Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Xamarin ile Cross Platform Mobil Uygulama Gelitirme (C#)" |
"Merhaba arkadalar,Bu kursta dnyada en ok kullanlan cross platform mobil uygulama gelitirme platformlarndan olan Xamarin Framework'u MVVM mimarisi ile birlikte rahat bir ekilde renebileceksiniz. Kurs sonunda, belli bir mimariyi oluturmay alkanlk haline getireceksiniz ve tm uygulamalarnzda evrensel olan ve en ok aranlan zelliklerden olan MVVM mimarisine hakim olacaksanz. Bu sayede, gelitirme aamasn rahat bir ekilde tamamlayabileceksiniz. Component kullanmlarnn ne kadar kolay olduunu ve XAML tarafnda tasarm yaparken gerekli olan tm mant kavrayacaksnz. Bunun yannda, kurs sonunda XAML tarafnda herhangi bir ezber gerektirmeden rahat bir ekilde istediiniz gibi tasarmnz yapabilir ve viewmodel tarafnda ise bunlar rahat bir ekilde kontrol edebilir hale geleceksiniz. Kursun sonlarna doru ise, gnmzde artk bir standart hale gelen restful servislerin nasl oluturulduunu ve bunlarn xamarin tarafnda nasl aktif halde kullanldn reneceksiniz. Kurs sonunda, kendi servislerinizi yazabilir ve bununla birlikte bu servisleri aktif halde kullanan bir kullanc olarak mezun olacaksnz."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"French Verbs Made Easy Part1" |
"This course is done through powerpoint videos. The students will be accompanied through the exercises so the lesson content can be put into practice and common mistakes addressed. The pronunciation is covered in a natural way through the presentations. Once you complete the course, you will have enough tools to start making sentences yourself."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"How To Launch Your Own Website With WordPress" |
"In this course, you will learn how to make a Wordpress website from scratch. You will learn: - How To Register Domain Name & Web Hosting- How To Logging Into HostGator CPanel- How To Install WordPress(HostGator cPanel)- How To Delete Demo Content & Plugins- How To Change Our WordPress Theme- How To Customize The WordPress Theme- How To Install The Classic Editor Plugin- How To Add Pages(Text,Images,Links,etc)- Differentiate Pages VS Posts- How To Add Blog Posts- How To Change Our Websites Fonts & Font Sizes- How To Create A Custom Navigation Menu- How To Change Our WordPress SideBar- How To Add A Simple Contact Form- How To Link Our CTA Button On The Homepage- Congratulation on finishing on making A Wordpress Website"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PPL2020-06-Penerapan Audit Berbasis Risiko" |
"International Standards on Auditing (ISA) yang diterbitkan oleh International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board telah diadopsi di Indonesia dan diterapkan oleh Akuntan Publik untuk audit atas laporan keuangan untuk periode yang dimulai pada atau setelah tanggal 1 Januari 2013 (untuk Emiten) atau tanggal 1 Januari 2014 (untuk selain Emiten, penerapan dini diperkenankan). Adopsi ini dilakukan sebagai bagian dari proses untuk memenuhi salah satu butir Statement of Membership Obligation dari International Federation of Accountants, yang harus dipatuhi oleh profesi Akuntan Publik di Indonesia. Dengan kondisi tersebut, diharapkan profesi Akuntan Publik dan staff Kantor Akuntan Publik berbenah diri meningkatkan kualitas audit dalam memberikan opini untuk penyajian informasi keuangan perusahaan. Dengan adopsi penuh ISA di Indonesia, maka auditor wajib menggunakan pendekatan Risk based Audit Approach (Audit Berbasis Risiko) dalam melaksanakan proses audit laporan keuangan. Penggunaan Risk Based Audit Approach dalam proses audit dapat menjadi strategi yang efektif dan efisien dalam meningkatkan kualitas auditnya. Pendekatan ini berfokus pada Identifikasi dan Penilaian terhadap risiko yang material dan juga risiko yang berpotensi menghambat strategi bisnis. Risk Based Audit Approach akan membantu auditor memperoleh perencanaan audit yang lebih terarah sehingga akan mempermudah auditor pada tahap pelaksanaan dan pelaporan. Dalam pelatihan ini akan dibahas implementasi Risk Based Audit Approach dalam proses audit, serta isu penerapannya dalam masa Pandemi Covid 19 disertai dengan contoh kasus yang timbul dalam proses audit."
Price: 980000.00 ![]() |
"Salsa Dance for Beginners" |
"In this Salsa course for beginners you will learn the specific posture of Salsa dance, how to use the body correctly on changes of direction, basic steps with musical accents and some dance secrets. The steps you will learn you can dance alone or with a partner in the comfort of home or wherever you have the opportunity to dance, because dancing brings many benefits, from toning the muscles of the whole body to improving memory by the well-being it creates, because dance changes lives and brings happiness. I wish you goodluck and success in dance!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Principles for a Dynamic Life Masterclass 4" |
"[PART 4 of 4]Dive into over 10+ years of performance coaching, life skills and strategies in this exciting Masterclass.With thousands of dollars and hours of personal and professional growth invested to share the lessons in this course, it will give you an amazing training experience that will not be holding back:-50+ modules with over 25 hours of expert, high energy coaching on areas like success, relationships and self-mastery-130+ life lessons outlined in bullet-by-bullet format and delivered in a dynamic and fun learning environment-40+ engaging, video reflection sessions and a dedicated self-reflection guide for each lesson-A personalized action plan with exclusive coaching resources to help you craft a vision and take massive action-My personal recommended reading list, along with additional materials and much more...If you struggle with any of the following, the course will dramatically shift your power and teach you practical skills to overcome:Overwhelming DetailsGetting constantly caught up, distracted and obsessed over information that doesn't actually matter to you or make a real impact on your dreams.Negative EmotionsBeing unable to see clearly through what you feel and becoming crippled by your anxiety, guilt, shame, fear or self-doubt.Uncontrollable ChangeWhen loss, betrayal, burnout or stagnation hit your life it derails your vision, motivation and direction - leaving you confused, hopeless and without a clue as to what to do next.Part 4: Dance Your Way Through LifeIn this final part of the Masterclass we bring it all home with some of the most powerful, fascinating and inspiring life lessons I have gained over the last 15+ years as a coach, entrepreneur and professional athlete. These are timeless principles that I hope will empower you to truly enjoy life, find fulfillment and purpose and dance through any situation regardless of its difficulty."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Taller de Web Scraping para Python 2020" |
"Haz llegado al lugar donde Aprenders a obtener informacin de una pagina web, con el grandioso mtodo llamado Web Scraping, este nos ayudara a rescatar datos que nos interesan desde una web para luego almacenarlo en un archivo, en un formato sumamente conocido por otras aplicaciones. El taller consta de las siguientes secciones:Primero: la instalacin de las distintas herramientas como Anaconda, Jupyter y las libreras necesarias para realizar Web Scraping. Segunda: Te explicaremos como usar las herramientas instaladas para realizar Web Scraping, adems hemos incluido un curso bsico de HTML que te permita entender conceptos para la bsqueda de datos con python.Tercero: Despus de entender conceptos bsicos aprenders a realizar Web Scraping con datos del Mercado Financiero, todo a travs del lenguaje Python.Cuarta: Consideramos que un ejemplo no es suficiente, as que te damos otro ejemplo de Scraping en python con el cual extraemos imgenes desde Amazon para almacenarla en un equipo.Y para finalizar el taller de Web Scraping, te entrego el conocimiento para que puedas almacenar en los datos obtenidos en un CSV, y de esta manera preservar la informacin obtenida para su posterior anlisis.Como no quiero dejarte Sol@ en este proceso hemos creado un Grupo especial para Apoyarte en este proceso de Aprendizaje, para resolver todas tus dudas referentes al Web Scraping.No olvides en registrarte en el grupo de facebookTe Esperamos!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python ( Python3 )" |
"Python Python Python Machine Learning AI ( Artificial Intelligence ) Python Course In our course we will teach every basic you need to know for Python from beginner. : ( Python Installing Python ) ( Installing Editor ( tools for develop Python ) ) Python ( Running your first Python code ) ( Intoduction to what is Variable and DataType )SringNumberBooleanList ( What can each DatType do and an example )If Else ( Conditioning )For LoopWhile LoopFunctionClassRead & Write FileTry ExceptLibraryCommon Library"
Price: 600.00 ![]() |
"Stock market Basics- Full Course" |
"This is the introduction course that is going to teach you everything you need to know in order to feel confident making your first trade. I am going to walk you through the basics of every aspect of the stock market, company valuations, and investments so that you have a breadth of knowledge when making your first trade.This course starts with general information about the stock market and then deep diving into the two primary investing methodologies: Technical Investing and Fundamental Investing. We are going to cover both topics in depth so that you have a solid understanding of how the markets and stocks work and you can use them to meet your goals.In an episode about technical execution you will see my purchase 50 shares of Beyond Meat and generate a return of over 44% using just the strategies and techniques that I talk about in this course.I have been trading for over 7 years and I now trade full time from home and while traveling. This course details all of the fundamental knowledge you will need in order to start your trading or investing career."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
kaika_stepup |
Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
"The Inner Compass" |
"Do you want a quiet mind and a strong sense of self-worth? Do you want rest so perfect it can never be disturbed?Rechart your course and restart your life on a path that leads to an exciting new future... A future that is totally unlike your past!It is only when we are living in perfect alignment with the coordinates of our inner compass that we find fulfillment, living the life we love. It is possible for every person to know these coordinates and realign their course to experience a life of peace and joy. The Inner Compass Course will give you access to the tools and information you need to find those coordinates for your life so that you can start living a life of peace and freedom.This course consists of 7 units:Unit 1: Finding Peace Within.Unit 2: Develop a Strong Sense of Self-Worth. Unit 3: Discover Your True Identity.Unit 4: Understanding Triggers.Unit 5: Thoughts Create Habits.Unit 6: The Power of our Words.Unit 7: We Change our Life Through our Choices.Discover how to live in the realm of the miraculous; a place of peace and joy where all things are added unto you."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Marketing for Startups" |
"Key learnings Consumer behaviour - how to influence purchase decisions Compelling Value Propositions as competitive advantage Idea validation & Product Marketing GTM Planning - how best to launch your Startup product Marketing Plans & Business Plans Sample Use Cases, Business Case Models & TemplatesIn this course, I have reviewed the latest Marketing and Sales strategies and methodologies. The courseis a guide to Marketing and Sales concepts and strategies with the objective of empowering Startup Founders and Entrepreneurs to build sustainable businesses based on superior Marketing strategies.ObjectivesMarketing Strategy for Startups takes a practical approach to product ideation, concept, development, launch, sales and promotions. It leads you gently up the learning curve at the same time making sure that you focus on the key elements to drive commercial results.It serves as a guide to Startup founders and Entrepreneurs. It is positioned to assist tech Startup founders and Entrepreneurs understand the modern Marketing principles, with a lot of focus digital Marketing.There is no one-size-fits-all approach to marketing, hence, this course will help you craft and execute a winning Go-to-Market plan that delivers the best commercial results.In this book, I have reviewed the latest Marketing and Sales strategies and methodologies. The course is a guide to Marketing and Sales concepts and strategies with the objective of empowering Startup Founders and Entrepreneurs to build sustainable businesses based on superior Marketing strategies.Startup founders new to marketing. Marketing newbies. Entrepreneurs and Side-preneurs who want to brush up their marketing knowledge. Also experienced marketers who just want to refresh their mind on some basic concepts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Accounts Astrologer" |
"we can equip ourselves with the understanding of our Business Accounts and data... It is Important to have basic knowledge of your Finance and Accounts especially as we enter into a new Financial Year, and managing them to help you to Grow to the next level, as generally Entrepreneurs / Businesses fail cos of Non-Review of the Finance and Accounts Department.Some of the areas which many lack clarity and would want to learn more are: 1. Need for Accounting - Online / Offline mode2. Chart of accounts - Importance and link to MIS3. What we mean by Balance Sheet & Profit Loss Account. 4. Difference between Cash Profit Vs Book Profit 5. What are Receivables & Payables of your Business6. Touching upon Statutory Compliances - GST / Income Tax / Employees related, etc.."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Crisp Digital Marketing Training in Hindi for businesses" |
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Managing Channel and Sales Force" |
"Since Sales Being The Running Blood Of Any Organization, Any Individual At Or Willing To Be At The Supervisor Level In Any Business Function Should Have The Organisational Sales Structure To Be Understood And Should Carry The Corresponding Lens To See Through The Perspective Of The Organisations Selling Models. And This Program Covers The Most Popular Detailing About It."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"International Business Law" |
"People Are Getting Smarter Nowadays; They Are Letting Lawyers, Instead Of Their Conscience, Be Their Guide. - Will RogersFrom The Business Formations To Seeing The Goods Sailing Abroad Law Is Something Which Holds The Security To The Smart Business And This Is What The Program Is All About. It Drills Students On The International Legal Phases Of The Business."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Impulsa tu carrera artstica como DJ Productor musical" |
"Eres DJ y/o Productor Musical y ests listo para el siguiente paso, pero no sabes por dnde empezar? El mundo musical es muy competitivo, y hacer que te escuchen no es una tarea sencilla, pero t puedes hacer esto posible usando sencillas herramientas, que entre ellas se convertirn en el arma ms poderosa.En este curso aprenders a crear tu Press Kit, Booking, Web Page, Identidad Artstica y ms, y a conseguir las personas que deben hacer parte de tu equipo de trabajo.Como artista, debes contar con una comunidad que te siga y quiera saber ms de ti! Qu mejor que hacerlo con la ayuda de las redes sociales, el marketing y la web?Aprende a crear tus redes sociales profesionales, aade contenido de calidad profesional y preprate para convertir tu pasin en tu profesin."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn German Language A1: German A1 Course [MUST see 2020]" |
"Experience German Language Grammar for beginners!"" German Grammar made easy ""German Language Grammar is hard to understand? For you, I simplify the rules with an easy to understand German Language Complete Course with a color-based system. You will even learn to spot by yourself the logical reasons for the existence of the A1 German Language grammar rules.Would you like to experience your "" Learn German Language grammar for beginners "" course like an individual Face to Face Online lectures with: a Native German Language Speaker a Former Intercultural Communication Army Officer with experience in 48 countries, learned 5 languages by himself, teaching German for beginners for 5 years with 5 stars reviews and captain of a Viking Ship :-)German Grammar made easy is how to learn German fast on a digestible long term!So why do people give 5 Star reviews to this German A1 Language method? See links in my profile description to find the reviews of the German Language complete Course. German for beginners lead to results, like: ""Kevin [...] approach always keeps you attentive. Its like watching a thrillerexcept you are learning!"" Allen Shor, Panama""[...] the wheel of fortune is smiling at you. I truly enjoy the [...] non-trivial lessons. I am really grateful for such an easy and interesting process of learning."" Kristina, Russia""I highly recommend Kevin. [...] he knows well the history [...] of languages and explains [...] logical reasons behind that grammar, idioms, structures, etc."" Andrey, GermanyYour German Language complete Course includes:Downloadable JPG Files to create your own German Grammar book30-Day Satisfaction or money-back guaranteeAccess on computer, mobile, and TVI gladly guide you on your German A1 Language journey and will create with you your personal, individual German Language A1 in English grammar book.Join your German Language A1 in English cruise! Learn German Language Grammar for beginners!Experience your German Grammar made easy in this affordable German Language complete Course now to experience the new secret feeling of A1 German Language for beginners simpleness!Book German for beginners!Aprende alemo. Curso de alemo. Lngua alem!Aprender alemn. Curso de aleman. Idioma aleman!Impara il tedesco. Corso di tedesco. Lingua tedesca!Naucz si niemieckiego. Kurs niemieckiego. Jzyk niemiecki!Almanca ren. Almanca kursu. Alman Dili! . . ! ! . . !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Seleccin IT y Marketing para Reclutamiento" |
"Por qu Seleccin IT?Capacitarse siempre es importante, pero para hacerlo es conveniente estar atento a las tendencias del mercado y as obtener mayores beneficios del tiempo y dinero invertido. Aprender a seleccionar perfiles IT permite adquirir conocimiento diferencial que de manera inmediata abre puertas a nuevas y mejores oportunidades de trabajo.El mundo ha cambiado, las reglas del juego ya no son las mismas, lo que funcion hasta hace poco tiempo hoy ya es obsoleto en muchos casos. En este sentido, este curso tiene en cuenta el impacto de las nuevas tecnologas en el profesional de recursos humanos y por ende en las organizaciones. Apuntando a las habilidades de marketing que tenemos que tener desarrolladas si queremos tener xito en nuestro accionar.En este curso intentamos transmitir un cambio de mentalidad en las empresas, dado que los jvenes talentos actuales han nacido con la web 2.0 y son quienes mejor se manejan en las redes sociales y profesionales. En la medida en que las empresas entiendan esto, podrn atraer a los mejores candidatos. Los profesionales de recursos humanos deben transformarse en los mejores reclutadores 2.0 para captar la atencin.Si quers dar un salto profesional, encontraste tu oportunidad! Un curso que te permitir sumergirte en el mundo de la tecnologa encontrando a los mejores candidatos y siguiendo un alto estndar de calidad en todo el proceso.El presente curso se encuentra abierto a toda la comunidad. Esta orientado a aquellos que quieran iniciarse como selectores IT. No requiere conocimientos previos.OBJETIVOSAnalizar los requerimientos del mercado a cubrir.Comprender el organigrama de una empresa IT.Presentar y desarrollar las competencias estratgicas del rol de IT. Indagar en los aspectos relacionados al desarrollo de carrera del profesional de IT.Introduccin a las nociones tcnicas bsicas de IT.Comprender conceptos de Marketing para aplicarlos en el campo de la Seleccin IT.Aprender a hacer un plan de reclutamiento de perfiles IT"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Speak English 30 Day Challenge" |
"Do you feel frustrated when listening to English speakers?Is it super difficult to understand English speakers for you?Do you feel anxious or nervous when you try to communicate with English speakers in a professional or personal situation?Well it's not your fault ... all the English you studied in high school or a private language school never prepared you correctly, they never teach the little secrets of speaking that help you understand and communicate with native speakers.Normally it is necessary to spend years and years of listening to English and guessing, and trying to understand native speakers, this is a very slow and frustrating process for many people.People feel very frustrated with this situation because in a professional situation it is very embarrassing, people feel worried about their professional credibility because of their English.If you want to advance in your career and professional life and to be an important person in the company you need to be ready to communicate on the phone or in meetings with English native speakers.if you can be the person in the room that is able to communicate in English professionally, you will probably have a 60% better Salary.BUTIf you don't understand the little English native speaker will always have a disadvantage....This course can help you learn the secret English native speaker contractions in just a few hours...Normally people need 3 maybe 4 years to learn all the secrets but you can do it in 3 or 4 days!"
Price: 3840.00 ![]() |
"Internet Traffic Blueprint- Learn Online Traffic For Selling" |
"One of the biggest problems that most people come across is not getting enough traffic.After this course you will be equipped with the skills to understand how traffic works & the sources & thus can target what you want to run any campaigns using the major traffic sources. You will have the skill set required to get 1000s of visitors to you want. You put all your effort into creating a website, blog, a product and then when it comes to getting the word out you struggle and hardly anyone sees your offer. It can be so frustrating having a website with zero visitors.One solution is to start online advertising and driving traffic to your offer but there is so much information out there you may not know where to start!Whether you are starting out online advertising or want to know the secrets to getting more quality traffic you have come to the right place.What you are about to learn are the secret paid traffic sources that the best marketers use to get more traffic to their websites and offers.You will learn over 10 traffic sources in simple step by step lectures. By the end of this course you will know how to setup your own campaigns within minutes.Who this course is for:Pre launch business owners who don't know where to get startedWebsite owners who are struggling to get traffic and salesAnyone looking to start a pick up highly paid freelancing skillsIf you are confused about online advertising or if you dont know where to start, this is a great introductory courseIf you want to know the major traffic sources to get more visitors to your siteAnyone who want to learn the secrets of setting up online campaigns"
Price: 3840.00 ![]() |
"Introduction to Jewellery CAD with Rhino 3D" |
"In this course, I am going to guide you through the fundamental skills required to produce 3D designs. I will explain why I believe Rhino 3D is the best choice for beginners (and experts!) due to it's ease-of-use, accessible price point, and widespread adoption.Learn how to create viable, production ready, 3D Models and designs using Rhino, the industry-standard design software.I start super simple so you'll be ok with little or no experience. With these online tutorials, you'll be amazed what you can achieve.The course is project-based, so you will applying your new skills immediately to real 3D designs. All the project files will be included, so you'll never get stuck.I've also included the following additional assets for you to use in your projects:Round cut gem Cushion cut gem Princess cut gemPear cut gemMarquise cut gemBaguette cut gemEmerald cut gemOval cut gem"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Excel Basico" |
"Contenido de iniciacin a Excel con referencias, funciones, grficos y consolidar. Aprenders todo sobre Excel para desempear mejor tu trabajo y tareas ya sea como empresa o para uso particular. Excel, hoy en da, es una herramienta clave para cualquier puesto de trabajo as que no lo dudes y haga este curso para conseguir esas nociones que te permitan trabajar de una manera mas eficaz, rpida y productiva."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Excel Medio" |
"Curso medio que comienza con un repaso de lo bsico y te hace experto en funciones y ms herramientas como consolidar, grficos, validacin de datos. Adems, cada video tiene su contenido en ejercicios para practicar lo que se ha aprendido. Finalmente, hay unos ejercicios completos que al ser capaz de hacerlos quiere decir que dominas todas las funciones ms usadas de Excel. Espero que disfrute del curso y nos vemos en el avanzado con tablas dinamicas y macros."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Universo dos Perfumes 2.0" |
"Curso Especializado, Nvel-Intermedirio Para Apaixonados e Consultores em Perfumaria Fina, Voltado Para Aprimoramentos e Capacitaes, Resultando em Altas Performances. P.S.: Se Voc j Concluiu o Nosso 1 Curso Universo dos Perfumes, Meus Parabns, mas Caso Ainda no o Tenha Feito, Recomendo-lhe a Faz-lo, Pois Esse Curso em sua Verso 2.0 a Continuao do Primeiro, bom Curso!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda avaliao fsica do zero: Mdulo ventilometria" |
"Neste curso voc aprender os principais conceitos sobre avaliao ventilometrica. Estarei demonstrando com testes reais as principais variveis que podem ser avaliadas e de quais formas vocpoder aprimorar o seu atendimento de seus clientes. Utilizaremos a ferramenta Fitcheck de avaliao fsica. Um sistema moderno para testes, que funciona de forma porttil, o que permite que testes at ento realizados apenas em laboratrios possam ser feitos em qualquer ambiente."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"The 2 Minute Czech Vocabulary" |
"Welcome to The 2 Minute Czech Vocabulary Course!Trying to learn Czech language? After completing this course, you will know enough words to be able to understand 60% of any Czech text in just three months and only 2 minutes per day? Do you want to meet new people, or are you planning a trip to Czech and you want to be able to understand locals better? The 2 minute Czech Vocabulary Course is here to make this possible!This course is perfect for beginner Czech learners who are you living a busy life with no time to spend on long language courses as well as anyone who wants to enrich their Czech vocabulary. The course uses methods of visual learning and associations which makes learning easier and faster!Each lesson is focused on one main word and few words related to the main one. You will learn the new words as part of simple sentences which include other useful verbs, adjectives and pronouns. All of the words we focus on are taken from the list of the most frequently used Czech words. At the end of the course you will know and confidently use 1000 words which is enough to understand 60% of any Czech text! In only 2 minutes per day you will be gradually building your vocabulary in an easy and effective way! In order to make the most out of this course I strongly recommend taking one lesson per day. This way you will have enough time to remember the words you have learned and practice them. Also make sure to test your knowledge with the quizzes that I have prepared for you after every lesson. Take advantage of the bonus materials, including vocabulary lists and simplified grammar tables. In case you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask them in the Q&A section. I am always happy to answer your questions, provide feedback, hear your suggestions and help you with any difficulty you might have regarding this course. What are you waiting for? Take this course and start making small steps towards achieving your goal! I wish you success! Kind regards, Lukas"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
waraiyoga |
"Laughter Yoga Interanational 3Well-being=Quality of LifeNKetc.. NHK"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Google Mi Negocio - Optimiza tu listado de Google en 2020" |
"9 de cada 10 personas buscan en Google!Ahorita es cuando tu negocio debe de aparecer en los resultados de Google. Obtener clientes es vital para cualquier negocio y los listados de GMB (Google My Business) es un mtodo muy poderoso.Asi que,Si estas buscando un curso de Google mi negocio que te muestre paso a paso cmo aparecer en los resultados en Google; este es el curso correcto para ti!En este curso te llevo paso a paso desde como buscar, crear y optimizar tu listado en Google mi Negocio o GMB hasta cuales son algunas herramientas y estrategias que los profesionales utilizamosAprenderemos como decide Google cual listado mostrar y que hacer para que sea nuestro listado el que muestre Google.Como responder a las recomendaciones y como responder a las calificaciones falsas y negativas. Utilizaremos Google Voice como una herramientas para nuestro listado y finalmente aprenderemos como agregar anuncios desde nuestro panel de Google mi Negocio."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Simulado Exame - Certified Terraform Associate 2020" |
"Garanta sua certificao em uma das ferramentas mais adotadas no mundo de Cloud!Neste simulado, voc testar seus conhecimentos de acordo com os pr requisitos da certificao Terraform Associate da Hashicorp.Com 120 questes, voc encontrar um ambiente prximo ao exame, criadas por um instrutor certificado.Na reviso do seu resultado, voc encontrar o link para documentao oficial sobre o tpico com a explicao da resposta , assim, revisando o material e gerando confiana nos tpicos cobrados.Ensure your certification in one of the most adopted tools in the Cloud!In this Practice Exam, you will test your knowledge according to the pre-requisites of Hashicorp's Terraform Associate certification.With 120 questions, you will find a practice test like the official exam, created by a certified instructor.In the review of your result, you will find the link to the official documentation on the topic with the explanation of the answer, thus, reviewing the material and generating confidence in the topics charged."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Estructuracin, Control y Mejora de PROCESOS" |
"Este curso te permitir Planificar, Estructurar y Controlar los Procesos Internos de cualquier empresa, tanto administrativos como operativos; aportando as al mejor desempeo de los mismos y la mejora continua. Hoy ms que nunca las empresas y negocios buscan ser mas productivos, mejor organizados (menos desorden interno o confusin en las tareas y responsabilidades) y ms eficaces en pro de la satisfaccin de sus clientes y el xito del negocio; y este curso es la respuesta a dicha necesidad.17 aos de experiencia como Consultores y Capacitadores en mas de 300 organizaciones dan toda la confianza y respaldo en temas de calidad total, productividad, mejoramiento continuo / kaizen, estrategia, liderazgo y xito empresarial."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |