Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Fermentation Kinetics MCQ Practice Questions (Bio Chemical)" |
"Fermentation theory refers to the historical study of models of natural fermentation processes, especially alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation. Notable contributors to the theory include Justus Von Liebig and Louis Pasteur, the latter of whom developed a purely microbial basis for the fermentation process based on his experiments. Pasteur's work on fermentation later led to his development of the germ theory of disease, which put the concept of spontaneous generation to rest. Although the fermentation process had been used extensively throughout history prior to the origin of Pasteur's prevailing theories, the underlying biological and chemical processes were not fully understood. In the contemporary, fermentation is used in the production of various alcoholic beverages, foodstuffs, and medicationsFermentation is the anaerobic metabolic process that converts sugar into acids, gases, or alcohols in oxygen starved environments. Yeast and many other microbes commonly use fermentation to carry out anaerobic respiration necessary for survival. Even the human body carries out fermentation processes from time to time, such as during long distance running; lactic acid will build up in muscles over the course of long-term exertion. Within the human body, lactic acid is the by-product of ATP-producing fermentation, which produces energy so the body can continue to exercise in situations where oxygen intake cannot be processed fast enough. Although fermentation yields less ATP than aerobic respiration, it can occur at a much higher rate. Fermentation has been used by humans consciously since around 5000 BCE, evidenced by jars recovered in the Iran Zagros Mountains area containing remnants of microbes similar those present in the wine-making processThese questions will give you basic idea for Examination Preparation and/or interview on Fermentation Kinetics.Please Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge only. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questionsIn this practice test, because of large amount of questions (around 72 questions) some of questions may have repeatedI had to put as 70% pass rate because there may also be wrong answers from my side"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Phaser 3 le Mobil Oyun Programlama Eitimi" |
"Bu kursum ile HTML 5 ve Javascript ile mobil oyun gelitirme ilemlerini gstereceim. Mobil oyun gelitirirken Phaser 3 oyun motorunun zelliklerini ve metotlarn kullanacaz. Bu kursu daha iyi anlayabilmeniz iin temel seviyede javascript ve phaser 3 bilgisine ihtiyacnz bulunmaktadr nk kullandm phaser 3 metotlarn ayrntl olarak aklamayacam sadece oyunun ilgili ilemleri iin kullanacam.Bu kursta popler Android ve IOS oyunlarn programlayacaz. Gelitireceimiz oyunlar :Bariyer Ka OyunuBouncing Ball 2 OyunuDash N Blast Oyunu Dnen Silah Oyunu ki Araba OyunuHarika Kareler Oyunuubuklu Kahraman Oyunu"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Temel Quantum Enerjisi" |
"Bir grup bir araya geldiinde kendi grup enerjisi alann oluturur. Genel anlamda pek ok kii bakalarndan ya da belli bir fiziksel alandan yaylan enerjinin farknda deildir. Ancak bu, bilindnda alglanr. Keyfinizin ya da ruh halinizin deimesi artk baka insanlarn enerjileriyle etkileim iinde olmanzdan kaynaklanr.Bolca enerjiniz olduunda, gemite enerjinizin dt, kendinizi yorgun hissettiiniz ve daha fazla devam etmek iin enerjim yok ya da daha fazla enerjim olsayd daha iyi bir i karrdm eklinde dndnz durumlardan kanabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Understand Basics of Mathematics : For beginners" |
"This course contains basic topics such as HCF AND LCM, DECIMAL FRACTION, SIMPLIFICATION OF FRACTIONS, AVERAGE, ALGEBRIC IDENTITIES, PERCENTAGE, RATIO. Each topic is discussed with examples and question are also practiced and provided for students to practice on their own. Students will be able to solve basic topics of mathematics after taking this course."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Algebra 2: Complete Sequence and series for Academics" |
"Now no need to pay double Tution fees for school and competition exams Best course on Sequence and series is here that covers all topics from basics to advanced level with all types of questions practice. All topics have been covered with proof and formulae to understand easily. PDF and Quiz are also included beside discussion of questions in the curriculum. In end a Practice test is also provided to test your knowledge. Tips and Tricks Are also included to crack competition that have significant weightage of sequence and series chapter. Topics covered :1. Sequence 2. Series 3. Arithmetic progression4. Geometric progression 5. Harmonic progression 6. Arithmetico geometric progression Tips and trick are included with each part to solve questions within seconds. What other students are saying ? "" The explanation meets my expectations and cleared all my doubts successfully, Enroll now and I assure you won't regret "" - Shivam Kumar "" Valuable informationClear explanationsEngaging deliveryHelpful practice activitiesAccurate course descriptionKnowledgeable instructor"" - Ann Barry "" Satisfied "" - Nick Benefits that students get in this course 1. Covers topics from basics to advance.2. Friendly instructor support in Q&A session. 3. Subjective + MCQ worksheet and question practices. 4. Multiple window doubt clearance session. You are going to love maths with this course. Enroll now and let's begin."
Price: 2240.00 ![]() |
"Curso Experto en Backend" |
"En este curso aprenders todo lo necesario para montar tu propio servidor web, conocers conceptos relacionados con la web en general pasando por el protocolo HTTP, que significa, para que nos sirve y como podemos utilizarlo en nuestros proyectos, tambin veremos todo lo relacionado con manejo de bases de datos para trabajar con informacin que provenga del frontend para trabajarlo con el backend enviandolo a una base de datos que nosotros genermos, el metodo principal ser usar NodeJS para crear nuestro entorno y poder trabajar, por lo que tambin aprenderas sobre NodeJS, cuales son sus carcteristicas y como agregar funcionalidades extra a traves de dependencias gratuitas, tocaremos temas teoricos relacionados con diversas tecnologas que existen relacionadas al backend para que quede bien aprendido que estamos haciendo adems de simplemente trabajar, por lo que este curso es fundamental para tanto iniciantes en el desarrollo web como personas con nociones sobre esto, al final del curso estaremos poniendo a prueba nuestro sistema en un entorno real y lo subiremos a la web de manera GRATUITA por lo que al comprar este curso no necesitas gastar nada ms aparte del pago que es por el propio curso. :)"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"HashiCorp Certified: Vault Associate 2020" |
"Practice and prepare for HashiCorp Certified: Vault Associate exam with 60+ unique questions. The Vault Associate certification is for Cloud Engineers specializing in security, development, or operations who know the basic concepts, skills, and use cases associated with open source HashiCorp Vault. Candidates will be best prepared for this exam if they have professional experience using Vault in production, but performing the exam objectives in a personal demo environment may also be sufficient. This person understands what enterprise features exist and what can and cannot be done using the open-source offering.Exam DetailsAssessment Type - Multiple choiceFormat - Online proctoredDuration - 1 hourPrice - $70.50 USDExpiration - 2 yearsExam ObjectivesCompare authentication methodsCreate Vault policiesAssess Vault tokensManage Vault leasesCompare and configure Vault secrets enginesUtilize Vault CLIUtilize Vault UIBe aware of the Vault APIExplain Vault architectureExplain encryption as a serviceReference is taken from Hashicorp's official documentation and guide."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate 2020" |
"Practice and prepare for HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate exam with 60+ unique questions. The Terraform Associate certification is for Cloud Engineers specializing in operations, IT, or development who know the basic concepts and skills associated with open source HashiCorp Terraform. Candidates will be best prepared for this exam if they have professional experience using Terraform in production, but performing the exam objectives in a personal demo environment may also be sufficient. This person understands which enterprise features exist and what can and cannot be done using the open-source offering.Exam DetailsAssessment Type - Multiple choiceFormat - Online proctoredDuration - 1 hourPrice - $70.50 USDExpiration - 2 yearsExam ObjectivesUnderstand infrastructure as code (IaC) conceptsUnderstand Terraform's purpose (vs other IaC)Understand Terraform basicsUse the Terraform CLI (outside of core workflow)Interact with Terraform modulesNavigate Terraform workflowImplement and maintain stateRead, generate, and modify configurationUnderstand Terraform Cloud and Enterprise capabilitiesReference is taken from Hashicorp's official documentation and guide."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Inverter : Learn most important power electronics converter" |
"Inverter is a most utilized device amongst the entire power electronics converters. Thats why it gained importance and covers major part of syllabus like subject Power Electronics 1 or Power Electronics -2 or under similar title of power electronics subject. This course explains all about inverter with most simplified way. This course has a capability to lift you from beginner to expert for the subject power electronics. Major topics covered in this course are single phase inverter, three phase inverter, harmonics analysis, Fourier series, total harmonics distortion THD, voltage & frequency control of Inverter & PWM control techniques.Complete inverter syllabus of inverter is divided in two important courses. First is ""Inverter: Learn most important power electronics converter"", and second Inverter -2. Please check the curriculum for more detail. Future course ""Inverter - 2"" will include Space Vector PWM (SVPWM), Current source Inverter and various Thyristor Based Inverters. Note: Harmonics analysis portion of this course explains fundamental of harmonics and use of Fourier series to analyse output voltage of inverters. Another course Harmonics Analysis & THD covers harmonics due to the entire converters and explains more about use of MATLAB. At the same time it shares portion harmonics analysis from this course Inverter - 1 as a part of basic understanding of Fourier analysis."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Pranayama Breathwork and Dynamic Meditations" |
"===Questions for You===Have you noticed how intimately connected your mental states and moods are to the quality of your breathing?Would you like to learn how to expand your lung capacity and draw more vital energy into the body? Would you like to learn how to boost your immune system and fight off viruses through the breath? Would you like to learn how to tap into deeper pools of vital energy and so experience more joy and balance? ===What to Expect===A joyful exploration of the breath and how we can through breathing more fully, life life more fully! Learn how through the practice of Pranayama / Breathwork we can develop a balanced breath and gain a balanced mind and emotional state. Learn and explore the reality of deep and balanced breath = deep and balanced mind...Practice and theory videos explaining the ancient system of pranayama breathwork, learning many powerful and effective techniques of breathwork pranayama. ===What's Included===33 lectures of carefully presented teachings, techniques, meditations and practices that clearly show you how to effectively develop an effective practice of Pranayama Breathwork. After completing the course a certificate of completion will be be given to the students from Udemy and also a separate personal one directly from facilitator (the later available upon request)===About the Facilitator===Your facilitator, multiple Bestselling and Highest Rated tutor Tom Llewellyn has 20 years of experience within the realms of Yoga, breathwork, meditation, lucid dreaming, and astral projection. He's also a trained and skilled teacher of Kundalini Yoga, a trained Sound Therapist and has written two books."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Investing in the Stock Market" |
"Hi there my name is Jack Kouzi , a global fund manager and international stock market investing speaker!Do you want to learn the inner workings of stock market investing?Do you want to learn how to create wealth for you and generations to come via investing? Are you looking for practical and successful investing strategies, not get rich quick schemes?I believe investing in the stock market is the greatest game in town, for everybody. The rich and the poor, the young and the old. No matter what side of the world you live on, investing in the stock market can create long lasting wealth for YOU and your family. You just have to do it right! Do it that your theory and fundamentals have to be on point!This course is beautifully designed for beginners to intermediates looking to learn to the following: Understand the fundamentals of the stock market with a view to benefiting from it Establish critical principles and lessons to ensure you are successful at investing in the stock market Learn how to identify trends in investing across the globe Master simple investing strategies to create long lasting wealth Successfully invest in the stock market without being in front of a computer 24/7 Specific strategies to make you a millionaire investor How to identify stocks and sectors to invest in Learn about my 7 hard and fast rules to make you a pro at investing in the stock market Delve deep into the psychology of investing successfully I am have spoken on media outlets around the world including leading investing channels like Bloomberg and CNBC. I travel the world speaking on stages helping people from all over the world invest in market successfully. I own my wealth management firm in Sydney Australia, where I manage hundreds of millions of dollars.I am self made, and now I want to help as many people as I can, from all walks of life, ages and corners of the globe. Don't fall for gimmicks come and learn with a professional who practices his craft every day!Come on let's learn and earn together!Yours in investing Jack Kouzi"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Kundalini Reiki Master (livelli 1, 2 e 3)" |
"Questo corso multimediale, al pari dei corsi dal vivo, ti certifica come Kundalini Reiki Master.Il corso accreditato dalla IAOTH, International Association of Therapist che fa si che il certificato sia riconosciuto a livello internazionale.Il Kundalini un metodo alternativo di Reiki molto famoso, un sistema energetico ideato da Ole Gabrielsen.Attraverso le attivazione verr aperto e rafforzato il tuo canale energetico.E' un sistema estremamente semplice, versatile, rapido ed efficace.Nessun simbolo da imparare, la chiave sta tutta nell'intenzione.Si presta benissimo ad integrarsi a qualunque tipo di terapia olistica si sappia svolgere.Otterrai le attivazioni necessarie, imparerai la teoria e imparerai come attivare i tuoi futuri studenti a tutti e tre i livelli di Kundalini Reiki.Sei pronto ad immergerti in questa nuova ed entusiasmante pratica energetica?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Drawing for Storyboards" |
"Hi! Thank you for checking out Drawing for Storyboarding. This is a fun, engaging course that will teach you how to draw for Animation Storyboards. First, youll learn how to draw characters - how to draw good expressions and posesFrom there, youll learn the best approaches to drawing suggested backgrounds for your boards - from rough blocking, to adding perspective, and how to draw depth and space in your panels.Youll also learn the best practices for story artists - these are the top directors tips and Ill share them with you so that you know what is expected of professional story artists.Ill also share with you some sample storyboards of other students in the course series - this is going to be an amazing opportunity for you to not only see diverse examples of different styles of drawing; but importantly, to see how fellow students are approaching their assigments, and working.There is an opportunity in this course to complete assignments and exercises for each of the topics covered; plus at the end, the class project for this course is to take a page of script and storyboard it out entirely yourself. Im going to give this project to you as though you were working for a studio - so youll get model sheets and layouts, as well as the script and then its over to you to put everything that weve covered in the course into practice.This course is a supplement to my successful storyboarding courses:Learn to Storyboard for Film & AnimationandAdvanced Storyboarding TechniquesBoth those courses cover in depth everything you need to know to about storyboarding - the technical aspects, the filmic language and the nuts and bolts of communicating your ideas for a story visually. This course takes all of those concepts and principles and dials down into the actual process of drawing.This course is aimed at beginners, so you dont have to have taken the other storyboarding courses in the series - you could use this as a starting point in fact. If you have taken the other courses in the series, this is going to bump you up to the next level and ensure that you are able to draw fast, fluid, efficiently."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"5 Ways to Improve Your English Fluency and Confidence - Fast" |
"If you know your English is good, but you want to make it great, this course will kick-start that process. You will learn 5 things you can start doing today that will make your English sound more natural and confident!WHO THIS COURSE IS FOR:This course is for students who want a fast-paced course that gets results. It's for students who want to finish this course in an hour. Alternatively, students can do a section per day for a week depending on what works best for you and your schedule. This course is for students who love extra resources that will help you extend your practice in efficient and effective ways.This course is based on real-life American English. You will learn small things you can do that will have a big impact on your conversational skills and confidence. WHAT THIS COURSE INCLUDES:How to be yourself in English.How to sound natural, even when you're pausing to think.How to speak smoothly using connected speech - something that helps create the sound of American English.How to change the subject without sounding awkward.How to use simple sentences that help you communicate more clearly. THIS COURSE IS NOT:This is not an in-depth course. It is designed for busy individuals who want simple things they can implement immediately to see results.This is not a grammar course. This course instead will help you improve your communication with tips and expressions that American native speakers actually use in their everyday conversations.WHAT STUDENTS ARE SAYING:""Recently, an American client told me that she's really impressed with my English. It felt awesome. Thanks, Tannia, for your support!"" - Chris G. GermanyI't was very helpful, and now Im more confident in myself and in my work. I am a yoga teacher, so I was so scared about my pronunciation in class, and now I am more confident and more relaxed. My voice is more natural. It feels like Im a different person because when you speak another language, you tend to change a little bit yourself. - Luana S. ItalyMEET YOUR INSTRUCTORI'm Tannia of English Challenges. As a Business English Coach, entrepreneur and digital nomad I get to travel all over the world while building my virtual business and coaching amazing clients, helping them take their English and their career to the next level. Join over 100,000 students across platforms - and lets help you speak English naturally and confidently.You've gotten as far as you have on your own. Now, let's take your English to the next level together!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel In B2B Sales with emphasis on sales and negotiation" |
"Todays sophisticated customers just arent buying traditional product-based presentations. To engage these buyers, you need B2B Sales Skills.B2B Selling Skills is a proven sales methodology that teaches sales professionals how to stimulate interest, quickly build trust, create value in their offerings, close with confidence, and dramatically improve their effectiveness with modern customers.This course is a once in lifetime opportunity for those who are pursing a career in B2B sales. It covers all the fundamentals and advance level techniques required to be successful in B2B arena. If you are in sales, sales management, customer development and or marketing this is a must attend course.Key Benefits:After completing this program, your will be able to:Quickly create connections and build trust with customers using a consultative approachDifferentiate from the competition through a value-focused sales approachAchieve the status of Trusted Advisor and exceed customer expectationsWin more business by deeply uncovering whats most important to the customer and persuasively presenting the right solutionsReduce and overcome objections from customers by adopting a proven approachProgram objectives include:Successfully plan for sales calls by using a comprehensive activity based workbookConfidently open sales calls, create rapport, engage the customer, and set a positive tone for the sales interactionUtilize a focused methodology based on your unique features and the changing environment of your prospectIncrease customer buy-in by using a methodology attributed to contrast between current state and ideal state leading to financial value Handle objections using a four-step attention grabbing approach that most sales trainings do not coverEnd the meeting with a commitment following a closing approach that leverages the momentum of the sales interaction and seamlessly moves the process forward"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"As an Award Winning Broadway Credited Voice Coach, I've devoted the last 20 years of my life teaching live, in-person communication skills to Elite Scientists, Presidents, CEOs, Entrepreneurs, Attorneys, Consultants, and also for corporations like GOOGLE, AMAZON, FACEBOOK and NASA (JPL) and more. What sets me apart from everyone else? Unlike the common ""Communication instructors"" who regurgitate the same jargon over and over, COMPLETE COMMUNICATION SKILLS MASTER CLASS is designed to give you the EDGE on your communication skills. I will be teaching you the exact skills and techniques professional stage actors use to command an audience. Think about it, ever wonder how stage actors can grab the attention of and audience for over 2 hours, with dynamic, articulate and memorable communication skills? This is the ONLY place where you will learn exactly that. We will extract the best of the best techniques that can be easily translated to ANY communicational situation, leaving your audience mesmerized and wanting more. I will be providing you with specific exercises and techniques that you can call rely on. THIS is your one stop shop for everything communication.This course is ideal for anyone looking to master their communication skills in:Public Speaking to small or large audiences Presentation SkillsMemorization Projecting/Commanding your VoiceListening AssertivenessImpactful First ImpressionsPersuasionJob Interviews How to Seal the DealSO MUCH MORE!You will see instant results! Take the first step on getting the EDGE and lets propel your career to the next level TOGETHER!See you on the other side!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Arranca en la impresin 3D desde cero" |
"El curso contiene los conocimientos bsicos de impresin 3D. Tanto los usuarios sin experiencia como aquellos con cierta experiencia deben de tener claros los conceptos del curso. El curso te guiar paso a paso a elegir tu primera impresora 3D de una forma clara y adaptada a tus necesidades. Adems, si tu ya te has comprado la tuya te mostrar todas las funciones avanzadas que tiene tu impresora para que puedas sacarle el mximo rendimiento.Tambin conocers los materiales de impresin 3D ms habituales y encontrars consejos muy tiles de cmo usarlos en tu impresora 3D."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Empieza en la impresin 3D con Cura Ultimaker: Laminado" |
"En el curso aprenders todo sobre Cura Ultimaker. El curso parte completamente desde cero y te llevar hasta un nivel avanzado donde podrs realizar tus propios proyectos de forma independiente. Adems, aprenders a configurar todos los parmetros de impresin 3D y aprenders a utilizar de forma correcta el programa de laminado. Vers proyectos reales realizados dentro de programa.El programa cura ultimaker es el software de laminado ms conocido que te permitir crear todo tipo de diseos 3D en tu hogar. En el curso te contaremos las claves para que puedas crear un buen trabajo de impresin 3D de forma autonoma. No te har falta comprar ms cursos o ver documentacin adicional. Todo sobre cura Ultimaker, lo tienes aqu."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Laminado bsico en impresin 3D con Pathio" |
"El curso empieza completamente desde cero y termina con la realizacin de proyectos reales de impresin 3D. Al final del curso podrs realizar tus proyectos propios de impresin 3D utilizando las funcionalidades del lamiandor Pathio.Aprenders a configurar todos los parmetros de impresin, aprenders todas las funciones adicionales que tiene este programa en comparacin con otros programas de laminado y aprenders a realizar proyectos reales."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Presupuestos en el negocio de la impresin 3D" |
"El curso te ensear a realizar los presupuestos de tus proyectos de impresin 3D. El objetivo es ayudarte a fijar un precio de venta de las piezas que fabriques en tu impresora 3D.Adems, aprenders a calcular el consumo de tus impresoras 3D y recibirs consejos para hacer una mejor gestin de tus proyectos de impresin 3D en cuanto a organizacin y gestin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Data Science with Pandas: Master 12 Advanced Projects" |
"Welcome to the first advanced and project-based Pandas Data Science Course! This Course starts where many other courses end: You can write some Pandas code but you are still struggling with real-world Projects becauseReal-World Data is typically not provided in a single or a few text/excel files -> more advanced Data Importing Techniques are requiredReal-World Data is large, unstructured, nested and unclean -> more advanced Data Manipulation and Data Analysis/Visualization Techniques are required many easy-to-use Pandas methods work best with relatively small and clean Datasets -> real-world Datasets require more General Code (incorporating other Libraries/Modules) No matter if you need excellent Pandas skills for Data Analysis, Machine Learning or Finance purposes, this is the right Course for you to get your skills to Expert Level! Master your real-world Projects! This Course covers the full Data Workflow A-Z:Import (complex and nested) Data from JSON files.Import (complex and nested) Data from the Web with Web APIs, JSON and Wrapper Packages.Import (complex and nested) Data from SQL Databases.Store (complex and nested) Data in JSON files.Store (complex and nested) Data in SQL Databases.Work with Pandas and SQL Databases in parallel (getting the best of both worlds).Efficiently import and merge Data from many text/CSV files.Clean large and messy Datasets with more General Code.Clean, handle and flatten nested and stringified Data in DataFrames.Know how to handle and normalize Unicode strings.Merge and Concatenate many Datasets efficiently.Scale and Automate data merging.Explanatory Data Analysis and Data Presentation with advanced Visualization Tools (advanced Matplotlib & Seaborn).Test the Performance Limits of Pandas with advanced Data Aggregations and Grouping.Data Preprocessing and Feature Engineering for Machine Learning with simple Pandas code.Use your Data 1: Train and test Machine Learning Models on preprocessed Data and analyze the results.Use your Data 2: Backtesting and Forward Testing of Investment Strategies (Finance & Investment Stack).Use your Data 3: Index Tracking (Finance & Investment Stack).Use your Data 4: Present your Data with Python in a nicely looking HTML format (Website Quality).and many more...I am Alexander Hagmann, Finance Professional and Data Scientist (> 7 Years Industry Experience) and best-selling Instructor for Pandas, (Financial) Data Science and Finance with Python. Looking forward to seeing you in this Course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
wrgsmono |
", , . , . . ? , . , , , , . , , -. 7 : - ? ? . ? ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WSUS Windows Server Update Services patch vulnerabilit" |
"La gestion des correctifs de scurit, ou patch management, est aujourdhui lun des lments cls de la protection des Systmes dInformation. Il y a quelques annes encore, la gestion des patches ntait ncessaire que sur un sous-ensemble relativement restreint de systmes : principalement les serveurs les plus sensibles ou les plus exposs, comme les serveurs accessibles depuis Internet par exemple. Malheureusement, aujourdhui, ce nest plus aussi simple.Ainsi, il est ncessaire dagir si lon ne veut pas perdre son temps (et son argent) ragir en cas de contamination : il sagit dtre proactif plutt que ractif. Dans cette formation, vous allez apprendre comment planifier, installer et grer les mises jour avec WSUS dans un environnement de production"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Django 3. ." |
"Django - -, Python. - : (, , ), , , . . , Django. Django , , Python. , -, . , , , - Django . , , , , . - , Django. : Virtualenv requests Beautifulsoup Django Bootstrap 4 Heroku !"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect : Tests" |
"Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect : TestsThis exam prepares IT professionals to design and manage a secure, high performance, robust and scalable Google Cloud architecture. These skills help organizations meet their requirements for operating dynamic, secure and profitable cloud infrastructure.Cloud computing is here, and it is here to stay. As the computer industry transitions to the service-based model of delivering infrastructure, platforms and software (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS) along with many variations on these themes, studies indicate continued acceleration of growth.The Cloud Architect should be proficient in all aspects of enterprise cloud strategy, solution design, and architectural best practices. The Cloud Architect should also be experienced in software development methodologies and approaches including multi-tiered distributed applications which span multi-cloud or hybrid environments.During the exam for the Cloud Architect Certification, some of the questions may refer you to a case study that describes a fictitious business and solution concept. This practice test will be helpful to pass the official exam Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect Exam Topics include :Design and plan a cloud solution architectureAnalyze and optimize technical and business processesDesign for security and complianceManage and provision the cloud solution infrastructureManage implementations of cloud architectureEnsure solution and operations reliabilityWish you all the best for your exam !"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Instagram Optimization" |
"Hey Millionaires!Are you looking for powerful tools that help manage & optimize your social media!Are you Tired of spending countless hours to come up with the perfect hashtag?Have you tried to hire a VA to manage your social media but had terrible results that just didn't justify paying for another month!In this course I am going to show you exactly how you can optimize and create a post to help generate more:FOLLOWERSENGAGEMENTLIKESAND LINK CLICKS!GET THE TOOLS USED BY MAJOR BRANDS & INFLUENCERS TO GET REAL FOLLOWERS & BOOST ENGAGEMENT!IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT FREEING UP YOUR TIME AND GETTING MORE EYES ON YOUR INSTAGRAM PAGE! THEN YOU NEED TO SIGN UP FOR THIS COURSE NOW!I WILL SEE YOU ON THE INSIDE!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mejora tu vida con PNL" |
"Este es un curso general para aquellas personas que tienen curiosidad por conocer sobre la PNL, las clases las podrs llevar a la prctica en tu vida cotidiana y podran ayudarte a mejorar aspectos; personales, profesionales y sociales.Para este curso necesitas estar dispuesto a desarrollar al mximo tu autoestima y potencial."
Price: 270.00 ![]() |
"Sales Skills: Closing tips to close like a pro" |
"Whether you want to admit it or not, the way we close sales is changing. It's not just cold calls and follows up any more.Closing"" is the key skill any salesperson or entrepreneur needs to know in order to be successful in the world of sales and persuasion. If you have this skill, and you get really good at it, you will start closing more and making more money as a result than you have ever made before.This course will cover the closing techniques which can be immediately adopted to help you to move to the next level from where you are right now. If you have been having trouble meeting sales targets and lack motivation and negotiation skills to close deals and make those sales then probably it's the mindset that you need to understand.In this course, I will take you through the winner's mindset which will cover the important aspects of developing a mindset that can help you get the results that you have been always looking for. Most of the time people think its mechanical stuff, strategies that can make you great salesman, but in reality that's not all, you have a deep-rooted mindset that may be stopping you to get the number of closes that you deserve.The material in the course is useful and important, regardless of what industry you are in."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
orgdesign |
", 60 M&A. . "" "" : , - - - - . 60 M&A . - (. : Amazon, Ozon, , Ridero...) , , ( , ) ,"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Etkin Zaman Ynetimi" |
"ou zaman hayatn nasl getiinden, yllarn hzla geip gittiinden bahsederiz yaarz ama imdiki zamann da kymetini bilmeyiz. Elimizden akp gittikten sonra bir daha asla gelmeyecek kymetli zaman dilimlerimizi nasl daha verimli geirebileceimiz ve zamanmz deerlendireceimiz hepimizin merak ettii bir konudur. Akl banda her insan zamann en iyi ekilde deerlendirerek tketmek ister. nk hepimizin yapmas gereken ok fazla ii var ancak zamanmz kstl. lerimiz, planlarmz srekli artyor ama zaman sabit ve durmuyor, durdurulamyor.Genel olarak kurs, seminer, online veya akademik olsun bir ok eitimde o eitimin nemi hakknda konuulur, neminden neden o eitimin alnmas gerektiinden bahsedilir sonra ilgili eitimin, kavramlarn tanmlarndan, tarihesinden bahsedilir.Bu eitim hazrlanrken Lead Akademi olarak bir ok zaman ynetim eitim ve dokmanlar incelendi ve yukarda bahsettiimiz giri blmlerinin, genel geer hikayelerin zaman ynetim eitiminde de yer aldn grdk. Oysa sizler zaten bu eitimi almaya gelmi olduunuza gre zamann kymetini biliyorsunuz. Lead Akademi ekibi olarak Zaman Ynetim eitimini basit tanmlardan, gereksiz hikayelerden ve iinize yaramayacak iirme blmlerden arndrarak zaman en iyi ekilde deerlendirmeye altk."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Desafio do empreendedor" |
"Um treinamento incrvel com 7 desafios diferentes para voc tirar seu negcio do papel e comear com o p direito. Todos os dias uma aula e um exerccio prtico para o empreendedor iniciante. Voc aprender a definir misso, viso e valores, controlar as finanas do seu pequeno negcio, definir o nome perfeito, usar a concorrncia ao seu favor, posicionar seu negcio no Google e muito mais! Alm disso voc aprender traar estratgias de acordo com a misso definida e alcanar seus objetivos de longo prazo para seu pequeno negcio."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |