Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Cooking Korean Foods - A Growing Library of Recipes & Videos" |
"*PLEASE READ* (June 28, 2020)With the purchase of this course you are enrolling in a package that is constantly growing with content. New recipes are added approx. every 1 to 2 weeks, so make sure you are coming back to check the latest recipes and tips. *******************************In this course you will learn how to make Authentic Korean dishes that you can make in the comfort of your own kitchen. Make Korean favorites such as bulgogi, japchae, kimchi jjigae, and if your ambitious your very own batch of kimchi using my easy video tutorial/recipes. With new videos uploaded regularly you will become a member of the most comprehensive Korean course on UDEMY. Be apart of the community and get access to one on one feed back and Q&A sessions with me, I am at your service to make you a better Korean cook.Join and start your Korean cooking adventure today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Android Dark Theme" |
"In this course we will learn how to add a Dark Theme support to Android 10 And Pre Android 10 Device . Android 10 introduced a system Dark theme setting, and if you want to build a modern apps your app should support the system setting as well as let users override to their preferred theme. See how to add Day Night themes into your app on Android 10 and earlier versions of Android, and then let your users decide whether to follow the system setting. You'll also learn how to go to a dark theme in battery saver mode in Pre Android 10 Device"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Restful API Web Services With Spring Boot And React JS" |
"We will create a new project in this course.And we will implement this project with using Spring Boot, React, and MYSQL.In our project, we will implement CRUD operations. And these CRUD operations will be requested from React.Then This requests will be handled from Spring Boot.Our project goes on User operations. Our main operations will be user login, register, profile and user list.Also, we will go on with role based application.And this all things will be provided with secure way in both React and Spring Boot side.We will have two main components to implement our project.These are server side and client side.In Server Side:Spring Boot will be main thing.Model View Controller structure will be implemented with using Spring Boot.Our MVC structure will work like that:First of all, the entity classes will be created under model package.Later, if model class is permanent, we will create a repository for it.Then we will call repository from services.Finally, we will call services from from controllers. In Spring Boot, Data will be presented to client as API call so Spring Rest Controller will be used to handle it.We will use MySQL as Database.We will also use Object Relational Mapping with Java Persistence API and Hibernate.You know, We can map our database tables to objects with hibernate.We will use JPA Repository and Crud Repository in Spring Boot. So these repository templates will handle common database operations like save, update, find, delete.With Spring Boot, we will also use Lombok library to clear code.You know that we don't want to implement getter, setter, equals and hash code. So we can escape it using Lombok @Data or @Value annotation.We will use Gradle To handle all dependencies on server side.That's all about Server side.Let's talk about Client Side.React will be the main client controller.React works on nodeJS.In react, we will consume server side data with api calls.To do it, we will create service classes.In service: We can connect to server side and we can send requests or we can get responses from server side with http.Then, we will call service data from components and we will render them.Our User interface panel is contructed from admin operations and user operations.In user operations:, First of all, we will display test product data on home page. And these products can be purchased by users.Secondly, we will implement login, register and profile pages for users.In admin operations:,We will implement user CRUD operations.And of course, we will implement authentication and authorization for admin operations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Azure KeyVault Course: Learn about Keys,Secrets,Certificates" |
"Azure Key Vault is a secure way of storing your keys, certificates, and secrets so your application can access everything it needs to but you dont have them being stored insecurely anywhere such as in configuration files or executable. Azure Key Vault provides life-cycle management for objects keys, secrets, and certificates. In this course you will learn the basics use of Key Vault, its management, Securing key vault Access and Key Vault Auditing.Azure Key Vault is a secrets management platform, providing a secure repository to keys, secrets, and certificates. It offers deep integration with other services in Azure, and provides a highly secure repository for your most sensitive data. In this course you will learn below topics:1) Key Vault Basics: In this section you will learn why there is need to Azure Key Vault, What is Azure Key Vault, Key Vault Integration with Azure Services, Key Vault Key Types & Pricing and Demo on Provision Azure Key Vault.2) Key Vault core ComponentsIn this section you will learn about various Objects in Key Vaults, Keys In Azure Key Vault, Demo on Creating keys in Key Vault, Secrets in Azure Key Vault, Demo on Creating Secrets in Key Vault, Certificates in Azure Key Vault.3) Securing access to Azure Key VaultIn this section you will gain knowledge about Key Vault- Management and Data Plane, Management Plane - Authorize using RBAC (Role Based Access Control), Demo on Securing Access using RBAC, Data Plane Authorization using Access Policies, Security using Network level Restriction, Demo on Key Vault Network level Restriction.4) Auditing in Key Vault Finally,In this section you will gain knowledge about key Vault logging, auditing.""Once you are done with this course, you'll have the skill set required to deploy and manage and secure access for Azure Key Vault in your Organization."""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Choose your happiness" |
"I want to help you be a more joyful person than you are now. The goal of my course is to give you an effective tool that helps you to become a better soul with inner happiness We all want to be happier in our life. so I want to give you simple strategies that you can implement in your life.And that strategy will make you more peaceful.In addition to the course you will learn the following topics:1 Why your brain doesn't want you to be happy.2 Why it is important to get the negative energy out of your life.3 What list do you need in your life?4 How to change your mood.5 Why it is important to create a clean environment6 How exercise is related to your happiness.7 What to do when your energy goes down.8 Why it is important to meditate.9 Why is it important to know how to manage your money?10 What list you should create.That11 Which books I recommend reading.12 How Love Is Related to Your Happiness.It is clear to me beyond a doubt that this course will help you to be a happier and happier personSee you on the other side..."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
ilkupvmv |
"! . . . : , , , . ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Start A Six-Figure Photo Booth Business" |
"In this course I will show you how I built my Photo Booth Rental Business. I Have Made The Mistakes...So You Don't Have To.What if I could help you significantly shorten your learning curve and work with you every month to ACCELERATE your success and mastery of your business?If you had a multi-millionaire online entrepreneur in your corner, mentoring you every single month, do you think you'd get to where you want to be much faster? Of course.Would you be less likely to fail, be less frustrated and enjoy the process more? Yup.And wouldn't that ultimately save you a lot of money and time, that you'd likely waste by not knowing what to do and making mistakes that I can help you avoid? Absolutely.Listen... to achieve any form of success in any business, you need to learn from others that have already been there and done it. This is what mastery requires. It's what I did and everyone that I can think of that is successful today.That's why I created the this course and am extending this invitation for you to join."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
abaadexcusec |
". ."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Major Economic Disruptors: The Impact on Credit" |
"The Covid 19 virus came into our lexicon late 2019 and the beginning of 2020. All indications are that it started in Wuhan, China and spread death, destruction, and devastation in its path. There are plenty of people to talk about how we get out of this problem medically and how long it will take. Personally, I am medically compromised and will not going too many places until I received the vaccine. From what I am told, this should happen approximately in 2021.The Covid 19 virus has the potential to destroy much in the way we do business. Credit scores will drop, and debt collection efforts will go up and large financial institutions will change their criteria for determining who gets loans and who doesnt. In the 1970s to 1980s, we transformed fully to a spending society in which there is little savings. Our society is defined by the consumption and financing of goods and services. . Cash is no longer king: plastic is, as we use debit and credit cards."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Profesyonel Photoshop CC2020 Retouch ve Maniplasyon Eitimi" |
"Merhaba, ben Kadir lmezkaya.Udemy'de yaynlam olduum iki kursumda temel aralardan balamtk ve yava yava ilerledik. Bu kursumuzda ise, artk profesyonel tekniklere uygulamal olarak giri yapyoruz. Bir portre fotorafnda manuel Frekans Ayrma, doku oluturma, cilt temizleme,cilt tonu ekleme,przszletirme ve parlatma gibi birok teknii reneceksiniz. Ayrca photoshoplazmik ve kadir.lmezkaya instagram hesaplarmda grdnz maniplasyon ilemlerini de gerekletireceiz. Yzde yz retmeye ynelik bir kurs hazrladm. Birlikte Photoshop zerinde harika iler gerekletireceiz. yi Dersler dilerim."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"SQL - Curso completo de Bases de Datos lenguaje sql y mysql" |
"Bienvenidos al mejor curso de Bases de datos y Lenguaje sql.En este curso aprenders:Lenguaje SQLDisear y crear una base de datos desde cero sin conocimientos previos.Disears una base de datos para una escuela de inglsRealizar consultas de seleccin de datos con selectRealizar consultas de modificacin de datos con updateRealizar consultas de eliminacin de datos con deleteRealizar consultas para agregar datos con insertDiseo de bases de datos con el modelo conceptual, modelo lgico y modelo fsicoAprenders a utilizar conceptos avanzados como ndices e integridad referencial.Y muchsimas cosas ms, todo esto con prcticas para que aprendas mejor como utilizar bien el lenguaje SQL.Qu conocimientos previos necesitas para este curso?NINGUNO!. Este es un curso desde cero, as que cualquier persona interesada en el tema lo puede tomar.TESTIMONIOS Y RESEAS DE OTROS DE MIS ESTUDIANTES EN OTROS DE MIS CURSOSMarcial SartoriMe gusta mucho el curso. El profesor es claro y explica con ejemplos :)William AcevesExcelente la explicacin que realiza. Para todos aquellos que comienzan en este aprendizaje se les facilitara el entenderAndrs FelipeEs un buen curso. El profesor domina la materia que imparte y responde con brevedad las preguntas que les puedan surgir a los alumnos. Est todo muy bien explicado y la forma de encontrar los pocos errores que comete es la ideal para este tipo de aprendizaje."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Workshop Ao Vivo - Semana Projeto no Power Bi" |
"Aprenda a construir um painel de indicadores durante essa semana. Sero 5 dias de aulas para voc aprender desde a importao de dados em tempo real, at o desenvolvimento do painel.Essas aulas foram disponibilizadas pelo Youtube entre os dias 23 a 27 de Maro de 2020, onde todos puderam participar e seguir dia a dia construindo do zero um Painel buscando informaes em tempo real de um site da internet."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Translate Your Dreams into Reality" |
"Discussion classes.A discussion can bring out your interests and motivate you; its a chance for you to talk about the things you really care about.Discussion activities encourage critical thinking and are therefore excellent preparation for speaking tests, such as IELTS or TOEFL, which partly examine the ability to express and justify opinions in English.It refers to speaking in English freely during lessons.Home alone and discussions.Record your voice We know, I know most people dislike hearing their voice recorded but it's actually an extremely beneficial way to improve your speaking! Hearing yourself on tape shows you things you might not realize.Sections:1. Welcome!2. What Will Happen If You Don't Take This Step?3. Developing Personal Leadership.4. Leadership Styles & How to Find Your Own5. Change your life.6. Course ProjectYou will be able to create a vivid visual representation of the way your life is currently, compared with the way you'd ideally like it to be. Take Action7. ConclusionStop making excusesTopics.Develop the leadership skills to advance your career, team, and organization.( Based on Leadership Principles of the world marketing leaders)Project.- You will be able to create a visual representation of your current life balance and your ideal life balance. Where are the gaps? These are the areas of your life that need attention. - Once you have identified the areas that need attention, it's time to plan the actions needed to work on regaining balance.(Based on the ICF model)English Level. From Intermediate."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SAP MM-WM Integration Course" |
"In this course, one can learn the strong integration process of SAP MM with WM. I have explained key business processes like Inbound Process, Goods Issue, Transfer Posting and Return of Stock to Vendor.I explained the process of configuration and Testing with business usage. I hope it will be helpful to learn and get command on MM-WM Integration process"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SAP MM Master Data Course" |
"In this course, I explained the configuration and testing process of SAP MM Master Data such as Material Master, Vendor Master, Service Master, Info record and Source List. I explained the business usage of respective processes in SAP MM Master Data. I hope it will be helpful for your learning."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Asp.Net Core + SignalR" |
"Bu kurs aadaki konular iermektedir.SignalR nedir ?SignalR Server uygulamas nasl ina edilir ?SignalR Client uygulamas nasl ina edilir ?SignalR Client log mesajlar nasl console yazdrlr ?SignalR Client uygulamalarda reconnect ilemi nasl gerekletirilir ?IHubContext<> nedir ? nasl kullanlr ? Hub dndan hubcontext'e nasl eriilir ?Tm client'lara mesaj nasl yaynlanr ?Beli bir gruba ye olan client'lara mesaj nasl yaynlanr ?Strongly typed Hub'lar nasl oluturulur ?Complex type'lar client-server arasnda nasl yollanr ?Gerek dnya Real-Time bir uygulama nasl ina edilir ?Angular uygulamalarnda SignalR ktphanesi nasl kullanlr ?Kursa ait tm ders kodlar github adresinden indirilebilecektir."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Praktek Ujian Juniper JNCIA-JunOS JN0-103" |
"Juniper Networks adalah salah satu dari perusahaan vendor networking di dunia seperti Cisco, Mikrotik dan Alcatel. Juniper sendiri mempunyai produk yaitu switch, router dan perangkat security seperti firewall. Internet Service Provider di Indonesia kebanyakan menggunakan perangkat Juniper. Juniper biasanya digunakan dibagian core network. Karena juniper sudah terbukti dan terkenal kehandalannya dalam jaringan yang kompleks seperti jaringan backbone internet atau jaringan telekomunikasi. Beberapa jenis seri device yang diproduksi oleh Juniper yaitu: T-Series, M Series, E-Series, MX-Series, J-Series routers, EX-Series Ethernet Switches and SRX-Series Security.Praktek Ujian Juniper JNCIA-JunOS JN0-103 adalah course online untuk latihan soal bagi Network Engineer yang ingin mengambil exam juniper level associate khusus JNCIA-JunOS. Dengan memperbanyak latihan soal maka akan menambah wawasan pengetahuan student dalam mendalami materi sertifikasi Juniper. Untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal dalam course ini, student harus sering mengulang-ulang latihan soal yang telah disediakan."
Price: 1050000.00 ![]() |
"Singing Bowls for BODY Work" |
"Amplify your healing techniques with a singing bowl used on the body! BLISSbowls Healing Methods will help you use the powerful sound and vibration of singing bowls to boost the effectiveness of your sessions. Whether you practice Massage, Bodywork, Energy work, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Shiatsu; ANY modality can benefit from working a therapeutic singing bowl ON the body.Massage therapists and bodyworkers love these techniques because sound and vibration has a profound impact on the physical body. This video will show you how to ignite ""Whole Body Healing"" by working the sound and vibration from a singing bowl directly into muscles, bones, joints, and organs. A therapeutic singing bowl is an invaluable tool for helping dissolve trigger points, relax holding patterns, stop a pain cycle, and initiate the ""relaxation response"" so a client can receive your work on a deeper level. And the BEST news is: working with bowls is easy on your hands and body! Energy Workers love Level 3 because clients present a physical form that can benefit from sound and vibration in so many ways. Working the vibration directly into tight muscles is part of treating the Whole Person and can be very beneficial on so many levels. You will also learn about Hot Bowls and how they can boost the effectiveness of your energy session.The BLISSbowls program offers a contemporary approach to sound treatments and whole body healing while providing a platform to integrate the unique talents of each participant. In this fast-track program, you gain confidence in your intuitive capabilities and acquire useful, practical techniques for using a singing bowl in therapeutic and healing ways. Bodyworkers, Massage Therapists, Energy workers, Spa Practitioners, Coaches, Psychologists, Nurses, Teachers, Parents, ...really anyone doing healing-type work can benefit from using a singing bowl. Bowls provide a ""double healing"" experience as you receive all the benefits of the healing vibrations at the same time your client does. Expand your capacity to effect change in the body, mind, and spirit...all with just one bowl! IMPORTANT: To get the most benefit out of this class, please watch the prerequisites: Level 1 - ""Singing Bowl FUNdamentals"" and Level 2 - ""Singing Bowls and Energy Work."" BLISSbowls Sound Healing Methods Certification series - This class is the Level 3 course for the BLISSbowls Sound Healing Methods Certification series; for students who want to work with singing bowls in a therapeutic capacity. Create your own sound sessions with confidence and affect the healing and comfort of others:Level 1: Singing Bowl FUNdamentals the essential foundation that all other levels depend upon.Level 2: Singing Bowls for Energy Work learning how to use bowls creatively with the ""energy aspects"" of your sessions including opening and closing techniques, floating bowls, intervention and assessment, quartz crystal bowls, how to read a bowl's resonance and how to respond. Integrating the bowls into energy sessions is also covered.Level 3: Singing Bowls for Body Work effective use of bowls on the physical body to effect change in the muscles, bones and organs. Integrating the bowls into manual therapies will also be covered.Level 4: Singing Bowl Layouts and Mixed-Bowl Sessions How to use more than one bowl in healing work including layouts and mixed bowl sessions (both metal and crystal bowls).These 4 Levels of training represent over 30 years of research, experimentation, and training from my family of bowls. Once you have completed all 4 Levels, I will personally send you an official BLISSbowls Certificate of Completion. If your goal is to help others, then unleash the healing potential of a singing bowl... its whole purpose is to help the human condition. Together, you and your bowl can bring so many wellness benefits to your work, thru the transformative power of sound and vibration."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"C# Programming Step By Step made Easy for Beginners" |
"In less than 5 hrs you will learn all the important concepts of C# and Object Oriented Programming, each explained using small simple programs. The teaching method used, will be the easiest way to learn C Sharp, that you will ever find. A 10 day class has been edited so tight that what resulted was just 5 hrs. Have fun learning!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"""Marketing Therapy."" Grow Your Complementary Health Business" |
"Whether you want a few more clients or build a multi-practice business, the AoR approved Marketing Therapy Course will give you the skills and confidence to make the right business growth decisions for your practice.Grow your complementary practice and become successful in the way that is most comfortable to YOUThe Marketing Therapy Course Is NOT a pushy, arrogant, aggressive, preachy, SELL! SELL! SELL! experience Gently introduces what a business is really about Allows you to decide what business success means for YOU Steadily identifies and clarifies the four ways (the only ways) to grow a business Helps you understand how Value is perceived Calmly shows why you should never Sell to your clients/patients Helps target your marketing efforts towards the most effective (and most cost-efficient) activities Offers 3 Hours CPD where acceptedApproved by the Association of Reflexologists in the UK, and suitable for ANY complementary health or alternative medicine practice/modalityIn an ideal world, you would become as good at the Business issues as you are the Therapy side of your work. Which is where the Marketing Therapy Course can help. Its easy to understand and (like many therapies) uses gentle but powerful techniques to deliver multiple benefits to your business success.In other words, you dont have to worry about where your next client is coming from because the Marketing Therapy programme is like having your very own expert guiding you through the maze of options to grow your business.And it is YOUR business. So you will never be forced to do something you dont want to do. However, you WILL be introduced to things that you perhaps havent thought of and that can sometimes feel a bit different. Wise folk would say if you carry on doing the same things, then you wont get a different (better) result. So, sometimes its worth stepping outside your comfort zone.Hope you join me in a bit of Marketing Therapy!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Forex Algorithmic Trading [Metatrader 4]" |
"This course is designed for all those who want to work with systems based on statistical advantage, exploiting inefficiencies in the Forex markets instead of falling into randomness and uncertainty.In this course you will learn what the Forex market is, how it works, and how to program tools to search for inefficiencies to later convert them into trading systems and exploit them in a live environment.You will learn from scratch everything necessary to achieve it and thus obtain a functional working methodology in algorithmic trading."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Autocad Civil 3D I Puntos Curvas Parcelas Plataformas" |
"Comenzaremos con la interfaz grfica del programa, ubicando las herramientas principales de creacin de objetos, luego continuaremos con la creacin de puntos manuales usando la herramienta de puntos, precisando en pantalla las coordenadas, editando las etiquetas, estilo de punto y agregar componentes de texto.Importaremos una base de datos de levantamiento, para generar las curvas de nivel, personalizando el estilo de la superficie, suavizado, etiquetas de curvas, linea de rotura, borde, mascara etc.Crearemos parcelas desde polilneas y editor de parcelas, cambiando el estilo de linea, etiqueta, orientacin, y tambin dividiremos la parcela con los diferentes mtodos de creacin de parcela.Disearemos plataformas, a partir de linea caracterstica con cota base, usando talud y pendiente en cada caso.Por ultimo crearemos las grillas personalizadas sobre la plataforma, aplicable a cualquier plano de Civil 3DTodos los dibujos utilizados estn disponibles para ser descargados."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Wireframing For UI / UX Designers" |
"Wireframes are important part of any design process because they are the bridge between the idea and the execution.They are great because they are simple enough so everybody involved can understand them, and also cheap enough because you can create them on the piece of paper or majority of design software.Hi there my name is Alex and in this course you will learn:What are wireframesHow to draw wireframes on paper and use the templates i providedHow to create wireframes in different online toolsHow to create them in PhotoshopAnd finally, how to create them in Adobe Xd and then move on to high fidelity wireframes and prototypes.This course is for anybody interested in wireframes and you don't have to know how to use these tools, we are going to cover them in this course.So if you want to improve your productivity, save a lot of time and money on iterations and create products faster, then click enroll and i'll see you in the course.Have a creative day!Alex"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"NodeJS Rest-ExpressJS Mongodb-Jest javascript Unit/Int Test" |
"A great course to learn NodeJS programming by developing the Express JS web server.Ultimate course to learn Jest Test FrameworkIntegrate web server with mongodb database in the cloud.I focus on Jest Test Framework a lot and you will master in no time.Learn the tricks to use the Jest test tool to create HTML reports, code coverage, stub/mocking, unit test.We will add a lot of unit and integration tests, code coverage toolsIntegration test using supertest.Live programming and learn along the course, more than 7 hours of video content.Protecting endpoints using jwt tokens , how to do mutation tests using strykerLearn about Test Concepts and Test Driven Development (TDD).& you can expect the Best Student Support...If you dont like the course , of course you get the money back for 30 day timeSome Reviews:1.Instructor is really amazing as he is repeating the same type of ""expect"" almost in every place giving us more practice and sometime add new ""expect"" to show us that we can put any number of jest expectations. Instead of showing all the different types of tests he is showing a similar pattern type. Advantage of this is that after completing the course people will know and remember that they need to test in a similar way and get more knowledge out of it. Thank you Robin for this amazing course.2. After those lessons, I was able to create a Shop API of my own design and to fully test it, thus I recommend this course. Instructor would reply my questions within hours. I also enjoy when instructors make mistakes, read the logs with us and fix it, so we are more prepared to deal with problems of our own. I would say that some previous postman and javascript knowledge is required to fully enjoy this course, although not strictly necessary."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD 2019 - Curso Bsico" |
"Este curso para iniciantes ou aqueles que tiveram muito pouco contato com AutoCAD 2019. um curso bem objetivo, direto ao assunto, sem enrolaes. Embora seja um curso rpido, por ser um curso sem enrolao, um curso bem completo para aqueles que querem aprender a desenhar projetos arquitetnicos ou plantas diversas. O curso terico ser ministrado em 10 aulas, e da 11 em diante, sero bnus de aulas prticas, desenhando o projeto exemplar do curso comeando do zero, e depois outros tipos de projetos como hidrulicos. Segue na primeira aula uma apostila para acompanhamento das aulas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Data Analysis 101" |
"We accountants have some very sophisticated data analysis tools at our disposal, and its fun to experiment with the advanced formulae available in Excel and other programmes.However, data analysis is an iterative process and it is important to start with some simple analysis tools to highlight the key issues in the data before exploring those issues with more advanced tools.Thats where this course Data Analysis 101 - comes in. This course covers the four basic tools of data analysis that everyone working in an organisation should know. These four tools will help you carry out the initial filtering of performance data in order to highlight the important trends and issues. Often these tools are not covered adequately in business or finance training and this course will give you a good grounding in these simple but immensely useful analysis tools.Advanced analysis is often difficult to understand for people who are not finance or data experts. Using simple tools to draw out the main points in performance data will improve engagement with the data and will help drive discussions about the appropriate actions to take, rather than heated discussions about what the analysis actually means.This course will help you get to the heart of understanding the performance data in your organisation, and it will help you present that information to others in the organisation so that the decisions made, and the actions taken, address the real issues affecting performance.I hope you enjoy the course."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"KPIs for SMEs" |
"This course is aimed at managers, accountants and finance staff working in small and medium sized businesses.There are many possible performance measures available to business managers literally hundreds and it can be difficult to select ones that are going to work for the business.This course is designed to help. In it I present performance measures that work for small and medium sized businesses. The emphasis is on KPIs that are easy to measure, easy to understand and which provide valuable information about the performance of the business.There are 28 KPIs presented in this course split into four areas of the business: customer focussed KPIs Employee focussed KPIs KPIs of operational performance KPIs of financial performanceAs a manager of a small or medium-sized business, this course will help you to:1. Understand which KPIs work best, and are simplest to implement, in a small or medium-sized business2. Build a simple framework of KPIs that will present information on the performance of the most important aspects of the business3. Establish a straightforward method of monitoring and reporting data that focuses attention on improvement4. Interpret the results of the measures, and take action accordingly, while identifying and filtering out false alarms5. Develop confidence in performance analysis and use it effectively in the management and improvement of the businessThere are examples, and exercises, throughout the course to aid your learningThank you for your interest in this course. I hope you enjoy it"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Design Thiking: Study Material and Practice Test" |
"Our professional Design Thinking certification provides a detailed understanding of key concepts and definitions to improve your interaction with the user experience. CertiProf covers five key phases to be a Design Thinker: empathize, define, ideate, prototype and evaluate, which helps organizations to create useful proposals that adapt to the real needs of people; allowing to expand the service portfolio, consolidate brand and improve results.Course Type: Trial ExamHelp students prepare for their certification exams by providing practice questions.Course content:Simulator of 40 multiple-choice questions to support certification, in which you can practice with questions similar to the real exam, marking your answer and seeing the score obtained at the end, in each attempt the questions They are ordered randomly, this way you can exercise as many times as you deem necessary.Study material for certification in PDF.Includes a 30% discount on the Design Thiking Professional Certificate (DTPC) exam, when you purchase it with us. Valid only for USA residentsImportant considerations:This course does NOT include videos.We are members of the CertiProf Authorized Training Partners network of partners."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Lei Geral de Proteo de Dados - LGPD: Curso Rpido Basilar" |
"O Curso de Lei Geral de Proteo de Dados - LGPD: Para Gestores e Equipes uma imerso em aprendizado direcionada a Proteo de Dados e Compliance de Boas Prticas em Governana. Voc est pronto para ser um diferencial no mercado de proteo de dados? Com esse curso voc poder compreender melhor acerca da proteo de dados assim como da Lei Geral de Proteo de Dados.Como ser a relao entre o dono da empresa, funcionrios, o encarregado de proteo de dados e a ANPD? Pois , nesse curso voc compreender como ser essa relao tanto com a base preventiva quanto diante de um vazamento ou violao de dados.Como escolher o DPO corretamente? Ou melhor, como se tornar um DPO? Essas sero mais algumas das respostas que o curso trar, proporcionando um potencial acerto para a sua escolha.Quando a Lei entrar em vigor e quando voc precisa comear a se adequar para a LGPD?Qual a responsabilidade diante da LGPD, Cdigo Civil e Cdigo Penal, do encarregado de proteo de dados? Qual a responsabilidade do empresrio que no prepara a equipe para a LGPD? Qual a responsabilidade do funcionrio que no segue as regras da LGPD? Todas essas perguntas sero respondidas nesse curto.Assim tambm como o tratamento, princpios, requisitos... e muito mais.Veja a grade curricular!Lecionado por Claudio Joel B Lssio:Certificado DPO - Data Protector Officer pela Universidad Nebrija de Madrid Espanha;Membro Pesquisador Lab UbiNET IPBeja Portugal em Forense Digital, Ethical Hacking e Cibersegurana Ofensiva;CEO / DPO / Snior Software Developer na SNR Sistemas: Softwares e Proteo de Dados;Advogado OAB 38.142/CE;PhD Student em Cincias Jurdicas pela UAL - Universidade Autnoma de Lisboa;Mestrando em Engenharia de Segurana Informtica pelo IPBEJA - Instituto Politcnico de Beja - Portugal; Ps-Graduado em Direito Digital & Compliance pela Damsio Educacional;Ps-Graduado em Penal e Criminologia pela URCA - Universidade Regional do Cariri;Ps-Graduado em Direito Notarial e Registral pela Damsio Educacional;Ps-Graduando em Engenharia de Software pela PUC-MG;MBA em Gesto de Tecnologia da Informao pela UNIFACEAR;Parecerista na Revista Cientfica Unisul de Fato e de Direito; Membro da Comisso Especial de Direito Digital da OAB/SP Subseo Butant.Gamer por Natureza"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"How to Love Yourself in 5 Easy Lessons" |
"Thank you for your interest. By the end of this course, you will have learned how to love yourself more and achieved a measurable improvement in self-love. In your course, you will learn a special adaptation of Energy EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) tapping combined with ideas from Reiki healing, in 5 easy lessons and coursework that you can enjoy. Practitioners can use this course to get ideas how to help their clients grow their self-love."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Develop drawing skills. drawing without looking at the sheet" |
"What could be more interesting than drawing? Drawing with a meaning! During this lesson, we will not just draw, we will train the brain, the eyes, willpower and imagination! We will draw a real cat and a fawn, and then fantasize and give it an individual character!More than 2 000 students joined this course. It is very simple and easy to learn.During the course you will learn:- to develop your observation- the method of placing the drawing on the sheet, using the ""feeling"" and estimating the size with the hand- to draw different lines depending on the nature of the shape- to overlay several variants of conture on top of each other and combine them into a single drawing- to understand how to create a motion simulation in the drawing- to turn mistakes into advantages and your individuality- to add color and shade in the drawing, as well as small decorative elements to create a desire to look at your drawingYou will be able to develop your imagination, creativity, become more confident and bold, and learn a non-standard approach to drawing. Everyone will get their own unique cat.Subscribe to my course and together we will discover your capabilities and create a funny cat with a bright and individual character!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |