, creativity helps them to recognize and express their emotions in healthy ways.Enhanced Motor Skills: Hand & eye coordination, and fine-tuning finger muscles, are benefits of drawing and coloring.Develop Problem Solving Skills: A variety of simple decisions, such as color choice, spacing, and shape sizes, develop important problem solving skills in early development during the process of creativity.Healthy & Active Imagination: Drawing enables the imagination to become more active. The process of building an image is one of the foundations of abstract thought and logical thinking, which helps a young mind to prepare for more difficult concepts in their eduction and intellectual development.I'm, so excited to present my fun superhero drawing concepts that will keep your beginner artist entertained every day. This course is designed to be used every day during the week (Monday - Friday) for a month. Each of the superhero cartoon images presented in this course are divided into 2 lessons: 1 drawing lesson and 1 coloring lesson.I'm looking forward to sharing the fun of Art with everyone!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Access Masterclass - Nivel 1 y 2 - Principiante a Intermedio" |
"Access Masterclass - Nivel 1 y 2 - Principiante a Intermedio es ideal para comenzar con Microsoft Access y bases de datos, y luego profundizar en temas ms intermedios como VBA y Macros.---No vers otro curso de Microsoft Access con mejor calificacin de los estudiantes que este. Los estudiantes lo aman!---Vas a comenzar dominando la Interfaz Grfica de Usuario (IGU) de Microsoft Access y luego te adentrars en el diseo de Base de Datos, Macros y VBA. Tambin te mostraremos cmo importar archivos de Excel a travs de mltiples opciones, incluida la IGU y tres ejemplos con VBA.Este curso comienza utilizando la Interfaz Grfica de Usuario de Access para crear Tablas, Informes, Consultas y Formularios. Esas secciones te permitirn trabajar cmodamente con la Interfaz Grfica de Usuario de Access aprendiendo a dominar en profundidad los 4 objetos principales de Access (no lo olvides: Tablas, Informes, Consultas y Formularios)Access fue diseado para permitirte crear Bases de Datos de escritorio slidas utilizando en gran medida la IGU. Esto hace que el desarrollo sea ms rpido y fcil, y es una de las razones por las que Microsoft Access ha seguido siendo popular a pesar de la nueva competencia.Y no nos alcanza con que domines Access. El curso avanzar, y basndonos en el conocimiento de la IGU que has adquirido, te mostraremos los Principios Fundamentales del Diseo de Bases de Datos. Los conceptos de Normalizacin e Integridad Referencial que son fundamentales si tu objetivo es eventualmente desarrollar Bases de Datos profesionales, que puedan usarse para propsitos formales (es decir, en el mercado laboral y en empresas de importancia) Acaso quieres estar por debajo de la competencia?Pero eso no es todo. Estamos obsesionados con que seas el mejor, entonces a continuacin aprenders a importar archivos de Excel en Access utilizando la IGU sin romper las reglas del Diseo de Bases de Datos. Tambin aprenders a hacer lo mismo pero usando cdigo de programacin con VBA. Te mostraremos tres versiones diferentes, desde la ms simple hasta la ms compleja, pero tambin la opcin ms flexible y una que conduce a una mejor experiencia de usuario.Finalmente, aprenders todo sobre Macros y cmo usarlas.No veo por qu te resistiras a ser el mejor del mercado.Adems, con nuestra garanta de devolucin del 100% del dinero si no ests satisfecho dentro de los primeros 30 das, no hay razn para no inscribirte!Mira las lecciones gratuitas de demostracin, y si crees que podemos ayudarte a dominar Microsoft Access... te esperamos en la leccin #1!SaludosErmin y Fede"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Crea Sistemas Marketplace con Angular y Firebase Database" |
"Tienes una idea para el prximo Mercado Libre, eBay, Amazon, Etsy pero no tienes idea de cmo empezar? Es posible que hayas examinado temas de Wordpress, scripts, software de carrito de compras y la mejor conclusin que puedes llegar es construir todo el ecosistema de un Marketplace desde cero.Este curso te guiar paso a paso en el proceso de construccin de un Marketplace:Analizaremos la estructura de un Marketplace y su arquitectura de la informacin.Cmo llevar al usuario a travs de la interfaz grfica por una experiencia fcil y directa a la compra de productos con estratgicos call to action (llamadas a la accin).Aprenders a construir bases de datos complejas con todas las caractersticas que implica un Marketplace.Utilizaremos Firebase como plataforma online para alojar nuestra base de datos.Aprenders a usar la APIRESTful de Google Firebase para realizar peticiones HTTP: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, adems de cmo generar filtros de bsqueda y reglas de seguridad.Utilizaremos Angular para el desarrollo frontend de nuestro sistema.Aprenders a interpretar cualquier plantilla HTML comercial para ser integrada en el Framework Angular.Aprenders a resolver algoritmos complejos en Javascript usando los estndares de programacin de EcmaScript y Typescript.Aprenders a integrar en Angular plugins de Javascript y jQuery creados por terceros.Aprenders a integrar en Angular pasarelas de pago de Paypal, Payu y Mercado Pago.Aprenders a gestionar registro de usuarios a travs de redes sociales y mtodos convencionales.Finalmente crears un ecosistema de Marketplace con seccin privada de Multivendedores con reporte de ventas para que cualquier persona pueda vender en tu tienda.POR QU USAMOS ANGULAR EN ESTE PROYECTO?Mayor seguridad con cdigo encapsulado para el lado del cliente.Facilita la depuracin de errores al escribir el cdigo.Framework para frontend con tecnologa backend incorporada.Manipulacin del DOM con directivas privadas.Separacin de componentes que permite mayor orden para proyectos a gran escala.Arquitectura MVC simplificada.Reusabilidad: La estructura de Angular basada en componentes hace que los componentes sean altamente reutilizables en toda la aplicacin.Mejor legibilidad: La coherencia en la codificacin hace que la lectura del cdigo sea una tarea fcil para los nuevos desarrolladores. Lo que aumenta su productividad.Facilidad de mantenimiento: Los componentes pueden ser reemplazados con mejores implementaciones. En pocas palabras, permite el mantenimiento y actualizacin eficiente del cdigo.Alta demanda laboral.POR QU USAMOS BASES DE DATOS GOOGLE FIREBASE?Pruebas directamente desde la Nube sin necesidad de desplegarla ni montarla en un servidor.Servicio de gestin de usuarios con diferentes proveedores: Adems de Google, Facebook, Twitter y GitHub.Procesos estandarizados para la autenticacin de usuarios.APIRESTful incorporada que facilita la conexin y gestin de datos inmediatos.Usa bases de datos no relacional lo cual permite su fcil crecimiento en proyecto a gran escala.Implementa toda la seguridad que ofrece Google en sus aplicaciones.Uso gratuito y de pago segn el crecimiento del proyecto.CMO ES EL CURSO?El curso se divide en varias secciones. En una primera seccin haremos la introduccin de lo que es un sistema Marketplace y sus caractersticas.Luego trabajaremos en la construccin de la Base de Datos de nuestro sistema llevndola a la tecnologa de Firebase.En las siguientes secciones comenzaremos a construir paso a paso desde cero el sistema Marketplace integrando en el framework Angular la plantilla comercial HTML MARTFURY con la base de datos en Firebase, dedicando el tiempo necesario para la construccin de cada detalle y correcto funcionamiento del sistema.Recuerda que cuentas con la poltica de reembolso de Udemy, que en caso de que este curso no cumpla tus expectativas, puedes solicitarla y te darn el 100% de tu dinero de regreso, pero si lo haces, por favor dime en qu fall, y as seguir mejorando este curso.Antes de comprarlo, puedes revisar el contenido gratuito que est accesible para ti y as tengas una mejor idea de lo que aqu se har."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Relations Functions (Foundation) - Mathematics" |
"In this course, you'll learn the following: Cartesian Product of SetsRelations FunctionsAlgebra of Real FunctionsTo be more exact, you will learn how to relate (multiply) two sets together, build a relation out of the product and finally build a function from the relations. This course serves as a foundation of the knowledge of relations and functions. It will be followed by another course that will teach you more advanced topics related to relations and functions like binary operations, different types of relations and functions and finding the inverse of functions. The prerequisite for this course is basics of sets and algebra. We'll explain in the course where you can find the basics of sets as a free course on Udemy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Building and Leading Teams" |
"From this extensive course on Leadership, building and leading great teams there are modules designed to develop you as a leader to operate at the highest level. These will help you in operating at the highest level and will ensure that you will become a better, more inspirational and effective leader on the completion of the course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Data Lake in AWS" |
"Hello, my name is Chandra Lingam, and I am your instructor for Data Lake in AWS.In this course, we will start by understanding when a data lake is the right solution as opposed to a data warehouse.Throughout the next two hours, you will learn all the components of a data lake.One of its advantages is the flexibility to directly query files using SQL.You will start by building a Glue Data catalog and using Athena to query.Then, we will work on Glue ETL, a powerful Apache Spark-based solution for data transformation.You will learn finer-points on Glue Catalog Management and Schema EvolutionTo demonstrate the scalability of Athena, we will query the Amazon Customer Reviews data set with over 130 million reviews.Finally, we will build a serverless application using Kinesis Firehose, Lambda, Comprehend AI, Glue, Athena and S3 that can process unlimited customer reviews, perform sentiment analysis, and store it in the data lake for querying.I look forward to meeting you soon!Thank you!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sage 50 Accounting Sageline 50 Basic to Advance Training" |
"This course is perfect for those who wants to attain a position of VAT management, Accounts Management and Bookkeeping roles, in European countries, especially the students who are new entrants to the market. This Sageline 50 course is most demanding and desirable accounting certifications in the market. This software has a great potential to handle functions the management in most promising way, it is more than just a bookkeeping software, and this program is enriched with advance books management which enable users to manage their books in effective, efficient and timely manner. This course provides you advance skills such as, VAT Management, Bank Reconciliation techniques, Chart of accounts setup as well as effective stock management. And more importantly reports. "
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"The #1 Python Data Scientist: Sentiment Analysis & More" |
"Learn everything you need to become a data scientist. Machine learning is quickly becoming a required skill for every software developer. Enroll now to learn everything you need to know to get up to speed, whether you're a developer or aspiring data scientist. This is the course for you.Your complete Python course for image recognition, data analysis, data visualization and more.Reviews On Our Python Courses:""I know enough Python to be dangerous. Most of the ML classes are so abstract and theoretical that no learning happens. This is the first class where we use concrete examples that I can relate to and allow me to learn. Absolutely love this course!"" - Mary T.""Yes, this is an amazing start. For someone new in python this is a very simple boot course. I am able to relate to my earlier programming experience with ease!"" - Gajendran C.""Clear and concise information"" - Paul B.""Easy to understand and very clear explanations. So far so good!!!"" - Alejandro M.This is a once in a lifetime chance to enroll in a massive course.Absolutely no experience necessary. Start with a complete introduction to Python that is perfect for absolute beginners and can also be used a review.Jump into using the most popular libraries and frameworks for working with Python. You'll learn everything you need to become a data scientist. This includes:0. Python Crash Course for BeginnersLearn Python with project based examples. Get up and running even if you have no programming experience. Superboost your career by masterig the core Python fundamentals.1. Data Science with NumPyBuild projects with NumPy, the #1 Python library for data science providing arrays and matrices.2. Data Analysis with PandasBuild projects with pandas, a software library written for the Python programming language for data manipulation and analysis.2. Data Visualization with PyPlotBuild projects with pyplot, a MATLAB-like plotting framework enabling you to create a figure, create a plotting area in a figure, plot lines in a plotting area, decorate the plot with labels and much more. Learn it all in this massive course.3. Machine Learning TheoryMachine learning is in high demand and is quickly becoming a requirement on every software engineer's resume. Learn how to solve problems with machine learning before diving into practical examples.4. Introduction to TensorFlowBuild projects with TensorFlow, the most popular platform enabling ML developers to build and deploy machine learning applications such as neural networks. Build your first linear regression model with TensorFlow. Learn how to build a dataset, model, train and test!5. Build a Sentiment Analysis Model to Classify Reviews as Positive or NegativeAll source code is included for each project.If you buy one course this year, this is it. Sign up while spots are open."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap From Scratch - Fast and Responsive Web Development" |
"Bootstrap is currently the single most used library on all of Github, beating out other tools like React and Angular! It's immensely popular, and with good reason: it makes creating responsive websites a breeze.This course will take you from knowing nothing about Bootstrap 3 or 4 to learning all of the utilities, components, widgets and grids and building real world themes and websites. You do NOT need to know Bootstrap 3 for this course. This course will take you from a complete beginner to a Bootstrap 4 expert in a matter of hours!Or, if you already know Bootstrap 3, this course will serve a complete guide to all the new changes and improvements in Bootstrap 4. By the time we're done, you'll master every single component, the powerful grid system, and the brand-new utility classes.Build projects including:Build beautiful navigation quickly with Bootstrap's styled navigation components.Use Bootstraps powerful, responsive navigation header, the navbar. Includes support for branding, navigation, and more, including support for our collapse plugin.Build a slideshow component for cycling through elementsimages or slides of textlike a carousel.Build service pages for your product with featurettesLearn how to design mobile firstBuild a contact form for email, messages and moreBuild a footer quickly with Bootstrap's componentsBuild an image header with text overlayBuild a pricing pageAnd much more!These projects are free for you to use for your clients, projects and anywhere you need.In just a matter of hours, you can add skills to your resume:Learn the fundamentals of HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript if you have no coding experience.Download Bootstrap to get the compiled CSS and JavaScript, source code, or include it with your favorite package managers like npm, RubyGems, and more.Use Bootstrap's powerful mobile-first flexbox grid to build layouts of all shapes and sizes thanks to a twelve column system, five default responsive tiers, Sass variables and mixins, and dozens of predefined classes.Use Bootstrap's display utilities for responsively toggling common values of the display property. Mix it with their grid system, content, or components to show or hide them across specific viewports.Quickly manage the layout, alignment, and sizing of grid columns, navigation, components, and more with a full suite of responsive flexbox utilities.Use .flex-grow-* and more utilities to toggle a flex items ability to fill available space.Set up a template you can reuse for any project.Implement icons fast with Bootstrap's first time ever own icon library, custom designed and built for our components and documentation.And more...By then end of the course we'll be building complete, responsive websites that looks great on all devices. In addition, since Bootstrap 4 is now built on top of Flexbox, we spend a lot of time learning the ins and outs of Flexbox along the way!Don't wait! Enroll while spots are open.Watch a preview video or sign up and see why Bootstrap is currently the most popular front-end library around. It makes developing good-looking websites incredibly easy (and fun!)A SCHOOL YOU CAN TRUSTLifetime access that never expiresProject-based curriculum to superboost your portfolioGraduation certificate for every courseAbsolute beginner-friendlyNew courses every monthEfficient lectures with step by step explanationsRelevant industry topics 8 years of award-winning course delivery700,000 students in 186 countriesLearn with free tools and affordable coursesCOURSE AUTHORAlexandra Kropova, Software Developer at Mammoth Interactive INC.Alexandra Kropova is a software developer specializing in Java and JavaScript, with extensive experience in full-stack web development and app development. She has helped produce courses for Mammoth Interactive INC. since 2016.REVIEWS OF MAMMOTH COURSESCaptivating voice, easy to follow at a rapid pace, get some paper and fasten your seat-belts. I'm enjoying every second of this. PHILIP MURRAYI have completed many Udemy and Skillshare tutorials. This one is the most outstanding one that I have seen thus far. It is doubtful that it could be topped. This is a superior tutorial. Amazing. JOSEPH APPLEGARTHFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSWhen does the course start and finish?The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.How long do I have access to the course?How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.What if I am unhappy with the course?We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.Do I get course certificates?Yes, a course certificate will be generated at the end of each course you complete! Along with projects, certificates are a way you can prove your work on LinkedIn.Do I have to show up at a particular place or a particular time?No, each course happens online, and you can take it from any place where you have an internet connection.All lectures are prerecorded so you can watch them at any time that works for you. Of course, you can also enjoy all the lectures on your phone and tablet.How much time do I need in order to take each course?You can spend as much or as little time as you want. With Lifetime Access, there is no expiry. You aren't required to complete the course within a certain time period. You can follow the course at your own pace and always come back to the videos later when you want to revisit the material or work on improving certain skills.What if Im not good with technology?The majority of Mammoth Interactive students are complete beginners. Even if you feel like you know nothing about technology, you wont feel left out. All technical concepts are described in simple terms while avoiding unnecessary jargon. Each course starts from scratch and builds up your knowledge substantially in steps. Students from age 5 to 70 have successfully completed our courses. And just in case you get stuck, you can always ask any questions under each lecture, which will be promptly answered by one of my team members.What if I'm an experienced developer?Stack Overflow's yearly developer survey found that developers over age 50 start to make less than their younger counterparts. Don't become one of the people affected by skill stagnation. Enroll in our school to future-proof your career for life. If you're an experienced developer, you will still benefit from Mammoth Interactive courses. By starting from scratch with each course, you will revisit the fundamentals and undo bad coding habits. You'll also find it easier to pick up new languages, making you able to take more courses and broaden your skillset."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"NEW 2020 REMOTE Workshop Facilitation DEEP-DIVE" |
"Welcome to the Remote Workshop Facilitation Deep-Dive. Let's get to the bottom of how to manage your REMOTE Workshops and Meetings to get the most out of them.In this Masterclass you'll learn the following:Skill #1: How to manage a remote online meeting or a workshop - how many attendees you should have and how much time will be needed to achieve the outcomeSkill #2: How to facilitate the workshop remotelySkill #3: How to Manage your time appropriately so that you can get to the desired outcome with NO Follow Up meetingsSkill #4: How to define the outcome of the meetingSkill #5: How to run Voting sessions so that you get to the bottom of the issue and dramatically increase the decision making during your meetingsSkill #6: How to break down your meeting into manageable tasks exercisesSkill #7: How to accommodate the different phases of working - individual vs group workSkill #8: How to design your own tool for the workshops and meeting to maximise the potentialAre you planning your next REMOTE workshop or meeting and feel like you'd like to get more out of it?You'll get right into the practical aspects of it. You'll tackle an actual meeting together with Andy in 6 simple steps so that you become the REMOTE Facilitation Legend!Let's plan together a meeting that tackles 10 hypothetical project problems and within 60 minutes and 5 people attending gives us at least one solution to the top problem. Take one of the meetings / workshops you're currently working on preparing and follow these steps:STEP 1: Define the Outcome - what is the overarching result of that meeting - what do you want to leave with?STEP 2: Define the list of attendees and make sure only the key people relevant to the outcome are comingSTEP 3: Design the Tool that fits the outcomeSTEP 4: Break the tool down into elements that you can time-manage - see how many minutes you're left with and if the 60 minutes is enough - if not rework the tool and the outcome to suit thatSTEP 5: Once you have your tool designed and know exactly how to work the time - set up the meeting with your team and run the clock and voting sessionsSTEP 6: List the learning - what went wrong and if the tool should be improved in any way.About your instructorThe course is taught by Andy Woynarowski - a charismatic leader disrupting the landscape of design in Europe. Andy is a determinist and an artist as well as design thinking and experience design expert - he combines the worlds of arts and processes, making it easy to understand how the design thinking process works. Everything is explained using a cause and effect methodology - every Design Thinking process step creates value for the next step. If you ever felt like wasting time, resources and money on a full day workshop as it didn't lead to anything meaningful and lacked purpose - this Design Thinking Masterclass Bootcamp course will cover this exact aspect with diligence and focus. The presented Business Hypothesis Mapping process is the only one that covers all aspects starting with Design vision leading all the way to the detailed Business Hypothesis Map. If you're fed up with lack of design impact or think that it's just about glueing post-it notes to the wall - this Design Thinking Masterclass Bootcamp course is the first one that changes this approach.Andy worked for Deloitte Digital as Head of Service Design capability in Central Europe and currently is the CEO of 99grit - a creative agency combining Experience Design (UX Design and Service Design), Digital Strategy, Design Thinking and Concept Art into one powerful package making a tangible design impact in Europe. He has worked as part of Research and Development Teams, Software Houses employing north of 500 Developers where he's built the entire Experience Design Team and the design thinking approach from scratch and lead the team that delivered the entire creative part of a Digital Transformation project for 25 000 000 EUR."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Space Render 1.0: Artificial Intelligence in 3D Animation" |
"Typically traditional and normal animation learning focusses on learning complex CGI software which are prone to be difficult for newbies to master very quickly - unless the learners are technically strong. Of course, these kind of software work through deploying traditional frame-by-frame animation methods that take a tedious amount of time to complete a short animated film of 5 minutes duration. It may sometimes even take 6 months minimum for that video production to be completed fully with a team of 3-4 members. Bring in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools into this and this will drastically change the scenario - for sure. This course is a testament of the same. This mind-blowing course titled ""Space Render 1.0: Artificial Intelligence in 3D Animation"" created by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" and Mastermind ""Saranya Srinidhi will teach you cloud based tools to achieve the same extraordinary output that is stunning enough to wow your crowd in a matter of HOURS. Have a look at the VFX samples in the introduction video and be mind-blown. Learn to make such videos in the course using AI tools.Forget Sketching, Modelling, Texturing, Rigging, Lighting and Animation Techniques deploying traditional methodologies followed by ages. Template based cloud-based animation is the future. This will save you a lot of time, effort and resources. You can make videos at great speed to impress your clients or the viewers who will be glued to it.Get ready to learn and excel in the animation field with Space Render 1.0.""Are you ready to start learning new-age technologies in 3D Animation using powerful cloud-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, this year?""If yes, plunge into action right away by signing up NOW for this course. Your successful Artificial Intelligence (AI) in digital animation career is waiting.There is no time to waste. The course will be educative, informative, and practical at the same time.Enrol now, and let's start booming. There are interesting, engaging, and new things to experience here in this course.This course has the potential to change the digital animation and VFX world, altogether.Lights. Camera. Action. Let us do the magic.Get ready for a new mind-blowing course that will fascinate you to the core."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"International Relations Theory: Realism" |
"In this course, you will get in-depth knowledge and understanding of key realist thinkers, theories and concepts, including real world examples and even tips for writing essays and dissertations.The course will give you confidence to think and speak about world problems through the lens of the oldest, most powerful and influential theory of International Relations.If you are interested in world politics, chances are you are reading and watching quite a bit of news about what's going on. That's OK, but there is nothing more rewarding that actually educating yourself to improve the depth and breadth of your knowledge and understanding of how the world works.My courses are designed to help you with that objective and this course offers you complete knowledge and understanding of the most exciting theory of International Relations.Consider some of these timeless quotes from the most influential classical thinkers:the right, as the world goes, is only in question between equal power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must - ThucydidesBut since it is difficult for a ruler to be both feared and loved, it is much safer to be feared than loved (...)."" - Machiavelli""Because men are wretched creatures who would not keep their word to you, you need not keep your word to them"" - MachiavelliIn such condition [state of nature], the life of man [is] solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short - Hobbes""Political realism believes that politics, like society in general, is governed by objective laws that have their roots in human nature."" - MorgenthauThis is just a sample of quotes we explore in the course in depth to understand their meaning, context and impact on the realist theory. How You Will LearnIt is my philosophy in this course to allow those brilliant thinkers speak for themselves. I want to give them the voice. At the same time, I offer you my full explanation and interpretation of every quote we analyse in the course. I don't just leave you there wondering what this all means.In addition to classical realism, neorealism and offensive realism, my bonus lectures also gives you insights into neoclassical realism. This is an interesting and exciting development in the realist theory and I want you to understand what it is all about.Another one of my bonus lectures offers you practical tips for incorporating realism into writing your academic essays and dissertations. As much as talking about theories is interesting in itself, I also believe in the value of practical examples. So in this course, we discuss three case studies of how realism can be applied to analyse real world problems. These include: the realist perspective on coronavirus, US foreign policy and the rise of China. What You Will Get in This CourseHere is a summary of what you will learn in this course:Think and speak about world problems through the lens of the oldest, most powerful and influential theory of International RelationsIdentify and understand the idea of key realist thinkers, including Thucydides, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Morgenthau, Waltz and MearsheimerRecognise the value of Ancient Greek Peloponnesian War to understand the principles of world politicsUnderstand why Machiavelli is realism's 'dark character' and why his perspective on government is so demoralisedUnderstand what Hobbes meant by 'state of nature' in his groundbreaking masterpiece Leviathan and how it's relevant to realismIdentify the key components of classical realism, particularly the notion of the flawed human nature and interest defined as power, as advanced by MorgenthauUnderstand the original features of Waltz's neorealism, including his emphasis on the international system and anarchyIdentify the distinguishing features of Mearsheimer's offensive realism and his focus on the pursuit of powerUnderstand the realist perspective on coronavirusUnderstand the realist perspective on US foreign policy, including war in Iraq, NATO expansion, Persian Gulf policy, Afghanistan, Iran & IsraelUnderstand the realist perspective on the rise of ChinaRecognise the original contribution of neoclassical realism, including key worksLearn 6 practical tips for incorporating realism into your academic essays and dissertationsStudent Comments:""As a new student to the subject of International Relations Theories it is important for me to find teachers of quality from whom I can learn. I am offered this opportunity by signing up for Kamil's courses.""""Great course! It's not the professor's Kamil first course I do, and I never regret. He goes straight to the point in a clear, direct and comprehensive way. Everyone should start learning with his courses - they help us to develop a deeper view on old, new (and surely relevant) topics. Highly recomended!""""This is a detailed course on Realism. I'm a masters degree graduate of International Relations and Political and International Relations Theory was my favourite lesson. With this 3 hour course i learned even more than what i was taught in one hours lesson focused on Realism at the University. Recommended both for people with existing knowledge on the topic as well as people with no knowledge. But be careful, the world as seen through the realism lens is a dark place!""""I really like that you're drilling down on Thucydides. I don't think enough people examine his teachings past that of the Melian Dialogue, and you have an entire section dedicated to this!""My Promise to YouI promise that the tuition in this course is of the highest quality, based on genuine university-level teaching and research. It is presented in a highly-accessible and engaging way, designed specifically for those who do not have prior university degree in Politics or International Relations.I invite you to send me a message if you have any questions about the content of this course. With the 30-day 100% money back guarantee, there is no reason why you should not try the course out right now."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |