Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Terraform for AWS by Examples" |
"Step by step learning of Terraform, with real time examples. Terraform installation to execution on n-number of example like AWS resources creation and destroy. How to install Terraform in Windows 10? Terraform Provider, Variable, Resource, Data, Output, State (Local and Remote), Writing Module, Terraform Reverse Engineering and many more..Terraform code uses for multiple environments, e.g. Development, QA, UAT and Production. Creating Terraform configuration files and running a website with AWS Resources like, AWS EC2, VPC, Subnet (Public and Private), SG and many more.For more details, have a look on Lectures...... "
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Power Engineering: Power System Analysis - Part 4" |
"This course is the fourth part of a multi-part course series about one of the main areas of electrical engineering: power system analysis. Power system analysis is the core of power engineering and its understanding is therefore essential for a career in this field. In this fourth course of the multi-part course series, you will learn about steady-state and transient stability of power systems and their importance in the safe and reliable operation of power systems. The course is divided into the following sections:1. Introduction to Power System Stability: in section 2, we will introduce the concept of power system stability at a high level. We will begin by defining steady-state and transient stability and discussing the differences between them. We will also introduce important fundamental concepts, such as the swing equation and the power angle curve.2. Steady-State Stability: in section 3, we will thoroughly discuss steady-state stability. Steady-state stability is the ability of a power system to remain stable after a small disturbance in the system occurs. These small disturbances can be normal operating occurrences, such as load changes in the system and it is therefore critical that a power system is able to withstand these small changes and remain stable. We will discuss several key concepts, such as the synchronizing power, damping ration, damping power, among others, to aid our understanding of steady-state stability.In each section, several examples are solved to illustrate how to analyze real-world power systems.By learning about steady-state and transient stability and their importance in power systems, you will be able to continue your study of power system analysis for a career in power engineering and electrical engineering. Remember that Udemy offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. I am also always available for questions while you go through the course to ensure everything is clear.See you in the course!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"covid-19 survival" |
"Hi,As the world is engulfed with Coronavirus it is time that we learn what all we need to do to protect ourselves and our loved ones. This is a detailed course which will teach you all that is required as a layman. The language is purposefully kept simple and the English very basic for everyone to understand.Stay safe !"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Selenium Selenide Automation QA, QC Java" |
", web-, Selenium WebDriver Selenide . JUnit, Page Object Page Factory. CSS XPath , web-. Java. , , , , - , . : Allure Report, Git Jenkins. Selenium WebDriver Selenide, , . , . , . , , -. !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Espectros de Diseo Ssmico" |
"Este curso est pensado para que los profesionistas y estudiantes puedan entender la naturaleza de la elaboracin de los Espectros Ssmicos y como estos surgen de los acelerogramas. Se enfatiza la importancia que posee la valorizacin de la aceleracin, velocidad y desplazamiento en la zona de estudio, por encima de la magnitud ssmica en la fuente o hipocentro. En este curso, el participante aprenda a elaborar los espectros de diseo ssmico paso a paso en el PRODISIS y exportarlos a Excel, as como a elaborarlos directamente en esta potente hoja de clculo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
LP |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
camtasia-new |
"Camtasia StudioPCMACYoutube 3-13-23-33-43-53-63-74-14-2"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
Price: 12000.00 ![]() |
CanvaCanva |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
contensbusiness |
"100%e- 1.5 T.NKTT.NT.Y H.N"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
elementormo |
"Web Web125125 WebWebWeb"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
tripwire-funnel |
"20061 2 5 46"
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
Convertkit |
Price: 18000.00 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing on Autopilot: Telegram + Amazon and more" |
"NO shortcuts.NO get-rich-quick schemes.NO mindless PPC Advertising.Say YES to getting your promising legitimate business based on marketing automation!Affiliate Marketing is a serious business that requires all your dedication and focus. But what if I told you that you could automate all the tedious tasks that waste countless hours of your work and just let you earn money with Telegram, while you can focus on growing your audience? With affiliate programs such as Amazon Associates, you can earn money using Telegram as a tool to promote products from the most famous brands to your audience automatically, and receive a commission for every purchase made through your link!Telegram is the best upcoming platform for affiliate marketing because it lets you create your stream of products to show your audience and earn a commission every time a user buys from your link. No coding or experience required.Now don't worry if you aren't familiar with Telegram or Affiliate marketing, because we will take a step by step approach.If you want to make money or you are already making money with affiliate marketing, this is the course for you.You can't spend your life looking for the right products and deals for your followers. A bot can do this for you, fully automating and scraping posts for you 24/7 in a way that you never thought was possible. In this course, I'm going to show you how to use Telegram as your tool to make money with Affiliate Programs like Amazon and many more.People trust Amazon and other well-established platforms; that's the reason why they are so successful. You can be successful too as their affiliate.Affiliate income is reliable and secure because you independently earn money, recommending products from famous brands without effort.Automate and customize your affiliate income in a way that would not be possible without Telegram. If you want to know more, enrol now or just look at the free preview video for this course!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Applied Control Systems for Engineers 1 - autonomous vehicle" |
"The world is changing! The technology is changing! The advent of automation in our societies is spreading faster than anyone could have anticipated. At the forefront of our technological progress is autonomy in systems.Welcome! In this course, you will be exposed to one of the most POWERFUL techniques there are, that are able to guide and control systems precisely and reliably.You are going to DESIGN, MASTER and APPLY:mathematical models in the form of state-space systems and equations of motiona PID controller to a simple magnetic train that needs to catch objects that randomly fall from the sky a Model Predictive Controller (MPC) to an autonomous vehicle in a simple lane changing maneuver on a straight road at a constant forward speed. You will LEARN the fundamentals and the logic of Modelling, PID and MPC that will allow you to apply it to other systems you might encounter in the future.You need 3 things when solving an Engineering problem: INTUITION, MATHEMATICS, CODING! You can't choose - you really need them all. After this course, you will master Modelling, PID and MPC in all these 3 ways. That's a promise!I'm very excited to have you in my course and I can't wait to teach you what I know.Let's get started!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
uciwkftm |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MSTER COMPLETO en SQL BASE DE DATOS desde 0 a Hacking 2020" |
"BIENVENIDOS AL CURSO DE BASE DE DATOS!Muchas gracias a todos los alumnos que depositaron su confianza en este curso. Porqu aprender Lenguaje SQL?SQL es un lenguaje declarativo estndar internacional de comunicacin dentro de las bases de datos que nos permite a todos el acceso y manipulacin de datos en una base de datos, y adems se puede integrar a lenguajes de programacin, por ejemplo ASP o PHP, y en combinacin con cualquier base de datos especfica, por ejemplo MySQL, SQL Server, MS Access, entre otras.Qu aprenderemos exactamente?Estudiaremos a fondo el uso del Motor de Base de Datos MySQL y como optimizarla, para mejorar el rendimiento de nuestras Bases de Datos.Auditoria de Plataformas Web utilizando una tcnica de Ethical Hacking llamada SQL Injection.Vamos a instalar y configurar MySQL en su versin Community.Entenders los fundamentos del lenguaje SQLIdentificar la Primary Key y la Foreign KeyTambin analizaremos aspectos sobre Normalizacin de tablas.Dominars el uso de las clusulas SQL: WHERE, TOP, ORDER BY, DISTINCT, GROUP BYVamos a aplicar funciones de agregado: MAX, MIN, AVG, COUNT, HAVINGEntenders el uso de operadores lgicos: AND, OR, IN, LIKE, NOT, BETWEENTrabajaremos con consultas y subconsultas, sabrs que es una variable y un alias de tabla.Veremos el uso de sentencias SQL: CREATE, ALTER, DROP, TRUNCATEAprenders conectar dos o ms tablas mediante las clusulas: INNER JOIN, LEFT RIGHT, UNION y UNION ALLExplicaremos como implementar el uso de VistasAprenders conceptos de Administracin de Base de Datos: Usuarios, Roles y Permisos.Explicaremos como realizar Backups, Restore e importar archivos CSVIncluye exmenes de prueba con los que hars ms slidos los conceptos aprendidos.Que pasa si el curso no cumple mis expectativas?Este curso abordar todas tus necesidades para que te puedas desempearte como Gestor o Analista de Base de Datos, podrs realizar tus preguntas en la seccin de preguntas del curso por si necesitas ayuda o no quedo claro algn concepto explicado. Pero en caso el curso por algn motivo no cumpla tus expectativas, no hay de que preocuparse ya que Udemy te brinda hasta un mes de garanta, esto significa que podrs pedir la devolucin TOTAL de tu dinero.*AL FINALIZAR OBTENDRS UN CERTIFICADO CON LAS HORAS TOTALES DEL CURSO.*Todas las clases estn disponibles en Full HD 1080p con alta definicin.*Este es un curso completo en el cual te ensear desde los conceptos ms bsicos hasta ataques de SQL injection a PLATAFORMAS WEB *No se requieren conocimientos previos."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Elementary English Level II: Short Course" |
"This course covers the basics of the English language for beginners and false beginners.Included in the course are:- More than 185 vocabulary words- Grammar: Possessives- Verbs: Zero Conditional (uses the Present Simple)More than 150 multiple choice questions and various reading, writing, and listening exercises help the student practice and implement the language skills they have learned. All exercises are reviewed with correct answers and explanations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Principios de radioenlaces para WISP" |
"Al terminar este curso el estudiante estar preparado para realizar enlaces inalmbricos punto a punto y punto multipunto. El estudiante tendr la capacidad de elegir correctamente los equipos que necesita para un despliegue de redes WISP. Trabajaremos con configuraciones de equipos Ubiquiti y MikroTik en laboratorios prcticos.Luego de completar este curso usted podr hablar un lenguaje profesional en las redes inalmbricas.Este curso es el primero de una serie de 3. El los dems trabajaremos toda la estructura principal de redes enrutadas y el control de ancho de banda para WISP"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Money Mastery (Earn consistently everymonth)" |
"Have you ever wondered how so many people make money through Instagram? But have you made any mode online? If you did not, then not a problem, this course is for you, people just like you. Do you run an Instagram page? But are unable to make any money from it? So many 'gurus' tell you to start an Instagram page to make money but I say the opposite. You can earn without an Instagram page. Want to find out how? Then you need to sign up for this course.Believe me, by the end of this course, you will start making money online.All you need is a mobile phone/laptop and internet connection. By joining this course you'll also gain access to a private, exclusive, and closed Group where I post more tutorials on Canva every week. So, unlike most courses, I will walk with you until the end. There will be constant support from my side.If you are reading this, probably:You want to make extra income on the side.You are struggling to grow your Instagram/Facebook page.You want to live the life of your dreams.I have put every effort to ensure that the course is up-to-date, relevant, and informative. I don't claim to be a 'guru' in making money on Instagram. Whatever I have put in the course is my experience for almost 5 years.I firmly believe that this course is very different from any other course on Udemy. This is how:Probably the first course to teach skills as well as how to make money online.The Secrets in Section 3 are gold!This course is practical and hands-on, unlike many other courses.Loads of Projects to make you understand every detail.Constant help from peers and Instructor (me!)An exclusive group where we discuss insider secrets.Here is a list of projects included in the course:Plain PostText-on-Picture PostVertical Split PostHorizontal Split PostInfographicAdvanced InfographicVideoInstagram StoryMake your first dollar online!Hope to see you on the course! : )Enroll now, and Ill speak to you soon."
Price: 5760.00 ![]() |
"1Z0-1067 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Operations Associate" |
"Use This Coupon : LESS_THAN_10 to get discount more than 60%Use This Coupon : ONLY-BY-12 to get discount more than 52%Prepare For Oracle 1Z0-1067 Exam Related with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Operations 2019 Associate Certification.We Provides 100% Valid Oracle 1Z0-1067 Exam Questions and answers which can helps you to Pass Your Certification Exam in First Attempt.You have to pass 100% like real.Exam Topics:Automating Cloud Tasks- Use the OCI CLI to simplify repetitive tasks- Utilize configuration management tools to control infrastructure- Manage infrastructure as code- Explain user resource manager processes to implement infrastructure as code- Performance Tuning and Troubleshooting- Explain Troubleshooting resource availability and accessibility- Validate OCI performanceManaging Cost- Utilize billing tags to track cost- Explain how to Implement billing alerts- Leverage automation to control costSecurity and Compliance- Create secure access control policies- Leverage compartments for resource isolation- Audit cloud accessMonitoring and Alerting- Understand Metric Query Language (MQL)- Create and managing alarms- Implement automated notificationsData Retention and Archival- Use Object Storage Lifecycle policies for tiered data storage- Manage automated block storage and database backups- Implement cross-region data copy strategiesDesigning for Cloud-Scale Agility- Utilize edge services for automated failover / recovery- Implement hybrid network environments"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advance Maya Modeling" |
"3d modeling world in huge we cover the most important technique form mid-level to advance level by live practice, so you will get a full benefit from all, I wish luck and happy modeling.Note: you can take the Maya beginner course also there are useful tips and tricks not just for beginners.another Note: to be really a professional modeling artist you cant scape that you have to learn Zbrush, guys its very powerful application it will help you a lot, believe me, I'm a 3d team leader so I ask you to check also my page after finish this course, done that's regardswael meslh"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Laravel Masterclass:Build web apps with Laravel 7 or 8" |
"Ready to build something awesome?You will be learning Laravel by making 6 web applications from basic to advanced project. However, you will not learn the basics of laravel, I have another course for that. you should have basic knowledge of Laravel.UPDATE: LARAVEL 8: HOW TO FOLLOW ALL THE PROJECTS OF THIS COURSE IN LARAVEL 8?Laravel 8 still supports the laravel/ui package to make laravel scaffolding(login, registration...). Most of the projects of this course were recorded in Laravel 7+ but if want to start in Laravel 8+, you can still do that. You can still use laravel ui package in laravel 8 project instead of jetstream or fortify. Please watch lecture 2 if you are laravel 8 users.PROJECT1: Restaurant appPROJECT LEVEL: BEGINNERThis is a simple application where an admin can manage foods available in his restaurant and customers can view the details of the food such as price, description of the food, etc. Admin will able to create the categories for the food and manage the foods. PROJECT 2: Online examination(quiz) app with Laravel and Vuejs PROJECT LEVEL: INTERMEDIATEAn online quiz or online examination is a web application that allows the admin to set the questions with a maximum of four options along with the correct answer. Admin can categorize the questions by creating the category for the questions. This helps admin to list all the questions for a particular category whenever necessary. Admin can create the users. Admin can assign the exam to his/her staff/interns/students for a particular category such as programming quiz, aptitude test, and so on. Each student/employee/interns who have been assigned a quiz can attempt the quiz and the result will be available to the candidate and admin can also view the result of the candidate in his/her dashboard.What students will learn?Students will learn to integrate the free admin template.How to write clean code.How to include Vue js in the project.How to display one question on screen per page and implement the next and previous button and do ajax request with Vue js.How to include Moment.js for the timer.How to make a design database structure, use the relationship to query.How to solve the challenging problem related to coding.and many more...