Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Empreendedorismo: o que preciso para abrir um Restaurante?" |
"Voc tem o sonho de ter o seu prprio negcio? Nesse curso voc ir aprender tudo sobre como abrir um restaurante, ou um comrcio na rea alimentcia, como pizzaria, lanchonete, hamburgueria e etc.Voc ir aprender como descobrir o quanto seus concorrentes esto faturando, como escolher um ponto ideal e a modelar melhor o seu negcio.Trabalharemos tambm com um plano de negcio, mostrando para voc quais so os custos fixos de um restaurante e como funciona o retorno financeiro (ROI).Ainda, trataremos de diversos aspectos legais que toda empresa do ramo alimentcio precisa seguir.Esse curso uma consultoria completa, com material de extrema qualidade que ir te guiar ao sucesso na construo do seu empreendimento.Temos absoluta convico que aps finalizar o curso, voc ter um entendimento solidificado de tudo que precisa para abrir o seu comrcio, e ser capaz de tomar a melhor deciso de quanto dinheiro investir, onde investir e de que forma investir."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
agiospaisios |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
theotokos |
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Price: 34.99 ![]() |
agiafilothei |
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Price: 39.99 ![]() |
iconprep |
"(jarden) . . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"High School Physics Rapid Cram Course" |
"Dont have a lot of time to study?The High School Physics Rapid Cram Course focuses on the general concepts typically found in your physics course.This course is perfect for the students who wants a refresher on the subject and dont have time studying.I have designed this course such that you can review a physics unit in minutes. Even better, you can even study by just listening to my bite size lectures without looking at the screen!I know that time is the most valuable asset for high school seniors, as you will be very busy juggling your academic and social life. If you dont have enough time to study physics, fear not for my rapid cram course is the solution for you!The Rapid Cram Course provides:- Bite Sized Review Units so you can re-enforce your learning for an entire physics unit within minutes- Practice problems with video providing step by step solutions- Resources for additional practice problems and solutions"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Carb Cycling for Weight Loss" |
"SECRETS REVEALED: Eating MORE CarbsCan Help You Lose Weight...Discover How To Eat Carbs and Still Lose Weight FAST! YES! I WANT TO TRANSFORM MY LIFE NOW!Dear friend,If you are looking for the most effective diet plan to lose weight FAST, so you could look great and fit into your old favorite pair of jeans that are 2 sizes down WITHOUT sacrificing your favorite carbohydrate-rich food then, this is the most important news for you today!Yes I know how good ketogenic and paleo diets are...But are you 100% prepared to eliminate all the carb-rich food such as rice, potatoeseven your favourite ice-cream and french-fries from your diet?What if you dont have to put on full-restrictions on your diet?What if you can still enjoy your favourite carb-rich meals and still lose weight at the same time?Would you be interested?Truth is Its all about Timing But before I share the secrets with you, you probably heard that in order to lose weight:You need to go on a strict diet or an extreme exercise routineWell, its true that you need to go on a diet and commit to an exercise routine to lose weight. But, not everyone has the willpower and determination to undergo a strict dieting system. Some may be able to do it 1-2 weeks. But, when they slack, they could easily go back to their old eating habits and even put on more weight than before! Like a rubber-band effect.Secondly, not everyone could follow a hard-core exercise program either. Maybe because theyre too busy, their body weight is taking too much toll on them, or theyre under specific conditions where they cant really sweat much (e.g. serious case of eczema).The good news is, theres a way for you to lose weight fast without having to undergo a strict diet or crazy exercise routine. Now you can finally lose weight and get your dream body without killing yourself.Mark your calendar today...Thats because today is going to be the important turning point in your life. Youre about to discover the Secret Weapon of the worlds top athletes or bodybuilders use to achieve their best physique in the fastest & safest way possible all without compromising their athletic capabilities.and you dont even have to train at that level to reap the same benefits!Youre about to learn one of the best diet strategies to help you achieve your dream physique as quickly as possible (and it doesnt have to be years!).These strategies helped me to be in my best shape, lose weight fast, and help me break through multiple weight loss plateaus. Your frustration ends here.IntroducingCarb Cycling for Weight LossHow To Start Living A Legendary Life""Carb Cycling For Weight Loss"" is the ultimate diet guide for those who want to lose weight fast, boost athletic performance, or break through their weight loss plateau. Carb Cycling is not just another fad diet. It is known as the ""Secret Weapon"" by a number of the worlds top athletes & bodybuilders to get in their best physical condition FAST. On top of that, carb cycling comes with other crucial health benefits such as preventing diabetes, controlling a balanced hormonal level, improving energy levels...and more!This diet blueprint reveals everything you need to know about Carb Cycling: How to get started with carb cycling, core benefits & implementation strategies, carb cycling protocols to follow, sample 7 day carb cycling meal plan and all the tips & tricks to get the best results out of this diet!If you're looking for the fastest way to lose weight, get in your best shape ever and overcome the fat loss plateau then this blueprint is what you have been searching for.Here are the things you will discover in this transformational program:What is carb cycling and how can it get you in shape.How to use carb cycling to burn fat & build muscle.Who can benefit from carb cycling.The basics of embarking on a carb cycling regime.The differences between keto and carb cycling.What you can and cant eat on a carb cycling diet.How to change your attitude for the better.How carb cycling can promote weight loss.The other benefits of carb cycling beyond weight loss.The important things to remember when trying out carb cycling.Top tips for getting started with a carb cycling eating plan.This is the Golden Key for those who want to:Lose weight in the safest & controlled mannerBurn stubborn belly fatsBreak the weight-loss plateauImprove overall athletic performanceBuild lean muscles effectively without gaining too much fatImprove muscle recovery in order to train longer with higher intensityOptimize physical performanceLive a longer & healthier lifeLook good, feel good with the dream body!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Trader Do Zero" |
"Curso completo para quem nunca teve contato com a bolsa de valores, custo benefcio excelente pelo contedo mostrado!Ganhe dinheiro vencendo o Mercado!NIVELAMENTO1. Conhecendo Corretora e Plataformas2. Anlise Grfica3. Entendendo os CandlesOPERACIONAL1. (Configurando o Grfico)2. (Funo dos Indicadores)3. (Candles de reverso)04. (Regra de Stop do Operacional)05. Operacional Completo (Final) (Trader DoZero) vem ajudando muita gente a ganhar dinheiro no Mercado financeiro, com seu custo baixo , e com o propsito AJUDAR pessoas determinadas a alcanarem sua independncia financeira."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Burnout Syndrome - Certification Course" |
"Hello and welcome to our online certification course on Burnout. I am Gloria Dimitrova and I will be your lecturer in the upcoming training. The purpose of the course is to introduce you to the concept of Burnout and what exactly is Burnout, what are the characteristic feelings and what is Occupational exhaustion syndrome as a whole. We will show you the 10 signs that you are close to a Burnout, the Components of occupational Burnout, the Burnout stages, 10 Tips in case of Burnout and How to Recover from Burnout. When one is aware of this major problem of extreme emotional exhaustion he or she is better able to fully cope with the difficulty of overcoming it. Also, when he can explain the strong anxious feelings he experiences and find a logical psychological explanation, he regains the self-confidence that will help heal. While it is crucial to understand the nature of the problem, it is also important to find the right way to deal with it. Therefore, through our advices and proven practices, everyone will be able to cope alone with the Burnout syndrome.Thank you for your attention and we wish you pleasant and fruitful minutes with our training.With this course you will receive:Certificate of completion from Udemy.Bonus at the end of the certification course.The bonus at the end of the certification course is granted by Valentin Boyadzhiev - a trained nutritionist from 2011, graduated Master of Psychology in ""Psychology and Psychopathology of Development"" from 2016; acquired a Professional Qualification ""Teacher of Psychology"" in 2017; with a Postgraduate Professional Qualification ""Psychological Counseling in Psychosomatic and Social Adaptation Disorders"" from 2017. Since 2018 - a member of the Association ""Bulgarian Psychoanalytic Space"". Since 2019 - a member of ""International Society of Applied Psychoanalysis"" and International Alliance of Holistic Therapists. Since 2011 - a lecturer on issues related to nutrition, diet, supplementation, food and nutritional supplements, sports and more. Since 2016 - teacher of psychology, logic, ethics, law, and philosophy and a lecturer on psychology. From 2017 - a school psychologist of children and pupils from 5 to 18 years of age. Participated annually in scientific conferences on psychology, psychotherapy, dietetics, medicine, and others. Past through many other pieces of training and seminars. His main interest and practice is in the field of psychoanalysis and clinical psychology."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Croma Fcil - cor para artistas." |
"Este curso tem por objetivo explicar algumas tcnicas de colorizao que foram fundamentais pro meu entendimento e melhora na pintura. Acho que eu tenho o dever de compartilhar com vocs tudo que eu aprendi nos ltimos tempos, sobre cor.Eu vou explicar o contedo terico que voc provavelmente j deve ter visto em vrios lugares, mas no fico nisso, justamente porque no um contedo difcil de achar por ai e tambm porque no tem enrolao nesse curso.Mas eu sigo pra algumas tcnicas e conceitos pouco falados, mas que fazem toda a diferena. E explico e demonstro como eu fao a aplicao desse conhecimento em vdeo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Derechos ms Humanos" |
"El concepto de derechos humanos se basa en un bien conocido, conjunto de presupuestos todos ellos tpicamente occidentales, existe una naturaleza humana universal que puede ser reconocida racionalmente, la naturaleza humana es esencialmente diferente y superior a la realidad restante, el individuo posee una dignidad absoluta e irreductible que debe ser defendida de la sociedad o del Estado, la autonoma del individuo exige que la sociedad est organizada de manera no jerrquica, como suma de individuos libres."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"MikroTik Foundation Untuk Pemula" |
"MikroTik Foundation Untuk Pemula merupakan training online yang dikhususkan bagi pemula IT yang belum pernah berkenalan dengan MikroTik dan ingin mempelajari MikroTik dari nol. Untuk mempelajari training ini minimal memiliki dasar jaringan komputer seperti IP Addressing, Internet dan Instalasi GNS3. Pembelajaran dimulai dari pengenalan apa itu MikroTik, bagaimana cara instalasi di virtual machine, pembuatan topologi dengan GNS3 , routing static dan dynamic, dasar firewall dan bandwidth management simple queue. Target setelah mengikuti training ini student bisa menerapkan MikroTik di perusahaan dengan efektif dan efisien.MikroTik merupakan salah satu perangkat networking yang banyak diminati di Indonesia karena memiliki banyak fitur dan harga perangkat yang terjangkau. Banyak perusahaan / perkantoran menggunakan MikroTik untuk layer access, distribution maupun core. Karena MikroTik sampai sekarang terbukti mampu menghandle layanan dengan ribuan user, dengan catatan Network Administrator mampu mengoptimisasi perangkat MikroTik secara benar."
Price: 1050000.00 ![]() |
"Check Point VPN course [for CCSA & CCSE professionals]-2020" |
"The course is fully focused on VPN and contains 7 sections that fully cover IPsec and SSL . I show you how to build a lab in VMware workstation + in VPS.Also, you will learn a method, I've used over the years on how to troubleshoot VPN related connection issues.Expand your CCSA and CCSE knowledge.1. Building Check Point labGetting a license, ISO and all necessary information to build a lab. In addition, we go trough GAIA installation and first-time configuration wizard.2. Licensing and SmartConsole Overview A brief but precise overview of Licesing and main console that manages the system.3. Building a Lab in VPSA great resource to build your own cool lab in Virtual Private Server.4. IPsec [Lecture]IPsec terminology is explained in a simple and understandable way.Includes topics like:Encryption DomainIPsec Phase 1 and Phase 2IPsec RoutingPermanent Tunnel (Tunnel Test and DPD)NAT inside VPNSA lifetimeNAT-T5. Installing a Web-ServerWe install a great web application designed intentionally vulnerable, so security enthusiasts can pentest and hack the web application in order to gain knowledge. Also we install XAMPP and I show you required configuration for your web application to work.6. Remote AccessA detailed explanation of Remote Access (Client-to-Site) type of VPN + LAB from scratch.7. SSL VPNIncludes Mobile Access overview + SNX + Mobile Access Lab8. IPsec [LAB]Section includes a lab on how to deploy IPsec from scratch between two firewalls. !!! Includes: build VPN managed by 1 Management Server + build VPN managed by separate Management Servers !!!9. Troubleshooting [Technique Overview and Practice]Learn unique techniques to troubleshoot Check Point VPN connections like a PRO. Each packet of phase 1 and 2 is explained.Hone your troubleshooting skills on real examples.10. Endpoint Security DeploymentContains two parts on how to deploy Endpoint Security SuiteUpdated: 08.09.2020 - Endpoint Security Deployment [Part1] and [Part2]Become a Check Point VPN pro Today!!!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
Excel: |
", Excel 340 ? . ? , Excel, , ? , ? ! 60 , , Excel. , , , ! : , ! , : Excel , ( !) ! , : , :PDF , , , - Excel, , ! , , - , ! , : ( )30- ( , - , . , !) ( ) , , !"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"How To Create A Winning Professional Resume" |
"Welcome to this online course on How to Create A Winning Professional Resume.This Course is designed for anyone - students and professionals - who wants to learn how to build a resume that best present themselves on paper, and attracts the attention of employers who might be reviewing 100s of CV everyday. By the end of this Course, you will know which kinds of resumes/CVs to use and when; you'll have gone through the steps to create a compelling document, and will know the techniques involved in creating a professional-looking CV. Course GoalShow you how to build a resume that EXCEEDS the expectations of a recruiter looking to fill a position, by highlighting your relevant skills and accomplishments in such a way that you are called for an interview/meeting.Key ContentGuides and templates that you can use to quickly get goingThe different kinds of resumes and CVs, and when to use them.How to analyze job postings, and how to build a profile that matches your skills and accomplishments with the requirements of the role.Tips on creating a good-looking document with professional styling and logical layouts.Elements to leave out and why."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Images Diagnosis" |
"This course was designed and prepared to be a practical CNN-based medical diagnosis application. It focuses on understanding by examples how CNN layers are working, how to train and evaluate CNN, how to improve CNN performances, how to visualize CNN layers, and how to deploy the final trained CNN model. All the development tools and materials required for this course are FREE. Besides that, all implemented Python codes are attached with this course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Source Code: Hypnotherapy to Let Go of Limiting Beliefs" |
"The Source Code is a content free, release hypnotherapy/meditation. In this course you will learn enough about the subconscious mind, psychology and hypnotherapy so you can use this powerful technique on others and yourself equally effectively. At the end of the course you will be taken through a series of carefully crafted imageries that will allow your client your mind to release all the negative, unwanted, limiting beliefs you have collected as a result of living in this world that block you from experiencing life to the fullest. You dont need to judge your performance in the process. But make sure you open your heart and mind NOW and ALLOW the healing to begin for you and your clients. This course is designed to be useful for you as a student, therapists or life coach equally. All videos are downloadable for your ease."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
titovabeliefs |
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Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Bienvenido al CURSO DISEO WEB MODERNO, al terminar este curso sers capaz de disear sitios web desde cero.As que si lo que quieres es introducirte al mundo del diseo web y crear sitios web modernos ests en el lugar adecuado, quiz te preguntes:Qu aprender al tomar el curso?Bueno al finalizar el curso sers capaz de disear sitios web modernos, con HTML y CSS, aparte de convertirte en un diseador web, entrars al mundo del frontend teniendo habilidades como:HTML5Crear y Leer documentos HTML5Usar elementos SVG en HTML5Maquetacin de formularios con HTML5Entender documentos en HTML5Crear contenido en HTML5Todas las bases de HTML5CSS3Crear y leer hojas de estilo CSS3Entender la herencia, cascada y especificidad Entender el modelo de cajaTodas las bases de CSS3Diseo web adaptable a dispositivos mvilesCreacin de sitios web adaptables a celularFlexbox (Cajas flexibles)Creacin de sitios web con FlexboxCSS GRID (An no se sube, se sube antes que termine Mayo)Animaciones en CSS3 (An no se sube, se sube antes que termine Mayo)En fin, todo esto es lo que necesitas para aprender diseo web moderno, no esperes ms e inscribete ahora.Hay requisitos para realizar el curso?No necesitas saber nada para empezarSi quieres aprender una nueva tecnologa, este curso es para tiNO es necesario tener alguna experiencia siendo programadorNO es necesario tener conocimiento previo sobre diseo webNO importa la edad ni generoNO es necesario tener la mejor computadoraQ&A [Preguntas frecuentes]Por qu comprar este curso?Tengo un canal de Youtube el cual se llama AlexCG Design, mis videos ms populares superando las 100,000 vistas han sido sobre la creacin de sitios web, por lo que siempre he recibido comentarios que quieren que yo de este curso por las tcnicas que he empleado en mis videos, as que terminando este curso aprenders tcnicas y recursos que muy pocos conoces.Est este curso actualizado?S, el curso se encuentra completamente actualizado, por lo que todo lo que aprenders son tcnicas modernas y diseo web moderno.El curso es prctico?El curso tiene prctica y teora pero como siempre una vez que entres a la prctica todos los conocimientos adquiridos previamente cobrarn sentido.Y si el curso no es para m?Vamos, animo si realmente quieres aprender estas tecnologas slo da el primer paso, y comienza avanzando un 1% cada da y cuando menos te des cuenta ya habrs diseado tu primera pgina."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) Practice Exams" |
"These practice exams will prepare you to pass the Securities Industry (SIE) exam that is required as of October 1, 2018 by FINRA for anyone who is interested in entering the financial services industry.This Course includes TWO Practice exams. You will have unlimited attempts.Duration: 105 minutesNumber of questions Exam 1 : 85 ( 75 + additional 10 randomly mixed in)Number of questions Exam 2 : 75 Content Outline:Knowledge of Capital Markets 16%Understanding Products and Their Risks 44%Understanding Trading, Customer Accounts and Prohibited Activities 31%Overview of Regulatory Framework 9%"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn the fundamentals of Drawing" |
"Youve always wanted to draw. You may be one of those people who have already drawn a lot, you doodle all the time, you picture your friends and family framed in a nice portrait, but you dont know how to make your drawings look better. Or you find it difficult to understand all those art books, even if they advice there looks easy at the first glance, you dont know how to apply them. Well, there is a secret to that. There are some simple rules and principles that when you know them you will be able to use them and create an illusion of real life that will improve the quality of your artistic skills immensely. Because, that is what we are creating- an optical illusion of real life.So in this course Im going to guide you, step by step and teach you those very simple techniques and rules. You wont need to follow complex charts and mathematical formulas for that. It can be done in a very simple way. As soon as you understand it, you will not need to think about it anymore, it will become built into your system as a guideline when you draw.You dont need to buy expensive, long term courses. You can do this at your own pace without spending a fortune.So I will take just 3 shapes:A cubeA cylinderA sphereand show how you can easily learn the rules of perspective and shading with those shapes and apply them to anything else you draw. And yes, you can even draw a face using just those 3 shapes.What Im also going to talk about here is your artistic manner. Because, even if we draw the exact same thing, each one of us will draw it differently. It is like the handwriting. And that is what is also our artistic signature.So, in this course, I will help you to realize your artistic signature instead of being afraid of it. Yes, we all want to draw like someone else, but what if we can draw like ourselves and be original and experiment and explore our artistic uniqueness. Rule + creative freedome (or knowing how to break the rules) = An ArtistEnjoy!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Yoga" |
"If you have always wanted to start yoga but are intimidated by the thought of being a total novice walking into an ""established"" class, feel that you are not flexible or fit enough to do a whole yoga class - or maybe you are looking at ways to maintain your practice between yoga classes then this course is for you. This 8 week series has been specifically designed for those who want to have a gentle and kind introduction into beginning a yoga practice."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"C_TFIN52_05 SAP Consultant Certified Solution Practice Exam" |
"265 UNIQUE practice questions for C_TFIN52_05 SAP Consultant Certified Solution Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C_TFIN52_05 SAP Consultant Certified Solution Practice ExamTotal Questions : 265Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :160 minsPassing Score : 75 (198 of 265)"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"All About Splunk Basics - 2020" |
"All About Splunk Basics - 2020, In this Course, you will be learning about the basics of Splunk and what are the uses of it. Along with it, you will also learn how to download and install Splunk on Windows and make the best use of it. Also, there are some Tasks & Assignment which will be given to you in between the course for you to try out and gain practical experience in Splunk.The take away of this course is that you will be knowing about Splunk and its architecture, Installation of Splunk, Navigating in Splunk, Apps and Add-Ons with real time demo installation, Indexes, Various deployments in Splunk, and with that, we will be touching on advanced topics about clusters and smart store in Splunk. I have also added Quiz at the end of some course to keep it more entertaining.This course will be very useful to start your career in Splunk or learn a technology from scratch. Please do watch the preview Video to get more insight about the course. ALL THE VERY BEST."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"ARM Assembly Language From Ground Up 2" |
"Welcome to the ARM Assembly Programming Ground Up 2 course.With a programming based approach, this course is designed to give you a solid foundation in bare-metal firmware development for ARM-based microcontrollers . The goal of this course is to teach you how to navigate the microntroller reference manual and datasheet to extract the right information to professionally build peripheral drivers and firmware. To achieve this goal, no libraries are used in this course, purely ARM Assembly Language.By the end of this course you will be able configure microcontroller peripherals like ADC, UART,PWM, GPIO, TIMERS, etc. You will also master the ARM architecture, ARM Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) and building professional embedded firmware in assembly for ARM processors.REMEMBER : I have no doubt you will love this course. Also it comes with a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So put simply, you really have nothing to loose and everything to gain.Sign up and lets start toggling some register bits"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Android Complete Course in Java" |
", . , . ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Turizm kursu - ingilizce" |
"Bu ok temel bir hayatta kalma kursu. Seyahat etmeniz gerektiinde kaybolmamanza yardmc olacaktr.imdi otele gidebilir ve resepsiyonist ile istediiniz her ey hakknda konuabilirsiniz.Artk yerlilerle konuabilirsinizSeyahat etmenin tadn karabilirsinizBir saniyeliine yerel gibi hissedebilirsinizAyrca, alverie gidebileceksiniz.Hastalanrsanz panik yapmayn. Sadece bir doktora / diiye gidin .... ve onlarla konuun.Kesinlikle, bulabildiiniz en iyi turistik kurslardan biridir. Sadece sylediim iin bana inanma. Bir ans ver."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide To Game Development : Build 11 Games" |
"List Of 3D Games You Will Build:Multiplayer ""Creator Kit"" AR GamesInfinty Runner (Zig Zag Mode)3D Ball GameList Of 2D Games You Will Build:ColorSwitch Game Flappy Bird Game Basketball Game Ellen Game Space Shooter Game Sunny Land Game Knife Hit Game Other than that you will learn to: Switch a game from Single player mode to MultiplayerMake a Beautiful graphicsCreate Awesome Games using ""Analog Controller""for Best Game PracticePublishing a Game on Google Play StoreCreate Awesome Level Design using ""TileMap"" Create your own level DesignCreate Best Score(Score System)Make AI Enemy.For the Augmented Reality side of the game, you will learn:Test The Multiplayer And AR Game With Different Solutions.Implementing AR to a Unity SceneImplementing Vuforia to the Project with AR FoundationDetecting image Target and Put Map On it Placing the Game Arena to Flat SurfacesHealth Bar for All Players synchronizationMovement Synchronization in Augmented RealitySupport for Unity 2019.3!Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to build fully functional Android mobile Games with the Unity game engine.Build a strong foundation in Unity and Android Game Development with this course.Android Game ExamplesJoysticks ControllerPost ProcessingThe course is project-based as we believe this is the best way to learn Unity and C#. You will not just be learning dry programming concepts, but applying them immediately to real indie games as you go. All the project files will be included, as well as additional references and resources - you'll never get stuck. There are talking-head videos, powerful diagrams, quality screen casts and more.Oh, and it's just bigger and better than other Unity courses you will find online. See the course length and the reviews.For Deach demo game you build you will follow this process...Be challenged to build the entire game yourself.Be shown step-by step how to build it.Be challenged to apply, and re-apply your knowledge regularly.You will get full lifetime access for a single one-off fee. The creators are qualified and experienced coders and avid gamers, so are able to explain complex concepts clearly, as well as entertain along the way.You will learn C#, and in turn build a solid foundation for Object Oriented Programming. By the end of the course you'll be very confident in the basics of coding and game development, and hungry to learn more.What this course DOESN'T cover...Whereas this course is already huge, we can't possibly cover everything in that time. Here are some things we will not be covering...Performance optimization.Editor plugins or modifications.Physics engine modification*Who this course is for:Anyone Who Wants To Master any of These On Unity : 3D Games , 2D Games ,Good Graphics & Multiplayer Games, publish Games on Google Play Should Take This Course"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Iphone 11 Photography: Night Mode" |
"One of the coolest new features exclusively to Iphone 11, Iphone 11 Pro, and Iphone 11 Pro Max is Night Mode. Night mode allows you to take cool pictures in low light situations. In this course we will talk about how to use night mode, when to use it, and comparisons of using it and not using it. I am back with a brand new course on one of the best features the Iphone 11 camera has. Are you ready to take better pictures with your Iphone 11, then sign up for this course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Arap Dili Konuma Dersleri (Btn Dzeyler) GNCEL MFREDAT" |
"Setimizin her videosu, onlarca gnlk konuma ifadesi iermektedir. Bu ifadeler, baka rneklere uyarlanabilecek ekilde hazrlanmtr. rnein ( : ezhebu ile's-sg: arya gidiyorum/giderim) cmlesinde gidilen yer (ary)'i deitirerek farkl cmleler kurulabilir. ( : erabu yen: ay iiyorum/ierim) rneinde, cmlede verilen ""ay"" iecei deitirilerek farkl cmleler oluturulabilir. Konumalarn anlalr olmas iin telaffuza itina gsterilmi, cmlelerden sonra rencinin tekrar iin uygun sreler braklmtr. Kurstan daha ok istifade etmek iin ltfen aadaki hususlara dikkat edin:1- Videolardaki kalp ifadelerin her biri gnlk hayatta sk kullanlan cmlelerden alnt olduundan ayr bir neme sahiptir. Dolaysyla gnde sadece bir videoyu mmkn olan en fazla tekrarla almak kalc bir renim salayacaktr. Tekrar iin ilke edinilecek ly belirlerken, anadilimiz Trkeyi renirken bu ve benzeri cmleleri ka kere duymu olabileceimiz gz nnde bulundurularak nemli bir ipucu elde edilebilir. Tavsiyemiz, bu tekrarn 100'den az olmamas ynndedir. 2- Temel ve Orta Dzey dersleri almam olan arkadalarn, konuma derslerinden nce veya konuma dersleri ile e zamanl Temel ve Orta Dzey konularn da renmeleri gerekir. nk bir btn olarak dili bilmeden konumak o dil iin sadece vitrin oluturur. (Temel ve Orta Dzey dersleri iin, ahin Ku / Udemy / Temel Dzel ve ahin Ku / Udemy /Orta Dzey setlerimizden yararlanlabilir.) 3- Herhangi bir nedenden dolay, Temel ve Orta Dzey Derslerine zaman ayrmadan sadece Konuma Derslerine arlk vermek isteyen arkadalarmzn en azndan Arap Alfabesi, zamirleri, eril ve diil, tekil, ikil, oul ve fiil ekimlerini renmeleri konuma becerilerini gelitirmede byk lde yardmc olacaktr. Baar dileklerimizle."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
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