Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"ETAP Power System Analysis For Electrical Engineers" |
"""Want To Become Expert In ETAP Software and Power System?"" This course will help you to achieve your goals to become ETAP and Power System Expert.Welcome to the course ""ETAP Power System Analysis For Electrical Engineers""ETAP is an analytical engineering software which is helpful for an electrical engineer to simulate and analyze the steady state and dynamic power system. It is used by various sectors such as Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Industrial, Transportation and Low voltage.The purpose of this course is to learn power system modeling & analysis using ETAP software which will cover a range of ETAP functionalities used to design & solve various power system practical problems.The course will begin with the software overview, basics of one-line diagram creation, data entry, and quickly expands the users knowledge to include methods to automatically perform multiple what if studies using multiple scenarios. Wherever possible, the topics are explained with hand calculations and results are compared with ETAP software so that it becomes more easier to the attendees to understand the concepts.Below major topics are covered in this course:Load Flow Analysis With Supporting Hand CalculationsCable Ampacity and SizingTransformer MVA SizingShort Circuit Analysis With Supporting Hand CalculationsProtection & Coordination AnalysisArc Flash Analysis Using IEEE:1584-2002 StandardMotor Starting AnalysisBenefits of attending this course:Course is published using ETAP 19.5ETAP software generated results are supported with Hand CalculationsDownloadable course material and Hand Calculations"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aptitude Test Prep : The Most Tricky Questions and More" |
"An Aptitude test is a structured assessment that aims to evaluate candidates' abilities to complete certain tasks and assignments without prior experience or knowledge. The world's largest organizations use pre-employment/placement tests as a part of the Applicants Tracking System (ATS) managed by third parties. Aptitude tests could be a part of the total score of the candidate (ATS may contain information as resume, personal information, previous experience, and aptitude tests results). Aptitude tests test a range of skills varying from logical thinking to spatial reasoning skills. Nowadays, most aptitude tests' questions are asked in a tricky manner. Some people complain about struggling to pass aptitude or psychometric tests to get their jobs. The good news is that the most common reasons for failing aptitude tests are lack of preparation, not recognizing weak areas, and ignoring strong ones. The best approach is spending 80 % of time studying the weak areas, and 20 % to brushup strong ones.These questions will help you work on all of the four specific areas of aptitude/placement tests: Verbal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Spatial Reasoning, and Numerical reasoning.Also, Situational Judgement Tests' ( that might also be a part of ATS ) questions' examples with the most effective solutions are available.This course offers : 1- Instructions, and tips for each test type 2- Simple yet-effective answers, and explanations 3- 142 Practice Questions including all of the aptitude tests' four areas ( Logical, Reasoning, Verbal, Numerical ) 4-Extra Q&A Section 5-Situational Judgement questions, and most effective answers found through surveying 6- A Full Exam that simulates many of Aptitude Tests at major companies and organizations7-Instructor available for help for further explanation of questionsNote no.1: Best Strategy to go through this course is to start with the general test so you could know which type of questions you should start to tackle first.Note no.2: Answers at the Situational Judgement section is based only on surveying, and not to be considered as the absolute best. It only gives ideas to help the candidates express their authentic opinions."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
taijiquan |
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Entrenamiento y Dieta para bajar de peso" |
"nete al programa fitness ms completo del mundo con dietas y entrenamientos que S funcionan.90 das para transformar tu cuerpo y tu vida te lo aseguro!Qu logrars con el programa?Alimentacin adecuada!Mi programa incluye ms de 50 dietas, una distinta cada vez. Las mismas que te ayudarn a bajar de peso, mantenerte y tonificar tu cuerpo. La alimentacin adecuada hace el 70% del trabajo!!!Sabes qu es lo mejor? Vers resultados desde la primera semana sin pasar HAMBRE.Entrenamientos de 30 minutos!Darse tiempo para hacer ejercicio es ms fcil con mis entrenamientos cortos y efectivos.Puedes hacerlos en la comodidad de tu casa sin gastar un centavo en gimnasio o equipos.Ms segura que nunca!El programa te va a ayudar a estar ms en forma, ms fuerte y ms segura!Mi promesa es que en 90 das podrs verte en el espejo y te sentirs muy bien contigo misma.Tu nuevo cuerpo en 90 das!Este es el programa fitness ms completo que encontrars a un precio de locura!En el programa obtendrs:- Acceso ilimitado y de por vida al Programa Mi nuevo Cuerpo en 90 das.- Plan de nutricin y men semanal Recetas hechas para ti para ayudarte a bajar de peso rpido- Mi programa de entrenamientos cortos y efectivos 30 min al da hecho y probado por m para resultados rpidos- Plan de nutricin y men semanal Recetas hechas para ti para mantener tu peso ideal- Mi programa de entrenamientos Tonificar mi cuerpo en casa- Ebook dieta detox 7 das para adelgazar"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"The Art of Multitasking" |
"Do you want to balance family - work relationship?Do you want to run multiple businesses?Are you finding it difficult to work and further your education?Do you have too much to do and not enough time?Are you a student struggling with your courses, projects and low grades? Are you financially handicap, trying to keep up with your bills?If any of the above applies to you, then this course is for you.Many businesses and companies are failing today because a higher number of their employees are barely holding on to their responsibilities. They are struggling to balance their job responsibilities and personal responsibilities. These responsibilities are shocking them and they felt their time is limited. This lack of balanced lifestyle, affect businesses and individuals' development.Imagine successfully completing all your outstanding tasks and still have extra time for yourself and your family. Or imagine being effective at work, at home and at your personal business (or a new business venture)In this course, I have outlined in 7 simple steps, the strategies and techniques you require. These are proven steps developed over the years. These steps can easily be adopted by anyone, no matter their levels. Either you are a student, house wife, support staff, manager, director or business owner. The steps in this course can easily be adopted to fit your level.In this course, you will learn;how to manage multiple projects without the stress.a step by step process of building a Tasks Trackersimple techniques to meditate and focus how to build a perfect timed and prioritized Tasks Tracker how to implement the steps in this course and still be yourself These are some of the board topics covered in this course.Business Development Personal Development Time ManagementTask Management Utilizing free and leisure times for meditation Project ManagementTime is our most valuable assert, therefore all the steps in this course are straight to the point. Each outlined step is simple to understand, complemented with case study and coursework."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Mapeamento de processos para soluo de problemas" |
"Todas as pessoas para fazerem algo precisam de um mtodo, de uma maneira, de um jeito, de um PROCESSO. As vezes isso feito de forma consciente, padronizada ou de forma inconsciente, automtica, na marra. E isso acaba gerando diversos PROBLEMAS, nos dois casos, na grande maioria das vezes, as pessoas no conseguem identificar que realizam as coisas de maneira errada, improdutiva e o pior, perdendo TEMPO e DINHEIRO. Este curso tem o objetivo de ensinar os alunos a mapearem estes tipos de processos de maneira simples, rpida e eliminando todos esses desperdcios e problemas."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"We need to understand that creativity is not a fixed trait, its a free choice.Walt Disney wasnt born with creative personality. Creating a fantasy world was not programmed in his DNA, It was an act of conscious will.The primary objective of this program is not just about building your creative capacity but also to build your confidence in creativity.Every time when we are asked to think about creative personalities, we often think of a musician or painter or poet or writer, but why do we never think of a creative doctor or a creative lawyer or a creative teacher?For a very long time we are been conditioned to see creativity as something very artistic. Creativity can be artistic but not necessarily has to be artistic. It is just as any other skill, which is coachable, manageable and learnable.Sometime the flow of Creative thought is like driving a F1 sport car with emergency brake on. If you want experience what it feels like when you release the break and drive freely you should have the confidence to drive.Imagine how many Steve jobs, Walt Disney, Thomas Alva Edison are there in our society who never pursued or promoted their original ideas because of their lack of creative confidence.This online program will help you to boost your creative mindset. Enroll in this program to break your thinking patterns and unleash your CREATIVE CONFIDENCE!"
Price: 8000.00 ![]() |
"Ingls bsico I - English business & e-commerce" |
"Habla ingls en 12 semanas con un mtodo innovador. Prctico. Sencillo. Sin gramtica. Esta es la primera parte del curso que cuenta con:-6 unidades. Cada una con una temtica actual, de inters y estudiando los temas que ms se hablan cotidianamente. -6 Videoclases. En los videos podrs escuchar y seguir fcilmente el audio con tu handbook para que aprendas las expresiones y tomas notas. Adems, puedes ver las clases las veces que quieras. -Handbook. Extenso ebook dividido en temas y donde tambin encontrars las key answers.-Worksheets. Hojas de ejercicios para repasar y aplicar lo aprendido por escrito pero tambin oral en conversacin con el tutor. -Key answers. Hojas de soluciones a las worksheets.-Conversacin con tutor. Se agendarn sesiones de conversacin previo acuerdo estudiantes-tutor.-Evaluacin. Mediante worksheets, tests, conversaciones y prueba final. -Feedback. Correccin y seguimiento por parte del tutor. Se corregirn errores de pronunciacin y entonacin y se animar a mantener lo que se hace de forma correcta. El curso sigue una metodologa dinmica y muy prctica (de ah su nombre My Practical English Course)."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
marfalomeoillustrationbasis |
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Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"15 Powerful strategies to monetize your TikTok account" |
"You will gain a lot of informations regarding TikTok insights, latest online business models, general social media marketing, motivational action plans, active and pasive income, new knowledges and more.You will learn how to apply new techniques that will help you to grow your experience and to earn a nice income with easy steps.I will guide you in every video to find out how you can take advantage of the fastest growing social media network."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
hwbkrqju |
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Price: 1799.00 ![]() |
"Desarrollo personal y autohipnosis" |
"En este curso encontrars herramientas para realizar autohipnosis, escribir metforas muy potentes sobre ti mismo reescribiendo tu historia personal y cambindola para obtener resultados potentes y sorprendentes en tu vida.Muchos aspectos en tu vida en los cuales no ests alcanzando los resultados que quieren, se debe a la historia que te cuentas al respecto, por eso es importante que aprendas las diferentes herramientas que hay para poder reescribir tu propia historia."
Price: 795.00 ![]() |
"Landscapes: Creating Mood with Abstraction & Color !" |
"This course is about exploring the landscape using larger brushes to eliminate small details.By doing this, your compostions begin to be looser and more abstract! I will guide you to think shape and less detail. We will learn how to create a new colour palette that you can do over and over and always get new colour combinations. We will also look at making your own blacks. Included will be demos on complementary colours, warm & cool colours and values. The end of this video will be a 30 minutes demonstration video of myself working on a large format. I think this a perfect class for people who are tired of doing detail and need to loosen up! Your landscapes will become more abstract, with a richness and an explosion of colour!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to learn kicking at home" |
"This video course is suitable for those who are at home or do not have the opportunity to train with a trainer. It is great for those who do not have any equipment or partners to work out at home.Also, this course is suitable for advanced athletes who want to improve their technique. The coaches will find here 121 preparatory exercises for students.This course consists of preparatory exercises for the 5 basic kicks: front kick, roundhouse kick, side kick, back kick and spinning hook kick.All exercises for each kick are divided into 4 parts:1. Preparatory exercises in the lying, sitting or knee position2. Preparatory exercises for the charging phase of the kick3. Preparatory exercises for the kick and the congregating phase after kick4. Preparatory exercises for explosive kicks and jump kicks.Only spinning hook kick training exercises are assembled into one unit.Before training you need to do a warm-up for 10-15 minutes. You can train each kick individually and perform 10 repetitions of each exercise, as stated in the video. And you can practice these exercises in parts: first the first part of the exercises for all the kicks, then the second, then the third and fourth. Exercises are in order of increasing complexityYou can also do each preparatory exercise individually throughout the day at a convenient time and place for you. Some exercises can be practiced even while lying or sitting while watching TV.The fourth block of exercises and preparatory exercises for spinning hook kick should be done outdoors or in rooms where you are guaranteed not to touch any objects, fall on them, or hit anyone.If you train for at least 4 hours a week, in 3 months you will be able to kick at an advanced level and use them effectively for self-defense.Next, you will need to move to the development of kicks on special equipment - boxing bags, paws, pads. And also to work out kicks and their combinations with the partner.I would appreciate your feedback on this course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Voc que possui uma empresa regular no pas, poder ajudar aos rgos pblicos a manter os seus estoques de materiais ou a manuteno dos servios essenciais, mas como posso ajudar ?Entenda diversos produtos utilizados pelos rgos pblicos neste momento esto escassos no mercado, as grandes distribuidoras no esto conseguindo atender a demanda, mas voc que possui esses produtos em estoque ou tem condies de produzir em um curto perodo poder vender ou prestar servios de forma imediata, assim ajudando ao pas e ajudando a manuteno da sua empresa e garantindo o emprego de seus colaboradores e parceiros.Com a edio da lei Federal 13.979, de 06 de fevereiro de 2020 - Dispe sobre as medidas para enfrentamento da emergncia de sade pblica de importncia internacional decorrente do coronavrus responsvel pelo surto de 2019, autoriza aos rgo pblicos a realizar suas compras relacionadas ao enfrentamento emergencial diretamente sem precisar de realizar todo o processo de licitao."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"DIY 30 Second Commercial Course" |
"Anyone can pay attention to something for 30 seconds. Command that attention in the most effective way you can. Let us help you craft your message, film it using professional techniques, and edit it with a step-by-step explanation. We guarantee youll walk away from this course with a 30 Second Commercial youll be excited to show to anyone who asks, So what do you do?"""
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Telegram Bot Without Programming - Complete Guide" |
"This is the course for the people who want to create Telegram Bot in a short time period but doesn't have a deep knowledge in programming. The aim of this course is to teach in a short given time. This Telegram Bot will help:1 .Improve Customer Service Extensive Customer Assistance Always - Available Customer support Proactive Customer Interaction2. Increase Customer Engagement3. Monitoring Consumer Data and gaining insights4. Easier approach to Global Market5. Cost Saving"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
make-wl-meal |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Aprenda os principais conceitos tericos, tcnicas avanadas, dicas prticas, foras fsicas e temas diversos relacionados a pilotagem de motocicletas, conjugado com sugesto de exerccios prticos para aprimorar seu conhecimentos e sua habilidade na no dia a dia e em longas viagens. O curso inicia com conceitos de tcnicas de pilotagem, relacionados a postura, acelerao, frenagem, contra estero, curvas, pilotagem off road e manobras em baixa velocidade. Sendo trabalhado tambm temas como tipos de motocicleta, manuteno, inspeo e equipamentos para pilotos e motos.Existem estudos de casos para que se possa entender as principais causas de acidentes em motos, sendo analisado casos reais para que os pilotos consigam observador o que outros condutores poderiam ter feito para evita-los. Dicas de viagem, deslocamento em grupo, pilotagem urbana, na chuva, a noite, em track days e com garupa, alm de dicas prticas para um correto aproveitamento da motocicleta tambm fazem parte da grade de aprendizado do curso.Por fim, so propostos diversos exerccios prticos, que os pilotos conseguem executar por conta prpria, com a finalidade de aumentarem suas habilidades."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Heal: Codependency, Addictions, and Unhealthy Relationships" |
"This course is for people who feel out of sync with themselves and their relationships.We talk about codependency, addictions, loneliness, and suicide.We dive deep into family dynamics of why you might feel the way you do.At the end, you will have a Codependency Workbook with exercises and actions you can begin to take immediately."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SEO: Ultimate HARO Link Building Mega Course" |
"We all know the quantum of work Journalists have to do. HARO (Help A Reporter Out) is basically a support system for reporters/journalists to get realistic responses from their sources having expertise in their niche. It is an excellent link building strategy for your website. Want to know, How it works?, Here's a guide for you on HARO link building.In Short, HARO provides journalists with a robust database of sources for upcoming stories and daily opportunities for sources to secure valuable media coverage."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Draw in Procreate for Beginners - Animal Illustration" |
"In this class I show you how to create your own unique simple animal illustrations on your iPad using the app Procreate. This class is for beginners and all levels alike. No experience in illustration or Procreate is necessary. I start with the basics and show only the parts of procreate you need to know to create these illustrations, so you can jump right in! I share with you my 3 step process to creating simple fun illustrations of many different animals. I go through my creative process from start to finish. I go over all my tips and techniques for drawing these simple animal illustrations."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"CURSO de TRADING Acciones Americanas" |
"Con este curso aprenderas como invertir en la bolsa de valores, en el mercado de acciones americanas. Un curso que va directo al grano, con un metodo usado por muchos traders de renombre como lo son: Meir Barak, Ross Cameron entre otros. Ademas recibiras un ebook (Trading un estilo de vida), donde tendras todo el contenido por escrito con graficos. Y eso no es todo, tambien recibes acceso a la sala de trading en vivo donde operaremos juntos cada maana. No dudes en adquirir el curso, tanto material e informacion por tan bajo costo, no lo conseguiras en ningun lado. Saludos y nos vemos en los mercados."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Guide to Managing Money [Financial Literacy]" |
"What is this course about?This 8 lesson video series will cover the basics of financial literacy including topics such as earning income, spending money, and creating a personal budget.Students will learn fundamental financial principles and how to apply them to their daily lives.Why is this important?Understanding financial literacy and fundamental financial principles will help people build a strong foundation and healthy money habits. If you want to be rich, you must make financially intelligent decisions. This all starts with being financially literate.What is the course structure and how long does this course take?This course is designed with you in mind. Understanding that everyone has a busy schedule and lifestyle, the course has been broken down into 8 lessons. The course is designed to be one lesson per week understanding that most students will be learning this as an extra curricular activity. If you would like to accelerate the course, it can be done in as little as one to two days.Each lesson consists of a 5 minute video where I will be teaching fundamental financial literacy principles. There is a downloadable PDF worksheet for each week based on the topic discussed that I will be asking you to fill out based on your own personal situations. I have also created a guide in case you get stuck but I highly encourage you to complete the worksheets on your own first.I will be doing an overview of the worksheet from the previous lesson before introducing new topics. By doing this, you will leave the course with a fully completed example of the process along with the worksheets you filled out with your own information.What is the recommended time to spend on this course?I recommend that you spend 30 to 45 minutes per lesson.Within this time, you will have enough time to watch the video content provided, fill in the worksheets and review the provided reference guide. The majority of the time spent on each lesson will be to think about how the fundamental principles apply to your own financial situation."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Pro CV Writing" |
" "
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Crash course in Jira Automation" |
"By the end of this Crash Course in Jira Automation, you'll be able to create rules in the Jira Software confidently, expedite your projects and turn yourself into a competent project management specialist!Learn the main principals of therule creation,rules management,the concept behind the Smart Values,see the most common applications,so you can start to automate in Jira in 1 hour!In addition, you will get the file with the rule after each example, so you can import it and start using it right away!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"The walk cycle animation" |
"This course is all about 3D animation, character walk cycle, and moves the character forward at the end of the day!I will show you how to deal with a ready rigged character, step by step to make a complete vanilla walk or standard walk cycle.Less is more! so I'll learn you the easiest way to do that kind of animation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Professional Web Design with WordPress Avada Theme" |
"35% of the Internet is Powered by WordPress. WordPress is the worlds most popular tool for creating websites. WordPress can create any style of website, from a simple blog to a full-featured business website. It is the Worlds most popular Content Management System.The Avada WordPress Theme is a premium WordPress theme that enables you to build attractive and modern user experiences with quick and easy tools and powerful builders that make the editing and layout management a breeze. This is what this course will be about.Whether you are working with WordPress for the first time and you want to use Avada to quickly build a professional website for your business or you are a designer looking to master a Powerful way to create custom Layouts for your Clients, this tutorial is for you.This course covers the latest features for Avada 7.0 release."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"O curso de Organizao Pessoal oferece conceitos e orientaes para quem precisa mudar de rotina. Atravs de reflexes e dicas voltadas ao universo da psicologia da organizao, busco fazer-lhes compreender a importncia de ter uma vida embasada em metas e objetivos conscientes. Vivemos em uma sociedade que prega a necessidade constante de competirmos uns com os outros, fazendo com que tenhamos o sentimento de estarmos sempre ""atrasados na vida"" e lutarmos contra o tempo, como se ele fosse, de fato, nosso inimigo. Vim quebrar esse paradigma, mostrar que alm de amigo, o tempo seu ALIADO. Todos ns somos diferentes, e quero que entenda que voc no est em uma competio, cada um tem o seu prprio tempo mas voc precisa aprender a gerenci-lo.""Conhece-te a ti mesmo."""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"HOW TO - Quick easy Hair-ups" |
"This course will be taking you through different techniques to get your skills with hair ups started.if you are a beginner this is great to start your hair up journey or if you have experience but want to learn something new this course is perfect!most Hairup courses dont take you through the proper preparation of the hair, I will be showing you from the beginning how I prepare for any hair up! You will be learning the perfect prep used back stage for wedding hair and even at fashion week!to make sure you get the most out of this course we will be starting with a simple hair up technique used for all occasions and gradually building these skills you will learn 5 new hair ups.i hope you enjoy and learn some new amazing techniques."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cambio Climtico & Fake News" |
"Cmo distinguir entre lo que es real y lo que es falso en lo que concierne al cambio climtico? En este taller nuestra intencin es brindarle informacin acerca del impacto humano en nuestros ecosistemas y entregarle algunas herramientas para abordar la informacin que los medios presentan. En la actualidad existen tantas fuentes de ""informacin"" que entre ellas aparecen las conocidas fuentes de ""desinformacin"". Buscamos desarrollar su criterio para discernir entre informacin real y falsa"
Price: 270.00 ![]() |