=>You can download all the videos, project code, templates and ask unlimited questions to the instructor in Q&A section PROJECT 3: Ecommerce application with LaravelPROJECT LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE Ecommerce is a web application through which the company or a particular user can sell his products. In this project, we will make a web-based e-commerce web application in which admin can create a category, subcategory, manage his/her products, view user details, view purchase details and the user will able to filter, search and buy the products from the website via the stripe payment method. What students will learn?You will learn to integrate the free admin template.You will learn to make simple e-commerce frontpage design.You will learn to make a category, subcategory, products, filter the projects, etc.You will learn to make dependent dropdowns with ajax for category and subcategory.You will learn to make features such as adding products to the cart, updating the product, removing the product from the cart, checkout, system, etc.You will learn to integrate Stripe payment.You will learn to make the dynamic carousel to display the projects and sliders at the front page.No any package involved for adding product to cart, we will make our own functionality for that.and many more...=>You can download all the videos, project code, templates and ask unlimited questions to the instructor in Q&A sectionPROJECT 4: Photo share application with Laravel and Vue JSPROJECT LEVEL: ADVANCED The Phottoshare app is the web-based application that allows the user/photographer to share their photos with the world. Take beautiful photos, create an album in a particular category, and upload photos in your album and is ready to view. One user can able to follow another user and can also view his/her albums and photos. Any logged-in user can also leave a review in someone's album. As a guest user, you will be able to browse the photos based on category(such as Technology, Wildlife, People, Underwater, etc). What students will learn?You will learn how to work with Vue js in frontend and Laravel at the backend.You will learn to implement important features such as bulk image upload, updating user avatar and background picture, creating an album, and working on form validation, follow/unfollow system, pagination, etc with Vue js.You will learn to integrate sweet alert. You will learn to integrate Disqus comment.You will learn many things about Vue js and Laravel through example.and many more...=>You can download all the videos, project code, templates and ask unlimited questions to the instructor in Q&A sectionPROJECT 5: Mobile ringtone and wallpaper download websitePROJECT LEVEL: BEGINNERThis is a website from which you will able to download ringtone and wallpaper for your mobile. Any guest user can download varieties of ringtone from a different category. He/She will be able to download the same image in three different sizes(Large, Medium, and Small). The website will keep the record of the number of ringtones downloaded by the user. Other features include leaving review and comment on particular ringtone/wallpaper and sharing ringtone/wallpaper in social media by clicking the share button from this website.What students will learn?You will learn to upload files such as audio and image with validation.You will learn to use the Laravel Image Intervention package.You will learn to use the comment system and the social share button plugin.and many more...=>You can download all the videos, project code, templates and ask unlimited questions to the instructor in Q&A sectionPROJECT6: Complete employee management system with users, roles, permission, bulk mail, leave, notices, etc.PROJECT LEVEL: INTERMEDIATEYou will make a complete employee management system for your company or for someone's company. There can be different types of users such as Admin, Supervisor, Editor, Staff based on roles given to them by admin while registering a user. A user(admin/supervisor) can create a department(such as the IT Department, Sales&Marketing Department), can create users, roles and assign permission for editing, updating, deleting, or accessing the particular record. Admin can create important notices and will be available to view for all the staff of the company. Admin can send a mail with attachments(such as image, pdf, doc, Docx) to one staff, to all staff, or to all staff of the particular department.What students will learn?You will learn to integrate the free admin template..You will make a feature that allows admin to create a staff profile.You will make a feature that allows admin to make roles and assign permission to staff without using any package.You will make a feature that allows admin to send bulk mail with attachments to staff.You will make a feature that allows admin to create notices.You will make a feature that allows admin to create staff leave(sick leave, annual leave, etc).You will make the restaurant app=>You can download all the videos, project code, templates and ask unlimited questions to the instructor in Q&A section"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Artrlm Gereklik-1" |
"Merhaba arkadalar.Kurs fiyatlar yksek diyorsanz aadaki sorunun cevabn kupo-n olarak BTN KURSLARIMIZDA kullanabilirsiniz.Mula'nn turistik bir ilesi ve dier bir anlam da evlerin zemin katna verilen isim ? BODxxxTemel seviye ""Artrlm Gereklik"" (Augmented Reality-AR1) uygulamalarnn nasl yapldn PROJE BAZLI renmek iin doru yerdesiniz.AR-1 kurs programnda temel seviye Unity ,Vufori ve 3DsMAX bilgisi verilmitir.AR-2 ve AR-3 kurslarmza da katlarak ileri seviye AR uzaman olma frsatn yakalayacaksnz.Artrlm gereklik iin gerekli temel seviye bilgiler proje bazl uygulamalar eklinde verilmitir..rnein ""Hayvanlar Alemi"" kitab iin gerekli animasyonlar Assets Store'den indirilerek AR uygulamasna dntrlmtr.Ayn anda hem 3DMax ve AR konularn projeler stnde renmi olacaksnz.Herhangi bir programlama bilgisine sahip olmanza gerek yoktur.Videolardaki uygulamalar sfrdan balayanlar iin gayet ak ve net anlatmldr.zellikle Unity ve Vuforia uygulamalar,Maya ve 3DMax'te ileri seviye tasarm yapabilenler iin faydal bir eser olacaktr."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Artrlm Gereklik-2" |
"Merhaba arkadalar.Kurs fiyatlar yksek diyorsanz aadaki sorunun cevabn kupo-n olarak BTN KURSLARIMIZDA kullanabilirsiniz.Mula'nn turistik bir ilesi ve dier bir anlam da evlerin zemin katna verilen isim ? BODxxxUnity ile ileri seviye Artrlm Gereklik (AR-2) derslerimize ho geldiniz.Artrlm Gereklik (Augmented Reality-AR) uygulamalarnn nasl yapldn PROJE BAZLI renmek iin doru yerdesiniz.Kurs program temel olarak AR-1 kursumuzun devam niteliindedir.Fakat AR1 e katlmadan AR2 ye dorudan katlanlar iin tekrardan Unity'nin kurulumu ilk 3 videoda anlatlmtr.Artrlm gereklik iin gerekli bilgiler proje bazl uygulamalar eklinde verilecektir.zellikle Unity ve Vuforia uygulamalar,Maya ve 3DMax'te ileri seviye tasarm yapabilenler iin faydal bir eser olacaktr.Her hafta yeni ders videolar eklenecektir.Herkese iyi dersler dileriz"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Kolay 3DsMax" |
"Merhaba arkadalar.Kurs fiyatlar yksek diyorsanz aadaki sorunun cevabn kupo-n olarak BTN KURSLARIMIZDA kullanabilirsiniz.Mula'nn turistik bir ilesi ve dier bir anlam da evlerin zemin katna verilen isim ? BODxxxKursumuz kolay ve pratik olarak proje bazli 3 boyutlu tasarma yneliktirKsa srede 3 boyutlu tasarmda yol almak istiyorsanz doru derslerde hemen animasyon yapmay renirken,ilerleyen derslerde profesyonelce yastk,masa rts,dalgalanan bayrak,kiraz ,yumurta gibi objeleri izer hale geleceksiniz.Dersler ayrca ""Artrlm Gereklik"" projelerine ynelik anlatlmtr. Artrlm gereklik programlar (U N I T Y) kullanan renciler iin destekleyici bir kurstur.."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Artrlm Gereklik 3" |
"Merhaba arkadalar.Kurs fiyatlar yksek diyorsanz aadaki sorunun cevabn kupo-n olarak BTN KURSLARIMIZDA kullanabilirsiniz.Mula'nn turistik bir ilesi ve dier bir anlam da evlerin zemin katna verilen isim ? BODxxxUnity ile Artrlm Gereklik-3 , Unity'de Temel Seviye C# Kodlama derslerimize ho geldiniz.""Augmented Reality-AR"" uygulamalarnn nasl yapldn PROJE BAZLI renmek iin doru yerdesiniz.Kurs program temel olarak UDEMY'de yaynladmz AR-1 ve AR-2 kurslarmzn devam niteliindedir.Fakat bu kurslar almadan da dorudan bu kursa katlabilirsiniz.zellikle bu kursumuzda, TEMEL SEVYE C# kodlar ile daha zengin ve etkili AR projeleri nasl hazrland anlatlmtr.Her hafta yeni ders videolar eklenecektir.Herkese iyi dersler dileriz"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Movie Maker-Video Hazrlama" |
"Merhaba arkadalar.Kurs fiyatlar yksek diyorsanz aadaki sorunun cevabn kupo-n olarak BTN KURSLARIMIZDA kullanabilirsiniz.Mula'nn turistik bir ilesi ve dier bir anlam da evlerin zemin katna verilen isim ? BODxxxYeni balayanlar iin sfrdan ileri seviyeye,video dzenleme aralarndan ""EN KOLAY"" olan Windows Movie Maker renmek iin doru yerdesiniz.Kursumuzda Movie Maker 'la birlikte bilgisayar ekranndan grnt yakalama ve cep telefonundan kaydedilmi videolarn Movie Maker ile dzenlenmesi de anlatlmtr.Windows Movie Maker dier video dzenlme programlar iinde en kolay olandr.Program altrmak iin st dzey bir bilgisayara ihtiyacnz olmayacaktr.Trke olmas sebebiyle renilmesi de olduka kolaydr.Bu kursumuz sonunda sizler de YouTube veya Facebook gibi sosyal platformlar iin kendi videolarnz hazrlayabileceksiniz.Ayrca E-Ticaret'le veya Udemy eitmenlii gibi bir plannz varsa sizler iin de faydal bir alma olacaktr."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sanal Gereklik-Virtual Reality" |
"Merhaba arkadalar.Kurs fiyatlar yksek diyorsanz aadaki sorunun cevabn kupo-n olarak BTN KURSLARIMIZDA kullanabilirsiniz.Mula'nn turistik bir ilesi ve dier bir anlam da evlerin zemin katna verilen isim ? BODxxxArtrlm Gereklik uygulamalarndan sonra srada ""Sanal Gereklik"" uygulamalarnda sizlerle birlikteyiz.Derslerimiz temel seviyede ,yeni balayanlar iindir.Her hafta yeni videolar eklenerek konular ksa srede tamamlanacaktr.Yeni ylda yeni derslerin hazrlamas iin almaktayz.Bizi izlemeye devam edin.Artrlm Gereklik konusuna ilgili iseniz Udemy'deki kurslarmza gz atabilirsiniz.VR konusuna merakl iseniz aradnz temel konular burada bulacaksn.Fakat VR derslerinde , AR den farkl olarak VR gzlne ihtiyacn olacaktr.Sanal gereklik (Virtual Reality), en yaln haliyle, bilgisayarlar tarafndan taklit edilerek oluturulan ortamlar eklinde tanmlanyor. Gemite Matrix gibi filmlerde sanal gereklik, bilimkurgu ile ok i ie olsa da artk gndelik hayatn iinde. Bu teknolojide, kii gerek dnya ile ilikisini tamamen keserek ana karakterin yerine geiyor.Dersleri dinlemeden gzlk siparii vermemenizi tavsiye derste gerekli aklamalar yaplmaktadr.Elenceli bir ders geirmenizi dileriz.yi dersler"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bliss of Kundalini Yoga" |
"Are you ready to deepen your Kundalini Yoga practice?In this course, you will learn how to build up the life force within you and how to move the energies through your body.The exercises and techniques you are about to discover will have a deep impact on you. Learn how to calm your mind, rejuvenate your whole being, and release blockages inside the nervous system. Tap deeper into your unconscious potential, get to know yourself deeper and step forward on the path of self-realization!This Kundalini Yoga practice dates back to pre-Vedic times. This is the old practice that was handed on from Master to disciple. Learn what the yogis know since thousands of years and awake your inner power!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |